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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7303543 No.7303543 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh no! Prices are back to what they were 3 months ago! Crypto is dead, this is the end! Beanie babies! Tulips! Pets.com!

You guys are pussy ass little bitches. Are you new to investing or something? You think it's all roses and fairy dust? You're supposed to prepare for stuff like this to happen. If you thought bull markets last forever you're sadly mistaken.

Crypto is going to be integrated into society to the point where normies don't even know they're using crypto anymore and it's just a part of the undercarriage of the social machine. That's how all truly revolutionary technologies like this end up working and if you're keeping up to date on the new technologies and use cases emerging for instance in document verification and most importantly asset management and transfer, then you should be able to read the writing on the wall

Are we there yet? No. But we'll get there eventually, this goes without saying basically. So just hold on and keep it up. Go ahead and panic sell or whatever based on current market conditions, but don't give up on crypto entirely because we're not even getting fucking started. It's still a niche at this point and the market cap of all cryptos is tiny, the size of some large companies. And it's not a company, it's a technology and a new aspect of society itself - the greatest financial revolution since written language, don't sell it short

Calm down faggots. If you thought this was going to be a couple year investment where in the end you'd get lambos then you're sadly mistaken. It's too late for that. Now it's time for intelligent crypto investment in good projects instead of shitcoins. This is where the real growth happens, the sustainable growth, the longterm growth - the growth that isn't glorified gambling based on McAfee tweets. Go to the casino for that

Nut up and HODL faggots or invest in KYS

>> No.7304164

>Now it's time for intelligent crypto investment in good projects instead of shitcoins.
That's never going to happen.

>> No.7304368

uigvuohbjnbhggv jkbj hjgyuoinnnbbbbbbbbbbbb

>> No.7304442


The technology of crypto will be incorporated into society, but none of the coins.

The process and software isn't proprietary, so anyone can use it.

So why do the banks, investment houses, and business world need bitcoin, when they can do it themselves cheaper, quicker, with lower cost, more security, and better regulation?

It's like inventing ice. A great idea, but you aren't going to get rich on it if you open a shop in Alaska.

>> No.7304481

>So why do the banks, investment houses, and business world need bitcoin, when they can do it themselves cheaper, quicker, with lower cost, more security, and better regulation?
You still don't understand. They don't need it - it simply makes them obsolete. I personally am already limiting my dependence on my bank and storing the majority of my wealth in crypto assets.

>> No.7304530

Are you serious? Do you even understand how a decentralised blockchain works?
For a bank to implement their own, it would be a huge cost, slower, less reliable, less secure, corrupt
Meanwhile public blockchains are already running in full force. You can't stop them. Anyone can download an app on their $20 smart phone and join the world economy.

>> No.7304593

I cashed out 3x my initial investment today.

It was the last straw, worked about 25 ETH down to 6 today making gamble after gamble. Figured I'd just cash out while I was still in the green even though I cashed out a decent chunk back when ETH was still 1,200.

I'm a buyer if it ever hits 400-500. Otherwise I'll sit on the sidelines and mourn another missed oppourtunity.

>> No.7304596


Not really. A handful of them are already incorporating blockchain.

It still comes down to the convenience of the end user.

The person lining up to buy a loaf of bread doesn't care what the backbone is. All they care about is that they have access to their money, that the transaction is quick, and that it never fails.

The only real market for cryptos are those who like to buy/sell on the black market, which is pretty amazing because unlike paper dollars, every transaction in bitcoin is shared with the entire world.

>> No.7304668
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delusional coping checklist
>so what if the market crashed more than 50% in the past month! j-just le correction xD!!
>i'm still up 100000000000% so i don't care i-i swear
>i'm speculating that crypto is gonna be life changing
>it's le FINANCIAL REVOLUTION DUDE despite the fact that everything that crypto does can be done without it
>market cap of crypto has to correlate with the companies using it
>w-well we're not going to make it this year, b-but if we keep holding we will!! maybe
>le HODL xD

>> No.7304720
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A philosophical question: if you but this doll with 11 bitcoin, who's ripping off who?

>> No.7304729

>t. retards who live in privileged first world countries
Go live in Venezuela and tell me whether their existing financial technologies work, and whether crypto is uesless and too much effort for them.

Go live in countries without reliable banking systems or fiat currencies and tell me whether crypto is useless and too much effort for them.

>> No.7304745
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There laughing saying BTC IS PONZI

>> No.7304750

People pay for loaves of bread with Phone Data in some countries. I'm sure people won't think its inconvenient to tap their phone to pay.

>> No.7304780



countries without reliable electricity, running water, and toilets are going to benefit from a currency that requires stable internet access and access to 1st world high tech.

OK, I guess that's one theory.

>> No.7304793

We're not done going down. The total market cap will hit 100b or even 50b. the days of easy money in crypto are over. unless they can show real world applications shitcoins won't go up in value. no applications exist, so we have nowhere to go but down.

>> No.7304830


Which takes us full circle.

Consider Sweden, who is rapidly about to become the first non-cash society (more than 1/2 the banks no longer carry cash, and the are the first nation with plans for an all digital currency).

Why do they need bitcoin or other coins when they already have a system that does the same thing?

>> No.7304862

>You guys are pussy ass little bitches
say that to my face faggot.

>> No.7304883

>Why do they need bitcoin or other coins when they already have a system that does the same thing?
It's faster having 2 people in a transaction as opposed to 3.

>> No.7304901

Standard "massively in denial" playbook

Start by insulting everyone and generally asp out with lots of posturing.

Then move into muh technology rant that hasn't been valid for two years

Then comes the bargaining, a desperate plea to keep the faith.

Then its back to more insults and posturing, talking up what a big man you are because youre watching your imaginary disappear before your eyes.

Mate, it's over. Everyone knows its over. Just exit in an orderly fashion.

whoever gets put first will have the most to show for it.

>> No.7304964


But do you have that? Can you transfer bitcoin from Person A to person B without going through an exchange? And how long does the transaction take to verify?

>> No.7304967

Governments will definitely go cashless. That way they have 100% surveillance on every little thing you do. RIP your privacy

Governments don't need BTC. It's the 99.9% of the rest of the population that benefits. If BTC became even more adopted, the government would have to work for the people. Right now we're all working for the government/banks

>> No.7305024

>Can you transfer bitcoin from Person A to person B without going through an exchange?
Yes. It's called having your own bitcoin wallet you fucking newfag

>> No.7305045

That's the exact type of thing that happened after MtGox retard. I'm in it for the technology and you aren't. Get fucked newfag.

>> No.7305109


I understand the idea of having a wallet. But I was under the impression that if I wanted to transfer to another person, you still have to go through some sort of exchange or third party to process and verify the transaction.

> follow-up to the idea of needing a third party

>> No.7305176

yeah its validated on the blockchain, and then the receiver gets it

>> No.7305189

>third party to process and verify the transaction
I guess that's a way to interpret the blockchain…

>> No.7305192

Hey anon, obviously you're new to this technology and that's okay, everyone starts somewhere, ignore the anon calling you a newfag lol

The entire point of crypto is that you don't have to rely on third parties because it's "decentralized". There are no third parties you have to rely on, that's why this is so powerful. Please watch this lecture


Right now we somewhat dependant upon exchanges for buying crypto, but that's because this is just the beginning. As it becomes more heavily implemented into society then presumably people will even get paid in crypto and just use it entirely, bypassing fiat and banks. I will do this as soon as I can. I would LOVE to be paid in crypto.

>> No.7305209


Which takes us full circle again. So if using a bank-based electronic currency requires a third party, and bitcoin requires a third party, there is no advantage (as far as that goes) for using bitcoin.

>> No.7305216

No, it's not, because it's decentralized and shouldn't be viewed as a third party authority but rather a decentralized computational hive which no individual member controls, but the protocol and consensus rules themselves, hand in hand with PoW requirements, control. This removes authority from humans and gives it to mathematics, which is what we want.

>> No.7305241

No third parties are required, I can send you BTC right now with no permission required from anyone, and no third parties, and I don't even need to know who you are.

>> No.7305271

>>7305192 >>7305189

The discussion of third party was related to this: >>7304883

My point being... unless you and I can stand next to each other and transfer funds from one to the other, the transaction requires an outside mechanism (third party), so there is no real advantage to using the blockchain over using a bank as the third party, at least in terms of the efficiency of process

>> No.7305288


Now you've added the word "authority" which is an entirely different topic.

>> No.7305296

Oh yeah if you're fine with the banks running the world and making all the cash thats cool (obviously you work in the banking industry)

If you want a trustless financial system, where you can't print currency, which no one can control, which anyone can participate in, then BTC is the one for you

>> No.7305301

Keep repeating it all you want - you're wrong. Tell me your BTC address anonymously over the internet. I can then send you BTC and you can confirm without the help of a third party whether you've received it, by running your own full node. It's a hassle right now but it can be done.

>> No.7305416


Which is not the impression I was getting earlier in the thread.

I'm not talking about whether people should trust the banks, or even want to trust the banks.

It was a very narrow point about the actual process of making a transaction:

option 1: pay for a loaf of bread using a credit card which is processed by the credit card company

Option 2: paying for a loaf of bread with bitcoin, which is processed by whoever processes transactions for bitcoin.

Under these conditions, there is no time or process advantage to one or the other.

In other words, neither are like me walking up to you and handing you an envelope of money, which can be done independent of any outside processing.

That's what I meant.

>> No.7305431
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*price drops* omg it is dead ur stoopid if u buy

>/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.7305474

Well businesses have to pay 3% on every credit transaction

Thats why businesses are starting to offer 3% discount for paying with crypto

And I'm sure the customers will love the discounts too

>> No.7305491

That's why I said "a way." It's not really a good or proper interpretation.

>> No.7305505

>Now it's time for intelligent crypto investment in good projects instead of shitcoins
That better be the case, I've been JUSTed by literal who coins pulling 2x's per day way too many times

>> No.7305519


If they can do it for a lower fee, that is a plus.

Side question: which of the better exchanges charge the least commission? I spent some time checking them out earlier, and they all seemed to charge insane amounts either for transactions or for putting dollars in or taking them out.

>> No.7305571

If you're in Australia, they're free btcmarkets.net/fees

>> No.7305574

Oh here's another newfag/ normie with the "crypto is over" thread. U just show all of us experienced traders how much u know nothing kek.

>> No.7305612

You are wrong because the third party banking system has discretion and deciding power over your transaction, and the third party decentralized Bitcoin mining swarm does not.

>> No.7305714


Not if you're handing someone a bag of cash.

>> No.7305722

Use your head. Its NOT just that prices are back to where they were months ago. Its the added factors of various countries banning crypto, u.s. on the verge of regulating, stock market getting involved, tons of money leaving the market , the impending tether scam, etc. there is a ton of bad news on the horizon which makes this much different than years past

>> No.7305772

You just said they're getting rid of cash

>> No.7305790

Even then - the central banks control what that bag of cash is worth and can make it worthless in a matter of days, like what happened in Venezuela and Zimbabwe

>> No.7305860

Actually there are massive advantages to having crypto vs digital fiat. Manipulation is one great example, literally only the banks and government would argue that them being able to do whatever they want with the money supply is a feature, not a bug.

>> No.7305870
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you are a pussy ass little bitch

>> No.7305907

Bumps on the road. Unless the US declares crypto holders to be terrorist and starts drone striking them, it's not going away and it will get several digits of the worlds GDP involved with one or two decades.

>> No.7305978
File: 17 KB, 286x230, Archangel-Michael-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you friend for the good post

>> No.7305979

You're not some mind reader OP. It's done for. Countries worldwide are banning cryptos because of their dangerous volatility and scamming potential. I sold all my coins at $19k just as the prices began to fall because I knew dipshits like you were gonna fuck it up.

>> No.7306047

Smart phones and internet are more accessible in those areas you mongrel.

You’ve probably never even left your state

>> No.7306055

>Countries worldwide are banning cryptos because of their dangerous volatility and scamming potential
You mean because of their potential to dismantle the nation state's hold on the economy through issuance of fiat currency? You're really naive if you think they're watching out for you

>> No.7307289

Lol u are an idiot

>> No.7307330

yo op thanks for the pic

>> No.7307505
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>a handful of NEETS collectively holding a drop of piss in the ocean of bitcoins HODLing is going to make any difference.

>> No.7307921

I never said it's going to make a difference in what's coming, I'm simply giving you advice on how to ride the wave correctly

>> No.7308052

>not knowing that wallets exist

>> No.7308088

>5000 neetbux
>all muh "wealth" is in crypto!!!

>> No.7308318

You know nothing about how much I have anon, I earn nearly $5,000 per pay period.