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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7300038 No.7300038 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hey... is that ANON? Whoa man where have you been it's been so long? Brad and I are now managing directors at the top performing Hedge Fund in Toronto. I trust you're still working on your crypto thingy? -- Oh right, that'll be two big mac meals. Oh don't worry about the change, you seem to need it more than we do."

>> No.7300079
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>> No.7300092

if this happened to me i would it unironically off myself that very night

>> No.7300134

same not even kidding
probably would murder brad and the other guy before that but deffo killing myself

>> No.7300146

>>"Hey... is that ANON? Whoa man where have you been it's been so long? Brad and I are now managing directors at the top performing Hedge Fund in Toronto. I trust you're still working on your crypto thingy? -- Oh right, that'll be two big mac meals. Oh don't worry about the change, you seem to need it more than we do."

wouldn't it be smarter two kill brand and the other guy before offing your self?

>> No.7300331
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>”Hey there anon, good to have you back. Guess that crypto thing didn’t work out huh. Well I am guessing you haven’t forgotten how this works, go ahead and get clocked in, you’re going to be on drive thru tonight. Let me know if you need anything and remember to smile.”

>> No.7300356
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>> No.7300425

just reading this makes me rage. id kill myself before doing it

>> No.7300457
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>implying there will still be cashiers at McDonald's much longer

it is all going to be touch screens and robots, ALEXA will be taking your order

>> No.7300644

You guys are fucking faggots. If that happened to me I'd man up and keep working hard until I get back on my feet. I'm not talking about coins either, I have never been into the cryptoscam; I'm just saying that you fucking coiners expect everything to come easy, and then when you're faced with the slightest adversity you say "well I better kill myself tonight then". Fucking losers, you are not normal.

>> No.7300648

>your order
Whose order? By the time robot replace all jobs you'd be left with no money to afford even mcdonalds.

>> No.7300686

you dont understand theres no recovery from this if this scenario would happen to you
im still up x5 on my crpyto investement and cashed out 30k n december go suck a big one

>> No.7300693

If they live in Toronto I already won.

>> No.7300711

I hope they have a 'net' to catch all the people that will be jobless due to automation, or there is going to be a fucking revolution.

>> No.7300722
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I know, and with OP sucking all the dicks, how can I even compete in that market?

>> No.7300724

fuck these threads are terrifying

>> No.7300740

t wagecuck

>> No.7300742

>you dont understand theres no recovery from this if this scenario would happen to you
Of course there's recovery you retard. Work hard, save money, start your own business, work hard on growing it for 30 years. If you're implying that your numbers in a screen are your whole world, then you're a perfect example of what I said is wrong with coinfags.

>> No.7300755

>Cryptokiddies whining about gov't regulation now want a safety net

>> No.7300778

>TFW times got a little tough a few years ago and I took on a second job as part-time bank teller
>Manager really liked me, job was easy as fuck, but I quit after 5 months because I no longer needed it and it was messing with my time with family
>Random txt earlier this week (2 years after I quit), "Hey Anon, are you still in the area? Want to come back as a personal banker? $50k salary + monthly bonus"

>> No.7300790
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it will be less of a net and more of a rope

>> No.7300801

"Personal banker" means suck off some Arab guy

>> No.7300837

Lmao, the people left jobless because transportation/retail or whatever is now automated won't be taken lightly. Technology taken too far and have to compensate those that got cut out. Most likely government handouts or riots.

>> No.7300874

The impact of long-haul trucking getting automate is what scares me the most. Not only are the driver jobs going to take a hit, but also all those jobs that support them (diners in bumfuck Nebraska, truck stops, meth cooks, hookers, etc.)

>> No.7300884

No, it means cold-calling clients, trying to sign them up for credit cards and ultimately lure their investment bux into the branches financial adviser. But it's cute that you try and mock a salaried job just because you're fat and poor.

>> No.7300890

Don't worry anon, with all the automation and robots we will have BUI

>> No.7300905

Hey, I'm not fat.

>> No.7300914

It really has to end with neetbux for a lot of fucking people. And when that bubble pops I don't know what the fuck comes next.

>> No.7300940

No shit people here are not normal, do you check this board on a day to day basis? Its the most sociopathetic I've seen humans ever behave.

>> No.7300950

ah yes toronto, the biggest liberal cesspool.

>> No.7300984

this thread reminds me of why I hated wagecucking so much.

>> No.7301035


Id legit kill myself before I would cold call people all day for a measly 50k. Matter of fact I wouldnt do that job for all the money in the world cold calling SUCKS

>> No.7301037


"Socipathic" you fucking piece of shit. PLEASE GO CUT YOUR WRISTS YOU PATHETIC NIGGER KIKE NORMIE.

>> No.7301225

Not every coiner is like that. I have a steady job and a good life that I enjoy, I just hold coins as a long term investment and most people do.

>> No.7301227

This actually happened to me except I never told them shit about crypto. They were journalists and I'm just a fried chicken cook

>> No.7301240

I'd tell the retarded looking old faggot to go kill homself. Fuck I hate wageslave bosses. Fucking piece of fucking scum. I'm so fucking depressed I'd rather lie in bed on NEETbux and fucking rot away than eearn a pittance for being shat on. Wagecucking is a fukin joke without a girlfriend, its pure fucking crap.

>> No.7301248
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Honestly, thank god. It sincerely astounds me how often people manage to fuck up a simple fast food order.
>one medium fry please
>here's your small fry sir

>> No.7301383

Have you ever worked fastfood?

>> No.7301649

>you are not normal
>imply being normal is a paramount and a goo thing

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.7301706

This is so fucking stupid why did I trust you neets. Every board is laughing at us now. I thought this was legit but everyone is saying it is a scam now.

>> No.7301741

Me too, that's why I couldn't accept it. Well, maybe if I was out of work I would, but I'd be terrible at it.

>> No.7301765

/a/ here (best board)

I love seeing you neet losers get what's coming to you

and I've been laughing the whole way down.


>> No.7301966

I have, though not for very long. The system itself was rather straightforward: person takes order, it gets sent back to the relevant station, made then delivered. The only fair excuse for a messed up order is some new employee who's still learning the ropes, or perhaps a period of extremely high activity. Otherwise, someone was simply being lazy along the line.

>> No.7301990
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>Pedo weeb calls others neets

>> No.7302004

You guys realize that if we get fully automated, cost of living will plummet right? One 5 hour job could probably support an entire extended family in the future

>> No.7302044

TRUMP 2020

>> No.7302107

All the money saved from automation will just go to the jews.

>> No.7302116

Legit. In fact any job that involves a combo of minimum wage and customers is DEATH FUKIN DEATH TO THE FUKIN MAX. No way am I ever working that type of crap again, I'd rather be some fukin homeless piece of shit than someones bitch for min wage. People rip on office jobs, but a dead boring pencil pushing salary job is trillions of times better than the humiliating death spiral of selling your asshole to public cock for a few dollars an hour

>> No.7302152

hang yourself cunt.

>> No.7302162

Bet you've been on /a/ all summer.

>> No.7302176
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t. commie scum

>> No.7302216
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>> No.7302374

>furry laughs at weeb

>> No.7302424
File: 49 KB, 800x800, DaysWorkWellDone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One 5 hour job could probably support an entire extended family in the future
Not how it works, go... er guy! America is more productive than ever per-worker yet work hours are longer and wages have stagnated and run flat in real terms since the fucking '90s!

The problem isn't that the owners of capital are 'selfish' or any such shit. The problem is generations have been raised to be parts to a machine which no longer needs them. They were taught wages, not assets. Resumés, not investments. Cash basis, not accrual basis. No business knowledge or anything which makes them independent entrepreneurs. If anything, they're over-trained toward college. If you handed most plebs assets these days, most would be broke inside two years.

>> No.7302441

so literally an indian phone marketer. Jeez sounds like a nightmare job.

>> No.7302537

>useless, unemployable people less valuable to your business than a pre-programmed touchscreen
>people capable of founding a revolution

Pick one. The niggers/retards with useless degrees & no experience will take their plight to twitter/facebook, sure, and then go back to aimless meandering/poverty, as useless scum are wont to do.

>> No.7302638

>wagecucking is a joke
>I hate wageslave bosses
You sound like the biggest self-entitled little bitch in the world. Money doesn't come easy and if you think your magical virtual currency is going to get you rich without working then keep dreaming. Stay broke faggot

>> No.7302693

These memes are class.

>> No.7302732

>ywn do business meetings with Brad and Tad about all the money you're making

This isn't how it was supposed to go ;_;

>> No.7302814

keep believing in the meritocracy meme

>> No.7302831

Most retards on /biz/ are self entitled whiny millennial what did you expect they are legit pussies

>> No.7302933

really anon does he REALLY sound like the "biggest one in the world" or is he just a good example of whiny self-entitlement

do you also say literally a lot

>> No.7303034

fuck you faggot cunt. The jobs suck and theres no denying it.

>> No.7303249

That fucking id

>> No.7303351

>/a/ here

>> No.7303355

Where you learn that most cryptofags are uneducated single losers who did McJobs before buying into the cryptomeme and quitting their only source of income.

The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.7303409

Why are these threads always about fast food? If I had to, I'd look for helldesk jobs, er I mean helpdesk jobs or "IT" or maybe even something like junior sysadmin. That is, unless I cant bluff the huge resume gap with coming up with something like "I was doing contract freelancing work" or something like that.

>> No.7303522
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>> No.7303558

really makes you wonder. I'm 30, qualified, software engineer....my advice to youngins is learn a trade.

>> No.7303609

Holy shit this thread is filled with faggots. Please literally off yourselves when the crypto bubble pops if the thought of having to work for money makes you that suicidal.

>> No.7303685

>work hard for 30 years

I'd rather kill myself and a school full of nigger children, but thanks anyway

>> No.7303751

Stop at yourself, and the world will be a better place without you.

>> No.7303917
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With automation, ever specialized algorithms that do most jobs 10x better than humans, and technology that even allows a surgeon in India to do surgeries in fucking Canada through a robot.

I say the wageslave bubble is going to pop soon. The world is going to be very fucking crazy in 20 years with most jobs being rendered pointless.

>> No.7303991

Depends how clever you are

That technology will still need developing, maintaining and fixing.

>> No.7304202

whats weird about it

>> No.7304270

>/a/ here
At least I can sleep easy knowing that no matter what I'll never be a bigger loser than you

>> No.7304330

Same homie. There is no point selling your life away for measly paychecks, think about how much you will earn in 10 years, that shit is never fucking worth it.

Maybe if you have a job you genuinely enjoy, there's quick payraise opportunity and it pays well sure. But otherwise either be happy with a little or find a way to make money yourself.

>> No.7304538

I'm not saying 100% of jobs will be automated, but imagine 51% unemployment. Let's not even consider taxes and welfare, put that aside mentally, how would it affect the minds of people if the average person isn't expected to work.

>> No.7305406

get back to work you lazy ass americans