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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 800x536, lebubblechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7558515 No.7558515 [Reply] [Original]

Hourly reminder.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.7558782

>media attention

>> No.7558829

nigga my 70 year old grandpa wanted to buy eth, we are well passed awareness phase

>> No.7558876
File: 439 KB, 2136x1974, 1517955701468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 4 Btc.
Not pulling out untill 100k.
Go moon !

>> No.7558878
File: 332 KB, 1440x1779, 1518243950535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah

>> No.7558918

Crypto has had media attention for over 5 years now, and has gone through multiple "bubbles." Retards keep trying to retrofit historical stock data onto an asset that is as far removed from stocks as possible.

>> No.7559009


is your grandpa an institutional investor? Can you guys even read the damn chart?? I think we are either at first sell off or even behind it.

>> No.7559024
File: 145 KB, 1507x761, 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes goy, crypto is dead, forget it ever existed *rubs hands*

>> No.7559033

None of use are gonna make it. I started crypto this year I can guarantee it's a losing game. I'm a loser in life.

>> No.7559076

genuinely this

you are retarded if you think the meme chart applies to crypto

>> No.7559083
File: 187 KB, 825x553, The real mania graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that crypto = free money.
You aren't saying no to free money are you anon?
Don't let the FUDers fool you. I don't know what a logawhatsit is but if you set the graph to log scale it doesn't look as bad so that must be the right way to analyze everything. Don't let people try to tell you that there need to be underlying fun demon tails or whatever. The market is all about numbers and numbers don't need no demons to operate.

>> No.7559122

i like this meme pattern chart

>> No.7559127

And before that, "Institutional Investors".
Are they really in yet?
Probably VERY FEW of them just dipped their toes in.

Take note on this meme chart, the first sell off happens AFTER all institutional investors get in. It literally shows that they'll crash the market to get in cheap.

>> No.7559129

Comparing pre 2014, the real "early adopters" period, to 2017 where Coinbase was #1 in the AppStore.

>> No.7559148


this. Institutional money hasn't even joined in.

>> No.7559161

>crash the market
>small dip

fucking morons. the dip in OP's picture isn't losing 70% of it's value in a few months. We are heading to 2k.

>> No.7559169

aaaand all the mainstream media attention was mostly negative.

>> No.7559191

Bitcoin is going to hit 50K by at least December of 2018.

>> No.7559215

If takeoff is $1000 and top before the sell off is $20,000, then yes it looks like it fell that hard.
Fucking retard can even read the chart, you're supposed to zoom in, moron.

>> No.7559217

Coinbase hasn't even opened coinbase custody yet. That's the start. Then bittrex offering usd pairs.

>> No.7559274

That doesn't matter, most of the normies that fomo'd in at the top were shaken out during the crash. We went from close to 1t marketcap to 4b now. The build up to a new cycle of fomo starts here.

>> No.7559290
File: 369 KB, 1440x1686, IMG_0493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plz b tru

>> No.7559301


You retards think you'll get a memo in your mailbox informing you institutional money has entered? Fucking latecoiners I swer m8, institutional money has been in for YEARS

>> No.7559311
File: 14 KB, 455x119, dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not even a 40% dip you mongrel.


>> No.7559350

Retarded dumbass can't even see how small the marketcap is baka.
Current marketcap of ALL of crypto is not even 2% of NYSE's $21 trillion marketcap.
> institutional money has been in for YEARS

>> No.7559363


are you really trying to compare this meme chart 1:1?

>> No.7559435

yea we should actually change the ratio so it fits your specific agenda

>its actually x:1, so as you can see the dip was exactly 70%.

>> No.7559517
File: 17 KB, 520x341, bitcoin-log-scale-price.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dumbass doesn't know what a logarithmic scale chart is
> Tries to prove his point with mspaint baka
Check out a proper log scale and what a crash from $10000 to $1000 looks like on the chart.

>> No.7559554

>starts here
it will probably start at half the price from here and won't hit before 2-3 years from now.

>> No.7559582

>posts one chart that has literally nothing to do with the original meme chart
>bitching over a fucking meme objective graph about how it fits his agenda

so lets just post pictures of charts now?

>> No.7559627

Fucking moron, look at the labels on the y-axis.
And let me repeat myself to you:
> Check out a proper log scale and what a crash from $10000 to $1000 looks like on the chart.

>> No.7559655


>> No.7559673

Doff won't let it happen while I'm in

>> No.7559922
File: 1.84 MB, 500x500, 1517680570588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're insane if you need a reminder everything is gonna be alright.

>> No.7560062

>still shilling, changing shit to fit his agenda

Jesus you're worse than morons using support and resistance meme lines

>> No.7560172

Didn't change shit, you're just a fucking moron who can't read a log chart.

>> No.7560284

you posted a different chart entirely and screamed



>> No.7560310
File: 9 KB, 520x341, bitcoin-log-scale-price.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really so fucking stupid I have to draw it out for you? Can't figure it out on your own from the y-axis labels?

pic related, $10000 - $1000 crash on a log chart

>> No.7560369

>he posted a third chart

nigger what are you even doing? we're talking about how dump OP is for for thinking this shit is just a dip, yet you fucking bagholders keep posting dumbass charts that have no relation to what he posted. you're gonna lose all your money, just accept it.

>> No.7560436

that chart confirms that many will not make it when the bubble bursts (if it hasnt already)

>> No.7560494

log is for retarded people

>> No.7560523
File: 24 KB, 480x360, cnbc hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO CNBC and other tv shows were the peak of crypto

>> No.7560524
File: 125 KB, 1856x813, 1517749626437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to?

>> No.7560526

LOL you were first arguing with your mspaint "proof", when I refute that, you change your argument.

Also, don't assume I'm holding anything dumbass, I bought at $6.5k, sold at $9k, and rebought at 8k because it bounced off of the "inverted head-and-shoulders" meme chart being posted here on /biz/.

Doesn't mean that because I swing trade that I don't recognize that institutional investors are NOT in yet.

This is NOWHERE near the dotcom bubble or the housing bubbles sizes, which are several trillions of dollars huge each. Not as many lives were ruined in this "bubble pop", probably very few, just some NEETs that have to go back to wagecucking.

Institutional whales can milk this one more time for a BIG one, a bubble similar in size to the dotcom and housing bubbles, and ruin just as many lives. Only then will I believe that the bubble has peaked.

>> No.7560583


>> No.7560634


>> No.7560659

>implying I'm reading all that

holy fuck nice paragraph. Just remember, as I leave this thread, that I won. you lost. I was right, you were wrong. Remember in the future to not post some arbitrary graph bullshit and think it applies.

Think about that as you type your response, thinking 'im gonna get this guy'. I wont read it, I will never read it, so I win, because you will never have the satisfaction of besting me. I have bested you, as I got the last word in and have won every single debate since.
I win

>> No.7560668

Sorry, forgot this one too

>> No.7560725
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, cnbc buy btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember to buy the dip!

>> No.7560735
File: 5 KB, 211x239, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucktard can't even read. Brainlet

>> No.7560778
File: 61 KB, 800x370, crypto in summary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought at $6.5k, sold at $9k, and rebought at 8k

>> No.7560801

I actually did on Wednesday.

>> No.7561337

How can that be the peak when the products and services behind the coins haven't been used yet? When bitcoin and other coins become legit payment systems at every retailer in the world, we've reached the public.

95% of the public is still in stocks and bonds. This is just the beginning.

>> No.7562203

unfortunately i think its over. we are late. it is 2018 where have we all fucking been past 8 years huh? we missed it/. fucking sucks but its time to move on and forget about all this shit. fuck.

>> No.7562374

>butthurt because he didnt buy at 6k

>> No.7562460
File: 22 KB, 453x500, jknjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't understand scale

>> No.7562503

bought at bitcoin at $1838. i have never seen such a massive bubble in my life. i had family getting into crypto that would have never given it the slightest thought. grandmothers were talking about it. it was plastered all over the news. what did i do? fucking nothing. im not mad i didnt buy at 6k...im a little disappointed i didnt sell at 16k but more than that i realize its all over now...this shit isnt coming back for a long time. at least a year or two.

>> No.7562556
File: 197 KB, 480x360, montyphyton2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When bitcoin and other coins become legit payment systems at every retailer in the world

>> No.7562934
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1517569608421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It hasn't peaked yet because it wasn't as big as the dotcom bubble