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File: 482 KB, 563x571, RIPinpeace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7316313 No.7316313 [Reply] [Original]

>A 20-year-old college student from Busan committed suicide this week after losing nearly 200 million won in cryptocurrency.
>the student had dropped out of college
>he was suffering from depression and insomnia due to the recent drop in cryptocurrency in the country.
>He was found lying on his bed Thursday with a plastic compression pack around his head when found by his mother in his apartment. A 13L gas tank of helium was also found in his room
Fuck this guy was definitely one of us. Press F to pay respects to dearly departed anon.

>> No.7316368
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Bet he was naked with cum stains on his shirt

>> No.7316370

So, he's a retard that used margin with leverage ?
Because pretty sure waiting for it to go back up is known to all of us.
Also it was a gook, it's not like it was a human that died.

>> No.7316384


>> No.7316405

>pump it

>> No.7316407

Pretty hilarious considering the bullrun is about to happen within a week

>> No.7316417
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>only one suicide with millions of cryptocurrency users

Meanwhile thousands of suicides by non-cryptos

>> No.7316420


But i wish he had someone tell him that the biggest bull run in history is about to commence

>> No.7316441

>Lost 200mio
>so around 100mio left?

What a fucking weakhand

>> No.7316443
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>bullrun is about to happen within a week

>> No.7316447

>refueling for the next MOON mission
>with BLOOD

>> No.7316451


>> No.7316482

good point
crypto = hope i guess
and rebelions are founded on hope

>> No.7316498


Fuck.. you may be right.

>> No.7316508

Greedy fuck lost it all. Could have cashed out 1% and still made it

>> No.7316509


..... *breath in *....


>> No.7316566
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Oh nvm

>> No.7316567

I wouldn't tell anyone I killed my self over crypto. Imagine the dozen of unknown reason suicides, some must have been from this last drop.

>> No.7316606

Typical weekends loser

He's probably not gonna make it

>> No.7316619
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>> No.7316641

Typical gambler.
Treat the market like a casino, get results of a casino, no need to use margin when you can just actually TRADE THE DAMN THING

>> No.7316675
File: 532 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom was today
$13K by next monday
also fuck ethereum.
know your damn place skelly boys

>> No.7316685


>> No.7316689
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>This is the bottom

>> No.7316701

agree, never tell anyone you killed yourself over crypto. your ego will make you want to, but it just leads to problems in the end

>> No.7316716

Man, I would actually kill myself. Not necessarily over the loss of money but rather the knowledge that I could feel such absolute conviction in my retardation that it led me to do such a thing.

I don't pity the fucker at all, selfishness is at the core of that trainwreck. F

>> No.7316718

he was supposed to hodl his bags, not put them over his head

>> No.7316730


>> No.7316774
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>> No.7316788

I wonder who else on here is about to follow him lol

>> No.7316835
File: 199 KB, 905x905, 1515947039492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon commited suicide.
>Pump it.

>> No.7316879

/int/ here

>> No.7316900

i guess he is perma HODL
thanks dead guy

>> No.7316930


>> No.7316935

i fomod into crypto this month. it was supposed to save me. now i dont feel any different because i was gonna check out anyway. now it will just come sooner.

>> No.7317259
File: 210 KB, 1000x1000, 1516564163206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First the gooks destroying their rooms and now killing themselves? I lost over 4x what that greasy little gook lost and I don't feel a thing. Is it because I'm white?

>> No.7317281

Because it hasn't sunk in yet.

>> No.7317298

I imagine a 'real' story like this to come out, followed by 20/20 specials about "THE DANGERS OF CRYPTOCURRENCY"
The banks are so pissed off.

>> No.7317305

200 fuckign million?

>> No.7317334

184k in burger bucks.

>> No.7317337

If he had 200mil at ath he must still have been a millionaire

>> No.7317354
File: 85 KB, 891x717, 0aea6b1098e904d49ff576bd5fbe61c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's because I have 100% long-term faith in my coins. I feel only some regret and shame for not selling high or opening shorts, and no depression or anger. And I'm still up from 1,5 months ago anyway.

>> No.7317382

>losing nearly 200 million won in cryptocurrency.
haha he lost his won

>> No.7317395

Rather die than sell truly a visionary

>> No.7317403
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>No, it's because I have 100% long-term faith in my coins.
Oh... it's because you're still in the denial stage. You'll start feeling it soon, Mr.Krabs.

>> No.7317433

>200 million won in a week
>only 184 k USD

I lost about 350 k USD so far from this crash....

>> No.7317434

99% of investors in crypto will lose everything, he just happened to lose quite a bit

>> No.7317493

what is actually the point of your "faith" if you don't know how to sell?

>> No.7317540

its the same with stocks, what fucking retard buys anything with margins?

Jesus save up for a bit and then go in, don't go in with someone elses money who will automatically sell the moment the market dips.

I'll give the guy an F out of respect as he is a brother of crypto, but come on, never ever ever use margins, nobody can read graphs whatever they say, finance is chaos, yes it follows trends, but no one can look at a graph and say cup and handle like it means anything, because every time is different.

>> No.7317544
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>> No.7317549
File: 1.12 MB, 480x270, cryptomarket.1(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but we're old to this game

>> No.7317572

Why tho

>> No.7317576
File: 47 KB, 460x460, ull never amount to me boy - viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only regret not having fiat to buy the dip. My faith stands strong. It's ride or die, it's Pluto or the deep Abyss.

>> No.7317600

I hope it still dip until later this month.
I need to average. Some people give part of their earning to dumber shits. Don't bet more than you can lose ffs.
Also it's not like crypto will vanish in weeks anyway. Even if it does, we move to new shit, although I fucking sure there is no newer shit than crypto in near time.
4Dcoins? Time-space coins?

>> No.7317653
File: 20 KB, 379x364, 1513720877440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 BTC..hmm

>I'll trade 200 BTC potentially losing everything
>I'll hodl my 200 BTC, price may go down, but I'll always have the BTC whatever the price and can sell at a price of my choosing.

hmm choices choices

>> No.7317682

thank you for the easy money, then.

>> No.7317756

you got emotionally attached in your coins, sorry but you already lost son

>> No.7317896

Good man, believe in your investments, it's the only way to beat the FUD

>> No.7318000


Sad stuff. I imagine his crypto losses were just the cherry on top that made him do it. It can feel really gutwrenching to lose money and opportunity like this.

>> No.7318050

Losing? How. Assuming he had 200 millions at peak, he should still have 70 millions left.

Thats enough to live comfy for the rest of your life.

>> No.7318105

Crypto is useless, ppl only speculate on it. The true believers are going to be holding down to 0

>> No.7318269

70 million WON, anon.

>> No.7318272


>> No.7318386

Because you're not losing literally your last chance to make it.