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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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734675 No.734675 [Reply] [Original]

Ask away

>> No.734678

I'll get us started. Is it illegal to modify an existing product and resell it as your own? Specifically, could I take a brand of drinks, add sone extra ingredients, rebottle in my own packaging, and resell?

>> No.734690

What amount of money should someone invest in the stock market to see a notable return?

How do Canadians purchase stocks? Do I go through my bank and do it?

>> No.734694 [DELETED] 

Would it be a good idea to invest in Activision now, and pull out when Blops 3 releases? People seem hyped for it, and its a clear shoo-in to be a financial success. Could this be ez pz money?

>> No.734730

Most likely yes because the original drink's formula is IP/protected. You are using it without proper permission, even if you add a couple ingredients. It is still the base, and main, ingredient in your "new" beverage.

>> No.734741

Formulas are usually trade secrets rather than any sort of patent (it's difficult to patent a recipe). He probably could do it, but it wouldn't be cost effective at all.

>> No.734746

The amount of money doesn't matter a lot, you can still make returns. I'd suggest a few thousand at least though.
As a Canadian, you can either do it through some sort of 3rd party (e.g. Questrade) or through a Bank, in things such as TFSA, RRSP, or just a "trading" account. I'd look into it a bit more as different accounts have different tax implications for Canadian / Foreign equities

>> No.734769

why can't the us just print tons and tons and tons and tons of money, give it to every citizen, and freeze prices?

but only say around 10k for each person
only once too just to stimulate the economy
then allow prices to rise/lower due to supply/demand

>> No.734773

anybody use a financial adviser?

I'm getting sick of just getting 11% annual returns on my ETFs.

>> No.734774

Is this supposed to be some shitty trolling attempt?

>> No.734775

Do rich people get erectile dysfunction?

>> No.734776

>increasing M0 by over $3 trillion
Disastrous long term effects. Hyperinflation would want to happen but you'd be forcing lower prices which would cause its own problems.

>> No.734779

i havent quite thought into when they could allow prices to go up or down etc
but what would go wrong?
cant they just atleast give them a 10k spending fee on the market, or, purchase everyone a house, and vehicle? use the printed money to create jobs etc
probably sounds insane, but don't know what would happen if that was to be implemented

>> No.734780

Again, inflation. Simply printing money that doesn't add real value to the economy is a stop gap measure at best.

>> No.734784

how would it add inflation if no prices would be allowed to be raised?
or say are only allowed to be increased by a small percent?

>> No.734786

Then you're artificially keeping prices down. That causes its own problems.

>> No.734806

like what?

>> No.734808

>actually responding to bait

why is it so easy to bait goyim? You just make a post about cryptoshitcurrency or something related to inflation and it's like bees to honey

>> No.734825

has anyone though of Binary Options from www.Nadex.com

>> No.734832

Erectile dysfunction is ties to heart disease which is ties to being fat. More poor people in the developed world are fat so one could surmise fewer rich people get Erectile Dysfunction.

>> No.734836

decreased supply or motivation to create the items people want to buy -> people having nothing to spend their money on -> prices going up ---> inflation.

>> No.734838

ya but thats why you dont give everybody a trillion dollars, you give em something more modest like a few grand
that'll run out in a week

>> No.734843

you can still get inflation from decreasing supply which price fixing does. You don't have to print money to get inflation.

Think WWII rationing combined with people having no shortage of work and pay for the war effort.

>> No.734844

but wouldnt price fixing increase supply?
if they can never charge more wont they create more to sell more?

>> No.734849

Today I was placed on a project with someone who was directly, in part, at fault for the financial crisis of '08-'09.

I don't know if my boss knows this as this person is a brand new hire.

Do I mention it to him or what? I'm just an intern.

>> No.735320

Anyone know how to motivate yourself to learn all the time? I have so much time on my hands but I always end up fucking around instead of gaining skills. I feel good when I finally learn stuff but if I can't see the immediate payoff I don't feel any motivation to do shit.

Working out is easy compared to learning. At least I feel better when I work out. I can do more reps every time so I feel like I'm making progress.

Learning math? I love it but I feel like I never learn anything.

Learning programming? Same.
Learning memory tricks? Same.
Language? Same.

Maybe there is some pills or something? I don't really care what works, I just need to train my mind and not get addicted to meth or coke.

Weed helps with my depression but it doesn't fix the underlying cause that I'm not successful.

How much does a life coach cost?

>> No.735336

Is there anything equivilant to /fit/'s sticky or /lit/'s wiki for /biz/?
Starting finance/investing etc.

>> No.735383
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I want to sell exotic cars one day. Will an affiliation with an official sports car club better my chances of getting there?

>> No.735387 [DELETED] 
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If I am a resident/live in the Bahamas (where you pay 0% income tax) and have an online business that sells to pwople in the U.S. Can I get away with not paying U.S. taxes. Bonus points if I can keep my U.S. citizenship and have dual citizenship.

>> No.735396

Well there are companies who modify products, but they are not allowed to sell them with the original company name.

For example Brabus (Mercedes), Ruf (Porsche), there is a company that customize Rolex watches.

I guess it is possible.

>> No.735403

This may be more /o/ related, but i trustt you guys. Anyways, I know nothing about buying cars; hypothetically, if i were to walk into a dealer with $30k in cash, what is the most expensive car I could get, MSRP-wise. Let's ignore sales tax and other BS expenses.

>> No.735416

My question

If someone is a NEET with no documented income and they buy mutual funds from Vanguard, would they have to file and pay taxes on the growth of those every year?

>> No.735432

Someone once suggested some books about general social manipulation, how to get things you want and how to speak in groups or crowds. I forgot what they were, but Sun Tzu's Art of War was among them.

Does anyone have any good recommendations? I really can't speak on stage for shit, so I'm looking for something that might help me get over that.

>> No.735438


Did not saw the post but I recommend

48 Laws of Power
How to win friends and influence people

>> No.735442

Can anyone recommend some books on how to get into investing, stocks and all that business stuff? Not these motivational-types of books

>> No.735453

Yes obviously. Vanguard will report your distributions and short/long term capital gains to the IRS. If you sell, Vanguard will report that too.

Getting e.g. dividends from Vanguard mutual funds will be "documented income".

>> No.735454

Why can't our soccer team win any games?

>> No.735470

Why don't more people invest in penny stocks for quick gains? I've been doing some mock investing the past few days and made 25k (imaginary) USD profit off of an initial investment of 20k. I know there's a delay with real buying and selling but that's nothing that can't be overcome.

>> No.735475


The Intelligent Investor

>> No.735479

Wow so you did something for a few days and happened to be successful? Also, bare in mind, in real life you need real buyers. Sure, you can invest 20k into some random penny stock and have it go up 10-20% over a week and then click the sell button on your app, but to make REAL money you'd need REAL buyers. That's a problem I'd run into when trading lesser known stocks. Penny stocks typically dont trade at high volumes.

>> No.735483

I see that vanguard fund is largely advertising itself as a retirement, longterm type of investment. Is there any penalty to withdrawing from one before a certain age or amount of time, aside from the usual capital gains taxes?

>> No.735485
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Ok this thread seemed appropriate... i just got a pretty decent job and it could be really long term if i play my cards right. Assuming everything goes well, where should i put my money? A savings account, 401k, IRA, all of the above? Whats my best bet at a comfortable future?

>> No.735500

No, Vanguard itself will not impose any penalties. The reason they target long-term investment/retirement is because they don't charge any fees for buying their mutual funds, and their mutual funds are best for buy-and-hold investors.

>> No.735502
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First thing first: pay off your debts. If your debt interest rate averages 6%, then paying it off just as effective as making 6% returns.

If your company matches 401k, put in as much as they match up to (normally 5%). It's a free 100% return, even if the market is stagnant until you retire (it won't be).

If your company offer ESPP and their stock hasn't been shit, it'd be worth looking into if the discount is 10% or more. 15% is preferred. My company offered 5% and it just wasn't worth the time.

Make a budget, then stick to it. Check your receipts, bank statements, etc, after the first 3 months, and know exactly how much you're REALLY spending. You'll want to save up 6 months worth of your living expenses in an emergency fund, slap those into a savings account for somewhat reasonable interest.

Once all of that is done, save up for a house. Expect repairs and closing costs to be about 15k, and then you'll want a down payment of 5-20%. You'd preferably want 20%, but renting for years to save up is bullshit, so go with 5% if your job is stable and your skills are marketable.

Then, and only then, once you have a 401K, an emergency fund, and no major financial projects, you start throwing money into a Vanguard fund so other people make money for you.

>> No.735504

If you have a 401k match, be sure to collect the maximum amount. As for IRA, you can hedge your bets between a Traditional (tax-free contributions) and Roth (tax-free withdrawals) by maxing out both.

>> No.735603

I don't have any debts and my company does offer 401k... i heard two older employees talking about it. And i don't know what espp is but I'll look into it. But if it's anything to do with stocks then thats a good idea. And the saving six months of living expenses is fucking brilliant as it is obvious. Thanks. That gif says it all.

>> No.735669

is it possible to make a living in stock trading?

>> No.735785

There has to be demand, otherwise USSR repeat and long limes to get turnips for dinner again

>> No.735786

There was a lot of people responsible, its not his fault really. By a lot of people I mean markets of people.

>> No.735788

It is hard, I look at it as small steps. It helps if u start with something u like.

>> No.735791

Too shit.

>> No.735794

Nobody has ever done this.

>> No.735820


consolidate into one post you fucking newfag

>> No.735893

Thanks for responding. But I love all of the things I mentioned. I just procrastinate endlessly. I learn stuff and then I just... Stop.

>> No.735918

I have bank accounts [legally] in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada and the US. Can I use this to my advantage for tax purposes? I only get my salary into one of them

>> No.735923

I just learnt to accept the boredom while studying. It pays off like delayed gratification.

I hit games only when I'm getting burnt out from work family study for too many days straight.

>> No.735932

> How to win friends and influence people

outdated shitbook tho. None of the advice is actually mind-blowing
Where can I find ameriburgers willing to fill in a survey (they can win an amazon giftcard). It only takes 4 minutes.

I already tried joining some random facebookgroups, but response is pretty low (I still need 40 respondents)

>> No.735946

If you really want to read about behavior and manipulation I think Dale Carnegie is the best to start with. It's like The Little Book That Beats the Market by Joel Greenblatt, a simple book and a great read with value. Ideal for beginners.

>> No.735951

[citation needed]

>> No.735961

How have there not been runs on banks in countries with negative interest rates?

>> No.735967

Citation for what you meme-spouter weeb?
Erectile dysfunction being linked to heart diseases being linked to being fat? Google.
Poor people are more likely to be fat? They are, because they eat shitty food that are heavily compounded of corn syrup. Go google

Do you know that citations are only required for non-common knowledge statements? Did you even go to uni?

>> No.735971

Fellas. Would love some advice.

I'm currently filling out an application for an intern position with a major media organisation.

The first question on the application is - what are the reasons you are applying for this position?

The second question is - what are the personal benefits you hope to get out of this position?

How do I answer these two questions 'correctly' - without overlapping and sounding like an idiot?

For the first I was going to put increase employment value/prospects, increase vocational skills and to develop my personal network of friends and contacts. But that's pretty much my answer to the second question as well.

Any help would be really appreciated.

>> No.735974

Yes, the erectile dysfuntion stuff. It can have a lot of causes, general health issues, depression, other mental issues, nutrition, stress, anxiety, etc.
if anything, rich people have more stress issues and while being fat is tied to heart issues, that normally doesn't show until later in life.
also, how am i a weeb, you meme spouter?

>> No.735975
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Is this for real /biz/?

>> No.735976

What do I need to know if I'm buying a car? i mean like what are the expenses that i will need to pay? let's just say im buying a 2nd hand car

stuff like road tax, downpayment, installment. what else?

>> No.735977


>> No.735982

Help me biz

>> No.736008

should I invest into stocks if I'm suicidal?

>> No.736010

Ur a fag

>> No.736052

Never expect help from a bunch of corporate cocksuckers.

>> No.736059

>kill yourself
>stock then skyrockets
or inversely,
>stock plummets


>> No.736138

Does this company look legit?
Are these good prices for company formation in Denmark?


>> No.736142

I was interested in investments, but then i got a long distance girlfriend and spent 3000€ on visiting her. Return value: the 120€ she owes me for paying for her phone plan, and i'm not a virgin anymore. and my family probably thinks i'm a retard.

How stupid am i?

>> No.736143

say i make about 500 every two weeks at my bussing job while going to community college. what percentage of my income should i save?

>> No.736144

what is the minimum amount that you should go in with at a place like Lenders Club?

I was thinking around 20k?

>> No.736206
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What broker should I use to buy stocks? (In Canada)

I have mutual funds with my bank but I want to look into buying actual companies/ETFs and bank fees are ridiculous.

>> No.736238

Where did you get this picture?

>> No.736345

Alright this is going to sound dumb but here it is.

I have a noticeably deep and obscure voice. Most people I meet tell me I should do voice acting, be on the radio and other things along those lines. I want to make some extra money doing voicework of some sort, but I'm not sure how to get into it. Any advice on where I should start?

>> No.736466

if done on a large enough scale you might attract unwanted attention, esp if you advertise that your product is made with xxxxx or try to use the name.

There are plenty of precedents to using existing products as ingredients so if brought to court you would likely prevail. I can go to a bar and order a rum and coke.

>> No.736473

I just realized that 'rum and coke' used the company's name, so its a bad example, but in this case 'coke' is a generic trademark and has lost many of its protections (companies hate this, look into how Lego wants you to refer to its products)

>> No.736476


I'm sure there are some companies looking for voices. For example film studios for cartoons or foroign movies/tv shows.

Maybe you'll land a great job, like the voice of some main character in a popular series. Good luck.

>> No.736482

which mutual funds did you buy? was it a positive experience?

>> No.736485

you buy a home recording studio and post your profile and samples on a VA site.

Industrial/commercials are your bread and butter.

>> No.736499

I am not a pot smoker, but it seems to have a big following here in the USA.

How can I capitalize on this? Move to Colorado and get a bud tending license?

Or maybe major in horticulture & soil science and work in a grow house?

>> No.736504

sounds exactly like me.
im such a horrible lazy fck

>> No.736518

I've tried just powering through the boredom, but I stop retaining the information and sometimes I even fall asleep!

This is why I was wondering about drugs. :/

>> No.736550

I live in CA and I've grown pot. It's expensive to get started. You need: knowledge, dirt, fertilizer, lights if you are indoors, tons of nutes if you are hydro, an understanding of pest control and what pesticides are ok to use, connections to sell to, and a licence.

IDK much about Colorado but from what I understand, they track it "from seed to sale." This sounds like a lot of paperwork and overhead to me. I'd probably just go illegal until I made enough $$ to pay the fees.

Also, as soon as you hit 10+ plants you need to look over your shoulder for the feds. If you try to grow too big they will eat you for breakfast.

Personally I suggest starting by growing a few plants in dirt outside over the summer. You can put them almost anywhere you think they are safe and the sun is free.

You can start them early as April or May if the frost has gone. And you can give them a jump start by growing them some in your house on a windowsill when they are babies. Just transplant them outside when they are ready.

Dirt growing only requires water every 2-3 days, and it pays to buy a moisture and pH meter. Don't over water, they will die.

Give them fertilizer if you desire. Read the directions!!

Stop watering them ~4 days before you harvest, this makes drying them easier. Cut them at the base and give a rough cut of the leaves. After a few days of hanging them upside down, trim them further and make your buds look purdy. Once they have lost the majority of their moisture you can technically smoke and sell them. (Google this process for better details)

However, I suggest curing your bud. It smokes better and your customers will appreciate it. Buy a humidity meter from a cigar supply shop and fill some mason jars 3/4 of the way full with your bud. Drop your meter in and keep the moisture between 55-65%,(ideally at 60-65%).


Boom done. Roll in the monies.

>> No.736569
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I can buy game CD keys at dirt cheap from another nation, but i have No money to make the intial purchase so that leads me to need to dropship. What is an online marketplace that would allow me to do this? I cant use Ebay (stuck me with some other cunts fee's), I cant use Amazon as they deposit direct to the bank which takes 3-5 business days. I cant use G2A as those funds dont clear for 7 days until i can trasnfer it to my paypal, And Kinguin is worse at an outstanding 30 days wait period.

>> No.736578

Ok, whats a good VA site I can use?

>> No.736589

I'd actually stay away from activision at the moment. The black ops 3 trailer came out and wasn't that spectacular

>> No.736591

Recipes are considered trade secrets and not IP. If the original company had written down the formula and OP had copied it down word-for-word and sold it as his own, then there would an IP infringement

It's not illegal, you just can't use the original branding or container to market it. It wouldn't be very cost effective though considering you'd be buying the original product at retail or wholesale price instead of original cost.

>> No.736595

Because it doesn't work, kinda



>> No.736601

Are you in college? You can try getting a job at your school's radio station and get relevant broadcasting experience. Also you're bound to meet someone that help you capitalize on your voice.

>> No.736627

I'm going to invest in a Europe ETF. I'm looking at two currently. They have both had the same return YTD, but one has a 0.14% expense ratio with a 0.59% dividend and the other has a 0.6% expense ratio and a 3.48% dividend. Symbols are IEUR and IEV. Which one should I buy? This is for a non-tax advance account ie. my regular brokerage account.

>> No.736633

TD. I got three different ones. They've done okay but I want to switch- MER is like 2.5%. which is completely fucked

>> No.736638

How do I beat the s&p 500?

>> No.736639

Risk and leverage.

>> No.736645


>> No.736650

uwti and nbg

>> No.736679

what do I study to make lots of money?

I'm studying computer science right now.

>> No.736739


Launch some sucessful web services

>> No.736765

I'm getting a pretty hefty inheritance when my dad bites it(~$200k). What's the best thing to invest in to put off getting a real job for as long as possible?

>> No.736769


>> No.736781
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How do I into a prestigious job? I graduated two years ago but feel stuck doing a retirement representative call center job. No real skillset, experience or internships. 3.5 GPA econ umass Amherst

>> No.736900
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Says the guy asking where to put his inheritance.

>> No.736906

I am completely new to anything /biz/related.
Is there any recommanded reading?
Where should I start?

>> No.736925



read from cover to cover, brew every idea he puts across

>> No.736939

>No real skillset, experience or internships
You're fucked.
End of story.
I would consider suicide.

>> No.736957

ID: Pleb LOL
also, Jon is that you?

>> No.736977

>kek is top
but then again, depressed suicidal an heros have an inherent advantage and can shoot for the stars

>you make it big - sweet
>you fail - was waiting for an opportunity to eat a bullet...

>coming from 4chen user

>> No.736980

Self-righteous ramblings of a pretentious clot 75 years ago, surely there is something better.

>> No.737092

This book is from 1940 though, is this still accurate?

I am not only looking for Information on stock trade.
Again, I am completely new to anything /biz/ related:
The only contact I had with finance was to spend my income on living expenses and such.
A /biz/ sticky with recommanded reading would be really helpful.

>> No.737120 [DELETED] 

>prestigious job
>No real skillset, experience or internships
Work at a small banking/wealth management firm as a secretary or CSA and work your way up

>> No.737171
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This may seem like a fairly retarded question to those in the know....but I must ask. What dictates the prices and value of equities? I am fairly new to this sort of thing and my grasp of economics is somewhat limited at this time. To what extent do geopolitical factors determine equities prices?

>> No.737189

My friend and his friend (whom I don't know all that well) got this job help selling roofs, they make commission off of contracts they make. They make a decent amount of money apparently. My friend and I had been wanting to move in together, but the plan has been changing every few months. Currently he and his friend decided to get the idea that with all this money they're going to rent out this house that's 5k a month, just for the 3 of us. 5 bedroom 4.5 bath. This sounds good in theory, but with the way he's been acting recently I kind of want to bail out, after all this job looks like it's only good for storm season. I also gave the idea of bringing another one of my friends in on the housing option, whom he has met and talked with him about it saying "yeah we could use your friend anon", but is now acting like a bitch and saying "no to everyone we don't even know if we're moving yet."

Should I stay and put up with the butthurt and potentially get in on the roofing job? Or should I get a nice apartment with my other friend and not deal with butthurt.

TL;DR friend with nice job who wants to get a big house and help me with nice job is acting like a bitch/power trip, not sure to put up with butt hurt or not.

Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.737196
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In buying high cap stocks, how much of a stock can you buy before you influence the share price/cause others to notice the purchase ?
Will buying 100 k have an effect ?
1 Mil ?

>> No.737198

Anything above 500k

>> No.737200

I have an idea.

I get two credit cards, each with cash-back rewards. Then I use one card to pay off the other, always being sure to pay at the end of the month to avoid any interest. I continue for an indefinite amount of time, alternating the cards. So the first month, I pay off card X with card Y. Second month, I pay off card Y with card X. This allows me to "farm" the cash back rewards on both cards.

Would this work?

>> No.737204
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1. What is adequate record keeping?

I have the following:
>digital receipts with customer names, addresses, phone numbers, totals, confirmation of exchange of funds
>paper records detailing daily totals
>receipts for any expenses (supplies and shipping) not covered by my POS system

I'm mostly concerned with #2 there: paper records. I have the order number, customer name, and purchase total, as well as following expense:

>04/21/2014 Daily Totals
>Order #284 by John Smith ------ $46.97
>Shipping for Order #284 ------- ($3.56)
>Order #285 by Jane Doe ------ $105.21
>Shipping for Order #285 ------- ($6.22)
>Revenue ------------------- $152.18
>Expenses ---------------- ($9.78)
>Profit ----------------------- $142.40

This is an example record. I don't know if this is sufficient. This is just a summary of my shipping receipt (physical) and digital receipt which has more information.

2. Why is unsold inventory calculated towards revenue at opportunity cost?

I never understood this. Say I have enough supplies to make $10,000 of product, the IRS would consider this revenue for the quarter and then a forward-going amount into the next quarter against that quarter's revenue. This doesn't factor into:

>stock that would be destroyed
>stock used for R&D
>damaged product
>lost product (in transit)
>incomplete yield (I never produce 100% yield on my supplies, not even 90%)

Why can't taxes just be (money made) - (money spent) = income???

>> No.737206

So a purchase of 100 k worth of stock in a single company should be safe ?

>> No.737217

Other than taking the necessary classes to fulfill the 150 credit requirement what can I do between getting my CPA and my bachelors? Am I basically stuck in retail until I finish the whole CPA or will a firm hire me if I'm close to getting my credits in?

>> No.737221
File: 20 KB, 604x604, altAt72ckI2Y8_rOX6XaZpmhr9SdEzFOzjYJDzBF4NZxzJu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm by no means an expert, but as far as I understand it the share price is determined by simple supply and demand.
To what extent do geoplotical activities affect the share price ? People get nervous when there is bad news and tend to want to sell because of a perceived loss of value in the company, reducing the demand, and thus the price for a share. The opposite is true for 'good' news.

>> No.737223

That depends entirely on your credit rating. It could be anything from $30k cash that you have to $300k. In general don't spend more than 10% of what you make a month on your car payment.

>> No.737234

You can't use credit cards to pay other credit cards. You can only balance transfer which often times has some kind of fee attached.

>> No.737237


>> No.737245

That money won't "run out". Sure, most people, especially poor, will just spend it. But the recipient will receive it and use some and save some. This process will continue forever.

This means that, with the incredibly low savings rates in the United states, that your 10,000 dollars per person could end up being like 250,000 per person, when you figure the amount of times that money ends up flowing thru the economy.

>> No.737842

I'm from germany and have UniEurostoxx 50 a. They raised by 25% the last few days which gives me 1000 € more than my initial investment. Now I have no ideas abou those thing and don't know if you should cash out when I only need the money or when I think its high and wouldnt go higher. i've got this for 5 years now as a "gift" from my parents, what do?

>> No.737889

I have two computers: one high end and one a regular laptop. They sit around doing nothing for like 20 hours a day (except 7pm-11pm when I use them). I live in a dorm so I have free electricity and free internet.

Are buttcoins still the best option for me to get some money out of this situation?

>> No.737895

Buttcoin farming requires so much hardware, you would probably struggle to make much from it.

>> No.737897

I already have a scholarship so I'm just looking for some extra spending allowance.

Is there a better option?

>> No.737899

Also bear in mind that I'm in a shitty 3rd world country where I live like a king for 400 bucks a month.

>> No.737909

Are there brokers or accounts that loan you your money before it clears so you don't have to wait T+3?

>> No.737936


>> No.737969

Here's reality: miners today use a separate piece of hardware called ASIC. Large scale miners don't use just one, they use dozens, hundreds of it in clusters.
ASIC has 500 times more capability of a CPU/GPU

So using CPU/GPU, or one or two ASIC, it would take you from 1 to 10 years to make a bitcoin.
It's basically lottery.

>> No.737971

Yeah I realize it's far from ideal. But is it the best alternative right now?

>> No.737977

Sell your extra laptop.

>> No.737979

Can't, need it for my biweekly presentations and study sessions.

>> No.737987

I'm 19 and basically starting from square one with anything I decide to learn.

Already tried college once and narrowly avoided starting off adult life in crippling debt, so I want to be sure I have some sort of goal in mind before returning.

My questions are...

1) Between computer science, business and marketing, what specific areas of the three are my best bet for pursuing a career in to become financially secure so I can dump copious amounts of free time into my fruitless hobbies? (gaming, movies, etc.)

2) What are some things I could learn about and use online to make extra income? I'd like to make more than my minimum wage job is paying long before I obtain a degree. I've heard a lot about affiliate marketing and different forms of investment, but I'm not really sure where to begin with any of it.

>> No.738009


>> No.739197

Sell on Steam for cash to your PayPal

Or better, find another thing to sell. To do this you would've had to start like 5 years ago and built a strong reputation. Now people only buy if the seller has the afore mentioned conditions.

>> No.739227

I need help with ebay.
I had a DVD and a PS3 game that i wanted to sell, and a bunch of other stuff, but only these 2 are my problem. Both got bought by people, and in both cases they didn't wanna buy/pay. The first guy refused to use PayPal, and the second guy said he "accidently" bought it. Either way, i didn't get money, and i'm not sending the items out, and it seems like the buyers are fine with just ignoring the whole situation. But I'm not, so i opened a case for both articles, which proved lead to nothing. and now i try to cancel the purchase, and it doesn't let me.
How do i get rid of the 2 "bought" articles from my ebay list? i'm worried if i ignore it too, then one day, maybe in a month, the buyers will try to scam me saying they didnt get the article and want a refund.

>> No.739229

Shut up please

>> No.739234

Try forums where they exchange game gold for game keys then sell the game gold for real cash.

>> No.739237

>he thought credit cards are magic free money

>> No.739238

What are they going to do? You can't get a refund on money that was never payed.

>> No.739244

I want to get into the apartment business as well as strip mall style leasing. But I have no start-up capital because I'm still in school and only work 5-10 hours a week. I can't imagine a bank would give me a business loan for the million or so dollars it would take to buy land where I want to since it wouldn't have any invested capital of my own. How can I quickly build up capital to start my business? I feel like I need to start quickly because land leasing is the kind of business that starts small but compounds down the road.

>> No.739278

Business major, here.

Just about to get started on my bachelors but I'm not sure of which route would give me the best utility and also be in demand.

Would Business Data Analytics, BS still be relevant or are the days of big data over?

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

>> No.739321

I should add that investors aren't an option because I want to keep 100% ownership.

>> No.739345

Why has there been such a fucking massive rally in chinese stock this year so far?

>> No.739369

How should I go about learning to code? I understand there's a lot of crossover between languages. Also, is it a good investment of my time? If I were to learn computer shits online would I end up stuck going to school for it anyway?

>> No.739394

Anyone wants to hire me? I'm a pretty cool guy.

>> No.739406

Do you afraid of anything?

>> No.739417

I doesn't really afraid of anything no.

>> No.739418

It's a waste of the time. The good jobs are all taken. You're better off going into a different STEM field, like mechanical engineering.
*rubs hands jewishly*

>> No.739428

I don't get it man. Is it good? I was actually considering mechanical engineering

>> No.739429

how do you guys make money? i dont need to make 6 or 7 figures, i would be fine if i could just make a thousand extra dollars per months through a small business or stocks or bonds or whatever, but i never know how to start with these things.

>> No.739439

Can't be taught per say, better off with indexes

>> No.739451
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How to into stocks, what's the best place for a good online brokerage account?

>> No.739461

Dat butt

>> No.739463

1. accumulate $500k through years of wageslavery
2. congrats, you can now make a few thousand a month off investments

>> No.739466

That may be the most incredible ass I've ever seen.

>> No.739467

implying you don't see perfect asses online all the time like everyone else

>> No.739468

None like this. Only time I've ever seen an ass that fine is on a black chick.

>> No.739514

Black chicks really are fucking amazing.

>> No.739517
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how to turn 1k into 2 k?
>inb4 buy a gun
hopefully something that doesn't involve illegal stuff...
pls I'm desperate, I thought about selling greek yogurth..., it's pretty expensive in my country. fage is the only company that actually sells the real stuff.

>> No.739535

What's your plan for selling yogurt? It seems like the cost to start a yogurt company would far exceed $1000. Are you gonna manufacture it? Or just buy it from a producer and package it yourself? Either way, you will need more than a grand

>> No.739537

that ass will look like shit as she ages. gravity is a bitch.

>> No.739570

I need help here /biz/

Is it okay to approach a company with an offer to localize (read as: translate) their product into another language?

And, is it a good idea to
>do it for free
as long as they are willing to credit me and give me a letter that I can use in resumes, et cetera?

>> No.739608

>Either way, you will need more than a grand
I know, the thing is I don't really know what else to do and since I already make greek yoghurt for myself, I thought about selling it to other people.
I also make cheese...

>> No.739611

depending on your language and the language you are translating to, you can charge a lot or get nothing in return.
also, I don't think a company would hire a nobody even if you are doing it for free :/
where are you from?

>> No.739621

US. I speak English and Spanish, and currently learning German.

Yes I would just ask straight up for the chance to do it, even for free. I have experience translating English <> Spanish but it has been translation work for individuals and not companies.

Do you think it is even worth a shot? Or will I make myself look like a fool?

>> No.739633

Entire markets of people were not called up as defendants in class-action lawsuits.

>> No.739642

You could try it and see what happens, even if you look like a fool. The worst thing that could happen is they tell you to piss off.

Do you have any certifications? That could help.
Have you tried applying for a "translation" job?

>> No.739653
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Flower Mound, TX - about 30 minutes out of Dallas.

Take a couple courses or attend some V.O. workshops prior, audition with them, and blam. You're welcome.

>> No.739660
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have you ever taken viagra?

I'm 23 and have never taken it for a "problem" since I'm in my prime hormone years but man.

You can fuck a chick for 30 mins, go make a sandwich with a boner, take a shower, watch some south park, then come back and rail her with that same bone for another 2 hours before your schlong goes soft.

>> No.739665

No certifications. I think I will just write a nice professional email and hope for the best.

Thanks for helping me out, appreciate the help.

>> No.739868

So I know that recessions are the best time to buy stocks, but I was a student during 2009 and didn't have any money. Does this apply for non-US countries as well? It looks like Brazil is going into a recession and I'm wondering whether or not I should load up on Brazilian stocks.

>> No.740099
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How long should you wait after an interview until you call them back at min wage jobs?

They said to not worry if I don't hear back in a few days because they have a lot of applicants. Should I just call within a week?

>> No.740105
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>> No.740107

One week from the day you put in your app.

>> No.740114

How about after an interview?

They had like an open interview night with lots of applicants and I think mine went pretty well based on their response.

Should I call back in 3 days or a week?

>> No.740118

They will call you if you get the job. Just keep going to interviews and searching for jobs. If they don't call you back you didn't get the job. If you really need to know just call back after a couple of weeks.

>> No.740121

My mum's financial advisers are actual Jews

>> No.740130

B-but people usually say you should call back after an interview to stand out and show that you actually want the job, besides sometimes my phone doesn't receive calls/I can't call others randomly so I might miss it...

>> No.740134

Is the F40 a worthwhile investment? Does the appreciation beat the maintenance costs?

>> No.740362

I have a degree in international studies and I want a career in intelligence gathering. Any suggestions on how i can make it happen?

>> No.740391
File: 267 KB, 960x1280, 1427848756754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the trap of having a minimum wage job with shit hours and no transportation to do anything. What are some things that I can do to make a decent salary to save up for a car or at least buy decent groceries.

>> No.740404

>How do I into a prestigious job?
>How do I into
>I into
No one is going to hire you because you are obviously lazy and don't pay attention

>> No.740408

Just read up on what happened to Germany in WW2. They started printing Deutsch Marks to keep financing the war and it made the currency worthless once people found out. Literally a wheelbarrow of cash could just buy you a loaf of bread

>> No.740411

Tell your boss. He deserves to be accountable for his gambling

>> No.740413


>> No.740483

Have a vagina?
Go on the internet and masturbate.
Have a penis, and abs?
Go on the internet and masturbate.

>> No.740487

Please, send help.

>> No.740507

>being this new

>> No.740514

>he doesn't know
GET >>>/OUT/!!!

>> No.740947

From a retailer's perspective, is cash/debit more preferable than credit?

>> No.741110


The Chinese were able to get away with it, why can't yours? There was that Starbucks parody cafe that went viral last year.

>> No.741123

Mine alt coins

>> No.741610

my lazy ass feels your pain, so many fuking distractions

>> No.741747
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That's why you don't marry it...

>> No.742010

I manage the websites for my local government, about 0.75M population. I want to start freelancing. A city asked me to do theirs, but I'm terrified of getting caught in a lawsuit either over the contract or from my work not meeting the changing accessibility laws. I don't speak legalese. Send help.

It's my first time doing 5-figure 1099 work, and I'm scared of law surprises... pls no bully

>> No.742106

Yes, there are fees involved with credit. A cursory google could have told you that.

>> No.742124

kind of. its like the kirkland vodka that is actually the same as grey goose. if you have a separate bottling plant, it can almost be identical.
the only difference with grey goose and kirkland is that kirkland vodka is WAY cheaper

>> No.742127

from a selling and marketing point of view, no.
from a networking point of view and getting to know the business, yes.
also subscribe to exotic car magazines, etc and attend events such as auctions and sales fairs.

>> No.742200

What is a good demo trading app that i can use to get a feel of what it's like to trade stock?
android not apple

>> No.742208

But I couldn't buy a couple pallets of drink X, use their existing formula but throw a couple extra ingredients in, use my own packaging, and sell as brand Y? I know It seems like a stupid idea because of the nonexistant profit margin, but I have a plan that should turn some good profit selling to an extremely niche market

>> No.742210

Investopedia.com stock simulator

>> No.742238

I am dead poor, currently struggling on a shit job waiting to get in college and get a degree.

How can I have a larger income?
I'm trying to save as much money as I possibly can but it's just not enough.
I have all the time in the world reallly, I just need more money to save.

>> No.742245
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Forgot pic

>> No.742260

>I have all the time in the world reallly
>How can I have a larger income?
get a job. if you have one, get another.

>> No.742479

Why would Sony Finance pay for a shit division that only loses money, when they could sell it, and get some great bonuses

>> No.742689

I want to make about 1k to build a computer, but I'm been applying to jobs fruitlessly for 2 months with no luck.

And yes I have gone in person, re-applied and spoken to managers.

>> No.742744

If pills are on the table Adderal will definitely do it for you.

My tips (it can be easy to get distracted)

1. Set up a work space that just has what you want to work on for the next eight hours, try and get everything you need a head of time so you dont have to find something later

2. get some bottles of water or something (you will forget to drink if its not in front of you)

3. take addy, start working. (its good to already be working on what you want to do when they kick in, which will usually be 30-45 minutes

>> No.742759 [DELETED] 
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www.AudioPsycho.com is for sale...
Why have you not hit the buy now!!!


>> No.742768

Data Analytics, applied statistics, Artifical intelligence and maths, Big data, huge ammounts of data collected without a purpose, find conections or correlations. How is this shit ever gonna be over?

>> No.742789

How do I start a media company?

>> No.742830
File: 4 KB, 188x188, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduated two years ago. Currently a customer service rep for retirement accounts. How do I into a better job?

>> No.742924
File: 62 KB, 800x600, waffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any recommended jobs I can work on weekends for additional income? Currently make about $38/h before taxes, want to build up additional funds for a decent ETF.

I think it'd be cool if it could be a trade that didn't require a ton of training (baking, gardening, etc).

>> No.743327


>> No.743366
File: 43 KB, 600x480, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start my own business. I live in a small town in Ohio, in the land of farming and manufacturing. Would it be a good idea to start up some bottled product, like a hot sauce? An alcohol? I want to create something that grows, something that can be sold far and wide. What's the secret?

I'm 20 years old and I REALLY want to build a business from nothing.

>> No.743442

I'm 17 and looking to make money. Have about $2000 floating around doing nothing, and yes I have a job.

>> No.743463


lol if you make 38/hr why can't you just do more of that? Anything else you can just walk into with minimal amounts of training seems like it would be a waste of time for you.

>> No.743727

grow mushrooms(not the psychedelic kind) and sell them to restaurants.

>> No.744057

If i wanted to get an internship trying to work my way into a career in an investment firm where could i feasible start?

>> No.744112

When you're starting up a small e-commerce business, what's the best way to handle logistics? (storage, packaging, shipping etc)

I'm a britfag if that's any help

>> No.744122

Just got le job :^)


>> No.744216

thinking between studying law, medicine or finance, i'm not sure what i should choose between these three, i live in sweden and have the necessary grades to enter, i want to work outside sweden someday, what should i pick? what offers the most income? stability? is finance dead within 10 years?

>> No.744264

Is investing in LendingClub a good idea?

I'm thinking of starting with £1500 and then adding £150 per month. With C-D grade loans that should make me a millionaire in just shy of 30 years.

>> No.744285

how do you become those big shareholding guys sitting in the company conference room being a part of the decision process of the company?

Do you just own alot of stock of the particular company and they'll call you up and say "you own alot of our company so come on in" or what?

>> No.744360

I have an extra $1000 what should i do with it

>> No.744392

either pay off debt or keep it for an emergency.

>> No.744447

Not sure if they s is the right board for this, but is accounting really as safe as everyone says it is in terms of job security?

>> No.744714


Yes very safe. But limited upside, boring work IMO, and limited opportunities.

Note: biased cause I'm doing finance

>> No.744742
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How do I get a job exactly like mad men? Like making ads and pitching it then being the guy in charge and presenting to clients and shit?

>> No.744932


By limited opportunities do you mean limited upward mobility? Because that was going to be my next question. If I wanted to move up, would I have options down the line, or would I end up getting stuck with 40k a year with no way to make more?

>> No.744935

How set for life would you be if you got into INSEAD?

>> No.744943

even if you dont need it, its really good for performance. did you notice you can last as long as you want with it? its like magic. i cum when i want, not when i cant hold myself down.

i hope i dont get addicted to that shit, its way to awesome, specially with girls you want to make sure to perform well

what gains more respect, show off money or the ability to truly be happy with little?

>> No.745319

Pretty much. When you own large portions of stock you essentially are part owner of the company and have a say in things, rightfully so

>> No.745578

I've never taken viagra, but I've taken some "liquid cialis" from some online pharmacy. From what I understand, viagra is more about pop a pill and get a raging 4 hour boner. Liquid cialis lasted 48 hours and was more about getting and staying rock hard with the slightest touch, lasting forever, and recovering quicker.

My ex got home from a 2 month trip and had all sorts of plans to drive me around to see her stupid friends. I didn't want to do that, so I took some liquid cialis and spent all day banging her instead.

There is a reason mad men was set in the 1960's

Pro: you will always find work as an accountant
Con: You might not be happy with your particular job. Your particular job is in no way safe. You will likely be overworked.

>> No.745667


Are there any jobs in business that have the job security or near the job security of accounting? I've been looking at Business Analytics/Computer Systems Analytics, but I think that might be too far into IT for me.

>> No.745734

I work comfortably for my county government 20hrs/wk, $20k/yr. I have extra time and want to start a business supporting other public sector websites. I feel like I have an edge with my understanding of culture/priorities etc

I did my homework and it basically already exists: CivicPlus. Should I undercut them or change my approach? (Or just find a better job)

>> No.745887
File: 151 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-05-06-03-32-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in a case like this one.
is it better to buy and sell every few minutes as stock goes up and down making profit off the few points or buy it at a low price and waiting till the end of the day to sell. What makes the most profit?

>> No.746729

im so damn lazy youre lucky i responded to show that you arent alone. I know I have a million dollar idea for a booming marijuana industry but... meh... I have the GI bill to pay for essentially whatever I want but.... ughhhh

I know I can make a unique and new style of movie production but.... fsdgfahkl

>> No.746759

get a practice account with something like plus500 and put half of the practice money into a single big buy for the day and the other half into the small transactions, imo its probably the one big one because of transaction fees eating into your profit margin

>> No.746782

I have 3k i have trying to figure out what to do with it. Should i invest in one solid company or gamble on these penny stocks?

>> No.746783

I just divided it up in to 3 shares and held for a long time. The only problem is that the comissions will kill you if you choose to change your mind so it is very important to do ur research. Try and get the cheapest internet broker.

>> No.746819

Where is a good guide to learn about credit? I don't know much other than "spend some; pay back"

Currently sitting at 752, at 21, just don't know what I'm benefiting on since I don't have a job, and still living with parents (for now)

>> No.746873

I want to make high amounts of money, would you recommed becoming a real estate agent?

>> No.746963

can anyone link the marketwatch/investopedia /biz/ game?

>> No.746981

Nobody really knows how they calculate credit, but..

In general, keep a balance under 10% of CL, pay it off in full every month.
Getting a job will help a lot with your score, as will increasing your total equity

>> No.746998

oh, so youre looking for a "quick fix"?. There arent in social relationships.

>> No.748084

Hey /biz/, if a company is performing poorly and it looks like they may cut or reduce their dividend to save revenue, are there any specific times that they would announce that kind of information.

For instance, would announce a change like that at a "first quarter earnings release and conference" or is it equally likely to just be announced on some random day of the week?

>> No.748091

much more likely to occur at the earnings call

>> No.748101

Just got rejected from target. What now?

>> No.748116

Should I take a $25,000 Career Starter Loan from USAA at 2.99% APR? My plan is to put ~10k towards a car and invest the rest. I'm graduating with no debt, but I'd only have about 5k in savings until I start getting paid in July.

>> No.748328

How to sell a company that is doing well. I'm making good money but I kind of hate what I do.

>> No.748362

Best subject to get an associates in? I was thinking accounting

>> No.749026

Are binary options a scam?

>> No.749030

Try applying for another job.

What's a low cost start up that can be done part time and yield a profit for a student?

>> No.749047

I haven't been to this board since last year. What happened to all the shitcoin threads?

>> No.749049

they went bankrupt

>> No.749188

It feels good when you realise /biz/ was created as a cryptocoin containment board and a year later there are no cryptothreads anymore.
feeks good mang.

>> No.749994

hire a lawyer you trust, get liability insurance. factor these into your bid/costs just like you do with your taxes.

>> No.750341

Thanks for the tips! I wonder if I can get my Doctor to prescribe Adderal for me. I guess I could buy it online...

>> No.750479

Is stone masonry a good trade to get into? A Canadian on /pol/ said he pulls 200k a year(even though most won't). Anyone have any experience? Also HVAC, HVAC any good?

>> No.750550


Read about Soviet Union in the late 80s. That's exactly what they did, print money and freeze prices. It created massive deficit of goods, because since money were turning worthless people started hoarding everything. It aslo wasn't price effective to create more goods.

People would stand in line for 2 hours to buy a roll of price controlled toilet paper

>> No.751236

What was the first job you got out of college?

>> No.751261

I'm a uni student thinking of starting an online clothing brand on bigcartel. Are these kinds of endeavors doomed to fail and be a waste of money? I've seen conflicting reports.
If not, what's the best way of advertising the fact that it exists?

>> No.751383

Is it worth the upfront investment and recurring costs to build a server farm? How difficult is it to make money with it?

>> No.751404

masons are almost always alcoholics and ex-cons here in the US, I doubt many make good money for destroying their bodies. They are not allowed to work in very cold weather (grout doesnt dry properly in cold) so you may be laid off or sitting a bunch.

HVAC comes in 2 flavors. The guy who knows all of it even the controls (thats where the money is) and the dumbass tin knockers.

either way look up the average wages of workers in your area to get a good idea of what they make. Do a + or - 10-15% to see what the top and low guys are making. Understand with any trade you will work hard and make shit for the 1st few years.

electrician here and for a laugh, this is kind of true, esspecially the arrogant parts.

>> No.751433

Easy to get a prescription, I'm going to this summer.
"Dr., I cannot for the life of me focus in class. I can't read a book for any longer than 10 minutes and it's really affecting my grades"

I prefer vyvanse by the way

>> No.751563

What are you going to do with it, rent it out? You need a plan. A server farm isn't an end game goal.

>> No.751636


>> No.751651

From a person with severe diagnosed ADHD, what's the difference between Adderall and Vysanse for you?
I've only been taking Adderall, which has worked very well for me, but I'm curious what's different.

>> No.752133

Am I ready to buy an apartment/condo?
>35k in savings account
>making $40k a year
>paying off my car. $23k left. I'm paying $510 a month. Should be paid off in 4 years.
>want to move out of my parents really bad, but renting feels like a waste of money
I want to buy a $100k apartment. I can put 20% down and live frugal until my car is paid off.
I could use some advice.

>> No.752152

can i lose money buying stock? i don't mean the investment itself i mean more than that.

like if i invest 1k into a stock is it possible to come out owing money or do i just lose what i put in?

>> No.752155

If I am reading say, the latest edition of Investments by Bodie/Kane/Marcus, should I assume the previous editions are not needed, or the same or outdated content?

>> No.752158

Next year I'm going to uni for a BA in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, what should I expect?

Lots of money when I graduate, r-right?

>> No.752285


>> No.752292

Is it possible for you to pay off the rest of your debt on car now for a lower total payment?

>> No.752307

Maybe if I refinance it for a lower rate. But that's a factor of only ~$1000

>> No.752308

Is it possible to simply buy a company or business? Does it have to be for sale? Do businesses do that? Or do you just make them an offer? Can you keep all the same employees and whatnot?

I'm wondering whether it would be more reasonable to try to start up a self storage business or buy an established one in the area. But I know so very little about these things.

>> No.752327

I have 100k in a money market and 50k in a checking account doing jack shit. I have a 401k and pension so my retirement is taken care of. I live in southern california where the housing market is overpriced as fuck. What should I do with my money that involves moderate risk?

>> No.752917

Strictly stocks, you can only lose what you put in plus trade fees, ($4-10 when you bought or sold the shares).

>> No.753190
File: 66 KB, 538x720, 1407990369723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they any online colleges that are worth a damn?

>> No.753203
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I'm thinking about going into plumbing, but I would have to give up a 4 year scholarship at my university. I'm hesitant about this because I dont want to lose my scholarship then come back later cause I don't like plumbing

any help?

>> No.753207

you can do that shit anytime. you can get an apprenticeship in your early 20s or later

>> No.753209


No. Plus half the point of even paying for college is to meet professors, do research, get scholarships, join clubs, network, etc. Anything to show employers you are not a total autist

>> No.753252

I'll be able to save 1000 Euros every month for a couple of years.

Thing is, I'm in Ireland and will be moving.

How should I invest them on a long term fund?
I'm afraid to go to a bank because they will try to give me THEIR best option.

>> No.753362

Should my next job be a fun job working at a golf course with my friend for 8 dollars an hour or working in a huge warehouse for a big company for 9.50 and hour? (senior in hs, 18 years old so calm down)

>> No.753368

Romans tried something akin to this a while back and it didn't turn out to well.

>> No.753389

Someone please answer this I know it sounds retarded but meh

>> No.753865


>> No.755025

I'm applying for lots of casual/part time McJobs, 10 per fortnight

Is there any reason I should use a separate email account to my main email account?

>> No.755164

When I got my debit card the bank gave me a temporary card and the official one arrived about 2 weeks later in the mail. Does the same thing happen with a credit card, would they give me a temporary one?

>> No.755169
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Plox answer this.

>> No.755189


>> No.755457

I heard python was a good place to start. Nice and easy. Move onto C++, Perl, ruby, etc.

>> No.755461

They're in marketing and I doubt the business works like that anymore. It's all group testing

>> No.755504

How do I turn 60K into a Bugatti?

>> No.755511

why not deal with a stock broker?

Or open an international account in another country.

>> No.755563

Thoughts on unc

If i go to there bussiness school can i be a banker?

>> No.755579

How is University of Toronto Scarborough management?

Best school I got into, but heard it was a shithole. I also got into McGill but not into its business program.