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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7740025 No.7740025 [Reply] [Original]

Cardano and only Cardano can be scaled to a fully fledged global crypto currency. The rest are flawed by design.
> Blockchain 3.0
> Academically reviewed project
> Extremely solid team
Six months to a year from now, you will more then likely be kicking yourself if you don’t buy in now.

>> No.7740225

Too may gains to be had right now; cardano can wait with fun, rlc, eos, and knc.

>> No.7740254

>Six months to a year from now, you will more then likely be kicking yourself if you don’t buy in now.

Well 3 weeks to two months from now ADA will likely be 30% cheaper than it is now so why wouldn't I just wait and buy in when it's not so wildly overpriced?

>> No.7740262

I'd lick her pussy until she came while the finger inside her pusdie. Then use Ada to fuck her again nicely!!!

>> No.7740334

Cardano will take over. Only flaws about it 1 stupid name, doesn't sound house hold imo. 2 , they are moving slow compared to some projects. But what is certain is they won't make autistic mistakes like Eth did. They have a brilliant team with top Autist in every field. Has some normies appeal as well, thank God it's 60 percent of my position.

>> No.7740346

>open bob
>show vagene

>> No.7740408

>moving slow
This is a good thing. They aren’t being pressured by when moon pajeets to release some flaming pile of poo. They are approaching the problem with scientific rigor, which is what we need with the real blockchain 3.0.

>> No.7740425

Nuls is better. Scalable with sub chains. Nuls. 3rd Gen Blockchain and at least a billion market cap when main net goes online in march. Right now below 100 M. It is a modular Blockchain with subchain. It is like buying Neo January 2017. INS is also a good project.

>> No.7740715

Slow steady growth > volatile p&d gifto coins

>> No.7740791
File: 94 KB, 640x485, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7740824

>what is byteball

gtfo shill

>> No.7740923

sounds like ark

>> No.7741122
File: 128 KB, 771x960, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW!!!! #ALLin!

>> No.7742034

It's already priced in with just a whitepaper...lol enjoy your 3x gains at best loser