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7527531 No.7527531 [Reply] [Original]

Is the stock market easy to profit off?
How much revenue can an average Joe make in, say, a month of trading and investing?

>> No.7527563
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Average Joe usually does not make shit trading and investing

>> No.7527591

This unless you park the money for years. And by years I mean decades.

>> No.7527629

How the hell do average iq people who are not Jewish make profits?
I see lots of younger guys who aren't even educated or intelligent, making a ton of money off the stock market which they spend on expensive cars and hookers.
How the hell?

>> No.7527632

From 2008 to 2018, average Joe could have made money just throwing funds at anything. 2018 till probably 2030 there is no chance to make money on the stock market. You can try bonds, but probability greece situations happen all over the planet is given

>> No.7527670

I am dirt poor to begin with so I have nothing to lend to kikes. I would need to work and save money.

>> No.7527680

It's not difficult to make small gains. Large gains require a booming industry, such as Canadian marijuana. That's the only sector that has posted crypto style gains in recent months (crypto style crashes too).

>> No.7527769


have you considered that perhaps they actually are educated and/or intelligent?

>> No.7527828

Anyone can make money with stocks. The rules are:
- have a long investment horizon (30-40 years if you are young)
- put new money in on regular basis (weekly or monthly) REGARDLESS of current prices
- put extra money in when drops happen, say at -5%, again at -10%
Do this and you literally cannot lose.

>> No.7527851

No, these are your average horny fucktard with shit for brains, smoking cannabis, going to nightclubs and having sex with whore women, throwing precious money out the window on the dumbest things. Their iq is probably in the 90s.
But they are successful nonetheless.
Is it motivation that allows them to be successful?
With successful niggers who we know have an 80 iq, it's Mr. Goldberg who produce their financial success.

>> No.7527867

Is this the equivalent of buy high, sell low but for stocks?

>> No.7527902


>> No.7527932

you just defined a ponzi scheme.
>I would need to work and save money.
There you go, that's your answer. Make yourself independent, don't be someones wage slave

>> No.7527973

I started in august made like 28-30%

The trick is to look for opportunities everywhere read ideas, and when a good stock is beaten down take advantage of a dip.

It is easy to profit off stocks but it will be very slow if you play it safe. My strategy is placing large buys and forget diversification just focus on what you know will do well in the next year or two.

>> No.7527986

>There you go, that's your answer. Make yourself independent, don't be someones wage slave
I meant I would need to be mildly rich to begin with to even enter the game. I couldn't just buy bonds with 100 dollars I have left in the bank

>> No.7528133

Explain how I defined a ponzi. Name any 30 year time period and I will show you that you would've made 3 to 10% annually.

>> No.7528148

Do you know any of these guys personally? Do you have any non-anecdotal evidence to prove that their IQ is in the 90s? Also, the fact that they go out clubbing and have game indicates that they understand people, and psychology definitely plays a role in the movements of financial markets.

>> No.7528174

Your average ETF will outperform a professional day trader in the long run EVERY time. This has been shown to be true for DECADES. Buy into the entire market through ETF/index funds and hold.

The only way you will make more money than an ETF consistently by picking singles is if you have insider information. This is just a fucking fact.

Rule #2 is never try and time the market. Constantly investing regardless of the state of the market has been shown to outperform trying to time it. This as well is just a fucking fact that brokers and day traders don't wan't to come to terms with because they will be out of a fucking job.

Sure, sometimes on their good days they will have 20%, but average that over a decade or two and the ETF wins.

This guy gets it.

This guy might actually be retarded.

>> No.7528235

I have a feeling I matched a description of you and it's offending you. Am I right?
There's no way a socialite is intelligent. Intelligent people just aren't social, or at least not that social. And their character and choices in life shows that they can't be intelligent.
Well, maybe they are socially intelligent as you imply but that's about all.

>> No.7528244

Don't do stock picking. Not with more than 10% of your portfolio at least. Do it for fun but buy index trackers for the long term gains. The vast majority of actively managed funds can't outperform the market so it's best to assume you can't either.

>> No.7528265

why are you bullshitting? FAANG or BAT stocks do ~50 % every year.

>> No.7528305

i invest in stocks, I pick them... for example FAANG, BAT, Cisco, EA, ATVI... and I do well... because I know all of them well and know what I'm doing and that they grow each year. And make tens of % each year.

>> No.7528326

Your assumptions imply a growing number of participants in your ponzi scheme. Reality is, growth in the west is declining and without western help, growth in shitholes wouldn't exist. The last straw of importing subhumans backfired as they are not productive, show no intention to participate and expect to live on gibs, like in their shitholes.

In addition, you suggest to keep on feeding the ponzi with value from production, while production stays the same or is even declining. The method of printing cheap FIAT and selling cheap debt to grow the ponzi is also backfiring, as we've seen in 2008 and will see over 2018. Boomer and early Gen X paradigms have always been lies. Have fun pumping your declining productivity in markets with a declining number of participants.

In a side note, no, marketing and story telling to motivate others to buy your bags has failed to.

>> No.7528347

They invest other people's money and get fee income.

>> No.7528380

You won't be able to beat the market consistently over a 30 year time period. Just being honest man

>> No.7528394 [DELETED] 

We have a free to join group for ALL like minded investors. I’d really like you to join as I see your messages are full of value. There will be absolutely NO VIP/premium subscription membership B.S.

It will be FREE forever. The group is fun and also Crypto oriented with LESS Spam, would you like to join? We don’t need 15,000 people, 100 contributing traders is enough. I'm only asking people I think will bring value to the community

|discord| |dot| gg (/) WMwVeW5

>> No.7528446

Nice incoherent rambling. Let me ask you, what do you think will be the average yearly return of the Dow in the next 10 years?

>> No.7528452

Not wageslaving is retarded?

>> No.7528495

Buying world stock market is still the logical choice to make money. If the whole world goes to shit, you have worse problems than losing money.

>> No.7528509
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>He thinks Jews are importing low iq third worlders into Western country because they believe that the low iq third worlders can fix economic and population decline disasters created and orchestrated by the Jews

>> No.7528717

Over a 30-40 year time period, you can expect 6 to 8% annually

>> No.7528754

>If the whole world goes to shit, you have worse problems than losing money.
that's the point

>> No.7528876

Bet you love gold & crypto

>> No.7528974

No. Guns, ammo, food and property. And no, not talking about an unproductive weapon and food industry.

>> No.7529044

> Am I right?
Not really. I'm just fascinated by people's need to force other people into boxes. When you do this and you don't have conclusive evidence to back it up, you can end up believing that your subjective opinion is actually objective fact. If your opinions are strongly held, yet misinformed, your model of the world will have deviated from the norm and this clouds your ability to make meaningful inferences.

You're really doubling down on your beliefs, which isn't a great sign for your future success if you're actually wrong. And nothing you've told me about these people is necessarily based in fact. Unless you actually know these people personally and interact with them on a daily basis, you're unfortunately on the outside looking in, which means your judgements are likely going to be shallow and largely driven by emotion.

Despite being a turbonerd I have a wide friend circle, and my friends come from all different walks of life, and there isn't any one set of traits that I can put together to weed the brainlets from the autists. I work as a software developer for a large firm and at least a few of my colleagues definitely tick all the boxes in your sub-90 IQ checklist, but I can absolutely guarantee that they are anything but.

You strike me as quite young. You also sound confused and angry and entitled. I don't really know how to help you with that. At least without everyone piling on me and calling me a cuck. But I hope you end up finding whatever it is that will make you happy and content, for what it's worth.

>> No.7529115

>force other people into boxes
Some women have penises, some Brits are dark-skinned and with a name like Muhammad. Don't put people in boxes, don't generalize.

>> No.7529464

What exactly is an ETF? I have a hand picked portfolio that is underperforming the index’s and I’ve realized I can’t beat the market. I mostly invested in proven REITs for higher monthly dividends. If I ever do make a ton of money off of crypto I’d like a portion of my passive income to be from monthly dividend stocks.

>> No.7529587
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Generalisations have their time and place, and I don't think this is the time. Unless of course you just wanted to come here and vent and hear your own opinions echoed back at you for vindication or catharsis. It's definitely the right place for that ;D

If your intention for creating this thread actually goes beyond mere attention seeking, then my advice would be for you to start challenging your beliefs. If that's too painful for you, then maybe you can start with re-framing your idea of what intelligence actually is.

Heck, have you actually tried asking any of these people how they do so well on the stock market? That's probably not a bad place to start.

Ooh, I think I heard a BRAAP off in the distance. I must be leaving now. Good luck!

>> No.7529595

It is basically and index fund that you buy a share of. REITs are great as well.


an s&p 500 ETF like the spider, VOO, or UPRO follows the s&p almost exactly.

>> No.7529668

that means ill be a multimillionaire by the time i retire. feels good

>> No.7529736 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7529930

So far you have established that
>you are poor
>but hurt that "niggers and average iq people" have more money than you
>thinks that social people are less intelligent

Pro tip get a job that pays over 70k. save up 6 months rent and 10k+ in savings then invest 10% of your monthly income into Crypto and do whatever you want with the rest.

> "kek anon I don't want to wageslavem, how do I get a job that pays that much anyway?"
- and you are the one criticizing niggers lmao

You either need time or money to make money.
So you either buy 100 USD of VEN and hope it gets to 50 dollars in a year then re-invest while being on free gibs or you can man the fuck up either educate yourself and get a nice paying job or work your ass off and live like a monk / save.

80% of the millionaires in the USA earn 70-100k a year.

It isn't rocket science just budget your funds and make smart choices.

>> No.7530193
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Not wasting money on pussy.

>> No.7530360

Gotcha, thank you for taking the time to answer. I know I could’ve just spun myself up on it but I like engaging in discussion.

>> No.7530534

>unemployment reached the local minimum
>market finally realizing it's not all gains all the time
Some of you guys are okay.
Don't go into equities this year.