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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.00 MB, 2691x1695, IMG_0316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7302235 No.7302235 [Reply] [Original]

how much did you cash out?
how much crypto do you still have?
what did you buy to celebrate your gains?

>Gambled 30k into crypto 15 months ago, mostly BTC and Etherium. Cashed out about 300k. Lol only made like 160-170k after taxes. Have 800-900k in stocks/real estate
>Only have about 40k remaining in crypto.
>bought a 996 turbo to celebrate.

It was a fun ride, but I am probably cashing out another 20k this week and just let the rest sit. It was a fun ride, but I think its probably over. Back to option trading for me.

>> No.7302264


cant pull a bish in that boomer porsche op.

should have went with the new panamera

>> No.7302294

Withdrew 8k to pay off my credit card debt and fuck some hookers over the holidays, wish I had withdrew more considering at the time I had 800k and only 230k now

>> No.7302352
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 391B250A-BBED-4B37-B6C3-DFEFABDC86B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wife already has the new Audi, gotta protect the baby on the way ;)

>> No.7302359

What year is it? How much did you pay?

>> No.7302399


2004, 45k

>> No.7302418


>> No.7302437


>> No.7302450



>> No.7302457

Congrats on the kid man

>> No.7302470

Nice car. 911, right? Which year?

>> No.7302496


nice 1 op

what is options trading? i been told classic trading is only for 30 year experienced sharks and bots who murder you.

if this crypto shit dies i gotta learn some new shit

>> No.7302498

Alright /o/ here.
I don't like the color and don't really like Porsches, but then again I drive a 2003 Honda Accord. Good for you

>> No.7302532


>> No.7302559

>didn't get a new 911 GT

LOL poor

>> No.7302581
File: 143 KB, 1200x900, my911_side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow 996 owner here, thanks to crypto and my ecommerce business!

Just a carrera 4 though, but still great for a 19 year-old. It's all I need

>> No.7302590

that car is hideous

>> No.7302591

I've seen this car before
Trust fund kiddie from /o/
45k for a 996, fucking Roflmao as if cunt

>> No.7302619

>how much did you cash out?
4.6m after taxes

>how much crypto do you still have?
120 BCH
60 ETH
(an unknown amount) XMR

>what did you buy to celebrate your gains?
Nothing yet. Just thinking how to reinvest it all into safe stuff to get 5%/year out if it. I don't plan on anything lavish. Just want to make sure I reach 8 figures this decade at any cost so I will stay frugal.
Gave 100k to family.
Will fuck more hookers than usual for now though. Its been funny to see how hookers actually get horny for real if you simply pay them 50% extra up front.
I kindof love my wagecuck job and have big responsibilities there so Im really stressed right now trying to decide how to proceed with that.
On the other hand it would make sense to stop working to spend time on investing my stack in the best way possible

What would you do?

>> No.7302624

Cashed out 10k to buy a used car as my old one died, still live like a poorfag though, if things aren't too red I still hold over 1m in shitcoins.
I will celebrate when I hit 5m and can retire to the 3rd world and live out the remainder of my days like a king.

>> No.7302637




option trading is about figuring out mispriced probabilities. You can figure out from the price what the implied probability of it moving to x price is. I like to look for markets where pricing is to the extreme: 2-10% or 90-100% and bet on reversion. It is a very high alpha strategy but highly volatile, as you could be right for the wrong thing and wrong for the right things often. I usually only put 5-20% of my portfolio into it at any given time, the rest is buy and hold long term compounders.

>> No.7302680

you can fuck right off

>> No.7302780

>not understanding the turbo depreciates at a much slower rate, and then rapidly appreciates as carreras of the same year rise
>im from /o/

the absolute state

>> No.7302875

Nice man, the Turbo is such a mega car in terms of numbers it can pull despite being oddly practical. Did you replace the IMS bearing or are you rolling the dice?

>> No.7302921
File: 68 KB, 800x600, Suzuki GSXR1000 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily reminder that if you dream of Lambos but are a poorfag, get a picrelated

>> No.7302927

Not OP 996 turbos have the Metzger engine which wasn't affected with the shit IMS.

>> No.7302943
File: 5 KB, 1200x1200, templeOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cashed out at the peak, I pity the fools that are still holding and hoping for miracles. It only gets worse.

>> No.7303001


>> No.7303056

Yes, motorcyclists die. So do car drivers and pedestrians. What's your point here?

>> No.7303115

What is your ecommerce business about? I kinda want to get into online commerce.

>> No.7303291

>those headlights
>that liquid cooled

This is really where the 911 died.

>> No.7303411
File: 205 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot (Jan 3, 2018 11_16_30 PM).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cashed out $75k in the first week of January and used it to help pay of $90k I had remaining in student loans.
Pic is my holdings shortly before I cashed out. The same portfolio is only worth like $48k now.

>> No.7303444

It's nothing. I dropship chink shit.

Phone cases, lotion and shit. It's literally nothing I'm interested in, except for a store that sells crypto merch to reddit fags. Every time a coin moons, I target the coin's corresponding subreddit

>> No.7303639

Wise move anon. I cashed out and also paid off a large bit of debt and have about as much left as you do. Good luck.

>> No.7304300

You are all so modest.
I have multiple millions from crypto and feel like I havent made it at all. Feel like 10m is the minimum for actually counting as rich and living rich.

I still live like a spartan.

>> No.7304464

I don't intend to change my lifestyle if I cash out at over a million. Probably just buy a house so I don't have to deal with a mortgage for life.

>> No.7304495

>still great for a 19 year-old
>It's all I need

what did you mean by this ?

>> No.7304948

Grats on gains but at least buy one with proper headlights. 996 is the worst 911. Get IMS fixed if hasn't been already.

>> No.7305098

Also nice car, I'm jelly.

>> No.7305215
File: 220 KB, 1200x675, camarozl1-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I you didn't buy a Camaro ZL1 with your crypto gains, you're an absolute moron


>''b-but it doesn't say Audi or Porsche on it...''

>> No.7305284

>buying Garbage Motors

>> No.7305329

>what is a warranty

>> No.7305334

Real cyrpto gains will get you a 991.2 GT3

>> No.7305389

every car thread

>> No.7305412
File: 596 KB, 1000x623, 16C434_065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7305439

I work at Tier 1 supplier in Michigan. 80% of car parts are plastic shit made in Mexico, then """assembled""" in America.

>3 years/36,000 miles

Mexican made parts are fucked after 3 years. Enjoy your shitbox.

>> No.7305479

You lying piece of shit
Modern SS are reliable. You can drive 100k miles with no problems. I should know, I own one

>> No.7305525

Keep the job, you want something secure you can fall back on.

>> No.7305541
File: 7 KB, 235x214, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow look at this super fast and fun car
>shit I can't see out of anything
>shit I can't turn

>> No.7305543

I cashed out at the peak minus 1 day almost exact before the dive. 25k, my 10k shitcoin gamble is down to 4k

I have a lot of silver, some gold and lots of guns. I live in a rural area and all that 25k goes along way. Hopefully my shitcoin stack bounces back, and I'll start the roller coaster again this year.

>> No.7305578

Don't believe me if you don't want to. I already root caused three warranty parts from GM vehicles this January. Not from a Camaro, but GM cars share similar parts. I work in this industry, I know first hand the quality is going to the shitter. There's a reason Toyota is still king, because they use the least shit parts from Mexican spics.

>> No.7305590

>shitty blindspots
>shitty interior
>shitty design

just buy a corvette or fr**k off

>> No.7305599

I was being a bit facetious. Regardless I still love the car.

>> No.7305608


>> No.7305652

have you guys ever driven one btw ?
Of course you haven't.
Your opinion is as relevant as perfect 36D tits on a nun

>> No.7305661

the irony in this post is that I'm 6'2 and everyone I see driving one of this shit boxes is a manlet nigger.

>> No.7305670
File: 169 KB, 400x416, cfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned $1500 to $20,000 but didnt cash out and now its at 2k

>> No.7305712

and what do you drive ? Enlight me on what's the best bang for buck car in the 60k range.
The ZL1 packs 650hp/650lbs and has stellar handling btw

>> No.7305730

Just cashed out yesterday and today 4x initial investment. I still have 10x initial investment left and will leave it until eoy at the very least.

>> No.7305747

Unless it was very low mileage, you overpaid.
~$35k is more normal for a 996 and 997s can be found for ~$55k if you're patient.

>> No.7305803


Not for the turbo

>> No.7305806

HP doesn't really matter in the case of the camaro since it's so goddamn ugly on the inside and out. I'd get an 18 mustang GT 502 package or just wait a bit for the Bullit.

>> No.7306137

I'm speaking about the turbos.

I have a 987 Cayman S and I'm looking to upgrade to a 997 turbo so I watch the prices a lot.

>> No.7306193
File: 166 KB, 1500x938, mercedes-benz-cla-45-amg-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /biz/ think of Mercedes Benz CLA 200?

>> No.7306280


Here you go, medium mileage 996 turbo that just sold today for $35k.


Here's a high mileage one but with 10 years of records and nice wheels for $29k


>> No.7306402

Absolute crap
It's for dumbasses that want to drive a car with a Mercedes crest to impress people
Literally a poor man's Mercedes

>> No.7306425

>HP doesn't really matter in the case of the camaro since it's so goddamn ugly

Oh I get it, you're not a car guy. Why am I even debating with you?

>> No.7306451

>nice of you to worry about your wife's son

>> No.7306454

piece of shit slow merc w a 4 cyl
just buy a camry, you can actually afford a mercedes you fuck

>> No.7306482

Not a 2001. You can tell from the headlights

>> No.7306579

Wew is it THAT bad? What specs of it that you dislike, anons?

I'm actually a noob with cars so yeah, I 'picked' it just because it looks nice to me.

>> No.7306652

Well let me ask you; what's your budget, what will you use the car for, are you single, where do you live ?

>> No.7306665

Not a ducati......

>> No.7306700

Yes. it's a badged up civic.

>> No.7306726

please tell me you are white

>> No.7306738

I can afford it at the moment, with my crypto gains. I'm 23, single and I use car only for daily trips between home-gym-office in a quiet big city.

So it's overrated af?

Which Benz sedan do you recommend then, anons?

>> No.7306757

Have you ever sat on a Ducati ? If yes, did a girl sit on the back of it ? Ducati comfort is literally the worst of the industry.
Japanese are better in all areas. Buy a BMW 1000RR if you want a good motorcycle that's not japanese

>> No.7306795

Badge appeal. It looks impressive to normies and bitches. That's a good enough reason to buy if you don't actually care about performance.

>> No.7306920
File: 345 KB, 1600x1067, New-2018-Nissan-370Z-COUPE-EdmontonDealer-ID1095010548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd get a 370Z that's 1-3 years old if I were you

>looks better
>not very common
>cheaper parts / more reliable
>better performance / fun factor

the only thing that sucks is lack of storage and 2 seats only. If you really need more seats, i'd go with a brand new Golf GTI or WRX anytime before a CLA

>> No.7306953


Those are higher miles ones. I got a 35k mile x50 optioned babied one that looks brand new inside and outside with full service records

>> No.7307016

Anything but the gt3 is a soy boy Porsche

>> No.7307067

I'll look into it, anon. Thanks!

>> No.7307208

>used paycheck in september early september, right when that juicy chinese fud hit
>bought 270 wtc at 1.40, sold at 5.8
>used that to get a down payment on my used 2007 toyota corolla so that i wouldnt have to bum rides
>had no money really until december because of rent, school supplies, groceries, car and car insurance, etc
>started putting more in, had put in like 900~ about? like 2.1k at max and now that's worth 600

oh well
i basically broke even so gonna hold i guess? even though im pretty sure btc's going down to 4k

i sleep easy knowing other people have new mortgages and mountains of newfound debt when they were previously financially stable and comfortable
i was never financially stable so ha

>> No.7307264

Ah, x50 wasn't stated, that makes a difference.

>> No.7307296


I cashed out 250k in December and paid my taxes quarterly in 2017

I still have 50k worth of crypto, in ETH/BTC/VEN/NEO

I do not understand why anybody would trade crypto and not do quarterly taxes, unless they are not aware that they can do quarterly taxes..

>> No.7307323
File: 351 KB, 1700x956, porsche-911-gt2rs-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teleports behind you
>breaks the Nurburgring record
>nothin personal, kid

>> No.7307951

Pretty good numbers, shit car though.

>> No.7308104

>caring about the Nurburgring record when you drive your car in a straight line 99% of the time

>> No.7308115
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, 1462568594083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make big crypto gains
>buy a used car that's probably been driven by some poorer fuck that probably smoked and had hookers in the car