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7444417 No.7444417 [Reply] [Original]

>try to lose virginity to prostitute.
>can't get it up from too much masturbation.
>wondering what the point to living anymore.

Yeah guys I'm totally fucked. There's seriously no point to this anymore. Anyone else have problem above? I got all these gains but now that I tried to have sex for the first time I can't even experience it.

Oh I'm 28 years old btw.

>> No.7444447

>thinking that paying a whore is much different than porn
kys retard

>> No.7444486

Uhhh it is you fucking literal nigger. It's sex unlike watching the Jew videos.

>> No.7444526

Lol unless you're beating it 4+ times a day you were probably just anxious.

Also maybe a better whore? I know you like pump and dumps anon but that's not an ideal first time.

>> No.7444587

your body probably just knew that she wasn't mating material

your subconscious mind usually won't steer you wrong so it's probably for the best that you didn't get hard

just work on yourself a little bit, and since you've identified porn as a problem that's a good start

>> No.7444619

I have done it since I was 13 years old. I easily do it 4-5 times a day for the past 14 years. I'm miserable.

>> No.7444632

I’m going to be kind and give you the advice that will actually solve your problem: take viagra next time before you get a complex about not being able to get it up.

>> No.7444672

dude remember one drop of stress kills it, find out in your head what turns you on and build on that

>> No.7444680

You got shy dick bro. Happens to me like 50% of the time the first time I sleep with a new girl. Sucks man.

>> No.7444688


Don't wank for a week and try again. You may blow your load quick but at least you'll have got it up.

On the same note, how did she react when you couldn't get it up? What do prostitutes do in that situation?

>> No.7444715

Anxiety and pressure kills the boner, OP
but you CAN do better! Try forming a relationship with a gril? Maybe kiss her before you pump her with your gains?

>> No.7444751

show yourself forgiveness anon. it happens to many on their first time.

>> No.7444753

you just got nervous you dumb fuck. anxiety = fight or flight mode on = no boner

>> No.7444757

Quit porn and keep trying. I managed to blow my load in the 3rd time. The whore was pretty nice to me too, I still call her every once in a while.

>> No.7444761

Dude I've slept with lots of girls and even now it happens to me on occasion.

For me the surefire way to get it up is if I ask the girl to give me really slow head.

Just visit the same girl and relax.

>> No.7444783

I rub one out 3 or 4 times a day on average. Have since I was 12.
Super autist with the chicks, mega anxious.

Best to laugh it off, grab her and try again. If you both have a laugh it will break the tension and you will be fine. 99% sure you are not an ED case just an autist who needs to relax.

The girl who took my virginity made me drink wine first and basically held me down and shoved it in. You can't possibly be worse than me.

>> No.7444809

Send your gains to an anon who will enjoy them, I have a loving gf and your coins would create more happiness with me than you.

>> No.7444816

You're probably just gay, OP. Nothing wrong with who you are, just try a trap or male prostitute next time.

>> No.7444817

try an erotic massage instead
you're jumping into the deep end going straight from kissless handholdless virgin to sleeping with an escort.

>> No.7444851

You are a porn addict. Unless you fix this, you will continue to experience this.


You've probably been masturbating to porn since you were a teenager. Because you were drained all the time, you never approached women and have remained a virgin until now, where you pathetically attempted to get an erection.

I know so because I am in the same boat. I have had sex with a good amount of women and hookers, but pretty much struggled to get an erection 95% of the time.

I'm quitting porn. I'm done with this. I want good sex with females. You should do the same.

>> No.7444874

This is wrong.

This man is sick in the head and you should all beware people like this.

>> No.7444884

yes op, i did exactly what u did.. it's ok... all you have to do is not fap for 1 month.. let your d heal... use man 1 oil twice a day.. then u can fuck girls and enjoy it.. easier said than done

>> No.7444905

Again, terrible advice.
What the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.7444926

i meant 1 year*

>> No.7444939



Also just be urself op

>> No.7444965
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Can confirm - it's nearly impossible to preform if you're distracted, stressed, or harbor any sort of anxiety. Sex is best served with a clear, or drunken, mind. Also stop jerking off so much.

Perhaps some training wheels will help you get over the hump like >>7444632 suggests.

Ask the girl to masturbate for you and watch while you stroke it some lube. Have a few drinks before hand. This typically does the trick

>> No.7444971

You don't realize that men have different sex drives. Since you jack off 3-4 times a day, porn won't fuck up your drive and you can still pop boners.

OP is most likely on the lower end of the spectrum, so porn will kill his libido.

Not everyone is like you.

>> No.7445031

That’s nothing.
I went to a brothel and a 50 year old Korean whore looked at me, called me a faggot and refused to fuck me

>> No.7445052

Don't panic OP, it's only anxiety and maybe a little bit of death grip syndrome, which is completely curable.
As for the anxiety, that can take a little time, I had my first sex at 29, and couldn't get it up like the first 10 times in a row, you'll overcome it as well.
Maybe try to find a classy prostitute that has a caring and non-judgemental personality to her

>> No.7445086



pic of hooker anon

>> No.7445100

Tbh changed my life. I quit looking at porn 6 months ago and have never had a more positive outlook on life. I want to fuck everything that moves and I will actually make the effort to do that. Sex life is phenomenal now. I thought nofap was a meme but holy shit it is not.

>> No.7445103
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Hey anon, don't worry there is nothing wrong with you. If you stop using porn for a couple months your dick would go back to normal, and prostitutes are fine. People have been using prostitutes for thousands of years, even other intelligent primates are known to do it

You're falling for the meme that male self worth is determined by female approval. Stop it now, get off that path in life. Why do you care? Because people tell you to care. Stop caring. Stop fucking caring. None of it matters, none of it is real anon. Ignore your biological programming and realize that none of this shit you're feeling is real. Nothing is wrong with you. It's okay

>> No.7445131

Maybe true.
However I still feel op and lots of others need to fucking relax.

First time I got head was from a girl i had crushed on for years. I was limp as a wet noodle. Super nervous.

Lucky for me she wasnt a hooker. We took a few min joked around and got back to business and it worked fine.

>> No.7445151

That's motivating thank you

>> No.7445156

It's a more common issue than you think. It has happened to a few of my mates, and I've failed getting it up before in front of a girlfriend (ex now).
When I visited an escort I even made sure to pop a viagra just because of the insecurity.
I eventually got over it with time by doing two things:
>Be selfish in bed (yes really)
>Don't wank for 5-6 days

Imagine unironically fretting over what some roastie thinks of your performance in bed? I know we've all done it, but still - she's a roastie! Just head on over to /r9k/, as soon as you don't value women's opinion in the slightest, you can actually be free to be happy again. Good luck, anon

>> No.7445177

>Anyone else have problem above?
No because my life doesn't revolve around sex.

>> No.7445203
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it was bad for me as well, i jerked off an hour before i went to the massage parlor and still came 30 seconds after she touched my penis. Then i went limp and stayed limp from embarrassment. at least she said i was handsome.

>> No.7445248


>> No.7445254


Start pricking yourself and it'll all work out

>> No.7445291

You were anxious and probably bored. I had the same issue when I tried to do it my first time at age 26.

>> No.7445297
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Do like did and get picrelated.
Can,t believe no one mentionned dick pills so far.
It literally changed my life

>> No.7445298

What I can blow my load to asian hookers from my crypto gains and Im not that much younger than you

>> No.7445365

Stop jacking off for a month and try again.

>> No.7445366

If you are serious about looking into yourself and moving on, which will allow you to get laid, look into doing mushrooms. Or ignore this post and take advice from people just like you who haven't figured it out

>> No.7445397

Because if you need dick pills something isn't working right. It's one of the first warning signs for high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.

>> No.7445415

Guy have you tried just doing some situps a couple times a week?
I know it seems so so shitty and even lame to type out but it might solve you issue.
Eat some fiber. Drink a little more water. Cut out the energy drinks. You want you dick to work man and not because of pills.

Unless your over 65 then I yes do take them.

>> No.7445418
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>What's the point?

>> No.7445453

I thought it would be incredibly hard but then one day I just stopped looking at porn without even realizing I quit. I would recommend(if possible) getting a fuckbuddy or girlfriend so you dont go without a nut.

>> No.7445518

I don,t take cialis often when I fuck.
But I couldnt get it up on my 1st time and then I was stressed all the times, fearing I couldn't get it up (and I didn't). Cialis just helped me break the ice

>> No.7445612

See man this is not a good attitude to have. You can be ok without it and then you will enjoy yourself more I think.
The satisfaction can be more genuine for you.

OP if you are here, trust in your dick. You are a man go fuck that dirty slut right.

>> No.7445617
File: 23 KB, 640x773, 1516842347439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suffered from this for a long time OP. I had crazy anxiety about sex. I wanted relationships but I dreaded being inadequate. I was cured by my GF, she took it slow with me and was understanding the first 4 or so times I wasn't ready. Then I became comfortable with her, had sex, wasn't able to cum, and did it again.

Now I'm healthy and it does feel really good. TWO STEPS

1. Quit your porn addiction. Limit yourself. Stoke that fire. Ditch the shame.

I was sick of being lonely so I downloaded tinder and said to myself the next time you get off it will be from a sexual encounter. A week later I was so horny I set up a date with an OK looking girl, after the movie I convinced her to let me come in and watch netflix and she gave me head. Most intense orgasm of my life. The point is, quit masturbating and you'll get so horny you'll literally have to find an outlet

2. Find a girl who won't pressure you

Hire that prostitute 5 times if you need to. Don't be harsh on yourself. It happens. Tell her you have a blood flow problem or some shit from a surgery so your just trying to work your way back to it. She'll be like aight whatever easy money lets take it slow. You're putting too much pressure on yourself in the moment. It feels totally unlike the comfy confines of porn. SEX IS NOT MEANT TO BE LONELY. It's a dance between two people that your mind has made to be something it's not, something just by yourself.

>> No.7445655

U probably have degnerate fetishes now. I can only cum if i deepthroat facefuck them or choke them you should try it. You pay for their services after all

>> No.7445658

Dude honestly, why do you care if OP follows my advise and takes a pill for his first time. It WILL work and he's virgin for fuck's sake...

>> No.7445675

this is the reason im still a virgin, i ruined my dick through jackin it

how can i get over this deathgrip shit, just stop jackin off for like a month?

>> No.7445716


Fucking stop then, jesus christ. What are you, a monkey?

>> No.7445722


>> No.7445759

Thats exactly fucking why!!!
How do you not see that it will fuck it up mentaly?

You fucked up already.
As someone who has had a fucked up sex life I myself I wouldnet mind helping out a youngster.
Fuck knows the crypro advice is almost all bad here might as well throw one kid a real answer now and then on something important. Even if OP is a larping faggot some kid who is not op is undoubtably reading along wondering if he should take dick pills.

>> No.7445769

sounds scary, guess ill stick to my hentai

>> No.7445789

>You fucked up already.

How have I fucked up ? I could get boners fine after without cialis. The only times I take it now is when I wanna have a 5-hours sex marathon with a girl

>> No.7445824

Well then don't breed I guess, didn't mean to try and mess up natural selection

>> No.7445840

Guys what the fug do you do if your dick hurts? I didn't jerk it for over a month and then went to a massage parlor, but her touching my dick still felt more numb, hurty and uncomfortable. I've never been super addicted to masturbation either. Am I just fucked?

>> No.7445901

If you haven't done it in a month it could just be blood rushin' in and her being a bit rough. Maybe she was using lotion you're allergic to.

>> No.7445907

I have the same problem, all my sexual experiences have been shit because they have always been stupid hook ups from 'dating' apps.

I'm just not cut out for the hook up game, if I'm in a situation where I 'have' to do it then I lose boners, struggle to jizz etc.

I know for a fact if I was just laid in bed with someone I'd be horny af I just can't get in that situation cos all I can ever find is cunts that just want sex which usually ends up being in my car which makes things worse.

>> No.7445924

You need a nice girl

>> No.7445947

Any tips for the 'dating' apps. Embarrasingly i look like a chad yet i'm so fucking retarded socially that I went through college with zero tinder hookups

>in b4 you're not actually chad looking
I was ironically able to hookup a lot by getting so fucking drunk i couldnt talk and ruin my chances

>> No.7445965

stop masturbating you retard

>> No.7445987

I'm actually pretty good at flirting on there, how's your opener?

>> No.7445998

Hey sounds like your doing ok.
Except you should be a little more firm about taking them back to their place.
This you need to be firm with them on.

Then either pop a cialis like other anon or chug some beers like me, do you, then fuck her all night on her property. Wake up and shit in her toilet use her shower maybe have her make breakfast.

>> No.7446030

>I would recommend(if possible) getting a fuckbuddy or girlfriend
take a guess at why the porn industry exists

>> No.7446041
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>How's your opener?
>Didn't see 'fucking socially retarded'
> Hey cutie
> I'd drag my balls through 5 miles of broken glass just to sniff the seat you farted on in 3rd grade
> was it something i said?

>> No.7446044

fuck 3dpd whores hentai is all I need

>> No.7446060

so stop watching porn/masturbating idiot. its an addiction, what did you expect would happen? No porn or masturbation for you for 3 months

>> No.7446137

Just don't be nervous of people, I try to find a talking point about their picture (no faggy nice eyes shit) and start with that, try and make it a jokey insult, nothing harsh just something playful. Usually gets me further than the normal hi how's you shit.

Main thing is don't act like your talking to fucking royalty or something, it's just some person, if they were anything special they wouldn't need to resort to apps.

If you get ignored a maximum of twice just move on,block them if you have to. If they don't react well to jokey comment also move on, they take themselves to serious and would be annoying to be around.

>> No.7446172

If you're 28 you've probably downloaded a lot of porn over the years. Delete it. ALL OF IT. No keeping any favorites. This is a fresh start.

Now quit watching porn. Try and make it at least a couple of weeks and see how things go. I won't say quit forever because you will inevitably relapse, and go on a streaming site, and maybe one tug will feel good, but overall you will find it has lost its magic. A feeble simulacra with shlomo watching over your shoulder.

Your natural instincts will be restored, even if you're only intending to use them with prostitutes.

>> No.7446213

I'm doing ok sexual wise but I want more, I want to meet someone, have fun and leave with out having sex, I want to meet someone I get on with and actually want to be around.

As for going to their place improbably to nervous for that haha, outwardly I'm probably normalish but inside I'm a socially awkward mess.

>> No.7446314
File: 26 KB, 326x326, I+want+some+kittens+nia+_33f3a81c2510d9c8928d427f4f613c70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to be confident as always, put on the pressure to flirt while also talking to her.

It depends on your goals: want to fuck? Look up cheesy pick up lines, when she laughs get her number. Text her to invite her over, watch a movie, start making out.

Want a gf? Still be flirty. Call her quirks cute. She laughs at your joke? Tell her not to fall for you too fast, you're a heartbreaker. Tongue in cheek. Tread the line.

Things I said to my girlfriend over text that dropped the panties:

*implies that I might be a vampire*
Is that why I wanted to bite your neck?

*says that I'm too cute*
It's your own fault I gotta play catch up.

Work your way up to that stuff. Talk about your hobbies, ask about hers. Be interesting for godsakes. If you aren't interesting, go find a hobby and become interesting, try again. Don't lay on the heat too fast but in your opener imply she's cute or that you love her hair.


>> No.7446339

if only there was a way to fix the problem of too much masturbation.

>> No.7446371


Thats just performance anxiety. Have alchohol or mdma before the sex next time.

>> No.7446399
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>have to find an outlet
Anon there is one flaw with this theory what if OP goes full retard or crazy and rapes a chick?

>> No.7446518

Ah yea also what this guy said, a huge point that I forgot.

If the convo is going then try to move off the app as quick as possible to show your serious.

I usually go for snapchat so you have a chance of seeing less staged pics to avoid cat fishing or insta as there is usually a fuck load of pics you can inspect

>> No.7446528
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I doubted the power of autism

maybe I'll make a thread on /k/ about female gun ownership to balance out the karma

>> No.7446548

I understand.
I just kind of forced myself out there. Longest relationship I ever had was off Craigslist. Many years of fun. Expiriment and try taking it back to one of your places. You will likey relax and probably not be jumped by several masked dudes.

>> No.7446565

great point getting her snap is a great way to see pics and keep up with her, the convo could die off but a month later maybe you're snapping eachother, maybe you comment on her story when she goes to an insane concert

>> No.7446625

It's not that. I've been with two hookers before and fucking her with a condom, I didn't feel anything at all. Been to massage parlors like almost 10 times now and never gotten off from their hand alone, it just feels more uncomfortable and painful and makes me lose my erection. I also randomly get faint pains in the tip and there's an area on there that's always kinda chafed and red, even though I have not been jerking off often at all the past year.

>> No.7446668
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>> No.7446704


Anon, wtf, that's just addiction and anxiety, you probably don't even enjoy it all that much at this point.

I usually think the nofap thing is stupid, but you might want to take a break for a few weeks, then a couple months.

>> No.7446783

im literally a cringe god and I got a qt gf its not fucking hard

>> No.7446880

see a doctor m8

>> No.7446922
File: 198 KB, 1269x947, Ilikeyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as hooking up with chicks, it all comes down to confidence and being relaxed. What you say is irrelevant, it's how you say it that matters
Like watch this for example, this guy is 100% relaxed and in a good mood


Now if you tell me that you are too socially retarded to do this, just practice talking to random chicks you find attractive all the time, wherever you are. Sure you will get BTFO a whole lot in the process at first, but you can only get better. It's impossible that you won't get better

>inb4 ''he's tall'' or this is staged. Doesn't matter

>> No.7446978

Man, I get what you're saying. But him being tall simply does account for 50% of this. If you want to accomplish this video as a short guy, it would be nearly impossible, it's just basic human psychology. She'd have to be sitting down or something, you have to look up to feel dominated.

>> No.7446996

face height frame
you cant honestly say a short, less attractive guy acting the exact same way would have anywhere near the positive response

>> No.7447098

would still get results. confidence is magic. people are insecure. people adore leaders like this

>> No.7447103


If you're short, just talk to shorter chicks, or lower wuality chicks.
I will admit being a manlet (5'7 and below) doesn't help, but if you got everything else in order you should do fine

>> No.7447124

>''he's tall'' or this is staged. Doesn't matter

this is all that matters

>> No.7447328


>> No.7447366
File: 812 KB, 1188x599, cryptochats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what if you have a baby face? Lets crypto-fy this.

Barry Silbert and Rhett Creighton try and pick up a girl.

Barry is pretty confident and tall, but he has a baby face. Rhett is a manlet. For the sake of argument, say he's as confident as the guy in the video. How does this turn out

>> No.7447497

>Not telling biz that you are gona hire a whore in advance
>Not have Biz go though all the whores in your area to find the best deal
>not taping it for us
Yeah real nice "community" here im going back to redit

>> No.7447575

Well, let's say that the guy in the video has a 15% success rate, they're gonna be at 5%. So out of 20 chicks they approach, one will get fucked

>> No.7447607

You should have not masturbated for a week before calling her guaranteed you would have exploded in seconds

>> No.7447628
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sorry to bring this to your thread but i can't take it anymore. my wife is going to leave me because i'm uncomfortable around her (i've been raised by the internet. for instance, i've been coming to this site regularly since the very beginning. i used to post with moot back on adtrw). i'm uncomfortable around everyone.

i've never fit in anywhere. i might kill myself tonight. who wants to watch on livestream?

>> No.7447671

Don't do it anon. Please.

>> No.7447672

you're married but uncomfortable around eachother? what?

Find happiness elsewhere anon. You're gonna die anyway just live it out

>> No.7447691

stream it on twitch kek

>> No.7447717

>you're married but uncomfortable around eachother? what?
we got married and moved in together but my autism and wanting to be alone all the time

>> No.7447731

You don't know what the future holds, sure you might feel like killing yourself right now but why not let it pass? Life can be full of surprises and you may very well be glad to be alive and thankful for not giving up earlier on.

>> No.7447732
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Do it anon. Please

>> No.7447775

Man, just get money and start over

Stop drinking

>> No.7447780

how did you get married in the first place then? also did you seriously write an F by drawing a C then a line through it?

>> No.7447798
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>inb4 ''he's tall'

>> No.7447838

dont jerk your dick for a week and itll be diamonds if you see a girl just walk near you.

>> No.7447876

what's a good streaming service i got all my alts banned from twitch.

maybe i'll skype a few of you and you can re-uplosd my death vid to liveleak can i trust you? post you skypes