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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 600x411, bnbtqyy5rhb01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7128934 No.7128934 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who thinks Trump has done anything good for this country needs to be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.7129338

Pic is a lie, left uses same argument every time they lose power. In Poland when PIS got to power and everything boomed press was just repeating over and over it is all thanks to Mr Tusk.
Pathetic leftovers.

>> No.7129557


>> No.7129568

before Trump was elected, the left has been whining and screaming non-stop that if he gets elected, then unemployment will massively increase, the stock market will crash, and the US will become ruined. Now that Trump has actually gotten elected, they have changed their narrative because they are obviously wrong and they will continue to be wrong

>> No.7129586

unemployment is always taken during December when people are most likely to get jobs, aka fake stats

>> No.7129655

trump is no more of a fuckhead than any other post-2000 president. but he's undeniably the most embarrassing representative of americuh.

>> No.7129691

Oh thanks for correcting the record. 0.01 DGB has been deposited to your account.

>> No.7129829

Fuck off. Thanks OP.

>> No.7129831

It's good that he's not Hillary

>> No.7129839

Unemployment stats are always cooked to favor the government of the day, this is true in every 1st world country regardless of who's in power, policy or ideology. A person with 3 part time jobs is counted as 3 employed persons, a fulltime job lost in favor of 1.5 partime jobs = jobs growth. People unemployed for 2 years are regarded as "leaving the workforce" and not counted in the stats. Obamas administration did it, Bush did it, Trump will do it.

This logic holds true in reverse. Any credit Obama can take for successes in Trumps 1st year, the failures can also be attributed to him. This type of fallacy and cognitive dissonance is what has come to represent the new regressive liberal left.

>> No.7129872
File: 94 KB, 640x632, 5E018275-FFC9-4146-A260-FD43866340FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op on his wife’s son’s phone

>> No.7129889

The complete financial collapse America will see in the next 1-2 years has it's roots in the GFC and following QE. It has nothing to do with Trump but he'll be scapegoated with it when it happens because he stupidly has bragged about the economy being his miracle

>> No.7129893

go back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.7129953


>I swear guyze all Obama would've needed is a few more months and you'd totes see the results of his effort!

Commies need to be gassed.

>> No.7130002

i hate that orange piece of trash as much as the next guy, but i dont come to 4chan for their intelligent and insightful thoughts on politics.

i come here to see whats going on with cryptos...and even with it just being that i can barely stand these autistic assholes. please dont spam this /pol/ bullshit.

>> No.7130044

I always love it how people are so quick to whine and complain when others call Obama a nigger, but it's perfectly okay to make fun of Trump's skin colour. Double-standards are fun

>> No.7130126

I'm going to blow your mind guys. The President is the head of one of 3 equal branches of federal government. The one arguably least responsible for public policy as he just signs it or vetos it, additionally most policy is researched, written and implemented by beurocracy. The federal government also shares its power with 50 equal states. While the federal government does have control over it's own fiscal policy (through the house) it does not control Monetary policy which is controlled by the Federal Reserve. Many speculate Open Market operations by the Fed purchasing bonds with the intention of pushing prices up and moving people into the stock market is responsible for it's rise. Of course while policy does have an impact, it is not the be all and all deciding factor, and many factors outside government control impact markets, including even international factors. So debating presidents based on the state of the economy while they happened to be in power is completely retarded. The U.S. needs to move to a parliamentary system to remove this stupid demagogue feature.

>> No.7130151
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.00_[2018.01.21_12.59.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one absolutely hate /pol/. Why? Because they're cancer. Simple logic.
/biz/ is for discussing finance and income. The discussion here makes me mad dosh because they're sometimes about hidden gems.
/pol/ ruins every board and facet of society by injecting their political neo nazi trump crap in every discussion, hence ruining said discussion. They bring their boomer and normalfag userbase with them, outside the /pol/ containment area.
Hence, they ruin /biz/ discussion the more they multiply on /biz/. Ergo, they ruin my chances of making money. Fuck.

This fucking cancer is disgusting and they should leave. Pronto.
If there is a "kick /pol/ out" movement in this board I will gladly support them.

>> No.7130166

Fuck that commie spook.

>> No.7130186

Do you know where you are you fake victim piece of shit? no one here does that.
>fake tans are the same as an actual race

>> No.7130235

>muh Obombo
If you think, that a chimp can rule a country, you are retarded. You need a human for that.

>> No.7130239

Hes the perfect representative of burgers: fat, dumb, loud and obnoxious

>> No.7130260

With regards to employment yes, with regards to the stock market no. Stocks respond very quickly.

>> No.7130270
File: 60 KB, 637x796, saghah1xhwc01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems the uneducated socialist eurotrash are active today. Trump will be the best thing that ever happened to your shithole countries.


>> No.7130272

Bush and Obama were both well educated and smart. People just gave dubya shit cause of the way he talks and because he is republican.

>> No.7130325

Russia is very interested in using cryptos as a way to circumvent sanctions.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Congress does some stupid shit like make Waves illegal

>> No.7130326

>implying short term stock market gains matter

>> No.7130389
File: 83 KB, 700x420, exquisite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left is the one victimizing itself and has fallen to the Oppression Olympics. Fortunately they are good for a laugh since they are constantly coming up with insane bullshit. They have reduced themselves to monkeys in a zoo

>> No.7130590

Imagine being this far removed in your echo chamber.

>> No.7130650

Obama was terrible man. I even supported the guy the first 3 years. He was shit

>> No.7130688

If you got out of your bubble you would see the regressive left constantly compete to see who can be the most oppressed. The reason they do this is to try to become as big of a victim as possible, which in turn makes them think they have the right to bully others around. As someone who has leaned left in the past, I've been pushed to the center due to the childish absurdity that the left has become

>> No.7130744

SO pathetic how these bots fail so hard that they think coming into 4chan and spamming shit like this is somehow going to sway people against Trump. Nobody with an IQ over 50 has a problem with Trump. He is OBJECTIVELY the best President that the USA has ever had. It's that simple.

>> No.7130757

kek. I lost interest in your very original argument at "the left" don't you have Some Rubin or Peterson videos to jack off too?

>> No.7130847

>crash of 2008 right before obama
>obama just threw a trillion dollars at it with no affect
>markets naturally corrected
>took 8 years to finally get back to normal

Trump probably hasn't done much other than add a little bit of speculative value and confidence in the last year, but it wasn't obama who drove up the stock market or lowered unemployment.

>> No.7130885

he has produced some top tier memes sir and this is indisputable

>> No.7130907

Whoever is not buying BZC right now is wasting money.

>> No.7130973

we NEED a bitcoin crash to 1k to weed out normalfags
it's beyond an infestation, it's an invasion

>> No.7131030

Not sure who those are, but it seems like you are very well-aquainted with them

>> No.7131179

Hillary would have unironically have been a much better president and leader.

>> No.7131317
File: 1.97 MB, 400x332, space cadet, pull up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw voted for Gary

>> No.7131377
File: 110 KB, 1328x882, DU1zPGuW4AEm_3L.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay thirsty, fren.

>> No.7131395

The only reason I agree with op is because of statistics. Cold hard facts. Not the news media. Obama's policies fixed unemployment and fixed the markets. Lookj at the charts during his o office run. It's only up.

>> No.7131470

please tell me this isnt real
drumpf is stupid but is he actually dumb enough to let someone take a pic of this???

>> No.7131635

Is this image implying the economy is good and real unemployment numbers are down?

This shit is retarded

>> No.7131683

You can be right wing without supporting trump and /pol/

>> No.7131722

>Is this image implying the economy is good and real unemployment numbers are down?
yeah cause it is lmao. I don't get why so many people are obsessed with pretending everything is shit. Is it just projecting your own failure?

>> No.7131725

>cold hard facts
He gave 4 trillion dollars permanently to the banks to lower our interest rates short-term. He did not gain us anything, he sold our future to pretend he gave us a good 7 years.

>> No.7131726

yeah you're definitely not a normalfag because you use the word normalfag and all
fucking faggot

>> No.7131758

Everything is shit though
Most young people are fucked with no homes
Biggest debt in history of world
No high paying jobs, just shit McDonald's jobs
Nobody has savings anymore

Looks like the leftists won

>> No.7131778

oh so you are.

>> No.7131823

December is the highest month of lay offs/fires by a huge margin in any time of the year,

Really activated my sperms braincells with that one

>> No.7131834
File: 26 KB, 633x438, Even a Retard Can See It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this meme? The SP500 was higher in December 2014 than November of 2016 before Trump got in. Since Trump got in it's increased by FORTY PERCENT.

>pic related
10,000 hours in MS Paint

>> No.7131866

The banks were loaned 441billion not 4 trillion and paid it back, but cool story bro.

"TARP recovered funds totalling $441.7 billion from $426.4 billion invested."

You guys must be young as fuck if you don't remember 2007 into 2008 when Obama came into office and everything was in the shitter. When he came into office unemployment was almost 8% and the DOW as at 6500. When he left it was at 4.8% unemployment and the DOW was at 20000. But ya Obama wrecked the economy. Fucking delusional. Enjoy this stock market crash under Trump. I hope you guys lose everything. Every Republican president has presided over some form of stock market crash since Bush 1 because you need to regulate against greedy assfucks. Just look at what is happening in crypto you fags.

>> No.7131882


>> No.7131899

I'm surprised you can write something in English you Eastern European piece of shit

>> No.7131915

lmao nigger I'm not even talking about TARP, I'm talking about quantitative easing. The debt went from 10 trillion to 19 trillion, you can't hide it.

>> No.7131942

>you need to regulate against greedy assfucks
That part's true. Obama failed in that but thankfully Trump's succeeding. Almost a decade of every corporation outsourcing at double speed and offshoring all cash and they're finally being charged for it. Goldman Sachs was fined $5 billion for their offshore cash they had moved over during the Obama/Bush years and Apple got hit with a $38 billion fine.

>> No.7131955

Ya because Obama didn't want to pass student loan forgiveness plans to unburden young people from debt and couldn't because the GOP refused to do so. You're a fucking moron bro. If the left had their way it'd be like Germany where everyone had healthcare and free education and can live anywhere in Europe they want with ample savings. But cool story. Germany doesn't even have an eighth of the US GDP and can provide for 100 million what the US can't for 300 million with far greater resources.

>> No.7131970

Don't pretend you understand economics kid or you'd see why the country literally will never recover from the current state its in.

>> No.7132034

>they ruin /biz/ discussion
top kek, nice bait mate, I really hope for your sake it is bait

>> No.7132049

>wahhh I didn't get free shit
Then go live in Germany nigga god damn

>> No.7132167

Most of the country is though lol

>> No.7132222
File: 1.24 MB, 1097x2706, 1475067554955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao holy shit fucking kill yourself you leftist fuck

If Germany privatized those thing they would be insanely cheap and everyone could afford them AND have more spending
It's Obama and democrats's fault student loans cost so much in the first place

Delusional socialists I swear

>> No.7132252

Damn feels bad man.

>> No.7132310

>It's Obama and democrats's fault student loans cost so much in the first place

Prove it then

>> No.7132403

Government-sponsored student loans basically give billions of dollars to universities for raising tuition LOL

>> No.7132828

So, based on that trajectory, George W. Bush set everything in motion?

>> No.7132892

Also they sponsor taking like 30% foreign students for close to free. Which means US students have to pay more because of the fewer seats.

>> No.7133010

There is NO way to judge Trump's performance using ANY stats right now. Almost everything about the economy's performance is based off Obama era policies. The only thing that has been affected is the stock market due to expectations of tax breaks and short term profits.

Not even the right are dumb enough to use 2017 stats as victories for Trump.

>> No.7133599

Might have been something about a war started on false grounds too, and starting that privacy intrusion thing every President since builds more on.

>> No.7133650

Shut up cuck. Trump could cure cancer and you’d say he’s too late.

>> No.7133885
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 1510010222053m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Why not

>> No.7133928
File: 86 KB, 1000x1200, 1509958748841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump has brought multinational corporations back to the US to not only pay taxes but to employ people lmao
Stop watching shitty news channels

>> No.7134001

Trump is okay but he needs to let the stock market crash.

Candidate Trump knew that if he raised interest rates (AKA stopped printing money) that the stock market crash. Meanwhile President Trump is nothing like him as he "loves low interest rates" now after criticizing Obama for it.

>> No.7134144


>> No.7134627

The stock market rallied when Trump won the election though.

>> No.7134639

He deserves it desu.

>> No.7134670

>Neo Nazis

>> No.7134681
File: 58 KB, 640x360, momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be any less subtle, you fucking /pol/ faggot.
Go back to your containment board and continue to live your grand delusions.
/pol/ is cancer and poisons every board it touches, that much is absolute fact.

>> No.7134750

He's not using a trip. Fuck off newfag.

>> No.7134932

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/158677934