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7476777 No.7476777 [Reply] [Original]

It is a very sad day for me my bizbros. Today my portfolio of shitcoins is worth $1,000,000.

>Decide to celebrate by going to my local lambo dealer, I can now buy the meme, I can be the meme. I can lambo.

>Wear my bitcoin shirt and enter the the dealership

>Hear a chuckle

>Look over to see a tiny hairy man in a purple shirt shaking his head whilst walking towards me

>Expect some stupid retort about my monopoly money

>"Sorry sir"

>Why are you sorry

>"I don't think you will be able to purchase a lambo"

>Inhale with the intent of blowing this manlets ears off with my chadlike retort on how much money I have

>"I don't think you will be able to fit"

>MFW I am 6'3 and cannot fit into a lambo... I tried... I cried :(

>Seriously biz, I cannot be the meme, what do I do now?

>> No.7476825

Nice larp but you can fit in a Lambo. Guess you've never really sat in one.

>> No.7476827

Send Some to this poorfag so I can try to trade it into a lambo so I can enjoy it for you, I Will Send pictures

>> No.7476830

Buy a better car?

>> No.7476848

Why would waste your money on a lambo anyway?


Get a muscle car. Spend the rest on other cool shit.

>> No.7476865

1 mill enough for lambo lmfao
Even 20 mill is pushing it being affordable

>> No.7476879

I tried legit. It was a major struggle to get in and out.

>> No.7476901

You just need to ask them for the XL version. Its slightly longer, and more legroom.

I did this when I cashed out at 18k. My networth is about $3m.

>> No.7476931

I just rang the dealership and asked about the XL version, they laughed at me you faggot lol

>> No.7476934

That sucks, are all sports cars like that?
>t. fellow 6'3 manmore

>> No.7476947

I don't believe you.

>> No.7476963

I fucking hope not, I drive an RS4 and the ladies have seen it all before, they ask if you're so rich where's your lambo/rari

>> No.7476970

the fuck you talking about nigger. this lad is 6'3 and manages to fit inside just fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbeBtjntISs

>> No.7476971

this. also the lambo money could take you to 5M if you just calm your fucking tits and hold good coins.

>> No.7476985


>> No.7477001

I want hot chics on my dick now though.

>> No.7477023


DrDisrespect turned up to twitchcon in a lambo and he is 6,8.

>> No.7477024
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Get a big car for a big guy then.

>> No.7477040
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tfw 6'7 chad and don't need a meme rocket to impress some dumb roastie

>> No.7477043

Bentley Continental Gt, also you can't afford a 6 figure car if you only have a million dollars.

>> No.7477047

>struggle to get in and out
try a diablo lol. As far as fitting you can but your head will touch the roof.

>> No.7477075

buy proprieties dont waste money on cars

you will always have passive income with rentals

>> No.7477090

be cockier to girls then faggot. there's no excuse if you're a 6'3 millionaire.

>> No.7477123
File: 78 KB, 800x535, 1f6e50858e769457e2e9a31c3da4c795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting a stupid lambo
>Not wanting a 1957 Chevy Belair
If you're going to get a nice car, get something that doesn't look like a child's drawing based on a futuristic outlook.
Reinforce the frame, and slap a 4-cylinder hydraulic system in that baby, and you're gonna have a ride with more bounce the ounce.

>> No.7477169

This car is for fat old men.

>> No.7477172

License plate "G OY"

>> No.7477184

That nigger car is shit and you know it

>> No.7477192

Can that car fit my friends too?

>> No.7477193

you'd have to be retarded to waste money on a lambo when you're only worth $1MM anyway, think of the cost of maintenance, insurance, fuel, plus the initial purchase price.

You'd be wasting a huge percentage of your portfolio value on some shit that no one really cares about. Just buy a nice $50k car if you really want to splurge on something. Buy a lambo when you have $10MM+

>> No.7477205

>Driving a car for girls


>> No.7477246

why do americans have such utterly shit taste in cars?

>> No.7477297
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>based trips
>no enough money to pay for the lo-rida seats

>> No.7477366
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>> No.7477433

>Spending more than 1% of your net worth in a depreciating asset purchase
Holy fuck OP is dumb.

>> No.7477469

Hey, any chance you might be interest in investing in a business? Would love to pitch you -- Already launched, just need $$ for marketing.

Add me on kik: Midas714

>> No.7477474

Damn anon. You have 10/10 patrician taste. I'm getting that exact car, but in red.

Here are some other cars I had been looking at:

>> No.7477475

>too chad to lambo
I can think of worse problems to have. Maybe a Ferrari will have a little more headroom?

>> No.7477488

that's why the suspension is tuned like that, when the driver sits in the car it will look level

>> No.7477499

>wanting a death trap

>> No.7477537

is your gf in the trunk?

>> No.7477543

he looks so happy in his lambo though

>> No.7477627

I aint dumb yo bitch ass nigger

>22 and 100K comfy job

>200K cash in savings

>3 bedroom apartment (will pay it off next year)

>2017 Audi RS4, mat black wrap ma nigs

>No 4/10 gf sucking my soul and money

>Only want 10/10 gold diggers to suck ma dick

>1M in shitcoins

>2M in stocks/god tier coins (comfy linky)

>> No.7477650

I lloved every aspect of this post.

>> No.7477664

>guy help i'm a tall millionaire and i don't know what to do
my sympathies with you and your family during these troubled times

>> No.7477703

You shouldn't be buying a 280k lambo until your net worth suprasses 28 million retarded. That's the truth and that's why everyone wants a "lambo". Any retarded fuck can make enough to but a lambo but the 28 million retirement to buy one without being an idiot is the challenge to motivate it all.

>> No.7477803

Move to India and start drinking poop water, that'll help with your savings.

>Aspires to get 28 millie living frugally

Nigger you'll be old AF by the time that money comes and your body won't be able to party


>> No.7477866


you just made me realize I'd make way more money becoming a car salesman near any young white suburban neighborhood than going all pink wojak in this fucking shit

>> No.7477952

1% commission and 20 an hour. Fuck that.

>> No.7477966

This is impossible. I refuse to believe this. In my country people work in retail for $6k a year at 22. I don't want to live on this fucking planet anymore.

>> No.7477987


but you get to shitpost as a nocoiner all day instead of living in despair

>> No.7478130

If not larping and blessed by thoth, get a nomad. Pricier but comfier

>> No.7478207

poor faggot. 18 here with over 100k

>> No.7478240

Fuck off kid

>> No.7478299

I keked hard

>> No.7478395

he's almost certainly LARPing so dont worry

the only conceivable way he's in this situation is if his parents are rich as fuck ($25-50MM+ net worth with a very successful business.)

Even a big time drug dealer or gun runner or some crazy shit with sizable tax-free earnings wouldn't have ~$5MM net worth at 22, certainly not while working a normie job, impossible.

There are people in the 18-23 range though that definitely do have a few hundred thousand to throw around but this guy's over the top.

>> No.7478505

this is the worst larp i've ever read and i'm embarrassed for everyone who replied seriously

>> No.7478660
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Terrible larp

Watch Doug, he's 6'3 and fits in all supercars

>> No.7478739

Manlets - 1
Lambolets - 0

>> No.7478751
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>> No.7478810

Lambos are spoiled childrens' toys; get a gentleman's automobile such as a Lincoln, Cadillac, Mercedez Benz, BMW or Rolls Royce.
>when the speed limit is lower than your maximum speed, you might as well slowly cruise in maximum comfort & luxury

>> No.7478923

Speed limit is for normal civilians only though
Just get a good lawyer and nobody will touch your licence. I had a DUI a few years ago, and my lawyer told me for $10 000 cash, I could walk away a free man

>> No.7479151


>> No.7479244

Yeah but he has autism which effectively makes him 5'7". That's the only reason he can fit in those cars.

>> No.7479304

when I make it I'm buying a fucking toyota

>> No.7479324

>paying ten grand to drive drunk
>not driving sober and investing those ten grand
Eh, partly, I'm kinda with you, because I've driven drunk (never wasted, tho), but how would you feel if you accidentally killed someone because you were driving drunk?
>you know what nevermind you probably wouldn't feel any more remorse than I would

>> No.7479379

i bought one in january, still waiting for delivery
my portfolio is ~700k
did i fuck up??

>> No.7479382

What a stupid fucking financial decision. And this is basically false advertising to chicks.

>> No.7479397

No, have fun now, you don't know what tomorrow will bring.

>> No.7479440

thx bro
I've never made such a large purchase and the guilt is tremendous

>> No.7479633

You don't know what you are talking about. You could buy 2 Lambos with 20 million and still have enough for the rest of the year if you live off interest.

>> No.7479786

buy out a fucking rolls or something fancy and nice, lambos are sports cars not really legal to drive on any road.

>> No.7479814

Thats not how greentexting works