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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 603 KB, 1218x1355, 99DD5465-8080-4142-A04A-2A7EC27F8208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7197809 No.7197809 [Reply] [Original]

Let me be honest with you guys for a second, we’re crashing hard. We had a normie FOMO that skyrocketed us and now we’re getting destroyed horribly. There is no more new money, regular people don’t believe in crypto anymore or just reaffirmed their disbelief. There is only one thing that can save this market right now, and that’s adoption.

We did well with the public endorsement and implementation by Twitter/Square Cash’s CEO - but we need more. We need to show these major companies that there are at least a million people who want to buy, sell and trade crypto, and more importantly, will use them as a means of payment. That’s why we’ve been shilling #PayWithCrypto, at first we didn’t think it was more than a meme — but it’s looking like the best chance we’ve got right now.

All it takes is one major company like Amazon or eBay to accept cryptopayments and the rest of the market will follow suit. Unless you want to keep going down and wait for shit to slowly happen, then you’d make a simple tweet and help change the state of global economics.

For you assholes that are too lazy, here are some tweets for you:

>Hey @Amazon I want to #PayWithCrypto
>Hey @walmart I want to #PayWithCrypto
>Hey @target I want to #PayWithCrypto
>Hey @ebay I want to #PayWithCrypto
>Hey @dennysdiner I want to #PayWithCrypto
>Hey @chipotle I want to #PayWithCrypto
>Hey @wendys I want to #PayWithCrypto

Try to focus on big retailers and companies that have active and viral worthy social media handlers like Denny’s and Wendy’s. Let’s force these fuckers to let us pay with crypto.

>pic related, the reddit post that started the movement — yes it originated from /biz/

>> No.7197851

if crypto survives it's not because we can buy shit with it. this is retarded.

>> No.7197883
File: 284 KB, 1224x2048, F3C06EBE-7D6B-41A5-BEEE-5E31B39B6248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we got a fuckin article about this shit lmao

>> No.7197910


Getting the endorsement of Jack Dorsey is the business equivalent of getting the endorsement of the KKK when you run for President. You're better without it.

>> No.7197912

Hashtag is a bit dumb, which crypto? Obviously not bitcoin but you should be more specific or they'll know you're not serious. Maybe #PayWithBitbeans, they'll know we're serious about our internet moneys then.

>> No.7197923
File: 150 KB, 1031x1476, 9E90EF8F-4303-47E3-A006-5EC3257A0C52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, this is already a pretty decent sized movement. Stop being a dick, there’s literally no other option at this point. All it takes is a fucking tweet

>> No.7197949

Shapeshift already has a product used by Newegg, overstock and Expedia that allows you to pay with 15 different cryptos. It doesn’t matter which one.

>> No.7198021

No, if you want a real movement to increase interest you convince people that crypto is the only way to combat your government's monetary policy that is actively working against the money you've earned. Yeah it'll get banned by everyone, but that never stopped underground markets before.

>> No.7198030

wait this is a real thing? i thought you were just being a fag lmao

>> No.7198053

newegg stopped accepting crypto awhile ago

>> No.7198078


>> No.7198090

Yeah it’s actually real lol.
Normies don’t believe that crypto is real, to them it’s fake internet money you can’t buy anything with. Unless you want to go back down to 2000 and lose all your gains you’re just being a contrarian anon.

>> No.7198112

>actual companies falling for the crypto meme

lol no i dont think so no thank you

>> No.7198126

They could just use purse or gyft.

>> No.7198161

yeah i landed on that page at one point too, then attempted to checkout with btc. it's not available.

I pray we go back down to 2000 for a couple years while everyone forgets about it.

>> No.7198163


That's a long way around the block...

... to save our shitty coin, all we have to do is create a successful social revolution in a stable country populated by people who already don't give a shit.

>> No.7198214


>> No.7198222

Or maybe Uncle Sam wants to trace anons by seeing who uses this hashtag. Nice try, Feds.

>> No.7198228


Or they could just use their credit card, which gives them cash back, protection against fraudulent vendors, and is already available at 29 million merchant locations.

>> No.7198258

all my drug dealers and my favorite hookers already accept crypto, what else would I need to buy with it?

>> No.7198300
File: 510 KB, 1082x1776, Tide_Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not to mention TideCoin

>> No.7198340
File: 477 KB, 1242x1956, C10F13BF-9486-487A-B735-AED2BFAA30E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you anons was this

>> No.7198373

Hey OP, I want you to #GTFO

>> No.7198480

I can get 15% off using Purse though.

>> No.7198483
File: 1.97 MB, 400x242, 1511897958288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People using hashtags in the name of crypto
So this is how crypto officially dies. It's not too late to enjoy the bull market we're having with stocks. It's not boom or bust like crypto, but i'm pretty comfy right now.

>> No.7198487

this is a good idea, I tweeted

>> No.7198578
File: 2.97 MB, 306x205, LMFAO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be legitimate business
>guy with mentally retarded frog avatar wants to pay with internet money that fluctuates in value by 50% in one day

>> No.7198605

i was in the original thread posting for Justice

>> No.7198753

dildos so you can fuck yourself in the ass because you’re gonna miss how much the crypto markets used to do it for you

>> No.7198811

holy shit 2 million people have seen this shit already?

>> No.7198812

bitcoins value comes from liquidity retard

>> No.7198864

im not trying to be a downer, but i honestly beleive that theres no future for the crypto "currencies" like monero, dash, btc, etc. People and businesses are always going to equate provacy coins with drug dealing, terrorism, money laundering, child traffiking. Its just not going to get adopted. but what WILL get adopted is the smart contract, blockchain shit

>> No.7198870

imagine being the biggest fucking idiot in a thread lmao

>> No.7198883

No you fucking retards, you absolutely don't matter and your twitter campaigns are useless. Those companies need certain technology to be available before they're actually able to offer those services in a way that won't bring them more headaches than business. Steam stopped accepting payments because the way they were accepting them was putting wallets in danger and their proposed solution to that was simply not legal in most western countries. 11-14% of all crypto has been stolen. Shit will be deployed when it's ready, the problem has never been a perception of a lack of interest in trading digital assets. When the change arrives do not fucking dare to believe your gay shilling was the reason instead of people doing actual work.

>> No.7198922

>Privacy coins
nigga wut?

>> No.7198928

You do realize bitcoins price was propped up by bitconnect, right? Now that bitconnect is out of the picture and more credit cards have now banned coinbase, we will never see 10k+

>> No.7198949

lmao the technology exists dude literally go on shapeshift.io and a bunch of companies already use it

>> No.7199214


You should also put your energy into decentralized market places about to go live like Particl.io. They are going to accept near any crypto with built in shapeshift and atomic swaps.

>> No.7199382

We need this. Doesn't even have to be the adoption of an existing coin. If a company like Google or Amazon makes a coin, we'll be the first to know and the first to dump our bags in it.

Something like that would be a sure Mars mission. Gains like we've never even imagined. Shill it /biz/, shill it hard so we can fucking make it.

>> No.7199429


>> No.7199570

>bitcoins value comes from liquidity retard
i dont think you understand what liquidity means

>imagine being the biggest fucking idiot in a thread lmao
you sure told me