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File: 30 KB, 1173x402, google trendz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7140573 No.7140573 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related, look it up. Normies cared... At December, when crypto was most bullish ever and the interest in crypto is rapidly decreasing to all time lows.

>> No.7140604
File: 247 KB, 400x416, 1511990773111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trend perfectly maps to price history


>> No.7140612

what does thatr evern mean

>> No.7140695

I need this shit to crash.

News was never as exciting as during the 2008 financial crisis.

The more the world burns the more exciting it is.

>> No.7140702


Web search frequency over time?

>> No.7140707
File: 180 KB, 1079x1696, Screenshot_20180131-121739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry boys. We have a ways to go.

>> No.7140804

how to make Trump tweet about BTC?

>> No.7140829

Google doesn't specify exact metrics. But using some common sense I compare it to some phrases like "horoscope" or "karma" which is about as naive and normie level one can get. And BTC interest surpassed both of these, for a short moment.

>> No.7140863

This is unironically good for bitcoin

>> No.7140993

How do you think trading volume and market cap are going to increase if new money (normies) don't enter and old money (whales) selling?

>> No.7141048

Why would he tweet something that theatens his (((banker friends)))?

>> No.7141529

Good point.

>> No.7141659

tere tere

>> No.7141706

if we could make him tweet about how Bitcoin is bad,
there would be a lot of libtards buying it just to spite him

>> No.7141729
File: 25 KB, 1335x402, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.7141768
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 6lFOQPd2R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.7141836

Have you tried any ATMs in Estonia? Do you need to show id to cash out?

>> No.7141838

tere tere :D kissapojad :D puhas kisu ;D

>> No.7141901


>> No.7141909

Lol Eesti bizbrod.

>> No.7141911

no, the russian mob will kidnap you and your family. very dangerous place. stay away.

>> No.7141941

Naerda tahate vaadake fb-s eesti krüptorahade gruppi, ebareaalne milline retakate kari seal on.

>> No.7141975

where are we on this chart?

>> No.7141976

Hahaha davai vaatan kek.

>> No.7142031

wow it's almost like those people that were trying to push that hashtag because they knew normie interest was waning were right????

jesus fuck you idiots are dumb normies stopped giving a fuck about crypto, you've gotta make national headlines with #PayWithCrypto and get big companies to accept it normies stopped giving a fuck

>> No.7142056

ICO ref linkide goldmine. Kutid ei saa ise arugi et registreerivad ref linkidega kek.

>> No.7142065
File: 29 KB, 1262x611, Graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoin absolutely btfo

>> No.7142093

That we dumped on retarded normies that bought Bitcoin on December and now we're running out of dumb money to make a new pump.

>> No.7142111
File: 43 KB, 300x367, 1510548566688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's sept. 2017 anon

>> No.7142122

What about all the pumps that happened before normies got in?

>> No.7142144

Rip to people that bought that thing at 100

>> No.7142188
File: 56 KB, 1174x632, correlation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... what does my pic mean?

>> No.7142218

Damn why sex is not #1

>> No.7142238


>> No.7142279


>> No.7142280

normies wanted to off themselves after the bitcoin crash so they bought ripple

>> No.7142309


>> No.7142330

someone is shorting 25x

>> No.7142419

this graph show the normie psyche perfectly:
>be me, le norman paki-Joe
>see every friend moon with BTC in Christmas time
>takes me 2 weeks to figure out how to use GDAX or Coinbase but finally do it
>take a credit loan or life savings to invest in BTC
>BTC instantly dropping
>what do?
>oh BTC is expensive... i need something cheaper that can become a 17,000$ coin. Like Ripple? That's just 2 dollaroos
>mfv losing -50% overnight
>Google "how to suicide"

And there you have it, screencap it and off to leddit

>> No.7142539
File: 35 KB, 1173x402, 1502949023122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7142609

I'd like to believe that for a moment... But regarding "user interest" let's re-cap this now.

>katy perry and snoop dogg shilling altcoins
>bloomberg doing a WEEK dedicated to crypto
>all media blabbering about crypto for a whole month
>amazon, facebook, aliexpress CEOs all expressing interest
>Mark Cuban in crypto

do you really, do you really think that wasn't the peak interest moment of crypto? Could it even be shilled any more?

>> No.7142672

That mean suicide is shitcoin

>> No.7142776

He didn’t say it was good for get-rich-quick pump and dumpers

>> No.7142841
File: 221 KB, 180x196, 6wS5F5T[2].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they already didn't kill themself, we shoud see another spike after Ripple crash," MACD" already crossed, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7142856

>media coverage
They were only shilling useless memecoins like Bitcoin, Tron and Ripple and all those crypto Facebook ads were for garbage like Bitconnect.

>> No.7142869

uhm idk how about when it ACTUALLY STARTS GETTING FUCKING USED and not just talked about. Fuckin idiots

>> No.7142892
File: 100 KB, 1162x400, Bitcoin and DDLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7142920

actual products instead of just talk, maybe?

>> No.7142940

who the fuck googles sex in 2018

>> No.7142980

Here I’m germany crypto trading is not very polpular yet. everybody knows about bitcoin and shit, but most people don’t know shit about how to trade or about altcoins / ICOs.

I think regulations might help to make it more mainstream. so yes, i think OP is right with his pic related

>> No.7142981

>what is this bitcoin craze all about?
>oh geez! It keeps going up, better buy all I can now at 19k before its too late!
>FUCK! its down to 15k
>everyone on Twitter is talking about this ripple thing that's suppose to replace bitcoin
>WOW! Only $3! I'm going to sell all my bitcoin for it and use whats left of my savings, this thing is going to 20k!
>half my wealth is gone forever....
>google, whats the best way to commit suicide?

>> No.7142999

So idiots are already out of the market? Good, the only way to go now is up.

>> No.7143015

Children, pajeets & old people

>> No.7143084

yuge if factual

>> No.7143161 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 300x295, 1510867321417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So idiots are already out of the market? Good, the only way to go now is up.
amerifarts are still in though