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7818326 No.7818326 [Reply] [Original]

Why do stinky linkies think their shitcoin can be worth over $100 one day? It’s never going to happen. This thing will be LUCKY to be $1 EOY.

>> No.7818340
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>> No.7818350



>> No.7818380

you simply need to understand that 90% of the people who post in support of LINK here are either paid shills or bagholding pajeets on the other side of the planet. the remaining 10% are delusional normies on /biz/ who fall for the texas sharpshooter fallacy in drawing a connection between the rise of ethereum and its shilling here alongside the rise of LINK (Which will likely not happen) too.

>> No.7818417

its difficult for him to value oracles in that way, because he knows ethereum is going to have it's own native oracle layer.

it's like trying to put a dollar value on the ethereum name service, it's just all wrapped up in ethereum itself.

>> No.7818418
File: 26 KB, 350x465, Ao9058w_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this buttmad nolinkie. Your FUD is MUD.

>> No.7818453
File: 97 KB, 949x854, chainlinkstarterpack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7818459

What an autist. Oracles are awesome. and then oracles are not worth 32m. what a hater.

>> No.7818571

All the pajeet Link shills keep repeating "DYOR" or "read the whitepaper" to create a false sense of legitimacy. Brainlets will buy in on this sentiment alone, they wont read the whitepaper. Even if they did I doubt they would understand why it is useless anyway.

>> No.7818592

Anon those bagholding pajeets have started shilling link to their bosses and coworkers.

>> No.7818603
File: 959 KB, 809x1767, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it useless? debunk >>7818453 ? or pic related?

>> No.7818611

>no one replies to your first thread
>have to create another with better bait

>> No.7818625


>> No.7818633


Why even bother FUDding after the superconference? It's written in stone. ChainLink will change the world.

>> No.7818729

Where’s my other thread dumbfuck?

>> No.7818744

dead lmfao. just like this one is soon to be.

>> No.7818973

He's right. Oracles aren't worth 30m
DECENTRALIZED ORACLES on the other hand will be worth billions.

>> No.7818994

That's just a bunch of delusional bullshit. The whitepaper is a copypasta from legit research papers. There's no tech. The LINK team is WEAK. The main "dev" is not even a dev.

>> No.7819001

$1 by end of the week easy. Why are you so salty? You still have time to 100x+ your investment. Just buy now.

>> No.7819050

The whitepaper is genuinely very helpful in explaining chainlink. People are mistaking legitimate praising and interest in Link with shilling and will miss potential profits due to this.

>> No.7819061

This is some serious pets.com shit
Amazing how ridiculous speculation can go on a unreleased product

>> No.7819197


>> No.7819300

quoting vitalik when vitalik is retarded

>> No.7819608

Vitalek said the same shit about Ethereum at $8 OP

>> No.7819998

why do retards on biz think it's impossible to learn to code without getting a CS degree from a university? I taught myself javascript for free using only online courses. that's how most people do it these days.

>> No.7820049

I'm also also pretty sure he was referring to the amount raised in the ICO. you rarely see ICOs raise more than $20m initially

>> No.7820102

You must be some kind of genius!
props though

>> No.7820141
File: 51 KB, 247x248, 648489B5-FE00-4D68-8CDF-D20C1227CD8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is the EOS killer.

Chainlink has:

1. No transaction fees
2. Can scale to millions tx/s
3. Is Ethereum’s #1 competitor
4. Was created by Dan Larimer
5. Partnered with Google co-founder Eric Schmidt

How can EOS compete?

>> No.7820376

> calling vitalik retarded
> where are your multi millions?