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7179342 No.7179342 [Reply] [Original]

Are women a good investment?

>> No.7179397

>good investments
Do women have a good ROI? There's your answer.

>> No.7179399 [DELETED] 
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yes unless you want to just jerk off, make your own sandwiches and your own laundry for the rest of your life

>> No.7179401

cum bags and emotional dumpsters if you need it, not really

>> No.7179409

chink women are a good investment
> they cook well
> they do massages
> they can give you a handjob anytime

>> No.7179431

Not with today´s laws

>> No.7179432

This desu. Dunno how to go about getting one though.

>> No.7179441

Nice the words around

>a good woman is an investment

Poor returns and high risk.

However, I wouldn't trade my son for anything.

So the dividends are good.

>> No.7179491

Who the fuck wants a handjob u faggot.. we want mouth and pussy.

>> No.7179496

It's a depreciating asset that most people usually only buy at ATH.


>> No.7179505

Only if they cook, clean, rise your children and fuck

>> No.7179579

Why do you even ask?

>> No.7179612

Only if shes a virgin

>> No.7179633


>their value decreases as yours rises
>they can divorce you on a whim and take your money with them
>gigantic eternal babbies

Spending your money on a Tesla rocket which you fill with the rest of your money and then send into the fuckin Sun would be a better idea.

>> No.7179672
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>make your own sandwiches and your own laundry for the rest of your life
meh, you get used to it. You're a lazy fuck aren't you?

>> No.7179704

They depreciate rapidly, have high maintenance costs, are high-risk, and there's no legal protection against loss, theft, or fraud.

So no, women are a terrible investment.

>> No.7179723

If you think the answer here is yes you already lost in life.

>> No.7179757

Yeah, if you want a future. Why did the Romans steal the Sabine women?

>> No.7179764
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>modern women still cook and clean
>instead of swiping some slut over to my place, I need to support a roastie

stay toasty, roastie.

>> No.7180083
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lots of virgins in this thread

>> No.7180165

Do Asian women go for Russians? I feel like they'll only go for guys that can get them green cards, but is there a chance they'd be willing to move to Russia?

>> No.7180231

tits or GTFO

stop thinkin you have 'value' your kind is quickly loosing anything related to 'value'

>> No.7180282

If it floats, flies or fucks, it’s cheaper to lease

>> No.7180295

No but luckily you have access to baby making machine; Russian women asian women are sex toy desu.

>> No.7180321

Yes. For sure. Probably not the ones from Shanghai or Beijing, but from backward ass places in Henan and Sichuan province kek

>> No.7180378

Only when they have no rights.

>> No.7180383

>Married men are more successful
>Married men are happier
>Married men are healthier
>Married men live longer
>Married men have more satisfying sex lives
I dunno, OP, are any of those a good thing? Who needs happiness when you can be r9k?

>> No.7180397

Only if they bear you a son and raise him correctly, otherwise no.

>> No.7180411

Do you know how many divorces there are these days? They ruin lives

>> No.7180477

wtf my russian girlfriend told me no russian man would ever choose an asian other than to fuck and then dump
is this not true?

>> No.7180481

I am glad I come from germany. Chinese women love germany.

>> No.7180512

You can't actually buy one.

>> No.7180526

Causation vs correlation.

>> No.7180569

yeah I dont mind doing that

If I never had to see an annoying womyn in my life again Id be prett happy desu. Robotwife when?

>> No.7180659

Fewer than half of marriages end in divorce. Don't cheat on your spouse and don't air your dirty laundries on facebook and your divorce rate is closer to 20%. Marriage/Divorce isn't about flipping a fucking coin, you retard. You CHOOSE your spouse, so choose well and then communicate with them and make sure your marriage is as stable as possible as any agreement between two human adults that share a living space can be for 60+ years. It's literally the most positive thing you can do with your life, but it comes with a risk. When has that ever stopped a man from doing something?
Spoiler: When you lost your fucking balls from drinking soy.

>> No.7180725

Are you somehow retarded?

Women are the opposite of investments. They will bleed you dry.

And do not ever get married. That's basically a bet about whether you have to give half of your money to her as well as payments for the rest of her life so that she can enjoy the same standard of living as when she was with you, and it's a bet most people lose.

>> No.7180781

Nothing is ever free from a women, they spend half hour cooking you dinner, they want 2 hours back in some form our another.

The juice is not worth the squeeze.

>> No.7180787
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>nearly half of marriages end in divorce
>entire legal system is geared to give stronk wymyn gibs

Why would I sign a contract getting the government involved in my relationships? Surrogate + nanny + maid + sluts and all of the former wife bases are covered at a fraction of a cost with a far superior customer-oriented attitude. Only a pathetic, desperate, poor moron would consider marriage in current year.

>> No.7180794

Women get divorced out of boredom. They will subject their kids to the trauma equivalent of being raped because they lack loyalty to their family.

Look at the Adverse Childhood Experience Survey data. The long-term affect on a childhood development of being raped or having divorced or separated parents is equal.

Your average woman that files for divorce is little better than a rapists.

>> No.7180821

They're not an investment. They're a depreciating asset.

>> No.7180827
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for money laundering purposes they're the probably the best investment around.

>> No.7180843

the right one is.

>> No.7180846

a good study would be to compare married men to sexually active men who have never been married (to exclude both divorcees and complete losers, which are irrelevant categories to the average man trying to decide whether marriage is a good deal or not)

>> No.7180851

For the first year or so maybe, then they turn into absolute cunts.

t. Married sweet Thai girl with that expectation, now divorced.

>> No.7180852

youre the soyboy here faggot. have some realistic views of how most relationships turn out, its not a fairy tale most of the time. Most of those 50% still married hate each others guts especially in old age

>> No.7180884

Only Dunning Kruger retards use that to refute a point. The only thing your pea-brain COULD be suggesting is that successful men, who are far smarter about life than you, obviously, are smart enough to marry women.

>> No.7180895
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as annoying as women can be absolutely NOTHING is as sad as the sight of a single middle aged man. my boss is like 42 and single and you can see the pain in his eyes every time he wakes up.

>tfw married at 23
feels comfy. my wife cooks me dinner every night and all i have to do is work my ass off all day and not be a cunt

>> No.7180906

Russian men only date russian women.
Russian women are desired by the entire world.

Russian men are universally known to be "difficult"

>> No.7180928

How much sinsot did you pay?

t. have thai gf

>> No.7180945

says the manchild refusing to do the one thing every one of his male ancestors has done besides eating, sleeping, and shitting.. Fucking hell, dude, you've mentally castrated yourself. Do you even understand that?

>> No.7180957

It's illegal to buy a girl at her ATH.

>> No.7180971

Why would a confident middle age man need to give any fucks about what people think of them.

You are a cuck that needs a women to fulfill your worthless life.

>> No.7180974

Are you kidding me? You can see the pain in the eyes of married men. Trapped, with a woman complaining to them all the time, wasting all your money buying their 20th pair of shoes, and getting into arguments with you about seemingly nothing, the point isn't who is right or wrong, it's that her feelings hurt for some mysterious reason and you fucked up for not magically knowing why.

>> No.7180978


Why are you looking in your bosses eyes every time he wakes up?


>> No.7180989

this, im happy with a marriage if the government isnt involved

>> No.7181019
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>every time he wakes up

>> No.7181027
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>muh ancestors

Go farther back. Before patriarchy was instituted worldwide, only 1-in-17 men reproduced. Everyone is happier this way except for betas who aren't really people in our current matriarchy society.

>> No.7181029

so what? we're all here using non-government money and you're going to let government tell you who you can mate with?

>> No.7181040


>> No.7181042

1. Chinks cannot cook for shit and does not clean at all. I've lived and currently live with chinks.
2. Probably the only thing they are good at.
3. A normal girl will give you a handjob anytime if she loves you.

Chink women just want your money and to move into your country. They are worthless unless you live in chinkland yourself. All the men I've met who have a chink wife are the most beta and low confident old cuck there is. What about getting a girl that really loves you instead?

Oh, and when your kids grow up they WILL get bullied and end up as worthless soyboys or slut.

>> No.7181047

>says the manchild refusing to do the one thing every one of his male ancestors has done besides eating, sleeping, and shitting.. Fucking hell, dude, you've mentally castrated yourself. Do you even understand that?
Holy fuck roastie is mad

>> No.7181061
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What are you some pussy beggar pajeet? Pussy is free if you're a man.

>> No.7181063

>gets a dinner cooked by his wife
>still fucks his male boos every night

>> No.7181064

Psudeo kike (Jake Mormon)
Didn't pay shit, no fucking wedding ring, she paid half for house that I now own, but really I wish I would have cucked just a little, she was a good girl and is now making bank workings a software tech.

>> No.7181086

It's not the government you gotta worry about. It's the moral vigilantes out there.

>> No.7181090

Women lie fundamentally about who they are until they can trap a man.

As moral creatures they really are disgusting.

>> No.7181094

I havent said any details about my life. But you know, you need to be very experienced with women to realize they truly are shit, maybe youll realize it one day. Now go drink your rice milk :v)

>> No.7181131
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finally some fucking truth

>> No.7181137

>muh childhood trauma
Well, shit, if we're bringing children into this, just how well DO children do in a married home vs. an unmarried home? Dumbass.
>Women get divorced out of boredom!
Bullshit. Marriage is a meal ticket. The women who divorce over "huhr being bored" are doing it out of NEGLECT. You gotta water your flowers, idiot, or they wilt. Most women divorce men because of infidelity. Neglect is #7 cause of divorce.

>> No.7181147

Only for the "promotion period" only the elite of elite Chad males can get a way with this.
I blame men for this, we cuck and Pussy bet way to much.

>> No.7181155


thats because most men are weakling pussies who settled for women that they dont even particularly like, that's my take on it at least. They couldnt wait until they find somebody that is actually good and they werent willing to drop bad ones when they could still be dropped

>> No.7181157


>> No.7181158

Their circumstances were entirely different. With their frame of male-female relations one would doubt that this discussion would take place.

Now achieving women that would enable those circumstances are reserved for the select few.

>> No.7181160

women are in a bubble at the moment
im doing everything i can to short them and buy up on the dip
>mfw cucks are actually still marrying at peak women

>> No.7181175
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Speak for yourself

>> No.7181196

wtf i love the 1950s

>> No.7181199

roasties don't use facts. They argue emotionally. The facts say that marriage is the #1 most important investment a man can make in his life -- monetarily, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. You sperging out and screeching insults ("ROASTIE!!! HUHRRR!!!!") when someone shuts you the fuck down with facts is what a roastie would do. Sorry if you think this is mansplaining, faggot.

>> No.7181243

No, they are terrible investments and most guys are aware of this. They depreciate over time while men's value generally appreciates.

Their main value is their uterus. Procreation is the only reason men should ever consider marriage. Not sex, love, or any of that bs that the media throws down your throat. You marry because you need a woman to have your children. And nowadays that is still incredibly risky since men have zero marital or divorce rights. There's a reason why marriage is called "matrimony."

>> No.7181279

>He doesn't know about how awesome handjobs can be while sucking on a cracking set of funbags


>> No.7181289

>I'm very experienced with women. I've actually picked up SEVERAL girls that put out immediately and they ended up being total slags/sluts!

>> No.7181290

like cars women have deprecating value. only an insane man marries a woman.

>> No.7181295
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Guess which one is yours

>> No.7181297

I lost a good girl cuz I didn't cuck, havnt bothered with gf for years, only occasionally hook up just to realize what a fucking waste of time and energy it is relative to fapping. MODERN women are damaged goods and cucky men share a large amount of blame.

>> No.7181301

i mean when he rolls up to work LOL

>> No.7181322

lol tits please

>> No.7181339

This. Shit aint the 1950s anymore. Im a 25 yo white trump supporter, athletic/ smart/ good looking/ eberything else. I would have been prime breeding material in the 1940s through the 1980s but now I am dog shit. I havent been laid in months and eberyone thinks im evil because I am smart and white. I live in southern wisconson and this place is hell i swear to god.

>> No.7181350

maybe if you marry a complete fucking whore wew lad

>> No.7181357


>> No.7181381

Women are a consumer item, not particularly an investment. Depends on the woman though, usually no.

>> No.7181382

not a gril
making fun of faggots who actually think women do this
ive dated lots and some actually do pretend to be wifey to snag you
they change once they move in and you propose
glad i got out of that and my life has never been better

>> No.7181463

>He's banging chicks
>He's citing facts
>He's calling us the fuck out, while we simper and whine that women are too much to handle while 99.9% of all "successful" men are married
>I know, I'll try calling him a roastie by posting some ham fucking sandwiches
You are a salty one. I see why women won't take you seriously enough to enter a meaningful relationship with you. If anyone convinces you that you're wrong in a conversation, you cover your ears and shout out some bullshit like "RAOSTIE!!!" instead of realizing you're wrong.

>> No.7181485

You don't realise all women become like that when married?

The honeymoon period wears off. Once they know they have you, they don't want sex any more, they just want to know what you will do for them.

>> No.7181557

>Before patriarchy was instituted worldwide, only 1-in-17 men reproduced
and your ancestors were than 1, every time, until YOU came along and broke the combo with your soy milk addiction, becoming too emotionally weak and far too inadequate to dominate a nice girl, forcing her to incubate your minions.

>> No.7181600

Women, just like food are depreciating goods

>> No.7181624

How do you store your women?
Kitchen Nano S?

>> No.7181648

Feels bad man, it sucks being white today,playing life the hard mode

>> No.7181650
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>muh meaningful relationship

Just admit you dumb sluts have collectively become a shit investment. The beta bucks see this and are rightfully becoming commitment-phobic manchildren enjoying their masturbation sleeves, porn, bing bing wahoo and spending their hard earned betabux on themselves. And it's all your fault.

>> No.7181680


Find a women that has a type A personality.
Hardworking and have a business mentality, can sell and relate to people like Trumps daughter Ivanka

>> No.7181690

It's the mans fault. Women are emotional creatures. Once you understand the female nature you will understand their actions.

>> No.7181731

Women live a subsidized life. Their education, their health care, every open enrollment program women put less in and take more out.

Women vote themselves money and one way they do this is vote in the people that write the divorce law or appoint judges.

Your comment paints women as the flower, passive and helpless and needing support. What modern women are is the rot on a otherwise healthy society.

>> No.7181736

> Women are emotional creatures. Once you understand the female nature you will understand their actions.
I understand it, that's why I want nothing to do with it. They are irrational crazy people who can't be reasoned with. Steer clear, and do not enter into any lifelong contract which when broken will cause you lose everything.

>> No.7181768
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Actually you broke the pussy cartel set up by men that formed the basis of all civilization. This was the carrot to make the beta donkey pull the cart of civilization. Now it's rotten and diseased like your used up snatch and the donkey is just starting to refuse to pull. Things will only get worse. Enjoy competitively debasing yourself in front of a select few chads against the desperate throngs of strong independent wymyn. I know I am.

>> No.7181800

>you can see the pain in his eyes every time he wakes up

>> No.7181810
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Ofcourse not.

But which retard compares women to investing?

Either you are a angry loser, or your completely obsessed about money.

I for example earn 10k per month, my girlfriend costs me 1k per month,

Do i care? no.
But hey, maybe i would if i was a loser.

>> No.7181828

ITT. People who don't know what a prenup is

>> No.7181872

>implying the judge won't throw out your prenup because you emotionally coerced Stacey with your wallet

You must not keep up on the news :^)

>> No.7181934

You clearly don't understand the female nature and how to deal with emotional people. I do agree with some other people in this thread saying that you should only marry a woman if you want to have children.

>> No.7181971

Right man. If i wanted to get married now id have to save the planet all by myself in the next 6 months while becoming rich then go to church and find someone halfway decent to completly reprogram and reteach everything to. Its literally impossible dude. Only cucks who are capable of lying and going along with bullshit are reproducing right now. Fucking think about that.

>> No.7181992

Dude, you're fucking delusional. The proof is in this thread. You're still deluding yourself that you're arguing with a woman when I'm obviously better at facts and logic than you.
>m-muh pussy cartel
What the fuck is this even? This some sort of bullshit fanfiction you have set up? Fucking hell, dude, you're worse than a roastie at this point. You've abandoned all logic and reason for some vindictiveness you hold against over half the humans on the planet. Women are the gatekeepers when it comes to reproducing, because they're not as easy and sex-driven as men, that much is true. The sad thing is that the sluts you've exposed yourself to aren't the ones you should be investing in anyway, you dumb fucker.

>> No.7182033

So you sleep with your boss?

>> No.7182060

>getting into arguments with you about seemingly nothing, the point isn't who is right or wrong, it's that her feelings hurt for some mysterious reason and you fucked up for not magically knowing why.

That hit so fucking close to base. And the answer to what's wrong is nothing I'm fine. EITHER ACT FINE OR TELL ME WHY YOU'RE NOT FUCKING FINE SO I CAN START FIXING THIS SHIT.

>> No.7182091

2D > 3D

Those that think real women are worth it are suckers. Half the men are fucked over and end up paying a shitload of money for life... especially if they live in spain. Most women are vile creatures that are there to leech off men's success and destroy their lives. This is more and more true as sjw infiltrate schools to teach kids at a young age that men are the problem and white people must die.

If you wanna keep your money, just hire hookers and never get into a real relationship. Be very very careful with younger women, they could be a sjw that will fuck you for your money and then fuck you over with false rape charges and then divorce you while taking everything you own and making you pay for child support for kids who aren't even yours. And believe me, the court will make you pay. I've seen it happen.

>> No.7182095

i just keep a spinning rotation of side chicks and i enjoy their company, their sex, and their pets and cuddles
some are totally into what im doing and know their place and i treat them well accordingly
well see how all this goes but im set to be financially really well off going into my 30s but my plan is to have a harem of women in the future

>> No.7182110

If you telecommute from RV parks, use a vpn, and move around a lot you might get away with it.

>> No.7182150
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>I'm a man btw
>I'm *obviously* better at facts and logic than you
>[emotional roastie ranting about muh humans on muh planet]

Too fucking funny. You're not fooling anyone you salty little whore. You are obsolete. On top of that you no longer provide the value which you are expounding. Why would I commit to some used up modern whore when I can use her for free on Tinder and pay some mexican to clean my shit up and eat at restaurants?

>> No.7182159

This. If I wanted a handy I'd do it myself.

>> No.7182166

deprecating too fast

>> No.7182167

LOL no

>> No.7182171

too true, sadly.

>> No.7182202

>not having experienced a self served facial
How do you guys know you're even alive?

>> No.7182204


Depends, I made some nice profits of your mum

P&D if u know what I mean

>> No.7182251
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Too fat.

>> No.7182254

not since the 2000s

>> No.7182276
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It's the struggle of almost every men

>> No.7182326

>asking a woman a question
that was the first mistake

>> No.7182360

>>muh ancestors
lmao, aren't you the first to say "muh ancestors" when it comes to say your ancestors built civilization but some Africans still live in huts?

>> No.7182388

Depends on how you pimp them
Son't expect a pack of hoes bring packs of money if you don't look after them

>> No.7182458

Well what do you think? Women are a net tax negative and the welfare state needs billions of dollars to support them. also women are depreciating asset because their looks are their asset.

>> No.7182589

fuck no source for that 1 in 17 pls. make me feel good anon

>> No.7182619

This is the most retarded shit I ever read. You probably haven't gotten laid cause you're fucking weird and rant about Trump and whiteness all the time. All the white Chads are just enjoying being white. Imagine how hard it must be to be a nigger, stuck dating shrieking niggresses or fat whites

>> No.7182633
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Whites and Asians built civilizations. Niggers built mud huts. But the current iteration of civilization that has lowered itself to catering to women's fee fees as its prime directive is going to become obsolete. Sex robots, vr porn and artificial wombs will see to that. Women will become the second class citizens they were always meant to be once the value of their pussy reaches 0 due to technological competition. Buy the dip if you can't buy a high quality sex machine that looks like it's from a jap cartoon.

>> No.7182636
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nice false sense of security.

>> No.7182643

funny how only ugly losers are into asian/ginger women, you never see a chad chasing em

>> No.7182751


>> No.7182766

muh ancestors huh?

>> No.7182797

ITP: cuck thinks he's safe.

>> No.7182812

>check out this goy he thinks prenups are bulletproof
wait until you have kids and the female judge decides its (((unfair))) wont you think of the CHILDREN!!!??

>> No.7182830

Lol you dont live where i live. You have no fucking idea how bad this shit is. 10 out of 10 broads are all fucking nigs and spics bro. Every last one of them has one white baby then they are off riding massive cocks for the next 20 years. Ive been on dates with 50 sexy women and ebery single one asked me how big my cock was on the forst day then left after.i said average. No larp.

>> No.7182842
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ufr > girls. get it while its on sale $$$

>> No.7182878
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Niggers are retarded but that's a completely different conversation from "modern civilization
and the status of women will drastically change due to sexbots and artificial wombs". Really has nothing to do with "muh ancestors" except for destroying the functional system they did create.

>> No.7182903
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>you can see the pain in his eyes every time he wakes up

>> No.7182921

>not marrying under seperate systems

>"In a system of separation of goods, the spouses remain financially independent of each other."

>> No.7182939


No really women are shit beyond belief nowdays.

I'm good looking, enough to make girls turn their heads, I work hard, Im athletic martial arts practicioner. Most of the time Im in good mood even when going gets tough I can joke about it.

A girls dream. My dad havent achieved half the shit Ive done in my age.

Last girl I was interested in I just asked out on the spot, she just gave me her facebook, I asked her out again on facebook. A week later she replies that I can invite her to coffe. I just replied that she can go for a coffe with one of her girlfriends. Fuck that noise. Women are shit.

Before you accuse me that she wasnt interested in me to begin with She absolutely was.

>> No.7183017
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This. There's no point in entertaining their wishy washy bullshit when you can just swipe until you find some whore that's immediately DTF. Roasties have no one to blame but themselves.

>> No.7183027

Are women worth investing in while they're still in the 'ICO' stage?

>> No.7183041

you guys dont understand its not mens or womens fault. the current system fucks men in the ass. men and women are not equal. we were created in a way that man should have power and honor, and women should have skills to take care of the family and loyalty. but the current system fucks this in the ears, eyes, nostrils and the remainder of the holes.

If your gf asks you:"do you trust me", she tries to gain power. fucking slap that devil and let her know her place. tell her you gave your word as a man and now she has to trust you and be loyal, that you wont have to trust her because you have the power not to. women should trust men, not other way around and we shouldn't feel powerless because of goverment contract.

>> No.7183231

Sounds like she was never interested and was just trying to let you down nicely. Every girl has a different type. Not every single one is going to like you. You should probably tell the next one how unaccomplished your father is compared to you. She'll think you're so alpha

>> No.7183248


>> No.7183298

Women are nice

>> No.7183344

>comparing us to loser middle aged men
>not comprehending that fate awaits you except youll have alimony (allhismoney) and child support to pay while she brings her bf to your house that you paid for so she can fuck him with your kids in the other room
i wish you good luck, just remember my words when the inevitable happens to you

>> No.7183412

>thinks he can cheat the system.

you are never going to cheat the system if the government is involved and if women vote. the government wants to keep women out of welfare so they are going after to you to pay for her divorce. also women vote and they will stop any loophole in the system with a new law.

>> No.7183461

If that were the case she never would have even responded to him. You clearly don't know shit about women.

>> No.7183560

>married under old law
>law changes
>only applies to people marrying under new law after change date
>people married under old law keep same rights of the old law
I guess it feels good to not live in the Land of the Free then.

>> No.7183622

hold on, you can make a contract with her to seperate goods pre marriage and/or post marraige right? so whats the deal, would that not be enough?

>> No.7183673

Family kangaroo courts are not bound by Common Law. The judge can literally do whatever the fuck they want to without regard to precedent to "protect" muh stronk wymyn from the boring but good man she decided to divorce for no reason.

>> No.7183700


She was interested. She aproached me and was following me around.

>> No.7183754
File: 575 KB, 900x600, wmaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean a life long regret

>> No.7184059

>Family kangaroo courts
let me rephrase it then
I guess it feels good to not live in Anglosphere countries then.
Still feel bad for you guys tho.

>> No.7184180

I told you the government wants women out of welfare and you are the nearest man they can screw over. you are never going to cheat the government when they have the guns to force you to pay child support,alimony and give her half your shit.

>> No.7184202
File: 43 KB, 480x480, 1514280057545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky you. Buying into a smaller scam is still buying into a scam though. Whores + maids + surrogates means they're not even worth it anymore and the fact you live in some 3rd world shithole makes them even cheaper.

>> No.7184220

Depends on how much you pay for annual depreciation.

>> No.7184257

How do I buy my feminist Stacy highschool crush, risk-free? I know she'd try to fuck me over.

>> No.7184388
File: 96 KB, 322x395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a non-country but its ok, can't complain.

>> No.7184467

My granddad is a Walloon. What do you think of Walloons?

>> No.7184496

> you can see the pain in his eyes every time he wakes up.
that's because he's waking up to you breaking in and sneaking into his bed. Again.

>> No.7184523

lol I forget that belgium is a separate country from nl. How nigged and muzzed is it compared to your neighbors?

>> No.7184680
File: 22 KB, 320x399, natasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are the best investment.
Dont fall for "le asian wifu xDDD" meme
Asian women have dull personalities and crooked teeth and while they might be obedient and submissive in the start of the relationship they turn into absolute cunts a year or so ahead.

>> No.7184755
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about 5% muzzies, mostly in the big cities. a bit better then or neigbours or the same i guess.

>> No.7184763
File: 92 KB, 1326x709, 1516100931511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. used up white whore

Ya blew it. You had everything and you threw it all away to try to ape as men.

>> No.7184776

Jesus the R9k autism is bleeding into this board.
>Last girl I was interested in I just asked out on the spot, she just gave me her facebook
She was never interested. You tards are going to make me feel bad for blaming everything on the Jews

>> No.7184825

I once read a good comment on here which referred to women as "the shitcoins of real life", which I thought was a good encapsulation

>> No.7184912
File: 85 KB, 632x600, amanda-lee-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, keep jacking off to naked drawn japanese people or that body pillow with your wifey on it

>> No.7185019

Newton was a virgin and he was more successfull than any sun of the bitches you implying in your post

>> No.7185138

Yeah divorces kill people too though. How many suicides from divorces? A lot.

>> No.7185145

see >7179764

Pussy is easy to get. That's how I know how worthless it's become.

If she wasn't interested why did she give him her FB instead of a fake? Or just laugh in his face and walk on? Why would she give a man she's not interested in a way to contact her and attempt to carry on a conversation with him?

>> No.7185146

only if you really can't be alone. even then, a dog will be a better friend. don't bother with a 30-something woman who has been in multiple relationships (especially long-term). she'll suck the life right outta ya.

>> No.7185236

>citing facts

I didn't know that a triggered diatribe of ad hominem is now "citing facts."

Saying "men are more happy married" is about as scientific as saying "people like rainbow sprinkles on their cookies." If you want real facts, perhaps look at divorce statistics, court laws, legal ramifications of marriage/divorce, and the overall state of what women bring to relationships. People are calling out Roasties because thats what they are. Use up holes with terrible opinions. Your holes have no value here on the internet. Being a good argument next time.

>> No.7185272

>Has to go back 400 years to find a successful man that was single
>A man that couldn't even sleep at night because he was miserable with his state
>poor health
>had no heirs so what money he did have when he died went to his nephews who blew it all on bullshit

>> No.7185378
File: 28 KB, 488x463, acak73u2ui701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga thinks hes Sir Isaac newton lmao

>> No.7185463

Fact: Married men are more successful, moneywise
Fact: Married men live longer
Fact: Married men are less-likely to be fired from jobs
Fact: Married men report better sex lives
Fact: Married men's children are more successful and psychologically healthy
Fact: Married men are healthier
Fact: Married men report greater happiness

>> No.7185517
File: 19 KB, 488x463, 1517517046005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, (you).

>> No.7185799

>what is survivor bias
how do divorced men score?

>> No.7185800
File: 217 KB, 1066x600, 1512155505504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fact: Married men are more successful, moneywise
>Fact: Married men live longer
>Fact: Married men are less-likely to be fired from jobs
>Fact: Married men report better sex lives
>Fact: Married men's children are more successful and psychologically healthy
>Fact: Married men are healthier
>Fact: Married men report greater happiness

>> No.7185852

Why you judge success by money? This nigga Isaac had completely different mindset to concern himself with this bullshit. If it wasnt for him you would be milking cows right now. Check also Einstein contract with his wife.

You dont need a woman to be successfull. These are bullshit posts u see on facebook "every successfull man needs a woman"

>> No.7185859
File: 4 KB, 250x150, 1517236765039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow southern wisconsin young 20s attractive white male reporting in

Have faith wisbro, we're all gunna make it

>> No.7185945

only if you are a pimp or human trafficker

>> No.7185952
File: 53 KB, 761x464, einstein contract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked up the Einstein contract. Marriages are fucked.

>> No.7186014

No argument for what he was even talking about, huh?

>> No.7186174

>Isaac Newton didn't care about money!!!!!
Holy fuck. I guess that's why he never worked for the mint? Because he didn't give a fuck about money? Fucking hell, dude. He was an investor and when he lost a bunch of money and it made him bitter as fuck.
>You don't need a woman to be successful
No shit. In fact, getting with the wrong woman is a great way to ruin your happiness. The problem is that soyboys and bitter r9kunts think that there are only "wrong women" in the world because they either got with a girl that settled for THEM or they settled for barslags because "huhr why put effort into getting pussy when I can just pay for a girl's drink and get pussy that way? GEE Why the fuck is all the women I get with such fucking SLUTS? Cock carousel riders!!!!" dumbass fucknuggets.

>> No.7186208
File: 67 KB, 879x271, 1517431413700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you're expecting from niggers. Not exactly a people renowned for reading comprehension, reason and logic.

>> No.7186336
File: 545 KB, 256x199, 1517383313791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sick society is specifically designed to only produce "wrong" women, such as yourself. The utter lack of self-awareness and responsibility for your gender's role in the current situation is very telling.

You're filthy roastie approaching or in your 30's with no man to raise the spawn of your aging down-syndrome eggs. Funny how you never bothered to address the "survivor bias" question too.

>> No.7186339
File: 332 KB, 1058x1600, 1498748461670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>40-50% of marriages end in divorce
>majority of divorces end in the male paying out higher resources than female, sometimes for the rest of his life
>Women have a greater chance of getting majority-full custody of children
>Highest rate of suicide comes from divorced males, which is why married men technically live longer and are "healthier." It would be more accurate to compare married men to NEVER married men.

Some of those studies are technically true, but they are not a benefit to men.

For example, married men making more money is true because a married man has to support a woman and kids. He has far more liabilities than a single man. A more accurate study would be to see how much DISPOSABLE income a married man has verses a single man. A married man making 200k a year might only have 5% left over at the end of the year while a single man making 100k a year might have 20% or more left over. I have tremendous anecdotal evidence of this but would love to see a proper study on it. All my married friends make a ton of money but are in debt and have little left over in savings.

Also, married men work much more than single men because THEY NEED TO. Again, single men don't need a stable job or long hours to make enough money.

If you were a man, you would know this. But you're a roastie quoting muh happiness studies. Nice.

>> No.7186342

Elon Musk isn't married and pumps and dumps eager whores.

>> No.7186350

It was an extremely short time period (less than 1% of human prehistory, and they deduced it from studying the DNA of like 200 people. The dude quotes it like it was some hard science rule.

>> No.7186399
File: 123 KB, 701x776, 1516415006719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a rostie I'd put in my mouth. Post more sexy beef.

>> No.7186596

>Getting married only gives you a 50-60% chance to be happier, healthier, and more successful!
>If you fuck it up, then your next marriage only has a 40% chance!!!
If you were a man, you'd know that men take risks, you sniveling worm. You know who are risk-averse in the face of success? Women. It's the estrogen.
Soyboys can't accept that success is the rule so they bitch endlessly at the possibility of failure.
This delusional fuckface
is still so bent up that he's convinced himself that I'm a woman, despite the fact that I denounce sluts, use proper punctuation, and beat the fuck out of him, logically, at every turn while he fucks up math, history, and every other possible manly trait he could possess. He's failed at every rite of male passage his society has given him, shriveling him into a bitter little cunt that's put him in competition with the women of our planet. How much soy and estrogen would you have to consume to actually put yourself in direct competition with women? I'd wager you would attempt to denounce the rites of male passage and convince yourself that you're a "Man" anyway.

>> No.7186805
File: 53 KB, 448x585, 1514666152934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you do nothing but threaten/assume the unavailability of holes to the person you're arguing with and argue with nothing but weak adhoms makes it blatantly clear you're a woman.

Citing unsourced "facts" from gynocentric mainstream media sources is not "beating the fuck out of him logically" especially when you haven't even bothered to answer the survivorship bias question which put a massive hole in your argument (if you can even call it that).

You argue like an angry child because you are a woman. This is obvious in addition to being funny as fuck.

>> No.7187021

Hearty kek.

>> No.7187051

Nice job not addressing anything I've said.

Men take risks when they believe that the rewards are potentially outweighed by the risks. There are little rewards in marriage except for offspring. The risk-reward with women is a negative sum game.

You're obviously a roastie or a married cuck because married men are the most difficult to convince that their life decisions are delusional and stupidly risky (until they get divorced). Here's some advice, if you have to try that hard to convince others that your investment is so good that everyone else should buy in, it's probably not a good investment. It's probably a scam.

I don't have personal issue with guys getting married, I'm not here to tell you what you should do. I'm simply pointing out that the odds are stacked against men and the rewards are null. Perhaps instead of bitching at an anon poster online, you should push for more equal marriage rights? Everyone here obviously disagrees with you and us younger generations aren't going to be so easily convinced to put a ring on a roastie.

>put a ring on a risky depreciating asset (liability) at its all time high!

^ Your worldview

>> No.7187071

Asian women are best roi, but still... in general, AWALT and ALL women are depreciating assets

>> No.7187080

yes absolutely, on an individual basis. women and humans on a group scale are vile beings

>> No.7187177

women are the fucking rake

>> No.7187230

pump and dump

>> No.7187310

Thought that was poop with blood, looked at pic and it's basically the same thing.

>> No.7187431

>Muh if you were a REAL MAN then you take risk and marry

True Scotsman fallacy

I know too many divorced people to actually marry myself, I'd rather be single desu

>> No.7187606


You forgot ass, you queer

>> No.7187653
File: 96 KB, 909x1024, buylow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is bought low, yes.

>> No.7187687

this guy gets it

>> No.7187693
File: 56 KB, 750x750, sellhigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember dont HODL it too long, its all downhill from the ATH

>> No.7187699

Honestly your 42 year old boss could be you in the future

I know so many divorced people, my old boss was divorced, my old manager was divorced, I had several coworkers who were divorced. They showed me their marriage pictures and other relationship pictures, they looked so happy together at the time. Then it ended, and then they became miserable, broke, and alone.

True stories.

>> No.7187726
File: 273 KB, 1536x1013, o-CHINESE-OLD-WOMAN-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.7187750

good to know dad

>> No.7187867

Women are an absolute bottom tier investment.

They are a bunch of herd mentality, risk averse, materialistic consumers who will ravenge your resources and bitch the whole time doing it


(fresh) pussy is the best feeing in the world. So do what I do: get yourself a new one every year or so, ideally sooner

>> No.7187895

so marry or dont its gg? whats the ratio of happy married/divorced destroyed in your network or happy single/miserable single? in my family almost nobody is divorced, but theyre older gen ofcourse. newer gens idk yet they're just getting married but i hear terrible shit from friends about their friends and cousins

>> No.7187964

Is it possible to have a risk-free marriage?

>> No.7188014

Whatever you want to do man

All I know is that 'legally', marriage isn't even required. You can have kids without getting married, and you can live under the same roof without getting married. It's like a religious ceremony basically, if you're not religious in the first place, why bother?

Oh yeah most women are religious as fuck. I have met very few atheist / agnostic women and it sucks, even new gen.

>> No.7188093
File: 631 KB, 741x690, 1514727920435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in the roastie toastie bubble
>not investing in the chad ai waifu moon mission

>> No.7188205

its true that it's merely a ceremony. im trying to gather info to see how bad marriage is. it seems like a bad idea to give a useless makeup eating p-hole the power to destroy your life whenever she feels like doing so.

>> No.7188818

burger women
> couldn't think of any
> self entiitled
> fugly
> always looking for a good moment to divorce you and take your moneys

chink women
> cook well
> massage
> handjob

> don't age well

slav womenz
> good looks
> fuck like animals

> extremely bad with money
> emotionally unstable
> always ready to cheat on you
> weird accent

eurofag women
> can cook pasta once in a blue moon

> hairy armpits
> always into some weird shit: finding out if they are bisexual, anti global warming, saving planet from plastic etc.

black womenz - never get married no need to discuss

>> No.7188839

Men will improve everything they can, even their companions, not giving fucks about what religion or moral tells us. Feelsgood

>> No.7188859

Terrible investment unless you're only in it to reproduce.

>> No.7189117
File: 386 KB, 600x701, goodgoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they are not, they are a terrible investment!

>> No.7189146
File: 523 KB, 1200x800, man up!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7189237

>chink women
you forgot
>don't age well
>become fucking insane
>love monkey brains and chicken feet
>the pussy ain't as tight as the memes

>> No.7189329

They also smell like mothballs soaked in fish sauce.

>> No.7189350

> handjob
Found the 13 year old.

>> No.7189379
File: 97 KB, 743x800, 1517351841908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot that one.

>> No.7189461
File: 386 KB, 951x924, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked brother.

>> No.7189631

This is invariably false. lol

>> No.7189902

Any examples? Russian men are horrible.

>> No.7190073

Holy shot a light bulb jist went on in my head. All i gotta do is pretend to be religous? Thx anon

>> No.7190088

Depends on the women. Overall no, find a good one, then yes.

>> No.7190225

Lol what the fuck are you talking about. Women don’t give a fuck about that. They don’t give a shit when it comes down to emotions. I personally fucked a Catholic “save virginity until marriage” girl, who had a boyfriend she didn’t fuck, fuck me. I told her flat out when we started meeting that I was atheist leaning and gave her some speech about interconnections between spirits and shit because I was that guy in college. Fucked the shit out of her while her cunty boyfriend was back at home caring for his grandmother. Fucked her for an entire year, even sat across from him (after tucking her a week ago) having dinner. Girls have no morality when it comes to sex and attraction, no girl.

>> No.7190522

Like how are you going to sit with your boyfriend across from me and know that I licked your vagina and made you scream for god. Things he never ever experienced. To know that person across the table knows how you taste and you know how I taste? To stand as my naked muse for my amateur photography and paintings (yeah I was a big faggot in college). Girls have zero morals. That’s just one story of many others

>> No.7190667

The argument he provided himself >>7181027 by contradicting himself and backpedaling on "muh ancestors".

What is there to talk about, he's the dead end of his ancestors genes because he's clearly a plastic doll fucking beta internet tough guy.

>> No.7190806

If she loves you, then yes. If you love her more than she loves you stay the fuck away.

>> No.7191539
File: 265 KB, 582x474, 1488765214884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of my ancestors up till my father married like 13 year olds at age 30.
I somehow feel following the example of my ancestors would not go over well.

>> No.7191689
File: 282 KB, 1030x994, 1517145365188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asian women are the only good women for non normalfags like us honestly. Unless you're a huge extrovert and like constant drama and partying.

>> No.7191710
File: 2 KB, 139x129, 1514568280604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is English not your first language or something? At what point did I make a "muh ancestors" argument in a post shitting on that very argument? How does one backpedal on a position one never took?

>> No.7191775

Your dad married your mom when he was 30 and she was 13?

>> No.7191815

Up until my mother.

My grandfather married my grandmother at those ages, yes.

>> No.7191866


not directly

children can be the best very long term investment

>> No.7191874

>My grandfather married my grandmother at those ages, yes.
so your grandpa was pedo. how do you feel about that?

>> No.7191886

Most of slant-eye culture seems to have it's axis around making the beta male useful. This includes shaping the environment so that the females would want a beta male in marriage, despite their innate drive towards Chad.

No better fit.

>> No.7191917

Wasn't a pedo according to his times. That's all that matters.

>> No.7191939
File: 1.65 MB, 620x620, 1491885198833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were happily married for like 40 years and my grandmother loved him, so... fine, I guess?

What are you expecting me to say here? You'll probably have a better relationship with a woman if you meet her young maybe? Certainly worked out better than my father's marriage.

>> No.7192018

Women are a sound investment, they will always pay you back.

>> No.7192038

Life would be so boring without the chase lads. What's the point, at least keep a gf around.

Women are babies but consistent sex and attention is nice.

>> No.7192124


Let's say you have sex once a week. A whore who you don't risk getting aids from is going to cost at least $200. That's $10,400 over a year.

So unless you're spending more than $10,400 on a gf/wife, it's a good value. Plus they usually provide more than just once a week sex (like cleaning and cooking).

>> No.7192127

>Wasn't a pedo according to his times
He had sex with an underaged child, that's disgusting. He can still be prosecuted if alive.

>> No.7192132
File: 444 KB, 1520x1518, wmaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are a good investment goy
>btw make sure you invest in the one who is most likely to divorce you and take half your shit

I'll stick to asian women, thanks normie.

>> No.7192157

so how brown are you?

>> No.7192173

>Implying one doesn't have shit to do and find oneself a chase

>> No.7192190
File: 82 KB, 500x466, asian-women-age-30-age-13-age-18-caucasian-women-1574344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chink women
>> don't age well

nigger are you insane?

>> No.7192197

Yes I'm sure the time police are going to go back to 1947 and tell the returning war vet that he can't bring his wife back.

I'm 100% white (Ok a bit slav)

>> No.7192224

Regardless, Asian women are generally really ugly. The ones posted on here are the exception.

White and Latina women the best.

>> No.7192226

so is marrying children an eastern european/russian thing too?

>> No.7192258
File: 46 KB, 518x428, american-women-vs-asian-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry normalfag but that's a shit opinion tbqh.

>> No.7192306

Sure, maybe? My grandmother was english and my grandfather was polish, they moved to Canada.

Nobody cared then and it doesn't really matter in the end if roasties on the internet don't like it now.

>> No.7192422

Yes and anyone who says other wise is a Busta

It cost you a few grand to start em up, get their hair done, makeups, new wardrobe, expensive dinners etc, set em up with a place to stay
Then the bitch goes onto the track, $500- $2000 a night depending on the broad and how you work her. Your finesse is her finesse is your bank.

Women are the greatest investment and have been since we was living in caves.
But only a Playa be capitalizing on it, ya dig.

>> No.7192489

Yea bro them Thai and flip bitches willing to open their legs for any greasy overweight closet pedophile for a chance at white man money are the epitome of a pure maiden
the fuck is wrong with you cunts? Seriously

>> No.7192512
File: 31 KB, 478x360, 1516384486196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to become a billionaire just to secure one of the first android waifus when they arrive


>> No.7192604

Man I knew a thai girl who cheated on her husband with one of the ugliest white dudes I ever seen, they messed up in the head

>> No.7192700
File: 233 KB, 398x900, 1515384181677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best investment ever until half way through the 21st century

Their milk dispensers are typically worth their weight in gold.

>> No.7192758

you're weak if you decide to marry someone like that
for fuck sakes

>> No.7192782
File: 36 KB, 419x604, Kot06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn poor kid, he never asked for this and now he looks like some kind of mutant

>> No.7192802

>being an early adopter.

Just wait 5 years and you'll get a model with twice the features for half the price.

Don't tell me you're the kind of monster who would throw away your waifu when a more advanced model comes out.

>> No.7192848

humans in general aren't really a good investment desu

>> No.7192869


Lets keep an updated list going.

burger women
> couldn't think of any
> self entiitled
> fugly
> always looking for a good moment to divorce you and take your moneys

chink women
> cook well
> massage
> handjob

>become fucking insane
>love monkey brains and chicken feet
>the pussy ain't as tight as the memes

slav womenz
> good looks
> fuck like animals

> extremely bad with money
> emotionally unstable
> always ready to cheat on you
> weird accent

eurofag women
> can cook pasta once in a blue moon

> hairy armpits
> always into some weird shit: finding out if they are bisexual, anti global warming, saving planet from plastic etc.

black womenz - never get married no need to discuss

>> No.7192897

>ever since slavery, humans in general aren't really a good investment desu

>> No.7193052

>"98% of white mothers never receive any financial support from their black fathers of their children even if they are married to them"


Hope these statistics help some roasties out there.

>> No.7193076


>> No.7193109

She's actually a girl bro, you can tell by the frilly pink dress and overall feminine facial structure

>> No.7193124

I dig my man

>> No.7193421

>The women who divorce over "huhr being bored" are doing it out of NEGLECT.
Imagine being this fucking bluepilled and wrong about everything in life.

>> No.7193452

source on the top left?

>> No.7193659

Damn, I see that now, just goes to show how nigerrish she looks

>> No.7193673

Why does this sound like a woman typed it

>> No.7193822


you lose right there


>> No.7193827


>reading any kind of statistic


As long as the original code is kept and updated, I don't see the problem? She would get a superior new body every now and again, and her updated code would make her more lifelike while retaining the same memories and personality

>> No.7193900

anyway, life just isn't as enjoyable without womynz

>> No.7194069

I went on a rant, but women aren't loyal. Period. But they are amazing because you can come home from a long day of work to a beautiful women to cuddle with and all that shit goes out the window until the next time you show up for work. You just put your head on their chest and just talk bullshit and everything is gone, all insecurities and bullshit go out the door and you're in the moment. That shit is priceless my friend. Unless you find some good hooker or escort who does that, that's a bargain for that kind of feeling. Imagine you don't have to pay for it and you love the woman, that shit my man, is priceless. I'd kill for that right now... to put my head on some breasts, to bullshit about what happened today, kiss and sleep. That's amazing.

>> No.7194092
File: 137 KB, 1515x805, 1456437742258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I marry a beautiful 15-16yo girl anymore? What went wrong with society?

>> No.7194127
File: 11 KB, 895x69, marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7194150

My dude, there are 15-16 year olds that don't look the age. Honestly if you have someone in mind just go for it, unless you're like their teacher or some shit.

>> No.7194253


>> No.7194550

>Do women have a good ROI?
If they produce your offspring women are the best investment you can make.

>> No.7194625


oh damn man u hodl too long

>> No.7194709

She has some heavy bags...

>> No.7194892
File: 1.90 MB, 4256x2832, niglet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that damn thing looks like it's neck is going to balloon out and let out a ribbet

>> No.7195018 [DELETED] 

this is the best investment, no paid vip signal group, no pump and dumbs - discord

join - ytpvyF9

>> No.7195022

russians in general are pretty all around shit, the men most so

>> No.7195153

>For the first year or so maybe, then they turn into absolute cunts.

This. Don't do it anons.

>> No.7195256

I wish I slept with my boss

>> No.7195285

>> they can give you a handjob anytime
I can give myself a handjob.

>> No.7195334

I laughed at this and woke my baby up. Thanks anon

>> No.7195395

My boss is a woman, she's a cunt. But when she does her hair, I just fantasize about fucking her even when she's being a cunt. I will fuck her before I leave this shitty job, that's a fact. I met her arrogant husband multiple times, and she touches me all the time because I'm a fit faggot. I'm going to fuck her when I put my notice in and be like, yeah I want to fuck you, let's leave work right now to a hotel. I'll pay.

>> No.7195423

>the trauma equivalent of being raped

>> No.7195512

This is the most true statement on this thread

>> No.7195748

>you can see the pain in his eyes every time he wakes up.

Wow your boss really does a number on ya... ya nasty slut.

>> No.7196176
File: 16 KB, 278x181, 0F765410-5356-4678-BE42-112B5D591626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t you faggots just marry a man?? Literally what is the downsides.

Two chads living together bringing in whores every couple nights to fuck their brains out.

Making 6 figures each and get the tax benefits of marriage

Think the same way so there’s no need to ever argue over petty bullshit

Two men can accomplish twice as much work around the house every day because were efficient beings

Make enough money to pay for an egg and a surrogate each to continue their lineage of chads

Men are statistically better cooks in the kitchen than women so you’ll always have good food to eat

No need to deal with massive women messes around the house. Including finding giant fucking clumps of hair everywhere that plug up your drains and feminine bullshit products scattered everywhere

If there’s any reason that leads to divorce, men won’t fuck each other over on the settlement and you already have your own biological children so no need to worry about custody

Guranteed high state of happiness throughout your life.

Why the fuck aren’t you guys just marrying men? There’s literally no downside

>> No.7196332

Depreciating asset

Unless you can use it to create higher value (like with factory equipment), should be avoided

>> No.7196388

because faggots can't feel love