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7733703 No.7733703 [Reply] [Original]

Own around 50k of those.. when is the right time to sell?

>> No.7733749

1 month ago best
2nd best NOW
everything else = suicide

>> No.7733769
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You already missed the best time. Read this.

>> No.7733865

Don’t you think it can reach 50$ anytime soon?

>> No.7733903


>> No.7733927

Target $700 USD

>> No.7733934
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You'd be lucky to see 19 ever again.

>> No.7733942

why the fuck would you sell?
you made it dude. just hodl fora couple of years and live of staking rewards. I guarantee if you sell now youre gonna kys in a couple of years.

>> No.7733971

>he didn't read the medium article

>> No.7734004

Not planning to sell all. Taking out 50% maybe ?

>> No.7734005

OP if youre not larping then listen to me
this is one of the best projects you can hold
ignore all this low level fud
ignore this shitty medium article that has already been debunked
lock those 50k away and forget that you have them. you are literally DONE and can retire in 2-3 years.
for gods sake dont let some biz sociopaths fud you into selling even a single coin..

>> No.7734021
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great advice , what makes you fag an expert? you probable hold nothing but bags. Everyone is good at giving advice but they suck when it comes to making their own choices...

>> No.7734025

>shitty medium article that has already been debunked
It absolutely has NOT been debunked.

>> No.7734040

more details about the fud pls

>> No.7734047

Pretty sure this is a larp meant to spread FUD
There's another FUD thread rn too

>> No.7734064

btw this is a sponsored thread, you can see that cause it has no captcha...

>> No.7734070
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Read the article here >>7733769 , then read this.

>> No.7734094


the writer of the article is a 5'1 niglet. I'm not lying

The creator of that medium article is a bitter manlet.



HAHAHAHHAAH. This dude is 5'2. I'd be mad at OMG and women too. He spent too much time on PUA forums to compensate for his short height so he takes out his inner anger on OmiseGO and by trying to be "alpha" with women, but really is just a misogynist.


this is his real twitter account.

>TFW being a manlet in the black community is twice as painful

>> No.7734125

to all you paid pajeets who fud a project like this, I hope you all get cancer.
I lost out over 50k in gains because I sold all my alts back in 2017 thx to biz fud. Im still up but I could be WAY up. to anyone do yourself a favour and ignore whatever you read here. DO NOT MAKETRADING DECISIONS BASED ON BIZ. There is so much bullshit and outright lies here its incredibly. get reliable sources, DYOR and only come here for memes and lulz. this place is crawling with bottom feeders who are happy to separate you from myour gains.

>> No.7734132
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>the writer of the article is a 5'1 niglet. I'm not lying
He could be an oompa loompa for all I care, he researched those two articles incredibly well. The coin is extremely over valued.

>> No.7734172


don't even pretend like the article writer isn't you. you have mental issues

>> No.7734175

I'm thinking exactly the same. Selling all I could regret, selling half feels acceptable. Giving myself another week to decide.

>> No.7734191

I’m not a larp and I’n not trying to create any more FUD around this coin. All I’m asking is, should I hold longer or start selling.

>> No.7734218

Long hold, sell half when you're happy with your returns. Always keep 1k for coming masternodes.

>> No.7734252


>> No.7734264


do you need money or something?
why the fuck would you wanna sell right now?
I wouldnt even think about selling before it its at least 10-20 billion market cap
but frankly OMG is a project that you dont wanna sell at all, you wanna accumulate as much as you can and then live off staking rewards
but sure go ahead and sell your golden ticket for pennies on the dollar I guess.

>> No.7734274

plasma isn't close to finished, so $50 soon is quite unlikely

>> No.7734318


If you have 100K into this coin, and are asking if you should sell, you are a larp. Fuck off

>> No.7734326

To be honest I don’t need the money atm. Maybe it’s the FUD that’s being spread that has got me confused. I’ll just hold and see what happens

>> No.7734340


Plasma doesn't need to be finished. MVP is already being rolled out. Please research the project.

>> No.7734351


do you even realize what you are holding here?
have you done any research on this coin before you bought?
but I guess youre just larping because noone who holds 50k OMG cant be that retarded

>> No.7734389

MVP is not being rolled out, please research the project.

>> No.7734392

>it's not true because the author is short

>> No.7734436

Ofcourse I know. But no need to be greedy.

>> No.7734469


Interesting, mind citing your source?

The MVP github is relatively active. https://github.com/omisego/plasma-mvp/pull/26

>> No.7734474

you should sell it all, don't risk it if you are real and already made that much

>> No.7734489



it's coming out in a month or so

>> No.7734535



>> No.7734540

why do people think they have to sell everything, you know you can sell 10%, 20% 30% of your stack right.

>> No.7734549

active yes, but not close to finished.
you can literally watch the plasma developer conference calls on youtube

>> No.7734565


fuck you're a retard.


>> No.7734572

Never said I would sell 100%

>> No.7734583

also "active" is a joke
its one dev thats written <2K lines of code so far, a grand total of 1 commit in the past 3 weeks

>> No.7734590

This! If someone writes that there isn't any proof of the executives background, then show that the guy is wrong. Not attack him on his looks.

>> No.7734601

diversify into Vechain and ETH. never sell crypto.

>> No.7734602
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>> No.7734644


watch the latest plasma dev discussion, there are still many unsolved issues

>> No.7734651

Already in VEN, but thanks

>> No.7734675
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>diversify into Vechain

>> No.7734684



Do you have a dick stuck in your mouth, or why aren't you trying to argue with the fact that the MD of OmiseGO said two days ago that MVP will be out in a month?

>> No.7734697

PBC said it's a buy upto $20

>> No.7734716

does the MD code tho?
many unsolved issues
it won't be out in a month, screencap this

>> No.7734734

> You forgot the nigger part.

>> No.7734785


> MD is not up to date about what is happening

Learn to FUD and stay poor fagget. BTFO

>> No.7734803
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Lots of Paid FUD rats bouncing post back and forth. Go away nasty vermin.

>> No.7734820

What a massive pile of word salad by a retard that clearly has no idea what he's talking about.
I'm going to take a wild ass guess that the author is all about Bcash.

>> No.7734822


>Vansa and Greco have no idea what's going on in the project and are given false information

>> No.7734858

no they're just trying to market their token with false promises

>> No.7734903


Jesus fucking christ, now I know you have no credibility

>> No.7735009

and I know you have none either
would you like to make an actual point?

>> No.7735062


My argument is, is that MVP IS happening and will be rolled out in a reasonable time frame, as evidenced by the active github repository and the recent panel discussion in which Vansa and Greco reiterate that fact.

You argument is, is that full blown plasma, not MVP still has issues, (which I agree with) and that the MD and Greco are spreading false promises in order to pump their token.


>> No.7735066

lol you're arguing with a FUD troll, he's already been paid rupees

>> No.7735144

active github meme again, I've already responded to that one.

hah rupees implies pajeet right

>> No.7735362

This video is not recent, it's from November or so.

This "month or so" refers to the MVP version of the SDK which is provided *privately* in beta form. This is already completed and the beta process had an open application. May be still open I don't know.

But right now there is no definitive timeline for the SDK PoC by (MUFG/Mizuho) other than sorta ~Q1 "soon".

>> No.7735513

That's what makes me wary of OMG. I've heard absolutely no one debunking the points he made or correcting anything he said in his text. Best responses OMG moonboys can come up with are ''lol fucking faggot doesn't he know omg eoy 400 fucking bitch''.

>> No.7735551
File: 333 KB, 1436x1652, 1517742861823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so basically this pajeet is trying to get free handouts in Crypto cripple Ventures for his fake credentials

hilarious ... of course OMG niggers are mad and apparently he isn't even part of OMG anymore as those ricers probably found out as well lol



how does that change the matter of facts you fucking moron

>> No.7735872

Which points exactly were you expecting people to debunk?

>> No.7736553
