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7172611 No.7172611 [Reply] [Original]

>2008 Lehman Brothers stock
>they recovered in 1999 and 2003, they will recover this time
This is the future that awaits Bitcoin

>> No.7172652

What does an unrelated stock have to do with BTC? You dumbfuck nocoiner tourists do realize next to nobody owns BTC on this board right? 90% of the board is probably up 300% on alts this month. Nobody gives a fuck about BTC besides nocoiner normies (you)

>> No.7172662

so when pro crypto guys compare crypto to stocks, you guys say its not ok
but when anti crypto guys compare crypto to failed stocks, its ok
i get that

>> No.7172679


This, the whole this, and nothing but the this. Nobody here owns BTC. I have 5x as much money as I had in December.

>> No.7172693

youre even more retarded than OP but its ok leave pls

>> No.7172742

The Lehman Brothers weren't offering a universal, world currency, lmao

>> No.7172751
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But Lehman Brothers had obvious systematic risk in 2008 that would make the analogies to past dips irrelevant even to people at the time. Bitcoin in 2018 doesn't have obvious systematic ris-

>> No.7172760


Lehman brothers was a ponzi scam

bitcoin is a ponzi scam. Some guy mines millions in a day and now people have to pay billions just to get a few

fucking idiots

>> No.7172801

crazy right? As if things could become more valuable the more successful they are.....

>> No.7172841
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say that to the chinese kids who made billions mining early off millions of people dropping their life savings

>> No.7172855

Find me a folio by anybody on this board over $1MM who owns no BTC. You're very close and very far.

>> No.7172893

Yeah, just like the gold rush, or oil rush, or any of the countless times this has happened in the past. There was FUD then and there is still FUD now, get in while you still can or regret it for the rest of your life, you don't even need to invest massive amounts to be set for life, your choice though buddy,

>> No.7172911

Early adopters are the lucky ones.
Of course it is harsh for the others, but oh well.
That is how things work, it is not fair or unfair in my opinion.
Some knew about it, took the risk and got rewarded, others were less lucky, or not ready t take the risk etc.

I knew about btc in 2013, and bought my first ones 6 months ago, I am not complaining though.

>> No.7172936

I've been here for a few months and I haven't seen a single one

>> No.7172951

pls don't place Lehman brother holders with coiners, Lehman brother buyers are 100x smarter

>> No.7172998


u idiots don't know what a pump and dump is do you.

the only reason why bitcoin still sells is because not everyone in the world knew it before 2016. Sure some knew it, but NOT as much as today. Plus, it still has it use case like any other ponzi scheme. You can move money from here to there big whoop. Good luck doing that today without getting fucked with regulation

>you don't even need to invest massive amounts to be set for life
>set for life

how much would u need then? Please tell me how long this ponzi scheme can go for so my $2000 investment becomes millions like those 'early adopters'

no one is going to touch this shit until people forget about it for another couple years just like last time.

the worst thing an investor do is attach so much emotion he doesnt see logic

>> No.7173025

nobody owns BTC
it can crash to 1000$, bud than it can moon to 50000$ 6 monzhs later

>> No.7173036

The chinks didn't mine early, took them a couple of years to get in. Early miners were mainly people like me who mined tens of thousands of bitcoins only to later replace their harddrive before it became worth much of anything losing it all. You don't know the true feeling of being JUSTED.

>> No.7173057

I hold 0.04 btc
My blockfolio is worth 10 btc

Does it look like I give a fuck about btc. Its dead.

>> No.7173061

>u idiots don't know what a pump and dump is do you

Pretty obvious you don't even know what a ponzi scheme is. I repeat, nobody gives a fuck about bitcoin besides retarded normies and long term holders. The only thing it did was be here first.

>> No.7173102

btc is useless, but if you think iot and blockchain are not here to stay then you are delusional.

There is still a lot of room for growth and possibilities to get rich.
I started not long ago and I am well on my way to be "set for life"

>> No.7173134


>thinks his shitcoin is going to make actual world use case instead of some major billion company hiring some etherum devs to do the bidding for them

you are so deluded sir, u better hope theres another pump but you'll be too stupid to sell at the top



chinks didnt mine early? Lol Who patented ASIC chips u fucking idiot

>> No.7173188


good luck having your shitcoins and blockchain techs (that are still 2-3 years away from real use case; snap out of it unicorn startups take years) without being able to buy them through bitcoin

>> No.7173235

>ITT normies

>> No.7173239

>my Blockfolio is worth 10 bitcoin
>>next week, his Blockfolio is worth 11 bitcoin!!!!
>>>and $9000 less than its worth today

>> No.7173321

I don't get what you are trying to tell me.
I don't need btc.
Fiat pairings are coming for a lot of cryptos, I can cash out eth and some others.
Of cours it needs time, thus we are investing in the future and by your definition even early adopters.

Or do you mean being rich in a few years is a bad thing? I can wait 2 years for a 10x on my 500k usd. Probably won't take that long, but even if it does it is a lot better than stocks.

Blockchain is slowly becoming mainstream, big enterprises and even countries are strarting to use it. Universities are doing research etc.
This is the internet bubble all over, and we are not yet at the top.

>> No.7173377

They also literally caused the 2008 crash. Going to 0 was to good for them, they would have been hanged.

>> No.7173385


>> No.7173441


>Fiat pairings are coming

I bet they are bud. By then BTC will be $1000

But sure, if u really want 10000% again, ill see u in 2025

>> No.7173522

So 100x in 7 years is bad?
sure, 50 millions in 2025 are ok with me.

You don't understand it right? fiat pairings decouple the price from btc. This means btc can die and it doesn't matter much.
Now I am almost certain that you are just trying to troll me.

>> No.7173572
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>Now I am almost certain that you are just trying to troll me

>> No.7173637

ASICS weren't around for years you moron.

>> No.7173969



2 years until it was made. Most of them recently got created around 2015.

Wonder who was mining during all that time when no one gave a fuck

>> No.7173998


>> No.7174798

It's different because even exit scam like confido or shitcoin like doge still could be used as a currency and transfered around the world

>> No.7175022

Actually true.

2.8x this month in pure shitcoins and I am still crying about "losses" what the hell I am greedy - was up 8x so it feels like a huge loss. This sudden realisation is insane.

>> No.7175439
