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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7229449 No.7229449 [Reply] [Original]

>coins dead
>stocks dead
>federal civil war soon
end times

>> No.7229702
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All in XMR! The crooks need some kind of escape plan

>not even a shill only own ETH rn

>> No.7229710
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>> No.7229721

>drudge report

>> No.7229734
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It's all falling apart.

>> No.7229737
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>civil war

you mean "urbanite genocide"

>> No.7229743

Does anyone even care enough to do anything?

>> No.7229783
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It's gonna be beautiful seeing soyboys and purple-haired orcs dragged out on the street and shot.

>> No.7229862

I should have shorted APPL fuck.

>> No.7230031

Sadly it is invariable rural populations who are genocided by urban populations.

>> No.7230155
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watch out for #TheResistance rural Trump voters! they may have willingly disarmed themselves but they have the power of spirit cooking!

ANTIFA power comrade!

>> No.7230168
File: 483 KB, 480x360, rhodesiz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the niggers and spics are going to take buses out to the country for the good ol' boys to practice target shooting
sounds comfy, senpai

>> No.7230199

Don't get my hopes up.

>> No.7230203

>me smart
>me not know what population density or ballistic missiles is tho

>> No.7230215

brb investing in ammunition stock (i actually am)

>> No.7230235

>no factories
>no farms
>urbanite population that can't into hiking, shooting and trucks

What fucking fairyland do you live in? The unwashed masses in the massive garbage piles called "cities" would get slaughters. Throughout all of history cityfags become weak and conquerable and we're seeing this again today.

>> No.7230239

you understand the military sides with Trumpland in a civil war scenario

>> No.7230271

>ballistic missiles
are not in populous areas

>> No.7230292

They don't understand this actually. They think the military is something they can just boss around because they have some self-declared "moral high ground". I really do hope they get more violent. It'd be hilarious to watch them get massacred.

>> No.7230298

This is how I know you are regarded.
Guess who has the launch codes. ;)

>> No.7230311
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>> No.7230321
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>This is how I know you are regarded.

>> No.7230323

>Guess who has the launch codes. ;)
trump. checkmate, atheists

>> No.7230325

Burned down my house, left my girlfriend and drove to a new state today. The state of emergency is unbelievable, I saw twenty cars out of gas on the side of the highway with their passengers murdered and robbed in the chaos.

I would highly recommend finding a gun and boarding up your windows today. People are going to be out in force looting and robbing anyone they can for food and supplies. Go to Home Depot and loot enough thick plywood AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you have a large truck/van, load that baby up and buy enough for your neighbors they will surely pay you back in canned good or ammunition, especially if you live in the southern United States.

I think the woods and forests will be the safest place in the long run to escape the mass pandemonium that is unfolding as a result of this market crash, which is why I am currently relocating to the Alaskan wilderness. But, if you can fortify your home enough and have enough supplies stocked, you may be able to ride it out within your own home.

>> No.7230333


I mean, if it actually did kick off I would participate in nigger and spic genocide. Wouldnt be a first mover tho.

>> No.7230348

same. i got plenty of guns and ammo

>> No.7230375
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Trump has the launch codes you absolute brainlet.

>> No.7230390

Please, post ww1 rural retards only exist to be KULAK'D.

>> No.7230427

Last time I checked a Holodomor and Great Leap Forward didn't happen in America.

>> No.7230432
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i want to see subhuman soytrash try it

i really do

>> No.7230433

unironic stalinist here, metropolitan borgies will be the first to hang

>> No.7230459

Trump is an urbanite to the core you dumb mouth breathers.

>> No.7230464


>implying 《they》 give the president real codes.

>> No.7230478

Canada is going to get fucked in your little war too isn't it

I guess I should claim my EU passport and escape.

>> No.7230491

lmao nigger i welcome this any fucking day. i gots long, mid, and short distance firearms with thousands of rounds

>we can't let him get the launch codes
>trump is a soyboy like us city people

>> No.7230528

Canada is going to fucking steam roll a divided America economically. It would be great for Canada.

>> No.7230555
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We can hang them together, have a drink and then fight each other to the death. Cheers.

>> No.7230587

You do realize every province wants to fuck every other one at this point.

BC is threatening to cut off power to Alberta RIGHT NOW

>> No.7230634

It's just banter.

>> No.7230657

Shitlibs live in a CBC fantasyland. Ignore and wait until they can all be put against the wall along with their corporate/government enablers.

>> No.7230750

dumb cuck fuck

>> No.7230756

Nice, just bought 100k.

>> No.7230802

tfw stuck in the city full domininiggers and other assorted brown people

gg to me. collapse is going to end me getting beheaded by enraged niggers for a can of beans or something

>> No.7230820

/pol/ was right again

>> No.7230829

>BC hippies: we don't want your oil
>Alberta rednecks: we don't need your electricity
>Quebec: honhonhon
Same as it ever was.

>> No.7230854

This. lmfao. People seriously thing these dumb idiots that can't even drive are going to have a big excursion out of the cities? What are they going to do realistically? Walk to the countryside? This idea that rural people get fucked by cities in a tragedy is some horseshit especially in America where rural people are legally licensed to kill attackers

>> No.7230867

pol said the opposite, the trump tax plan has fucked us

>> No.7230896

its 1234567890password

>> No.7230900

The stock market was way overdue for a correction. Most were expecting it later in February, but not this early. Glad I went short.

>> No.7231038

>>no factories>no farms>urbanite population that can't into hiking, shooting and trucksWhat fucking fairyland do you live in? The unwashed masses in the massive garbage piles called "cities" would get slaughters. Throughout all of history cityfags become weak and conquerable and we're seeing this again today.

I loathe urban populations but it is what happened. You see it in Russia, In the French revolution, in the US civil war, etc etc etc

Its the rural populations who get butchered by mobs from cities.

>> No.7231063
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>> No.7231101

>urbanites from 100, 300 and 200 years ago
>compare to urbanites today

I'm real scared.

>> No.7232005
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>> No.7232102

>civil war

About damned time its liberal killing season

>> No.7232228

Is your fat neet as gonna do it? You can't drag yourself to the shower.

>> No.7232323
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>MFW liberals declare civil war

>> No.7232361
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libshits die from just falling down

>> No.7232420
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i absolutely guarantee that i'm more fit than you. i challenge you to post a timestamped shirtless selfie. i will post mine first, then you post yours. if you don't post a timestamped image in reply then it will be understood that you are a fat soyboy faggot. do you accept?

>> No.7232454
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>> No.7232575
File: 118 KB, 749x606, heath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the car didn't even touch her? the absolute state of libshits

>> No.7232828

Without those evil cities that hurt your feelings and sustain your trailer park on a yearly basis america would have the gdp of mexico

>> No.7232929

>the soyboys in the cities do the work
the absolute state