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7784507 No.7784507 [Reply] [Original]

alright my last thread was popular and I felt like I was genuinely helping some anons. Some may not like hearing the cold hard truth about their coin, but need help examining their investment from an objective viewpoint.

I've been around the block a bit and definitely better suited to analyze things than the recent influx of normies and redditors and general newbies who barely understand what a token is.

So shoot, what coins have you invested that you need a strong opinion on? Are you ready to hold through my criticism?

>> No.7784524

Xlm. Ill probably hold regardless though

>> No.7784536

vtorrent. Do it.

>> No.7784538

If OP has half a brain he'll tear you apart, XLM stinks

>> No.7784540

Nuls please

>> No.7784551

XLM is an interesting one. Reasons like the huge uncirculated supply are concerning, but IBM and hyperledger possibilities are huge. Plus the ICOs.

Hold it, I'm holding some, easy when you got in early to keep riding it. At a minimum its got a lot of hype and is loved on reddit so you can expect it to ride the overall market a minimum. And it may actually accomplish its goal and become the underlying liquidity/settlement layer of all kinds of asset exchange.

>> No.7784557

I know you just made this thread so you could FUD when someone asks what you think of LINK, so I'm going to ask about NULS.

>> No.7784558

OMG NEO VEN with a little icx req and link.

>> No.7784567


>> No.7784570


>> No.7784575
File: 599 KB, 728x548, dawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to go in big on EOS. Should I buy a ton of them for node purposes?

>> No.7784583

I'm more of a top 1-200 guy, don't typically dig farther down the list. Please link me some resources and I can get back to you in a bit.

nuls is a good idea, but has to be adopted heavily to actually be a good investment and I don't see that happening. Its a snowball/network thing, so the more people use it the better, but that also means it can get left behind pretty quickly. Especially compared to what zeppelin OS and chainlink and others are doing to build tools to easily build smart contracts/dapps

>> No.7784591


>> No.7784599

CND, no one here mentions it anymore

>> No.7784613

cheap ethereum ripoff. if they cant even come up with their own branding, they aren't going to be able to entice anyone but speculators over.

>> No.7784625

HPB / HST plz

>> No.7784634

RLC faggot

>> No.7784644

I like these picks. As close as you're going to get to "blue chips" in crypto with neo, icx, and ven.

OMG has Omise which is a tremendous head start.

Looks like biz got you with req and link but both are highly ambitious and necessary for the true potential of blockchain to be reached. REQ is also a reddit favorite which bodes well for overvaluation.

Something feels off about Nano/raiblocks. Maybe its just that it started on such shitty exchanges and the shitgrail scam but I'm avoiding it, was lucky enough to ride it from 10 to 30 and jump off in time to get my money off bitgrail.

>> No.7784653


I hold half in each.

bring me down to reality OP

>> No.7784655


>> No.7784656

bounty0x pls and thank

>> No.7784675

IOT, ADA, STRAT.. tell me should i sell one of these to get into: EOS, ICX or Aion?

>> No.7784686

CND is great, I use the beginner and trader calls occasionally. Surprised at how effective it is. Great use of the token as well. Think it will grow nicely with institutional money.

Novagratz and everipedia are the best things to happen to EOS, and I'm not sure thats enough though.

HST I like but not sure why it really needs a coin.

For all you asking about RLC, I don't see a clear use case for decentralized computing quite yet. Seems way less efficient than centralized solutions. Whats the big use case that will justify their existence? Perhaps down the road but it won't be the type of fast gains many are expecting with crypto.

>> No.7784707

these are so unproven and longterm projects... think you're reaching too far. Depends how small your portfolio is; if you need 50x+ to make it then maybe go with the ultra longshot. I personally only need 10x on my total portfolio to be completely free to live the life I want, and therefore I have some diversity as I don't want to lose it tragically either.

>> No.7784708

If you get EXTREMELY lucky, it will moon hard as fuck. If not, it's lost money.

>> No.7784712

You missed HBP

>> No.7784724

just don't see people switching browsers... normies barely use ad block (which is great and another reason why users won't switch just for the ad blocking) so why would they even care about BAT's existence?

>> No.7784732


>> No.7784734

That's about what i think too sadly...

>> No.7784747

Ambrosus (AMB)

>> No.7784748

In fairness the browser switch is going hugely well, growing around 100,000 users a week. It's the actual advert interaction for BAT side that makes me think ive thrown some cash away.

>> No.7784751

bounty is too small of a use case IMO, and quantstamp is better served at these kinds of smart contract audit use cases

I like where your head is at; I think its hard to choose only a few or 1 of the smart contract platforms, bc its not clear who will win. Its ethereum's to lose but theres room for a few more at the top with it. ADA feels like they'll never deliver, EOS is just "muh tx/second".

ICX on the other hand seems actually next generation and has a great footing in Korea. Dominating just korea will be easier than overthrowing ethereum. AION and wanchain go with ICON, its all or nothing with those if you believe.

STRAT and LISK are more dark horses in those races.

>> No.7784767

QASH and ENG thanks.

>> No.7784775


>> No.7784779

HPB is borderline shit coin. Its too far behind in the smart contract platform of the future race. Just pure transaction speed is not enough, and even if it was, proving its secure and scalable takes years.

buy link, mememagic is real

>> No.7784785

COSS. Close to an index fund, and I trust the SNG government not to shit on everything.

>> No.7784797

ENG sounds like a good idea, but its taking a weird pivot with this data marketplace stuff. I may get in later when they go from proof of concept to actually being used by anything legit.

QASH sounds almost too specific and may struggle against broader asset digitization approaches, like XRP/XLM/WAN

>> No.7784805


>> No.7784807


>> No.7784808

BTO pls. I like AI tokens.

>> No.7784810

presently holding


need 7575757.58x to live the life of my dreams need 7575.75x to get to a point where I can independently fund the ventures that will lead to the life of my dreams
need 454.54x to pay off my debt and have money to get to live off of trading
need 340.90x to pay off my debt

I'm eyeing link and cdn right now based off some KGs solely

>> No.7784813

factom I like but is also an example of will single use cases have one coin or will it all be dapps on something like ethereum that don't need their own coin

coss is a little shitty compared to kucoin, and kucoin is also shitty

>> No.7784823

WTC guardian master node , GO.

>> No.7784824

BTO is off my radar. Either that means its under the radar and you got a gem or an utter shitcoin. send me your best shill resources on it and i'll update my thoughts

>> No.7784830

You're getting security compared to KCS in the form of hard-coded dividends, and it not being based in China. Kucoin rode to the top off an insane referral system that they discontinued the moment they got big, and I don't think they're sustainable.

>> No.7784832

What do you think of XLM, VEN, ADA, AMB, PIVX?

>> No.7784837

Seconding AMB

>> No.7784841


>> No.7784845


>> No.7784848

340x is a little far fetched I think, so anything beyond that is too much.

But link and cdn could get you 20x of the way there, maybe some good timing of trades could make that a 50x. Try and make more fiat to put in man. work a double job, freelance, whore yourself online, something. You might even find a new lucrative career path, don't be afraid to try. 7500x is not a realistic goal.

>> No.7784853


>> No.7784856

>presently holding
Please dear lord tell me you're joking.

>> No.7784860

tech or partnerships. Sorry to break this to you, partnerships is better. watch the dnv gl live stream with vechain. Not saying they can't coexist, but I'll take the one partnered with a multi-billion dollar company that basically does consulting and standards setting for all kinds of industrial industries... you know, industries that have use for supply chain technology improvements. The potential there is endless.

>> No.7784876

I agree, I saw binance moon, rode KCS from 2 to 20, but didnt sell till it was back at 13. No intention of going back in, binance adding nep-5 took away kucoin's big differentiatior and now huobi is looking like the next big exchange.

>> No.7784877

I'll bite. Tell me about KIN and STRAT.

>> No.7784883


>> No.7784885

thanks brother, I am settling the fiat issue and have the wheels turning regardless of how much fiat I have to put in.

Have been considering hitting the streets of wallstreet but then I'd have to give up equity. That doesn't bother me so much as being accountable to someone else besides the people who are in on it because of who I am (rather than the potential $$$$$$$$$)

>> No.7784892


Walton chain please.

>> No.7784895

To the point

Genesis vision

Be honest

>> No.7784896


>> No.7784907

AMB has nothing coming up on the roadmap. Who knows where vechain will be at that point. they announce a new partnership every week if not more. I think they're deliberately timing stuff to maintain momentum all the way up to the mainnet launch, where they will announce EVEN MORE and EVEN BIGGER deals.

Tangle/DAGs are unproven but worth taking a bet on the tech in your portfolio given that they last and keep getting better. But definitely high risk. In a year we may all be "lol dag remember that garbage, its all about hashgraph now"

Or we'll just have lightning network on everything if its proven to not suck. BTC is legit bc of its longevity at this point. PoW is proven, even with its problems. Nothing else really is yet

>> No.7784914

I just couldn’t feel comfortable selling my wtc for a project that has no product or even a white paper at all, plus one that’s already mooned hard and has 870m supply.
I’ll just be hodling.

>> No.7784923

What are your thoughts on the practicality and security of PoS? What are some interesting consensus mechanisms that you think will work out?

>> No.7784927

Nebulas (NAS) please

also High Performance Blockchian if you have time.

>> No.7784940


>> No.7784942

POE? Thanks

>> No.7784945

What do you think about private blockchains and blockchains without tokens?

>> No.7784953

Appreciate the effort but they have a new roadmap in a few days. Vechain deals with Asian markets and AMB is in Europe. How is this not a good deal? Have you seen their team?

>> No.7784967

Binance should maintain its top dog position for another 6 months at least, thats two more coin burns, I think its a safe 2-4x over 2018.

how many years are you willing to wait?

please see my tech vs partnerships point. I bet you hate hearing me basically shill VeChain but what they've done has been masterful so far. Everytime I think its a good time to get back or wait for a correction they keep announcing bullish news. its deliberate, they have a long list of it probably piled up. 4d chess lmao

let me give you a word of advice. I thought ethereum couldn't grow much beyond 250, yet here we are. Walton feels pretty pumped given that their product isn't ready to be used yet either. Have they even swapped their tokens and had a mainnet launch? How different is that from vechain? And where is their DNV GL level sponsor?

>> No.7784969

I dont understand the mentality behind the fucks that reply to these sort of threads or the LARP insider threads, it clogs the catalog and kills the board...it is akin to asking a magic 8ball for financial advice


>> No.7784970

long term/passive holds

what I've learned from the stock market is that sometimes it takes a while for a PT to be reached and that actively trading can do more harm than good

What I've learned from my initial btc investment is that sometimes buying something and forgetting about it works wonders

>> No.7785008

AGI, DBC and any other AI meme coins you've come across

>> No.7785017

I'm not sure if you have said this already, or are even comfortable saying. But if you dont mind, what does your current portfolio/holdings consist of? :)

>> No.7785018

It’s entertaining. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.7785029

I think proof of stake will work, it just needs more time to feel trusted, and a few bigger projects/companies rely on it without issue.

already did HPB

if you'd been reading im basically turning this into a ven shill post because I'm super bullish on it.

Publica is a much cheaper longshot version of this... publishing/controlling content makes sense, but I think you need to go deeper into the infrastructure layer to truly enforce it upon people.

Theres a project that will do that and make tons of other projects useless; I will not name it though as I still want to accumulate. If someone mentions it however I will confirm.

>> No.7785036

I have two right now.

LUX and OMG.

>> No.7785045

MTL - Metal

>> No.7785048



Thanks anon

>> No.7785054

am I LARPing somehow?

Its obvious that I have a firm viewpoint on the space and its future, built from personal experience and research. Should I do everything I say, maybe not. Should you at least reason with my views and see if they possibly impact your viewpoint, I'd say yes unless you are truly confident in your positions, in which case, why are you even here on biz (unless its for the memes in which case, I get it, they're great)

>> No.7785061

agree. smart money is in AMB at the moment. you have to get in BEFORE partnerships and products are announced, not after. when VEN was $100m market cap, i'm sure people were saying it's got nothing on its plate either.

>> No.7785069
File: 408 KB, 250x189, clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, really appreciate your time in this thread anon

>> No.7785082

OP is cool.. very much in a accord on your takes so far.. what do you think of IOTA?

>> No.7785083

You've got the right idea, but the wrong coins. Pay attention to the information in this thread to get an idea of some good ones that aren't shilled by bagholders on /biz/. Also LINK despite how awful the threads for it here have become.

>> No.7785110

ripple has that extreme moonshot potential of dominating the world but a lot of coins do, and this has little room for growth at the moment.

TRX is... trash. No CEO should be constantly on twitter, and they are ages away from releasing a working product. Theres definitely money to be made while everyone speculates, but you may as well do that on lower mcap coins. Is tron really going to become 100B market cap?

you answered yourself, they're meme coins. Decentralized AI processing will be needed, but probably a few years away so you'll be holding bags for a while.

Richard Branson! their PoPP bonus system is interesting too. Super competitive market tho, wallets/payments is fragmented and very likely to remain that way. I'd prefer going after a winner take all opportunity focused project

>> No.7785111

Also, OP do FLO.

>> No.7785116

Seconding TRAC (OriginTrail)

>> No.7785134

Great insight OP. What about LEND? Thanks

>> No.7785138

I would love to jump in on AMB, its a super forward-thinking project, but the use case is so divorced from anything that I'm actually involved with it just doesn't make sesnse for me to speculate on that level. A++ concepts

>> No.7785147

DNV GL is a european company tho. I'm a bit uncomfortable just buying into "its the european vechain"; who on their team truly stands out?

I'll check out the new roadmap, I need a price catalyst to get in typically, and then let the research while I hold for that initial payday influence my long term strategy with it.

earlier posted on IOTA/DAG coins.

>> No.7785157

pls respond

>> No.7785163

I'm here to justify me 18750 ven.
>firm viewpoint on the space and future
I know fuck all about crypto, technology, markets and analysis and I could still do the same thing you're doing - Repeating vague buzzwords and a sentiment on certain coins shared by others that you have picked up and are now claiming is your own..

>> No.7785164


>> No.7785197

I think this was a great question.

I have diversified my gains into all the smart contract platform competitors.

ETH, NEO (GAS too, people be sleeping on GAS), ICX, QTUM, ADA

VEN in the supply chain sector

REQ and LINK for the longterm infrastructure bets


This last group is projects I think are executing well on specific visions that have a good chance of panning out. SALT for example I plan to actually use myself to take cash out while not losing my crypto gains potential, and with its super low price right now I'm accumulating to help with the interest

Last but definitely not least Bitcoin.

>> No.7785205

Your portfolio bro. Please. Help us all. Help us :(

>> No.7785215

Thank you!

>> No.7785223

seen it now. yes lol its a longshot/low risk position in my portfolio. I love the idea though. If it gains more traction I wil ldefinitely be jumping on CPC tooo in the future.

ADA: intellectually masturbatory or thought-out and careful?

>> No.7785232


>> No.7785256

great list OP, just great man, lots of same picks ;P

def don't sleep on NULS bro ;]

>> No.7785259

grabbed a little link already and gonna see if my price point for entry is reached in the coming days. Gonna let go of xrp on the next movement up, trx is such a small amount it's nice to hold just as a what if

my btc investment is my first and original crypto investment (sort of, it got washed in doge a little, which I still have a bit of from when we sponsored a nascar)

so...I COULD focus all of my energy and time on crypto trading or I could just let things chill knowing how low I got in on everything

I get what you're saying though, also nice 111 get

I understand. To be clear I'm not expecting to get my XTs on the coins I'm holding, I just liked that you made some XTs earlier and decided to do so for myself since I never thought to do that before.

Only XT I've made before that is my "cost of tuition" to the stock market (which came from a car insurance settlement)

>> No.7785266


>> No.7785276

LEND I like. I like SALT more because their website is fairly slick, but LEND has a more aggressive risk reward profile at the moment

Sentiment matters in this crypto sphere. Its also ok to take opinions from others. Pretty hard these days to not share an opinion with at least some others... I think a big part is understanding who to trust and who not to. Theres too much going on for one person to dive deep into everything, so it becomes about using your judgment to find other's whose research you can rely on.

Theres also a difference between spouting vague buzzwords and having them actually make sense and be cohesive. I'm not even trying to say I'm great or some crypto prophet, I'm just literally not retarded.

>> No.7785277

possible scam and founded by pedo

>> No.7785293


i am planning to go all in on b0x when it is released

i did quite well with decentralized exchange coins like 0x and kyber and i believe b0x will repeat their feat as they are building on the aforementioned platforms

advise me, OP

>> No.7785295


>> No.7785296


>> No.7785305

AMB has a handful of PhDs who are all top in their fields, from sensors and food science to distributed computing. They are associated with ETH Zurich, a top university, and sponsor events there. I simply don't see VEN having this level of scientific expertise, unless I'm missing something.

DNV GL partnering with VEN doesn't preclude AMB having its own big partners as well. The space is huge. AMB's product guy used to be high up in Nestle and they are doing some sort of collaboration (unclear what) with Nestle.

At $100m market cap, I can see much bigger returns here.

>> No.7785330

I've unfortunately lost a lot of respect for PhDs. When I had them interviewing for jobs to be beneath me (a bachelors only) I realized it doesn't really mean shit. If you're field ends up being cutting edge, you'll do great, otherwise you're basically overqualified and super under-qualified at the same time for office jobs.

tether is not a scam, bitfinex is making too much money. If anything I think its a proxy for how much normie money has come in. Its 2bil mcap, say it represents 5% of the influx, so 40bil has come into the market. Not exact numbers but a signal for new money investment into crypto. In that light its size doesn't trouble me at all.

>> No.7785365


>> No.7785374

You like Jibrel network? I don't hold much of it, but I think they have a great team.

>> No.7785398

until they're on a major new exchange it will never go anywhere.

link me some resources on b0x, its not even on exchanges yet?

That all sounds good, but scientific expertise sounds like what Walton has going for it too, even tho I suppose they have different subsets of supply chain use cases they're focused on right?

And it COULD get big partners, but does it have one doing a 30 minute webcast to their investors stating they plan to use it in every part of their business. Its a risk reward ratio, and Ven's right is much lower risk for albeit 10x less return potential. But new money flows top down, which means Ven will get its share of the next big market boom cycle. For the bottom coins (top 101-200), its not as certain and much more volatile before and after. I will definitely read the new roadmap when it comes out tho

>> No.7785404

Thoughs on where BTC is heading right now? Also XRP It gets a lot of FUD around here and i want to hear an unbiased opinion

>> No.7785409

how would collateral collection ever work over a decentralized internet protocol?

>> No.7785431

So, anything on ARY?

>> No.7785442

Just based on that comment on tether alone i trust your word op. You seem like the real deal

>> No.7785455

Any views on MANA? VR looks like is going for it. Concept of buying things in VR world looks like a nice idea for people trying to escape 'reality'. Thanks OP

>> No.7785456

Aion, CoinFi, Fortuna?

>> No.7785462

Any thoughts on JNT, OP?

>> No.7785494

you deposit into a multi sig smart contract with the lender; havent tried it yet but will, likely to buy something nice and leverage my trades further at a potential swing moment like when btc hits 25k.
Still have to think through how it makes sense for me.

btc will surpass 40k in 2018, maybe 100k, its the only coin with potential to reach world reserve currency status and become trillions upon trillions in value.

Don't stray too far from btc in your portfolio, remember to cash gains out into btc.

XRP im skeptical can achieve what it wants; too much friction to have the current systems completely change to use XRP. Chainlink, XLM, Hyperledger, in combination have more promising and easier to implement solutions IMO

>> No.7785501

no such thing as QST..?

>> No.7785517

sounds a little specific; I also think VR is a meme; have you actually done it? I couldn't keep the headset on for longer than 20 mins. AR on the otherhand is LEGIT, bc it has business/functional use cases. Not just pleasrue.

JNT I liked a lot at first, but now im skeptical digitizing assets is enough to justify its own project/coin. XRP and XLM are trying to do similar things and are MUCH further along. Digitizing assets is also such a base use case for blockchain. Smart contracts is where it gets much more interesting and revolutionary.

>> No.7785518


>> No.7785536


thanks the tether FUD is annoying. People just cant fathom how much these exchanges are making.

>> No.7785539


>> No.7785586

ahh, QSP is skeptical to me just because its more of a bounty system than its own technology, but that being said the niche it operates raises a lot of problems that WILL need to be solved

>> No.7785621

No opinion on Ark? You skipped my post.

>> No.7785623

HST is weird to me.. why would anyone want to have to pay to participate in democracy?

>> No.7785631

he ignores me too. he's obv a faggot

>> No.7785650

Dude, democracies pay to participate in democracy... Don't you think voting machine companies make bank? They can undercut those companies by a factor of 10+.

Also, ever heard of private sector voting? Shareholder meetings, NGOs, etc.?

>> No.7785684
File: 118 KB, 708x633, pepe_polaroid_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pepe memes on biz are excellent, and this plush one is possibly my favorite.

pic related

>> No.7785696

making it out of Ycombinator at least gives you comfort the team is smart and focused with some vision. Its a vetting process that a lot of other projects don't have or are basically going through in their first year AFTER they've raised an ICO

>> No.7785698

any advice on the future of plush pepe posting?

>> No.7785706

Kyber Network.

>> No.7785724

digital voting is absolutely the future as well, and that will enable more people to vote which is a good thing for democracies. Its also about enabling better engagement at the city/county/state levels too, where laws are more variable. It can also be extended to corporations, non-profits, theres a lot of need for governance and thats a core feature of many blockchain projects. And one thats unclear whats the best structure for yet too.

>> No.7785725

what about xmr, mod and sphtx?

>> No.7785726

good points. just that private sector voting is usually not decentralized/ needed to be decentralized.. I dont think corporations are yielding to DAOs just yet.. that being said i love the niche, one of the reasons I first fell in love with ETH/ general purpose DAPPs.. would be great to see them land a country's voting protocol

>> No.7785729


>> No.7785750


if its just a currency/payments solution, I'm not convinced. SUPER competitive market, specter of government cryptos is scary, REQ, digitizing assets/fiat, bitcoin + lightning, coinbase button, theres just a million ways that stuff is being attacked, it takes a lot to standout. If you look at my portfolio i'm extremely heavy on business use cases and light on consumer ones.

>> No.7785763

KIN and STRAT pls

>> No.7785779

What about cV, WPR, UTK?

>> No.7785784

much harder to photoshop and make up to date memes with it, but the quality if done well makes it something we won't stop seeing anytime soon.

XMR I like. Assblaster said he views it as a bitcoin tumbler essentially, and I would absolutely use it if I had a reason to.

on that note if anyone wants to donate ETH or any erc20 tokens to me heres an address I just made:

>> No.7785794

the best bet to be silver to bitcoin's gold... but why do you want silver when you can have gold? I'd only buy it when its BTC ratio is low

>> No.7785797


>> No.7785809


>> No.7785844


>> No.7785846

Mobius OP

>> No.7785848

Okay, I'm guessing you aren't going to do Ark for whatever reason, as that's twice I've been ignored. Guessing you don't know anything about it.

I can't wait around anymore. I'm going to sleep.

>> No.7785881

yeah i think monero is the safest bet, solid use case and its actually being used, probably no huge returns though.
What about the other two?

>> No.7785892

Anon... why RCN ;) ...

>> No.7785923

OP likes blockchain credit solutions

>> No.7785929

Sent $10 - thanks OP

>> No.7785934

%50 of my Holdings are in ETH.
The rest of what I have is
What do I drop and what do I add to and why?

>> No.7785939

I know little about ARK; memes were good at one point but have fallen off. I'd be concerned about that anon, seriously. Interoperability is a good trend to be on right now, but its not clear why anyone would go with ARK vs the other options at the moment. I'd diversify out gains (if you have them) into competitors or give up entirely. Sometimes you have to let go. There was a time I thought I'd be holding ETP till EOY 2018, but moving on from that was a GREAT choice. Winners keep winning, losers are losers.

>> No.7785950

Great replies. What is your opinion on BLOCK and NAV?

>> No.7785978

Yes I like credit/lending, I think its a clear industry that can benefit from blockchain and that the tech is almost ready to serve. Their partnership with Request is legit, Kyber partnership is legit too (ICX/Wan/Req all also partnered with Kyber) and helps with getting their product production ready. Chainlink may come into play, and I like ideas that embody the true reason blockchain is revolutionary tech. Giving micro loans to poor people is a great way to boost the world's wealth, and an interesting way to earn a return on your money.

>> No.7785986

drop XLM.. stupid shitty rebbitor branding even though the tech is proven and the founders are super radical left-wing activists... diversify to DAPP solutions in emerging markets, think NEO ICX NULS VEN

>> No.7785999

can't speak on the other two.

Everybody, if I ignore your coin I probably don't know too much (or don't feel like being unfair and giving biased/surface level advice).

>> No.7786022

Thanks... Interesting.

>> No.7786027

Wow I did not expect to actually get anything.

Thank you! I've enjoyed giving out my thoughts.

>> No.7786044

You're welcome :)

>> No.7786066

do know you could potentially make me kill myself if you fud them really hard

>> No.7786067

seized your hard drive and deleted your plush pepe folder

>> No.7786069

I'll bite. What do you think of Mooncoins extremely large coin cap? I am comfy with it being a cheap coin for the next 100 years, but I would like the opinion of an OP who got trips

>> No.7786070

you dont need to do anything, portfolio is sound. But think of them without the history attached to whatever growth you've experienced thus far. If you were all fiat, would you have the same portfolio? has something like POE already given you 5x+? Maybe its not likely to do another 5x without some other cant miss projects doing a huge amount. Really depends on your end goal, if you only need another 5-10x to have a nice retirement fund, then take some profit and put them into higher cap coins likely to give you the 5-10x. If you need 50+ then get out of the super safe stuff and make a big bet on something more speculative, like more LINK

>> No.7786072

can you give your opinion on these?

>> No.7786084

NAV and all privacy coins that are not XMR I am skeptical of. You only need one.

I like zencash's secure messaging though, that sounds like a criminals best friend

>> No.7786097

my links noooooo!!!!!

somehow this ethereum had a virus in it

>> No.7786100

ZCL and upcoming BCP is a great privacy-coin XMR diversification.. heavy bull on the niche

>> No.7786109

>As close as you're going to get to "blue chips" in crypto with neo, icx, and ven.
Isn't that ETH/BTC?

>> No.7786129

Going balls deep bois

>> No.7786140

no but seriously

VeChain - $1000 in 5 years or less right?

>> No.7786147

yeah, if you were holding for 4+ months, or sold at peak

>> No.7786153

good coins trade on good exchanges almost immediately. Every week that passes that binance, bittrex ignore your coin, the shittier you start appearing to me.

I know very little on those

why does their need to be so many tho, and why not XMR? if its about adoption and it works, why not XMR? Fees and speed are less important here, people aren't doing thousands of transactions a second with drugs and cp and hitmen etc. And really its just to clean money that you'll do in big chunks. Money laundering right now takes huge margins, the fees on monero will look like nothing

>> No.7786158

Who the fuck is this guy and why do you retards care about what he thinks of your coins?

Insecure faggots the lot of ya

>> No.7786171


>> No.7786172

everything (not EVERYTHING) can nil, just diversify. love my VEN tho ^-^

>> No.7786178

Reply to this? I feel its really undervalued

>> No.7786204

Bitcoin Cash

>> No.7786222

because diversified portfolios are better than narrow ones and ZCL is proven tech (hard fork of ZCH without the founders pre-mine) and I believe that privacy coins have more use than just laundering money.. people will inevitably hold some of these assets just out of sheer laziness.. if you believe that people will be desperate to jump in and out at will wouldn't you like to have a little liquidity in the niche to scalp?

>> No.7786225
File: 32 KB, 480x530, 47B17186-E3FE-48A5-9E2B-EC89E7268601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TELme something about TEL

>> No.7786232

What do you think of this split

>25% ETH
>25 % XLM
>10% NEO
>5% WTC
>5% VEN
>5% JNT
>5% LINK
>5% EOS
>5% ADA
>5% BTC
>5% BCH

I held BTC since 2013 but missed ETH and others, and BTC is such a shitcoin, it cost me 50$ and took over 2 hours to make a transaction

First mover advantage clearly is being ceded in market domination and the core team has no leadership and is owned by mining cartels.

>> No.7786234

ETH is definitely a blue chip, but dare I say appropriately valued at the moment and therefore unlikely to grow significantly. Now I thought the same at 300 so who knows.

BTC is beyond a blue chip, its the face of crypto, its the "store of value" use case that isn't a meme, its legitimately a non-sovereign money that the world can use as a reserve currency down the road. Like gold but way less shitty and actually has a finite supply.

5 years is WAYYY too long to call. Anyone thinking they're holding for 5 years needs to re-examine things more closely. Crypto is still not forsure 100% here to stay, its unclear how businesses will incorporate the tech. What is certain is that theres a lot of hype and you should focus on making as much as you can during this hype run. But you have to sell at some point; its quite possible vechain conquers everything it sets out to do but lands on a fundamental valuation model that consists of it requiring 100B in transaction volume on its network, divided by its coin velocity (say 7) and has a 14B marketcap in 5 years. Thats great returns until you realise it'll probably hit 14B just on speculation in 2018.

>> No.7786235


>> No.7786241

>Novagratz and everipedia are the best things to happen to EOS, and I'm not sure thats enough though.

Sure, ONEPAY and EOSfinex are totally irrelevant. You are full of shit OP.

>> No.7786247

Also I missed ETH and others because I ignored the market for 3.5 years

>> No.7786251


I think you mean SJW

>> No.7786253

were on a roll in here man, whats your portfolio?

gambling is another good blockchain use case. But smart contracts + sports or custom wagers is where thats headed, not sure how FUN fits into that. But chainlink totally fits in

>> No.7786257

Here is the deal:
In next 6 months im leaving my eastern Europe country to NZ for work-and-travel adventure for ~12 months. my girl is waiting for me in Australia. we work than we go a for a second trip around the world.
Recently at BTC around 9k$ i've invested into following:
-20k TRX because I believe in Chinese and i agree that artists must be paid money for they work.
-2k XLM
-6k XVG fomoed.
-650 XRP - I believe that banks r okay. what ever they do makes money.
-35k RRD - same as TRX
-12,3k SC - planning to mine it. waiting for ue dotation.

I'm not touching any of those (yet supervising the projects to quit if thing gonna go bad).
I'm also planning to earn some euros and put them into BTC/ETH 30/70 and mb LSK/NEO for rock solid fundaments.
I'm using a basic cryptobot to generate some income.

Made this I want to get more informed in blockchain technology (im IT business analyst) and during the trip gather knowledge and skills to find a decent job as a blockchain analyst once we come back home.

any advices?

>> No.7786264


>> No.7786269


>> No.7786271

Dent and adst plz

>> No.7786276

>Crypto is still not forsure 100% here to stay

absolutely disagree

the tech and utility has been proven already, from here there's only improvements and implementation left.

>> No.7786283

jihan wu is sketchy as fuck, but I can't blame them for the aggressive marketing. roger ver is also a decent front man for it.

I hate payments tho, all this payments stuff I think is misguided. Blockchain is about value, not just money. Key difference. Why not any of the trillion other coins trying to become a great payments platform. However I do totally agree on-chain scaling is a good bandaid solution for bitcoin's issues, but looks like segwit adoption is solving those anyways. 2018 is also the year we find out if lightning is vaporware or not

>> No.7786294

you are rightto believe in Asia/ emerging markets.. however for my 0.02 there are MUCH more promising/ already matured products than TRX.. look for NEO and VEN.. ICX as well but that's not China.

people here don't love XLM lol but the tech IS proven

>> No.7786307

why is 'value' in bitcoin where it's just a token on a distributed ledger better than 'value' in ethereum where you can _buy computational power_?

>> No.7786316

im a long term hold kind of guy. saved up enough fiat where I don't view this as an income source from trading, just long term investing with diligence around cashing out gains when things moon. I like diversification, but moreso across use cases/industries being innovated upon. Not going 75% privacy coins but across 5 of them. Can't really speak on ZCL tho, seen the fork get hyped a lot tho.

not a bad split at all, I would possibly take a bit off the eth and xlm to increase my link holdings. Or consolidate the bottom few into ICX or more ven

>> No.7786331


>> No.7786334

You're right anon, I misjudged this thread, starting to feel quite comfy in here.


I want to add a 5th to my portfolio. I'm tossing up between OMG and XLM. Thoughts, anon?

>> No.7786336

EOSfinex has to happen, and is a new exchange really the answer? theres so many out there...

honestly dont know about onepay, shill me baby

>> No.7786339

Was looking into low cap coins in range 0.01-1$ which have growing market cap and being mined by bitmain devices (SC i.e. received lately new miner) as they may go up pretty quickly once the money starts to flow to the market again... but its risky. that's why i've decided to invest into LSK/ETH/NEO/BTC once got more money.. s

>> No.7786345

I like this answer, but I'm still hodling my MOON

>> No.7786346

thoughts on SpankChain?

>> No.7786352

Any digital trading nomads here??

>> No.7786369

I love how you've come around.
I like both XLM and OMG; just sat here trying to decide which one is a better hold and am struggling to pick one. Get both? depends on your total portfolio size and how close you are to achieving your end goal, but if you can afford to diversify do both

>> No.7786386

I have 55k LINK at the moment. I like it, but it also has a philosophy major at the helm and i don't think any real development yet

Also owning it is pretty much a /biz/ tax because i'd have to kill myself if it mooned after being posted about so much

>> No.7786387

i like porn, interactive camgirl stuff is here to stay, but I don't invest in porn crypto coins, just sounds like an exit scam waiting to happen

>> No.7786398

should I buy a plush pepe?

>> No.7786432

you need to get them made special for crypto with a limited run you can verify on-chain, just find a way to blend it into crypto.

crypto + beanie babies = plush pepe babies

>> No.7786458

anybody done a deep read into Letbet? FUN gets the most pub here, but there will inevitably be a glut of crypto-casinos.. what does /biz/ believe in?

>> No.7786562

What's going on with hexx coin? HXX?
Condidering going all in on the next dip. It was down 30 percent yesterday.

>> No.7786563

>link me some resources on b0x, its not even on exchanges yet?

they are doing margin trading/lending on the 0x stack.

i honestly believe this is the LINK of 2018.

>> No.7786577

How bout MAN

>> No.7786600


>> No.7786631
File: 77 KB, 500x460, 1518819023164-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum Classic - ≈$30
I around 3000ETC.

>> No.7786656
File: 1.75 MB, 1440x7063, Folio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you seem based, so I'd really appreciate your opinion on my JUSTfolio. ATH was around 160k (incl. USD, which is what I've cashed out so far).

My initial investment was around $7k. Got into COSS @0.08, VEN @0.2, REQ @0.05, HST @0.25, NEO @7.5

>> No.7786679

I know I'm way overdiversified, but I tend to get into what I consider quality projects and then get too attached to sell when properly mooned, so I basically just sell small percentages of all my mooned coins and get into something new I discover, but usually the positions are too small (only put $2k into VEN, which I beat myself up for daily).

>> No.7786775

IoT Chain

>> No.7786777

yes jed is a known ancom

>> No.7786820

Thoughts on Kyber?

>> No.7786841

This is op on mobile in bed. Last post for tonight.

Start going harder at new projects you’re comfy in. I don’t think coss is a longtime hold

>> No.7786857

Meant go hard at new projects you have a good feeling about.

>> No.7786942

Thanks, OP, much appreciated. Yeah, I'm not sure about COSS either. It's hit or miss. I like their merchant portal integration plans, but their execution so far has been horrendous. I'm just holding on until new engine and fiat since I got in so early. Will reevaluate then. Good night, anon!

>> No.7787197 [DELETED] 


>> No.7787271

OMG and ENG pls

>> No.7787310

ARK pls

>> No.7787429

lol how has it been proven if no one uses it and it has literally 0 practical applications live besides buying drugs

>> No.7787445


>> No.7787493


>> No.7787923

Sleep tight, pupper, enjoyed reading your thread

>> No.7787971

What do you think about BOScoin? This board is sleeping on this project. The project was founded by the guy that created the Korean Bloomberg and their governance ideas are light-years ahead of anything else.

>> No.7788003

If want to hold an exchange coin, just get in coinmetro, it has a much bigger potential.

>> No.7788030

Request my guy

>> No.7788073

Thinking of putting some money into both VEN and LINK and holding them for some time. Where do you see these two coins in 2-3 months?

>> No.7788140


>> No.7788544

VEN (until the rebrand mid-year, we'll see how it goes after then)
ETC (until the fork in march)
plus a little bit in coins I think have large moon potential like FUN and HGT

How'd you rate my portfolio?

>> No.7788581

POLY (this is going to be huge)

>> No.7789479


>> No.7789486