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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7422055 No.7422055 [Reply] [Original]

When automation starts to really kick in and unemployment sky plummets UBI will likely be implemented as it already has high support. Although i have a few questions.

1. If the government brings in UBI then how will people buy WANTS instead of NEEDS? UBI is for needs only so how would one buy things like cars or get a mortgage or go on holiday if they are unemployed from automation?

2. Even if the government pays more for your WANTS then basically you are getting free money even though you produce nothing that is of value (unemployed). Why is this fair?

Not sure if this topic is acceptable for this board, tried pol but you can barely get an intelligent discussion there.

>> No.7422161

> sky plummets
Looks like you're a prime candidate for a machine replacing your function. UBI is a shit concept and communism doesn't work. This is completely the wrong board for you, back to /co/.

>> No.7422177

1. They dont, thus encouraging them to get a job
2. They can only buy needs instead of wants. Seems pretty fair to me

>> No.7422183
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good topic my dude but honestly idk. I'm too much of a brainlet to discuss UBI. Pic related ( me in the middle)

>> No.7422222

People can't really be left to budget themselves fully with a basic income. Or at least, there should be a system to catch people who can't. Obviously basic income would allow people to buy the bare necessities (food, clothes, shelter) but for people today who already shirk those necessities to buy drugs and alcohol, those people will misspend their basic income and have nothing to show for it except for begging from others in a UBI system (which is shameful). Those individuals will need to be figured out later

>Why is it fair that you get money for free
When a company makes a product it's because that company wants to A. Accumulate wealth or B. Help people. In a system where nobody has money, A is impossible because nobody is working. A fully efficient robotic system has no human input, so the owner of the robots is creating things for near zero cost (because they don't have to split any wealth with any people helping). How is it fair to expect people who cannot work to pay for things that are being produced for nearly free?

>> No.7422277

The owners of the robots aren't going to give you free money. You will negotiate down to ever declining work conditions just to avoid becoming irrelevant and being culled.

>> No.7422294

enjoy your war

>> No.7422362

Why would you ever need UBI? Automation has only driven the cost of goods and services down.

Automation will continue to drive down costs. No communist redistribution schemes needed.

>> No.7422384

>Universal Basic Income

commie bullshit. No surprise your a Disney nu star wars faggot

>> No.7422398

>The virgin UBI
>The Chad revolucion

>> No.7422428

>as it already has high support from useless entitled faggot sjw bums


>> No.7422437

I'm against the thing. A lot of people on this site support it and that's why i'm asking the questions.

>> No.7422440

Costs are nowhere near free, machines are a huge overhead. People still have to run them to an extent, there's conception and advertising, maintenance etc.

Furthermore no one is entitled to anything regardless of its cost. You are entitled to what you make.

>> No.7422474

No it doesnt.

>> No.7422480

But why would you even need income in a post-scarcity society?

But for real, all of this hand wringing over the robots reminds me of the 80's when auto assembly lines started getting automated. Oh noes, teh sky is falling! Gibs monies pls!

>> No.7422487

It doesn't matter if it's fair or not according to your morals, without it there will be civil war

>> No.7422498

The problem with UBI is it starts to look like communism very quickly.

>> No.7422509

UBI is the lie they tell you to do what they want without the world chimping out

>> No.7422528

They will do a to avoid b and to make money. Without ubi who will buy their products?

>> No.7422529

Get the concept of "fair" our of your head. It has no meaning post-scarcity. If robots don't need money, and they are the ones producing value, it doesn't make sense for the robot owners to take all that money, leaving everyone else with no money. Who will pay for the service the robot provides if nobody has money? Without a strong economy, their value means nothing.

>> No.7422531

UBI only pays for your needs. The idea is that automation allows for a world where no one has to work to survive. We have such an abundance of resources that no one needs to starve, everyone can have a roof over their head. We’d reap the benefits of our tremendous technological advancement.

However: people should still be rewarded for doing work and contributing to society. Money will not be used to satisfy basic needs but instead be used for Wants, for luxury goods, for bigger homes, fancier cars.

UBI is BASIC income. It’s not high income.

The people who don’t work will be free to live in their little box and not starve to death. If they want to do more, if they want to travel and afford tickets to concerts and buy cool gadgets and all of that, they’ll have to work.

This is fair.

>> No.7422534

there are no needs and wants. you only need food because you dont want to die of starvation. UBI is communist slavery, or at least that's what the results would end up as.

>> No.7422538
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machines will still be owned by people

and what do those people gain by keeping you alive? remember that anything you could ever do for someone else, a machine could do better

>> No.7422548

Civil war between people so stupid they can be replaced by primitive robotics and so lacking in creativity and energy that they cant develop new opportunities vs the high IQ rich in control of society with total control of production and robotics.

I think im not worried.

>> No.7422573

>look at all these tools that expand farming output with less work involved, all these people will be unemployed
This is how you sound.

>> No.7422575


This tbqh. The work will just be different. People will have to be more creative.

>> No.7422600

Do it through a coin of some sort. Airdrop rewards every few hours and provide a marketplace. Like this one: https://www.swiftdemand.com/?referred_by=viadata

>> No.7422615

You're not one of those people unless you're basically rothschild tier. Just because you have a couple of million doesn't mean you have any worth, you're still a useless eater. And don't give me some bullshit about you being industrial or whatever, the owners hate competition.

>> No.7422617

UBI will cause nothing but inflation and lower living standards

if you argue for this, neck yourself

>> No.7422622


The High IQ rich will be fighting a war with each other, as many of them are socialists or will be when shit gets bad

>> No.7422638

The inflation gets out of control really fast with UBI.

For example this soon to be crypto Swiftdemand. Literally last week there were 167 mil total now we are approaching 200mil. Everyone still gets the same amount at the same schedule but it is worth less every time. So just give them more and you can see how UBI will fail fast.


>> No.7422657

Receiving something for nothing is the opposite of fair. Someone is producing something, even if its just design, creation and maintenance of the machines. Nor does abundance ever last forever, we've been doing an experiment with UBI in africa for generations and they just expand to the point of starvation at every instance.

Finally people will not use their money responsibly, these arent the best of humanity we're talking about being replaced by bots. That money will be blown and the problems of crime and unemployment will exist all the same.

>> No.7422676

nigger can’t even spell

>> No.7422722

They'll just make robotic consumers.

>> No.7422723

But several experts and articles have said 80 - 90 percent of jobs will become automated. How is someone meant to find work in a society like that so they can afford more than their needs?

>> No.7422728

Im a psychiatrist, im safe for my foreseeable lifetime. If it does ever become automated i can respecialize into any number of medical fields straight away. My wife is a chemical engineer and my siblings are bankers. I also paint a lot so if shit really goes down i have a creative option. I am truly not concerned.

>> No.7422732

>Receiving something for nothing is the opposite of fair.
That's all nice and good but it's still manmade morality. It's unnatural, and when people are starving to death they wont give a shit about your perceptions about what is right or wrong, and really they have no reason to.

>> No.7422741

>A lot of people on this site support it

No-one fucking supports it except the lowest form of drooling neet commie spastic

>> No.7422769

They're socialists when living far away from its consequences, it changes the second they actually experience it. Just as a few people i know live in the 100% white cotswalds and preach about how awful racism is.

>> No.7422775

>But why would you even need income in a post-scarcity society?

Antiques and other items of defined limited supply. Like prime places on a beech.

>> No.7422801

German here
The only way this society of envy would implement an acceptable standard of living is absolute necessity. State and society only implements something this expensive if survival is threatened. This implies revolt of the masses but they already have their bare minimum subsidized. Technically, we already have UBI - but only for those that really need it. Sure, its a difference if ALL get gibs or only thw poorest but its the latter that would riot if no food/shelter. Remember, we are already at 70% tax (income of 50% plus consumption of 20%).

>> No.7422811

>Im a psychiatrist, im safe for my foreseeable lifetime
Top kek, you delusional, arrogant piece of shit. All of the things you've mentioned can be 90% automated. You also conveniently glossed over the fact that you're a worthless eater. 95% of humans will not be needed after we have full automatization, it doesn't matter if you can get a job supplying other humans with services when those humans themselves are worthless and have no reason to exist according to the owners.

>> No.7422813

>when people are starving to death they wont give a shit about your perceptions about what is right or wrong

No they will just die like Ireland or Ethiopia. What's you point commie faggot? At no point do I want to feed you.

>> No.7422845

>Im a psychiatrist, im safe for my foreseeable lifetime.

Holy fucking shit, this is the kind of mouth-breather that posts on a board about business and finance

>> No.7422858

You're deluded if you think the average wealthy person will have any influence what so ever.

>> No.7422862

ah look a refugee servant who wants social support to sit around being useless. You can always be sold for organ transplants. Get a fucking job.

>> No.7422866

>We have such an abundance of resources that no one needs to starve, everyone can have a roof over their head.
this is absolute bullshit, the soviet union had enough resources to guarantee a great life for everyone inside it, but because of the communist government everything went to shit so badly that even now russia is just barely figuring out how to cast high strength steel in it's submarines without fucking up, something that the US figured out in the 1950s

oh, and it's barely figuring out how to make jet engines that don't burst into flames after a year of use, meanwhile the US has thousands of decades old jets with engines so much more advanced than state of the art russian ones it's not even funny.

china is the same, it's "stealth jets" are designed for architectural stealth, because they can't actually make hard baked stealth panels like the US can. most of it's soldiers don't have radios since making millions of the things is out of the question. they can't even issue their troops underwear.

capitalism is the only functioning system we've found so far, and it REQUIRES people to fail for others to succeed. the trick to capitalism is that even though 95% of people will fail, the 5% that succeed will end up enriching the others. your average trailer dwelling southern redneck is just as poor as the average trailer dwelling southern redneck in the 1950s, the difference between the two is that the current day one has cell phone access, power, access to modern medical care (don't give me that IT COSTS TOO MUCH bullshit, at least rednecks can obtain emergency heart surgeries), and guaranteed security from being killed by roaming soviet soldiers.

why do modern rednecks have those things? because among other things, over the last 60 years about 10,000 entrepreneurs lucked out and started successful companies that developed new technologies. meanwhile the soviet union did fucking nothing.

UBI will always fail, even if we have "automation".

>> No.7422874

If we're absolving ourselves of man made morality then those starving to death, with low skill and no production on their side are in an even worse position.

>> No.7422887

>You're deluded if you think the average wealthy person will have any influence what so ever.

Your deluded of you think that poor people have any influence whatsoever. You entitlement looser scum

>> No.7422891

>muh ideology
They will try to kill you, if they fail or not I don't really give a shit, there is nothing inherently good with either side.

>> No.7422913

I never said they would. Kill yourself you fucking subhuman sub-80 IQ brainlet.

>> No.7422919

In theory, if you blow your UBI on frivolous shit you should just suffer the consequences or go bother your family. But in reality you can’t just let poor people lie dying in the streets so there will have to still be some sort of welfare on top of it.

>> No.7423035

These threads are basically communist generals in disguise.

The entire concept is retarded and everyone who supports it is a starry eyed sheltered economically illiterate liberal

>> No.7423051

I think a lot of depressed neets will need help come automation. Also im sure in time all careers may come to be replaced but not within the next 50 years.

>> No.7423065

UBI would only work in a smart society with no brown people who'd spend it all on alcohol, drugs and bitches.

But then again, smart people wouldn't need UBI.

If I got UBI, I'd put it all into crypto.

>> No.7423100

You're not getting it. The depressed neets are not needed and neither are you. There is no reason for the owners to keep either of you alive.

>> No.7423128

Basically this. The lower echelons of society will be culled (or will work for cheaper than the robots). Pushing for UBI only legitimizes the grand power imbalance.

>> No.7423138

jesus christ if this were 2008 you'd be one of those "i wouldn't be a farmer in a communist society, i'd be a card carrying party member!" fucks


>> No.7423175
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And unless your last name is Shekelberg don't think you aren't going to get culled too son.
Those kikes love watching you play Red Vs. Blue on here while they continue to cement their rule over all things tangible.

>> No.7423196

Well then im fine too, most users of low end psychiatric services are in middle to upper classes and intelligent. Furthermore a medical degree is quite an open tool, i can change at whim. Maybe ill help soothe the minds of the high IQ controllers so they can set their robots to more ruthlessly blast povos away.

>> No.7423212
File: 19 KB, 320x241, 1509632274613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a single instance where UBI has been implemented where the country hasn't immediately collapsed.

I'll wait.

>> No.7423233


let me guess

>muh venezuela

>> No.7423249

Literally all of the Arab states have robust social welfare systems since it's pretty much written into their religion. Pretty much any country outside of the Jewish sphere of influence can pull it off.

>> No.7423264

Not just the lower echelons, think more like 90-99% of the population.

You're retarded and a brainlet, not surprising considering the fact that you're a psychiatrist. I never said I was going to be one of the owners. I never said crypto could make me one of them. In fact I said just the opposite. You're fucking retarded. The point is I'm not "needed" and neither are you, or anyone else on this website. If you're part of the psychopath cabal that will own the multinational corporations owning all industrial output, there is no reason to keep the useless eaters alive, it's a net cost, they're not contributing like the tax serfs of today, so they'll probably just try get rid of us. Which will be an extremely easy thing to do with our modern controlled society and all the modern technology.

>> No.7423356

It's not about class in the traditional sense. It's about the 0.0001% owning all industrial output vs everyone else, the useless eaters.

>> No.7423364

>You're retarded and a brainlet, not surprising considering the fact that you're a psychiatrist.

>I never said I was going to be one of the owners.
you have been strutting around this thread calling 95% of the population of earth useless meatbags while at the same time acting like you're some 150 IQ genius. you're delusional or you're full of yourself, pick one.

>The point is I'm not "needed" and neither are you, or anyone else on this website.
you're full of shit, then.

>If you're part of the psychopath cabal that will own the multinational corporations owning all industrial output, there is no reason to keep the useless eaters alive
>so they'll probably just try get rid of us.
>extremely easy thing to do with our modern controlled society and all the modern technology.
the exact same logic was used to justify the guaranteed continuing strength of the soviet union.

>> No.7423379

Their feeble minds are inextricably bound by the doctrine of authority. Sounds pretty useful to me.

>> No.7423392
File: 1.91 MB, 265x285, At least you tried.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arab states
So only countries with small populations and literally more wealth than they could spend in a lifetime, gotcha

>> No.7423435
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>> No.7423440

What annoys me are the UBI experiments they trot out with a limited number of people. They're not universal!
Then you have the people who want UBI and open borders, which is the height of retardation.
I hope some country does implement it. They will get rekt worse than Venezuela and I will laugh.

>> No.7423458

>you have been strutting around this thread calling 95% of the population of earth useless meatbags while at the same time acting like you're some 150 IQ genius. you're delusional or you're full of yourself, pick one.
You fucking retard holy shit. I never said that you fucking moron. I would be considered useless meatbag just like everyone on this website, I'm just telling you what their mentality is.

>> No.7423461

This. Commies have no idea of costs. They think free means no cost to anyone.

>> No.7423483

We already have UBI for niggers. You can see how well that's turned out.

>> No.7423490

A machine will always be more obedient.

>> No.7423500

Dont use the term niggers please

>> No.7423543

no nigger is a great term because it scares normies away, we need more racist, nazi, gore shit on this board

>> No.7423548

dont tell others what words to use. do you know how bad this makes you look? like how thin skinned are you? are you even old enough to use the internet?

>> No.7423566

>trusting the government to make sure you eat and can buy things
lol ok

>but anon it will be sto cheap all the stuff because technologies
sure, but the government still doesn't care. it's not look good people make it into power very often. the assholes in charge may decide its easier to keep you poor then to have robot factories toil away to make stuff for useless eaters.

meanwhile any corporation or business that wants customers is going to realize that to have customers with money you need customers with jobs, which means you need employees and so does everyone.

so its the governments lust for power vs greed for profit.

>> No.7423587

they are automating the banking and medical sectors right now you dumbass

>> No.7423596

Reddit, I....

>> No.7423605

That sounds like a nigger and wants free money?

>> No.7423631

fuck off back to r eddit you don't belong here
stay poor

>> No.7423660
File: 43 KB, 450x540, QUADRUPLE_NIGGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? Do you want to suppress the truth? Niggers are niggers, thats why we call them niggers!

>> No.7423663
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>> No.7423669

Nice argument fag

>> No.7423672
File: 91 KB, 1024x748, 1496242301799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need more racist, nazi, gore shit on this board

sure anon, /b/ and /pol/ are clearly not filled with reddit normies

>> No.7424056


>> No.7424087

>>>/out/ commie filth

>> No.7424528



>machines are a huge overhead

Oh yeah, compared to the cost of employing people, fucking yuuuuuuge overhead. How the fuck will we ever get by with all this productivity?

>Nobody is entitled to anything. You are entitled to what you make

Naive, ignorant, and short sighted. As a capitalist you also believe that less efficient processes should be eliminated. If I am a weaver, I cannot make anything or participate in a market which has been completely automated. No, you're wrong. Machines are eliminating the need for human labor outside of machine repair (which will eventually be eliminated too) and the end result will be only efficient energy production and machines doing the rest. The answer is we need to restructure from a human labor economy to a machine labor economy and fight price memory on processes which have been made vastly more efficient and profits are being drained from the system.

>> No.7424535
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UBI is unironically the only way to go, and I have yet to hear any rational counterarguments that go adequately beyond "you can't just give people something for nothing, that's communism". Despite driving for a blockchain revolution (not really, you just want the gainz), you seem to be absolutely alienated from reality of what automation is doing to humans and from an ethical point of view, you really hold a kind of degenerate nihilist viewpoint that I hope dies off as we evolve as species not only economically and technologically, but also morally. I can with 100% certainty say, that if you, the nihilist neet, were given the types of resources (((they))), meaning the Rothchilds and Soroses of this world have, we would be living in an even more perverted world than we are today.

I sincerely hope you all lose everything you have. Which I'm sure you will, because most of you never worked for that money any way, but got it handed down from your rich parents or by buying crypto a year ago, which, btw is not a sign of your superior intelligence.

>> No.7424592

>UBI is unironically the only way to go

wrapping r edditots in duct take strapping them into rockets and shooting them at mars to work as penal slaves seems a better way to go

>> No.7424639

>Naive, ignorant, and short sighted.

I've never met you but I want to piss in your mouth. Communist hipster vermin. Here's you {nigger}

>> No.7424699

see this is what I was talking about. You seem like a horrible person really.

>> No.7424727

why does this look like something 5-6 year old should be doing?

>> No.7424794



They'll let them die off sure, but nobody is killing anybody. Fact is, more people still can get more done; more fields of research, etc. But there will be more demand for that and the generic "labor" human which might well turn to violence out of boredom and/or lack of purpose will probably cease to exist. When there is an arbitrary population, we will have as many people as we need, and yes, people who do nothing will probably not be sustainable. Certain types of people will thrive post automation. We won't go down 90% of our population, but it will decline probably 30-40% as we lose most of the mindlessness in africa and a lot of the drug addled homelessness in the developed world

>> No.7424831
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>see this is what I was talking about. You seem like a horrible person really.

Gibs me free universal income commie faggot or I piss in your mouth. See? I loathe you too. No interest in feeding commie faggots, you are for shooting not feeding.

>> No.7424888


Industrial output, for exactly fucking whom? The industrial complexes will continue to make money and expand, and when the profits have ran dry and people can no longer work for fully automated factories, those factories will continue to churn out goods at low cost and humanity will continue to reap the benefits. Eventually the "my factory my money" type will die off as ownership of the means of production becomes arbitrary because there will be no profits from human labor to demand.

>> No.7424897

>communism doesn't work
Neither does neofeudalism tbqhwy

>> No.7424900

Automation will not lead to mass unemployment. It's a fucking meme. No invention from the horse plough to the printing press to the electric light has ever done that. We'll either adjust our desired outcome or make laws to work fewer hours. Just as we've always done.

>> No.7424925

Know your place serf

>> No.7424928

Your post in a nutshell

>I'm entitled to free money but angry that certain parents gave their children free money
>Here are my reasons for UBI: The way to go

>> No.7425018

lmao, americans are the dumbest people on earth

>> No.7425053

>psycopath quoting other psychopath
wew you really show him

>> No.7425071

It's pretty sad people like you actually exist. But then again I know you do, because I've been to Burgerlandia and seen you necrotic fat deposits roll through the streets in your wallmart scooters with my own eyes. Anyway, don't worry, China will take your place as the world economic center sooner than later and you can stay right the way you are, burning your clean coal and transcending further and further into the idiocracy dystopia you somewhat already are.

>> No.7425080

1) Unemployed don't get wants. Unemployed eat and unemployed don't own a toilet, unemployed share it. If unemployed want to live longer, that's a want.
2) It's not, it's looting, paying to keep the population obedient and at the saturation point people die.

>> No.7425164

Nowhere did I say I'm entitled to free money. Fact is I don't need it. Also nowhere did I say I'm angry that certain parents give their kids free money, because I'm not, since it's something I'm sure most decent parents strive for.

>> No.7425319


I've never met you but you've already proven to the rest of us that you don't deserve the skin you wear. Money is not designed for getting ahead of the next guy. It simply can be used that way. It is a system of fair transfer of value. When everything is so plentiful, it will have no value, and that will be fair. Your "something for nothing" argument will mean nothing when simply having the means to live comfortably IS considered "nothing" and what people **want** and who can afford to buy it are what is running the economy.

>> No.7425421

>If unemployed want to live longer, that's a want.

Not a logical step from the rest of your argument. Living is a "need", ie, what we need to live. Food water and shelter are not "wants" simply because you do not value human life. That is your opinion and thankfully not a common one.

>> No.7425538

bad posts

>> No.7425604

fucking lol

>> No.7425657

Get this dumb reddit commie poorfag shit off of /biz/!

>> No.7425767


>muh daddy owned a factory, now it's mine and I got it for free as gibsmedats
>5 million times over, over several generations
>surplus of infrastructure makes future generations more profitable
>surplus of knowledge and humans makes R&D cheaper
>nothing is worth anything because eventually we have so much
>bluh bluh muh "but if it's not worth anything people will stop producing"
>implying that personal gain will even really exist in an era of widespread prosperity

With little money to be made and without the ability to use production of goods and hidden information to take advantage of a market, capitalism, while healthy in today's era, will die.

>> No.7425803

You can tell that people are not making it because they are still thinking like poorfags. UBI is to keep the dregs of society pacified with scraps while those of worth reap unprecedented profits.

>> No.7426020

I agree with you. I think automation should have been taxed since a long time ago, to ease the transition to a machine labor economy. Wage stagnation is clearly due to workforce increase (women) and automation. Before, we had control over the capital, as we were needed for their company to succeed. Now, workforce is abundant, and inefficient. If we start taxing automation, we could make human workforce more attractive, and redistribute the wealth that should have been distributed to the workforce since wage stopped increasing.

>> No.7426027

Vanity, greed and pride will be enough reason until we are all dead.
Fuck everything.

>> No.7426039


It's not just one job being replaced. It's the need for human labor itself. Horses didn't magically get new jobs after cars were invented.

>> No.7426061

When the working class becomes obsolete they should be eliminated. Existence is not a right.

>> No.7426108


this. always some new around the bend garbage that will fix the economy. when will you retards the guillotine is the only thing that fixes this.

>> No.7426110

Well.....yeah. I'm not seeing the problem. If you got income sorted, or own an AI you're now an aristocrat. Everyone else still gets to eat and live. Win-win really.

>> No.7426152

I agree that UBI is coming and we will see exactly how generous we are. Work needs to be incentivized even when it's not necessary and what we consider a luxury changes as less and less people need to work. If you believe the unemployed are going to have the same life expectancy than those working expect envy and resentment if workers start believing their healthcare could be better. I feel prepared for a world where we all sing kumbaya under the rainbow but that's not what I imagine a 50% unemployment rate looks like.

>> No.7426168

>every 1st world country adopts UBI
>3rd world citizens flood into 1st world
>anchor babies shat onto every street
>demand for goods/services vastly outstrips supply
>the wealthy/industrious humans flee
>the robots eventually fail
>starvation and war

>> No.7426210

There are more horses alive today than a hundred years ago so it seems they're okay.

>> No.7426218

They should call it "Bread and Games Income"

>> No.7426229
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ITT: Neal Neet, 21 from Kentucky, thinks that since he made 500% profits off of Ripple last month, he will become a god emperor to rule over the slave class after the great global civil war.

We got a direct quote from Neil himself, in which he stated "When the working class becomes obsolete they should be eliminated. Existence is not a right."

And here's Steve with the weather.

>> No.7426311

your thing is going in reverse. we're already doing all of that without ubi. that will happen after the restructuring. its not going to just be smooth kek

>> No.7426360

Idle hands are the devil's playthings. Take away a man's incentives/provisions to provide, and sense of accomplishment at a hard day's work and what is he left with? A lot of time, boredom, and aggression. Hope they build plenty of prisons.

>> No.7426560

Welfare states without the political will to enforce immigration law resulting in r-selected populations which will then vote for more welfare and less law enforcement, it's incredible to witness the death of civilization. Universal basic income is acceleration, go for it.

>> No.7426578


>> No.7426597

>When automation starts to really kick in
But it already did kick in. 99% of workers worked in agriculture 300 years ago. Now it's only 2%. All the jobs disappeared about a hundred years ago.

This is why I hate UBI retards. They can't even fathom simple concepts or logic

>> No.7426735

This is the most cancerous thread I’ve seen in biz for a long time.

>> No.7426851

UBI is a shit idea, only necessary because retards keep bringing in third world shits.

In the entire civilised world population is declining, or at least plateauing, as it should with less jobs becoming available, except for shitholes like Africa or with pajeets and mudshits.

>> No.7426914
File: 88 KB, 768x752, uhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a threshing machine is the same as a learning AI
face it meat bag, you are going to be scrapped and replaced

>> No.7426946

Holy fuck, those fucking digits

>> No.7426961

So you're telling me that the productive should be robbed to pay for the lazy drug addicts?

>> No.7427076

The machines will pay for the lazy drug addicts retard.

>> No.7427116

/biz/ never seems to give a fuck about huge gets such as this. I can only deduce that everyone here is Norman

>> No.7427153

Because watching gets is /b/-tier shit.
It's only amusing when the poster is trying to get something.

>> No.7427216


i think he means the other faggot leftist infested boards

>> No.7427269

and who's paying for the machines?

>> No.7427337

>If the government brings in UBI then how will people buy WANTS instead of NEEDS? UBI is for needs only so how would one buy things like cars or get a mortgage or go on holiday if they are unemployed from automation?

Some people will languish, some people will not tolerate complacency and continue working. Perhaps what they will work on will be a much higher risk than what they could when they had to take care of necessities. That's not to say that UBI is even a good idea, but you need to reconsider the myth that a person who has their basic needs met will just automatically give up on life. It's a right wing myth based on intuition, rather than any kind of empirical data. If you look at research studies, many instead say that the majority continue working after their needs are met, whereas others don't. I think the basic idea is that we will have free necessities, specifically so we can spend more effort on gaining luxuries, by continuing to work.

I could also reverse your second question and say: how is it fair that farmers allow milk to spoil when they have a catastrophic oversupply of it, and they have to keep the price stable or they could go out of business? Maybe there's an error in reasoning there. Maybe humans have gotten so good at producing certain products--potatoes comes to mind--that it makes more sense to give them away for free rather than put them behind an artificial wall of capitalism. We could still work to compete for our lambos, by making useful things. That doesn't have to go away, but be realistic: we are making more food than we can sell, and the only thing standing in our way of that food being free is that it would destroy the industry to do so. So maybe that means we need a better plan.

>> No.7427367

This is why I hate UBI retards. They can't even fathom simple concepts or logic

>> No.7427368

It could also be that people finally learn to obtain "WANTS" by themself. E.g. I probably would be just drawing dickgirl pictures all day long.

>> No.7427461


oh boy

>> No.7427550

explain then, oh superior mind. How's the markets going to find paying costumers with a structural unemployment at 50%?

>> No.7427556

>I didn't have SEX with him, I just SUCKED HIS DICK!

>> No.7427598

UBI will kill social security and public education.

Look at Betsy Davos plan for private school tax vouchers. WANTS vs NEEDS people who only have UBI will only be able to pay for groceries, rent, and a doctor once a year. Anything else you will have to work for.

>> No.7427685
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, V7d0NMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a right wing myth based on intuition
> I probably would be just drawing dickgirl pictures all day long

>> No.7427956
