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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7390615 No.7390615 [Reply] [Original]

Someone shill me right fucking NOW!!

>> No.7391178


>> No.7391231

too late m8 people starting to take profit

>> No.7391522

DUde get the fuck in Anon. its such an obvious winner.

>> No.7391545

fuck you nigger stay out of my coin reeeeeeeeee

>> No.7392349

>Someone shill me right fucking NOW!!


>> No.7392641


>> No.7393123

>Sell 10% of my stack
>Trying to decide between BLZ on Binance or JNT on Bibox
>Refuse to go 50/50
>Dump it all into JNT at at .00080 ETH
>Now sitting on a stack of 50K JNT that is losing value as BZL moons.

You have no idea how fucking mad I am.

>> No.7393374

Total shitcoin. Don't buy.

>> No.7393396


>> No.7393449

Again this pajeet pnd coin...

>> No.7393460

how the fuck did that literal shitcoin get insta binance listing?

>> No.7393503

could potentially tokenize the entire finance industry, and for every asset that gets tokenized, the supply of jnt goes down.

hold until at least 2020 at the shortest or you'll be very fucking sorry. this thing could have parabolic growth from now until 2030.

The higher the market cap goes, the lower the total supply of JNT tokens is. Doesn't require the end user to trade in memecoins, KYC comliant, and fiat reserves are auditied.

If they can get banks onboard you will make it with 1 JNT.

>> No.7393548
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>tfw pajeet scam coin
>tfw ethpyramid is glorious permanent structure shitting money across the blockchain
>tfw people think the alt coins are ok now because btc recovered a tiny bit today

deposit your money into the eth central bank and never look back

>> No.7393670

JNT is a better coin than ETH, easily. If you are patient it'll pay off plus some. If you're holding long term you'll be a millionaire.

>> No.7393838

From telegram group :
>We intend to release the full partnership details when the team is un Dubair (mid feb/ 2 weeks).
Just wait a bit :)

>> No.7393919

sorry, i meant better coin than BLZ, not ETH

>> No.7393957

This post is actually why I bought in. Institutional interest and money being fully announced within the month. I'm trying to buy the rumor.

>> No.7394087

I'm not holding it long term unless I'm already a millionaire and stop caring about crypto. If I get a 10X out of this I'm dropping half my bags and getting into something else.

>> No.7394160

pump and dump coin, looks like it's almost time for the daily dump

>> No.7394336

50k of JNT? do you realise you will literally, unironically be a mutlimillionaire of you hold for 1-2 years?

>> No.7394447


All the shill you need. Mid-Late February full details of the Al Maktoum partnership will be announced. This will go around the word.

>> No.7394488

will I be a millionaire with 12k or do I need more??

>> No.7394701

Dawg I have 2.8k and I unironically expect to have at least a million in 2 years

>> No.7394738

im glad that most people can't wrap their head around the token economics. this shit is going to be absolutely insane. we are all going to make it boys.

>> No.7394828

The MCap only needs to be about 13 billion for you to be a millionaire. So yes, I think you will make it a million and then some if institutional money flows into jnt... Which I strongly believe it will

>> No.7394840


7.5k, conservative estimates end of the year, what will this be worth? And optimistic?

>> No.7394916

fucking shitty ass coin, had a sale order go through for 2k even came up in the order book and nothing fucking happened still have my money at least

>> No.7394993

usually id shill a coin at this point, ive done it with every other big coin.This literally doesnt need it so i wont bother.

>> No.7394998

It is truly weird that people can't see the potential of jibrel... There are tens of trillions of dollar of assets that could theoretically be tokenized into jnt. While people are betting on tokens that might break into billion dollar industries, I'm going to be on the one that's looking to replace a multi-trillion dollar industry, and axtually is being adopted by Arabs who want to tokenize billions of dollars out of the gate. Seems like a no brainer. We're gonna make it anon.

>> No.7395122
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yeah 7.5k my fking balls

>> No.7395318


Finally, someone who mentions token economics besides me. Once the DAO kicks in and onchain liabilities are created we literally have a designed moon as long as Jibrel gets adopted. With all the backing they already have and the savings they offer bank, it will definitely be used.

All we have to do is wait.


75k USD, 150k is all goes really well. After that, it will be parabolic. This will mostly float around 1-5 dollars until Q3.

>> No.7395442


>> No.7395454

i barely get the project and how the instruments swap with each, what are some risks for institutions who want to tokenize

>> No.7395485
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are you ok?

>> No.7395533


>> No.7395574

I wrote this a while ago, might answer some of your questions.

"We're looking at a huge portion of MENA and Korean assets being tokenized on Jibrel.

As of now, JNT will derive value in 5 different ways.
1. JNT is burned as gas to fuel the network.
2. Speculation - what the market believes its value to be. This is the least important here.
3. CryDRs - these are one-to-one fiat tokens, backed by assets and real money. You need JNT to purchase them. They are audited by pricewatercoopers and solve all the issues with Tether.
4. Tokenization of assets. As more and more assets become tokenized on the Jibrel Network, as stated above, their corresponding value in JNT must be taken out of circulation. I.E. - if I tokenize $1 billion dollars worth of real estate - an equivalent $1 billion worth of JNT must be taken out of circulation.
5. The Jibrel DAO. In Q3, the Jibrel DAO will be launching. It will make the coin immune to massive pumps or dumps, as well as any recession. In the event a massive amount of people dump their JNT, the DAO will buy it back. In the even of a pump, the DAO will then sell off a portion of JNT to stabilize the price. You can see how this requires the DAO to have massive reserves of JNT on hand - as well as being an appeal to institutional investors who don't want to take a %10 loss in a day.

Also PALMEX, a Middle Eastern exchange, already has fiat pairings with Jibrel.

The UAE said they are going to pilot jCash throughout the region.

They have a partnership with the ruling family of Dubai.

They are in advanced talks with Korean banks and other licensed financial institutions to use their platform.

Speculation: The CEO, Yazan, has given a lot of talks about cash and the benefits of a digital currency. If the UAE adopts jCash in the form of their regional currency - we could see mass adoption as jCash is used for small transactions in addition to the tokenization of assets."

>> No.7395661

It's funny because I sold part of my Ven I bought at like 60 cents to buy the JNT I have. I'm less salty now.

>> No.7395669

Hey guys, can you like
*not* shill this for a few days pls
my fiat hasn't cleared yet and the wait is agonizing
for a lil jib plebian with a small stack
I just want a few days then I will shill with the best of you

>> No.7395732


Good writeup, though DAO is Q4 I think. Also, you should elaborate on the relationship between JNT price and on-chain liabilities of the DAO.

>> No.7395735

You know how when everyone is using Tether, the price of Tether jumps up to 1.03 USD or so? It is a similar concept. Here is what the team wrote on a post in Reddit:

"It boils down to this:

What is the incentive for me to put my cash into a CryDR and sell it on the blockchain.

You don't. This is generally for licensed financial institutions to benefit from the high-returns of the crypto-economy without the exposure.

When the public has full confidence in tether, and the overall market is in downswing, USDT is valued at 1.03 and higher.

We have a buzzphrase for this, "on-chain / off-chain arbitrage".

This means stable assets on-chain could be worth more than they are off-chain, if there is confidence in the guarantor.

So this is what the financial entity would do... It would tokenize some of its cash, exchange it for volatile assets (selling them on-chain for BTC/ ETH), liquidate those assets (the BTC / ETH), and benefit from the arbitrage.

In addition, the financial entity has just acquired a customer with an account (compliantly, with full KYC done to the level of the financial institute).

Hope that helps!"

So basically, I tokenize a non-liquid asset as a CryDR (real-estate, gold, etc), and a corresponding value of JNT must be taken out of circulation to provide proof of solvency. When people use CryDRs, the value of CryDRs increases. So if I have 1 billion dollars of gold tokenized into a CryDR, and a CryDR is worth $1.03, suddenly I've made a three percent increase on $1 billion, which is $30 million dollars I can now use as liquid capital.

Essentially, it gives liquidity to non-liquidity assets while also backing up the value of the CryDRs themselves.

There is no risk as the assets still remain assets tied to the market, the crypto component is just an extra way of extracting value from them.

>> No.7395796

are you ricardo wojak from the telegram?

>> No.7395803

Literally me. Made a order from my bank like 3 days ago and this shit stil hasn't arrived.
I'm sitting on just 2k JNT like a retard

>> No.7395899

Who keeps posting this everyday? Why?

>> No.7395931


The best part about this is that retard bizlets will not understand what any of that means and what it implies. Feels fucking good to have an international economics degree. (Not saying you need one to get this.

>> No.7395939

This. I was floored when I finally understood what they're doing and what drives the value of this token. People are sleeping on this, they have no idea how huge its going to be. Just look at who is involved.

>> No.7396004
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>> No.7396061

honestly get the fuck out retard, youre fucking annoying with your memes you faggot
fuck you fucking moron kys

>> No.7396094

i majored in history and literature pretty much gave myself a crash course on economics learning about crypto and jibrel but yeah, this is absolutely nuts.

I live in the silicon valley and I know for a fact that there are similar projects being developed (although still in their nascent stages), and that those respective projects have absolutely ridiculous amounts of demand behind them. Rich people are already trying to get in on exactly what Jibrel is doing. The difference is that Jibrel has the best connections here, as well as the best product by far. I'm not worried in the least about adoption. This is the definition of comfortable, and I'm fucking lucky I'm alive to be investing in this shit honestly.

>> No.7396255

>youre welcome
also, I dont know who tf this wojack is

>> No.7396289

okay faggot kys
stop responding in the group you faggot cancer

>> No.7396334

Is now a good time to buy or wait for everything to settle?

>> No.7396353

Sounds like this man raped your wife.

>> No.7396364


>> No.7396375

now is fine probably, it might dip down lower but anything within a 10 cent range of 50 cents is golden imho, it definitely wont be going below 40 anytime, .41 resistance held up and it even increased to .44 during the crash.

>> No.7396389

this cunt rapes everyones brains, get in the telegram group and see for yourself...
cant call him out there tho

>> No.7396484
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it's worse than that. I...
I raped his goat.

>> No.7396553
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tfw just 1.5k jnt.

What's everyone else at

>> No.7396560

I am he. I fud JNT to accumulate rather than shill.

I made a thread once here but now i fud.

>> No.7396591

how do you not feel shame as a grown man acting like a child, not being able to communicate like a normal person
its embarrassing for us
im truly sorry for your heavy mental disability

>> No.7396648

Im ricardo Oli. Relax, dont be so emotional.

>> No.7396658

its not oli you mong

>> No.7396678
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>> No.7396702
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Gz everyone investing, currently 15,5k considering selling my CPC and buy more but these two are the best holds of 2018 and onwards. This is one of those golden opportunities your kids and future wife will thank you for, not shilling just trying to help out my brothers.

>> No.7396773
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I unironically am Ricardo Wojack from telegram group. I didn't rape this guy's wife or goat. I paid his goat to have fully consensual sex with his wife and i filmed it.

Cucked by a Ram hahaha what an asshole.

>> No.7396827


Couldn't believe my luck when I stumbled upon this in pre-sale.

Anything below a 200 mil mcap is a steal. Look for an entry over the next few days.

>> No.7396880


where buy this shitcoin

>> No.7396883

youre the fucking autist you cunt

>> No.7396888
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Also take in consideration what the senate said today regaring crypto and assets, this is what they are waiting for and if the arabs are backing it they have simply no choice but to comply since if the sand niggers can crash the dollar in a day if they want to. 5D chess right here

>> No.7396925

how much do i need to drop on this to become a millionaire? hell i'd be happy with half a million

im a wagenigger making ok money with decent savings, so losing like $5k-$10k on this wouldnt be an issue

>> No.7396938

gate.io or bibox

>> No.7397039
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15k sounds juicy, will try to swing trade my way up was at 1k earlier this week. I might need to take out some to pay for a dentist though my tooth began hurting a few days ago I can't even sleep anymore, recently got fired so I might not having any savings left after that. Hope this takes us to the moon my friend. As soon as I saw Don Tap's name I got hope.

>> No.7397041

id try to get a 10k stack if I were you, will treat you very nicely.

>> No.7397067

Just bought another 2k, fucking wire took all day to go through. I wanted to buy earlier. 16k now

>> No.7397140
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Man if you are legitimately this angry about what someone you don't know is saying online I think you have some deep seated problems. Am I really your problem? Or is there something else, perhaps from your past, that is troubling you?

>> No.7397168

>JNT is burned as gas to fuel the network
Why does every crypto have this retarded concept? This is a self fulfilling omen. As soon as the network gets widespread adoption JNT price goes up and makes fuel prohibitive and unattractive for most transaction thus suffocating usage and making prices drop again.
It's the exact reason why BTC will see a slow, painful decline. Its an expensive transaction model.

>> No.7397175
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>> No.7397195

tfw #783 holder

>> No.7397241

honestly tho youre a fuckin annoying autist. consider killing yourself.

>> No.7397282
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Never invest more money than you are willing to lose but sometimes a gamble can change everything. Best of wishes to you and I hope things will work out, sorry to hear you are struggling as of now but hopefully great things comes to good people!

>> No.7397300

You're literally reeeeing at some randomer Oli/Dangle. Please seek help. I'm trying to look out for you here.

>> No.7397407

Why isn't it on kucoin when they already announced it would list there

>> No.7397440

just get it on bibox, bibox is better anyways, at least in terms of UI

>> No.7397453

not reeeeing at all. just making the observation that youre annoying as fuck. i have no emotional investment in this. just stating a fact. kill yourself.

>> No.7397457

admin on telegram said end of feb

>> No.7397462

cause its a pajeet scam shitcoin
everyone here is memeing, noone would sane buy this

>> No.7397499
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I have some rainy day funds stashed away but I only started with ~$100 and now I'm around 1k so I won't be too salty if I lose it, this feels like a game really. I just have to buy the dip in lifecoin :^)

>> No.7397518

does bibox ask for photo id like quadrigacx?...im trying to transfer out of coinbase

>> No.7397538

no clue how it works but 18 decimal places should cover it if it's in absolute prices and not relative to transaction size

>> No.7397554

but they have contract agreements with arabs...like big ones...has to mean something

>> No.7397558


>> No.7397570

Does bibox allow US citizens?

>> No.7397616

yes, us citizen here using bibox for 2 months

>> No.7397637

bibox is hella easy to make and allows us citizens, it is where i got mine. you dont need verification. you can jsut set up 2FA and ur all good

>> No.7397671

Oh, for some reason I was thinking US citizens weren't allowed so I got some JNT on pajeetdelta and overpaid a little. Must've mixed it up with Huobi.

>> No.7397700

Where can I buy this shitcoin as a Canadian?

>> No.7397755


>> No.7397830

Seriously don't. Its all built on lies like so many other cryptos. Where are evidence of the partnerships? This will go below ICO price soon enough if you just wait

>> No.7397933

wont DAO kill the "moon" power of JNT? If so, why would people buy the token?

>> No.7397980

>trying to accumulate

>> No.7398022

i wrote a similar comment about jnt yesterday because i'm trying to accumulate as much as i can.

>> No.7398176

I'm going to tell you my high-level reason, and you make with it what you wish.

Since the advent of the cryptocurrency idea, the dream has been mostly about how to create an economy free of the middle-men and banks and corporate financial institutions; money that can be transfered among the people directly, even without trust, and cannot be locked away by governing entities. Now, in 2018, we are seeing how powerful and deeply rooted that old system (still) is. Banks and governments control the bottlenecks, the river-crossings between traditional solid assets and economies and the digital economy, and as long as this still the case, the crypto world will still be this volatile and risky, and this revolutionary thought and action will never see the light of the day. This is likely to remain the case for a very long time. (edit: worth mentioning that I am not really a strong believer in non-state-regulated currency without strong utility or platform; i.e. ETH/IOTA/XLM over BTC/LTC)

So, in my mind, a reformist take, or a compromise is more realistic, and by nature, has more potential. A bridge system that combines the benefits of both worlds is more likely not to be fought by either side, and by extension, more likely to prosper. This is exactly what Jibrel is about. It doesn't challenge the now established consensus on the value of crypto, but brings more institutional money to invest into it, which ultimately increases their vested interest in NOT hindering it by bans and the like; even moreso than Ripple, for example, where the banks' interest is primarily in the transaction backends not the utility token itself. For me, it's a great risk mitigation token.

>> No.7398201
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Brainless fucking fud, seriously kys you selfish prick.


Ofc they would lie on the biggest blockchain event in south korean history, live on stage together with NEO, Binance etc. They are just getting started but with their backings they are already getting treated like a hot shot, actually mindblowing.

>> No.7398234


Because serious money doesn't want their assets to "moon". When will you dumbasses understand that? Just because volatility is curbed does not mean this won't offer incredible returns. They just won't come in spikes and dumps, but in a more steady climb as assets get tokenized.

>> No.7398467

So question. They are announcing details later this month which is why I bought in. But they are currently running a pilot for Jcash. Does that mean they are privately tokenizing assets or something? Will it have a serious moon before Q4 when it's merely private tokenization of USD or whatever.

>> No.7398730


Okay, one more time for all the moonkids. Copy this and paste it, because this questions comes up every time. Here are short- and long term price drivers:

Near future(Q1-Q2):

>Exchange listings
>Al Maktoum press release
>ATM announcement teased on their twitter
>Possibly details about their Korean connections
>Likely binance and bitfinex (they said multiple times that 2 out of the three big B exchanges will list them)
>Announcement regarding their regsitration as financial service provider in Switzerland

Medium term(Q2-Q3):

>jCash rollout
>First tokenizations of cash
>jWallet release
>jSearch release
>Institutional banking license
>First tokenizations of assets that aren't cash

Long term (Q4):
>Token economics kick in with full effect

You can ride the wave short term, but definitely be back in by June. Or do you think 3 dollar JNT can cover for onchain liabilities for long when institiutional money flows in? Consider that total supply is 200 million JNT.

>> No.7398783
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Nobody knows, they might and they might not. If they actually would be privately tokenizing assets behind the curtains that would be a game changer for sure since it would ensure regular (big$) updates throughout the year = organic growth. If they weren't I would not mind ethier but I suppose the first option would be optimal, however if they would start out right out of the box it is logical why the arabs has expressed their interest since they are gaining plenty just for being an early bird. Just my 10 cents.

>> No.7398901

Thanks for this, however can def see that things are happening behind the curtains without any info to the public regarding potential arab investments.

>> No.7398994

Korean investments too, during the Don Tapscott speech he mentioned they have strong ties to Korea, and they mentioned on Telegram that they are in advanced talks with Korean entities.

Either way, with the Maktoum partnership, we can expect much more MENA money to flow in.

>> No.7399053

Thank you

>> No.7399319

I hope BTC and ETH crash already, I need some entry point

>> No.7399723

Well, considering the most legit token out there has been one of the worst performing so far (omg), it seems this market is just full of fucking retards

>> No.7399837

at least this token doesnt need crypto tards to be successful

>> No.7399998

Well said

>> No.7400054

I'm kind of considering doubling my stack based on this thread. I was pretty salty earlier but I think this has given me a confidence boost.

I could go 60K Ven/120K JNT but I'm not sure if I want to drop another 10K Ven from my portfolio.

>> No.7400218

im so jelly

>> No.7400588

JNT and OMG both dont need crypto

>> No.7400624
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Hey can someone explain something to me?

Earlier today there was an hour where almost no trades were going through on bibox but then there was this blip and someone bought like 20 JNT for 0.00000002. How did that happen? Doesn't it have to go through pre-existing sales that are above that before it sells that low? or am I just retarded?

>> No.7400680

Wasn’t referring to OMG, just market speculation as a driving force for the price

>> No.7400864

Yeah, imo tokens that can survive without crypto are the only ones worth getting. Since 2013 I have only been genuinely interested in BTC, ETH, XMR, OMG and now JNT

>> No.7400972

inb4 the fall continues towards 5K btc and I will fill my bags with cheap JNT. What are your long term price predictions? And pls no fckin retardation this time.

>> No.7401089

Oh and another question. Why does the Ethplorer only show 151M tokens when there are 200M in total circulation or are supposed to be.

Were some burned?

>> No.7401322

The total supply is 200M. And the jnt are never burned only CryDRs are minted and burned.

>> No.7401383


This is the contract address correct? Why is it only 151M?

>> No.7401428

Pretty sure JNT is burned not CryDRs because CryDRs are backed by real world assets and money

>> No.7401433

How much is circulating?

>> No.7401440
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Its depends on how big the market cap for crypto goes, but I would expect to see a $1bn marketcap just before the release of Jibrel DAO, which puts the price around $7. After that anything is possible.

Total supply is 200m but not all are in circulation, pic related.

>> No.7401503

I've read that they are locked. So does the contract mint the rest when the unlock period comes?

>> No.7401612

Thank you for the insight, anon!

>> No.7401615

It’s cheap on delta for non noobs.

>> No.7401726

where can i get Bibox..im getting only foreign lang websites..

>> No.7401876

Could I get an answer to this?

>> No.7402030

The total supply is 200M. Some are locked and will be released throughout 5 years

>> No.7402158

Early investor tokens are pegged to yearly periods, 100 percent available in 4 years

>> No.7402710


Absolutely. Team is top notch and amazingly connected. What I mentioned is stuff that will happen (almost) certainly.

>> No.7402769


Bibox for whatever retarded reason does not match orders. So if you set a sell order at 10 sats, you will sell at 10 sats, and not at market.

>> No.7402816


Some people still haven't withdrawn their JNT from the dashboard. This number has been slowly going up for the past few days and will arrive at 200M eventually.

>> No.7403210

every single fucking time i read something like this, the coin dips below whatever the anon is saying it would never dip below.

>> No.7403331

I really don't trust Bibox. I just want to get my shit out of there before it goes tits up and the 2 BTC limit is bullshit.

>> No.7403370
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fucking finally a legit shill on biz it's been weeks.

how many of this shitcoin do i need to make a couple million by 2020? i'll buy right fucking now

>> No.7403470

>" No, Nor are there any loops in the code that allow us to take ETH out of the contract in any ways that you yourself are not capable of."
>that you yourself are not capable of.
they literally admit it's backdoor'd on their site dumbass

>> No.7403512


Pessimistically 50-100k. Optimistically 10k will be enough.

Look for entry in the coming days, but before exchange listings/supply listing on cmc. Maybe you'll catch a dip. Godspeed.

>> No.7403533

Nobody knows man. 10k for sure, maybe 2k if this really takes off.

>> No.7403616

You guys really think 10k will be a decent chunk?

>> No.7403624

Dunno. I grabbed around 120K today because I need another low MCAP coin to gamble on with at this point a quarter of my stack.

>> No.7403635

do we have a timeframe of exchange listings? i'm already on gate.io so all set there

>> No.7403694

i'm a poor fag and will only be able to get around 10K max but i have hands of adamantium and can hold this for 10 years if necessary

>> No.7403891

Kucoin at the end of month. Binance listing too, but we don't know when

>> No.7403964
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>> No.7403984

Where did you see the ATM teaser? I couldnt find it. Maybe im just being a brainlet

>> No.7404052


Kucoin soon, binance reasonably soon.


This ain't a gamble. Just put it in cold storage and lock that shit away for a year. But I guess I'm preaching to the choir.


Man, fucking stop asking and read about the token economics. Seriously. 10k is plenty. Obviously you'd want 100k anyway because you are a greedy bastard. I can't feasibly see a coin with similar projected ROI if it takes off. 100% serious.

>> No.7404300

yes. what >>7404052 said. this coin is certainly a long term play, but jesus christ, it could fucking blow up. I literally have 3.3k because Im a poor college student, and Im trying to find a way to get more money to throw into this. I genuinely believe it's gonna go parabolic, it's mostly just a matter of when. 2 years, maybe 5 years, who knows. All I know is I dont want to gamble on shitcoins when this is an option.

>> No.7404368

binance confirmed already? holy shit you faggots unironically might make me rich

>> No.7404446

They won't confirm it, but's it's pretty obvious. They said 2 of the top 3 exchanges. They also had the Binance CEO speak at their event. That pretty much throws it out

>> No.7404449
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>> No.7404562

Also I doubt it’s atm, more likely implementing jCash as a form of ecurrency in the UAE. With a pilot program first of course.

They already have fiat-jnt pairings on Palmex, you can look for yourself to see the other coins that have fiat pairings on that exchange.

There is big things coming for the future boys. This coin is gold.

>> No.7404602

Jfc I scrolled right past it, thanks. But shit, that's actually kind of big.

>> No.7404610

And what's f'n awesome about this coin is that the market cap will be at minimum of the value of all tokenized assets. So if a bank decides to tokenize $1b, then the market cap will increase by $1b. So total market cap = sepectulative part + total underlying assets

>> No.7404638

Ah yeah that would make more sense.

I feel confident for this coin. Could see actual adoption, and by big players at that.

>> No.7404745

From what I've gathered that was before the conference so the announcement was probably the UAE thing. I don't really see that as a teaser so much as pie in the sky bullshit.

>> No.7404938

Any more dips coming for this one?

>> No.7404984

IT was before the conference but Yazan has been talking about cashless economies, he talked a long time about cash during the conference and also at the Miami conference. I think a sort of ecurrency that uses jCash is certainly within the realm of speculation.

IMHO, it would be a logical and smart thing to do if banks tokenized their money so they could give customers the option of having an ecurrency with more liquidity, or at least liquidity in the crypto world.

The team even gave the example of banks tokenizing their fiat when they talked about the benefits of tokenization on their reddit.

>> No.7405203

> bank tokenizes $1b
> price goes up
> people FOMO in
> price goes up
> starts gaining normie attention
> price goes up
> another bank tokenizes $2b
> price goes up
> people FOMO in
> price goes up

you see where I'm going.

>> No.7405360

recession proofed coin to prevent price from dumping ;)

>> No.7405379

Definitely! I just wanna note that $1b was an arbitrary figure, I don't know how much banks will want to tokenize.

We can also see it in another way. If the price of BTC crashes, people will go into JNT because the value is tethered. If the price of BTC increases, banks will want to tokenize more of their funds on chain. Win win in both scenarios.

>> No.7405474

If this gets adopted, 1 token will be enough to retire on.

I'm not even fucking joking. People would have laughed at you if you said bitcoin would be worth $20,000. This can easily do 100X of what bitcoin ever does.

>fiat backing
>dao reserves
>jnt getting burned when assets are tokenize

The more assets that get tokenized, the smaller the supply gets. It's literally designed to moon. And the beauty is that the normans will never touch JNT itself, they get digital dollars.

I won't be surprised at all if the dev team end up being the richest people on earth in a few years.

>> No.7405534

I really think you are delusional.

>> No.7405753

I fucking hate your face and everything you say. Seriously fuck you Ricardo you dumb poor piece of shit, you are a cunt.

>> No.7405783

Maybe, but I think you're being way too hyperbolic. I think this project is great, and IF it takes off, then I think anyone holding even 500 JNT is looking at a substantial amount of money in 10 years, but you never know what could happen. I personally dont think it will exceed Bitcoins MCAP as I truly think Bitcoin could reach, or get very close to the MCAP of gold if it's issues are resolved. We will see. I like your confidence though.

>> No.7406199

bibox looks a lot like OKex with a shot of Binance. Is this exchange legit?

>> No.7406239

Yeah, I use it and its fine. Better than Kucoin imo, but if you're uncomfortable just transfer it to another exchange when it gets listed or to your wallet

>> No.7406310

It's been running for a few months allegedly but I don't trust it. It's a knock-off Binance clone down to the atom.

Im getting my shit off there as fast as I can. Just pray it doesn't moon for the next few days.

>> No.7406538

read the whitepaper again and watch all their youtube videos

They're literally trying to tokenize the entire world's economy (outside of private equity) and have the technical ability to do so. Their connections and the fact that they're based in the UAE give them huge head start. As others have pointed out the market cap will be based on tokenized real world assets. As I said earlier, the supply of JNT must decrease when an asset is put onchain.

So let's say the UAE (which has publicly stated wants their entire govt onchain by 2020) decide to tokenize their 12.3 tons of gold reserves. That's 588 million right there, but $588 million worth of JNT has to be taken out circulation.

It's a big if, agreed. But this was literally designed to tokenized gold's market cap, and the Jcash addresses all the issues normans have about BTC in the first place. IF it takes off it's going to make the shit I'm saying here look conservative.

>> No.7406757

So where can one by this now? And /or where is the best place to buy it now?

>> No.7406764

They can say they want to tokenize the entire worlds economy but you act like there aren't going to be competitors.

China for one won't take part in it and it's highly unlikely the United States would. It still has massive potential but you have to realize they won't control the whole market. They might not even be successful despite the connections they currently have. I want them to succeed but don't be crazy about it.

I can absolutely see a 2 or 3 billion cap within a few months in a bull market with good news but you are crazy if you think 1 is going to be enough to retire at any point in history.

>> No.7406777

I'm gonna fap to this all day untill moon lambo!

>> No.7406832

1 isn't enough to retire at all haha, if you're thinking very long term i suppose we could see ETH level prices, but I don't even want to speculate that far.

Either way, the main attraction here is that the tokens price grows by adoption, not market speculation. By their Maktoum partnership alone, we know they have a sound product. Now it is only a matter of waiting.

>> No.7406899

You think Fine to wait until it’s listed on Binance or will price go up by then and should get it now? If now, what is recommended place to get it?

>> No.7406990

Bibox or gate. Kycoin eom. Price depends on crypto tmc alone. Get in now is my suggestion.

>> No.7406996

I would definitely get it now as opposed to waiting for Binance imo, that is just me but yeah, sooner rather than later. Just get it on Bibox or Gate, you can transfer to binance when it gets listed there or just transfer to your wallet.

>> No.7407036

Thank you :)

>> No.7407076
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>its such an obvious winner.

>> No.7407185

Trust me, I really want you to be right and Im not saying it's entirely out of the question but you do have to temper expectations a little bit. Their connections are huge and the way they've already started establishing themselves is huge and instills quite a bit of cconfidence, but I think it's naive to think they're going to tokenize all of the world's assets. They may tokenize a portion, but certainly not all. Even if they do tokenize all of the worlds assets, 1 JNT is only worth $300,000, which certainly isn't enough to retire on. However, I'm extremely confident in this project from what I've been able to research so far and I think it has the best potential for returns out of anything you can buy right now. Even if they're able to tokenize $1trillion in assets someday, I will be a very, very happy person.

>> No.7407284

Ok just set up bibox account. Good to go now or need to be verified? Or just transfer/deposit some coin from another exchange into bibox and then get jnt?

>> No.7407338

Do the math. There are 200,000,000 JNT. The market cap is based on tokenized assets + specualtion times the number of JNT, but for every $ that's tokenized 1$ of JNT is taken out of circulation.

This has a potential marketcap in the trillions and a supply that shrinks as a function of the network.

If a trillion dollars gets tokenized, the circulating supply has to be decreased by 1 trillion to keep the system solvent.

What happens to the price of JNT when 1 trillion dollars worht of them are taken out of circulation?

If this gets adopted on any significant scale, there's no reason to think this coin wouldn't be worth millions apiece.

To put it's price relative to ethereum is completely aribitary. But the value of JNT won't be- tokenized assets will be clearly visible. The JNT just provides the backend liquity for the system to function. If this gets adopted on any significant level, you wouldn't bother to pick up an Ethereum of the fucking ground.

>> No.7407364
File: 352 KB, 1334x750, 1F6A5EC9-D072-4565-8D85-6BB5FC2BC78F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I’m a newb with lots of questions... but this day chart looks a bit strange? What was that drop about?! And now no volume?

>> No.7407440


Tokens are also created to maintain CryDR parity. They're not just burned.

... did you know this?

>> No.7407452

someone mispriced their sell order.

>> No.7407527

And it’s not weird that since then the volume is hardly anything?
Oh and last (hopefully) question is would it be worth only getting 100 jnt. Don’t have much crypto but from what u guys are saying here it seems this is one that could actually yield big profits with only a small investment?

>> No.7407539

> Even if they do tokenize all of the worlds assets, 1 JNT is only worth $300,000,

HOw do you figure? Cash plus checking, savings, and money market accounts alone are $80 trillion. The US bond market alone is another $35 trillion.

And your forgetting that JNT get burned, so the market cap would no longer inlcude those JNT not in circulation.

Just hodl for the rest of your life and you'll be fine.

>> No.7407580

what an amazing story

>> No.7407609

I think it has a future but you are pretty crazy.

Bibox can be fucky. If you fuck with sells you can get a sell in at waaaay below the market price leading to shit like that. Most of the volume is on Gate and it won't have any real volume until it hits Binance.

>> No.7407653

JNT tokens aren't. The ones that are held by the DAO are released when CryDr is exchanged, but the supply is fixed.

>> No.7407733

Im the crazy one or someone else is?

>> No.7407766

Life long question!

>> No.7407782

I was going off of the first figure, and I was under the assumption that it was closer to $70trillion. Just a figure I got from duckduckgo, so you could be right. Regardless, I don't think it'll take a significant portion of that. I admit I could be totally wrong however, just trying to think realistically here.

Trust me, I plan on hodling so whatever happens happens.

>> No.7407819

Haha. No it was referring to someone else’s post. Can’t figure out which their reply was to but thought saw my post # quoted

>> No.7407855

Also can’t type the letter “i”right now because my phone keeps changing it to an “A with a question mark in a box”. Super annoying :/

>> No.7407907

Ok so totally pointless to get 100 JNT on bibox right now!? Or that’s a good idea?

>> No.7407982

buy more if you can, like id go at least 1,000 to see significant gains but if you can only afford 100 and plan on holding for years then go for it definitely.

>> No.7408206
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underrated use of Jibroni ITT

>> No.7408313

Thanks person that answered me :)

>> No.7408314

Wait what I need to die before enjoying any of the gains?

Not buying.

>> No.7408448

it's in the fine print anon, JNT gainz can only be used in the afterlife.

>> No.7408656

With Ethereum scaling solution jCash as a payment method is absolutely possible. With the jWallet iOS/Android app, walk into the store, pay with jCash walk the fuck out. Using this as a fiat currency is nooo problemo.

>> No.7408809


JNT is not burned and therefore the supply will never go down.

>> No.7409124
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Is tomorrow to late to get in? I get my money tomorrow :(

>> No.7409142

No -- you will be fine

>> No.7409348

You should be good. 4chan is only a small part of the market. If the market goes down again you might get this at a discount :)

>> No.7409556

This whole thread should be a lesson for biz. This is what organized shilling looks like. This token will never be more than a dollar. Read every comment in this thread. If it doesn't set off your bullshit meter then you are truly meant to be poor. I mean this shit show is just so transparent it's not working.
>que (You) posts telling me how wrong I am

>> No.7409605

Actually that's not even a nice bait. This is just disgraceful. I thought pajeets are banned? Go, fucking search for another hobby.

>> No.7409627

all i now is that im on biz 24/7, it is usually very bad but occaisonally itll make you a ton of money

this is one of those times

>> No.7409646

Let me bite that bait now
We have the technology as basis for our investment, what do you counter-argument the technology with? Why will it not pick up as we believe it will?

>> No.7409696

Says the guy with 23 fucking posts in this thread. GTFO

>> No.7409782

Stfu you fucking faggot. If I really wanted to shill this I would go on Reddit and make this moon. I hope this moons and you stay poor Oli. I see you on Telegram you fucking cuck

>> No.7409786

aay im just tryna help anons out, i think this is a pretty amazing project and ive done some research! there are no bags at this point, its just above 2x ICO. its a good opportunity for people

>> No.7409789

Even my comments seem like organized shilling?

>> No.7409819

you used your 8th post for that? Damn the other shills got you beat girl. I guess they have more invested in your PND.

>> No.7409953

My PnD? Youre the biggest cuck this project has ever seen. I bet you wank to this coin. You're a literal crying bitch. Stay poor

>> No.7409974

Yeah this coin is absolute bullshit. Sell sell sell. Seriously. Sell now.

>> No.7410053

seems like you are too retarded to reply to

>> No.7410057

>All this shill FOMO shit

>> No.7410086

Yeah man I hate that I didn't get the fucking dip as well...

>> No.7410102

If you wish to stay poor... stay poor. But JNT does not need you, nor anyone else on this board. It's going to go way up and it's going to have a high market cap. Get on the rocket now if you want, or not, I know it's scary.

>> No.7410112

"You" don't have shit. Any Pajeet PnD fuckhead can jump any legit coin as long as their PnD Discord tells them to. The bigger tell is the FOMO "BUY NOW YOU'LL BE A MILLIONAIRE IN 2-3 YEARS XD" shit. You all couldn't out yourselves as Pajeet street shitting fucks more than posting shit like that.

Fuck this coin, and fuck you.

>> No.7410124

it's only fucking 70-80m market cap,

buy now before the normies find out

>> No.7410145

>t. poorfag pajeet
nah keep your bags

>> No.7410169

It's adequately impressive that you started posting in this thread 10 hours ago and you still post, by the way

>> No.7410195

had surgery on my lip earlier today, just layin in bed on /biz shillin and chillin

>> No.7410212

one of my biggest regrets is not selling this at .85 ATH right before the final crash, and immediately buying more before it cracked .50 again.


>> No.7410231

So basically you're envious people are investing in this shit even though they are retarded

>> No.7410237

From eating shit in the streets no less.

>> No.7410312
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>> No.7410347


btw check this out, and remember this thread 2 years from now >>7408555

>> No.7410375

Oh yeah I'm totally FOMOing now bro!
Faggot piece of shit.

>> No.7410476

That's more like it; and use the money to treat your tourette's, you adorable pajeet

>> No.7410480

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.7410538

but is the news already priced-in tho

>> No.7410912
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>puh-puh-please buy my bags!

>> No.7411003

Just KYS if this is srly your biggest regrets.

Time in the market > time the market

>> No.7411170

>don tapscott as advisor
>capital markets advisor former COO of soros fund
>recent jibrel presentation had neo/binance executives give speeches (binance listing imminent)
>announced partnership with multi billionaire family from dubai who are interested in tokenising their assets
do you fags just hate money?

>> No.7411276

Stop shilling this you fucks. This coin is a blatant pajeet scam and you will lose money if you invest in this. I suggest everyone to sell this off as soon as possible.


>> No.7411324

This wasnt a mistake. Right after that sale we had 2 whole minutes of sales below the market price. Someone probably wanted to trigger bots

>> No.7411376
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Let's say I buy a stack of Jibrel just for shits and giggles because I have lots of fiat to burn, what wallet do I store them in?

>> No.7411387

The market cap is way overvalued given the market and the fact that this doesn't have a product out yet. You guys are seriously better off selling NOW. Take your profits while you can.

>> No.7411456

Any ethereum wallet

>> No.7411560


So I could just stash them in Metamask or Exodus or something? Wouldn't they vanish?

>> No.7411649


>> No.7411803

Just to be clear about the backing of the Al Maktoum family:

"But to add clarity, the contractual agreement / partnership is with SEED Group - a venture aimed at bringing the latest innovative technologies to the United Arab Emirates - led by the private office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum."

>> No.7412195

I have them in my metamask, works great.

>> No.7412685

What's that? I want to be sure with what I'm dealing here.

>> No.7412953

Update from telegram just recently for those interested:

"We are visiting Sheikh Saeed's office and SEED in Dubai during February, and will be having a press release outlining the scope of the partnership..

The partner companies in the SEED Group aren't the focus for asset tokenization, but rather banks and financial institutions that are able to bring proper liquidity to CryDRs. The SEED portfolio companies act as partners, which can be very helpful when expanding the business as customers, suppliers and other types of stakeholders are all available and willing to assist.

The partnership with SEED will include jCash pilot and other advancements that I am sure you will find interesting :)"

>> No.7413024

Is there a Yurop website that handles JNT trade?
Might consider getting some just for sake of that chance it goes Bitcoin's route.

>> No.7413367

gate.io works fine for me

>> No.7413588

Has anyone used their jwallet? Don’t wanna loose my jewbrel shekels. Need to take them off bibox.

>> No.7413596
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cofounder in telegram. God damn boys we goin places.

>> No.7414386

just use metamask if you aren't sure

>> No.7414587

Guys, I am in the telegram chat. They are saying that even if 1 billion dollars as asset gets into JNT, only a very small percentage of JNT is gonna get burned. This shit is not gonna go anywhere even with billions pouring in...

>> No.7414637


>> No.7414666

nice argument faggot. Then explain how it works

>> No.7414678

satan dyor

>> No.7414691


>> No.7414698

Jesus christ you're the shittiest shill ever. Keep your shitcoin.

>> No.7414710

everything has already been explained you fat lazy piece of shit
gtfo and stay poor motherfucker

>> No.7414745

why does it need to be explained here on 4chan every single day? go read on their own site / medium, come back here, done.

>> No.7414801

liked that interview. talal tabbaa is not an idiot

>> No.7414960

so basically you have no explanation and you're just shilling, got it...

Let's assume that 1 billion gets in JNT. So the marketcap is 1 billion + speculation.

What happens when that 1 billion is redeemed? How much JNT is burned? Will the marketcap drop back to what it was?

>> No.7414994

you get butfucked over and over
all of your questions could be answered if you bothered to move your fat greasy fingers for 2 minutes
as i said stay poor

>> No.7415019

> all questions could be answered
> spends 10 hours on this thread shilling
> can't spend 2 minutes copy-pasting his shill-text

k m8

>> No.7415043

kys honestly

>> No.7415057

must. resist. googling. it. for. you.

>> No.7415095


Jesus christ you guys are the worst shills ever, go back eating cereals.

>> No.7415103

and you are a massive idiot

>> No.7415104

because it's not :D

>> No.7415228

whatever, keep your scamcoin

>> No.7415254

i will
this is what you sound like

>> No.7415295

the jUSD, jEUR and all have to be backed, and Jibrel does this by buying / selling JNT equivalent to the value that they have to back. 1 billion pours in, 1 billion in JNT is gonna get bought. now btfo faggot

>> No.7415319

"We completely agree that in order to have demand the token needs to have purpose.

JNT acts as proof of solvency for the Jibrel DAO, this basically means the DAO will always need to hold enough JNT to cover it's on-chain liabilities.

For example, if you hold 1 jUSD, then the Jibrel DAO has to hold 1USD worth of JNT. Assuming JNT is 0.1$, the DAO has to hold 10 JNT so that if you decide to sell your jUSD, you can always redeem it's value in JNT. Additionally, the Jibrel AG fund backs up the jUSD with an off-chain USD to ensure proof of solvency.

To answer the ETH/BTC question, we will have ETH and BTC CryDRs, and since CryDRs can be swaped automatically, you can move from BTC to jUSD (ensuring customer experience is streamlined), yet demand for JNT will still be required, as the DAO has to cover it's liabilities in JNT, and fees of the Jibrel Network are also paid in JNT"

>> No.7415365

so what happens when 1 billion in jUSD needs to be redeemed by the owner in real USD. Will the price of JNT crash?

>> No.7415406

this, i bought 55k

and that reminds me to take out my 10k for the day from gate.io

>> No.7415417

the value of JNT represents the value of underlying tokenized assets.

JNT is the middleman that performs the smartcontract (cryDR aka proof-of-solvency) to create a mutual debt obligation between the tokenised asset and the actual asset.

so it essentially bridges the bottleneck of crypto to fiat to an unlimited scale, meaning institutions will be all over this once it starts rolling out. it is a perfect risk manager and outdoes tether's bullshit "trust"

>> No.7415427


For fucks sake, why dont you try reading the whitepaper? Fucking idiot. I feel sorry for your teachers.

>> No.7415438

one autist, incapable of understanding the situation
8+ people FUDding, trying to keep the lid on this till they can accumulate more
Some well meaning folk or ppl who have accumulated already, talking sense (please stop that).
There is literally noone against this baby, you are just incapable of seeing what is going on.

>> No.7415454

because none of you retards are smart enough to explain in ELI5 what this shitcoin does, which means you're a fag

>> No.7415458

Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

>> No.7415501

it tokenizes fiat and other commodities

tether 2.0+

>> No.7415546


No one is obligated to explain anything to you. Fuck off with that entitled attitude. Your dad shouldve slapped some fucking sense into your bitch ass.

>> No.7415555

Everything depends on their Q3 banking liscence. This whole project booms or fails with that one

>> No.7415556
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k nigger

>> No.7415567

Quads of concern

>> No.7415620

j(you)s when

>> No.7415622

what a fucking cunt you are seriously, fuck off. noone here is obliged to explain the same shit for you again and again that has been written in this thread 10 times already just because you are a lazy fat piece of shit retard

just leave the thread, dont come back and dont buy, we do not need fucking weak handed braindead retards on this coin anyway

>> No.7415646


>1.Define which stable tokens they would like to receive
>2.Send BTC / ETH along with JNT to the Jibrel DAO
>3.Receive stable tokens
>4.Redeem the token for the promised value at a future date

>> No.7415654
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, biz-invested010k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck ma dick

>> No.7415749

>all alts up except JNT
if I want to trade in for more it doesn't seem like a good time. Needs to get on real exchanges first.

>> No.7415801

that is true, however realistically speaking the token doesn't interfere with the interests or power structure of the banking world. it serves as a utility

>> No.7416021

Also, kucoin listing expected 20-22.02
Prepare to dip

>> No.7416181

>And what's f'n awesome about this coin is that the market cap will be at minimum of the value of all tokenized assets.
i don't believe you

>> No.7416769




I ELI5'd this coin, you just couldn't be bothered to read. We don't need you 50 NEETbux for JNT, just leave, bwahahahha

>> No.7417013


it is essentially tether but better, where jnt converts to the stable coins, jnt price reflect total value of the stable coins.

>> No.7417273

i know a good deal about it but the whole "if someone tokenizes 1 billion the market cap of the coin has to go up 1 billion" seems too good to be true

>> No.7417559

Tether allegedly does the same thing but it prints tether to increase the cap rather than buying tether back. Keep in mind tether is only around 2B after operating for quite a while.

It won't actually moon like other coins based on what I'm seeing. They buy when they don't hold enough JNT to cover their assets and sell when they do. It's basically going to keep it at around whatever the tokenized assets are worth.

>> No.7417627


It's right and wrong at the same time. What's true is that the DAO needs to hold enough JNT to cover its on-chain liabilities. Not every tokenziation creates an on-chain liability, because they have off-chain assets to cover for it. So 1 billion tokenized = 1 billion market cap is a huge meme.

As I said so many times, read up on how bank liabilities come to exist and you will understand.

>> No.7417755


I'm this guy btw, just switched computers.

>> No.7417873


Talal confirmed numerous times that 1 billion tokenized = 1 billion mcap. Regardless of off-chain assets.

>> No.7418129

Please fall back to ico, I need to buy more

>> No.7418337
File: 77 KB, 600x536, urmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt buy the dip

Anon, I...

>> No.7418543


Wait, seriously? What the fuck? So not selling a single one of mine. I was already bullish while believing this was a lie lmfao. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.7418623

They also just confirmed they have already tokenized assets for their test phase too.

>> No.7418727

Yeah... Gotta confirm with Talal one last time though


They did and admin said it would be reflected in MCAP soon

>> No.7419018

They could always team up with an existing bank if problems were to occur.

>> No.7419117


Afaik financial service provider license is enough for now, at least for jCash.


I still highly doubt it desu.

>> No.7419312

The Jibrel DAO will always need to hold enough JNT to cover on-chain liabilities. Going with the earlier example which assumed 1 billion USD is tokenized into CryDRs, the Jibrel DAO will have to hold JNT worth that amount.
The JNT is held with the Jibrel DAO as proof of solvency (10,000,000 JNT @ 100$ per JNT would equal 1 Billion jUSD in CryDR value.
The 1-1 ratio is that of JNT value (amount x price) with tokenized assets on-chain (CryDRs)
CryDRs (or tokenized assets) are Jibrel DAO’s on-chain liability, which means the Jibrel DAO must hold enough on-chain assets (JNT in this case) to cover liabilities.