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7699375 No.7699375 [Reply] [Original]

I rarely post anymore.
Biz gets dumber by the day, but you guys make me laugh so I’ll give u a tip. Uptrend will continue, unless you’re timing your shorts well at resistance and already know where to sell don’t get btfo.
Not only is TA looking good, and has since the inverted head and shoulders after 6k, but there are other developments.
A good investor day trades with TA but invests longterm by understanding the market, media, market sentiment, and trends.
Right now the media is doing a 180 about crypto, now they’re saying btc is going to soar, Goldman Sachs gave green light to invest in crypto, warning its costumers about the crypto ETFs that will come, yes you heard that right we are getting ETFs soon.
JP Morgan did a 180 on btc and crypto, ceo no longer saying btc is a ponzi that’s going to 0..
Don’t believe me? Look it up yourself.
Even George Soros is in, yep the same guy that said bitcoin and crypto would end catastrophically, the fund he manages invested through a subsidiary.
This is all publicly available information, the market sentiment is that btc bottomed and with the USA hearings fud has been pretty much dispelled.
I’m not saying btc to 100k, but for the time being the uptrend will continue, and crypto will soar, not just btc.
Don’t bother arguing with me, whether you listen or not, I don’t care, that’s my gift to the brainlets here.

>> No.7699402
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>> No.7699412

Seems legit I bought xrp at 80 cents AUD and enjoying where it's about to go

>> No.7699418
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>Jews getting Bitcoin is a good thing

>> No.7699449

Also this. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gruenderszene.de%2Fallgemein%2Fkoalitionsvertrag-bundesregierung-blockchain&edit-text=&act=url

>> No.7699461

>the biggest funds in the world investing in crypto is not a good thing.

Is good for my wallet, I couldn’t care less if they kill it afterwards.

>> No.7699678


I don't give a fuck if reptilian aliens controlled the bitcoin supply, if big money buys in I'm rich

>> No.7699687

Not buying your bags, weeb.

>> No.7699732
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>> No.7699743

>market sentiment


>> No.7700364

OP you brainlet it's a 360 not a 180. Otherwise, good post. Perhaps lurk a bit longer before you try again.

>> No.7700418
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>> No.7700429

such indicator
what if the plebs have already been fed enough info on how to buy high?

>> No.7700868
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