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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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722781 No.722781 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the norm right now?
>Graduating from NYU with an Econ degree
>Have over 10 internships and jobs on my resume related to the industries I am applying to. (Some are for giants in the industry)
>Apply for jobs in Market Analytics, Account Management, and Accounting.
>All jobs applied to are entry-level roles
>Companies get back to me quickly, but offer me assistant roles in those areas at 35k a year in NYC.
>Tell me that people get promoted quickly within a year.

What the fuck. I don't want to sound spoiled, but is this really what I went to school for? I can't afford to take a 35k job with 120k in loans to pay off AND live remotely close to NYC.

What the fuck should I do?

>inb4 should have not gone to college
I am very aware of that now.

>> No.722788

>Have over 10 internships
have you been in college for a decade?

>> No.722793

I started when I was 15. I got credit from community colleges as a loophole.

>> No.722796

I also always worked two internships at once, which isn't uncommon.

>> No.722801


Well a paid job is a paid job, and maybe they just want to try you out before committing to a proper salary?

PASTA CAPTCHA, I love these things

>> No.722806

I'm sure that's their logic, and that's fine. However, at the same time I am wasting my time hoping that they might follow through with a promotion that may or may not happen.

Meanwhile, I can't afford anything.

>> No.722813

This is the new America. Sucks man.

>> No.722824

>120k in loans

Wow, I heard NYU was pretty bad with financial aid, but not that bad.

>> No.722854


>tfw $75k base at JPM

>> No.722855

Oh yeah, two internships. One with a large company. Other with a rinky dink little sham of a consulting firm.

>> No.722856

I'm sorry for being a cunt that was just a tad bit obnoxious.


>> No.722870

1) Find out required hours
2) Work required hours
3) People will hate you for this so do your job well and plan for a vertical move after 2 years (that means don't start at your dream company)
4) Use your free time on a side hustle

Alternatively, don't try to live in New York. And/or start looking for roommates.

>> No.722874

You might as well have studied psychology.

>> No.722879

don't bums need more than 35k a year to survive in NYC?

>> No.722887

>not moving to based Ohio

>> No.722892

Where did you intern?
What did you do there?

>> No.722902

Ask yourself what part of your education costs 120 thousand dollars to learn that you couldn't have done on your own for free

Then ask why you had to pay that money and spend those years getting the degree to earn the privilege to be considered to compete for a job that doesn't even pay enough to allow you to feed yourself, let alone pay off the massive debt you accrued that allowed you to get the job in the first place

>> No.722906

Blue collar faggot with a $100k/year salary cap detected.

Stay mediocre, fuck boy. We're all laughing at you from the 45th floor of our office buildings.

>> No.722908

U gonna be the fuck boy when the workers of the world unite.

>> No.722911

Wow, the new thing seems to be you work internships in college and then your first real job after graduation is another internship. Wow.

>> No.722916

Cute idea poorfaggot

>> No.722919

How, exactly, did you manage to acquire 120,000 in debt? What the fuck were you thinking? And what did you expect was going to happen? Did you believe their lies that you would making six figures straight out of school? You weren't thinking son, now you'll pay the price

>> No.722923

What was your GPA OP?

>> No.722927

You're a moron

>> No.722929

Same OP post is on the advice thread right now.

>> No.722930

>mfw every moron engineering student I know spouts the same "I got 120k/year starting salary GUARANTEED. Then it doubles every year."

>> No.722934


>> No.722937

I said that I regretted it in my post. Learn how to read. Or did you never learn how to read after dropping out of high school?

>> No.722939

>no internships
>no full-time experience
>failed almost a year's worth of subjects
>no connections
>land a cushy 50k/yr related job within a few months of graduating
>learning more every day

>> No.722990

Haha holy fuck! I'm in Fordham Gabelli at Lincoln Center...hoping to land a nice finance job at graduation

>> No.722998

Not enough tenure at one place. You are seen as a jumper.

I have the same problem myself.

Just lie on your resume.

>> No.723002
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>being employed anno 2015

Own business or NEET are the only sensible options.

>> No.723008


>lying on the internet

Kill yourself.

>> No.723033
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>graduate a Big Ten school with a communication degree
>internships in marketing, project management and management consulting, all small companies where i had bigger responsibility
>arrange dozens of informational interviews with members of top management consulting firms, marketing agencies and fortune 500 companies in my city
>have 3 references for JP Morgan Chase 2-year leadership development rotational program, fast-track to management, $60k/year in the fucking midwest (like making 100k in NYC faggot)
>one reference is the fucking hiring manager for this job
>finally get the last reference - a marketing director who manages the hiring manager for this position
>go to apply online
>the fucking position closed 2 hours before I logged on
>take position at marketing agency instead, in marketing analytics and strategy, 50-100 employees, cool office
>killing it from day 1, work that took the former employee 2 weeks is completed in 2 days by me
>i quickly become the owner/boss's best friend in the office, even though he is well-liked by everyone
>says he wants me to manage a client because he thinks i'm "the real deal" and "a fucking genius"
>client comes in
>it's the fucking hiring manager from that JP Morgan Chase job, and the kid they decided to hire since I didn't apply in time
>the kid tries to interject when i'm presenting, in a bit of a pretentious tone
>i site the most recent Accenture article and statistics that completely negate everything he fucking said, he doesn't open his mouth for the rest of the fucking meeting
>my boss is so proud of me, and hinted at promoting me to a more important and strategic role instead of my entry-level position, which is likely more than the $60k i was considering
>mfw i'm doing all this with a communication degree from a tertiary school while OP has buyer's remorse from his overrated school, and will never know what true business is

>> No.723049

>Lincoln Center

Enjoy your hipster girls. Seriously, I'm jelly.

>> No.723093

>35k a year in NYC.
This is unreal. Anything worth anything (meaning promotion wise) in NYC is AT LEAST 70k. Software Engineering graduates pull in 90k starting.

>> No.723113


Holy fuck this board really is full of plebs.

>> No.723115

Yeah, you're funny

>> No.723120


I'm actually a humorless cunt since Fordham was my safety school.

>> No.723124

lets not kid outselves

econ is shit tier liberal arts

lol should of had a 4.00 gpa

if your not stem nigga you aint shit

>> No.723125

He siad he's from the bay area you dumb faggot

Where ya workin' now, champ?

Fordham is just as good as NYU and nearly as good as Columbia for job placement. There are plenty of schools with much higher ranks that don't place as many kids in as many competitive positions at as many competitive firms.

>> No.723127

I'm not the one 120k in debt with no job.

>> No.723129

You should move to RH.

All of the good professors are here, and everyone I know who works in a good, competitive group at JPM, GS, CSFB, or who now works in PE or HFs all got their introductions to these companies through professors here.

Besides, the majority of Lincoln Center kids are faggots.

>> No.723131



>> No.723133

I assumed if you had decent grades and the companies you interned at like you there would be jobs lined up.

>> No.723134


i really dont know why you didnt go at least compsci

math major here

>> No.723137


>> No.723139

I haven't chosen a major yet, I just assumed. I figured econ or other business faggotry would be decent for getting a job

>> No.723140


>> No.723144

Don't listen to him. He's just mad that he's wasting his intelligence building sewers or some shit rather than raking in dosh at an investment bank or alternative asset management firm.

The reality of it is, is that less than 1 in 1,000 people are smart to the point where being any smarter won't do you any good in Finance. He is not one of those 1 in 1,000, but he wants to believe he is because he will forever be making less than $150k/year.

>> No.723148

i never got this meme

do you want to compare salaries?

>> No.723149

pathetic that whatever you don't like hearing becomes an irritating "meme"

>do you want to compare salaries?
Sure, Mr. $120k salary cap.

>> No.723150

dont be mad because you couldnt even get into my upperlevel classes

really what are you saying?

liberal arts only matters at ivy legue

>> No.723151

Oh, are we comparing liberal arts with STEM? If we are, then my apologies.

I just hate you STEM faggots who are like, "LE HURR GOOD LUCK STUDYING BUSINESS BETARD" (and by business they also mean accounting and finance).

If you're one of those people, then seriously fuck off. We have different priorities.

>> No.723152

It's not as if STEM is particularly difficult, the top STEM schools are easy as shit to get into anyway.

>> No.723153
File: 7 KB, 168x196, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just realized this entire thread was started by a super obvious, low-quality troll

>> No.723158

im willing to bet over 80% of this board could not pass college/uni calc 2

>> No.723159

business is a joke

maybe if you went to wharton

>> No.723161

I have a Stanford-Binet IQ test score (administered at a university psychology department when I was in my early teens) of 138 and I am absolutely shit at calculus.

>> No.723164

I passed Calc II

>> No.723190
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>> No.723198

child iq tests are shit, and calc 2 is basic enough that anyone who isn't retarded should at least be able to pass it.

>> No.723213

I performed poorly in calc because I was an awful student in high school who never paid attention, so when was thrown into calc in college I was fucking lost.

Unlike most kids, my SAT scores were limited by how little of the subject matter I actually knew. I spent all of high school high and sleeping in class.

>> No.723214

Mine is way lower like 105 and I crushed it. I have a 4.0 at a decent state school. Iq only shows how good you're at IQ tests

>> No.723223

my high school scored below average on the ACT all four years i was there. i was too lazy (and regretted it later) to take calc BC in high school and instead took precalc which was an glorified geometry class for super seniors that were short a math credit.

still got an A in all three calc courses.

>> No.723260

Integral calculus was one of the top three hardest classes I took in college. About the same level of difficulty as thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer.

>> No.723272

I took precalc in high school also and only passed because my sweet old teacher was nice enough to see me after school every day for a week at the end of the year to teach me the entire course on her free time so that I'd pass the final.

I reallt should send her Christmas gifts or something. She was so nice. Matter of fact, everyone at my high school was.

Except for one woman who directly told me that I was the smartest kid she'd ever met. I was preoccupied with figuring out how smart I was compared to other people at the time, and it took me about a year until I realized that she only said that so that I'd focus instead of worrying about how smart I was.

>> No.723287


You don't need to be a fucking genius to get a 4.0 at a state school. You need work ethic.

>> No.723457
File: 872 KB, 355x262, 65416564964116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw when started own business before 20,
> mfw when went on permabattical from uni after 3 semesters at it because making money/university boring/course not very useful.
>Mfw when 5 years later at age 24 making megabucks. own real estate, go on holiday whenever and wherever I want

Mfw all the bums that looked down on me for going into the real world are either NEETS/fone drones - The best most of them can hope for is baaby's first boss job managing fone drones, getting pauper pay+.

Srsly, since I was old enough to think the idea of working for anyone but myself seems abhorrent. Even when I had to work to for someone else I was always looking for a way out.

>> No.723475

>and here you are, bragging to strangers on an online image board

what's the business? cock polishing?

>> No.723493

You also need to do your research on teachers. I've encountered two teachers at a State University that believed As were only for the truly gifted. And I don't mean "You get everything right, you get an A.", I mean an English teacher who hadn't given out an A in 7 years.

Tenure is a horrible thing.

>> No.723496

>unlike most kids
No, that's what SAT scores and adult IQ tests are about. You jacked off through your education and now you're a regular shmuck.

>> No.723501

daily reminder economics is philosophy dressed up as science. should have learned a trade if you wanted work

>> No.723514

Op here again. Just woke up to a 60k job offer this morning. I guess I panicked a little bit too much. Thanks anyways guys. Shit might work out in the end for me anyway.

>> No.723571

Fuck yes op!

Congrats m8

>> No.723589

Thank you. Do you think I should negotiate for a little higher?

>> No.723590

Graduated NYU Poly with a degree in CS in July. My job pays 110k/yr. Maybe you should've studied something better :^)

>> No.723592

What field?

>> No.723593

Please, NYU poly is pleb tier school.

>> No.723594

This guy gets it

>> No.723617

Ranked amongst top tier schools like MIT and CalTech in terms of ROI and it seems to be the case for me

>> No.723624

Let's see how far that gets you when you start competing with the actual top tier schools for jobs.

New York isn't huge into tech, so your rate isn't surprising, but when the market adjusts and you start to play in the big leagues, shit's going to fuck you up.

>> No.723628

>Not being STEMasterrace
>not starting at $80k, but working in the boonies so you save most of it
Have fun with your business thing though.

>> No.723629

Not sure what your definition of "big leagues is" but I currently work at Google's NYC office. Having that on my resume will do a lot more than what school I went to.

>> No.723658

A lot of dumbass kids in here that think their uni's prestige means remotely as much as experience and in depth knowledge of their field

>> No.723670

>should have learned a trade
But anon, I know a trade. It's called investment banking and it makes a fuck of a lot more money than any blue collar trade and I get to do it from a comfy air conditioned office.

>> No.723673

There is a ~40 year old guy at my workplace who is obsessed how his engineering degree from Waterloo is so superior to everything else.
Top kek.

>> No.723681

lol, joining the Norwgian Army, don't want to have a long education and then compete with cheap outsourcing

>> No.723716

God damn fordham girls are ugly as hell. Been there several times and the campus is beautiful, too bad the women dont make up for it.

>> No.723736

Dude literally what the fuck are you talking about?

There are some fashion show model - tier dimes at Fordham, especially at RH

>> No.723780


Fellow Norwegian here, and I have a hard time understanding why the fuck you'd do that.

I'm on my fourth year and set to graduate with about 700 000 NOK just laying around from saving what I got from some parttime jobs/internships here and there. Living as a student is great and you get to work with whatever you want (Military takes requests but don't expect them to be granted). Also, assuming your passion here in life isn't gender studies you'll be pretty much guaranteed a job before you graduate (98% of graduates in maritime fields of study had jobs before graduation - according to Dagens Næringsliv) - especially if you manage to land connections.

Don't even worry about outsourcing. Lots of people don't know English and all bussiness in Norway operates in Norwegian. Even for computer work (Programming / Software Engineering) you need to be fluent in Norwegian.

>> No.723781


Don't get greedy. Be humble and maybe push for it later.

>> No.723787

Everybody has those few hot girls at their school. I've been to Fordham plenty of times and my friends from Fordham that visit my state school say the same shit, the girls are bleh. Maybe you just have low standards brah, that's a blessing in disguise

>> No.723795

>tfw graduating from a 65th ranked uni in the UK

>tfw no internships

>tfw no networking

>tfw did Econ and Finance and have no idea what these job requirements are demanding

>tfw only a 2:1

>> No.723797

Slow down there, buddy. This is an anonymous uzbeki shitposting arena, there is no need to lie about yourself here. Now go on, champ, hop-along to Mr. Johnson's fourth period gym class!

>> No.723799


The dole it is!

>> No.723801


50k is not cushy.

>> No.723802


how. cN i get with a masters in computer scientists?

>> No.723810


Nah, myan. I am gonna have to learn what this Oracle shit is. Networking and internships is for pussies.

>> No.723821

Depends on your preferred lifestyle, doesn't it?

>> No.723822

Negotiate with one or two. Say you were interested in the other roles. If it goes south, take the shit 35k position and jump ship asap

>> No.723827





>> No.723838


Eyy, sort your priorities out, man. You can be plenty happy unemployed and job searching with the right attitude. Catching some certs and redo your failiures, wouldn't hurt either, and would tell prospective employers that you're serious about your future.

>> No.723840


>Catching some certs

What do you mean by this? I'm graduating in a month myan as in finishing my exams in a month. I have yet to be in the job search mode. In fact, I haven't applied for a single job yet.

>> No.723842


I know certs=certificates but what certs can I possibly have and from where. I'm in the UK, I don't think they have certs here.

>> No.723920


If you don't have certs just do something to keep your skills there . That's gonna leave them feeling more like taking on a risky candidate such as yourself, since you are applying effort. They want confident, humble people that are willing to learn rather than autistic A-students with daddy connections for interships.
Definitely start applying for jobs though - grab some of your college friends and see if they can get you in somewhere.

But hey, that's just what I'd think and do. Hopefully beats it panicking about life on 4chan.

>> No.723927


Yeah, will do, thanks friend.

>> No.724147


120k in loans for a fucking ECONOMICS DEGREE (from NYU!!)

Nigga you just failed economics 101

If I was your employer I would never hire a dumbass like you to manage my clients' money

>> No.724341

how do you start when your 15? does that mean there are smart 15 year old girls in colleges? is it wrong to date them? If there so smart why would it be?

>> No.724408

>>i site the most recent Accenture article and statistics that completely negate everything he fucking said, he doesn't open his mouth for the rest of the fucking meeting

Thanks for quoting our stuff bro!

>> No.724416

Nigga you will never employ anyone you bumass mother fucker lmao

>> No.724425

I can completely relate. Graduate with Civil Engineering degree from a mediocre school. No internship, two years into first job for a consulting firm where I developed the workflow for asset, and inventory management. Got raise from 22.5 to 50$/hr in Dec-2014, started working in may 2013. They gave me my own office this past Friday.

In less than two years I learned how to to geospatial analysis, database management and now programming custom solutions in VBA for the engineering staff of the company.. You got to hustle and innovate.

Homo Homini Lupus

>> No.724439

>Attending NYU
>Wasting your money on an Econ degree.

WTF Anon

>> No.724441


you got rekt have fun working as a teller at wells fargo

>> No.724461

>Got raise from 22.5 to 50$/hr
okay, buddy. only on /biz/ does everybody seem to jump from a ~50k salary to a 100k one within two years of starting their jobs.

>> No.724474

Started at 17 as intern. Moved to 22.5 when hire full time after 2 months (may 13), $24.5 6 months later, still hourly clocking in 50hr week. Got put on salary at 26.5 in may 2014. In november 2014 I started to look for another job, had problems with shitty micro-manager, so the boss asked me about my plans of leaving. I am frank about it and he tells me he wants me to work under him on a new project (Electrical Transmission Substations asset management), 3 weeks later he raises me to 50$ hr.

The company charges 165$/hr for my labor.

I don't have to impress anybody. I live below my means, and me and the wife are saving 60% of what we bring home.

i am 27, married, with one child and expecting number two. (super stocked)

>> No.724485

Dannon hires employees out of school for six figure salaries, and they support employees that want to work at other offices internationally. I know this because I'm the liaison for them at a top Canadian university.

>> No.724497

Emotional/social intelligence vs book smarts.

Think if it like a white wall street stock broker trying to live in a black ghetto.

>> No.724590

a company that pays full time engineers 22.5/hour starting salary is obviously a company that doesn't give a shit about retaining talent, so i don't see them doubling your position just to get you to stay. plenty of bullshit being posted on /biz/ so not like it matters at the end of the day.

>> No.724591

>tfw Hunter College undergrad
>tfw the bantz about my choice of school fly right over me

>> No.724593

Good thing you don't mind.

>> No.724594


How could I mind? I got into a decent school with utterly shit grades with my only saving grace being obnoxiously high Regents testing and a good SAT.

>> No.724595

>tfw Fordham
>tfw GS and JPM bros help out a fellow nigga with a 3.1 get an IB spot at Lazard

Not a bad start to my career.

>> No.724596


Pick one.

I go to Fordham but to you it might as well be Harvard. Fordham is a "decent" school.

>> No.724599


What can I say? I'd go to a better school if I hadn't fucked up my high school term so badly. But for having done so, I could've done a lot worse than Hunter. At least I can transfer to City College and graduate from there.

>> No.724610

>mfw they're all bad students and get sub 3.0 GPAs while spending their whole lives playing faggot video games like league of legends

>> No.724611
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> mfw I started at 22 at a major power facility w/no degree or knowledge. Lied on my application;, got interview. 65k a year starting. And they let men go to college part time.
> mfw max out my 401k every year. Bout to get degree in math and physics from two year.
> Making 85ka year now. Im 28 now.

Fucking idiots

>> No.724612

econ is a business degree you bleb

>> No.724615

my friends brother got a job at a hospital a few years ago, not sure what he did but has no schooling. Just a few months ago got promoted, makes 100k a year, no schooling just experience.
i always find it strange that while some people are in school others are out there making bank with no school

>> No.724619

>i always find it strange that while some people are in school others are out there making bank with no school
you should't. "School" is the mantra for year and years. What the fuck else are people supposed to do? The guy you're responding to is full of shit, it's 4chan dude.

>> No.724623
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underrated post, bznsmn

>> No.724636

Sounds like the American education system is fucked up

>> No.724679

Doesn't matter, bust your ass for a year and you'll make it out. Look for opportunities above assistant outside the company as well, make sure your senpai approves of your quality ass busting.

>> No.724758

22.5$ hr in Texas can go a long way, and as I said it was an hourly pay, and they allowed me to do a lot of field work initialially with some crazy hours.

I.E. Being on a four wheeler in the middle of the West Texas "outback" geotaggin pole lines. (with per-diam and field bonus I was making close to 370$ day.)

Anyway, if you do not believe it can be done you will never achieve it. My goal was to get to six figures in 4 years and I was really clear with them when they hired me, the process ended up being a lot quicker.

And you are right about them not giving a shit about retaining talent, I have been able to shift their POV in the past few years, but there is still an underlying tendency to hire a bunch of amateurs and going through them quickly to see which ones stick.

A step at the time though!

>> No.724760

That's the way to go man.

I had barely a 3.0 GPA but I have mad skills in excel, lol that got me hired in the first place. Started lower, but the salary increase has been rapid and constant.

Get that fucking degree!

>> No.724774

I didnt go to college, instead I practiced working a trade that I can now charge 60 dollars an hour for.

>> No.724821

Hey, that's the same with Math... I guess my Math/Econ dual major is like Phil/Phil. =(

At least my total debt is less than 20K.

>> No.724864

>business is a joke
Funny considering you're going to end up working for someone with a business degree.

>> No.724876

>In less than two years I learned how to to geospatial analysis, database management and now programming custom solutions in VBA for the engineering staff of the company.. You got to hustle and innovate.
I wish somebody would have told me that I could've made bank being a code-monkey instead of getting my worthless B.S. in computer science. Never imagined I'd see someone refer to VBA/database garbage as "hustling and innovating".

I am bitter about college...

>> No.724882

>Went to Baruch College
>0$ Debt
>B.B.A Finance and Investments

Just accepted an offer from JP Morgan as a Financial Data Analyst. Only took 4 months of unemployment but finally have achieved something

>> No.724891

From the looks of it, you haven't gone in depth of the specific career you want, and instead you're kind of casting a wide net. You can find the salary for most career paths so figure out how much you want to make and go from there. Here are some quick numbers for starting salaries at some jobs.

Investment Banking 130k - 150k
Management Consulting (MBB) ~100k -120k
Sales & Trading ~120k
Equity Research ~120k
Asset Management ~100k

Note: These numbers are for NYC salaries. Same jobs at other locations will pay slightly less.

>> No.724906

on today, the 16th of the 4th, 2015.
was told exactly whats up, by;

>> No.724917

Ohio brah here. WSU pretty much is a filter to get a job at Wright Patt Air Force Base.

>tfw already got a job lined up

>> No.724919

Dude I worked with a canadian consultant who didn't know jack shit about VBA programming, and yet he was charging 150$/hr to "program" bar coding handhelds that had to be used to inventory assets on the field.

The language or tools you learn do not have value, what truly pays is being able to offer solution to people who need them and do not have those skills.

You are right though, I am teaching myself how to code through books and youtube LMAO But the little I can do with it is extremely valuable because it is allowing the rest of the workforce to accomplish very specific tasks a lot quicker and more reliably.

I got a Civ Engineering degree and I KNOW I will NEVER work as an Civ Engineer in my life.
I wish I'd known about coding earlier on, it blows my mind what a few lines of code can do, and the beauty of it is that 99% of the population see it as wizardy.

>> No.724922

>I wish I'd known about coding earlier on, it blows my mind what a few lines of code can do, and the beauty of it is that 99% of the population see it as wizardy.
People like this are paid $100k+ a year. What blows my mind is why the company wouldn't hire a fresh CS grad that would work for half your salary and be capable of twice as much.

>> No.724926

>tfw live in ohio
>tfw programming job, part time right now
>full time once I graduate
>62k/yr starting
>my rent is $760 a month and that gets split three ways with my roommates
>will graduate with ~34k in debt
>will be able to pay that off no problem and start making money like a champ.

Feels good

>> No.724928


You have to realize that it's not that they wouldn't hire you. Once you're in an interview, it's a level playing field.

The top tech companies with starting salaries of 100k+ all recruit at basically the Ivies + Stanford/CalTech/MIT. So unless you go to one of these schools, you wouldn't get an interview by traditional methods.

If, however, you do know your shit and network with recruiters and get yourself an interview, at that point its all on you.

Best of luck!

>> No.724932
File: 1.73 MB, 300x253, oil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck should I do?
Get a job working in oil. Oil rigs, drilling, etc. Suck it up for a couple years. Pay off loans, start from scratch or live as an oil rat.

>> No.724934

To be fair, a fresh grad hasn't proven that he's capable of working in the industry/with other people/with clients.

Granted depending on why the other guy is looking for a new job, he may be equally incompetent, but let's assume he isn't.

It's a matter of >muh experience.

>> No.724936

>People like this are paid $100k+ a year. What blows my mind is why the company wouldn't hire a fresh CS grad that would work for half your salary and be capable of twice as much.

Well I didn't get Hired to do programming, I got hired to do Engineering design. Then we got a project in the door for geospatial asset management: we send people in the field to collect gps of Electrical utility poles and the company would deliver a long list of coordinates.

Well I asked to be part of the project and I built up the whole process, also we didn't do any GIS, the client demanded turnkey maps. So in a month we got a workstation, the software and I taught myself how to use it. The 600k project went well and due to the feedback we were able to get 4 more, we increased the field personnel for these project from 4 to 11 and acquired 70k worth of Trimble GEO XT handhelds.

As the data incoming increased, and I was the only one managing both the teams and the data gathering and handling, I had to learn how to automatize certain tasks.

When I learned the basics then I started creating new "Apps" for people working on other projects.

It isn't just the coding, it is how you can use what you have on hand to create new revenue or to optimize pre-existing workflows.

I just enjoy the challenge of taking a project, break it down to its components and trying to make it better.

We also have a FTP Server now that can be access by all of our customers to retrieve their data, communication between office and field surveyors now has skyrocketed. And my next personal project will be the introduction of Sharepoint in the company.

You might take all of this for granted, but it wasn't the norm when I got here.

The field personel used to fed-ex USB Drives with data to the office twice per week.

>> No.724942

The fact that a company like that exists and was able to get any projects at all is pretty mind numbing.

>> No.724944

>What blows my mind is why the company wouldn't hire a fresh CS grad that would work for half your salary and be capable of twice as much.

Part of it is you get what you pay for. The other part is that if this person hasn't networked, they have no one to vouch that they actually know what they're doing. Its like how at one point /g/ was spewing a meme that involved a CS graduate holding a diploma while displaying some ridiculous code that was absolute garbage. Having the degree doesn't qualify you to work the job, and more often than not you need cross-field experience with things to do shit right. I lost count the number of times I see the database administrators not understand what's being asked of them because they don't understand basic work processes. Doesn't matter if you can code SQL like a mofo if you don't understand what your data is supposed to represent to the people who use it.

>> No.724950

>70k worth of trimble handhelds

So what... 10 handheld?

>I am a license distributor of tough books, getacs and trimble

>> No.725100

Yes, and we also use Thoughpads for navigation etc.

We also use IkeGPS units. But switched to Trimble as their are more generally recognized by the customers.

>> No.725105

We billed 45 Milion last yr, the Asset management stuff is just a very small part. 1.3 mil last yr, but worthy of mention given that I started from zero with it.

Just because the company didn't do GIS doesn't mean it is unsuccessful, there are people with 40+ yr experience that could design you a substation with their eyes closed. The company offers consulting service, and construction supervision to some big clients. And those big Transmission Lines you see on the side of the highway pay a lot of $$.

>> No.725108

Pissed us off that they didn't come with a hard case like the IKE Units. Cheap fabric carrying case was an insult for the money that was spent on the units.

>> No.725109

>not knowing how to conjugate the verb "to go"

jesus, English has some of the easiest grammar in the world yet somehow you people manage to fuck it up

>> No.725116

if you had to time enough to work two internships and go to school then your internships weren't shit


>> No.725124

>drinking the uni koolaid to justify all that debt from studying in the "big leagues"

>> No.725130

Going to school for Process Operations Technology and have an instant job upon graduation at Chevron (next May). Ill be 20, making 45k. I'll also be living with my parents for a few years (inb4 fag) so I can save money for a house. 3-5 years, I should be around 80.

dat hourly pay, benefits, no schoo ldebt, and time off.

>> No.725132

Not a bad way to go either in STEM - I talk to a lot of engineers who went from this background to senior management.
Doing this leads to - people management experience, finance management experience, and obviously process improvement.
If you do a project well, it can make a big impact that is highly visible.

>> No.725136

Not engineering, but I will work under ones. Its an associates. Im starting to read about investing and shit now. Because being 20 years old making that cash can make people stupid (buying cars, houses they cant afford, etc). So I feel like I'm taking the smart approach by running my 2001 Ford Escape into the ground and living with my parents for a few years while I save every penny.

>> No.725149

>being this much of a pedantic faggot on an Indonesian alcoholics anonymous board

What a faggot lol

>> No.725165

Im sure you are aware that the majority of people on /biz/ love to write fan fictions of a life they dream to live as their mothers bring them their tendies

>> No.725228

Fuck stop posting how much rent u pay. I'm making 70k a year in north/central jersey and a 1br near my job is 1100$
Curenntly trying to move to a cheaper state or cali. If I'm paying 1000+ for a 1br might as well be next to the beach and have good weather>>724926

>> No.726409

I have never worked for a manager that wasn't an engineer originally
Not a single reputable firm has managers that aren't engineering degrees

>> No.726418


Yes negotiate. Research current market rates for your position.

Always negotiate, you have leverage right now because you have an offer. Employers always expect some leeway when offering a salary. It also shows you can value yourself and you're not a pussy.

I negotiated my first job. Knowing how to negotiate will earn you tons of money over your life time.

>> No.726559

youre all fucking wastemen lmfao!

>> No.726579

>Bachelors in Sociology
>2 years of experience teaching English in Japan after college
>65k a year working human resources in Houston Texas

Not bad for a joke degree imo

>> No.726582

I'm in an identical situation, anon. Close to Boston.

Fuck rent.

>> No.726782

>120k debt
Lol an econ major that doesn't know how to get outta debt.
This is why companies are offering you shit jobs, you can't even figure out your own finances

>> No.726800

>Tfw finally got a summer internship

Fug it was hell getting one

>> No.726828


You pay 250 a month for rent? Do you live in a cardboard box?

>> No.727062

>tfw graduating next year from a Top 10 UK uni

>tfw 5 internships

>tfw shit network

>tfw Accountancy and Finance not knowing I could land an accounting/investment banking job with a History degree

>tfw Desmond

Kill me.

>> No.727377

....I was paying 275 month here in kansas for a studio. When I was going to school. Then I got a job had to move, now I pay 350. (bigger town). make 40k a year.

>> No.727378

So you aren't willing to prove yourself but they should be willing to onboard you at full rate even if you end up being a shit bag?

Lol. You are about as risk adverse as a boomer. Let me guess, you expect this job to have a pension too? Lololo life of mediocrity in 3...2...1..

>> No.727395

Cuck plz, there is no one less socially intelligent than hoodrats.

>> No.727427

> Waaaaaa, employers won't pay me enough to live in penthouse apartment overlooking central park.

Look dude, find out in the job interviews if these promotions are for real by asking questions. Many jobs will start out people at substantially lower salaries for the first year because A) you have to learn what you're doing to be fully productive and B) it mitigates the risk if you suck.

If you can't live with your parents and commute for a year or two, then get a cheap ass apartment with roommates near a fucking LIRR train station. Trust me, no one likes living near train stations.

>> No.727457

you have no choice OP... gotta start some where. Entry level jobs do pay less. Work at the 35k job for a year, gain experience, resume material then apply for other jobs.

>> No.728217

>I can't afford to take a 35k job with 120k in loans to pay off AND live remotely close to NYC.
Yes you can. Sign up for income-based repayment. It's honestly shocking that everyone doesn't do this immediately.

>> No.728218

Actually, now that I read 120k, they might've been private loans, in which case you fucked up.

>> No.728225

>i am graduating college and no one will pay me a 6 figure salary for a degree in a theoretical social science

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, "The Millenials."

hey op, why don't you get an entry level job and work your way up to higher pay like the rest of the college grads. Be thankful that your college degree got your foot in the door. had you not gone you wouldn't have this opportunity. you'd be lucky to be digging ditches on the side of the road for 35k a year.

>> No.728232

Start the grind. There's no way around it. Sometimes it's hard, but the hard is what makes it great. Good luck.

>> No.728240

>You are the luckiest guy in the world, Sam!

>> No.728378


35k is about standard starting off prett much everywhere. I'm in mississippi and started with 45k because at my internships I showed a shit ton of initiative and impressed a visiting Exec.

Hired right out of college at 22. All of my college friends with finance degrees started out between 34 and 40