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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7588740 No.7588740 [Reply] [Original]

I'm wondering how many of you are actual shut in neets? I figure 90% of /biz/ probably go to college or already have a degree.

>> No.7588846

I drive a forklift

>> No.7588863

I'm a neet but go out once a week to buy groceries. I like to dress up in business attire and go shopping at night and pretend that I just got off work.

Last week a girl my age came up to me and said that she was new in town and looking to expand her business (?) and then asked if anybody I know was hiring (?)

>> No.7588880

Actual shut-in neet. Why would you even go on 4chan if you have a job? Don't you have friends and social circles?

>> No.7588893

I haven't left the house for anything other than midnight walks or groceries for almost 1 1/2 years now.
I have too many mental problems to get a job.

>> No.7588909
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This is always a mind bender. I wonder how many people on this board would make me cringe in real conversation. I'm a semi-chad and it's always been strange to me how out of the loop the world is about this site.

>> No.7588918

Same here but i get groceries delivered to my door so never go outside anymore lol

>> No.7588921

I have a GF, Job, college degree and im wealthy from crypto. NEET life still seems better.

>> No.7588930

I have a masters. Now I make a lot of money in crypto and am also a software company CEO. But a lot of people think I'm still a neet.

>> No.7588934

I've spent periods of 2~4 weeks without leaving the house a single time. Sometimes I feel the ''need'' to go out and then I'd take a walk to my closest park and sit alone for a few hours.

>> No.7588947

although i am in college, i didnt leave my room other than to go to class for about 6 months

last week i went to a bar to watch the super bowl, i met 3 dudes from ireland and also a girl while smoking a cigarette

now ive been getting laid the last week and havent really left her place since, been meeting her friends and going out and shit, its been very fun and making me realize how stupid i was for shutting myself in thinking i was actually autistic

guys its literally so easy to be a normie, just leave your fucking house

>> No.7588974

t. chad kill yourself norman fuck

>> No.7588980

kek nice
>yeah, wanna come to my house to get you a job application?

>> No.7588999

Married with a son, could you believe i hang in this cesspool?

>> No.7589017

>Same here but i get groceries delivered to my door so never go outside anymore lol

I'd do that if i didn't live with my parent. Buying groceries is the extremely stressful for me.

>> No.7589019
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I am the original /biz/ Canadian plumber poster who created that meme but none of you retards would believe me anyways. I'm retired now at the age of 28 and enjoying the hell out of life shit posting on biz and playing vidya all day long. And yes I literally worked as a plumber for 9 years before quitting the trades. Thank you ethereum.

>> No.7589020

tbf she goes to work and i sit in her apartment playing diablo 3 and trading all day, i am no chad, we are all Chad

>> No.7589043

He wouldnt be your wife's son would he?

>> No.7589063

let me guess you're 6ft+ tall and atleast a 6/10 in looks?

totally not a norman guys!! im special and autistic like u xD !!!!

>> No.7589080

He s my son allright aaaaand my wife is a pajeeta

>> No.7589082

kys normie scum, you don't know what you're wishing for

>> No.7589096

Single father (full custody)

>> No.7589110

Long time college student working on second masters degree. Just master dissertation left, no more classes, so pretty shut-in yeah.

>> No.7589137
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>29 years old
>Property owner
>Comfy at-home job with worlds most popular/profitable company
>Nowhere near rich, but far from being poor or struggling. Solidly middle class
>Lift/exercise 3-4 days a week to manage mental health
>Healthy relationship with a young qt3.14 ginger gf

My life is pretty fucking great, desu. I’m sure there are a handful of actual NEETS and maybe one or two rich cucks, but everyone else is larping. I come here for the memes and to laugh at said larpers.

>> No.7589140

ive never met a single girl who gives a shit about either of those, they are fictional projections. the only thing stopping yuo guys is yourself

>> No.7589179
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hahahahahah fucking off yourself normie fuck

>> No.7589181

Engineer with baby and fiancée. Life is pretty normal, desu. But before you newfags call me a normie: I was in the original shoe on head chatroom.

>> No.7589262
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I'm not sure if people like me have a term, but basically I am a "self-sufficient" hikikomori.

I have a good paying job but that is the only thing redeemable about me. I have zero friends, only people I interact with are my colleagues and that's only when I need to for work. Otherwise in the office I am silent.

Rest of the time I spend 90% of my time in front of the TV or my PC. Pic related is where I spend my days outside of work.

I want to get out of this antisocial trap but I don't know how.

>> No.7589280

Wow are you me? I wonder how you keep yourself sane after all that. I was a functioning normal human being who held a job before I suffered from a mental breakdown. I actually see my gf from time to time to keep me sane. I wonder how you get to keep it altogether without any social interaction.

>> No.7589291

i bet you're still in high school

with that in mind, continue being a neet, become very studious without taking anyones bullshit normie advice, get into a good school, be a neet somewhere else, try not to an hero for a while, and you will come out great

good luck anon

>> No.7589303

shutin neet reporting in. I want to kms every day

>> No.7589306

get some therapy guys. It suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks, but helps in a couple of months.

>> No.7589312

invite your colleagues for a beer after work

>> No.7589341

I go to college, but 98% of my program is online and I don't have a job. I leave the house maybe once a week.

>> No.7589346
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red leader shut in neet standing by.

>> No.7589359

such a fucking chad mentality man. be happy you got blessed with good genetics. some people are not as fortunate as you. keep this in mind when you spout platonic bullshit advice.

that being said, nice of you to not escalate stupid discussions. best of luck with your relationship and career to you.

>> No.7589372

>get drugged out of your mind
>cure you
Temporary band-aid solutions. Trust me, the problems I face won't be fixed by drugs. It's either murder or suicide for me. If I can "accident" people and let them suffer the same way they did to me and let me confront my problems, then maybe therapy will help.

>> No.7589376

I’m a PhD student but I spend most of my time shut in my room doing nothing.

>> No.7589391

I'm more of a NET. Go to uni for three hours a week, Put half my NEETbux in Crypto and half in the bank.
Once the last person I like dies I'll go live in Asia.

>> No.7589395

> Why would you even go on 4chan if you have a job? Don't you have friends and social circles?
I have a job, a wife and 3 kids, the only social circles I have time for is 4chan and various chat rooms.

Used to be neetish though, mostly due to mental health and drugs. Fixed my shit though.

>> No.7589409
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everytime i scroll past this thread my mind tricks me into thinking it says "nut in sheets"

>> No.7589418

That's just your autism speaking. Trust me on that one.

>> No.7589426

>I'm a semi-chad

>> No.7589429


now I know you're lying lol

>> No.7589431


Great idea. Just get a bunch of retards together so they can determine who is the most dominate.

Sounds like a lot of fun, nigger. You should kys.

>> No.7589440

I am in college, I'd say the number of people who are lurking who are in college or working an ok-ish job is very big but the posters are probably the cream of the autistic crop. This is my first post on biz and I have been on a few times a week for the last two years

>> No.7589457

therapy doesnt do shit.

>> No.7589461

going to college, not a neet but slowly turning into one

>> No.7589462

I don't give a fuck where you were, you're a normalfag scum now.

>> No.7589470

He's not. You just have to be assertive and confident and not be an autist in social situations. Women honestly don't give that much of a damn about looks. They're wired differently.

>> No.7589484

also have a feeling most people on here with jobs grew up on a ton of various online communities that just cant be replicated IRL

i'd much rather hang out and talk about niche interests online without having to deal with consequential social bullshit than be around random ass coworkers who have no interests

you're just not looking in the right places, or not looking at all. my best friend growing up is 5'6 with acne and shit and he now has a 7/10 gf bc he's a genuinely smart, interesting, funny guy

>> No.7589486
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>tfw failed normie
I feel like I can interact with normans and even leave a decent impression I just have to desire or motivation to do it.

>> No.7589494

maybe you should kys, sounds like you have absolutely zero friends so doubt anyone will notice if you put a bullet in your brain gl tho

>> No.7589499

Yep, why do people who haven't experienced what it's like to have a mental breakdown or life-destroying traumas recommend this? It won't fix your problems plaguing you. They're only patches to suppress our negative emotions we feel due to our life experiences.

>> No.7589503

Welder here. Was in uni for some time. Now just biding my time

>> No.7589510
File: 447 KB, 731x615, FTgluqi[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women honestly don't give that much of a damn about looks.


>> No.7589514

Fuck you I have asperger and can't socialize.

>> No.7589534


>implying anyone gives a fuck about anyone dieing after a week tops

How retarded are you, anon? Do you actually think people would weep your death for months on end? Or would they eventually move on with their life and forget about you?

>> No.7589535

Everybody thinks im a fucking chad. My work colleagues and my parents think i can enjoy life to the fullest since im basically in the best age and dont have any real responsibilities like kids.
But im here, lonely as fuck, browsing 4chan and hating my life.

>> No.7589540

Absolute beta right here tryin to talk to chad and stacey

>> No.7589543

Well it helped me. I went from suicidal fucker to semi normal person.

>> No.7589544

Never been to college after what I read in investing books.

>> No.7589547

I'm 20 and was neet for a while until I couldn't afford it any more and got a shitty job. Aside from work I don't go anywhere except grocery store and even that I often times put off for a few days to a week longer than I should. Getting laid off from my job pretty soon and I can't wait desu I cannot stand working with the public. I just wish I could claim unemployment long enough to not have to work while I get my degree. I stopped coming to this site for a couple years and was a normie for a while had a gf and everything then she fucked me over and I moved out of town to somewhere I don't know anyone and have been in isolation ever since. Also fucked up my brain abusing prescriptions for a few years so my social anxiety is much worse than it used to be. So technically not a neet but live like one. Been coming to this site for the last 8 years or so with a few breaks in between

>> No.7589548

I'm not particularly good looking or rich and yet got a gf. I was assertive, confident and wasn't an autist before I suffered a mental breakdown. Essentially, I was a normie. You're just not trying hard enough or you're an autistic fuck who drools and shakes when women approach you.

>> No.7589550


just like, take a shower man and make sure you wear nice clothes. that's all you need to do!

>> No.7589570

>semi chad

sure bud

>> No.7589574

Maybe you were already depressed or had chemical imbalances in your brain before you were semi-normal. Some people actually do have REAL life problems that can't be fixed by letting your brain get high with drugs.

>> No.7589577

Neck yourself, cancer. This used to be a place where smart people came because they did not give a fuck, neet or not. Now it’s a circus for fags and troglodytes.

>> No.7589584

4/10 landwhales don't count.

>> No.7589588
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i've been a neet since 18, 25 now. i have a decent net worth for my age. just been doing ecommerce, web design and crypto trading. literally live like a king

>> No.7589590



Idk what fucked up kind of therapist you went to, but therapy helped me get through PTSD and I’m now stable af, both mentally and financially.

>> No.7589594

Burnt out from office job, resigned after I saved up like 2-years expenses and ended up as a NEET, sleeping all day, watching Twitch all night.
Started learning how to write mobile apps just for kicks, one went viral by pure luck and I started earning decent amounts ($5-10k per month).
Put most of what I earned into bitcoin back at $1000, and rode some x2 x3 x5 altcoin pumps with like 10-20% of my portfolio each time.
Now I think I've made it really far financially, even though I'm down 50% from my ATH.
Don't even need to touch my crypto because I earn more than enough from my mobile app.
Still do nothing except watch Twitch all day, binge watch downloaded anime series, have food delivered, and go out at night only to do groceries or drop off clothes at the laundry shop.
It has been many years like this.
It's ok, I guess.

>> No.7589610

Math major graduating in December reportan

>> No.7589613

he's right, i'm a 6ft 7-8/10 face /fit/ guy but completely autistic and still a shut in virgin

>> No.7589619

>take a shower
>shave/trim your beard
>make yourself look presentable
>wear decent clothes
And yes, not acting like an autist is a must. You don't have to be a 10/10 chad to get one or you don't have to misconstrue my post on the extreme end of looking like a hobo but having confidence and assertiveness. People need to get back to reality. The world doesn't exist on opposite ends of the spectrum. There's a middle ground.

>> No.7589621

what the fuck are you talking about? i'm saying you should kill yourself because you offer nothing to society and no one will notice or care if you die

>> No.7589627

Would making money through stock trading still be considered NEET?

>> No.7589644

Studying. Have no issues hitting up girls. However for some reason I'm physically impotent so it's pointless to try either way. Might as well try to get rich instead, not much else to do when you can't do the whole relationship thing.

>> No.7589648

Drugs were used during therapy to break some barriers.

It didn't fix problems. It just made it possible for ME to start working on solutions.

>> No.7589656


>offer nothing to society
What are you basing that off of?

>Nobody will notice or care
Read my previous post again, retard.

>> No.7589675

wont do you any good to sit around complaining about it on the internet, awkward social interactions happen to everyone, its not the end of the world, maybe you will find an aspie gf trying to get out there too, who knows


ive spent the last 10 years of my life on fucking 4chan all day and still managed to get solid advice/interests from places on here. go to /fa/ and /fit/ and get bullied into normie submission

>> No.7589680


Most definitely not. You're clearly working from home. If you were playing old-school RuneScape all day, then you would be a NEET.

>> No.7589692

Fucking kek

>> No.7589699

I catch myself fantasizing about a life like this, yet the reality would be crushing over the long term.

Lack of stimluation, purpose and human contact would probably kill me faster than my job does.

t. chad

>> No.7589701

I agree, well said. It also forces you to relive those shitty moments for no gain whatsoever. If anything it makes you more complacent and prevents you from actually fixing the problem.

>> No.7589711
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Neck yourself.

>> No.7589713


Cause and effect.

There is no fucking middle ground. Everything is all or nothing.

>> No.7589722
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>> No.7589735


too bad salary sucks ass on my country

>> No.7589739

Shut in neet here too. Finished my major in uni last summer, and at around the same time I started making money in crypto. As time went by I made more and more and decided to just concentrate on trading. Made lots of money so far, I can support living the neet life for years so I have no desire to wagecuck. Still feeling kinda depressed though, I just trade, fap and play vidya 24/7 and occasionally go get groceries. Life is empty, even though I have lots of time to do whatever I want I have no motivation to do anything productive.

>> No.7589744

I just saved your pic for future reference. I have an HCIM. Haven't played in a year, still up on the hiscores I believe. I'm an efficiency scaper

>> No.7589757

>t. shut in who has no clue about real life
I maybe a shut in now due to my mental breakdown but I DID experience what it was like to be a normie who had friends and was a functioning normal human being in society.

>> No.7589778


Trading, napping, and playing online games IS the fucking life. Go ahead and try everything else. You'll want to come back to it.

>> No.7589787

I thought self-improvement was a core principal for you NEETs? It sounds like some of you are straight lazy and use social anxiety as an excuse:

-go to the gym
-take up hobbies
-find meaningful work or any source of income really
-develop relationships

>> No.7589800


>> No.7589817

>It didn't fix problems.
Well doesn't that prove what I said? Good for you if you finally got formulating around with solutions to your life problems. Mine can only be solved with murder or payback but that will just be misconstrued as edgy.

>> No.7589823

former normie mentally induced NEETdom marine checking in

im slowly getting integrated back into society hopefully, going to try moving to a new country and starting life over after i get my degree

>> No.7589827

hope you took statistics classes

>> No.7589859


You clearly don't know what the fuck cause and effect consists of do you? All of those fucking normies have their problems too. The more you try and hide it the bigger it grows and eventually they will breakdown. Nomies are just niggers in different colored skinsuits that are full of mental diahrea just like the next person.

My point? Normies are fake and hide their shit well. Cause and effect catches up to every nigger eventually

>> No.7589883

I've read that the 2nd best cure for depression or starting your life over is going to another place and reinventing yourself. Nothing beats facing your trauma or people who induced you this way head on though. Good luck on your life's journey bro. I know first hand what it feels like to be alone, isolated, depressed, used, abused and feeling worthless. Only people who have gone through that will understand.

>> No.7589917

College-fag here. I go on 4chan because I've accidentally made it impossible for me to stay off of. Chances are, I'll be a wagecuck and still go on 4chan

>> No.7589921

College dropout, unemployed and no government support here. I will be homeless in a few months if I don't turn my life around.

>> No.7589958

actually by the way he writes I know he is a normal person lol
and this is the TYPICAL fat fuck, neckbeard, neet or underaged edgy kid reaction

>> No.7589962

Just live in your car, it's not even that bad. You don't have to pay for gay ass rent.

>> No.7589984

yup, realized true isolation after spending two weeks in a psych ward with literally no contact with the outside world/internet/phone or anything. as much as i like to be alone and alienating myself i cant imagine being in that space ever again. good luck to u as well anon, we're gonna make it

>> No.7589992

Can't really complain about that, I feel really comfy living life right now, and grateful that I don't have to wagecuck, but desu I don't feel fulfilled, I want to do more with my life than that.

>> No.7589993

You're clearly a shut in since birth. Again people don't act on extreme ends of the spectrum like what you armchair theorists fantasize on the internet.

Having friends involves DEALING with other people, making compromises, patching misunderstandings, not crossing the line, etc. Clearly you know none of these because you are a friendless autist and you cope up by imagining yourself as better than others and the center of the universe while telling yourself other people are just NPCs. It's clear you are a nutjob. Stay that way if you don't want to function in society.

>> No.7590023

Feeling unloved and alone are the worst things that can happen to a human being. I had disagreements and fights before but that didn't matter to me. Feeling betrayed, unloved, unwanted and alone? That's what broke me down.

>> No.7590031

good looks will only give you women attention, you will turn some heads on the club or at a party, but this will only be your kickstarter, you have to be a interesting person to keep a women attention.

Just think like a salesman, you need to sell yourself to women, if you are good most will just buy anything you sell.

>> No.7590056

I mean, I could do whatever the hell I want... just too lazy to do so.

>> No.7590111

>people are npcs
>he literally just said "people have their own problems too"

way to go anon, completely ignored what he wrote

>> No.7590165


I'm wagecucking so take it from me. Do whatever trades you have to now to ensure you don't have to wagie.

You said it all at the beginning of your s cond paragraph. Don't act like talking to other people is some difficult ass job. You do it just to keep your wagie job in most cases.

But yeah, keep dealing with your retarded ass friends problems. You can call me friendless all you want. Everyone strives for different things. You, anon, can keep striving for your normie life.

>> No.7590178

Maybe you should read some more instead of cherry picking selected parts of what he wrote:
>Normies are fake and hide their shit well.

Read between the lines. He's implying he's better because he's not "fake", "plastic". He's genuine. He's real. That's why he's not a "normie". He's automatically better. Fuck off with that shit. People like that need to stop deluding themselves.

>> No.7590264

At least I had friends bro and people got my back when I had problems. What about you, can't function in real life that you stay in your house all day with mommy tending to your diapers? The most pathetic people the most bitter. Have fun whining in 4chan why women avoid your neckbeard fat ass.

>> No.7590273

I quit my last job like 3 weeks ago. I got sick of the cycle. Not everyone is like this, but I don't even take vacation time (unless paid, obviously) because I can't enjoy being away from work while knowing I'll have to go back. M-F schedules are not bad, but it puts you in that shitty normie "It's the weekend!" life.

>> No.7590293

I'm 23 yo neet, university dropout, i have low 6 figures in crypto right now, i'm pretty fucked if it goes down, but i believe in the technology, around $10k in the bank account, i'm trying not to touch the money in the bank and currently living just from my profits from sportsbetting (soccer, NHL and e-sports), I live with 2 friends (rent is $200 per month) and around $300-$400 for food etc (it's pretty cheap in my country, for now, so it's not that bad actually)... but i need atleast x5 my portfolio to get out...

>> No.7590340

at least for me going through total betrayal, loneliness, alienation, etc made me realize that im not the center of the universe and that the only way im going to get to feel wanted or loved again is if i show it to other people too. cant just sit around waiting for someone to give a shit about me or for things to magically work out if i dont work on myself first. i had to feel like shit before i realized what i had to do to feel better. some light at the end of the tunnel i guess

i think you're right anon, people have to perform normalcy to get by all the time. its shitty and depressing, but it doesnt mean there isnt people out there who will actually care about you/be around to help you out unconditionally. finding those people takes effort, it wont ever happen if you just resign to neetdom and justify it to yourself

>> No.7590369

he's right. fake it till you make it is true. most people DO have their own problems and don't give a shit about you

>> No.7590407


What an idiot. I never claimed to be better than other people/"normies."


Your problem is that you think people who choose to go a different way in life have a problem getting friends and gfs. Why the fuck would it be hard to get friends? Again, back to my previous post, you think that talking to people is some good given skill. And since you're just throwing around assumptions now, I do have a gf.

>> No.7590462

>most people DO have their own problems and don't give a shit about you
Who said otherwise? Yes, people don't give a shit. Doesn't mean you have to live on extreme ends of the spectrum like some here fantasize. You still have to know to make compromises but not to the point of being a total bitch, standing your ground but not the point of being overtly hostile over every minute thing, etc. That's how real life functions, not some fantasy made up in some autist's mind where it's either full SJW or full 14/88 HEIL HITLER type shit.

Same here, hopefully the last agricultural trade school will do wonders for me. I'm planning to work outside my country, probably land in New Zealand or Australia for a dairy farming stint.

>> No.7590480


My point? Finding out about yourself and what you want in life. I believe in not having to rely on other people/friends and not owing debts to anyone. Friendships are give and receive. Everyone puts their energies where they choose.

>> No.7590575

i guess we just have different visions on life, i dont think that its possible to get through life without other people around you. or that friendships/relationships are transactional. i had that mindset for a while until it collapsed on itself, lost everyone except my family, entered extreme depressive state, but getting out of it required recognizing who/what i had left, the people who werent there just to get something from me. dont wanna squander that again

>> No.7590593

Seems you have comprehension problems. Your disagreement with me started because you didn't agree that there is no middle ground. In your autistic little mind, being in the middle ground means you have to have great skills talking to people. It's clear you are a nutcase who can't follow the points of discussion, can't converse for shit in real life and in the internet, and goes so far as to want to superimpose your fantasy into reality in order to justify your bitter existence. I don't need to assume. It's clear as day what you are due to what you wrote - a friendless shut-in NEET with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.7590624

>What are you basing that off of?

Being completely incapable of caring about other people. Why do autists all think they have some super power?

>> No.7590653

The only time I go outside is for my driving lesson once a week and that is spent mostly in the car

>> No.7590665

Was in the same position as you a year ago, was homeless in niggertown chicago partly living on my friends couch with only 40$ to my name. Ever since Crypto and /biz i have turned my life around now have a apartment and a dog and i can eat everyday. If my autistic ass can do it you can.

>> No.7590667

>i dont think that its possible to get through life without other people around you. or that friendships/relationships are transactional.
Shut-ins since birth don't get this, probably because their life experiences mostly consist of living mostly inside the house, going to school, then going back to the house. I dread to see the day when these delusional fools lose their parents due to old age or live in a country without any welfare. They won't last a week.

>> No.7590704


What in the actual fuck are you talking about retard?

>> No.7590728

Not a NEET, but definitely have no social life, friends, relationships, etc. Currently studying CS at a UK university and get paid ~$9,000 a year by our government for living costs. I live at home and have no bills, so at the end of the year I have ~$7000 after travel costs. I put like 80% of this into crypto.

I think to myself, "look, I'm doing fuck all with my money, I'm in my twenties, if shit hits the fan I have plenty of years to recover from the loss so fuck it. I'll take the risk in hope for a better life."

>> No.7590737

>60% suburban teenagers posting from their parents McMansion
>25% uni/college kids
>10% post college non-NEETS
>5% actual NEETS

>> No.7590750


Conversations change topics if you haven't ever noticed. So now you're backpedaling trying to save your ass while throwing out ad-homs. The entire last half of your post was ad-homs. You ran out of gas, idiot.

>> No.7590752

I think he’s trying to imply he’s some kind of sociopath/psychopath edge cuck.

You know, the type that browse/post/jerk off to gore threads.

>> No.7590768

He's a bitter, friendless nutjob. He tells himself he is strong being alone as a coping mechanism. He's probably depressed as shit in real life.

>> No.7590785
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>> No.7590802
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It helped me. I had a bad breakdown with depression and anxiety and dropped out of college. Now I'm back at University and have gone more than a year without serious depressive episodes. Seems like you are just more comfortable in the hole anon.

>> No.7590829
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>Still believes having friends is the only thing that proves you are sane

>> No.7590830

Conversations change topics but still follows the train of thought of the original point. You went from "there's no middle ground" to "you think talking to people requires great skill because no middle ground". You're going all over the place. It's clear you are a bitter friendless deluded fuck and you do this to superimpose your fantasy into reality.

>> No.7590846

i'd say 3% NEETs and 2% well adjusted married folk

>> No.7590870

>Superimpose your fantasy

There you go using your big words you learned recently again. If you have nothing of value to say, then don't bother

>> No.7590879
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>actually by the way he writes I know he is a normal person lol
you can tell he's from reddit.
>full sentences, punctuation, grammar, trying to gain superiority every chance he gets
yup. reddit

>> No.7590885

some of us are just weird and are really good at blending in among normies. i like conversation here more than in reality though

>> No.7590893

Guess so. There's no problem at all in that

>> No.7590907

I'm a 32 y/o recent NEET who quit his job to make passive income off crypto. I went from 18k worth of litecoin in december to 3.7k now. My life is fucked.

>> No.7590914

Why are you using words you don't understand?

>> No.7590919

Different strokes for different folks. I'm slowly turning my life around without the use of drugs.

Now you go from "no middle ground" to "you think you need skill to talk to people because no middle ground" to "you don't need friends to be sane because no middle ground". You're all over the place. It's clear you have issues mentally.

>> No.7590941

Pick up a part time gig in the meantime

>> No.7590943
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I would have shown her my expanded business you betcha

>> No.7590955
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>Still believes having friends is the only thing that proves you are sane

Do you actually believe you can be sane and never have friends? This is exactly what I mean, "superpower". Not being able to make and keep ANY friends is mental illness and a sign of sociopaths.

>> No.7590960

I study in a foreign country, and because of my bad choices I have literally 0 friends here, so I just browse 4chan

>> No.7590974


I have severe anger/mental issues. I cannot hold a job longer than 5 months. I start breaking down mentally working a shitty dead-end job. I thought crypto was my ticket out.

>> No.7590977


>Being this unable to to comprehend different points

>> No.7590979

What country you live in anon?

>> No.7591026

>tfw no qt female therapist who will let me drop MDMA before a session and talk about how I am so lonely and just really need a hug

Why even therapy bro

>> No.7591040

if you want to escape just talk to people. everywhere u go talk to people - at work, getting groceries, waiting for the bus. It gets easier and starts interacting with others starts to become normal for you eventually.

even if you're really awkward and they're really mean, it's the only way to escape (unless you get lucky)

>> No.7591178

>Going all over the place to superimpose the fantasy he made up in his head as reality
>expecting people not to view him as a mental nutcase
Again clear as day. You are NOT hard to read anon. We can tell you are coping by telling yourself you are better than "normies" or whatever the hell that even means in your mind because you are "genuine", "true", "not fake" and "not plastic". You also don't follow trends and you tell yourself you are strong because you are alone. I think that sums up you for now. Tell me if I missed anything and let me know.

>> No.7591186


>Actually believing being able to make and keep friends is THE sign for telling if someone is sane or not

What a fucking normie

>> No.7591199

acid and micro-dosing on shrooms worked really well for my depression and it kind of feels like my ADD is better too (i can focus for longer periods of time now)

>> No.7591236

Total normie here. Uni degrre, wagecuck, gf, musician in my free time. Took me a year of therapy to get off the NEET life and into normiedom. Best move of my life.

>> No.7591273


You actually believe you can read people over 4chan posts. You're very hopeless and changed the topic because you couldn't keep up. Go ahead and look back. You're a real annoyance to converse with. But keep bringing up the same faulty point over and over again because you clearly can't handle a moving conversation.

>> No.7591314


When did I even say I was better than "normies?" You're reading into things to change the narrative in your head, anon.

>> No.7591322
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>no friends
>live with parents
>haven't talked to anyone besides parents and psychiatrist in months
>meds don't do shit. psychologists are fucking retarded
>third year of uni major in computer science
>been trying to get an summer internship every year
>career fair in 7 days. Pretty much my last shot
>at every career fair I've gone to in the past I've been too scared to talk to anyone
>apply for jobs online but too scared to return calls
>never been to an interview
Looks like I'm about done with life. I promised myself I wouldn't be homeless and my parents are going to kick me out once I graduate. I'll spend my crypto traveling the us and living in my car. Then kms when I run out of cash.

>> No.7591325

1. chose a therapist you don't want to impress
2. therapist will ask you a lot why do you want a hug and what can you do to get one
4. For people with shitty social circles dating apps provide best networking oportunities (start going on dates, try to meet people, don't just try to fuck everything... enjoy conversation)

>> No.7591328

I'm in uni and I runt three different businesses to pay for it. If I wasn't paying tuition each month I'd be doing well over 80k a year.

I'm in a frat, I have a lot of friends, but NO ONE IS AS AUTISTIC AS ME. I'm just good at hiding it. The people I have to associate with just don't fucking get it

Seriously, I can't talk about my business with a single one of these cunts bringing up how I should be spending my money better, or how I should be buyign this or that, or how I don't dress the best way. Lectured by kids who are either on their parent's dole or working a minimum wage job as to why I'm not buying designer clothes.

Fuck this culture of flex. This is the only place I can rant about it

>> No.7591345

Dude other people have already pointed out you are clearly out of your mind and a sociopath. Even >>7590955 pointed that out. But you're just going to tell us that we're samefags, right?

Again from your posts:
>normies are fake
>you are genuine
>you don't need friends
>you only view friendships as some form of transactional relationship

And you wonder why I my reading of you is so ACCURATE? It doesn't take a degree in psychology to know you are a mental nutcase with delusions of grandeur as a coping mechanism for your bitter existence.

>> No.7591437


You haven't read anything. But go ahead and believe that you are an almighty mind reader. That will get you far.

Where did I say I was better than normies and was the only genuine one? You keep using points that weren't even stated.

>Using another anons post to make your own point

Pathetic, anon.

>> No.7591510

>other people make the same observations about him
>t-t-t-there's nothing w-wrong with me! Y-y-y-you p-p-people are the problem
Like most of us said: nutjob, sociopath and a shut-in with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.7591536


>23 years old
>60 dollars in bank, 200k in crypto (450k ATH)
>spent 5 years obtaining an AA in engineering
>sit at home all day in my office chair shitposting/jacking off
>mom literally makes me tendies 2x a week
>6'5 roidcel with decent face but haven't left the house in almost 6 months
>tell my barber and normies I do carpentry
>only time I go out is to buy groceries late at night and I throw on my dad's construction clothes so I look like a blue collar wage slave
>paid a pre-school teacher for sex with BTC money
>signing up for another community college class tonight just for shits

Probably fucked though when tax season rolls around if my alts don't recover

>> No.7591585


If that helps you believe you were right all along, then go ahead anon. Lol.

>> No.7591637

That isn't to mention just how many just how many girls literally only care about money.

I go to a huge state university so it's not hard to get a girl back to your apartment. Generally the next morning neither of us are interested in the other, but that changed when 1. crypto took off in december and 2. word about the fact I run businesses got out.
Now, all of a sudden, those girls are hitting me up, asking me to buy them shit, wanting to go out with a ridiculously thinly veiled request for money or something in return. Fucking ridiculous. Can't find a single genuine person

>> No.7591682 [DELETED] 
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Star medical student, have a girlfriend, deal with many px and colleagues on a daily, although autistically.

>> No.7591743

Are any of you qualified in a good college degree, like engineering, CS or physics. You want to work and think you'd be competent but you can't bring yourself to go for an interview because you're scared of rejection? You just while away all your hours on the internet now? If shyness isn't holding you back, is there something else holding you back? Maybe you just have too much money and don't want to do the whole wageslave thing for pennies.

>> No.7591787

this, at least here I don't have to put on a fucking charade and pretend to care about stupid shit that normies care about

I'm just waiting until I get rich, hopefully within a year so that I can just move to some /comfy/ house in Switzerland and focus on stonecutting or something.

>> No.7591830

You should have hired her.

>> No.7591868
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Let's see:

>be 32
>have software engineering degree
>have 100% remote job as software engineer at comfy company
>work 4h per week tops
>have been playing WoW since Vanilla 8h+ almost every single day
>jack off to dojins at least twice a day
>work out in home gym deathtrap twice a week
>order groceries online
>only leave flat to fuck prostitutes or meet 2 neet friends to watch animu
>bought ETH at <1$
>bought plenty of alts for shits and giggles
>put all my savings into S&P500
>can't stop making money doing nothing

>> No.7591874

Have a degree and I'm a shut in neet, haven't worked since 2013

>> No.7591886

fuck me
you are right

>> No.7591937

I work at a call center troubleshooting iOS devices. Pretty chill. Not many bad calls and it's good pay for what I'm doing. I'm on track to become a trainer for a big bump in pay and a much better schedule in the next couple months now that we're getting more advanced troubleshooting teams at our site.

>> No.7591973

>had a lot of friends
>pretty good gf
>graduate uni (chemistry)
>make good money of crypto
>take a couple semesters off school
>did some travelling shits good
>now i need to start figuring out my life
>start getting stressed and depressed
>friends move away
>nothing really to do all day except see my gf when she is not busy
>feel like shit every day just post browse 4chan basically
>decide to get my life together
>start to apply for my masters degree
>gf suddenly dumps me
>i'm absolutely fucking ruined mentally
>i dont know what to do anymore
>miss my masters application deadline
>nothing to do
>no one to talk to
>ladlord sold her house so im getting kicked out at the end of the month
>havent had the motivation to find a new place
>going to now also be homeless
>just want to die
>why doesn't she love me bros? she meant everything to me

>> No.7592045

gabapeptides or benzos

>> No.7592121


What are market names

>> No.7592129


because women only want men who are moving up in life. you are moving down. they want someone they can excitedly talk to their friends about. that is not you.

>> No.7592204

In what way is superimpose a big word kiddo? Definitely middle school tier vocabulary at most. How will you get anywhere in life if something so benign as proper grammar is intimidating to you?

>> No.7592213

That's the problem ;) Being too content can be a negative, you know.

>> No.7592252

but I was making changes in my life to better myself. It was only a small lapse. I was dating her for 4 years through everything. I dont understand how she could be so unsympathetic and be a little understanding.

She had to take an extra year of university because her grades werent high enough so its not even like she was surpassing me or anything.

>> No.7592262

i work in carpentry and construction, on my free time i just stay inside catering to my mining rig.
What's the point of spending money on being social and shit?

>> No.7592294

therapy isn't drugs you idiot

>> No.7592302

The answer is in your post

>> No.7592306

Shutting NEET here.

I only go out for:

1) Buying minoxidil and finasteride supplies
2) Fuck a monthly escort paid with my adsense money

Im trying to get my money up enough so I can go back to gym

Just lol at working, my stupid short fat four eyed dad needs to die.

>> No.7592318
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Reading some of these depressing stories makes me think that after shitposting with some of you maybe in another life we could of been friends.

>> No.7592346


the moment you show weakness to a women is when she starts reconsidering her options. srs. it's not a joke. she is BIOLOGICALLY tuned to go for strong provider types. it's just how life is. it seems unfair, but it's not because it levels the playing field for all men. you must remain masculine at all times.

>> No.7592386


you'd probably be surprised how many of us are actual shut in neets

mental health issues go hand in hand with being raised by the depths of the internet and wage cucking for a few hours

>> No.7592390

What kind of website do you use to generate Adsense revenue?

Also, it is sad to hear about your relationship with your father. He is the closest thing on this world to you, your flesh and blood.

>> No.7592408
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>she is BIOLOGICALLY tuned to go for strong skull types

>> No.7592430


we are friends
not in the social bullshit sense
but in the empathetic sense

>> No.7592435

do I have any chance of getting her back? I know how everyone talks to one another here, but the anons here have been my only friends for years. I don't have anyone else to talk to. I could really really use some real advice

After she told me I had to go back to her house to get all my stuff. When I was there I broke down in front of her and cried and apolgized for not being there for her. I've never acted like that in my life but I think it was everything in my life adding up and I just broke down. I wrote a letter to her and explained how I felt about everything. I know I turned into a complete beta and Ive never done that before. Did I ruin everything? Do I have any chance left?

>> No.7592443

yep, you inherit male pattern baldness, 5'8'' manletism and myopia and you are supposed to wageslave too

why the fuck do parents have kids unless they are good looking and or rich?

not my fault im low IQ. I never, NEVER ask for money, I just need to be left alone, get basics paid (food etc, same I would do if I had a kid). DONT FORCE ME INTO THE RAT RACE YOU DUMB FUCKS.

>> No.7592482

Are you reviewbrah?

>> No.7592518


no you are done. sorry. she has probably giggled about you already with her friends.

in fact, you should have done the exact opposite. you should have declared that you will get a master's, get a good job, then make a fuck ton of money. all this while grabbing her firmly by the waist and staring her dead in the eyes.

that is what she wanted if it were salvageable. just remember for next time.

>> No.7592532
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cs and physics degrees

u described me

>> No.7592535

exactly this, i use to think it is all about looks. They sure do help, but being funny and witty is 90% of the game. Can't tell you how many ugly fags have pretty cute gf, just because they are loud and assertive. Trust... me
Wish i could take my own advice

>> No.7592602

So what do I do when I see her again? She said she wanted to meet up in like a week and talk.

I think you are right though. I didnt tell her about my masters, and I didn't tell her about my crypto gains because /biz/ said not to share your money with women, so she thought I was a poor neet loser which was mostly untrue. When I told her abotu all this she said "why didnt you tell me this a coulpe months ago but tis too late now"

>> No.7592605

you're just being closed minded

>> No.7592625

what ecommerce

>> No.7592629

Hey I would recommend seeing a therapist. There are alot of happy 5'8 people (At least you aren't 5'5?) out there, you just have to find a mate shorter than 5'7 or something if you think you would be happy with a partner. Anways, hope you can adopt a more positive outlook, reality is how you perceive it.

>> No.7592641
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A QT I used to be friends with started dating a 300 pound indian guy. Mind you she was a literal shutin neet and people only ever talk to her via her pc.

>> No.7592656

I also take minox and finasteride. Do you get the 1mg kind? Have you noticed any side effects?

>> No.7592668

>190 lbs
>tons of friends
>married with 2 kids
>6 figure crypto
>8/10 looks
>full head of hair
>go out socially all the time

>just here to laugh at all you fat autist neckbeard muhh animu brainlets

>> No.7592729

She's already gotten laid with another dude by this point, anon. You telling her about all your gains/masters would've seemed like desperation. Plus, women are overly concerned with their image. If she suddenly got back together with you because of your gains, she'd look like a gold digger to her friends.

Women WANT to be gold diggers. They don't want others to think they are. Shit luck all around, mate. Better luck next time. If she wasn't willing to stick out, through thick or thin, she wasn't worth it.

>> No.7592731
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That's probably going to be my future aswell. Throw in an Adderall addiction and that's my situation.

>> No.7592752

can you expand on this? been cycling through depression and anxiety and I've been thinking of trying shrooms to see if it will help

>> No.7592763

What MG/daily are you at?

>> No.7592764

>ive never met a single girl who gives a shit about either of those
>but yeah now that you mention it I guess technically I am

>> No.7592776

Who you tryna convince us or yourself?

>> No.7592806

fuck i'm glad i grew up in the 80s
too bad about the whole 'AIDS' thing
the chick i am seeing is half my age and she tongue fucked my piss hole last night - you should try it out fellas.
bought 100k

>> No.7592824

my chest is deformed too. this killed any chances of intimacy with civilians. im also balding and im 28. i have no money to move and live on my own to fuck a girl if I actually got the chance. its over.

yes, and the worst part is im still fucking balding 3 years in. my scalp itches. cant wait to die. if im not rich in 5 years from bitcoin im fucking offing it.

>> No.7592880

fuck mate i genuinely hope you get rich in 5 years

>> No.7592921

You obviously have no desire to form any type of relationship. Stay bitter, but don't think for a second you're better than those so called retards.

>> No.7592982

I.E. most women are superficial leaches and care more about arbitrary perceptions of masculinity and all around chad fakery than who their partners really are emotionally. I guess anons future bank account didn't look big enough to her. It's a cruel ass world

>> No.7593005

does your pectoral bone or w.e go inward?
Like the middle of your chest, i have the same thing bruv

>> No.7593026

pretty much this, the only intillegent convos I can have are people I've met (online) from /v/ and /biz/

>> No.7593031

I see now thnx b

>> No.7593053

why are amerimutts such druggies?

you have to take pills even to breathe

>> No.7593054

I usually take 20 mg just to feel normal but on weekend I double or triple that sometimes. If I don't take it I can't even leave my bed and if I do take it I can't work out or do anything social without fucking up.

I have to admit that fapping on Adderall is godly though, it's the silver lining.

>> No.7593095
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Not an american, try again

But jewish doctors did put me on this shit when I was a kid.

>> No.7593096

I have a job and I go to uni, but I haven't been able to make friends since I got out of highschool. Can you catch autism later in life?

>> No.7593220

Lots of reasons

Even people with healthy social lives get bored sometimes.

I go out with friends a few days a week usually but I still like to drop in on threads because I get bored.

I'm used to the niche culture and I have trouble seeing past the vanity of normal social media people use to pass time. Anonymous and semi anonymous boards are far superior for actual group discussion

My tastes and hobbies can get somewhat obsessive and specific. Even for people who can get along and make friends in real life it's nice to be able to easily find someone to discuss and joke about the intricacies of the things that really interest you.

>> No.7593293

>grew up on a ton of various online communities that just cant be replicated IRL

>i'd much rather hang out and talk about niche interests online without having to deal with consequential social bullshit than be around random ass coworkers who have no interests

Actually this

>> No.7593470

>the moment you show weakness to a women is when she starts reconsidering her options.
My wife and I met while I was depressed, on benzo all the time, had no job. I had an apartment but my mother regularly delivered food, she passed it through the window so I didn't have to leave my computer. She also helped me fill out disability papers and shit and post them for me.
I followed a friend who I bought weed from to a party and met a girl that happened to like the same music as me.
I now earn 2x as much as her, but I know that's not why she is with me.
It also means you should not off yourself and that you don't know shit about women.

>> No.7593502

fucking this to a T

>> No.7593914


>why doesn't she love me bros? she meant everything to me

This is why.... best way to keep a woman is for her to have the impression that if she wasn't there you would be absolutely fine... i've got a 7.5-8.5/10 qt who is 5 months preggo with my child, she is unironically /ourgirl/, she's a teacher and red pilled to fuck. when we met she was more red pilled than me but i'm a high end male that practically every woman wants, i've fucked models literal 10/10 super hot girls but trust me anon they are insane. i took my 7.5-8.5/10 qt because she is the perfect blend of intellect and red pilled, our relationship has only got stronger over time the more red pilled i became, it is to the point where i now far out surpass her redpilledness but she absolutely understands if she left me i would not bat an eyelid and i would go out and fuck countless 10/10 bitches. i don't need to tell her this she knows it, without words.

>> No.7594105

>i've got a 7.5-8.5/10 qt who is 5 months preggo with my child, she is unironically /ourgirl/, she's a teacher and red pilled to fuck
fucking where do you find this

>> No.7594191

I have a job but after work i am basically a shut in. Just browse 4chan and play vidya.

Feels bad

>> No.7594268

This is me except the concept of me having a job is totally alien to me

>> No.7594384

I'm a cool, all right dude who you can have a normal conversation with. Not a shut in or autistic or anything. We're not all retards on here

>> No.7594420


Not gunna lie anon, they are hard to find. But if you don't give a fuck, they seem to find you.

I used to go out alot, was in a band (a good band, not big but good), i'm good looking, i had social power and i didn't give a fuck about that social power. I'm also pretty fucking intelligent and funny. When you have these thing the best women want you. I am also autistic as fuck. But i use my autism in such a way that makes me impervious to social criticism i can use humour and intellect to bend any person to my will. i can also be terrifying when i need to show it.

>> No.7594470
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Same. At least I have my cat.