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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 631 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7476617 No.7476617 [Reply] [Original]

Normie hate thread

>> No.7476660

Is that a fridge for foreskin cheese?

>> No.7476675

Kek came here to post that

>> No.7476694
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>> No.7476696

SmegCoin when?

>> No.7476708
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>> No.7476725
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>> No.7476738

Ugliest fridge in the world

You can see they are poor for how everything looks.
I hate how poor people have no taste
A samsung or a normal fucking white fridge would have been bettee
And I say this as a woman.

>fucking reeeeeeeeeee

Wsting money on stupid shit.

>> No.7476743
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>> No.7476762
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>> No.7476788
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also a JUST thread

>> No.7476808
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Of course the vile roastie has to let everyone know she has yeasty beef flaps when she posts on this anonymous image board

>> No.7476860

A 3k fridge with no fucking water dispenser or ice maker. Wtf.

>> No.7476862

holy fuck

>> No.7476885
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>> No.7476892

>literally buy high sell low
>muh fookin sides

>> No.7476917

sminem is bullish af

>> No.7476920
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>> No.7476922

how do you fuck up this bad

>> No.7477027
File: 215 KB, 1216x309, 1515503660596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post something fags

there should be plenty of normies getting justed as i type this

>> No.7477028

You start by getting an account on r e d d i t . c o m

>> No.7477038
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>it has a cool name
remember when all the internet stock companies were called something with "hyper", "tronics","net" etc. in their name...
those where the first ones to go belly up because they just caught normie retard money with flashy names...

if he actually integrates TRX in several online gaming platforms and makes more things like the puppy thing, it might take off...

>> No.7477053

I never thought fridges were all that beautiful but... jesus fucking christ that thing looks like garbage.

>> No.7477087

Everyday I read justin's twitter and tronix subreddit for lulz

>> No.7477105

Greed can kill you. I would have just gotten the fuck out with 3-4 million. Even after taxes that's more than enough to stay comfortable and not work the rest of your life.

>> No.7477142

how do you think
>as a woman
did his wife just manipulate him to make him buy smth for her?

>> No.7477143

Is it wrong that I like Etherium because it has a cool name?

>> No.7477153

probably larp. You don't make 10k playing online poker being this irrational.

>> No.7477168

>it's not gay if...

>> No.7477197

It's as if mentioning you're a woman supports your opinion in anyway!
Congrats, slut! You know the rules.

>> No.7477211

He's not actually wrong about it being a good idea to buy XRP that low. The problem is XRP might take a year, seriously, to go back up even to just $2.00. It's typically a very stable coin and people know this. And that faggot will almost certainly find an excuse to spend his money in a year's time so it's pointless for him.

>> No.7477228

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7477293
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>> No.7477316
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>> No.7477369
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> I sware I have crypto bags under my eyes
No darling you have real bags now

>> No.7477379

holy fuck, do these people not know how to do fucking research? Very surprised no one commented on this.

>> No.7477412

This was some bitch paid by prodeum scammers to hold up a picture.

>> No.7477462

>white fridge
I hope you don't think that's a sign of good taste.

>> No.7477510

the normie starter pack:
am I missing any?

>> No.7477555
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>> No.7477578

hey man, been in crypto since early 2016 with mining ether. Bought XVG in June 2016 and held.

That shit made me rich. Don't mock XVG, that shit WILL come back around on the next trillion dollar crypto market cap.

>> No.7477602

meant to say bought xvg June 2017.

>> No.7477603


>> No.7477616

>Normie hate thread
>He says on the most normie board of all 4chan
Let me guess, you jerked it off to a cartoon once, so now you're a freaky outsider nobody understands?

>> No.7477619
File: 410 KB, 1272x1440, Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 8.25.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://stocktwits.com/symbol/TRX.X is a collection of the dumbest fucking people on the internet. Check it out if you're in the mood for a normie hate read.

>> No.7477629
File: 71 KB, 720x584, the-bitconnect-bloodbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips confirm, BCC is by far the worst of the normie shitcoins.

>> No.7477641

Ok who the fuck was shilling RDD to normies? I remember the big /biz/ pumps on it last year when it was still 5 sats but what the hell? They never released the ReddID shit did they.

>> No.7477667


Why would you hate this? Guy buys his misso a present with crypto gains just to spite her. That's fantastic I love it

>> No.7477677


>> No.7477694
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>> No.7477706



Why even associate with such sub-human pieces of shit

>> No.7477733

TRX normies are million times worse, at least most of the BCC retards eventually came to terms with the fact that they fucked up.

>> No.7477757
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>> No.7477758


>> No.7477806
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>> No.7477888

sieg heil to that, bitch

>> No.7477912

>arabic tattoo

what did she mean by that?

>> No.7477989

As a man, can I please see those juicy tits

>> No.7478004

I saw this on reddit and immediately thought of dick cheese when I read “smeg” bahahahaha

>> No.7478008
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>> No.7478021

Damn being old enough for tattoos and still having g braces. Jeez

>> No.7478053

I hate him so fucking much its unexplainable

>> No.7478135


Why didn't he just HODL and wait for 2018 to actually get underway? It's like a panicking person not being able to float

>> No.7478142

they hired people off fiverr to hold up these signs lmao
it's hot AF tho. does /b/ still do braces threads?

>> No.7478152
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>> No.7478168

i saw a post a while ago

"if blacks go all in on bitcoin we can take over the world. period"

like nigger that's the whole fucking reason you aren't running the world right now lmao.

>> No.7478239

Oh look, two little losers that believe everything they see on leddit.

Hi little losers! Do you know that youre worthless?

>> No.7478262

>taking a bad shoop seriously


>> No.7478303


>> No.7478324

because the market is retarded, not because it's a good project

>> No.7478360


>> No.7478385
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>he bought ripple

>> No.7478434

Normies actually piss me off so much.

The fact that Ripple number 2 in marketcap because of retard normies fomoing without doing any fucking research makes me so fucking mad. Literally fucking sheep that don't have any capacity to think for themselves. Greedy dumbasses are doomed to stay poor.

>> No.7478463

i was somewhat sympathetic until i read he was from india. fucking hell, /biz/ has done as much for my racism as /pol/ has

>> No.7478496
File: 487 KB, 1024x768, 1503836375250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidden fridge best fridge

>> No.7478501

Lots of ripple hate
Ripple confirmed 12000 satoshi end of day

>> No.7478513
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>> No.7478519



>> No.7478571
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>> No.7478572

100trillion market cap

>> No.7478657

would be cute if she wasnt total trash. jesus an arabic tattoo, braces and the investing skills of a windowlicking retard.

>> No.7478721

I want to disagree with you but your right and thats why I like normal names on things. telcoin despite being roadkill has a great name. thekey as well.

>> No.7478757

I swear a new addiction is starting, itll be talked about in a year or so, crypto addiction.

>> No.7478824
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>> No.7478949

Why do normies need to express their every thought to the whole world?

>> No.7479066
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>> No.7479134
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the smug smile in his profile pic really tops it all off

>> No.7479192
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I unironically kinda likes the retro vibe from this fridge. But...
>fucking SMEG
>5k dollars
Nope. I would never buy it.

>> No.7479195

The account that replies is a literal shill anon. He's in on it.

>> No.7479451
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>> No.7479572

The fridge idea is awesome. Now his bitch is giving blow jobs instead of nagging his crypto. Happy wife is a happy life.

>> No.7479662

Post tits whore

>> No.7479815

Tits or get out roastie slut

>> No.7479909
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>as a woman

no ones gives a fuck you cunt gtfo

>> No.7480271
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>owns investment firm
>preach NEO

>> No.7480414

Lol holy shit that's crazy


>> No.7480559
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>> No.7480719

>watchlist exclusively filled with cryptos and weed stocks
With a bit of hype and marketing you can get the normies to swallow all the memes. No original thoughts detected.

>> No.7480752
File: 140 KB, 485x973, Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 10.33.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic, if you're favorite shitcoin is on here you might want to get out of it.

>> No.7480775

You have to go back

>> No.7481097
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>> No.7481199


This has to be a LARP I refuse to believe someone is this is stupid.

>> No.7481369

Women are fucking idiots and want stupid shit like a brand name and a colour over function, it's why the consumer market is full of stupid shit...women buy it.

>> No.7481394
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>The Roastie is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a phoneposter, newfag, nincompoop, soyboy, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her a roastie and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>One cannot defend himself against the Roastie. She attacks with lightning speed from her position of safety and uses her abilities to crush any attempt at defense.
anonymity is a double edged sword, desu at this point I prefer that they announce they are girls with every post so I can disregard what they say.

>> No.7481603

>Dis gon b da nex bigcorn, am gun b rich umhmm

>> No.7481631
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> does same shit as visa

>> No.7481801

How can you have a thread like this without The Billion Coin? Is it too dangerous to post? Will Don from TBC police come shut it down?

>> No.7482000

This guy gets it.. deal with a stupid ugly overpriced fridge to shut the bitch up

>> No.7482155

Im 27 and have to wear braces because of a broken Jaw. Lucky me cause all my insurance payout is going into crypto to buy whatever teeka tells me to buy.

So if I lose it all I have only myself and a pajeet to blame.

>> No.7482176

Also I'd unironically buy the fridge in hot rod red and make it say Smegma

>> No.7482199


>> No.7482233

He pretty much stole Teekas buy list with a few other shitcoins from 4 chan shill threads.

>> No.7482239

Where were these comments pulled from? Are they legit?

>> No.7482243

>to buy whatever teeka tells me to buy
now i know how you got a broken jaw, I'd break yours too, fucking idiot.

>> No.7482257


>> No.7482269

Verge really did pass the baton to from

>> No.7482279

As a man, show bob and vagene to me

>> No.7482376


indian. shame. fuck the cunt

>> No.7482412

Christ, what kind of fucking moron doesn't cut his losses at 100 BTC?

>> No.7482483

cutting loses? he started at 3btc. A better question is what fucking moron grows 3k into $4mil and never stops to take profits along the way?

>> No.7482496

this dude has the fattest niggeriest lips I have ever seen holy shit its ridiculous

>> No.7482799

This kind of outlook is terrible for a wife or mother to have.

You sound like you'll be bitter and alone in the coming years.

>> No.7482893
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>recognizing a nigger

>> No.7483049

No-one cares that you have a vgna because the free gifts it came with are mood swings, being too emotional and irrational, talking when you should be listening, having to sponge off a man like a parasite, and thinking we care you have vgna. You know what to do, unleash your disgusting chest mounds or go. And not for our enjoyment, because you deserve the feeling of emptiness and low self esteem that comes from exposing yourself on the internet.

>> No.7483055
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>> No.7483077

>no icx

>> No.7483139
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>> No.7483143

My thought exactly

>> No.7483187

HHAHA kek'd so hard

>> No.7483388
File: 367 KB, 750x1334, 3B1A1AEB-2358-40C2-812C-2B2A2FB5DD12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His lips
Her nose

Baby is already a mouth breather with NCT
He is gonna be a big incel when he grows up

>> No.7483526

he looks like dat frog. not pepe but the other one

>> No.7483544

this is like a fridge for people with severe identity issues.

>> No.7483554
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Holy shit. Now I know why "investor accreditation" is a thing.

>> No.7483573

las creaturas...

>> No.7483599
File: 283 KB, 400x315, 1512567780549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a smeg oven. Its fucking terrible. For some reason they decided that two toggles would be a great control scheme, where it takes multiple presses in a seemingly random order to make the fucking thing turn on. The child lock got activated somehow and now we can't disable it, even with the manual, and even after pulling the plug on it, so now you have to hold in one of the buttons for like 5 seconds just to switch the light on. The thing won't heat up if the door is open, which is fine except the fucking broiler grill thing wont start either. Then every time it heats up to temperature it beeps. Not once - but 5 fucking times. Like seriously. The 'engineers' who worked on this thing should build a larger version and throw themselves into it.

>> No.7483905

This is why the dips are good, eventually all the panic sellers panic sell and then we just have calm disciplined sellers left and the price will go vertical.

>> No.7484010
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>people still holding TRX
don't remind me
if this isn't a red flag you deserve squalor

>> No.7484114

Lmfao is this real.

>> No.7484371

Anyone know where I can find good braces porn? It's a fetish of mine but it's so rare, and the japs hate it so there isn't even hentai.

>> No.7484402
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>watching tether

>> No.7484497

>racemixing will destroy the white race!
>racemixing makes ugly babies that won't reproduce!
so which is it /biz/

>> No.7484520
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>not watching a coin that just went into a trend reversal
Pleb trader detected.

>> No.7484524

>buying anything from italy other than cheese

>> No.7484588
File: 68 KB, 645x349, Lamborghini-Miura-SV-RHD-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he'll never buy a classic lambo

>> No.7484663

Are you still measuring on that dead coin?

>> No.7484756

That's common on White basic bitches.

>> No.7484875

big lips + no lips = normal lips

>> No.7484996
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wtf meant to post this lmao

>> No.7485014

hmm i wonder how they could accurately determine what genders anonymous users are, this is just bullshit like 90 percent of gamers* are girls
*including phone
how many people who actually know what 4chan is even use google to find it?

>> No.7485034


>> No.7485039

American fridge >>> Everything else

>> No.7485069

>pull out as soon as theres a dip on a crazy volatile "currency"
smart investing

>> No.7485130
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>> No.7485155

El ogro de las americas

>> No.7485175

It's called word of mouth marketing

>> No.7485280

yeah hidden behind a fucking big wall that fills up half your kitchen - cool design

>> No.7485349

>no SKY
>no RLC
>no XMR

Whew, safe.

>> No.7485511

>37 USD is a month salary
What possibly could have tipped you off????

>> No.7485514

Women need to express themselves in someway since the west lacks the culture to get them to do creative things they rely instead on consumerism

>> No.7485524

Normies investing money that they need to survive while trying to make a "quick" buck.

The fuck.

>> No.7485671

where is this form from ?

>> No.7485694

what's justin's twitter?

>> No.7485735

>Youre not as degenerate as me therefore youre a normie

>> No.7485878

Hey i bought ripple at $0,9 and sold at $2. Easy money

>> No.7485919

Tron bagholders in a nutshell, lmao

>> No.7485964

>ugly people don't reproduce
have you gone outside lately

>> No.7485969
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>> No.7485983
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tits or gtfo

>> No.7486010
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>> No.7486039
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>> No.7486111
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>> No.7486150
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>> No.7486162
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>> No.7486175
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>the new normie nest.

>> No.7486177
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>> No.7486189
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>> No.7486210

What a shitass fridge, even the 4yo one my parents have is better

>> No.7486257

as an ex-degenerate gambler it can be difficult to detach yourself and think in terms of "cutting your losses" once you've reached a high point and fallen down, instead you often want to "get back what you had" because you feel that since you were there once already, you "deserve it"

The guy, if not LARPing, is clearly a compulsive gambler who will likely continue to make terrible financial decisions and chase the dream for the rest of his life. It's a really difficult thing to break free from, I was lucky to do it, I suppose partly because I never gambled my way up to incredible highs (millions).

>> No.7486266

How hard is it to create your own shitcoin with a flashy name to lure the tards in?

>> No.7486347

that easy

>> No.7486387

Why do people believe this shit? It's the most blatant LARP I've ever seen.

>Dude I made a ~x65 easy but then lost all of it by making babby's first mistakes

>> No.7486489


This has been a thing since forever in trading, check out "Blackberry addiction"

>> No.7486490

What are you doing after this?

>> No.7486778

Troniggers are the worst, should be sterilized.

Electroneum too.

>> No.7486883

Those crowdsale statistics are made up.... right?... RIGHT!?

>> No.7488154

It's real, but it's from a time when ethereum was worth a lot less. (~7 months ago)

>> No.7488303
File: 618 KB, 842x696, Screen Shot 2018-02-09 at 10.30.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bought my wife a fridge
>as i man i never use a fridge
>everything must be room tempreture
>warm cheese
>warm milk
>crazy women love they cold shit xD


>> No.7488335
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>Buying your girlfriend shit to shut her up from mouthing opinions about your financial decisions (with your own fucking money) on things she knows literally nothing about instead of telling her to stfu and standing your ground.

Yeah. Brilliant.

>> No.7488380

>tfw had 1MM RDD bought in 2014
>sold them all just before the McAfee pump because I thought it reached the top

I seriously gave free money away to normies, I comfort myself with the fact that most normies probably didn't sell and are still bagholding today.

>> No.7488458

You gave your money to bots, normies bought the top and are still bagholding

>> No.7488527

why is it always TRON?

>> No.7488719

what's the point of a water dispenser when I have a tap? (serious question)

>> No.7488837

..a filter..?

>> No.7488893
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1518067056529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tron apparently attracted the biggest retards

>> No.7488969

It's an ad. I saw the ad for these as a sponsored post on one of my daily reddit visit, and now they just decided to go viral. It's fake.

>> No.7488981

dios mio...

>> No.7488983

You do all realize you are normies as well right? 4 chan didnt require you to pass an initiation to join. You didnt have to prove yourself in anyway to post here. 4chan and red dit are 2 heads of the same beast. One gives you a persona the other a false sense of anonymity. Youre basically just reading ads on 4 chan all day, same as red dit. This post is actually an ad for you to kill your self.

>> No.7489026
File: 19 KB, 495x362, 1517093724039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We like to make fun of people who aren't pathologically autistic to feel better about ourselves, leave us be!

>> No.7489146

BRRAAP with timestamp of get cancer

>> No.7489167

Holy shit, is this what normies believe?

>> No.7489307
File: 30 KB, 383x383, mutt400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im blonde and Im 50% European
Yuropoor, how is muhammad doing?
Slavs are not White

>> No.7489340

Seems like pretty normal tirbal behaviour. Hey as long as uncle morty is making his shekels off of us.

>> No.7489438

Just like Pedro and Jamal in your country

>> No.7489557

Yup, in my country literally 1 pedro and 1 jamal.
99 White, 87% christian ;^)

>> No.7489704

What country is that?

>> No.7490064
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>> No.7490193

kek you americans have such poor taste

>> No.7490314
File: 104 KB, 539x717, 1515767008896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7490326

Normie chad here
I want to finally buy some BTC now. What exchange should I use? How does the depositing, buying, selling and withdrawing process work? I'm familiar with how brokerage accounts work for stocks but I suspect crypto is more complicated. And how are gains or losses taxed? Is there a website that clearly explains this?

>> No.7490385


>> No.7490852

>hidden fridge
>no hidden oven

>> No.7491013

I am not surprised.. plays poker and sure a bad gambler

>> No.7491102

someone putting 500k in this shit

i dont understand how he got so much money in the first place if he feels for this shit

>> No.7491165

>I'm in shocked
>50,500 lost
he lost his ability to communicate

>> No.7491218

tits or gtfo

>> No.7491529

Ugliest woman in the world

You can see she is a roastie for how everything looks.
I hate how roasties have no taste
A virgin or a qt white waifu would have been bettee
And I say this as a man.

>fucking reeeeeeeeeee

Wsting money on stupid whores.

>> No.7491555
File: 460 KB, 3024x3583, fridge wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491635
File: 30 KB, 645x729, 1508779517475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the stockers
fucking clueless pea brains.

>> No.7491792
File: 68 KB, 600x582, uhfveh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I thought he meant 37K
Mfw I lost 60K in the crash and it didn't even faze me. The world is an unjust place

>> No.7491829


>> No.7491863

And you can instantly recognize that it is in the US too. I'd rather live in a Japanese one room flat for the rest of my life than one of those cheap disgusting McMansions

>> No.7491915

disgusting finger nails