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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 660x377, stuEmailBlackMondayHere660x377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7313948 No.7313948 [Reply] [Original]

Who is ready for today's shitshow on American stock market?

>> No.7313984

I can't wait to see the spectacle.

>> No.7314093

The futures say opening at -0.6%.
It's going to get ugly.

>> No.7314261
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>> No.7314283

What's the normal opening percentage ?
What is considered a lot of change ?

>> No.7314418

5% drop in a day for say the DJI would be fucking brutal

>> No.7314543

This whole thing is a house of cards that needs to crash down....

>> No.7314631
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Waiting for this shit since Aug '16.
$300k ready to buy some index ETF at -40%.
Any better ideeas ?

>> No.7314641

when do they open?

>> No.7314648


>> No.7314684

eastern time us

>> No.7314743

>What's the normal opening percentage ?
+-0.05% to +-0.1%
>What is considered a lot of change ?
0.2% and more.

>> No.7314799

bored waiting. this is gonna get big no matter where it goes

>> No.7314893

Was so close to selling on Thursday. Was up over 12% for a 6 month period. Now down to 8% up. I have a feeling its all going to take a shit.

>> No.7314913
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>> No.7314925

Thanks anon

>> No.7314954

DJIA futures currently at -0.87%


>> No.7314970


>> No.7314971
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Buying index funds low is always the best and safest option

>> No.7315012
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It's a free fall

>> No.7315056
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Dow futures down 330 points

I smell panic

>> No.7315096

At least we know the nocoiners are fucked more than we are, because when the stock bubble pops they will be holding these bags for decades.

>> No.7315136
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>> No.7315151

You don't think the crypto market is going to collapse alongside this? We're fucked too, friend

>> No.7315153

everybody is gonna be fucked if stocks collapse now

>> No.7315176


>> No.7315231

>You don't think the crypto market is going to collapse alongside this?
No. Being funny internet monopoly money has it's upsides - it's completely disconnected from the world economy.
Also we move at 100x pace, our bubble is almost done and we will start the next bull run next month, while everything else will be bleeding for years. Can be huge, considering there will be a lot of fiat fleeing the stock markets.

>> No.7315245


>> No.7315254

Thread theme

>> No.7315297

Where can I watch some live charts of this shitstorm?

>> No.7315298

Markets aren't even open yet hahahahahah

>> No.7315345
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Yup. In their bullrun we had like 6 crashes and bullruns. Lol.

>> No.7315368

bonds stabilized, also the fact that people in this thread dont know what time the market opens and dont know how to get "live charts" of the SP500 show you how fucking dumb this board is. Fuck off children, your shitcoins arent the real market, you dont know shit.

>> No.7315369

I'm buying at 25110.

Just at 50 day moving average.

Sound get a bounce.

May not stay up though.

>> No.7315391


>> No.7315397
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AHAHA, AMD and Nvidia are leading the sinking NASDAQ ship.

Post yfw the boomers crashed their own markets with crypto regulations.

>> No.7315434

>muh boomer magic papers
>muh 5% ROI
Stay salty, grandpa.

>> No.7315448

is there even any chance it will go up when they open? like realistically any?

it's starting to look like this is gonna be the big one. if the free fall continues today there's gonna be nothing to break it. maybe this will get shaken off and be just a correction? it doesn't look like that still

>> No.7315465

>what time does the market open guys?
>guys how do i get live prices!

>> No.7315475

>everything going down

Where is the money flowing into?

>> No.7315493

2 hours from now

>> No.7315502

Nice cope. About to lose your magic boomer papers, aren't you?

>> No.7315522 [DELETED] 

The veins of every Jew in the world

This is how they achieve immortality

>> No.7315523

ur a salty faggot

>> No.7315526

Hope you stocked up on PMs gramps, this is going to get ugly.

>> No.7315525
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This is by far the dumbest board. You fuckers dont know anything other than BuY dOGECOIN xD

>> No.7315536

this is all fine, but I don't think some people ITT not knowing the first thing about stocks will be enough to keep them from crashing

>> No.7315544

>Markets going to crash grampa!
SP500 is down 4%
Bitcoin is down over 60%

>> No.7315557

I love it.

Calling an event before it happens.

Going to end well.

>> No.7315572

explain to me how theyre going to crash because you seem to know so well

>> No.7315580

>SP500 is down 4%
this is kind of a big deal mate

>> No.7315610

>Bitcoin is down over 60%
Bitcoin crashes -40-60% every 3 months and then starts another 400% bullrun. Since the very start of it's existense.
When your boomer papers crash you go homeless and will keep sucking hobo dicks for decades to caome.

>> No.7315615

Hi there merchant, whatcha doing? The woyaks were called out so youre fudding otherwise now? Innovative.

You guys who seriously believe that the entire sphere of international corporations went into crypto, virtually ALL large companies are invested in crypto, and this only to let everything go at the first sound of a fart? Cut it out. Make biz biz again, enough of this fudding. Everyone knows you gf didnt break up with you, you dont have one. No more woyaks, no more bs. Get back to buying stinkies or whatever. Merchants, get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7315619

bitcoin still up 10000%

>> No.7315620

no it's not

>> No.7315621
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not even down from the start of the year

>> No.7315635

Not when it's still up 1% YTD, on pace for 12% for the year.

>> No.7315646

I've been ready for years now, you can't just dump trillions of dollars on the stock market while simultaneously strangulate private business without creating a massive bubble.

>> No.7315656

>continued unhealthy rise
>everybody expecting a burst
>a huge sudden drop when everybody is on the edge
>p/e's sky high
>USD -20% this year
>stocks-GDP is like 3 to 1
>bonds still unstable

>> No.7315684

not yet. the -4% happening right now when you go look at the recent development however, it's bad

>> No.7315699

Reminder, that the drop in price happened over less than one open market day. Market's are about to open, after this week, we can talk about whether the market's are really going into crisis

>> No.7315726

this, this week and maybe the next will show where we're going. either it's a healthy correction or a full-blown crash brewing

>> No.7315748

The market was ready to go into crisis since 2015.
There is only so much fake money you can pump into the markets before it pops.

>> No.7315814

>unhealthy rise
This is the correction that has been needed since 2016
>everybody expecting a burst
Nobody is. Traders are more comfortable now than they have been for the longest time. This drop that youre so scared of, get this, makes traders MORE comfortable because now we have some context to play with from the last 450 days of dude green lmao
>a huge sudden drop when everybody is on the edge
nobody is on edge, this is entirely expected with inflation data and wage growth.
>p/e's sky high
Tax cut dropped it. Most earnings growth now since 2009
>USD -20% this year
not true btw
>stocks-GDP is like 3 to 1
not an important number
>bonds still unstable
I literally just posted the charts showing you that they have for the moment

this is good, this drop is both expected and needed. What was bad was when the market kept going up 1% every day from the start of the year for no reason.

explain to me how the market is going to crash right now with the best economic data we've had for over a decade

>> No.7315834

And 2008 was only swept under the rug, this time we have a massive consumer debt bubble too.

It's going to be a happening and a half when it happens.

>> No.7315845
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>healthy correction
>full-blown crash

Same thing. The healthy correction is at 19,000. Which will crash the whole global economy out of existence.

>> No.7315858

wont be today


>> No.7315879

kek, I think you're right.
The absolute panic it would induce would be enough to cause a massive crash worldwide I believe.

>> No.7315952

what is WS's wojak?

>> No.7316000

>makes traders MORE comfortable
it does, until it doesn't. I'm not touching stocks until I see a clear trend either up or down. if stocks don't go into free fall mode that's nice, but can you honestly say that's not a realistic possibility here?

>Tax cut dropped it. Most earnings growth now since 2009
ah, trump making everything go even more hyperbolic and unstable. nice. surely that can't end badly

>I literally just posted the charts showing you that they have for the moment
I hear China is buying less US bonds already. maybe they'll get their shit together but at some point they're gonna need to actually have the money they're promising, and raising rates is not a way to solve that one

>> No.7316113
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Here we go

>> No.7316183

I dont care what you do im just telling you what is real and what isnt.

the markets have better reason for stability now than they have for years, A tax cut isnt going to make market unstable you fucking moron.

unexpected high wage growth caused by economic growth has caused inflation numbers to be reevaluated which might result in a interest rate increase in May. Rising interest rates raise bond yields sharply which in turn causes bond prices to decrease and cause a selloff. Its possible bond selloffs extent to equities while money is rotated around between asset classes.

Basically the economy is better than people thought and theyre just adjusting to expectations of new fed rates

>> No.7316292


>I hear China is buying less US bonds already. maybe they'll get their shit together but at some point they're gonna need to actually have the money they're promising, and raising rates is not a way to solve that one

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7316310


If it happens it will be the same as crypto. Who wanted to be in stocks has already invested. The ATH and euphoria of January will be ugly. 50% BTC is meh in compare with big banks and institutional money in general. There is like a bubble everywhere you look.

>> No.7316385

kek at the "Don't panic!" In between all that shit.

>> No.7316393

I'm not ready to call this yet
however i'm really excited by the prospects of a huge crash, maybe in a few hours, maybe in a few months
I guess we'll see

>> No.7316397

Good job cutting through the retardation on this board, I was about to liquidate everything I own and buy silver before reading this thread.

>> No.7316425

I agree, the debt bubbles are the ones to look out for. Mortgage Loans, Auto Loans, Consumer Loans etc.

It's a far bigger can of worms than 2008.

>> No.7316454

Me neither. But also excited for the possibility of an economic scale happening.

>> No.7316467

Total BS.
Normal market movements were -/+ 1% per day until volatility took a big dump during 2017.

>> No.7316477

this is my plan as well. i'm hoping for a crash soon

>> No.7316504
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Is there a livestream of the stock market windows?

>> No.7316556
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>> No.7316558

dont buy silver ever
Silver is a garbage asset and it'll drop just as much if markets ever do crash.

>> No.7316590

>expecting /biz/ to understand business
Nice try. Most people here would prefer to gamble on crypto memecoins.
>durrr me buy and id drob wad now?

>> No.7316616

I actually hope you're right because I wanna get in again

if you sell bonds you gotta be able to buy them back. this is a ticking time bomb, and it might not go off today, not even in years. but at some point it will. you really just believe the US has the resources to keep borrowing money from the future without any fallback?

>> No.7316665


>> No.7316708
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the bond market is stabilizing from its free fall, and both the price of bonds and equities market should slowly swell back up over the course of the next 2 weeks

>> No.7316710
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>> No.7316733
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Don't panic!
Everything's fine!
The fundamentals are strong!
Buy the dip!

>> No.7316767
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>don't panic!
When was this ever a good omen to hear?

>> No.7316768

>Return to normal

>> No.7316785

yes, kicking the can forward. but there's a good chance that you're right about there not being a catastrophic stock crash in the near future, I still think it's a possibility

>> No.7316808


>> No.7316818

Stock market is gonna crash and jews on TV will blame it on our memecoins. Screencap this.

>> No.7316832


>> No.7316850

i dont care what you think

I work in finance professionally and im telling you what is going to happen.

>> No.7316858
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>mfw sitting on 5k worth of physical gold and silver

>> No.7316877

if shit does hit the fan you're going to be a happy camper

>> No.7316878
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g-g-guys I have a long position in AMD

>> No.7316890


>if you sell bonds you gotta be able to buy them back. this is a ticking time bomb, and it might not go off today, not even in years. but at some point it will. you really just believe the US has the resources to keep borrowing money from the future without any fallback?

Yes, the federal government prints money. They can't default. Any significant fear is not based on whether or not they can pay their debt.

>> No.7316898

tip for you sir: water will become scarce in 5 years

>> No.7316934

>Magic paper

It's backed by the US military you fucking dipshit

>> No.7316936

I'm hovering over the sell button. Debating selling all today and buying Friday.

>> No.7316940

Gold falls as well when the market crashes

Gold's lowest price in the last 10 years was 2009

Gold fell about 45% in 2008

>> No.7316943

It already is in a lot of places. Good thing I live in Canada!

Oh shit. We're going to get a dose of Freedom™, Aren't we?

>> No.7316952


Nice, just bought 100 kl.

>> No.7316975

and that's actually pretty good, objective discussion is good. you've swayed my opinion to be less bearish on stocks too

yeah sure, but how much is one USD worth after that?

>> No.7316980

Shhh don't shit on their magic dirt rock

>> No.7317022

in a nice bull trap, still three times more expensive than it was in 2000

>> No.7317029

>magic paper backed by a paper tiger
Makes sense.

>> No.7317037

>water will become scarce
where is the water going?

>> No.7317073

you gunna hold for a year as the market falls 50%?

lmao you were better off buying the SP500 in 2009 than gold

>> No.7317077

Climate change? (inb4 Chinese hoax)

>> No.7317132

Are you not aware that water is a limited resource unless we can desalinate the oceans, and even then it's still finite (unless it starts to rain more than it has been in recent years)

>> No.7317161

so the climate changes and this destroys water? i'm no scientist but damn thats scary i hope the climate change doesn't destroy monster drinks too

>> No.7317162

actually if you re-read my post it's apparent that I'm not holding any gold. only a retard would buy it at these prices. if the economy goes up everything else will do better, if economy goes down gold will fall like all the other speculative assets. and if some apocalyptic scenario happens you'll just get robbed of your gold by tyrone

>> No.7317163

>cherry picking facts

Nice try, CNN. Gold rose 100% between 2007 and 2010. It's risen continually since then because smart money knows the economy is fucked and Russia and China have been hoarding it.

>> No.7317175

where do you think the hyrdogen and oxygen atoms go after we drink it?

>> No.7317183

It would take hundreds if not thousands of years to drink the ocean if we stopped drinking all clean water and was able to purify salt water. And thats if every human had a gallon a day.

>> No.7317225

Gold fell from like $1100 per ounce to a little less than $700 an ounce from January 2008 to winter of 2008 as markets were in free fall.

By the time gold started rising again in 2009, the dow and SP500 were already at their bottom and were rising again too meaning the point of a safe haven during a crashing market was both pointless and less valuable than just buying the SP500 at its lowest point by the start of 2009

>> No.7317237

No it's supposed to cause droughts in certain areas. They SAY the cali drought is because of it, also the whole middle east thing. If you believe history books then the middle east used to be a paradise thousands of years ago and has slowly been getting worse and worse over the centuries. Recent release of shit in the air by civilization has exacerbated everything.

I don't care to argue if this is actually happening or not, I'm simply stating what (((they))) say is happening and why the other anon was saying water will become scarce.

Even if this is happening I'm not worried. Solar power is getting cheap as hell and distillation technology is always improving. Non issue.

>> No.7317261


It honestly depends, but from what I understand I don't think the bond market itself is particularly inflationary because for one, the fed rotates reserves in banks for new bonds fairly regularly, so the interest earned on the bonds often just lands in new bonds, and secondly the banks don't lend based on their increase in reserves but rather based on how favorable the lending environment is to them. That is one reason why after the crises the velocity of M2 tanked. Banks just clutched their reserves and weren't lending.

Fiscal policy can be more inflationary depending on where it is going because you are paying individual wages for goods and services. Of course, debts fuel fiscal policy, so if there is an increase in the deficit then there must be an increase in spending somewhere. Recently, the increase was a tax cut, so it wasn't really the government paying more so much as the private sector getting a little more of its pay. How much that kind of thing effects inflation depends on where that money goes. If it is mostly corporate earnings that go back to shareholders, then we'd expect to see asset prices continue to rise, since that is probably where a bunch of investors are going to put the bulk of their money. But this whole rate hike business is confounding that aspect.

>> No.7317271

If we can easily distillate the ocean we can distillate piss. As long as we have sufficient energy we will never run out of clean water. Well, as long as you're not poor anyways.

>> No.7317284

so what is good shit to buy right now? another metals like silver or platina? or something else?

>> No.7317292

>what is quantitative easing
>what is nominal price inflation
>what is real value

They're not going to be able to QE their way out of this crash.

>> No.7317316

watch out what their March products will be

>> No.7317320

Holy fuck you are one brainwashed retard. Are all westerners brainwashed by these lies?

>> No.7317322
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> "Dont Panic!"

>> No.7317358

I never stated my opinion on this narrative, I simply shared it. I don't know if you're calling me retarded for believing it or not believing it since I didn't take either position. Either way you're mistaken.

>> No.7317371
File: 174 KB, 1902x930, spx gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop buying fucking metals

The chart starts at 1/3/08
the chart ends at 1/1/09
Gold FALLS during a market free fall just like eveything else

You ALWAYS buy everything AFTER the fucking crash because if you buy before you'll love money for the entire duration of the fall

what is you dont know what the fuck youre talking about

>> No.7317389

i am going to buy more voo for cheap and there nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7317412

ok so what is good shit to buy before or during fall?

>> No.7317423

Are you so weak minded that you're unable to consider a position without believing it? Jesus Christ, there goes my hope for America failing.

>> No.7317439

yeah I think I that sounds about right to me. it's not like there's rampant printing going on, but still everything about our current situation seems unsustainable for the long run

can't comment on your conclusion, it does sound reasonable though

I can't say I'm the most educated person to give serious direct advice, I just talk about what I think is happening. but I'm mostly in fiat to see where stocks go as well as waiting for the housing bubble to burst to hopefully get myself a nice little home for cheap. some crypto as a hedge but I'd be surprised if it skyrockets if a recession hits

>> No.7317456

but they send us back here when we talk about memecoins

>> No.7317463


Go Long on VIX futures if youre not an idiot but since you probably are just stay the fuck away from it because you'll just get wiped out

>> No.7317477

W-was it a b-bad idea to baghold XVP then?

>> No.7317483
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>> No.7317488

If the stock market ever crashes again like 2008, Bitcoin is actually going to under $100

>> No.7317497

Talk about jews on /pol/ and memecoins here. Don't cross pollinate.

>> No.7317503

what are some good stock picks whilst they're down?

>> No.7317514

What you wrote is literally crazy talk. It goes against everything scientific.
Outside the west no one talks about "global warming", even as a theory, yet every time an american opens his mouth I hear these tinfoil theories his government feeds him.

>> No.7317520

Just buy it cunt, i got 200k of the cunts

>> No.7317526

Fucking truth. I actually suspect the current dump is because (((they))) are taking profits from the other markets that have been bullish for too long, and needed a good buy in price for making cryptos the next giant P&D.

Which is good news for us - just need to make sure the next real ATH we cash out, as THAT could be the big bubble popping.

>> No.7317527

>Go Long on VIX futures
hah, already in

>> No.7317552

>Outside the west no one talks about "global warming", even as a theory
China and japan don't count?

>> No.7317564


That makes no sense. When stocks drop, people seek other places for their cash. Cryptos are a likely candidate.

>> No.7317566


Bless you. What a spectacle this will be.

>> No.7317618


>> No.7317619

it's not impossible, but cryptos skyrocketing while stocks plummet would require something like massive inflation on fiat

>> No.7317631

Did you actually miss the part where I said I'm not taking that position? I said it like 3 times. Also I wasn't talking about global warming. I was talking about the change in climate over the last 100,000 years.

>> No.7317637
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>> No.7317665

Literally into hell

>> No.7317668

when the world is on the edge of oblivion people look to reduce risk as fast as they can, the ONLY safe haven is cash because at that point only inflation can have an effect on it.

Shitcoins are ONLY speculation. They are fundamentally worthless. Worthless as is $0.00. When people look to cut risk as global economies crash, crypto will fall faster than you can fucking blink

>> No.7317673

You are literally the densest person I've ever seen on /biz/ and that's saying a lot since there's some really stupid people here.

>> No.7317677

China and Japan don't take it seriously. The Chinese pretend to, so they can get free money for "green energy", then they use the money to open a 100 new coal plants.
What you don't understand is, it's not even useful to believe in this bullshit. Even if it were true, the northern China and the eastern Russia would be made livable and make the resources in the region much more profitable, while the western mutts would die from drought and overheating. It's literally a dream come true, pretty sad it's a hoax.

>> No.7317694

There is no scenario where people move out of stocks and into crypto. Crypto is not gold and never will be.

>> No.7317697

literal retard

>> No.7317718

>Don't know what the fuck you're talking about
>Hurr durr I work in finance so believe me! Financial analysts have NEVER BEEN WRONG
>Doesn't know USD is finished
>Doesn't measure all values relative to gold

Gold costs a lot of dollars right now. Really makes you think.

>> No.7317720
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>not mentioning US debt
>no rise in productivity
>not mentioning quantitative easing
>not mentioning the biggest bubble in almost any asset on capital markets due to the influx of printed money

You should be worried, son.

>> No.7317746
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>implying it's not related

get out schlomo

>> No.7317758


what program is that mate?

>> No.7317766

i am just newbee, and asking questions. You cant get gut without good advices and after analisys of it

>> No.7317774

lolololol wtf is fucking DRUMPF gonna do when the stock market gets BTFO'd and the economy enteres a recession lol! Wow goyim look at me I caused the all time high on the stock bubble lmao All time high's on muh dow and muh S&P I did that! Me! Drumpf!

lol I can't wait

>> No.7317777

Ignoring the mass migrations, rising sea level, and the fact that the soil in areas that currently have an arctic climate isn't suitable for growing crops, China is heavily investing in nuclear/solar power. They're building more nuclear power plants than all other countries combined.

Now here's the part you're going to miss again, I am not taking the position of this narrative. I'm explaining it's logic. That doesn't mean I'm telling you this is happening, or that I believe it as fact. It is often valuable to evaluate a position you don't support. But you're going to somehow miss this even though it's the 4th time I've stated it.

>> No.7317784


>implying it is related

get out cletus

>> No.7317795

>but I'm mostly in fiat
what kind of fiat? usd?

>> No.7317799

So which index should should I follow if I want to follow the stock market? S&p 500? Dow Jones?

>> No.7317800


debt doesnt matter kiddo
there is a rise in productivity
QE is ending, thats what this drop is about. Potential rising interest rates causing a sell off in bonds
its jsut inflation. Good luck trying to buy stocks at their 1960 level ever again.


>> No.7317817

>only safe haven is cash

If you were my FA I would fire you on that statement alone.

>> No.7317819


Absolutely this, lads. Heavy metal and hard rocks are the only way out when fiat will burn like candles.

>> No.7317830

t. soyboy

>> No.7317843
File: 145 KB, 642x880, IMG_3388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7317856

I sold. That means the market will rise 5% today.


>> No.7317868

The markets have been pumped up by QE. It's pretty much the same as Bitcoin tether FUD, but these are real fucking assets, holy shit is this going to be fun!

>> No.7317894

more like soyboy larp. why would you larp as a soyboy lol

>> No.7317900

hahaha top kek @ faggots who bought the ATH during the Drumpf presidency get ready to be BTFO like the cucks that you are. Fucking Impeach soon bitch.

>> No.7317905

Gold fell about 30% from January 2008 to December 2008

Are you going to hold on to a depreciating asset and have 30% less buying power when the crash bottoms out?

If you bought gold at its BOTTOM at the end of 2008 when the SP500 was already down 40 something %, you could have around 170%ish come 2012, or you could have like 500% or more from actively trading indexes from that same period.

All you want in the event of a market crash is buying power aka CASH. If your money gets tied into gold for over a year and now your stuck holding a bag over 30% deep, the fuck are you supposed to do to be flexible on the recovery?

>> No.7317924


>debt doesn't matter

that's where you are wrong daddy

>> No.7317965

>doesnt know jews own 95% of the valuable stocks
Neck yourself carlos

>> No.7318026
File: 12 KB, 710x356, Value_of_US_dollar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't think the USD collapse is imminent

Let's play spot where the dollar was detached from Gold. Let's play guess how much gold Russia and China have been buying in the last 10 years.

Financial hubris and complacency are rife in your sector. Why should we believe anything you say based purely on your "status"? You appear to be in the matrix created by the FED.

>There is a rise in productivity
No. US real productivity has declined since 2008. The gains in profitability have mostly come from buybacks and the world economy growing.

>> No.7318028
File: 91 KB, 480x337, 1515578961972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting JUSTed in crypto for a month now and now my stock gains are also taking a beating. Should have cashed out early 2018.


>> No.7318052

eur. we've had a nice few months but desu I'm not too comfy, Deutsche Bank seems to be having problems still

>> No.7318071

hasnt changed much in 60 years

>> No.7318079
File: 1009 KB, 500x281, a50eb56fd359d8525ecd69f0e243619d9a683e1c3dfe878c776867ac538aaf8c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh nice, an actual economics thread in /biz/
>oh no, it's filled with conspiracy theorists and people who think "investing" in crypto give them some kind of legitimacy
I don't know what I expected

>> No.7318080


t. brainlet

you are literally an idiot, do some research about currency and the monetary policy of FED for the last decade

dollar is in decline for years and the hyperinflation is about to hit, people will naturally look for the store of value acceptable worldwide, which is wakey wakey gold and silver

nobody cares what happened in 2008, it is nothing similar what is about to happen in 2018

>> No.7318109

>he believes in the jewish boogeyman /pol/ fairytale

Neck yourself kid

old /biz/ is long dead

>> No.7318128

Good I hope it all crashes and burns. I'm selling my shitty index fund shares.

>> No.7318139

you can invest for hyperinflation doomsday with silver

The market is going to stay stable far longer than you can remain hoarding silver

>> No.7318183

Why is BITCON still going down?

>> No.7318214

5 minutes before it opens right?

>> No.7318229


>> No.7318244


>> No.7318254


>> No.7318256


>> No.7318259
File: 19 KB, 472x282, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its already happening

>> No.7318263

my take

US GDP is going to print 5%, way above expectations from even 6 months ago

Stock market needs a nice corrections, what's going on in crypto really isn't related, earnings were good for the most part. I'd expect a pullback into late march

40% gains in a year over year isn't sustainable, time to work off a bit of the excess

>> No.7318303

this is just pre-market too. Wait til people start waking up in a panic

>> No.7318317

No panic plox lel

>> No.7318335

How has it already started if the markets aren't open yet?

>> No.7318364


>> No.7318366

Why is everyone selling? Just a couple hours ago it looked like we double bottomed. I hate my compatriots if it is really they who have caused this

>> No.7318375

Jews get in early so they can sell before everyone else.

>> No.7318381

Premarket or maybe futures price.

>> No.7318388

why not some underground metals like lithium instead? and weaponry of course. but those should be just tiny hedges and not something you pour your majority worth into

I think today will show whether there's gonna be a crisis or if it's just gonna remain a normal correction. imagine another -2% today, it would kill whales who are trading on margin

>> No.7318396

Anyone shorting this?

>> No.7318397

Gold falls in dollar value as the whole economy falls because of relative buying power. It would be ridiculous for the nominal price to stay the same. The point is it falls less than everything else and then rallies.

It might fall 30% in nominal value, but if the markets fall 50% you've made a 20% gain in relative buying power. Then you can buy more stocks for the recovery.

Cash is extremely risky because the government wants inflation to reduce its debt burden. There will be huge inflation in the next crash as faith in the $ declines and people see it's backed by nothing but debt (and the inflation caused by QE has been hidden in the stock market until now). There is a gold-backed challenger to the $ in Yuan. Have fun holding $100,000 through the crisis, you might be able to afford a few tins of beans with it afterwards.

This correction will correct for the last 60 years of manipulated markets and debt.

>> No.7318422

basically this

>> No.7318429

Kike alarm!

>> No.7318442

It's gonna be pink monday here.

>> No.7318453

Its speculation chart but they are usually pretty accurate for stocks

>> No.7318456

1% down

Literally nothing

>> No.7318465
File: 111 KB, 640x640, Thinking_Face_Emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptos down
>stocks down
... are we entering a recession

>> No.7318468

starting the day with -0.9%

>> No.7318471

Holy fuck this could be a bumpy fucking ride

>> No.7318500


>> No.7318502

annnd its nothing like every fucking time

>> No.7318508
File: 103 KB, 640x695, 89808E9A-BC22-441F-8421-CF6E22A815B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 1% instantly

>> No.7318520
File: 155 KB, 1633x990, ScreenHunter_344 Feb. 05 22.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally seconds in

>> No.7318533

Shouldn't it have opened by now? How comes my tradingview charts aren't updating? https://www.tradingview.com/chart/QuakBW91/

>> No.7318543

>SPY down -.60%
wow guys worlds really ending over here

>> No.7318552

what site?

>> No.7318556

Two can be a coincidence.

>> No.7318571

Just need this shit to hold on a few months longer. I am selling a house right now and a crash would not be good for that.

>> No.7318573

>10 year bull run
>greatest monetary experiment in world history
>greatest debt in world history
>productivity at 10 year low
>velocity of money at 40 year low
>most overvalued stocks since 2000
>the market is going to stay stable

This is your brain on financial world hubris. Take a break from the coke and step back from the circle bulljerk for 2 minutes to look at the fundamentals.

>> No.7318574


>> No.7318594
File: 8 KB, 276x183, 5087a0f3f8c1bed6f9f2279435dc29c54fc7ce39866927783a8bf93580222e51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7318606

earnings justify the multiple up there retard

jesus christ s&p is trading around 18 times earnings perfectly reasonable and not anywhere indicating bubble

>> No.7318610


So not 'completely disconnected'?

>> No.7318617

This, which site?

>> No.7318618

>Have fun holding $100,000 through the crisis, you might be able to afford a few tins of beans with it afterwards
if that happened there would be riots and wars, a big part of society would collapse. not much point holding gold then, only valuable assets would be weapons, water, food, toilet paper and generators.

>> No.7318625

Ok brainlets, answer the million dollar question:


>> No.7318642

into stocks

>> No.7318655

any comfy streams boys

>> No.7318657

CNN Money

>> No.7318667

Cash. Maybe bonds.

>> No.7318688

bloomberg, you retards might actually learn something



>> No.7318710

holy shit this ticker is slow

1 minute candles and live updating trades like gdax have spoiled me

>> No.7318726

Stocks are crashing moron.
Someone got insider info on the lambo order books ?

>> No.7318727

Any coincidence that this is related to trumps memo?
Memo chatter, stocks flatline
Fbi exposed as willing to wiretap any american citizen, stocks tank

>> No.7318737

The Bond is shaken and stirred!

>> No.7318742

And gold. Historically valued. Read up on the civilisational cycle and biohistory. C is at lowest levels since 1700s. Rome is burning down!

>> No.7318747

>Stocks are crashing moron.

>> No.7318748

>muh joos!

>> No.7318764



>> No.7318787

here's live http://www.livecharts.co.uk/MarketCharts/dow.php

>> No.7318799

My rentals are depression proof right?! Hahahaha everyone’s gotta love somewhere.... RIGHT?! AAAAAAAAAAAaAaaaaa

>> No.7318798

Or the economy is just shit right now in general.

>> No.7318808

its the best its been in almost a decade

holy fuck this board is so stupid

>> No.7318830


>> No.7318833

By what measure?

>> No.7318836
File: 119 KB, 1967x918, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold fell about 30% from January 2008 to December 2008

Here is gold vs S&P500 in 2008. Gold then went on rally another 20% in 2010 while stocks were stagnant.

I believe that the 1970s and 2000s justify at least a 5% to 10% allocation to gold. Ideally, one would want gold to underperform, because this implies that stocks, which form the bulk of one's portfolio, are holding up. Yes, gold stank in the 1980s, but this would be a "quality problem" if you were holding stocks, which did outstanding.

I understand and respect the rational case against gold, however it does have unique diversification properties. Gold illicits strong emotions in people.

>> No.7318850

Abandon Wall Street, Invest in Asia

>> No.7318878


>> No.7318885

based thx

>> No.7318901

> /biz/
>expecting anything put pure undiluted retardation

>> No.7318908

For a "black Monday", this isn't very exciting so far.

>> No.7318913

>Let's put all my savings in the hands of the Comunist Party of China

No thanks

>> No.7318945

that is 100% wrong it is doing the best it has done in almost 20 yrs, do you even know any real business owners or people actually working?

it's really like im in some sort of retard infested twilight zone

>> No.7318954

>This is your brain on financial world hubris. Take a break from the coke and step back from the circle bulljerk for 2 minutes to look at the fundamentals.

People like you were advising people to stay out of stocks in March 2009.

If you like precious metals so much then be 33% stocks 33% bonds 33% metals. Why is it all or nothing?

And why is the US dollar the ugliest fiat currency? Is the Euro substantially less flawed?

>> No.7318965


>> No.7318969

I dunno, stocks have had consistent growth since later 2nd term obama
I think random american joe’s are withdrawing life savings to bail out on america
It might be nutty as fuck but i believe the last 15 years of shitting on working white males has finally broken

>> No.7318978
File: 328 KB, 666x802, 1478236961375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad news in red
>Don't Panic!
They want us to panic, don't they?

>> No.7319037

no, its professionals telling moronic retailers that the world isnt ending in the next 20 seconds, and as evident by this thread, you fuckers need to be told to sit down and shut up because you freak the fuck out every time you see a red candle

>> No.7319043
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-stock-prices-have-reached-what-looks-like-a-permanently-high-plateau-irving-fisher-62328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise that every single crash in history is led up to by every expert saying how great the economy is going, right? Bulls complacent and everyone thinking a recession will never happen again. Quote from 1929 is you today.

>> No.7319053

>and if some apocalyptic scenario happens you'll just get robbed of your gold by tyrone
Nobody knows about my buried treasure. That's for shit after the apocolypse when everything goes back to normal. And fuck tyrone I also invested in lead.

>> No.7319071

this drop is the cause of economic data that WE WANT

This is a GOOD THING

>> No.7319115

It's the same story every time. Stocks go up because the suits are letting less money "Trickle down" to main street (where the businesses actually succeed or fail).
They have absolutely no incentive to give a shit about what happens to the business on main street because their positions are always short-term and their only obligation is to the shareholders.

>> No.7319116

You are implying the monetary is currently sound. The advice should be buy shit that is worth something... .358 ammunition, canned food etc.

>> No.7319137


What if there isn't a crash? What if markets go sideways for a decade, returning valuations to sanity? You would STILL be better off dollar cost averaging than sat on your hands with cash bleeding 3% a year.

I swear, 4chan has the best market timers in the world, everyone must be driving a Lambo.

>> No.7319139

>.358 ammunition
don't forget to load it into a clip

>> No.7319154

>implying you cant eat asians

>> No.7319221

Short the Dollar
Long the Dong

>> No.7319250

Hell yeah it's a good thing. I want to buy in to the stock market and I need them to correct. In the meantime I'm hedged in PMs because they will drop relatively less, meaning my relative buying power increases during the crash.

2009 was a totally different situation. I would have got into stocks then if I had the money. Now they are crazily overheated. The US dollar isn't the only ugly fiat. I'm not sure which is worse, but I wouldn't hold more cash than I need to live on a monthly basis right now.

>> No.7319334

If there isn't a crash it will be the first time in 120 years. The risk right now is too high for the sake of hoping for some dividends from bearish stocks supported by a stagnant economy.

>> No.7319407

Wasn't the hardest drop from ATH 90% or something?

>> No.7319423

This. Stack to safe harbours for now and buy the dip when it gets ugly.

>> No.7319435

it was in 1929 whatever it was. 2008 was only like 50%ish

>> No.7319548


The S&P500 recovered in about 3 years. 3 years seems like an eternity to a young man.

However, an investment in the bloated S&P in June 2008 pre-crash looks like an absolute steal today.

>> No.7319605

>Waiting for this shit since Aug '16.

>This. Stack to safe harbours for now and buy the dip when it gets ugly.

The S&P500 is up 25% since August 2016.

So if it falls 20% and he buys in, he will feel like a genius, despite cucking himself.

>> No.7319643

Any advice on when to enter? I have some cash on hand that Id like to add to my brokerage account.

>> No.7319736
File: 112 KB, 1235x1014, IMG_1572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is productivity down? I usually see he consensus it is up.

I agree stocks are probably overvalued, but everything else is pretty relative. The monetary expansion is the reason velocity is low, that's just because the ratio increased. There isn't any reason to think it will suddenly increase because banks don't have enough loans that they want to give out. They'll only feed that money out because of demand for money which they think they can profit off of, which means real growth to offset expansion of the velocity of money. So banks and the money supply shouldn't be a source of significant worry. That's why QE in Japan failed to significantly combat their deflation problem. They bought up like, 70% of their debt, which was already some absurd ratio of GDP, and I think they are still <1% inflation.

>> No.7319768

If you are smart, you will go to the HKEX like the rest of us

>> No.7319771
File: 22 KB, 680x379, 829423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going back up
I love buying high and selling low. EVERY FUCKING TIME.

>> No.7319838

the time was this morning

>> No.7319900

Crash isn’t happening. Too many people will buy this rare 5% dip.

>> No.7319924

How's the crash going guys? Oh Q's are up .5%

jesus, embarrasing

>> No.7319935

>got a well paying contract and opened my first stock account
>it was 2th January, 2008
>fucked sideways, had to cash out to survive
>neet for a long time after contract was completed February that year
>got a new job
>open my first crypto account on in late December, 2017
>fucked sideways
But I still have this job until late summer and I learned last time that it will always go back to the ath.

>> No.7319959

cheeky. now's just fine though, looks like free fall mode is confirmed to be cancelled

>> No.7319981
File: 7 KB, 206x237, 1517776270616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just crashing in the wrong direction...

>> No.7320088

Double tops. There are always double tops before a major crash.

>> No.7320133

>>7320088 (checked)
This morning was the bull trap.

>> No.7320194

biz called the crash again!

>> No.7320239

like a fucking clockwork!

>> No.7320302

Please stop with the statistical analysis

>> No.7320310

There is never stock threads on biz except rgt smg. the fact i saw panic threads about stocks meant i wasn't worried at all. I wish there was a test to pass before posting.
checks: non pajeet, non jew, non wallstreet, non boomer.

>> No.7320311

>productivity at 10 year low
how can productivity go down given the tech advances we got?

>> No.7320342

just cost average if you wanna buy in. the rise we've had in the last two years seems still kinda suspicious to me

>> No.7320357

>in the green

Jesus. Fuck only ones losing money is /biz/ on crypto, meanwhile boomers are making the steady stick gains

Biz is retarded

>> No.7320410


>> No.7320519
File: 101 KB, 774x452, 6165571_14647340435745_rId10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, I meant productivity growth. Growth has slowed while debt and stocks have soared. Not good.

>> No.7320540

I feel you Life sucks for the yough right now

Car prices, stock prices, house prices, loan rates, bond prices, all of it is a mess right now.

>> No.7320627

If you don't have both stocks and cryptos you're underage

>> No.7320642

>if you own crypto you are underage

>> No.7320651


>> No.7320689

those are some incredibly low numbers
maybe I am living in IT bubble where things double every year or two

>> No.7320725

>it's completely disconnected from the world economy
No isnt you dumb fuck, when the economy goes to shit ,people run to safe havens like the treasure or gold. With people losing their pentions and jobs WHO THE FUCK IS GONNA PUT MONEY IN CRYPTO??

>> No.7320734 [DELETED] 

>jews and money are entirely separate entities
>when they are found in the same place it's pure coincidence

>> No.7320793
File: 33 KB, 728x400, deadcatmsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how sharply it went up, it will drop like a rock soon.

>> No.7320926

enjoy suck dick for meal in a decade

>> No.7320957

please anon kun with the statistical analysis

>> No.7321048

maybe he didnt have the $ then

>> No.7321096

are you twelve?

>> No.7321173


Buy high, sell low

>good goy

>> No.7321314
File: 100 KB, 960x960, flashback-1988-get-ready-for-a-world-currency-the-economist-magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7321348


>> No.7321728

what game is that?

>> No.7321798

I think final fantasy