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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7659376 No.7659376 [Reply] [Original]

What did the NANO core devs mean by this?

>> No.7659444


im excited to see what kind of exit they pull with Dadi

>> No.7660023


>> No.7660068
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part 2

>> No.7660096

They knew about the exploit but didn't care

>> No.7660130
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There is lots of evidence to suggest this.
Why doesn't Reddit (/r/cc or /r/nanocurrency) care?

Instead they want to doxx BitGrail and set it on fire.

>> No.7660221

Why are you fudders so persistent? What are you retards hoping to gain by spreading malicious lies that can be debunked with a 5 second Google search? There's a full chat log out there between the devs and bomber on the day of the "hack" that proves they didn't know anything about it. And it wasn't even a hack. It was just random people exploiting bombers shitty web code. Eth and BTC deposits were being duplicated as well so it wasn't even just related to xrb.

>> No.7660273

next bitconnect

>> No.7660299

Another scam erc20 token am i rite

>> No.7660312

> spreading malicious lies
Moron, who is doing that? These are real Twitter conversations. You just can't handle the truth, I guess.

>> No.7660348

They are being persistent because they want to buy it even cheaper than it already is. Excessive greed by some, and then some actual retards that left their funds on shitgrail and are now salty fudding for the rest of their lives.

>> No.7660370

The tweets only prove that Zack put misguided trust in bomber just like everyone else who lost their money in bitgrail.

>> No.7660416

How do you explain the mods deleting all conversations around BitGrail double creditting deposits? They were removing it from the Reddit, as well as the Discord.

When you put the pieces together, it's hard to be ignorant and just conclude "lol BitGrail's fault guise".

We are on exchange #3 having technical issues with Nano (Binance). What will be the excuse next time?

>> No.7660429

They're spreading fud because it drives the price lower moron. Paid shillers/fudders are a thing, and on occasion you have your non paid shiller/fudder that do the work for free.

The clear answer here is that Zack was lied too. Shit happens. Stop looking short term. Stop listening to Pajeet and white trash looking to make a quick buck alongside their McDonald's job.

Nano is still the best currency coin in regards to speed and fees on the market right now. If you think that has potential in the future, buy it. If you think currency coins don't have potential in the future, sell it.

>> No.7660472

Reddit mods are not nano devs you retard. They were doing what all Reddit subs do which is censoring content that doesn't reflect well on the project. Trying to draw a line between that and the nano devs somehow being responsible for the hack makes you a brainlet

>> No.7660494

Way to ignore the fact the Discord mods were doing it too. All a coincidence, right?

NANO really is the reddit coin.

>> No.7660551
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This is FUD; Rephrase your title and repost

Bitgrail, Binance, and Kucoin all had double withdrawals because this is new tech. Blame the exchange, not the devs.

>> No.7660553

Discord mods aren't devs either. The leaked chat log proves without question that the devs didn't know about bitgrails insolvency so I'm not sure where you're going with your pajeet conspiracy theories.

>> No.7660568
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And they say linkies are deluded

>> No.7660577

>blame the three established exchanges, not the devs of the project they were implementing

False. Discord mods do indeed include the team, liar.

>> No.7660597


>> No.7660601
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>Reddit mods are not nano devs you retard.
This is FUD; Rephrase your title and repost

17, not 10 million were stolen. They are very trustworthy.

>> No.7660629

Show me proof that devs censored legit evidence of a hack on discord. Oh that didn't actuslly happen? So sorry pajeet, try again

>> No.7660655

Well you see the reddit evidence right here, dingus: >>7660601

I'm sure someone will post Discord logs as well, they have on other threads.

>> No.7660728

>i-it's not a scamcoin i swear. t-the exchanges just arent smart enough to make it work because the technology is so advancedd

>> No.7660768

Are you so fucking stupid that you can't even follow a simple discussion? Reddit mods are not devs. We've gone over this already. You claimed DEVS knew about the hack and that they were censoring people in discord who were reporting it. Show proof of this you lying shitskin.

>> No.7660769

>Paid shillers/fudders are a thing

Yes, and ID: 7DrJ5vXm is a good example of an actual paid shill. Just look on amount of his posts itt. He's in every single xrb thread fiercely defending the coin and the devs, as their loyal dog. He's very easy to spot - always dismisses any critique of his precious shitcoin as 'fud' (even if it's more than substantiated) and shills xrb like dozen pajeets on meth. According to him xrb is flawless and perfect, devs are innocent angels, and if there are any problems then only the exchanges are to blame (all of them apparently).

You can explain why people shit on xrb - some have lost money, some are just ruined.
But ask yourself - why would an ordinary /bizraelite defend a shitcoin in 24/7 mode?

>inb4 s-shut up STFU! Muh Precious Nano, muh best coin in the world! $1000 eoy! best team in crypto! Devs are innocent angels! They were just misguided i swear!

>> No.7660797
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>Show me proof that devs censored legit evidence of a hack on discord.
This is FUD; Rephrase your title and repost

There was never a hack, but there was a "hack". You see there's absolutely nothing wrong with XRB but three exchanges had double withdrawals and binance had their longest shutdown to fix it but as always the devs found a temporary solution.

This, ignore the FUD and HODL

>> No.7660800

>tfw datadash shilled xrb hardcore since end of december
>tfw i didn't fall for it
it would've been amazing to have rode the wave from $0.20 to $30. at least a few anons have i think

>> No.7660820

Bahahahaha you dumb nigger i unloaded my nano bags before the hack and i wouldn't recommend buying it any time soon. But the dev team is clean, and the tech is good. you're just spreading lies plain and simple.

>> No.7660834

This coin has ruined many people's lives.
The ultimate redditcoin devoid of substance and filled with lies.
Honestly it's just so sad at this point.

>> No.7660840

fake email, no tx id, not even amount, if you fall for this you deserve to be poor

>> No.7660843

>>7660601 Clearly says "RaiBlocks Team" but he's not a dev he's like the towel boy or something.

>> No.7660866

>literal reddit
sell this shit if you have a brain

>> No.7660877

Zack is not a core Dev. He is the iOS developer, an sjw, and a soyboy/fag. The sooner he is removed from the project the better.

>> No.7660932

I can agree with this. Sjw Jews ruin everything they touch. Colin is a good guy and doesn't deserve to have his name smeared.

>> No.7660934

>devs dindu nuffin

Just as i've said.
Predictable as clockwork.

>8 posts by this ID
Go on, continue to defend your generous masters.
Don't forget to check in other xrb threads, or you won't receive your shill shekels.

>> No.7660938

Another note. Cultism in crypto absolutely disgusts me. If you're not able to objectively reason through things because you're emotionally attached to a coin, you deserve to stay poor for the rest of your life.

>> No.7660965

Maybe i should just keep changing my id so i can pretend to be multiple people like you

>> No.7660974

Oh yeah, it definitely goes both ways. I'm bullish on XRB long term but there are definitely issues they will need to overcome and there is a lot of work ahead. I already sold half my stack and will buy in once the price goes down a bit more, I'm pretty bearish in the short term. In the end I think all the issues we are facing right now are things that can and will be fixed, but it will take time and it is not for investors with ADHD

>> No.7660988

even here most nano brainlets here don't know xrb was ever listed on bittrex or cryptopia. They got into xrb in december and they think it is brand spanking new. If only they knew the absolute shitcoin status of their coin for the last 3 years they'd know to stay away

>> No.7661028
File: 154 KB, 1239x593, Bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip, ignore the FUD, and HODL are the only things that matter XD

As soon as bittrex fixes their wallet issues from two years ago this new tech will moon!

>> No.7661067


You can try, but your approach is too obvious, it won't help. Average anon simply doesn't care so much about xrb dev team (or any team for that matter). You clearly do, because you always defend xrb and its devs with such devoted passion, as if your own living depends on it.

>> No.7661091

It literally was just FOMO hype because of low liquidity on a shit exchange. After the November normie invasion, the crypto community lost like 50 IQ points.

>> No.7661132

It doesn't work for you either. Your inner pajeet shines through regardless. Like i said, i don't own any nano and i wouldn't recommend anyone buy in right now. I have this weird thing about people spreading lies about fundamentally good projects though.

>> No.7661170

From what I see it's fudders that have become cultist like, literally 10 posts on biz every single day since bitgrail exited. How many times do I have to explain to brainlets what doublespend is and that sending two transactions is not the same thing. Pretty sure those fudders are organized.

>> No.7661232

There are criticisms that don't make as much sense. But overwhelmingly I've seen people defend Nano like their child even though there are obvious problems that exist. A failure to properly engage with those problems is the lowest form of coping.

>> No.7661345

the legitimate critiscm is that zack from nano dev team defended bitgrail, but this shit concerns zack and zack only, brainlets/fudders instantly spin it on the whole dev team and go as far as saying that they worked with bitgrail

>> No.7661355


LMAO literal XRB shill, fucking scamcoin haha

>> No.7661375

and the "this is fud, repost with another title post" is also fucking posted milion times making it seem like there was full censorship on nano reddit, there was not, one post forced to report, not censored, there were plenty of posts about bitgrail, nobody just paid attention to them

>> No.7661391

>/biz/ bought a currency with a dev named Zack Shapiro
the man could not possibly be any more jewish if he sported the flag of israel on his forehead
why do you fucks never learn? bancor, ripple, stox... it never stops and you keep spreading your asscheeks like dutiful goyim

>muh /pol/
fuck off, nobody cares about your politics
it's a simple fact anyone in business knows, semites will con you
you're literally losing money you worked for, for the sake of maintaining your vision of the world
this is an unregulated market and you will NOT make it if you don't start being rational

>> No.7661399

Every single fucking coin on the market has paid shills you absolute fucken brainlet.

>> No.7661418
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>> No.7661429

lol keep coping retard
maybe if you keep telling yourself little lies, your money will come back hahahahaha

>> No.7661445


hahahahaha binance didn't close down because of some XRB issue, are you fucking stupid? This is the dumbest FUD I've seen yet

>> No.7661627

This! Ignore the FUD and HODL my fellow baNANOs

It's just a cohencidence that the timing matched up perfectly XD >>7660551

>> No.7661689
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Do you think they Francis the scammer will sell all documents that he received?