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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 1417x664, unknown (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7203288 No.7203288 [Reply] [Original]

This is only the beginning

>> No.7203303


>> No.7203312
File: 296 KB, 500x500, 1502867590961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The chart was right all along. Thank fuck I'm a pussy and sold early enough to only lose a couple bucks. It really is fucking over.

>> No.7203350
File: 67 KB, 680x1020, 1498154657667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant fucking WAIT for return to the mean

>> No.7203366


and you know what happens after
shit repeats

>> No.7203387

I finally sold at 8750 and I actually feel relieved.. I'm worried it'll bounce but I guess that goes away after it drops a few hundred.

>> No.7203411
File: 114 KB, 600x480, cleanse_the_impure_by_kapotun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a pic of a deamon prince but whatever

>> No.7203418

oh boy
i hope you’re meming

>> No.7203452

4k sounds pretty comfy :)

>> No.7203457

its about to go beneath 8500, so you did the right thing. probably will be beneath 8k tomorrow

>> No.7203483

Holy fuck it's going to dip below 0???!?!?!

People are going to give me money to take their bitcoin??

What exchange will facilitate this, going all in when that happens

>> No.7203497

I think a slow bleed to previous resistance at $6K is more likely, preceding steady gains for a month; the mother of all cup and handles.

>> No.7203511

This is the first sell of you fucking retards.

>> No.7203536

Boy sure is a good thing I can just wait a month and return to mean, thanks for reassurance friendo!

>> No.7203539
File: 106 KB, 841x797, 1517439780222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, even if it dips to 0 I'm not losing any money since I already cashed out more than what I put in. I feel bad for you anons that are getting fucked.

>> No.7203553 [DELETED] 

We are in bear trap...
Also join this crypto discord for instant 1469% portfolio increase https://discord gg/pFGxB6r

>> No.7203558

Not if I accept more money for their bitcoin debt than you, duh.

>> No.7203611

hEYHEYHEY wassa wasssa wasssa THe WORLD is NOT the Same NONONO

>> No.7203652
File: 122 KB, 960x544, 1425937763734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cashed out at 16k

>> No.7203791


my god, the next bull run is going to be enormous....

>> No.7203854

i cashed out too but it still feels bad man

>> No.7203861

Feels good to have throw away money and not give a fuck.

>> No.7203897

Bitcoin will be replaced by then. This type of thing doesn't happen twice. The crypto rush came and went. The next big thing will be something else entirely

>> No.7203945


>> No.7203961
File: 79 KB, 540x540, QHfPBzf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna hold everything I've got through this shit and accumulate more with fiat. Probably dump my entire income tax check in REQ and ETH when I feel like we've hit rock bottom.

>> No.7204023


>> No.7204032


>> No.7204045

Fuck this meme chart was accurate as fuck

3k coming, maybe lower

>> No.7204053

Why hold if you think it's going lower

>> No.7204077

for me its either i make 10k or i have nothing, and i will regroup from there, ath was 3k started with 500 now sitting at abourt 1k

>> No.7204090

Long term

>> No.7204100

itll never hit that low

>> No.7204110

LOL the sellers are already exhausted, it's not crashing fast anymore.. it will stop at around 7500

>> No.7204122

this guy gets it. 10x overnight returns are gone, the market has matured. see everyone in the digital healthcare space in two years.

>> No.7204132

Not putting in what you can afford to lose

>> No.7204141
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1517383556985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I really don't have much anyway. Poorfag wagecuck. But, with everything on sale at huge discounts, I can add so much to my stack with a nice income tax check.

>> No.7204169

Despair will be where the money is at. I can taste the gains already.

>> No.7204176
File: 17 KB, 995x220, topkill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your right it will sail right on past that to a low of 1,475 USD

>> No.7204185

I do believe you understand

>> No.7204207

return the to mean 4k? I can live with that...I guess. I'm here for the long haul anyway.

>> No.7204218

I simply love it.
I remember my friends words:
Yes, soon the dollar and euro will collapse, isn't it obvious, btc is the future while he was fomoing in at btc.
You faggots know nothing. I told it many times, nobody listened:
BTC is useless. It's a meme.
By devaluating btc heat is taken off the crypto market, the bubble gets deflated.
All while WS is shorting you inbreds into the ground.
They know there will always be a btclet to buy bags anyway.
You deserve everything that's coming to you.

>> No.7204254

7500 is next, maybe a short recovery to 10k before. Keep hodling!!!

>> No.7204268

the beginning was about 20k though so clearly you can't keep your shit straight at all

>> No.7204272

I told you all a couple weeks ago, but no one listened.

This was plainly fucking obvious to people who weren't invested in crypto.

This will likely set off even more people selling, and the trend will continue to dropping below 6k, and levelling out at around 4, maybe 3k. (I doubt it will reach 0).

>> No.7204282

They're shorting for fiat so they're basically holding more useless bags.

>> No.7204299

What's your prediction on ETH?

>> No.7204302

Mean reaches 4k in 2019

>> No.7204306

Time to invest in helium bitcucks

>> No.7204321

I'm fucking glad because the original bitcoin I saw on /g/ years ago is long gone
It was a world changing idea meant to replace cash for everyday transactions but somewhere along the way greedy jews turned it into virtual gold they can't even snort go gain life force.
I just want cryptomemes to be over so something better can come along. Hopefully kike proof this time around

>> No.7204328
File: 328 KB, 1634x1096, bubble-phases1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price of BTC follows nearly perfect with the classic bubble...
Bubbles have happened for hundreds or even thousands of years and follow the same chart

>> No.7204365

That's the exact btclet mindset.
I am a stock market vet, did it all shorted Euro at perfect tops, bought oil at 28 usd, I unironically did it all.
And I tell you there is nothing that will replace the a euro let alone a greenback anytime soon.
btc is a disgusting meme, consuming more power than denmark while costing more than any bank transaction and taking as long.
Don't tell me anything, fiat is backed by WORLD ECONOMIES and not some centralized muh satoshi who could very well be the chinese government.
YOu are incredibly naive and the market will always punish brainlets like you. HODL STRONG ANON!

>> No.7204846

>dropped 24% in the last 24 hours

>> No.7204871


>> No.7204903

This either I will spend my money on something that will be effectively worthless but at the same time of more or less the same value or I make big bucks

>> No.7204920
File: 176 KB, 1064x1255, Sellit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wont reach zero but for anyone who got in at 15K+ is shit out of luck

I also told everyone to sell multiple times
Greed is blinding everyone around here it seems
Also they are mostly young and naive
Hopefully they learn HODL is a meme and can impact your life in a real way

>> No.7204988

People need to learn to cut losses. You can buy back at 4k instead holding a 18k bag. It will be a long time for the next moon run, 3 years maybe?

>> No.7205015

Yea, but you don't understand, there's a bunch of fucking tech-nerd-losers out their, and transhumanist dip-shits that were literally praying for this to take off for their gay little dumb "cyberpunk utopia" to become a thing.

Watching it crash and burn is hilarious. Loving ever moment of it.

>> No.7205037

Despair part of charts goes under 0.


>> No.7205080


>> No.7205090

>under zero

cant even into the most basic of charts on the planet
the dotted line is the mean IE average

This means the price could go below 750 USD per BTC at that point
By the end of the year we will see 1,475 USD per bitcoin and 42 USD per eth

>> No.7205112
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>return to meme

>> No.7205156
File: 85 KB, 747x472, Happy merchant pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction. This is the pattern, goys.

>> No.7205170

Crypto will never reach those heights again. The entirety of the coins price was placed on market speculation, not actual value.

It was used by criminals to launder money.

It had artificial market caps.

It had the promise of payment from non-government body with no actual authority.

It wasn't regulated.

Anyone with a third grade education could tell it was going to drop cataclysmically. It will never reach those same heights due to the fact that the previous speculative out-come has completely dissipated.

It could follow a trend of gradual re-increase to 7 or 8k, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's going to end up exactly where it started. Worth about as much as a pizza.

>> No.7205198

despair will be < 0.

>> No.7205318
File: 2.01 MB, 4256x2832, BorlandLimp-Bizkit_701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually sub zero is around 4,300 USD
That is the price to mine a single bitcoin in electricity on average across the globe.
If it hits $4,300 the miners shut off and transactions stop and BTC is kill

This is called Day Zero

South Africa is having this problem but with water


>> No.7205321

You are just wrong.

>> No.7205391

Same shit spouted every year for the past 8 years. Always wrong.

>> No.7205405

Nope. Look closer at what's going on. It's the dip right around "media attention."

What did cryptos just get: media attention.


Buy the dip to maximize gains and gtfo of poverty. You were warned.

>> No.7205413

It won't get back to $4K

>> No.7205422

according to it, btc will hit -300 bucks. if you think this graph is so accurate, post your short and lets make a smart contract were youll pay me $300 for each btc ill take from your hands.

>> No.7205424

They're only shit out of luck if they sell.

>> No.7205429

Those 4 statements were facts.

Take my "predictions" however you want, just saying what is obvious. Sorry, not sorry, that your virtual golden ticket crashed.

>> No.7205434
File: 52 KB, 768x960, Oatmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is not wrong
Intrest in crypto is falling off
If normies forget about it the money flowing in leaves
If the money leaves the mining stops
If the mining stops transactions stop
If transactions cant be complete or cost to much it ends

There is no FDIC to insure your "money" nor is there a regulation agency who is going to step in to stop it. Its all at the will of people opening up their wallets and paying fiat for digital.
This is what the entire system has been built on and how it will collapse.


>> No.7205443

That’s funny how 3 weeks ago all of you were shilling your shitcoins and ”muhh new paradigm working product murr durr 5 trillion before the bubble pops, what rolex should i buy with my gains” and now everyone is so clever “it’s obviously going to 3k”

>> No.7205446

> He sold the bottom

>> No.7205448

you're trying to buy my bags aren't you nigger

>> No.7205453

>he says, as what everyone said for the last 8 years actually comes true


>> No.7205481

Same, dumping into Ven though

>> No.7205485

>people are already ditching their mining equipment



>> No.7205490
File: 1.27 MB, 854x480, 1512659346202.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it hits $4,300 the miners shut off and transactions stop and BTC is kill
The exact scenario I predicted a year ago.

>> No.7205516
File: 2.49 MB, 500x375, DumbAndDumber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are already holding mine for me

>> No.7205522

This guy gets it.

>> No.7205542
File: 22 KB, 429x322, 1515701928343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sense that the whale hodlers are about to capitulate

>> No.7205545

>market has matured
>within 8 months
>without any kind of regulation
Hope you sell and kys when you realize this is only the beggining of crypto.

>> No.7205561


>> No.7205583

So I can't get my Lambo now?

>> No.7205619

I'm buying the gpu dip.

>> No.7205629
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Look familiar?

>> No.7205657

You'll have to wait till normies are purged.

>> No.7205665
File: 138 KB, 640x1439, 1512709759237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205681

>being this much of a brainlet
Is this literally your first dip?

>> No.7205694

Who is this demoness of semen? Anyone please?

>> No.7205712

Is there anything funnier then trying to predict crypto charts using stock market methodology? When will you brainlets learn.

>> No.7205715
File: 66 KB, 920x743, 151764247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to load up on Nvidia put options.

>> No.7205745 [DELETED] 

>Intrest in crypto is falling off
If normies forget about it the money flowing in leaves

Until interest start to pick up again, and at a rate never seen before. Lightning Network will eventually make accepting bitcoin online as ubiquitous as Paypal or even Visa.

>If the money leaves the mining stops
If the mining stops transactions stop

Bitcoin and most cryptos are designed to always work no matter the interest. If miners leave, then difficulty lowers, making it more profitable to mine.

>There is no FDIC to insure your "money" nor is there a regulation agency who is going to step in to stop it.

FDIC to insure your money from what? Getting your wallet hacked is basically impossible unless you expose your keys or have malware and aren't using hardware wallet. If you're talking about exchanges, there are FDIC insured exchanges (Coinbase, Gemini).

>> No.7205768
File: 3.44 MB, 470x285, whaledeadlolbtc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205789

>Intrest in crypto is falling off
>If normies forget about it the money flowing in leaves

Until interest start to pick up again, and at a rate never seen before. Lightning Network will eventually make accepting bitcoin online as ubiquitous as Paypal or even Visa.

>If the money leaves the mining stops
>If the mining stops transactions stop

Bitcoin and most cryptos are designed to always work no matter the interest. If miners leave, then difficulty lowers, making it more profitable to mine.

>There is no FDIC to insure your "money" nor is there a regulation agency who is going to step in to stop it.

FDIC to insure your money from what? Getting your wallet hacked is basically impossible unless you expose your keys or have malware and aren't using hardware wallet. If you're talking about exchanges, there are FDIC insured exchanges (Coinbase, Gemini).

>> No.7205792
File: 159 KB, 509x911, 1477948178800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait till "Despair"
>"Return to mean"
>~4k ok
>be rich

Did I miss something?

>> No.7205834

>it wasn't regulated
Go suck kike dick, aids man.

>> No.7205847

Crypto doesn't play the rigged game bro.
They are quietly killing/destroying major crypto producers and the big bank is strong arming governments into stamping out crypto so they can put their own bullshit in place. One they can control
HOWEVER, instead of accepting it and forcing them to play by the rules, they've all but ensured that bitcoin will be the coin of use for a fuckton of stuff.

>> No.7205871

Where's my false teeth someone get me my cane

>> No.7205886

It's called a free fall, junior.

>> No.7205899

yes, you dont know where that point is.

you could buy at 3k thinking its bottomed out entirely and it could keep dropping to 500 and then rebound to 2.5k and youre still a loser.

>> No.7205901

Yes, just wait until BTC goes negative

>> No.7205980
File: 66 KB, 1878x411, liquidations_inc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are nowhere near the bottom

>> No.7206045

lol so many retards here.

>10x gains are over
>crypto is boring now
>useless tech

Why do you even talk? Just because you earned some money by blinding buying vaporware does not make you a genius. This market has barely begun. FUD fags are a special breed of stupid.

>> No.7206176
File: 62 KB, 760x1225, Exchanges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice something?

Nearly all volume is from crypto to fiat
Everyone is getting out as fast as they can.
We are seeing exchange slowdowns which is slow the effect but its still free falling.


>> No.7206223
File: 110 KB, 1557x1079, 1517509564651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About a month ago the ECB announced they will classify crypto as a commodity and collect VAT on every deal.
About a week ago a couple of whales started liquidating.

>> No.7206252

the day u see bitstamp n femini number 1 volume is when u get out

>> No.7206333


>> No.7206372

There isn't a single fiat pair on that list you monkey

>> No.7206381
File: 90 KB, 936x929, 1516135919944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cant even afford a rope

>> No.7206442


can someone please put a pink wojak face on this guy

>> No.7206473


>> No.7206476

it's going below 0 dollars?

>> No.7206507
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>> No.7206508

Nvidia is about to get gaped.

>> No.7206515

I'll just wait for the return to meme.

>> No.7206666

wtf even louis vuitton is cheaper

>> No.7206692

>If it hits $4,300 the miners shut off
Oh please happen, I'm tired of these GPU shortages and high prices.

>> No.7206702

USDT is an attempt at fiat

That will end horrible in 3-7 days time when Tether is shown to have no USD backing the USDT

>> No.7206785

That's what's going to happen very soon, the whales of btc are going to dump into eth or another alt soon if prices don't pick up. Once it hits sub-$4400 it's all fucking over.

>> No.7206790

>If it hits $4,300 the miners shut off and transactions stop and BTC is kill

Mining difficulty adjusts with network hash rate you morons.

>> No.7206819

>gpu mining
Choose one.

>> No.7206878
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... pretty much - knew the instance the fucking news hit "assholes @ bitfinex tether officially subpoenaed" ... most savvy ones sold at that point - but it took almost 18 hours for the effect to kick in hard

not following the news while a long announced bomb swings above everyone noggin ... is pure neglect for reality

>> No.7206918
File: 107 KB, 345x379, 11k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.7206990
File: 20 KB, 340x897, 16k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you still can, it means you are one of those top 0.01% whales:


>> No.7207471

Unless bitcoin stops being king in the process, which is a very real possibility. Then they're stuck holding a shitcoin that will never accumulate value again.

>> No.7207489


>> No.7207527

was never 20k$ on bitfinex
was 23k$ in bithumb

make a new one

>> No.7207568

I hope it reaches at least 5k so that then cryptos will be done for good and won't spike the price of gpus anymore, fucking miners I swear

>> No.7207592

Doesn't matter.
When BTC tanks, do does everything else and miners are kill.

>> No.7207593

I've literally never traded crypto before

I can't wait for this shit to bottom out so all you faggots lose your money and kill yourself and then I'll buy like $1000 worth at the bottom and become uber rich

>> No.7207600

>the absolute STATE of /biz/
That's the mean you complete retard.

>> No.7207686

This. See this all the time on stock trading boards. NEVER fall in love with a stock, or in this case meme money

>> No.7207706


He's taking the piss because this chart is completely fucking retarded as it suggests that Bitcoin will indeed go into minus figures.

The mean line is completely off. The true mean line is from the 2017 matured market price movements which puts the return to mean figure around $7000.

Kek at people plotting the mean line back from fucking 2010 when Bitcoin was easily mined and wholly occupied by basement dwelling neck beards only.

Figure it out guys.

>> No.7207725

GJ, you're listening to /biz/. Have fun not getting your entry, or if you do you won't understand what the entry will entail to the crypto market as a whole.

>> No.7207936

Normies will be scared off bubble this crash and thus bitcoin will never take off again.
The reason normies trust fiat is because it’s somewhat stable

>> No.7208126

yea but all those pics are part of a bigger cycle that's coming to an end atm

>> No.7208393

>actually sub zero is around 4,300 USD
>That is the price to mine a single bitcoin in electricity on average across the globe.
>If it hits $4,300 the miners shut off and transactions stop and BTC is kill

I'm a fucking nocoiner and I know this is plain bullshit. If that is supposed to be the average global price - why the fuck would the Chinese farms where it's way lower shut off immediately at 4.3k? It would just lead to a crowding out of the more expensive farms. Also, this:

>Mining difficulty adjusts with network hash rate you morons.

There is literally a mechanism built into BTC to compensate. The fewer people mine, the easier it becomes, in order to reliably hit the target 10min per block. That's ingenious with a bear market, but actually insidious with a bull market. It's a fucking nash equilibrium. If every huge farm decided to mine with a single rig, they could make the same BTC. But greed leads to an arms race where you have to invest millions and syphon enough power to run a country - to still create the same BTC output at the exact same confirmation rate. BTC is an ecological nightmare, since the energy consumption scales with the price for almost no good reason.

BTC will never crash and "be kill". It'll just return to a nerd niche project where you once again can mine at home, as soon as the big farms have been pushed out of business by the falling exchange rate.