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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7690451 No.7690451 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Biz,

How are you? I'm not doing so well. I sold 1 BTC at 17K, and another at 9K. My rationale wasn't that I'm smarter than you, Biz. My rationale was that 'm more patient than you and buy back at 4K to ~triple my BTC holdings.

But I'm starting to panic.

BTC is going up; and, if we get up over 12K and break the downwards channel, I will be formally known as a SODLer. My philosophy was always to HODL, but I thouhgt I was more patient than you Biz. Please, tell me I'll make it.

>> No.7690489

ya dun fucked up idiot, just hold unless you REALLY know what you're doing

>> No.7690492

>if we get up over 12K and break the downwards channel

we wont

>> No.7690522


Wash trades are in overdrive and some institutional money got thrown in the pot around 7-9K. This shitcoin could easily pump to 11 - 12K before the dump.

>> No.7690536

i'm going to panic in a week, zoom out mate, just my intuition at most, but im on the same boat as you, looking to bulk up around a tad over 5k btc since 5k is a massive psychological number im going to try to buy back in 5.2kish mark, and see if it dips any further in about a month due time. we're still early nontheless i believe

>> No.7690553

Dont panic, youll do something stupid. Think of it this way, which do you value more, buying the dip, or having sold high already buy back in on a lower average than you bought? You've done way better than a lot of people.

>> No.7690554
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Hello Anon. Thank you for your kind response. I'm thinking that this is a fake rally, similar to the post 2013 crash rally that ended up taking us lower. What are your thoughts?

>> No.7690564
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>coping this hard

>> No.7690584

The fact that most of you people don't realize that the bubble already popped is simply fascinating. You're still trying to wake up a dead corpse.

>> No.7690597

it appears that would be the case
bad news (major Coinbase technical issue) conveniently broke as BTC reached 10k

>> No.7690612

Should I sell even more at higher levels if we return to 12K?

>> No.7690642

The rsi is where it was when the summer bear market reversed. We're trending up and this april may will be fucktarded. I'm wondering if mania will keep people in over this year's summer.

>> No.7690652


sold at the peak and another where we are now, what is the problem, doesn't seem like you are doing bad unless you bought at 19k, in which case, that was your screw up.

>> No.7690720

I bought in at $650

>> No.7690735

you're an idiot and the one who is deluded here.

You think we're going lower after a more than 60% retrace in just a few weeks? And after a rebound that saw the highest daily volume in two years come at the low?

Get real. We're going up. Of course you're not going to buy now thinking you're so smart. Then watching the market go higher and higher without you is going to turn progressively into a torture, and it will eventually become unbearable. Finally you'll buy back in total panic at 15k like a complete moron.

>> No.7690760
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It's going to $100k anon - it's not finished into a near term down-trend until at least $15k - you're buying lower than where it settles - you know why?

You feel indecisive about it - don't doubt it, that's where the money is.

>> No.7690764

2013 Crash went from 1190 to 164 at the low. That's over a 90% crash.

>> No.7690795

It's not going below the "Americans can't afford to mine it" number. The headlines would break the anti-fragile narrative and force a dialog about Chinese miners with a new group of adopters.

>> No.7690886
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>“We owe it to this new generation to respect their enthusiasm for virtual currencies, with a thoughtful and balanced response, and not a dismissive one,”
- J. Christopher Giancarlo, Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

>“I hope people pursue it vigorously,”
- Jay Clayton, Chairman of the SEC. Appointed by President Donald Trump

>"The crypto market could be worth $20 trillion by 2020"
- Senator Mark Warner, the wealthiest US Senator as of 2012 and a pioneer in cellphone technology

>"However, recent developments, such as the listing of Bitcoin futures contracts by US exchanges, could lead European banks too to hold positions in Bitcoin, and therefore we will certainly look at that."
- Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank

And 1 day before all of this, some /biz/fag claiming to work for Deutsche Bank was saying that they were starting to buy BTC/ETH using non-client funds. Now JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are suddenly coming out in support of crypto.

You'd have to be proper fucking retarded to think that we didn't hit absolute bottom the moment the Senate hearing was over. No matter what you think your meme lines are trying to tell you.

>> No.7690928

Yeah because both situations are exactly the same and the market today is identical to what it was five years ago.
I'm going to laugh so hard watching you guys panic buy in a few weeks.

>> No.7691032

Kek long story short no you will not make it

>> No.7691110

Ill sell more if we hit 15k

>> No.7691156

are these posts larps? if you have 1btc you can goto sleep with 1.2 btc easy from just scalping.

>> No.7691187

is scalping just another term for daytrading?

>> No.7691357

of course you will. you're stuck with the wishful thinking mindset that we're going lower just because you sold and since you think you're smarter than everyone else, it must mean it will go down.

Well guess what? You're making the textbook noob mistake of the guy who sold high, get smug because of it and then fail to make any profit because he let the price flow past him and when he finally wakes up to the fact he might not be that smart after all, he already completely canceled the previous smart move.

By any means stay on the sidelines and wait for a dip though, while watching the market soaring. I'm sure it will do you a lot of good hahaha.

>> No.7691406

This is too good. The delusion is unreal.

>> No.7691433

its fine
most people would have sold at 9k after the 6k dip

>> No.7691437

Yup you're an idiot indeed.

>> No.7691472

I'm smarter than you'll ever be. How does it feel to be less of a man hahahahahaha

>> No.7691480

>btc necrophilia as the only way to make it in crypto

>> No.7691491
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Will I be able to get to at least 100k by summer if we have a big bull run with a 1k initial investment, pls tell me ill make it im a poorfag.

>> No.7691546
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>> No.7691601

If you invest $1k now (at a btc price of $10k), then in order for you to have $100k by summer, the price of BTC would have to rise 100 times up to $1,000,000 per BTC.

Not bloody likely.

>> No.7691613

I'm not feeling confident investing in this right now at all
I'm probably wrong, the volume is amazing and I don't see it going to 6k ever gain
but that drop made me realize I'm not comfortable having all my savings in this

>> No.7691656

When did JPM and Goldman come out for crypto? I read JPM's entire paper. Where were they super bullish? I feel like I'm in reverse world. They specifically stated bitcoin failed at every definition of a store of value and currency. They are in favor of blockchain solutions, but not trading coins/tokens until regulator guidance on securities. What the fuck were you guys reading?

>> No.7691659

Stick to your plan

You're fomo'ing hard right now

>> No.7691694

Where is this magical $4,000 number coming from?

I see $4,000 get thrown around a lot here. People sold at fucking $6,000 for Godsake, all the while having this coveted $4,000 price running around their head. Can someone explain to me why $4,000 is the target for these guys that sold?

>> No.7691716

Represents an 80% retracement from the peak which is the minimum % retracement BTC has gone through every and anytime that it has gone into a bear market.

>> No.7691744

According to JPM, the base price of BTC is $3200.

>> No.7691776

by trading shitcoins, not btc alone

>> No.7691780

There is a load of ta that was guesstimating around 4-5k. Normally I like to look at a bunch of different analysis and see which are more popular. The majority consensus was seemingly wrong in this case which is very bullish imo, though it still could dip at ~12k

>> No.7691822

believe it or not patience isnt the weakness to exploit in crypto. But optimism.
Regardless, you are looking at tbis wrong.
If you bought BTC at below 9k those were both profitable trades. There was always more money to be made. Dont get caught up in it.

>> No.7691898

Just fomo in

>> No.7691989

Look at litecoin, it's the start of red.

>> No.7692016

Careful fomo'ing right now. You could lose all your gains in one move.

>> No.7692078

Mtgox was 75% of all exchanges at the time. I don't think the situation is comparable.

>> No.7692108

I think the only way it goes down that much is if interest fades. Normies will move onto the next investment fad for maybe a few years.

>> No.7692125

I'm in the same boat OP, I'll probably FOMO in if we break $12.5k, but something just feels incredibly off about this sudden massive reversal. I've never seen anything like it.

>> No.7692159

>I'm in the same boat OP, I'll probably FOMO in if we break $12.5k, but something just feels incredibly off about this sudden massive reversal. I've never seen anything like it.

I wonder if BTC chart will look like Tron's or Digibyte.

>> No.7692326

It's beginning to happen. My millenial daughters have no interest. It was a fad, only real projects are going to survive

>> No.7692648

I hope BTC goes to 1K