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7510360 No.7510360 [Reply] [Original]

would you kys if you were this guy?

>> No.7510403

no but i would be bitter as fuck

>> No.7510424

1700 * 9000 = $15 million

He would have made $15 million out of 100 dollars

>> No.7510435

no. because it was actually considered a currency at that time and people like him and the pizza guy spread adoption which led to where we are today. there was more FUD back then than there is today.

>> No.7510448


>buying only 1700 btc at 6 cents.

>> No.7510455
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Was it the soy?

>> No.7510458


Unrelated story I read. 50 cent let people buy one of his albums with bitcoin in 2014 because lel whatever, and forgot about it because it was a small portion of revenue and it was in memecoins. He remembered he had them the other day and was up 7 million dollars.

>> No.7510485

this, no one knew where it was going and we still don't, it could head straight back to 0.06

>> No.7510494

What’s a Bit Coin? More like “Shit Coin” haha. But seriously, sounds lame.

>> No.7510497
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so the main lesson here is.. never sell?

>> No.7510535

can't blame him

I remember when BTC was worth 100, and to me a random internet currency being worth more than the motherfucking dollar seemed so inane

i still think it's a bubble

>> No.7510562

This. If all coins detach itself from it. If btc goes too low, mining it would be useless and a waste of time and electricity. It already is pretty nuts with how much it takes to mine. Only the lightning network can help make it more efficient.

With that said, btc is still not widespread like ramen noodles.

>> No.7510719

Sell when you're 35, then bang tranny prostitute day and night for life.

>> No.7511463
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Not really. No one can predict the future.

>tfw held 3000 BTC at one point
>tfw held 7400 ETH at one point
>tfw held 60,000 ANS/NEO at one point

>> No.7511521


No. If you Google him, you can find the Reddit thread where he comes and explains his current thought process. He's very reasonable. He says that:

>he later bought back in at (still) dirty cheap
>he eventually sold AGAIN
>he made some money, paid some bills, etc.
>he didn't make a killing but he made enough to make a difference in his life
>he regrets nothing

I mean, hindsight is 20/20. Sounds like he realizes that there's no way he could have known what Bitcoin would become.

>> No.7511580

I held 680 BTC at one point

thankfully, still over 100, but I could have sold at 17M at a certain point if I just cashed out at the top

but of course, you can't predict that

>> No.7511605

cash out now, you retard

9000 is as good as it will get for months

>> No.7511610

He probably wipes his ass with 7 mil though.

>> No.7512298

t. brainlet

you'll FOMO back in at 10,000 like the rest of them

>assuming I didn't cash out those 580 on the way up

I already have enough money to live on for many years, why the fuck would I cash out now and eat more taxes than necessary?

>> No.7512376

>implying that anons can hold their bags during 80% drops and fud from all directions
You fags would have sold it even earlier than he did

>> No.7512425

fuck no, this guy probably has a nice stash, probably nothing like his original but he had half a decade to fomo and accumulate

>> No.7512440

The lesson here is to only sell if you can live comfortably for a long time / use it for some startup. If every retard just cashed out all exchanges would get liquidated super fast too

>> No.7512498

reminder that this will happen to LINK

>> No.7512526
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This is the typical fate of early adopters anyway

>> No.7512566

HODLing is a lot fucking harder than it looks.

>> No.7512589

Nah, people like him would've just sold it again when it got to 100. Then he'd buy back in at 800 and hold on to it while he gets dumped on so he'd sell it at 200 when it stayed there for years.

>> No.7512672

pretty obvious bitcoin was going to be huge. the only question mark was what price.. when I first heard about it it immediately reminded me about one world currencies and the implications it would have down the road. I actually thought about buying a couple thousand back then when they were dirt cheap and forgot about it for a while until 2015 when I saw it was at $500 and thought it was too expensive until I fomoed in early last year when Bitcoin got some more hype. I'd be a multi millionaire if i wasnt so lazy.. fml

>> No.7512712

50 is actually really bad with money and was basically trying to hide cash in a freezer so the irs didnt hit him up for it.. he was basically broke a few months ago.

>> No.7512790

>pretty obvious it was going to be huge in 2011
>I bought in early 2017
Hingsight is 20/20 but you're just a fucking retard bend on self pity.

>> No.7512843

This was literally me. Lost tonnes on mtgox and didn't buy back in because of my own fear/bitterness from the hack until 2015. Luckily I did buy back in 2015 but if I'd just bought altcoins instead. Had no idea they'd become such a huge thing.

>> No.7512883

50cent unironically great business man.

Sold his stake in vitaminwater for 300mil

Did the i will retire if kanye outsells me stunt to great success

>> No.7512897


He said he had it on Gox so he would have lost it all anyway

>> No.7512910

Its not that bitcoin goes up, its that the dollar [and all fiat currencies] going down

How do ppl still not get this

>> No.7513099

tell me you are still a multi-millionaire anon. please don't tell me you missed 3 trips to saturn

>> No.7513130

It absolutely was NOT obvious you fucking clown. Very few people were saying this could be thousands of dollars per coin, the only one I know of that was saying that when it was worth pennies was Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.7513152

Isn't saying that just /cope/?

>> No.7513153

> tfw I remember bitcoin threads on /b/ from 5 or 6 years ago

god damnit

>> No.7513239

nobody thought it would be worth $100, there was always the risk it would dump from 10 cents to 1

>> No.7513497

I sent some dude on /g/ 0.05 BTC or something like that (10 cents worth?) at one point, lol

>> No.7513509

You guys are going to say the same thing in 2025 when you sell now

It's the same thing... retards

>> No.7513619

>he's a nigger
we know

>> No.7513632

This. Guaranteed none of you faggots here would still have 1700 btc bought in 2011. You guys would have sold that shit when it hit 30c... $1, $10, $100, $200, $400, $1000... and if not then, then certainly after it crashed from $1000 to $150.

Maybe not all of it, but most of it. That's why there aren't more crypto millionaires these days.

>> No.7513670

I heard about it on /b/ in 2012. Was gonna buy 15 at $7 but thought it was just /b/ trolling or something. Realistically I would have sold at like 200 or something anyway. Ended up getting in December 2017 lol.

loads of people used to send btc on /b/ for stupid shit

>> No.7513677

what's worse, the greed that feed FOMO buys or the greed that makes people cash out instead of getting a small dividend

>> No.7513742

Yeah, I knew about it before the bitcoin pizza days but I would've sold for sure by the time the first $30 peak happened. I don't feel bad at all.

>> No.7513811

>mentions this
>doesn't remember that m00t got rich by selling 4chan passes with bitcoin right before the first buble

fuck off newfag

>> No.7513859
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im bad at math how much money did he miss out on at $8

>> No.7513909

About 13 grand.

>> No.7514195

same fuck, I remember seeing shit about the coin on 2010 when it was worth fucking nothing, thought it was a good way to get away from kike bankers but didngive it much attention then boom 20k on december... if I bought coins throught my college years I would be able to be a neet for life and fuck bitches at my 25 years of age

>> No.7514229
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Kinda. You sell your profits but you always keep some.

>> No.7514606
File: 482 KB, 500x488, 2132432q432325r32rdsfzsdjglkjdglkjfdglkjdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember BTC threads on /b/ in 2009/2010
>People were begging for and receiving chump change, like 10 BTC
>Thought about getting some but then said fuck it it sounds stupid as fuck
>8 years later

>> No.7514650

You all would have sold at $100

>> No.7514675

I didn't, I bought at $0.85 and still have some

>> No.7514696

>learns about BTC early and doesn't even buy a little
>says "kike bankers"
>goal is to "be a neet for life and fuck bitches at 25"
You don't deserve to be rich.

>> No.7514744
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>Worth $34,000,00 at ATH


>> No.7514769

I heard about it from a streamer in 2011 and I thought it was like some kind of retarded videogame currency so I dismissed it, then I heard about it when it was $500 and I was like oh wel it's too expensive

I feel like I completely missed eth, I only remember hearing a rumor that the guy who created it died in a car crash.

I didn't buy any crypto until this year and I feel like I missed the bus, before you could make it with 100-1000 dollars but now it's like you gotta throw thousands in to even have a chance at cracking the 6 digits. It sounds to me like the age of icos is over, maybe I'm wrong because I'm new but I don't think I'll be seeing any icos end up like eth or neo.

>> No.7514832

Would be worth 100 mil this summer kek

>> No.7515044

haha shit i forgot about that

>> No.7515287

Some guy actually did kill himself, but it was back in 2015. Apparently in like 2009-2010 he had about 15k BTC and either lost the wallet or sold them off cheap and then when it mooned to 1k in 2013 he started distancing himself from his family and then killed himself.

>> No.7515365
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>> No.7515610
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People have killed themselves for far less, plenty of people have killed themselves after a crypto market crash only to have it recover bigger and better than before, I feel bad but Jesus, how new are you if you think that babbys first crash means the end of crypto

>> No.7515828

>I didn't buy any crypto until this year and I feel like I missed the bus, before you could make it with 100-1000 dollars but now it's like you gotta throw thousands in to even have a chance at cracking the 6 digits. It sounds to me like the age of icos is over, maybe I'm wrong because I'm new but I don't think I'll be seeing any icos end up like eth or neo.

Market cap hasn't even gotten past 1 trillion yet.

>> No.7516082

that's one of the reasons I'm still a little optimistic

>> No.7516107

Be honest anons, you'd be perfectly happy with 5x gains and prob sell at least half your stack there.

>> No.7516376

It's almost like the system was designed to equalize wealth and stimulate the economy.
People are incentivied to HODL and to buy bugattis.
So BTC gets both benefits.

>in before any fags

>> No.7516630

1 btc would fucking change my whole life, you're lucky

>> No.7516668


Me too. Got goxxed then turned sour. Only got back in recently. Now my dreams are more about having a little extra rather than getting rich.

>> No.7516756

Except I can't buy thousands of them now

>> No.7516842

Ive done way worse than him with altcoins. Ive sold several altcoins at 5x that went 1000000x like rubycoin, xlm, gamecredits, and litecoin. I basically think about it all day and everyday. You never get over it but you learn to live with it.

>> No.7516938

no, and he still got a decent return