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File: 12 KB, 865x487, Ripple-XRP-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7583182 No.7583182 [Reply] [Original]

how do we get rid of this cancer?

>literally the cancer of crypto

>> No.7583270


It just drains money from normies to bankfags. Just like everyday life. Ignore it.

>> No.7583285
File: 105 KB, 607x524, Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at 18.51.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. look how normies talk about this. They genuinely don't even know why they are buying it, theyj ust think it will moon.

Pic related.

>> No.7583348

cheap and hot

>> No.7583398

yeah but the money can be in our pockets instead in the pockets of bankfags

>> No.7583500

Quit bitching and let the money flow from their pockets to yours.

>> No.7583526

It should be de-listed from coinmarketcap and similar sites on the basis that it's not a cryptocurrency period. Tons of people are buying it thinking it's just like all the other ones not realising it's not.

>> No.7583542
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!

-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%

-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).

>> No.7583564

I threw $120 into this Jewcoin as insurance in case they do take over the world.

>> No.7583602
File: 237 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will be much richer than you, pajeet. Interledger is literally the future of web payments and will give XRP another moon mission. Same with Codius (smart contracts). All coming in 2018.

>> No.7583618
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>> No.7583628
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>how do we get rid of this cancer?
protip: pic related

>> No.7583635
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>> No.7583644

You literally cant cash out

Google “ripple gateways”

>> No.7583654
File: 156 KB, 983x965, ripple smart contracts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7583686

Another day of double digit gains. If you aren't investing in XRP you are unironically retarded

>> No.7583721

the only real issue with ripple is that they can simply disable your account whenever they want, and theyre under no legal obligation to allow you to trade your coins or withdraw them.

it might be great for trading, but it's literally not possible to hold xrp long term.

>> No.7583734

That's not true. Only tokens can be frozen by their issuers. Weak FUD, pajeet.

>> No.7583791

Enlighten yourself stupid shill


>> No.7583792

You dont bitchboy. Get down or lay down.

>> No.7583834

You have been proven wrong, pajeet. The blog post you linked doesn't back you. Only tokens can be frozen by the issuers.

>> No.7584055

fuck yourself, shill

>> No.7584099

>posts accurate information

>> No.7584130


>> No.7584245

damn what a fucking kike

>> No.7584320
File: 3.28 MB, 600x337, 1488783453451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell it to me.

I literally have 10k im wanting to drop into it.

>> No.7584343

It's like fags like you hate money.
Ripple is shit? Ripple is not cryptocurrency? Ripple is centralized? Who give a flying fuck, price will go up and that means profit, this is the only important thing, everything else is retarded bullshit.

>> No.7584449
File: 14 KB, 975x692, tech-performance-2017-1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stellar is going to eat Ripple alive

>> No.7584479

The price won’t go up because there is no scientific reason why it should.

You can’t “adopt” it because you can’t do anything with it because it pretty much doesn’t have a proper wallet and you can’t cash out. The only place you can sell for USD is through a “ripple gateway” which you need ID to use. Or you can trade it to BTC or ETH on an exchange. And then cash out the btc or ETH.

Here’s a question for you Ripple bagholders: when have you USED ripple for anything other than bagholding?

I USE eth and BTC all day every day, gambling, etherdelta, mining, trading and ICOs. All you can DO with XRP is put it on an exchange and baghold. Like the BitMEX Research said. XRP has NONE of the properties which make blockchains such as BTC and ETH interesting from an investment perspective.

>> No.7584579

Buy both.

Ever heard of FOMO? Ripple is being shilled to no fucking end on social media and even by mass media.
That's why it is and will go up.

>> No.7584692

Nothing more pathetic in this world than a man with no vision

>> No.7584765

No one can "freeze" your XRP. Gatewaysa ren't in use anymore.

>> No.7584822

We don't, it's going to wither away. That's what happens with pumps of non-pow shitcoins. Volume dies, price goes down slowly.

NXT in 2014 is a great case study. The same thing is also going to happen to other worthless shitcoins.

>> No.7584855

>why would I ever plant a tree seed? You can't even sit under the shade of it!

>> No.7584860
File: 46 KB, 375x259, 2017-12-01-12-01-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) The opening blocks are missing! 0 -32K (The transactions are still there, the ledger headers are missing)
2.) Ripple Network is Centralized! (No it isnt. Those people dont know how Nodes/Validators Work. Hint: Ripple 0.81)
3.) XRP Coin is Centralized! (Sort of, but ripple keeps it in escrow and its really no more centralized than BTC)
4.) Its not a real crypto! (Its premined and doesnt use POW/POS it uses a concensus algorithm, just as real as BTC/ETH)
5.) Its vulnerable to a 51% attack! (Yeah, so is democracy. The difference is that at 51% attack, the ledger would pause till validators/nodes chose other trusted nodes, BTC frex would just be f--ked)
6.) Its a Bank-sters coin! (Partly but generally we're more for large Financial institutions, including banks and multinational corps, trying to settle cross border payments)
7.) Banks will NEVER use XRP (They already use Ripple's services in which XRP aids in reducing costs even further, something some already do today)
8.) Whales control XRP (No, they dont. We've seen the ledger and who owns what)
9.) XRP will never be over $X because ther are too many coins/marketcap (XRP is trying to solve a Quadrillion $ (yearly) problem. the value of XRP can litterally be anything, no limits)

>> No.7584873

Except when Interledger comes out and merchants adopt XRP because muh jew bux.


>> No.7584877

like your mom

>> No.7585214

You misspelled XLM

>> No.7585270

just don't buy cripple and sell in case you have some dust left

>> No.7585294

IBM's not getting a comeback, bud.

>Press F to pay respects.

>> No.7585415

Yeah, banks are totally going to go with ripple labs over IBM

>> No.7585421

Some people here forget they said the same thing before Ripple reached more than 3$
>XRP 1$ now
>XRP 2$ soon
I bet you'll cry hard when it's gonna be 5. Remember, at this point nobody cares about the technology, but lambos. When the market will reach couple trilions $ and will stabilize, then we may care.

>> No.7585432

Somethings happening with Coinbase.. mostly likely XRP listing

>> No.7585465
File: 122 KB, 600x600, 1518363579031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP gone full retarded. Lmao
Trying to stop an aircraft carrier with a fishermenboat

>> No.7585509

They already are.

>> No.7585521

you don't know how ripple works then. only ripple the company can mine xrp transactions, they can choose to simply not mine any transactions to or from your address.

go learn some shit shitskin.

>> No.7585537

It's the one coin that will come to dominate them all. You'll wish you got your chubby fingers on some when it's too late.

>> No.7585557

Lolololol. Full retard detected
Now they say "but but mah ibm"

I can remember ripple is in IBM FTM division ;)
So fuck that illiquid useless fork stellar where the dev can dump BILLIONS and is giving away freee coiiinnsss

>> No.7585567

ripple can do what they like on the network. there's no such thing as consensus on the xrp network, they can change the rules whenever they like, but they don't even need to change any rules to simply freeze an account entirely.

they've already done it once (for their founder even)

>> No.7585578

No. Educate yourself or KYS.

>> No.7585597

what does ibm and another shitcoin have to do with ripple having full control over what transactions are accepted into the ledger, and full control over any consensus changes?

stellar is just a lesser used ripple.

>> No.7585616

you literally have no idea how ripple works?

could you tell me who you think is mining transactions?

>> No.7585619

They didn't freeze anything for the founder. They contacted Bitstamp to ask them to hold the funds. Dude moved his XRP and sold it, without any freezing, you complete and utter brainlet. However, Bitstamp "froze" the fiat cash, because that dude broke an agreement. They're now letting them battle it out in court.

No one can freeze XRP. Ripple can't hold your XRP. Ripple can't dump their XRP. You can host a validator yourself if you want to.,

Fuck yourself, faggot.

>t. literal brainlet

>> No.7585634

Buttcorn soybois in the house.
Pink wojaks all over the place in late 2018

>> No.7585661

You can probably make money off of this thing in the short term. Doesn't mean it can't also be a piece of shit.

>> No.7585683

yes, as opposed to ripple where the founders and company have no coins to dump

oh wait

>> No.7585693

and what good is a validator when a pending transaction is as good as invisible when ripple's validators are the only ones that provide consensus?

ripple is simply as if bitcoin only had one miner, say coinbase, and they can do basically what they want when it comes to including transactions in blocks. now sure they cant necessarily steal your coins or change balances (although ripple sets the consensus rules so they technicall can), but in this scenario coinbase can simply blacklist outputs, or in ripple's cases addresses and ignore any transactions to or from that address.

that doesn't break consensus, and is something that can happen with miner collutson in bitcoin today, but with ripple, you don't need any pesky collusion when there's only one player who gets to decide which addresses are good and bad.

hope that clears it up for you!

>> No.7585702
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>> No.7585750

Yeah, thanks. Thankfully I'm not a paranoid anarcho-communist who wants to get rid of the G man. I see it as a digital asset that has a high chance of being adopted and as a technological step forward.

>> No.7585762

great well thought response anon, you really won me over

>> No.7585763

this comparison is retarded.
The only reason for the fee is to prevent spam.
xrp and xlm are shitcoins, but ripple will do better since their massive supply is locked up in escrow.
Jed can dump another 18 million XLM onto the market and make you lose 50% whenever the fuck he wants lmao.

and he's done it before.

>> No.7585836

absolutely, and it's been incredibly lucrative in the past 6 months. its the people that seem to have it confused as something other than a company's api that are going to get burnt.

>> No.7585910

ripple's main product are their private networks anyway, once they get done dumping enough of their owned xrp they're going to care a lot less about pumping their public network, and get back to their original product, which is selling private networks to banks and institutions.

>> No.7586003

0 knowledge.
Anon is masturbating all day and thinking that hes finance genius

>> No.7586058

well i've done very well over the past 5-6 years. well enough to not need to try and jump on every pumping coin.

>> No.7586140

Congrats. Nobody was asking.

>> No.7586151

well you seemed to be very concerned with what i'm up to, thought i would correct your misconceptions :)

>> No.7586185

Vitalik already confirmed XRB (now NANO) to be the buggiest ERC20 token he has seen. The code from XRB allowed ETH to be double and triple spent on Mercatox, Bitgrail and now Binance.

This cancer is going to get rid of itself.

>> No.7586191
File: 105 KB, 645x729, 1517774017973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job

>> No.7586194

i dont think you understand what an erc-20 token is

>> No.7586201

wow, nice meme friend!

>> No.7586249
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, 1515063646588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!

-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%

-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).

>> No.7586261
File: 959 KB, 1597x891, ScreenClip.png.0c53f2c89330ed521f911dbfd94d71dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7586275

>how do we get rid of this cancer?
Get rid of governments, corporations and banks. Look at this coin...wait till you see the...oh no no no no... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

>> No.7586279

yes, it's trivial to build a highly scalable network that can't be attacked easily from the outside when you create an api and let the public use it.

but you don't really think ripple is competing for the same markets, do you?

>> No.7586291
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>> No.7586302

I agree that's intentionally misleading. Also it's so unfair to compare transfer speed and fees.
#1 they think it's a fast and better crypto that banks will use
#2 they think it's possible for the price to go to 1000
#3 they think it would be used for normal payments. It is clear that it's not intended for that, but in interviews the CEO intentionally doesn't make that clear and talks rubbish when asked about it.

>> No.7586307

;_; my two biggest holds are NXT and XRP

>> No.7586324

not to mention all the privacy laws that would have to be rewritten for institutions and governments to use a public network like xrp.

>> No.7586358

Nr1 priority for ripple? Regulators and governments ;).
Fuckboi here isnt finished with loading his bags.
Just ignore him. Obvious butthurt

>> No.7586367

they don't really think, they look at the price and go "wow cheap coin!", forgetting how much it's risen relative to bitcoin over the past few months.

ripple private networks are generally good tech, but their xrp product was only launhed off the hype of bitcoin, and generally isn't something financial institutions are interested in, given that public networks (even when centralized in the case of xrp) pose serious regulatory hurdles that aren't going to go away for many many years.

>> No.7586396

isn't it past your bedtime?

how much would your butt hurt if i told you've been holding xrp since late 2015? doesn't change the facts of what i'm saying though.

>> No.7586426

Thats what ive thought. Just tell me you arent finished with loading up your bags so i be quite ;)

>> No.7586428

Once the banks, corporations and governments start using it everybody else will too. The only other coin with meaningful adoption and market cap will be Monero. XRP is excellent at everything except privacy.

>> No.7586465

Will change when pathshuffle is operational ;)
In case you didnt know

>> No.7586471
File: 46 KB, 192x334, 1518441578201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP trying to make you faggots miss out on the big happening happenin dis week

I like you goys, do don't miss out

>> No.7586512

XRP is already compliant with those laws. It's 99% of other cryptocurrency that wanted to be rebels. There's no time for them to comply with regulations. Everyone has already chosen their side. Monero will do well because of its privacy and adoption by the black market.

>> No.7586516

not accumulating at these prices though. i dumped the majority of it over 20k sats. missed the summer bubble because i was on holiday, thankfully it had another just last month.

apart from ethereum its been my biggest earner, pretty fantastic buy for what was less than 10k at the time. i hold no delusions about what xrp is and what it's realistic potentials are, however.

the regulatory hurdles for xrp are incredibly high though. ripple would have a far easier time getting them all to agree on a private trusted network, like their original goal of getting rid of SWIFT.

>> No.7586533

Thanks - I've never heard of pathshuffle. I will look into it.

>> No.7586560

its a public network though, they would need to isolate themselves and therefore wouldn't even be touching xrp, not to mention they would probably get special treatment with zero fee txs, since ripple can arrange that for them.

and that's ignoring the many regulations certain institutions have on txs being publicly available. i agree they're in a better position than say, bitcoin, but they're a world away from being in compliance.

pretty sure that screenshot was floating around before bcash was even a thing.

>> No.7586565

>ripple would have a far easier time getting them all to agree on a private trusted network,
That is their exact strategy. Xcurrent is roads. Xrapid is cars. Ripple is building roads throughout the banking system. When the roads are built, everyone will want to drive cars.

>> No.7586578

that will definitely isolate any public txs from institutional ones on the public network though. no way governments will touch any of that shit.

>> No.7586584

yes, none of this has anything to do with the public network though.

>> No.7586593

Probably...probably...meanwhile, XRP is being tested and used in production, and xcurrent is spreading throughout the banking system.

>> No.7586622

Can you explain what would be noncompliant or illegal about using a public network?

>> No.7586625

a lot of things are being tested. it's easy to test things because only the tech matters. once you start dealing in customer funds and interbank transfers across regulatory borders, everything turns into molasses.

>> No.7586657

Promote NuBits. It's a decentralized version of XRP with a fixed price on the Dollar.

So it has all the benefits of XRP and all the benefits of Tether, without the shortcomings of either.

The more popular NuBits becomes, the less valuable XRP will be.

>> No.7586668

What a pain in the ass this guy is. Lmao
Long way from reddit to /biz

>> No.7586671

Nah we're good.

>> No.7586674

they wouldn't be allowed to touch funds not inside their existing network, for instance. the same way you as an individual cannot simply make a transaction on the swift network, you must be a trusted compliant institution to get access to the network. that isn't going to change anytime soon, and ensures that if a public network was used, it would effectively be a private network within the public network.

>> No.7586682

nubits had a decent idea, unfortunately they never got the traction needed and after that huge decoupling they had a year or two ago a lot of people lost interest.

>> No.7586684

Bagholder Spotted

>> No.7586705

>pegged asset

>> No.7586822

Maybe banks won't be able to trade XRP through retail exchanges like binance, and will have to use certain "liquidity providers" that are only for banks/corporations. There are no laws or regulations preventing them from buying or selling XRP right now. Ripple has been selling XRP directly to banks and corporations for years. In many cases giving it away for free to encourage testing, much like an intelligent drug dealer. Many banks hold it and have non-disclosure agreements.

>> No.7586851

xrp has mostly been giving it away, or "selling" it for pennies on the dollar, which is the only carrot they really have to offer these companies.

but them using xrp defeats the entire point, they simply can't touch xrp given how volatile it is, it makes for a terrible interbank currency.

effectively they would have to use their own trustlines with some other currency, dollars, or that one currency thats priced based on a basket of others, whatever it's called.

>> No.7586854

I also dont like it its opposite of what we are trying to achieve with blockchain. More and more money is flowing into Digibyte which is fastest UTXO blockchain, has actually so many benefits over the others...

>> No.7586881

im sorry anon but digibyte is a meme, and high throughput can only come from centralized api coins like ripple, or offchain transactions with onchain settlement.

blockchains are simply a terrible way to make many small instantaneous transactions.

>> No.7586907
File: 67 KB, 1431x444, Screenshot_2017-11-24-19-27-39-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7586976

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 turds per second, 24x7.
-Shit channels can process 10s of 1000s of turds per second.

-A standard turd costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably flushed.

Fuck off you niggercuntfaggotassbetamalecocksucker

>> No.7586980
File: 79 KB, 490x585, 1516955896575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys jew puppet

>> No.7587005

Giving it away or selling it for cheap is an intelligent strategy. It's one of the many reasons I'm all-in on XRP.

I dont believe price volatility is an issue for 4-second transactions. Moreover, Ripple says they are considering a price guarantee hedging service for those who do care about whatever volatility there is in 4 seconds. Price volatility is only an issue for the companies that will serve as "liquidity providers" because they will need to hold inventory. Selling XRP cheaply or giving it away for free allows more companies to serve as a liquidity providers because their position is always profitable.

>> No.7587095
File: 52 KB, 350x500, tether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Schlomo

>> No.7587115

not when its the only way you can get banks to go through with testing it.

i still dont see xrp as being any better than simply using usd though at that point. both are publicly traded yet centralized assets, only one will have a significantly lower volatility and very little counterparty risk.

and with rippling, you dont even need to trust the sending bank, which goes back to my original point that even in the theoretical universe where banks all agree to use a publicly accessible and visible ledger, they won't be able to interact with any funds not already inside their circle of trust.

>> No.7587269

Bread Garlichouse has said that XRP will first be adopted by smaller banks that transfer alot of illiquid foreign currencies. That's why the first adopters are in Asia and Central/South America. Once these smaller banks prove that it works and saves lots of money, more banks and corporations will join the bandwagon.

>> No.7587369

xrp gonna get to 1.30 this week don't believe me just watch BRAP