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File: 414 KB, 772x804, ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7533946 No.7533946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it legal for my boss to fire me for denying the Holocaust? Need an answer urgently because I'm supposed to have my office cleaned out by the end of Monday. This is bullshit

>> No.7533950

what country?

>> No.7533955
File: 9 KB, 222x216, 1518289677939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and good riddens you inbred retarded nazi piece of shit.

>> No.7533963


>> No.7533964

It is legal to fire an employee for being an absolute dumbass, yes.

>> No.7533967

if you deny the holocaust he can fire you for being too retarded to hold a job

>> No.7533974

well you could argue that you are retarded and thats a protected class

>> No.7533979

Probably. Fuckin kikes run everything.

>> No.7533985

never change biz

>> No.7533989

Yes, if you live in one of those New World Order countries.

>> No.7534000

>he denies the six gorillion
You deserve it, Nazi scum.

>> No.7534003


wrong board biz is full of jews take it pol and the answer is absolutely not.

>> No.7534012

>good riddens

>> No.7534013
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>> No.7534018

Yes its legal
>believing the Holohoax

>> No.7534042

That's going to depend on your state and even if discriminating based on political beliefs is illegal good luck getting a judge to view that as something other than "hate speech."

>> No.7534046

Without an employment contract a worker can be fired for any reason, including telling the truth.

>> No.7534047
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>> No.7534054

I honestly think that /pol/ is your best option

>> No.7534067

get a load of this subhuman worm

>> No.7534077
File: 41 KB, 900x440, Guy-Fawkes-Mask-From-4chan-Scientology-Protest-900x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to your safe space at /pol you fucking retarded cuck.

>> No.7534078

These, good luck anon

>> No.7534086

No, although he could just make up a reason and fire you anyway. Why does your boss know you deny the holocaust? Are you a fucking retard? You thought you could just go around redpilling your colleagues? Jesus christ man keep it subtle

>> No.7534089

Never reveal your power level

>> No.7534108
File: 599 KB, 1280x800, gettyimages-162199352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waah waah waah, did someone step on your safe zone, cuck? Faggon back to /pol and cry about the black man getting more vag than you. It's saturday after all.

>> No.7534110

*sips fedora*

>> No.7534121

Haha check out nigger brain over here!

>> No.7534124
File: 289 KB, 886x1603, Screenshot_20180210-124543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocaust denial would fall under political opinion. How'd they find out your power level?

>> No.7534130
File: 513 KB, 1200x1603, IMG_7659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for showing your power level to normies. You deserve it.

>> No.7534134

Not unless you're in Germany. Only brainlets repeat the 6 gorjillion meme. Everyone knows Auschwitz wasn't a death camp. The only reason so many died was because the allies bombed the supply trains.

>> No.7534150

I'm not the one who believes fairy tales, bet you believe the earth was created 6000 years ago too, it's every bit as plausible.

>> No.7534206

Uhm, no, sweetie. Holocaust denial is NOT political opinion?

>> No.7534213

Is this a political opinion though? It's more a question of historical validity. If someone says 9/11 didn't happen that isn't a political opinion. That being said OP is retarded several times over.

>> No.7534215

That's not a political opinion, any more than Flat Earth is a political opinion

>> No.7534236
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The irony

>> No.7534244

Is this on /biz/ because you plan on starting auschwitzcoin or what?

>> No.7534245
File: 106 KB, 443x429, gamble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the cuck who ethnically and unironically and what the fuck other meme safe word you no-future new fags use couldn't form an independent opinion.

>> No.7534258

>When you say it didnt happen, but wish it had

>> No.7534259

Lawyer here.

I don't know exactly the Australian laws but in most of the world they can't fire you for political reasons.

As far as you don't work for a jew related activity, Idk a Jew Musuem or something, in that case, depending on the laws of the country, your employer could lack of trust in you and that could be a reason for a dismissal.

>> No.7534288

unironically in Land of the Free is pretty much the only place you can say whatever you want and face no consequence

>> No.7534299

if we ever needed hard evidence that /pol/tards started frequenting /biz/ during the December bull run this is it.

Oh, and the fart sniffing memes.

>> No.7534301

Dude I am from Australia, no fucking way they can sack you for this, you can fucking sue your employer for this, what job do you do? Are you part of a union? Too be honest op you should keep your mouth shut about your political opinions at work but none the less your employer can not sake you for it also guessing there are no Jews at your work?

>> No.7534303
File: 446 KB, 750x750, 1514411776512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFO by presenting stacks upon stacks of verifiable scientific evidence
>holocaust truther
>threaten them, fire them, arrest them, then point them to a mock trial with literally zero evidence of any crimes and an statement that no proof will be required to convict
Truth does not fear investigation, but the jews fear the truth.

>> No.7534326
File: 34 KB, 600x444, HjeX9dO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice reddit spaces new fag.
Here's a tip, if you want to fire someone for being utterly retarded, the easiest thing in the world is to find a legal reason.
Firing people while keeping your own ass clean is the easiest thing in the fucking world.

>> No.7534356

I would fire you for being an idiot, you deserve it desu

>> No.7534365

Claim you are Jewish and have the 23 and me results on the way.

>> No.7534367

>tells others they couldn't form an opinion
>regurgitates nonsensical fairy tales he was told as a child
Holohoax doesn't stand up to scrutiny whatsoever.

>> No.7534376

Even the most retarded opinions are still opinions and ought to be protected by free speech.

>> No.7534386

>one of the fundamental beliefs of a modern political movement isn't a political opinion

>> No.7534392

Read the Pressac papers and tell me nobody investigated the holocaust.
(spoilers: Pressac was literally being paid by holocaust skeptics to conduct his research and ended up convinced the holocaust did happen)

>> No.7534397

>autistic thinks his moronic poltard shit doesn't come with consequences when you actually have the balls to say it not hiding behind wifi

Kys cac

>> No.7534411

Hello rebbit.

Jesus christ dude. They got you good. How is Flat Earth in anyway comparable to a disputed historical event?

>> No.7534413

>dubs confirm

>> No.7534415

which political movement denies the holocaust as a fundamental belief, exactly

>> No.7534430

What kangaroo court would ever rule in your favour though for denying that which cannot be denied. Judges don't shit where they eat, unlike OP.

>> No.7534432

My boss says his wife's great uncle died at Dachau and he was personally offended by it

>> No.7534460
File: 214 KB, 900x601, j8EmSxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> same fag same fag same fag
I bet you're so cucked that when you hire hookers you also have to hire black men to fuck them for you.

>> No.7534467

And firing because he says "Holocaust never happened" is not a legal reason, you Jew shithead.

>> No.7534484
File: 192 KB, 2000x1171, 7e4474f3bcccf5a25605827f19fedf10dc9b20a33fdaf6d05152b7030d50ec7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A long-shot candidate with a history of anti-Semitic statements and Holocaust denial is primed to represent the Republican Party in a congressional race in Illinois.

>> No.7534501

Never ever ever talk about politics and believe at work. In this world you will be fired with a bullshit reason if they label you as alt right.

Worst thing is that being a leftie is totally accepted at the work space....


>> No.7534507

Did you know that meme is supposed to be ironic?

>> No.7534509

Good, every /pol/tard deserves homelessness and misery

>> No.7534514

Holocaust didnt happen. Theres plenty of evidence it was a lie, you dont need a political opinion to see

>> No.7534526

Flat Earth would probably fall under religion, they're all hardcore creationists aren't they?

>> No.7534539

A decent lawyer could easy win this

Does your bosses wife work there, also did you say it directly to your boss?

>> No.7534542

personally I'm a flat earth atheist. there's no evidence for God, unlike how the Earth is flat

>> No.7534548
File: 24 KB, 461x403, aliens_real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read what I said you retard. When you want to fire someone, you pick a legal reason. Firing someone for being a nazi retard is a lot like firing someone for getting pregnant.
You tell them that you're cutting back, that their productivity is down, that they've gotten in too late, that they've been to sick, whatever the fuck you want.
Of course you can always involve HR, since being a nazi scumbag is actually good grounds for removing people from most teams, but why bother?

>> No.7534549

Funny that that's where your mind goes, bet you assumed that I was white too.

>> No.7534555

These fucking fake jews cannot stop the awakening. Truth always wins.

>> No.7534558

holocaust denial isn't free speech its hate speech. People denying the holocaust are almost always anti-semites. If you want political debate then criticize the policies of Israel not holocaust

>> No.7534567

earth is a toroid and 60 million jews were killed in the lolicaust, you retard.

>> No.7534569

No and yes

>> No.7534571

Kike detected. Back to the gas chambers with you, parasitic yid.

>> No.7534578

brainlet retard

tell me about the nazi masturbation machines of death, wont you

>> No.7534589

how the fuck is an employer supposed to trust such a subhuman fucking retard with anything?

Legally, in most civilized places he can easily get away with it legally as well, since your theory probably involves evil jews and their conspiracy or some shit like that, which classifies under discriminatory behavior.
On another note, denying holocaust, srsly?
Have you ever been to Auschwitz, any other death camp? Have you ever talked to someone irl who has been and survived one? You know it was not just the jews that were sent there (not even talking about racial minorities here btw.)?

>> No.7534600

>itt people who think you need to break the law to get fired
fuck off neets you are not welcome in an employment thread. OP you are fucked. If you try to push this you'll end up on the news and literally no one will hire you. Literally no one will defend over this except /pol/. Never go full retard

>> No.7534603

funny this kike is not denying the holocaust, he is literally telling you you are not allowed to, these people are the fascists.

>> No.7534606

Kill yourself.

>> No.7534609
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> pretending not to be a teenage americuck who's failed miserably at everything but found friendship in the reich.
You're all the fucking same.

>> No.7534611


we really need biz mods to clean up the /pol/ threads we don't give a fuck you cunt

>> No.7534617

>Hitler did nothing wrong!
>Gas the Jews!
>The Holocaust never happened!
explain this thought process to me

>> No.7534622
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>> No.7534625

What's wrong with wanting to kill Jews?
There isn't a single logical argument against it. You are just sperging our, because you are Jews yourselves.

>> No.7534651
File: 397 KB, 629x469, eagle 1776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, it's just that I'd rather kill nazis.

>> No.7534654

The fundamental policy of Israel is the holocaust, brainlet. It was used as a smokescreen to invade Palestine in 1947, and now as a shield against any Israeli criticism.

>> No.7534657
File: 11 KB, 320x272, 1517967370900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no bear and eagle death match in the pool
Are you even trying to show off Jew lies, anon?

>> No.7534658
File: 22 KB, 804x743, 1503206175846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wouldn't fake jews have to actually be semitic first?

>> No.7534665


>> No.7534691


>> No.7534697

Yeah because /pol/ is a fucking echo chamber

>> No.7534698

Auschwitz wasn't a death camp. Infact, the "gas chambers" had the chiney stacks added after the fact. They were delousing chambers.

>> No.7534705

56% nigger opinions aren't relevant.

>> No.7534710
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>believing this

>> No.7534717

im not even jewish lol. you fucking morons just need to learn that the same thing you hate about leftist applies to you. Stop pretending you are the disadvantaged one with everyone around you out to get you. If your life is shit its not because of jews.

>> No.7534749

Seriously, the fucking kikes are literal Ashkenazi's from the Khazar region. They were pagans who converted to Judaism

>> No.7534762

Are you fucking retarded anon

>> No.7534767

>Y-you'really just a failure
Own my own home and have enough passive income to never have to work another day if I so choose. Keep swinging champ.
Hitler did a lot wrong, the biggest one was not gassing the jews, there were also military blunders.

>> No.7534779

Depends. In right to work states they can fire you forl looking at them the wrong way

>> No.7534795

you deserve to be fired you anti-semitic Nazi scum.

>> No.7534805


>> No.7534815
File: 76 KB, 640x479, img_8487.jpg?w=640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believing what? There are eyewitness accounts of jews talking about nazi masturbation machine that would masturbate you to death. And if you don't believe them you're a nazi holocaust denier and should be put in prison!

It's so unbelievable you cant even take it seriously, imagine that.

>> No.7534820

Do you work around customers, like so you have to deal with customers because if so would be hard to fight, your employer could easily say your comment unset customers which in turn could damage his company

>> No.7534840

That's a great injustice OP, you should take this to another level, get money from /pol/ for a big lawsuit and appear all over national tv and social media, you will win the case for sure, become famous and strike back at the Jews

>> No.7534843 [DELETED] 

I'm the third highest rank in our PR department

>> No.7534871
File: 64 KB, 750x633, 1511986464888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what else there are eye witness accounts of?

nazi masturbation machines


>> No.7534873
File: 192 KB, 1012x803, anonafags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself my dude

>> No.7534883

Yes and you deserve It you illiterate faggot

>> No.7534890
File: 383 KB, 1278x1012, RD1y4zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you believe it? YOU FUCKING NAZI SHITLORD

>> No.7534888

Being anti-semite is free speech as well, kike.

>> No.7534894

Yeah, implying labor unions and judges would let you do it without verifications.
If OP is not late to work, it's not completely incompetent or there are no legitimate reasons (at least speaking for the laws and the Costitution of my country) they won't let fire him, even if he's a Nazi (after all he only saying that he doesn't believe in the holocaust is not discrimination or mobbing to jew coworkers, it's just his political opinion).

>> No.7534898

I'm the third highest rank in our PR department

>> No.7534908
File: 41 KB, 448x480, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp faggot.

>> No.7534934

In France you would be fired and the judge would probably make you pay something to a jew association.
They run everything here, you cant talk about them or you are automaticaly an antisemite.

>> No.7534947

Also denying the holocaust is not fucking hate speech you Retards, for fuck sakes. Also no I am not a holocaust denier. Saying all Jews should be gasped, that's fucking hate speech you fuck tards

>> No.7534955
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>posting this unironically

>> No.7534963


>> No.7534980

Jews use the holocaust for political leverage, any attempt to disarm them is considered holocaust denial. Jews can remove my national monuments and internationally slander my nations most revered Christian poets as antisemitic all in the name of their precious holocaust. The US alone is responsible for at least a handful of more holocausts with way more non white people brutally, systematically murdered based on race or political affiliation. What is the relevance of the holocaust, a crime committed by a dead ideology while the ideologies still ruling us are responsible for way more death? Jews love talking about the holocaust so much and the way the talk about it seem like they probably jerk off to it.

I should be able to say the holocaust didn't happen, it's a political stance based on probably wrong information but still a political stance and still protected speech.

>> No.7534989
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>normie bugman short-circuiting
Are you even human?

You're the one who believe in it you literal mouthbreathing invalid

>> No.7534990
File: 51 KB, 603x441, manly leopard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> b-b-but labour unions
Well you know, that's socialism, so naturally nazi cucks aren't members.
I do love your belief in the system though, I guess you're really fucking young, because the system protects it's own and doesn't give a shit about some wagecuck getting fired.

>> No.7535005

All I can say is you should be in a union faggot, this is a lesson learnt. Join a fucking union op for fuck sakes

>> No.7535033
File: 14 KB, 252x200, 1517554536832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple brainlet, the holocaust never happened, but it should have.

>> No.7535039
File: 14 KB, 256x300, IMG_1396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deny Armenian genocide?
You can have a political talkshow.
>deny commie crimes against humanity?
You can teach kids about the wonders of communism as a professor.
>deny the holocaust?
NO GOYIM THIS IS THE ONE THING YOU MUST NEVER QUESTION! HOW DARE YOU! I'm sorry but I'll have to call your boss, mr. Shekelstein, and inform him about your wrongthink.

How come you can question anything you want, about everything, but it's literally illegal to question the holocaust in Europe?

>> No.7535050

Don't deny one of the most well documented events in history. Probably felt that you are a danger to yourself and most likely others in the work place if you deny the Holocaust.

>> No.7535058

Are you an “at-will” employee? If so, absolutely nothing you can do. And even if not they have a good basis for firing you which would likely be that you don’t fit into the company culture/are a disruption to other employees. You are protected by firing for the following reasons:
>race or percieved race, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, union association
So basically no it is not illegal to fire you for being a holocaust denier.
Also this denail is 101% retarded by this point in time. Shit definitely happened.
They want it to be a hoax so that jews can no longer claim victimhood because of it.

>> No.7535093
File: 379 KB, 817x1200, PEH4mJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that hitler was a cuck who did nothing but lose a war?

>> No.7535097

>let's go back to our safespace
I agree with him. You have to go back

>> No.7535105
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1517821964605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking politics at work
That's what you get dumbass

>> No.7535111

racist meme frogdubs confirm

>> No.7535119

>one of the most well documented events in history
>not a single documented photo of a gas chamber exists

>> No.7535121
File: 26 KB, 213x214, 1518052208821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-because it's so true that you shouldn't even be allowed to make sure.

>> No.7535125

Pepes are white. Pepe is a frog, frogs are french. Please refrain from unauthorized use of this meme in the future, else we might have to call you a nigger.

>> No.7535140

6 million couldn't even be cremated with today's commercial ovens, yet the kikes expect you to believe that they were putting multiple bodies in the ovens. Fucking joke. The ovens were to cremate the dead to limit disease you kike cuck

>> No.7535145

Here we have collective agreements for workes, even if our Nazi boy is not signed, he still take advantage.
And a protection against illigimate firings, the employer would even pay him an allowance.
OP could buy the Mein Kampf with the allowance, keep it at work and the employer could do absolutely nothing about it.

>> No.7535164
File: 999 KB, 296x259, 1509862828839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heheheh literally never even heard of this shit until now and the ironic thing is the only person spoutin crap about nazi masturbation machines is yourself. And apparently because some retard posted some inaccurate info in a book to sell more copies suddenly disproves one of the biggest events in human history or something.

I'm really not sure what you think, but it seems retarded, so have another meme.

>> No.7535168


>> No.7535179

>nonono that’s not a gas chamber it’s a shower

>> No.7535196

never talk politics at work

>> No.7535200

Nice job champ, you got one right for once. Faggot couldn't even win an election, him being held up as some great leader/notorious bogeyman is pretty hilarious.
>b-but muh economic miracle
Yeah and so was Venezuela for a couple years, shit would have fallen apart within another decades at max.

>> No.7535241

> i got fired for wishing some of my boss's clients death
> can i legally get fired for that?

>> No.7535267

Actually Hitler did win an election, but he was unable to form a majority government in the Reichstag.

>> No.7535268
File: 66 KB, 620x412, 60d8672b24d0bf0379cd047bac032357_donald-trump-youre-ffff-youre-fired-memes_620-412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot, lets state the facts first
Secondly now that your boss knows that you are a massive brainlet he will fire you for any other thing he can find as soon as you fuck up

There is a timeline where u didn't browse /pol/ where u might have held the job

>> No.7535269


>> No.7535274
File: 713 KB, 1200x960, 306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying that pepe wasn't born as a libtard symbol...

>> No.7535282

why are you denying the holocaust OP. 6 million jewish lives were lost you idiot! your hateful views are not welcome anywhere!

>> No.7535284
File: 836 KB, 149x181, 1510478796189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre fired too

>> No.7535286

There's clearly mountains of bullshit about it and not swallowing it all is considered holocaust denial which is illegal in at least Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Switzerland.

>> No.7535296

>one of the biggest events in human history
Yeah, nah. I don't deny the holocaust, but come on man. Even if the 6 million figure is true, it would have merely been a footnote in human's violent history, weren't if for a certain (((group))) pushing it and reminding people of it for decades. The holocaust is a political chip for jews. Their whole religion is built on persecution (real or perceived) and needs it to sustain itself.

>> No.7535304

Nope, Hindenburg beat him. He was appointed.

>> No.7535309
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Depends on what you consider "cuck" to mean but he was too patient with people that wanted him destroyed. Haavara agreement is some evidence of that, despite Jews declaring war on germany before any war had actually begun.

I guess uncle Adolf was just a big ol' softy but hindsight is 20/20

>> No.7535315
File: 8 KB, 249x189, 1518247728474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let you in on a secret. I'm a manager in Scandinavia, the most fucking unionionenenened place you'll find on earth and I can fire people for being pregnant if I claim they're unproductive.
The union may complain but the union has no power anymore.
The capital is in control and you nazicucks hold nothing but memes.

>> No.7535334

Welp, this is a new LARP for the day

>> No.7535348

Might want to brush up on your history


>> No.7535350

Fuck it op, post this on pol and the name of the company, they will have their way with them, no it won't get your job back but atleast you will feel better after pol fuck them over, pol would be all over this shit. But it's bullshit op, it was like a couple of months ago when that bitch sakes that guy because he was openly speaking about voting no for the same sex marriage. Fucking bullshit. Talk to a lawyer op and tell pol about this bullshit

>> No.7535351

Truth fears no investigation, but you go to jail for questioning the holocaust in Germany and in other places get socially outcasted. This is incredible to me. You can question literally any other massacre and not face that kind of taboo but question the kikes and society slams you shut with all its weight.

>> No.7535357
File: 1.23 MB, 500x281, 1506069951260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not America
>not protected by the Constitution
>not an opportunity to challenge the Jews' subversion of the Constitution

>> No.7535403
File: 26 KB, 343x336, _sasha_139419734815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a timeline where his boss browses /pol/ and they shook hands.

>> No.7535411

Ta livet av dig.

>> No.7535417

I doubt you can be arrested for denying nazi masturbation machines but if so that's fucking hilarious and would restore my faith in humanity a little.

Whether you agree it is or not is irrelevant to the fact that it is regarded as such internationally and is also well documented.

>> No.7535421

We shall see you fucking nigga, the unions are coming back and going to fuck you cunts right in the ass faggot. Hope you feel like a scum bag for waking people over bullshit. Hope you get hit by a car to be honest

>> No.7535450

>We got 500 calls about jews today
>Wow wonder who did that? Could it be the holocaust denier we just fired?
How to actually break the law after being fired for a legally justified reason

>> No.7535474

If you're not in the US, absolutely. If you're in a right to work state, absolutely. If you're not in a right to work state, technically no but they can get away with it because no one is going to stand up for a Holocaust denier.

>> No.7535488

>Truth fears no investigation

Read the leuchter reports you imbeciles. While your at it watch the work of David Cole.
And you will know why OP is not a faggot

>> No.7535504
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> claims the unions are coming back
> the unions are bleeding members
lul, the only one who's rollin in is the fucking rich bitch chinks

>> No.7535565


There is evidence for other massacres so there is no risk if someone denies it. There is zero real evidence for the holocaust so there has to be a witch hunt

>> No.7535639
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stay woke and hail victory

>> No.7535679

Nope not breaking the law if op is not doing it fuck tard, God you cunts are pussies, I have a Muslim at work and I can talk any shit I want about Islam, as long as it is not directly aimed at him. I can fucking say Islam is a horrible religion and their is nothing he can do, nothing. For fuck sakes I wrote Allah loves fucking pigs, still have my job cunts

>> No.7535722

>would restore my faith in humanity a little.
>legislating thought crime is great
Thanks. The hate I feel for you in this moment is a great emotional reminder that you must be stopped at all cost. Fuel for the gas chambers.

>> No.7535731

you should be fired just for thinking it was a good idea to do that in the first place. it instantly proves that youre a braindead twat and no one wants a brain dead twat in his company

>> No.7535846

It is not about agreeing, it's about objectively assessing, something that does not happen to anything holocaust related.

>well documented
You'd be surprised.

>> No.7535871

Homo detected, with out the unions cunt I would not be making $50+. So tell me how many times this week you sucked off your boss to keep your job. My boss asked me to work all day Saturday and Sunday, I told him to get fucked, you know why because I am apart of the union and he knows that their ain't shit he can do

>> No.7535888

kek stay mad goyim

>> No.7535913

$50+ an hour

>> No.7535942

hate speech is free speech you clown. didnt the supreme court say so? And even if not an American, a little reason could tell you that speech is just speech. Hate speech? What does that even mean. When saying i deny the 6 gorillion claim by holocaust promoters, am I threatening violence in any way? No I am not. You are just an angry little semite.

>> No.7535945
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This whole post is hilarious, you're the perfect mindless drone

>> No.7535963


What company do you work for mate?

>> No.7535969

no masturbation machine?

>> No.7535976
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Yes reddit fag, there is no edit here.

>> No.7535998

I'm not mindless. I'll have you know that I personally know at least 17 frogs who were turned homosexual through no choice of their own.

>> No.7536020

>Hey guise call my employer and talk shit
>It wasn’t me, your honor

>> No.7536068
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I'm sure you personally transgendered them because it's the progressive thing to do after all