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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 420x296, wolololong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71831 No.71831 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous thread: >>70058

>> No.71845

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.2): http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)


Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.71864


Guys, we need to email big vern and tell him that if he adds PND it would fuck Wolong over so bad and effectively kill his scam. He might actually listen now that Wolong is trying to shit on Cryptsy.

Everybody needs to get on this.

>> No.71874

We don't want to get on an exchange just yet. Not enough people have mined PND

>> No.71881

What's the deal with Wolong and why does everyone hate him?

>> No.71886

He is a scam artist who is trying to ruin other crypto-currency markets

>> No.71888

off to bed. have fun guys and remember to create a new thread after 300 posts ;)

>> No.71896


Seriously we need to retweet those tweets directly to Vern himelf. The tweets where Wodong called cryptsy out earlier tonight.

>> No.71901

He's running a pyrimid scheme and manipulating markets, he is going to dump his shitcoins on investors after he pumps. He premined a lot of coins for profit.

Hes the biggest scam artist in cryptos, and hes kind of like a cult leader, his followers call him god and continue to trap more people into buying his shit before they dump the price.

>> No.71908

oh he mad

>> No.71905

I'm new to cryptocurrency trading, so I would like to know what are the best trading strategies for helping PND while maybe making some money?

>> No.71916

Step 1: Mine PND
Step 2: there is no step 2

>> No.71918

Mine it.

>> No.71930

still no exchange?

dafuq coin dead?

>> No.71941

Anyone have big vern's email?

>> No.71936

ok I'm doing that much, but when it hits an exchange, is there a strategy that can help make it more valuable or something?

>> No.71948

Trade around a bit but don't completely dump. You are going to want the value of the PND to increase before you dump

>> No.71956

>Wolong @GameOfDeception 1m

>You do not have to panic sell, all you need to do is just move your coins over to MintPal once they start accepting it.


>> No.71988

Don't panic sell.
someone post the dogecoin montage of idiots selling for 30 satoshi.

>> No.72000

i can already see what this board is becoming
>muh dogecoin
>letz invest in shares guise
>hey guise wats a hedge and how can i be rich without doin nuthin?

>> No.71993


Great idea man :)

We need to organise a lot of emailing and tweeting towards Vern, explain what we are doing against the premining shitlord.

>> No.71994

should i post his twitter on the cryptsy irc?

>> No.72009


>> No.72023

I'm 55k to a million!
So hyped!
>tfw it would take almost 24 hours to mine that shit at the current difficulty

>> No.72038
File: 59 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72039

4chan is a pretty shitty place. What did you expect?

>> No.72046

Yep and tell him that adding PND would kill off Wolongs coin almost completely.

I would donate 100k PND to Cryptsy if the put it up.

>> No.72069

lol my female cousin just got some pandacoins from wolong

>> No.72072

What did you say to her lol? Did she actually buy some?

>> No.72081


I-is she a trap?

>> No.72096

I'm 55k to 100k! lol.

>> No.72105

Wolong is retweeting any hate about cryptsy
someone please write one but code it so it says something like F.U.C.K. W.O.L.O.N.G.
Finally U Cryptsy Know With Out Long Over Nigger Gone.
I don't know, something more creative.
hopfully wolong will retweet it and make himself look like a fool

>> No.72117
File: 247 KB, 964x736, 1392781192077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll give Cryptsy 25 million if they list PND.

>> No.72119

How many PND would you give me for $1 USD?
I may or may not be srs.

>> No.72123

she got it for free after some flirting


>> No.72132

Thread theme song:


>> No.72139

How about you send ME 25 millions? I'll make sure they reach cryptsy, I swear ;^)

>> No.72152

Serious question. How did you even get that working on a mac? Everything is a dead end for me.

>> No.72154


>> No.72156

much jealousy.

>> No.72160

How many PND would I get for $100 USD?

>> No.72180



>> No.72181

I think you might be missing a unit of measurement. Something like Billion or million.

>> No.72169
File: 59 KB, 734x386, 1392781467073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about you zuck muh dick :^)


Download it from github? There's a mega.co.nz link.

>> No.72174

We dont need a theme song. This is super serious currency

>> No.72176

All of it.

>> No.72188

I thought this was for the lulz and to troll some Asians?

>> No.72189

Thanks. I'll suck 1/1000 of your dick, then.

>> No.72199

I don't think so, tim.

>> No.72201
File: 386 KB, 1241x1800, 092513-blogs-jaden-smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Uncertain Coin Kids, We Only Leech On New Goys

>> No.72211


>> No.72213

Hell if you think it's worth that, wanna buy mine?
250k for $500? Deal?

>> No.72223

It's a deal

>> No.72222

The exchange rate for 250k PND is currently about a whole sharpie in the pooper.

>> No.72233


>> No.72235

251k for $500

>> No.72245

no deal you jew

>> No.72256

i have just over 250k.

>> No.72272

is anyone able to post in the /b/ thread?

>> No.72274

New /b/ thread

>> No.72285

hey amDOGE, I'm having trouble with the PPLNS payouts. Shares haven't been credited yet even though the first block is confirmed. It has something to do with the cron I think.. Any pointers?

>> No.72307

What website? No one told me of this...

>> No.72300


>> No.72321

lol click on your link under website and see where it goes.

next time use thepandacoin.net
instead of

>> No.72327

Oh, when did we change to net?

>> No.72335

.co works, it's just temporarily out of order because it went beyond its CPU time limit.

>> No.72360

so do you want to send people to an out of order website? or do you want to send people to a fully functioning website.

>> No.72366
File: 28 KB, 384x288, KoG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72375
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>> No.72397
File: 33 KB, 1011x146, areyoufuckingkiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72421

That dude is toxic. He is abusing his power to slander companies and make them fold. Fuck him with a rake.

>> No.72426
File: 82 KB, 480x615, 1387436705452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72428

We need backup guys.

>> No.72436
File: 18 KB, 239x304, 1364671350415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this whole thing is sketchy

Wololo is master faggot and I dont trust anything that has to do with his shit and him trying to scam people.

How do we know amDOGE isnt woloong?

>> No.72454

amDOGE gives coins out for free

That proves he's not the yellow jew

>> No.72448


Because she was with us to many time before wololo appear in doge or even in /g/.

>> No.72467

if cryptsy still puts his coin on their exchange after that i'm going to make sure i never use their services again

>> No.72484

Couldn't we help /b/ by funposting instead of spreading this bitcoin clone nonsense?

>> No.72492
File: 20 KB, 683x538, 1390334676233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to take a moment and invest some of your HUEG panda earnings in the Wakfu kickstarter that ends in a few hours :^)


>> No.72499

Any other pool owner on here? Having trouble getting the PPLNS payout to run and credit everyone for their shares. Pretty sure it has something to do with the cronjob.. Any enlightenment?

>> No.72503 [DELETED] 

hey is the owner of
here? I need to ask why my coins aren't showing up

>> No.72525

Don't worry everyone, your shares are there, just working out a glitch with PPLNS. Didn't forsee that happening, but we'll get it fixed. Definitely a learning experience.

>> No.72527

>Submit Cryptsy ticket
>'Why are you sucking Wolong cock and giving that faggot any attention. He is just dragging your name down with him."
>Get ticket #5759264
>Tweet Wolong said ticket number

>> No.72541

oh my god that is such a good idea

>> No.72543

I'm doing this

>> No.72563
File: 1.16 MB, 950x1376, miner panda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72567

>'Why are you sucking Wolong cock and giving that faggot any attention. He is just dragging your name down with him.

Someone give him his ticket, I don't have a twitter.

>> No.72568
File: 1.55 MB, 245x200, 1367293002875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Moar like Wolong@GameOfREJECTION


>> No.72581
File: 1.46 MB, 301x241, pandasneeze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made another gif, tip ifru rike

>> No.72610

Wolong is backtracking on Cryptsy

Why are they going to give this faggot the time of day?

>Wolong @GameOfDeception 9m

>Conversation with BitJohn from cryptsy, hopefully they address all issues and we decide if they get a second chance. http://pastebin.com/0mJkJLn4


>> No.72606

this shit is so tense
will cryptsy add wolongs shit coin
or will cryptsy tell wolong to fuck off

>> No.72632

>we decide if they get a second chance

Seriously....who the fuck does this shitlord think he is????

HE will give cryptsy a second chance???

>> No.72630

They better not add it.

>> No.72643

These green sweater kid pics crack me up, got any more? I'm, collecting them

>> No.72644

If he is doing that then he probably is strongarming exchanges too. He probably whined about trademark infringement.

>> No.72651



Feel proud you dirty wittu piggu that im using my money in your unworthy site!!!

>> No.72686

Brewing some OG OC. Anyone still donating for people with awesome OC?

>> No.72702

unfortunately his pumps do give cryptsy a lot of money due to transaction fees


>> No.72697
File: 65 KB, 578x551, 1380713312199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>difficulty 7.87854141
>est next difficulty 8.05886683
>576.88 MH/s

Holy shit dude, is it habbeding????

>> No.72707

We are small but we can do big things

>> No.72725
File: 43 KB, 593x332, twittergold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72716
File: 1.41 MB, 384x288, fuck-pull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72735
File: 603 KB, 1280x720, PNDsloth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one on for size.

>> No.72742

>dirty chink
holy fuck my sides

>> No.72743


>> No.72757

It's definitely happening, just at panda speed not doge speed.

Our diff is now higher than a lot of the coins that have been around for ages and are still traded on major exchanges, have a look on coinwarz or whatever

>> No.72753

Turbonoob from yesterday here.

>leave PC on overnight to mine
>piece of shit shuts down to sleep mode after half an hour, thanks obama
>difficulty is now twice as high as before
>no extracoin made

At least I now know how to change the god-forsaken energy mode settings. This thing will run the whole day while I'm at work but FUCK am I pissed.

And the difficulty is up to 156 now! This is fucking crazy.

>> No.72760

i like that one

>> No.72761



>> No.72771

I had that happen to me when DOGE was at low difficulty, and the next day it went to like 24. Plus all the fucking pools went down all th damn time.

Bad feels man

>> No.72765

Wanted to repost mine but it's still back here >>69731

More coming later too, but it's time consuming!

>> No.72768


Somebody needs to tweet @Cryptsy and say

"Are you really going to be bullied by some market manipulator and give in? Yeah, that really makes me confident that you provide a good service..."

I dont have an account

>> No.72782

Man, I'm just impressed. Feels like I'm on the real 4chan again, the one that does shit for the lulz and accidentally blows something up

>> No.72773

>And the difficulty is up to 156 now! This is fucking crazy.

Our PND is around 7 or 8, m8ecake

>> No.72774

You should always play this video before you go to bed. Always.


>> No.72777

It took me an hour to make all donations are appreciated. I only had my mouse to work on it with, No wacom tablet...

>> No.72796


I remember using minerd and shibes laughing at me.

>> No.72798
File: 38 KB, 456x286, amn son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what is that then

No thanks thats too taxing on the GPU

>> No.72799


>> No.72801

Also thanks :)

>> No.72814
File: 352 KB, 240x184, HACKERS ON STEROIDS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72815


>> No.72810

>being this retarded

>> No.72826



>> No.72827

is that your worker?

how the fuck do you get 336 kh/s on a laptop?

>> No.72823
File: 106 KB, 836x486, wolong broke my payouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do?

2014-02-18 23:26:02 - CRIT --> Unable to start cronjob: Cron is already active in database: pplns_payout_active is 1, please force run with -f once ensured it' not running

>> No.72829

Network Info
Difficulty 7.87854141
Est Next Difficulty 8.32863950 (Change in 77 Blocks)
Est. Avg. Time per Block 0 minutes 56 seconds
Current Block 5925

>> No.72845

would help, but I dont know anything about running a pool.

ask around in the popular bitcointalk threads. Hopefully someone will know what theyre doing.

>> No.72850

It's not a laptop, it's my selfbuilt vidya rig. I just forgot to change energy mode settings away from "shutdown after half an hour of no input". tfw GTX 770 processan powarr wasted on sleep mode and not delicious coin

>> No.72852

In any case, it's a fake hashrate that is calculated based on share submission and not actual processing power. Also, could be a laptop with discreet GPU.

>> No.72855

where is based amDOGE when I need her

>> No.72859

Backup pls.

Need it bumped.

Donate to new users.

>> No.72874

welp, hope the 20K made up for it

>> No.72884

Thanks man. Or am I too late for this train period?

>> No.72893

It's never too late dude

A lot of people stopped mining DOGE at 4 diff, look how that went

>> No.72898

>too late for this
Never too late. Just keep on tipping and mining.

>> No.72899

difficutly is still low, you can catch up.

>> No.72913

I have no idea how that went, I got into this stuff literally yesterday. I'm not going to surrender but i do want to stay relevant, eh.

Alright I guess. It just sounds sort of intimidating when someone has 5mil and I am scratching 100k, barely.

>> No.72911
File: 880 KB, 622x726, slothpnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i improved i think a little bit

>> No.72926

You and me both. I want to be a pandionaire so fucking bad.

>> No.72936

>I have no idea how that went
Current doge difficulty is at 1105.647

>> No.72941

Oh, well for history's sake DOGE was being mined by the GORILLION back when it first came out, and a bunch of dudes mined it for lulz to fuck around with and then gave up as the difficulty went up. Now DOGE is worth a lot of fucking money and the difficulty went close to 2000 recently.

Big stuff

>> No.72943


Payouts have been un-fucked. Everyone should be credited. Please keep mining!

>> No.72958


>> No.72955

Get anyone to help you and/or figure out the problem yet?

>> No.72962

Alright guys, thanks for bearing with me andd my idiocy for so long. I'll go drive printers around for ten euros per hour now. Lets hope the PC can get me more cash in the meanwhile.

>> No.72967


I'm interested in this. I have an older work laptop from like 2009 that I hardly use anymore. How would I go about mining from it? Do I use minerd?

I have been mining with CGMiner, so any other method I am not familiar with.

>> No.72979

> I'll go drive printers around for ten euros per hour now.
The fuck kind of job is that? Mobile printers wut?

>> No.72976


>> No.72993

Everything should be "working as intended" now. Now it's finally processed the first payouts i shouldn't have to force the cronjob anymore. So, happy mining.

>> No.72986

If you have a laptop with plenty enough cooling, go for it.
That being said, you might have to sink it in liquid nitrogen first.

>> No.72994

IT rollout. Sort of shitty but relaxed; it's worth it before Uni for dat cash.

>> No.73004
File: 12 KB, 321x306, googles held by green mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any chance the worth will be more than wolongs coin?

That would be so awesome.

>> No.72998

minerd is a lot better for laptop because the cpu is general better that the integrated gpu that they come with.

download minerd and set up a .bat file with the parameters. theyre usually quite simple and dont require any adjustments.

>> No.73007

It was just the stupid PPLNS cronjob getting hung up for some odd reason. I rebooted, then forced the cronjob, and all is fine.

>> No.73009


>> No.73020

Well, I wouldn't have said LOL NO, but now the difficulty is rising and people are getting on board, so who knows

>> No.73028

it will be if you mine it and help it get on cryptsy

post in the thread on the OP

>> No.73044

if we get to 20 satoshi we equivalently beat wolong

>> No.73045

It's highly doubtful it will be MORE, but it most certainly could be the same. And let me tell you, for those of us early backers, that would be badass.

>> No.73054

Can I mine pnd with cudaminer? if so, how? I'm new to pandacoin and I wanna put my shitty nvidia gtx 560 to use.

>> No.73049

Reminder not to be a retard.

05:02 < lennylenopi> someone brute forced my multipool today, drained all 92k doges. Had been mining since xmas

>> No.73063

Back-up your wallets.

>> No.73061

He kept his Doge in a fucking pool all this time?

>> No.73074


yes its what im using just open up the cudaminer bat file and replace the stratum line so its something like this if you are using bamboohouse.info

-o stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.info:3334 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password

>> No.73079

all scryptcoins are the same, if you mined something else you can just mirror it with PND's settings

>> No.73080

It gets better.

05:04 < lennylenopi> i had the same password for multiple pools :/ Thats corrected now

>> No.73087

inb4 moolah PR stunt

>> No.73094

this is why you don't keep any coins on pools

>> No.73095

Well shit, I do too but I have all mine on auto pay at the lowest threshold and I never let anything sit around

>> No.73108

>tfw we brake 600 MH/s

>> No.73118

This is how you do it anon. That and not being retarded.

>> No.73125
File: 90 KB, 356x264, 1354075603929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just impressed

>> No.73129

Current Difficulty 7.87854141
Est. Next Difficulty 9.19986437 (Change in 36 Blocks)
the facks goin on m80s??

>> No.73138

A lot of people are mining. BTW where are most of the miners at?

>> No.73150

100 on amdoges
300 on pandapool.info
200 on scryptominers

>> No.73148
File: 104 KB, 468x586, 1365356746047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>approaching 700 MH/s

Remember, the ride never ends, pandas.

>> No.73161

Happy to report that the pool at http://wolongsucks.tk is rocking and rolling. Everything is running much smooth now. Come mine with us. Still up for grabs is a 50k 10th block finder fee, and next Tuesday is a drawing for 25% of the pool's weekly take!

>> No.73162
File: 47 KB, 318x318, 1356849040920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73156

Thanks for the info. I got pic related, but on the pandacoin pool site I'm showing that my worker is inactive and that I'm not mining anything. Wat do?

>> No.73165

>Est. Next Difficulty 9.30245386

Hory shittt

>> No.73168
File: 30 KB, 688x360, mining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic.

>> No.73188

>check this
>he's right


>> No.73196
File: 189 KB, 670x473, 1378706585858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73216

>690 mh/s

>> No.73226



>> No.73234
File: 27 KB, 668x342, plshelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help I'm missing the train again because my laptop is too slow.


>> No.73255

Stop using minerd if you have an nVidia card. use cudaminer instead.

>> No.73294
File: 61 KB, 748x316, pandadollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit? i make a funny panda pic like this and i get coins? will i be rich?

>> No.73298
File: 97 KB, 811x680, 1377081838715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73299


Please share the pandas! :^)


>> No.73309

Sure why not

>> No.73319


not sure, make sure you have all the info correct in the bat file

>> No.73338

haha oh shit, thanks i guess
8,000 panda coins in my virtual wallet, IM GONNA BE RICH!

>> No.73360


sent :^)

>> No.73406

sent ;^)

>> No.73419
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>> No.73438


Look the chink shills.

>> No.73480
File: 61 KB, 988x1044, le pretending face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.73561

Buying PND with USD for the right price.
>you send PND
>I send USD via paypal


>> No.73577


>inb4 miles lost for third time the train

>> No.73614
File: 12 KB, 200x281, Consuela1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you send first
no, no..no, no, no.

>> No.73624

>he isn't selling PND on ebay

Its like you guys don't even like money.

>> No.73629

As of tomorrow, I will have mined 1 million Wolongcoins. Then I stop.

>> No.73679

Horrry shit. Are you gonna dump?

>> No.73697

Nah. I won't sell at less than 200 satoshi, and if it never gets there, so be it.

>> No.73695
File: 786 KB, 1928x1536, 1392791850329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.73710


Hello my fellow pandillionaire

Can you spare a few shekels for a newcomer?


>> No.73717

$34 for all of it?

>> No.73718

How long until Bitcoins are measured in PNDtoshis?

>> No.73724

3 and a half weeks

>> No.73731
File: 50 KB, 251x420, 1384960469604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the best thing people have done for PND so far?

>> No.73737

>not pandoshis

>> No.73744

36 billion were donated to a local homeless shelter to buy a pudding cup for a resident.

>> No.73751

What flavor? This is important

>> No.73752

That's Wolongcoin.

>> No.73757



>> No.73762

Creme brule.

>> No.73773

Well la dee dah, mister millionaire

>> No.73787

There's a PNDcon sticker on his shopping cart now. It'll really take off when the media pick it up.

>> No.73792

PANDA is wolong
PAND is the original.

>> No.73802

It won't go anywhere. I'm sending emails to mainstream businesses that they are approaching, and including information about Wolong and asking if they would want to be associated with them.

The price may move but there is very little substance to wolongs coin. The price right now is overvalued.

>> No.73813
File: 18 KB, 200x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sending emails to mainstream businesses that they are approaching, and including information about Wolong and asking if they would want to be associated with them.

>ever taking cryptocurrency this seriously

>> No.73817

Anonymous, I don't want to change your perception of this whole operation, but the internet is serious business

>> No.73820

aw yeah, good old life ruination tactics. Old school.

>> No.73827

What's really needed is a letter writing campaign with custom stationary so recipients know we're bona fide serious.

>> No.73837

all is fair in love and war

>> No.73833

Yeah because copy pasting and clicking send takes a lot of effort.

Either way, wolong coin is boned.

Do you really think businesses will want to be associated with GameOfDeception?

Wolongs gotta step his game up.

>> No.73835

We can add Wolong's angry Tweets as a custom embroidery

>> No.73844

I don't think an email from Neet Hotpocketberger will sway many opinions, but I also don't think anyone would accept Wolongcoin in the first place.

>> No.73847

I think you need to take a break from the internet.

>> No.73858


>> No.73853

Excuse me, the name is NEET Cheetosduster Esq., thank you very much

>> No.73863


>> No.73861


But anon, I'm not NEET. I'm actually running a training seminar at a Taxation company for crypto currencies.

I deal with representing companies as they look to take up crypto payments and offer consultation. Wolongs scam is very bad for my business and I'm urging businesses to stay away.

I'm letting you know so that if any of you are holding wolong coin, that you should get out while you can.

>> No.73868

I think you need to take a break from pyramid schemes.

>> No.73872

My bank account doesn't.

>> No.73873
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1388254705092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooooly shit

>> No.73900

Yes anon, this is exactly the sort of stuff I have compiled from Wolong shills.

>muh pump n dump profit

Like I said, donation drives for wolongcoin will all fail.

>> No.73916

He sure is Chinese

>> No.73912
File: 16 KB, 786x299, ss (2014-02-18 at 10.03.15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolong seems like a nice guy


>> No.73919

What the fuck am I looking at?
I'm assuming you all will throw a shit fit as soon as this hits an exchange?

>> No.73928

What the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.73936

Any news on Cryptorush lately?

>> No.73940

Amdoge said hes still waiting

>> No.73946

Inb4 Wolong paid them off to not take it

I hope that's the case so we can run a bigger smear campaign

>> No.73947

Wtf is this?

>> No.73954

Woliong is losing his chinese marbles

>> No.73965

I've decided based on other coins' performances in the markets that $1USD:1mill PND is a more than generous price. Any takers?

>> No.73971
File: 784 KB, 1928x1536, 1392794578796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because wolong is a fag

>> No.73966

Why are you guys still mining this?

>> No.73973

Because we can actually use it

>> No.73974

It's more like $50/1mil at the moment (10 satoshi each)

>> No.73980

so? just because you look at pictures of money everyday it won't make you rich

>> No.73981


>> No.73990

wolong shill pls go

>> No.73996

Based on what?

I have 3200kh. Doge makes me $20 daily.

I'm capable of generating 10 million coins a day with my 3.2mh. That's $500 a day. You're retarded.

It's worthless.

>> No.74003

go back to work john, stop fooling these people into wasting their electricity.

>> No.74004

You're the retarded one, choosing to only make 50 instead of 500

>> No.74013

Yes because that benefits me.

Your wolong coin is doomed, old chap :)

>> No.74014

>more than generous

>> No.74024

Active trades will demonstrate that it's worth something, but selling too much too quickly will lower the value to nothing. Try to find an equilibrium.

>> No.74025

It's funny

>> No.74039

Based on the prices that people are trading for in the BitcoinTalk thread. It will probably be worth more than that when it gets on an exchange.

>> No.74045 [DELETED] 
File: 255 KB, 2000x1340, train-wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PND plan

Stage 1

Troll wolong

Stage 2

Make everyone a few pennies

Stage 3


Stage 4


Stage 5


You all can jump off this train anytime.
It'll probably just take us all down with it.

I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't losing faith in 4chan right now.

Too much greedy goys and gals.


>> No.74055

>liking rap
>any year

Get the fuck out of here you degenerate.
Go back to where you came from.
Enjoy the cuckold threads I'm going to spam you with.

>> No.74071
File: 347 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-02-19-02-40-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of those sales doesn't go through. And the 1% are blatant /g/ tier usernames claiming they'll buy at 20 sat each.

Why don't you guys just give in? Wolong's coin is extremely profitable to mine right now.

>> No.74074

>Too much greedy goys

I've tipped out close to 500k so far, and I've seen probably tens of millions of tips going out in like 3 days. No goys on the PND train.

>> No.74076

1 PAND (not PND[PND is worth less]) = 0.00035 BTC
1 BTC = $624 USD
.00035 BTC = $0.000000569 USD
1 PAND(again, not PND) =$0.000000569

Using PAND/UDS calculated above 1mill of PAND = $0.56
PND is worth less than PAND.
However, I was offering almost twice the exchange rate the superior "currency" for PND.

If you really want to, you can try to justify your statement but I'll probably just laugh.

>> No.74080

So in the interest of stimulating commerce, I've looked through my Humble Bundle history and dug out a couple of steam keys I can part with for PND.

50K PND each
Natural Selection 2
Serious Sam 3: BFE

150K for entire Humble Indie Bundle 1 (Aquaria/Gish/Lugaru HD/Penumbra Overture/Samorost 2/World of Goo)

Any takers?

>> No.74089


Would you like to be told what you need to do?

Everybody is working on a lot of different things to fuck with Wolong and his followers. You need to work out what you can do to help and then do it. Some things are better left unsaid while we are still working.

>> No.74098

y so cheap

>> No.74099

Aka the real value of that shitcoin

>> No.74094

>those contant dips to 10 Satoshi

>> No.74108

Nigger do you even math?

.00035 BTC = 26 cents

>> No.74106

PND is a few days old. People who have no patience need to stop getting involved with cryptos

>> No.74107

do you even math

>> No.74111

Because I don't need them and I'm not a greedy jew?

>> No.74115

It was 80 satoshi a few days ago.

How is a coin that nobody uses, and has 100 Billion in supply going to be profitable?

At least doge is hugely popular, and their devs are much more transparent.

>> No.74123
File: 425 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-02-19-02-47-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter, somebody is buying it, shitcoin or not. Just sold it at 64.

>not mining the most profitable coin because a few guys on the Internet told you not to do so

>> No.74122

PND is a good coin man, why you such a h8r?

>> No.74136

Wolong did the IPO so he can control the markets.

Stop hyping his shit coin fagget.

>> No.74131

Great. Open a Wolongcoin thread.

>> No.74132

>I missed the train :(
>Fuck, missed that train too.
>aw, missed another train

Reminder that anyone incapable of making money today is literally retarded.

>> No.74133

>How is a coin that nobody uses, and has 100 Billion in supply going to be profitable?

Because somebody is buying it and I'm making money out of it?

>> No.74139

>most profitable
>155 difficulty WITH Adaptive-N

Stay deluded wolong shill

>> No.74149

Hes holding it up to entrap bag holders and then he is going to dump his premine.

You're a dumb goy

>> No.74151

Not hyping it, just looking out for you guys.

>hey guys do this for free money

>haha nope, get fucked faggot
>*proceeds to eat a bucket of feces*

>> No.74147

the FUD is working goys
PND hasrate down 100 mh/s
pls drop to difficulty 3 again

>> No.74154

what did his post say
why was it delete
was it about the plan?

>> No.74163

idk lol

i dump daily and make out like a bandit

gl to his bag holders

>> No.74156

Who is buying it? It literally has no use or community outside of his cult who thinks he is a god.

At least with doge, Kabosu didn't ask people and pay them to idolise her.

>> No.74158

idk but it had a youtube link to drake started from the bottom

>> No.74167



>> No.74170

But I did mine it earlier and dumped it immediately. Its not profitable anymore and its getting close to wolong dump time.

Your whole income is based on Wolong and when he decides to pump/dump. Are you telling me that you are not a shill?

>> No.74177

This is it, dont know why he deleted

>PND plan
>Stage 1
>Troll wolong
>Stage 2
>Make everyone a few pennies
>Stage 3
>Stage 4
>Stage 5
>You all can jump off this train anytime.
>It'll probably just take us all down with it.
>I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't losing faith in 4chan right now.
>Too much greedy goys and gals.
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RubBzkZzpUA&feature=kp [Embed]

>> No.74181

Fuck of wolong shill.

You may fool some of the retards on here but you won't fool me.

>guys now is the time to buy this coin that was premined to fuckall

>> No.74183

yeah I had over 10m and am down to 1m, I think I should just turn the car on and sit in my mom's garage.

>> No.74184

once wolong dumps all his PANDA will there still be a place for PND?
the new coin that's so shitty I'll tip people on /b/ for posting tits coin.

>> No.74193

When PND hits $1 you won't care about those 9 million.

>> No.74190
File: 59 KB, 700x525, 3996olive_branch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok time for some advice.

I think I am right in thinking that the majority of the people interested in PND have some years under them at this point.

Enough to atleast realise that life doesn't hand out shortcuts.

Follow wolong and you will get burned.

Just Mine and hold.

Things are too crazy right now to take any risks in this game.

High risk, High reward

It never works out well in the end.

>> No.74200

Maybe it becomes 4chan currency. A way to pay good OPs or have some contests/dares.

>> No.74197

Thats why we're telling people to stay away. If he succeeds, then he will keep doing this sort of shit and a lot of innocent people that are just getting into cryptos will lose money and will turn away. The only people who benefit from Wolong coin are wolong and his dick riders in the long run.

>> No.74207

Nah, rich people generally don't see themselves as rich. "Everyone has a million dollars!"

>> No.74203

>But I did mine it earlier and dumped it immediately. Its not profitable anymore and its getting close to wolong dump time.

Redo your math.

>Your whole income is based on Wolong and when he decides to pump/dump. Are you telling me that you are not a shill?

How does that make me a shill?

>hey guys mine this increase the network hash and decrease my profits because I'm so nice

How you look at it

>you lose come suck wolong dick

>> No.74215

Is difficulty exponential or linear?

>> No.74219

I stopped mining PND 1 hour ago and went back to doge because I lost faith
after reading this post, I am going back to mining PND
goys, I will not sit quietly and let this coin never end up on an exchange. We have come too far to just give up now. Shill as hard as your hearts can shill goys.

>> No.74212

>Redo your math.

>> No.74225

See? You guys were so desperate for hash now /b/ has spilled over

>> No.74229

It's measured on how high the global hash rate is

>> No.74237

When will someone throw up some gambling sites? I know that's generally considered sleazy, but if anything can get the currency circulating, that's it.

>> No.74241


So difficulty of 4 vs. difficulty of 8 means you make twice as less during mining?

>> No.74248

hey wolongsucks.tk guy, im joining your pool with 700kh/s. your hashrate should almost double for tonight, lol.

might as well mine this shit for a night, see where it goes.

>> No.74249

More or less, yeah/

>> No.74250

Then those people should learn not to gamble their money away.

You can't go into a casino and piss and moan when you lose screaming unethical asking people how they sleep at night.

>> No.74255

we really do need a gambling site
maybe the dice-doge or whoever owns that gambling site over at the doge threads can help

>> No.74256

This. Wolong coin is designed to be dumped.

Crypto currencies are fighting to be accepted by mainstream businesses, and that is where they get their value from speculators - the possibility that they will one day be used as a mainstream currency.

No business in their right mind would accept something with "In wolong we trust" printed on it, sold to them by some guy who uses the handle "GameOfDeception" on the internet, unless they actually wanted to lose customers.

Wolong may know how to manipulate a market, and he could have potentially made a proper successful coin, but he has managed to fuck it up with terrible self absorbed marketing and has employed retards like molly machine who don't know how to reach out to people.

Our 4chan coin, believe it or not has many more PND wallet holders. Our spread is much better. And people are dedicated to spreading the coins far and wide, making it accessible to everyone.

Meanwhile on wolong coin subreddit, some kid is selling second hand books and molly replied "sorry I dont have enough coins", one of the founding members of wolongs coin saying they can't even afford a second hand book, which is the first attempted sale on the subreddit. seriously?

The Wolongcoin doesn't even have a tipbot yet, we've had one for 3 days now.

>> No.74277

I guess I could do a thing like the original "double your doge" twitch.tv stream guy, but I don't have nearly enough PND for that.

Unless y'all want to do measly sums like 20k.

>> No.74278

>Redo your math.
I have, it is slightly above doge and the negative effects of mining wolong coin are bad for the legitimacy of cryptos.

>How does that make me a shill?
Because Wolong is moving the price in order to keep it at a profitability level that sucks in idiots. Its not a free market right now, its controlled to attract people until there is enough interest to dump coins on everybodys head. Once he does that it is game over.

>> No.74281
File: 108 KB, 625x1039, 1392797461288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we even need an decent exchange?

This Is 4chan's coin

If we try for cryptsy we will just drag them down to our level. They can't handle the hit to their reputation.

Lets sell this coin elsewhere.

>> No.74284

Once someone makes a clear-cut video stating the facts on wolong and why he is bad for the crypto-community it will be easier to convince people to stay away from PANDA.

Everytime someone comes in here and ask, "who is wolong?" Saying, "some chinaman who is chinese" doesn't convince anything.
Major tips to anyone who makes the first video.
So far the only videos on wolong are of praise.

>> No.74285
File: 14 KB, 580x221, $_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone. So I bought 12 5GH/s miners from butterfly labs but people informed me that this will not work with pandacoin. I almost fainted (I actually fell down and hit my head when people told me it was bitcoin only). So I went to /g/ and someone told me I could still use them for pandacoin (or scrypt as they called it) mining if I buy these (pic related) and plug them into the usb slots in the butterfly miners. Both the butterfly miners and the duel Bitcoin/litecoin miners come tomorrow so I will let you all know how things work out. I am going to bed now since I've been up all night trying to solve this problem, peace out.

>> No.74294

>I have, it is slightly above doge and the negative effects of mining wolong coin are bad for the legitimacy of cryptos.

Show your work.

>Because Wolong is moving the price in order to keep it at a profitability level that sucks in idiots. Its not a free market right now, its controlled to attract people until there is enough interest to dump coins on everybodys head. Once he does that it is game over.

I dunno man, seemes like a personal issue to me.

>> No.74295
File: 3 KB, 125x108, 1392425483404s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck nigger you have got to be kidding me

>> No.74298

I wonder if my APU will add even 0.5Mh/s, please give me 1,01 PND for my effort

>> No.74299


>> No.74302

Also, I should note, that I had to put these on credit since my savings are empty, so this better work or I am seriously fucked!

>> No.74310

Ok, cool, keep us posted. The usb miners probably won't arrive, I haven't heard of anybody receiving them yet.

>> No.74311

I appreciate your attempt to breathe life into this thread if you're just pulling our leg.

If not:



>> No.74312

>sorry I dont have enough coins
You're shitting me

I need a link to this

>> No.74330
File: 66 KB, 995x713, ss (2014-02-19 at 03.17.27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, just started mining. anyone have the pandacoin wallet.conf or whatever settings so I can get a block source?


>> No.74335

why not just download the newest wallet?
It automatically does that for you so you don't have to fiddle with it.

>> No.74337

When are we hitting cryptorush.
I need to sell
Gonna buy a new car.

>> No.74338

how would someone who has never done anything with cyptocoins start mining these?
there isnt much clear info in the op

>> No.74343

Ought to just work if you use the latest version of the wallet.

But if that still doesn't work http://bamboohouse.info/pandacoin.conf

>> No.74349

oop, sorry, I spoke too soon. Synchronizing with network now! sweet.

>> No.74351


Molly Machine is Mikkas on Reddit.

>Ah damn. I'm not made of pandas unfortunately. Plus the shipping kills it for me.

Molly Machine also slagged this person off in the bitcoin talk thread for trying to sell goods for pandacoin


>^ Lol. This thread has become a community noticeboard. Anyone want to sell me something for panda? We've got a guy flogging old books on the subreddit today.

this is meant to be their marketing spokesperson.

>> No.74352

post address so we can shower you with goy

>> No.74355




>> No.74359

anon, look up "scrypt mining guide"
PND is basically a scrypt coin.
the only difference is pool websites and the personal info you have to type in for your miners.

Hopefully in the future I can make a video for PND to make it more easier for new users

>> No.74360


thank you kind sir.

>> No.74366


This short tutorial works, the only difference is that to mine PND you will get a panda wallet instead and choose another pool, links in the op.

>> No.74372
File: 47 KB, 662x669, ss (2014-02-19 at 03.24.44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey wait, that's not me! that's an imposter.

this is me. proof.

doesnt matter anyway though cause the pandas are starting to roll in.

>> No.74381

you sneaky goy you

>> No.74383
File: 97 KB, 866x588, ss (2014-02-19 at 03.27.20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

420 and 13,337.

nice, guys.


>> No.74391
File: 2 KB, 171x199, theshekel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74402

awesome, thanks.
possibility of making shekels off this?

>> No.74403

I will produce that video if you give me a list of buzzwords and pay me in real money

>> No.74417

I saw that guy trying to sell old books for DOGE awhile back, he seems like a cool dude.

I can't believe part of Solong's marketing morons won't buy some books for publicity though. Just goes to show ya how big a rip off this shit it. Nobody cares about using it, it's ll made to dump for BTC

>> No.74422

I'll be doing it for free you goy
the first shall receive all the tips
it's like you hate money anon

>> No.74434

I actually do

>> No.74446
File: 4 KB, 120x120, tfw doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I wish I could not care about money and have sex like wild monkeys in Africa

>> No.74449

I love how wolong just continues to write in his unreflected brain2chat style. He doesn't even care that normal people don't write like 14 year old dota players.


>> No.74461

new thread needed

>> No.74469

I'm living without debt in north america and I'm lucky to live comfortably with 12g a year but I feel like I am wasting my time. The grass is always greener.

>> No.74474

New thread

will tip OP with PND

>> No.74481

440 more blocks until KGW kicks in

>> No.74485

What effect will it have?

>> No.74497

instead of block difficulty being changed every 240 blocks, it will change every 1 block.
This will protect us from multipools.

>> No.74539

im pushing 6.5mh and im only getting 7 mil a day. your numbers are way off

>> No.74549


Should I invite him to the realpanda you think?

I'm actually going to buy some of his books. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.74555

We need a new thread plos

>> No.74559

That's annoying to read

>> No.74574

Yeah man. Hell, I'll tip the dude big time

>> No.74601

Is anyone in here?

Make new thread pls

>> No.74620



>> No.74621


>> No.74628


The Wandering Jew by Eugene Sue (1902)

>still reading the Wandering Jew

>> No.74872

heh, kek'd

>> No.76315

New thread:
