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File: 42 KB, 780x439, 151001111029-bear-stocks-markets-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7502214 No.7502214 [Reply] [Original]

I ask you the critical question... being that everyone on biz is all calm and happy again.
Is BTC bottom in? Do you think it is just recovery from now?

>> No.7502229

one more big drop then up

>> No.7502261

I don't know who these people are that think that you can establish a bottom in 2-3 days after two months of decline (culiminating in a nasty 75% crash), but they probably aren't very good investors

>> No.7502269

It may be. as of now its pattern is looking a bit bullish, can't say for sure though in this crazy market.

>> No.7502283
File: 71 KB, 650x774, 1518127740697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btc will do continue to bounce. I believe we will certainly see lower lows ...UNLESS tether cunts come out at sort their shit out. Until tether is dealt with, btc won't have a solid enough foundation to moon off of.

>> No.7502318

Wait until after Chinese New Year at the very least.

>> No.7502320

Asian man hodl stong. Mahket go up.

>> No.7502326

You missed it OP. 6K was the bottom. See you at 8K when the next crash happens

>> No.7502356

i agree, i am actually surprised by bullfags. Thought we were hitting 5.6k around there then slowly climbing. But we are still up

>> No.7502394

pls chinaman, i need cheaper prices
Send your bears for one more attack, this can't be mooning again

>> No.7502428

Crypto != Stocks

You're talking about a market where shit moons for no reason other than bloated hype, projects with strong tech and fundamentals stagnate or have slow uptrends, and things crash because of fake news.

Stop using fucking TA. There is no bottom, there is no top, there is only sentiment, whales, and growth.

>> No.7502531

>everyone on biz is all calm and happy
buy pink wojaks, sell green wojaks

>> No.7502627



Yeah, I agree with what you said, but those are all short term movements. For example, if something tanks because of fake news, it will recover very quickly and in the bigger picture neither movement will matter except for those lucky enough to flip the recovery for quick profits.

The longer term movements TA is certainly useful, and acts like any other chart for other markets. And the bigger picture movement is BEARISH, and is not going to randomly moon because market sentiment and morale is still low overall.

There is no FOMO here, or we would already be back above 10k.

>> No.7502668 [DELETED] 

Everyone seems very happy and optimistic.
> time to sell

>> No.7502680
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1513549409630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say we're good

At first i would have expected a double bottom, but the SEC hearing that was really good new followed by the biggest buy volume since november 2015 (on daily candles) convinced me othervise.

It's as >>7502428 said, and the sentiment switched now

>> No.7502728

nah time to sell will be when normies and media are verry happy and optimistic. Right now happy are only the autists that follow the price every 5 minutes

>> No.7502752
File: 19 KB, 441x352, 4DE3D134-69C1-47FB-BC34-3A6086ECC17B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it’s a recovery when every moron is praying for one last dip.

>> No.7502754

It's mathematically impossible for bitcoin to have a down day ever again. It's green all the way to lamboland for all of us now.

>> No.7502765

i think they are in for a surprise soon :^)

>> No.7502774 [DELETED] 

So time to buy?

>> No.7502805

pretty much and wait until the next media boom like in december

>> No.7502835

bitcorn has been following the bubble meme chart perfectly do far. And it does not look like we are at bottom yet. We shall see, anything can happen in this retard market. I know i'll be collecting pink wojaks though when Chinks or wall street decide to have a planned attack again.

>> No.7502868
File: 36 KB, 212x197, B2423650-6ECC-4156-84B7-5F1EF1F06A7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7502962

Yeah. I cashed out on last bounce due to this. I'll FOMO back in after 12k is broken.

>> No.7502973
File: 194 KB, 512x512, theratman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this pump didn't put us in the clear yet
Fucking hate bearish TA

>> No.7502990

Breached descending triangle that extended from the atm and the bottoms. Hence the bullish movement. If we can hit 9k and hold, then we are all happy. Otherwise we back to 7k imo

>> No.7503043
File: 143 KB, 1132x624, 1518082133928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it followed the price movement direction chart yes, but it doesn't have to proportionally match it all the time you know ?

it can be like pic related.

If there's is one thing that it's sure, is that the market won't follow the the majority of what TA says because everyone want to anticipate the events.

> muh BTC 100K january, crash
> *@ 15k* muh dip over, crash again
> muh 12k support, breaked
> muh 10k support, breaked
> muh 9k support, breaked
> muh 8k support, breaked
> muh no supports at 6K, falling to 4-5K, rebound
> muh dead cat bounce, ???

>> No.7503055

I think the expectations of what recovery means have become much more realistic. Instead of saying we're going to 15K next week is green Wojaks when a resistance gets tested and there isn't an immediate rejection. People trusting longs more than shorts is bullish. But the higher we go the more longs get closed because people want to put that into shitcoins again. And bears demanding a buy in at 3K have started to settle for demanding $5K. Price discovery is some cool shit.

>> No.7503088


>> No.7503111


>> No.7503198

I understand why you would say that, but I just don't think it's true in this market.

>> No.7503342

I honestly dont care if it dips again. Ever since the US SEC hearing I know that crypto is here to stay.

>> No.7503352


This isn't true. We've deviated pretty hard from the meme bubble graph over the last few days.

It's starting to look like a standard little bear cycle that we're just about through.

>> No.7503458

>zoom out to arbitrary time scale
>literally any market resembles the meme chart at some point in time
god i hate you fucking idiots so much

>> No.7503513

Bottom is in unless it isn’t. Not sure what you’re expecting here.

>> No.7503532

zoom out. 1Day. nuff said. not convinced

>> No.7503550

btc will fall 2.5k on sunday

>> No.7503669


You guys have to realize that crypto getting this much acknowledgement means it isn't going to just up and disappear in the next year or two. 30 years from now it's still going to be around and you can only imagine how high it will go.

>> No.7503674

i'll be waiting for your AHHHH's on Sun / Mon
My intuition tells me bears are waiting for a good time to collect profits

>> No.7503689

i couldnt give less of a fuck

>> No.7503798
File: 82 KB, 1648x891, 5a7e09a0afdb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to go short again?

>> No.7503871

My friend grew up with the Bogs and he is saying they're going to crash the markets a few more times with shorts and tether fud, but they're accumulating
They actually just passed the Winklewii in most crypto owned by twins with the recent dip over the past 2 weeks
The Winklewii are PISSED but there is nothing they can do about it

>> No.7503941

sideways for a while before another big drop, like last month