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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 600x347, post-calvin-drinking (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7221711 No.7221711 [Reply] [Original]

>girlfriend found out I invested in bitcoin
>demanding her half of my gains
>threatening to divorce me

Hey guys as it says above me my girlfriend is demanding her half of my crypto gains. We have been living commonlaw for 1 year now. I invested about 6 months into our relationship. I'm from Canada so where I live after 10 months of commonlaw the woman is entitled to 50% of everything. Yeah it's true look it up.

I thought she was the one. I was in love with her for the longest time but after she found out about me investing in bitcoin from her brothers loud mouth she is demanding her half.

I work as a carpenter up here in canada. Small home construction. I had about 75,000$ of my own saved up money from the years that I decided to toss into bitcoin last July when it was around the 3000 mark. It technically is my money from before but I invested it when I was living with her and in a relationship.

This dumb bitch can not understand crypto for the life of her. I sat her down at supper and we watched all of the Andreas antonopoulous videos about bitcoin for our meals. The dumb cunt just talked to her friends on Facebook while I tried to explain it to her she wouldn't listen.

Now she is demanding her half even after I tried to explain that it was going to be for our future family and future house to buy after the real estate crash.

Why is it so hard for women to understand delayed gratification? I'm simply only wanting to help this woman and start a family with her and she sees that I've made a few hundred thousand and wants to spend it all now.

Basically guys what the fuck do I do? She's threatening divorce if I don't give her her half. She thinks it's a scam and a ponzi and I don't know what to do. I love her to death, but I really need some advice guys. Please help me out here.

>> No.7221813

Hmm, atleast in my EU country tax-fags said that cryptos are not asset, it's nothing, so it don't have VAT - so you can send your btc to cold storage, hide it - and say to your waif that BTC is just digits, just mumble - so you chose to swap it rocks - and gave her 50% of rock pile you have in your hard (the gray ones maybe?)

*this is not financial advice ;))))

>> No.7221825

You better pay her up anon.
Hope the judge the doesn't make you pay 40% gains tax.
> 2018 still putting up with women.
just hang yourself.

>> No.7221827

she understands that you are disposable and she can get a new man pretty easily and that she's already bored with you. she knew months ago that she was only stringing you along till she could trade up. now she see's she can leave with half your stuff so why wouldn't she cash out asap. women are cold practical creatures

>> No.7221851

Dude common law in Canada only entitles her to income invested together. If the initial investment is yours she wouldn't be entitled to it in court. Common law is definitely in effect but its not as draconian as you think. Also, how are they going to prove you own any if you send it all to an exchange address or "get hacked"

>> No.7221852

and anyways, if she is threating you - no man...
life is red portfolio, life is suffering

>> No.7221854

>girlfriend found out I invested in bitcoin
>threatening to divorce me

you should look up what divorce means

>> No.7221901

because of common law she can file for divorce after one year of living together. She is not entitled to your personal investments though, especially unregistered ones.

>> No.7221929
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>> No.7221931

Are your holding even in your country?

No you say? Then fuck her. Seriously, why are women so convinced that they are entitled to all of our money.

>> No.7221961

this anon gets it

>> No.7221992

>demanding her half of my gains
so half of your debt?

>> No.7221999

OP, read this reply and internalize it for the rest of your life.

>> No.7222004


are you seriously going to stay to someone who is treating you like that?

>> No.7222020
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just buy link and stall. you can watch the hope fade from her daily as her gains evaporate and she becomes a stinky linkie. the ultimate revenge

>> No.7222083
File: 128 KB, 1282x1236, ve8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like
>humans are cold practical creatures
trust noone


>> No.7222084

Fucking kek

>> No.7222086
File: 140 KB, 500x517, 1511949665658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's threatening divorce if I don't give her her half. She thinks it's a scam and a ponzi and I don't know what to do.
>I love her to death.


>> No.7222116

And not a single non-degenerate in that conference hall.

>> No.7222120

say you lost most of it in a bad trade and give her 5%

>> No.7222123


>give me half of your the hard-earned money
>I will still divorce even if you do
>"no dont divrce me I want to have happy family with you"

Holy shit, you are so beta that its making me angry.

>> No.7222124

Hearty kek

>> No.7222132

I believe that in regard to this alone, she is only entitled to "the increase in value of investments from the two-year mark".

Looks like it might be time to split.

>> No.7222150

>threatening to divorce me
She will do that either way.
Do your research, seek legal advise, and break it off. Now that she made her move, you know where she stands. Fortunately she jumped the gun and you may be able to get out with more than if you were actually married.

>> No.7222201

your wife deserves everything due to your white male privledge

>> No.7222231
File: 184 KB, 1264x715, fausto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why people do this? This never ends well.

>> No.7222235

shapeshift it into monero and say you lost the private key you fucking pleb.

>> No.7222239

You fomo'ed into bitconnect/confido whatever scam you choose

>Put everything in monero

And dump her for Christ sake. There is not such thing as "the one". Watch mr. Nobody if you feel faggy enough today. It explains that pretty good.

>> No.7222240

OP I live in Canada too. First off I think your story is fake... but in the case it's not:
You do not owe her anything. Crypto is not regulated legally, and cryptocurrency is not an asset in the same way a house is. I don't understand why you can't just split up, if she has a problem with it she can take you to court and lose.

>> No.7222256

i know right. I couldn't stop cringing reading this thread.

To OP, how do you ever expect to start a family with this woman when you clearly have no penis

>> No.7222263

move it to monero and say you were scammed

>> No.7222265

Living together isn't the only requirement. The few states that still have common law marriages usually require the couple to publicly declare that they are or intend to be husband and wife through an affidavit. Simply living with someone doesn't constitute a common law marriage.

>> No.7222300

Holy kek

>> No.7222301

Just trade it all to yourself at a loss
They can't pror that some random cold storage address is yours.

If she's as dumb as you say then all the news of the tanking markets would be enough to convince her that you broke even or lost everything, then keep it a secret

>this is bait anyways or a normie coiner

>> No.7222323

>0 results for "larp"
>fuck this board!

>> No.7222325
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Sorry for shouting/spamming but seriously dude

>She's threatening divorce if I don't give her her half
> I love her to death
Pathetic. Stand up for yourself and point out to her that if she isn't willing to be with you without stealing half your money then she clearly doesn't love you. Fucking whore, you deserve better m8

>> No.7222339

Women are adult sized children, this is why patriarchy is a necessary part of civilization.

If your woman doesn't respect your authority this far into the relationship and it doesn't sound like she does, she likely never will. This is probably due to your own fuckups, you trying to cater to her dysfunctional wants and putting her on pedestal instead of putting her in her place while at the same time providing for all her material and emotional needs. Just like you have to discipline your dog or your child you also have to discipline your woman (and potentially your friends too), and if you don't just like you would have a wild dog or an unruly spoiled child the same thing is true for your woman.

tl;dr you're already fucked

>> No.7222354

Break off now and don't talk to her or give her any bitcoin. She's going to file a divorce anyways.

>> No.7222369
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>He needs someone to tell him that the OP is joking and everyone else is fucking around
I bet you're a real hoot in the Seinfeld MMO threads.

>> No.7222374

Also the fact that she is threatening divorce is a huge red flag. Just put all your shit on a brainwallet, say that you've lost it all, and get her out of your life and move on.

>> No.7222376
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>> No.7222407


>N-no it MUST be fake! Women aren't like that clearly she wouldn't do that!

>> No.7222418

>Simply living with someone doesn't constitute a common law marriage.
It actually does in many countries.

>> No.7222422
File: 50 KB, 960x852, 1467670847607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had this exact same thread 5 times this week.

>> No.7222454

>>722171 its simple really dont go near money grabbing whores.

>> No.7222474

I just want whoever reads this to know that as soon as I read the first sentence of this post I scrolled past it, but then scrolled back to post this post.

>> No.7222505
File: 109 KB, 533x800, 1515260943949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Canada is unreadable

>> No.7222508

Do you have a friend who is in crypto? Talk with him and send him your Coins, break up because she is a bitch and get your coins back.

>> No.7222516
File: 2.10 MB, 1462x829, laughing chaste girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are adult sized children
>He said, posting on an image board centered on Japanese cartoons and froggie reaction images

>> No.7222517

this is pasta

>> No.7222527

You have to murder her or put it all into Monero and divorce her.

>> No.7222611

Get a load of this stupid roastie.

>> No.7222634
File: 121 KB, 960x644, 1517177429607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North America needs to be nuked, I really hate you degenerate faggots with your toxic ideologies and your retarded vagina-worshipping laws

>> No.7222668


as if europe is any better

>> No.7222680

Kek transfer to monero, and say you got hacked HA
Give ghat bitch 2000$ because she's a 2000$ whore, and then delete that bitch from your life, good thing she opened her mask before you impregnafed her

>> No.7222696

why would you need to send someone else your coins? there is no id requirement to create a crypto wallet. you would just send yourself the coins to another wallet you owned

>> No.7222716

I can't believe this. Requesting proof/source.

>> No.7222717
File: 17 KB, 480x336, laughing bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks there are girls on 4chan
Is this what you tell yourself so you can tell your mom "I do TOO talk to girls!!!"?

>> No.7222745

This man has a great point. If she loves you, why is she suddenly demanding half your money when she finds out and thinks can take it? So she can keep loving you? Now that doesn't make any sense, not even from the standpoint of a woman. From her viewpoint you'd probably be pissed that she took hundreds of thousands from you, and what would the next logical step be? breakup probably. Don't fall for this shit. Do as the other anons have said and move it to cold storage somewhere, and afterwards contact a lawyer about it. Then, even if you are required to fork up the dough, say your wallet got compromised and emptied or you lost it on a drunken all-in (On some extremely low volume coin that you happen to buy back up with a secret account)


>> No.7222748

It is better though, it is absolutely a thousand times better. Literally the only people here who propagate your toxic ideologies are faggots that got their money or formation from american universities or from being an ameriboo.

>> No.7222770

>"FUCK, I got hacked and lost it all, that sucks"
>"Listen I don't think we're going to work out anymore so you need to move out"

Problem solved

>> No.7222799

This is the real advice.

>> No.7222801

mix the coins to a torwallet

>> No.7222806

it is better if he gives her all the money to handle, and then he steals it from her. So she thinks she got hacked and it's her fault. It shouldn't be hard considering women are retarded, you can just backup the private key or some shit.

>> No.7222851
File: 362 KB, 1441x899, 1497660631326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk bro, regardless of your crypto situation this woman is not marriage material any way you slice it.

Get out the relationship, hold on to as much of your money as possible, and move on. This is not the woman you want to be the mother of your children.

>> No.7222869

This is correct. Way to research OP. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/4-myths-about-common-law-relationships-1.1315129

>> No.7222887
File: 17 KB, 600x338, laughing sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better than the US
This thread just keeps getting better and better. Shit. You guys can't even own guns without sucking off three government officials per day. While liberty is struggling to survive in America, it was never even born in Europe. Our worst politicians are comparable to your best.

>> No.7222951

even if she's too retarded to do crypto she probably has a beta male orbiter somewhere who will figure this shit out for her in exchange for a pat on the back and a faked smile

>> No.7222991

Say that you lost your wallet.dat and never made a backup.

>> No.7222998


>> No.7223028

>threatening to divorce me

at least check your facts before shitposting

>> No.7223230

Shitty larp. Fucking kys if you're actually this beta.

>> No.7223239

yeah maybe, i'm not convinced

if it gets to court and if the judge has the power to side with her, he probably will. she'll cry and give whatever bs story her greasy lawyer tells her to give and the judge will award her ops money because men arre bad and women are sweet innocent creatures and ops a big mean bully that made her cry!

or maybe not. i know prenups get thrown out that way all the time.

might as well take the extra precaution of shifting your funds through some privacy coins into a wallet she doesn't know about. but even then, the record is on the blockchain. do they look at blockchains in divorce courts now? they'll see that he just moved his money provided his crytpo activites were done on an exchange in his name. but then are exchanges even giving out your personal info to divorce courts? i mean come on, i dunno

>> No.7223360


>> No.7223455

Sad truth.

Welcome to adulthood OP.

>> No.7223597

>can't even own guns

Like it was a bad thing. You burgers are truly fucking retarded

>> No.7223697

It is in Canada (or at least Ontario, where OP is probably from).

>> No.7223802

Worst case scenario he just gets "hacked". ez pz.

>> No.7223805
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>> No.7223826

get out. get a real woman. and just wash all your coins to a monero wallet. and tuck it away untill this storm blows over. tell the lawyers they can have all the bitcoin you own

>> No.7223830


>> No.7223860


>Not having a right.

>Good thing.

Wanna know how I know you're a lower middle continental ? Probably french or a german.

>> No.7223863

literally every woman responds this way when they discover our gains, it's either real or a larp of a real situation

>> No.7223899

Let her divorce.
You pay 100k for getting rid of her.
That's kind off a good deal.
She's a leach and an idiot to boot.
You're way better off without her.
You just found out you are not worth 100k to her.

>> No.7223909
File: 22 KB, 480x640, 1517352045517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this fucking larp again

>> No.7223912

Transfer into Monero and pay to have her taken care of. Don’t get the problem.

>> No.7223925

You fucked up your copypasta

>> No.7224011

AHAHAHAHAH Canada is so fucking cucked lad

>> No.7224035
File: 25 KB, 608x402, bce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHHAHAHAH KEK myfucking sides
common law?? i thought it was larp... ahahahah top kek
poor leaves all this femminist shit they have to put up with

>> No.7224110

Lawyer up.

>> No.7224209

ITT: gullible manchildren virgins

>> No.7224275

>1 post by this ID

If you are going to larp atleast put some fucking effort in it for fucks sake. I make the effort to reply to everyone of my (yous) and even forge bank statements just to maintain a high degree of credibility

>> No.7224344

Found OP's wife

>> No.7224373

0/10 larp

>> No.7224423

yeah fuck this
lazy ops are the worst
i'm out

>> No.7224475

Dump her you fucking retard. So many red flags in your post about her behavior. She doesn't love you, don't waste your resources on starting a family with her, it will be the worst decision of your life. And stop "loving" you fucking beta. Enjoy the feeling of a woman's devotion, but understand they can never love like you do. If you stop checking the boxes in their mind, they will leave.

>> No.7224558

Quoted for truth, OP

shut the fuck up roastie

>> No.7224759

OP listen to me closely

This bitch ones not know what love is, and if she has actually defined it in her mind other than some vague affection then she has not made a commitment to loving you

That is all

>> No.7224838

This. Not even yourself.

>> No.7224907

>I'm a slav with a degree from nordic country
>family of doctors

wow, how did you know that?

Do they teach you sth on tv besides ripping your assholes and shouting for the RIIIIIIIGHHHHTSSSS

Your freedom ends where another person's begins, faggot.

>> No.7224937

>demanding her half of my gains
>demanding her half of my gains
>demanding her half of my gains


>> No.7225154

Is bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies even protected by Canadian laws? If you don't withdraw the money then it can't be considered profit right? That would mean the only option is to break up with your gf, let everything settle down, wait for the 10 months of common law to end with you guys THEN withdraw the money (assuming that's what you're going to do).

>> No.7225187

>told my gf about crypto
>1 post by this I’d

Every fucking time


>> No.7225244

Probably the best thing that could of happened to you. Firstly, you better understand who she is now OP. Leave her. even if you lost half your crypto, it would be better to settle now, before the tech boom. -would be a tiny fraction compared to the amount she'd shake you down for, years from now.

Secondly, if you didn't blab about your amounts, or haven't been selling into fiat you, you should be storing every fucking satoshi you can into cold wallets.

Leave that bitch with nothing , and then years from now you can run her over with your lambo.

>> No.7225367

fucking leafs. day of the rake when

>> No.7226078
File: 53 KB, 749x424, 34211AD2-EDF3-4B3B-B49D-9AE82D4AE915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divorce her my dude. Seriously.

If she’s going to not give you the time of day to explain something to her and then bitch at you about the money right after, that’s shows that she:

1. Doesn’t respect you as an adult.
2. Is in it for the cash.

Neither of these traits are desirable in your life partner.

Abort mission. That’s my advice.

>> No.7226353
File: 82 KB, 1240x930, justin-trudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay her anon, she's earned it. Then pay your next girlfriend 50% when she divorces you too. Think about the wage gap.

>> No.7226375
File: 389 KB, 2872x3680, 1517521132069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10 bad bait, put more effort in next time

>> No.7226415

Not true, we can own guns. You americucks have no idea how life here is, and I would rather have a caliphate than be pussywhipped feminine society of the cucked states of america

>> No.7226450


She can't force you to do that. Also, if she's really doing that you can always hide the money, she can't have access to that. That's the magic of bitcoins.

>> No.7226500

If this' true you and you're actually considering giving her your bitcoins you should be castrated. Grow some balls. It's a digital coin, she can't prove you've got that.

Also, break up with her.

>> No.7226513

Transfer everything into monero and store it on a hardware wallet, then bury that in a place whose coordinates you can memorize. Then claim you got drunk and gave it all away because the money ruined your life. Your relationship is over anyways, the only thing you can save is your money. Keep that money hidden for at least 20 years and then cash it out without the use of major exchanges (assuming you even need to cash out crypto at that point). Her lawyers will do everything they can to find it, don't let her have it. If she can't get the money, you win.

>> No.7226568

get hitman, cheapest and easiest fix here

>> No.7226573


>> No.7226606

It's Bitcoin.
I'm pretty sure Canadian law hasn't kept up with it.
Option 1 (if the law doesn't cover cryptocurrency): break up with her, you owe her nothing
Option 2: put the Bitcoin into an online wallet through a tumbling service. Say you spent it or lost it gambling. Break up with her. Create an online business that takes only Bitcoin and launder that bitch

>> No.7226646

Option 3: kill her.

>> No.7226778

Go see a lawyer and explain the situation to him. Get his professional opinion on whether you owe her hald your crypto. Then do whatever he says. And no matter what the answer is leave the bitch. She revealed her true self to you.

>> No.7226792

Underrated post

>> No.7226804


>> No.7226950

don't give her shit and kick her out, let her try to come for your money
i did the same and dumped my ex fiance last year and it was the best decision of my life, i strongly recommend you do the same
women in 2018 are just not worth it man

>> No.7227028

>Streets outside are filled with niggers and Muslims, and all the European women are in burkas, but anon doesn't mind because he has his sexbot 3000 and never had to cuck himself by dating a woman

>> No.7227088
File: 34 KB, 470x512, 1503114341667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she understands that you are disposable and she can get a new man pretty easily
it's so painfully true
why must we suffer so

>> No.7227098

Why do you love someone who is threatening to divorce you over money? Are you really that fucked and how does your girlfriend divorce you?

>> No.7227119

just run away to a difference province

>> No.7227358

I miss the toilet FUDs so much.
Perhaps we will get some Cafeteria fuds for the bitcoin superconference

>> No.7227402

To get blowjobs and pussy on a regular basis I suppose

>> No.7227488

In my country the only requirement is for the woman to bring witnesses that she lived under the same roof for two years.
You are double fucked if she has kids even if they are not yours

>> No.7227522

> girlfriend
> divorce me
43985773 replies

>> No.7227647

Her half was the half you just lost?

>> No.7227717


Wait a minute. So say a chick moves in with me in my place that only has my name on it, stays for 3 years during which she has a kid which I immediately have DNA tested after birth and find out it's not mine....we break up because of that, she then can get get half my shit via marriage/divorce law as well as child support?

What the hell country are you from?

>> No.7227763

give her half of your numbers of bitcoins in form of bitconnect op

>> No.7227829


Who you gonna call. Larpbusters!!

>> No.7227976
File: 55 KB, 564x845, 1517341170232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting married

>> No.7228106

Probably this, for real.

It's not just women though. Humans are assholes.
Though it feels like people in general believe women is somehow less shitty than men. One needs to realize that they're absolutely not.

>> No.7228335

The OP is considering giving his gf half his dough to make her stay with him!. GTFO.

>> No.7228431

That picture looks exactly like me..

>> No.7228907

In some cases, yes, because it's a stable relationship. You need to take care with that.

>> No.7229035

Come on anon, where's your answer, you can't be that dumb, right?

>> No.7229116

Buy some shitcoin with a little bit of bitcoin. Move the rest to another wallet. Once you have that setup, breakdown in front of her and say that she was right and that you lost all your money. Make you have little to nothing left in the account.

>> No.7229170
File: 27 KB, 399x385, laughing-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek My Sides

>> No.7229185

Ahahaha. Gf/bf fags btfo. Now living together is marriage even if you don't get married. I'm glad this law exists so that normies like OP get btfo

>> No.7229225

Living together for a while is now marriage.

>> No.7229273
File: 511 KB, 840x488, 1498165556529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt biz falls for another larp copypasta

>> No.7229318


just tell her you lost everything apart from like 10k, cash out 10k, give it to her and never mention anything again you fucking idiot.

Otherwise if you haven't got anything in writing (in relation to you admitting to owning bitcoins) deny everything in the family court.

>> No.7229352
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>> No.7229374


it's a de facto relationship...

>> No.7229409

drop her like dropping BTC

>> No.7229419

de facto my monero faggot

>> No.7229658

Falling for
>1 post by this ID

There are threads like this every day on /biz with a fagOP telling some cool story about his gf/wife who suddenly learned about his crypto. There's no proof no nothing. And one single post.

And you retard keep falling for it.
Ask yourselves why would he ask for advice and then bail out of his own thread.

You falling for a low quality bait every single day, again and again. How fucking stupid and gullible can you be? Getting fleeced by PnD shills isn't enough?

>> No.7229931


it's never enough faggot

>> No.7230008
File: 161 KB, 502x640, poor-old-man-portrait-2750x3500_100798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the question is who's making this shit? some poor depressed faggot that thinks all women are evil so he makes up a story based on his beliefs hoping others agree with him? how sad

>> No.7230047

Okay. I looked up commonlaw in Canada and it says 12 months.