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756256 No.756256 [Reply] [Original]

Are we in a tech bubble?
If so, when will the crash happen?

>> No.756284

Sometime soon, the cellphone market is about to shit the bed. There's no new gadgetry innovation (hur dur look at my smart watch/this thing knows my heart rate), cellphones are fucking on par with a PC (to the pleb consumer), and "there's an app for that" is literally the truth. Now is when all competition starts dying out, and the mega brands start their genocide of all the niche markets.

They slow burn, and in my opinion things have been drawn out way too long. Sell your tech stock.

>> No.756298


Yes, you know it when you have fucktards like the guy running Snapchat turning down 2 billion dollars anticipating that his useless idea will live on to end of time. Hint: It won't and will probably crash and burn in a few years.

You can say the same for all these useless app companies. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars are being pumped into what is essentially a black hole for money, businesses who have a shaky plan at best for generating profit (Snapchat? How is that EVER going to generate sizable profit apart from ads which will scare people away?). VC's invest because they think it's going to be the next Facebook, but in reality it's all the same useless shit. Of course, you sometimes have legit ideas like Uber but for every good start-up you have thousands of shit ones which are unfortunately getting too much money pumped into them and are not generating any returns.

If this isn't a bubble then I don't know what is. People are eventually going to pull out of this massive blackhole, and that's when the shit starts to hit the fan and the tech bubble finally pops for the second time.

>> No.756310

I realize it is going to go down.
I want to do a short, but I'm fairly new to trading.

>> No.756378

Well atleast you know what 'shorting' is, unlike most noobs on this board. You can't predict when the next crash is going to happen. In january everyone was saying the stock market will shit itself in april, now they are saying september.

>> No.756446

They keep saying a crash is going to happen. Stock market goes down a few days, then within a week we are back to record highs. Buy the dips and accept your easy 10 percent.

>> No.756482

Yeah, I'm thinking now just wait until it bursts and then buy more stable stocks like Google, Facebook, IBM, etc.

Those stocks will take a hit, but the market will recover in the long run.

>> No.756498


Only some 5% of VC investments break-even also, but are immensely profitable. Alot of their investments are useless crap.

>> No.756500


>10 percent

I don't remember no 10% dip lately

>> No.756505

>The Year of our Lord 2014
>The S&P 500 index
>19th September: 2010
>15th October: 1862
>20th November: 2052

10,2% gain in roughly one month

>> No.756508

But there was a 2.5% dip, covering 3 months. Extrapolate and there is 10% for the year.

>> No.756645

Don't short a bull market if u r a noob