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7152638 No.7152638 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kpop the reason why Koreans are such degenerate gamblers when it comes to crypto? I can imagine going all-in in crypto when all i see everyday is scantily dressed roasties dancing in front of my face all day. Their brains must be fucked with all the testosterone fucking their reward system telling them to go all-in.

>> No.7153129

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.7153169

gooks gonna gook
ride the waves

>> No.7153214

>Their brains must be fucked with all the testosterone fucking their reward system telling them to go all-in.
Yeah, that is why pajeets shill coins here with megathot images to go along with the post

>> No.7153298

That sure didn't make any fucking sense
>huurrrr is Katy Perry and Eminem da riizn that I'm shit at tradung hjruur

>> No.7153301
File: 1.17 MB, 1203x950, twitch_girl_donations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't their roasties only worshiped so much because porn is restricted or something?
It's like a country of pic related

>> No.7153302

The reason why is because Korea is a shitty country to be born into. They literally call it "Hell Korea." There are few opportunities especially for young people, so they are hungry for anything that might make save them. They are also have higher IQs than most countries so when they see something like crypto that has a high probability to pull them out of hell, you better believe they'll go balls deep.


>> No.7153382

Then why arent people in india or africa balls deep in crypto? Pretty sure its the hot thots making them go balls deep

>> No.7153407

OP, do you want an honest to God redpill?

What if I told you that the entire country of South Korea is a psy-ops? What if I told you that our intelligence agencies designed the entire country and placed members of their own cult into positions of power there? What if I told you that their entire culture was designed in order to test how the West would react to similar applications of social engineering?

Kpop was created in order to see how music could be used to manipulate women into their own sexual degradation, in attempt to weaken the family unit. It worked very well. We followed with slutty pop stars of our own.

Many, many examples of this.

>> No.7154180

Because they have an IQ of 80 and have absolutely no money you idiot.

>> No.7154271

Asians have fucked up dopamine systems so they usually more prone to vice despite being intelligent, the same reason they can work their ass off like ant people as long as they are working towards a goal

>> No.7154326


The west had whores in music long before Korea did you dense mother fucker. Like god damn, Madonna and Britney sucked off way more dudes than K whores have.