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7109892 No.7109892 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve made 6 figures out of an investment of 1.2k usd.

But this past year I have gained more than 100 pounds, my knees and feet hurt, permanent diarrhea and my back is full of acne.

What should I do? My erect penis is 2 inches long due to my FUPA, even if I have so much money I can’t get the love I always craved for.

Help me biz

>> No.7109920



>> No.7109961

what the fuck happened?

>> No.7110074

Do diet and go to the gym. Is it that fucking difficult to figure it out. You may already have brain damage I suppose.

>> No.7110104

>and my back is full of acne
I've had this for forever and I'm thin

>> No.7110117

Start to ween yourself off of soda and carbs.

Eat high fat & protein meats and veggies.

Try to get outside and move as much as possible.

>> No.7110123

Post your skinny trap cock

>> No.7110137

Clean your room.

>> No.7110159

sugar nigga, get rid of it
intermittent fasting
lots of water only
dont even need to exercise

>> No.7110162

Try fasting for a month. Just take whatever money you spend on food and just invest it back in crypto and you'll lose all your weight after about a month of not eating. After the second or third day you won't even miss food

>> No.7110178

seriously. messy environment = messy brain = depression

>> No.7110218

austin, go to work

>> No.7110261

yes, 100%
literally just *GO* to the gym.
if you are in southern Ohio I will legit get you a gym membership and work out with you. Fuck money, get health.
inb4 someone ITT says manlet

>> No.7110271

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7110319

Same but also on my face.
I went to my doctor and she told me to eat walnuts, oranges and carrots.
Kept this "cure" for 3 weeks now, seems to work.

>> No.7110325

Yeah do this op. I want you to fall back on your bad habits and become an even fatter boy but only after knowing what being normal weight feels like.

>> No.7110342

just pay a friggin personal trainer that will support you at the gym

>> No.7110343


>> No.7110350


>> No.7110390

Stop eating so much fatty and maybe you’ll live to enjoy your profits

>> No.7110409

Water fast for a few weeks. Then do what /fit/ tells you.

>> No.7110486

Eat keto. You can still eat tasty things and even still go to fast food, but keto teaches you tons about nutrition as well as portion control. Low fat diets leave you hungry all the time. High fat diets are satiating. You can lose a significant amount of weight without even needing to exercise, but any exercise you get will just accelerate your weight loss. Good luck OP and check out r/keto for tips.
- former fat dude

>> No.7110517
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If you really need to ask a Mongolian fish juggling forum how to lose weight it's probably too late for you

>> No.7110556

easy mode diet:
stop eating sugar
stop drinking sugar
eat more vegetables

middle mode diet:
as above plus dont eat anything from a box

god mode diet for weight loss:

go to the gym and hire a trainer. they are about $150 a month here for 6x a month sessions.

>> No.7111137

Ketogenic diet . I lost 100lbs in 6 months

>> No.7111196

>Ketogenic diet . I lost 100lbs in 6 months
And I didn't even exercise

>> No.7111228

This shit isn't new dumbass. Eat better food and go exercise a few times a week. Why do you need our help?

>> No.7111281

how many cal/day did you do?
what was your daily foods?

>> No.7111385

Take some of your gains and get your stomach stapled. Failing that, put down the fork you fat fuck.

>> No.7111403

Just eat less
2 slices of bread in the morgen
2 slices of bread during lunch
normal plate of food
2 pieces of fruit

VOILA , i lost 20kg that way

>> No.7111436

healthy and safe!

>> No.7111499

OP, to not make things stressful, just start by cutting out any sodas or alcohol. If you're a soda drinker, then you'll probably drink 6-7 in a day which is about 1200 calories. If a week you'll lose about 2 pounds if you cut it out. A pound of fat is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories.

>> No.7111500

Plant-based diet, swimming twice a week and a penis implant

>> No.7111512

Wash the FUPA my friend. Wash it very well every day. The FUPA needs to be taken care off 3 times a day othervise germs and oozing mushrooms manifest themselves around the fupal area.

Don't forget to remove fungus around toenail area and psioriasis from your scalp and (neck)beard.

>> No.7111515
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the easiest AND most effective AND fastest way to lose fat is getting into Ketosis mode and staying in it for several weeks, months preferably, without falling out of it.

>> No.7111543

Just eat a bunch of chicken noodle soup dawg, easy weight loss hack

>> No.7111558

Thanks. Just gained 100k lbs.

>> No.7111595

Nice larp pajeet. Now get back to eating sand.

>> No.7111622

See a dermatologist for your back, you should get good health insurance since you have money. Also, crypto tips please?

>> No.7111652

>Mongolian fish juggling

S-Should i be offended by that ?

>> No.7111699

It may sound like a meme but if you want to get rid of fat the fastest way possible you have to FAST for multiple days. Just drink salted water, go read up on fasting or the snake diet or some shit. Ive done it and lost 8kg in 2 weeks, an obese friend of mine went from 125kg to 116kg in a little over a week.

You can literally consistently lose 2 pounds a day, as long as you dont fucking put ANYTHING in your mouth except (salted) water. (Unless youre a fucking manlet, then obviously youll be using less energy) The whole reason your body stores fat is so it can live off of it when you dont have any fucking food left.

just DONT EAT or at least cut out ALL carbs, especially sugar and youll still lose shit tonnes of weight

>> No.7111773
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>My erect penis is 2 inches
This has nothing to do with your eating disorder


>> No.7111776

Keep in mind when you're an ugly fuck you're done for anyway.

You're not gonna get ripped either. But eating healthier will still help you be a little less of a fatass, help a bit with acne, and probably make you feel noticeably physically better. It's worth the effort, I think - but I'm on opposite end of the scale and my issues don't precisely align with yours.

t. polish death camp escapee

>> No.7111832


Usually cause you don't wash yourself properly, or because you eat too much crap (i.e.: eat some fucking healthy plants).

>> No.7111894

this is keto. the studies would never be allowed now, but basically obese people can just be fed (A) vitamins (B) water and (C) electrolytes: sodium, magnesium, potassium and be fine for as long as their fat stores remain. it would not the most fun start, but it would work long term.

think of it this way. carrying around 40 pounds of fat is carrying around 163287 calories. thats 70+ pizzas strapped to your back you walk around with, and you continue to guzzle down sugars when you're hungry. once your metabolism goes into fat adapted you just start eating the fat.

its a godmode cheat code.

>> No.7111913

Depends, are you Mongolian or a fish juggler?

>> No.7112105

Get rid of sugar first. No soda, no cookies, no chocolate. Just normal food in normal portions and no snacking. You will lose weight this way even without moving. Weigh once a week, once you start losing weight you will get the motivation to keep it up and in time you will start to feel bad when snacking because it feels like you're going backwards. I lost about 25kg this way in 6-7 months without excersise. (From 106 to 81kg)

Drink lots of water and eat lots of vegetables, if you really crave sugar then eat fruit.

>> No.7112212

Yes,. its exactly like a keto diet. Except you dont need to fucking eat fat, you just consume your own bodyfat automatically, just straight burn the fat thats on your body. (Like how every other thing in the animal kingdom over the past millions of years has done)

> 40 pounds of fat is carrying around 163287 calories. thats 70+ pizzas
It's even better, only a portion of the weight can be used to live off. most of it becomes/is already, water.

>> No.7112262


I believe neither but the last year on this board make me doubt everything

>> No.7112492

Switch to almond flour!!!!

>> No.7112540

Just drink water for a few months.

>> No.7112550

Used to be really fat myself and I lost 30kg+ over 6-8 months because of how much I hated myself. When I started I took up walking (usually in the evenings so people wouldn't see me).
Then I started walking faster and for longer.
Then I took up jogging.
Then I started running.
Then I joined a gym.
Then I became fitter and stronger than literally everyone else. Now I go to the gym literally every day because of how much I love it.

Coming from a broke guy who was fat most of his life I can honestly tell you it's MUCH easier than earning 6 figures even if you look and feel like a piece of shit all you need to succeed is a little determination.


- Eat breakfast
- Get enough sleep
- Lots of protein
- Lots of veggies
- Lots of healthy carbs
- Lots of water

x Don't just eat salad for every meal.
x Don't eat/drink sugary shit. If you want something sweet eat a piece of fruit
x Don't skip meals.
x Don't make yourself vomit.
x Don't be lazy but don't punish yourself either

Good luck bro

>> No.7112570


>> No.7112611


Oh - you're me.


>> No.7112634


Skip a meal everytime we enter a bear market.

>> No.7112811

Trainers are a meme. Just read a bunch of exercise guides and start out with a calisthenic routine like Convict Conditioning and then once you've progressed through that, do Strongllifts 5x5. Look up proper form on the internet and always have someone spot you for bench.

Eat very protein rich foods, like chicken breast. Protein fills you up fast and makes you less likely to overeat. Stop drinking soda entirely and replace it with green tea sweetened with honey.

>> No.7112830

Holy fuck if anyone listens to this tardo enjoy your muscle wasting

>> No.7112973

>Look up proper form on the internet and always have someone spot you for bench.

Dumbells ar great for training without a spotter.

>> No.7112978

You do need to eat fat. What you don't need are carbs,. Going too long without dietary fat can make you die of liver failure. In keto the body uses stores of bf to synthesize ketones that normally would could be made with carbohydrates, which is why it accelerates weight loss.

>> No.7112989

that's the nicest thing ive read on 4chan in a while
good feels itt

>> No.7113065


>> No.7113139

fat people have literally the easiest problem in the world. just stop shoving cake and pizza in your greasy traphole. it's way harder for skinny fags to gain muscle and weight because we actually have to do something active like chug gallons of milk and eat bags of almonds every day

>> No.7113149

Or a power rack. No spotting needed for anything

>> No.7113195
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Read the fucking sticky!

>> No.7113236

I didn't keep keep to close track of calories cause I'm 6'7 so anything under 2400 would have lost me weight, and I don't think I ever was going over 2k cals a day. As for normal day would be bacon and eggs for breakfast fajitas on low carb wrap for lunch and steak or chicken with with veg , mind you some veg isn't good for low carb. All in all its not bad once you get used to what you can and can't eat and get into a routine.

>> No.7113244

oranges and carrots are fine but do I have to eat walnuts? fucking hate those

>> No.7113268

Out of curiosity, why does being obese cause diarrhea?

>> No.7113304

Your money will do you no good because if you keep this up you will most surely die young.

Visit /Fit/

>> No.7113337

Try avocados, dark chocolate and green tea

>> No.7113341

Same premise with extended fasting, except even faster weight loss due to no caloric intake. You do still need essential vitamins though, especially sodium, potassium and magnesium.

Easiest thing in the world is to start intermittent fasting, then when ready add keto on top of it. If you don't feel you're losing fast enough you add extended fasting onto that. It's useful all the way down to a desired 10-12% BF.

>> No.7113348

Just calorie count. Seriously fuck exercising (especially if you're already super overweight it can be really difficult on your joints and feel much shittier than it does for the average person), just figure out your BMR (which would be pretty high at this point since you're overweight) and eat 500 calories less than it every day. You should lose ~a pound a week (yes these are all approximations but I pretty much did just this and lost 30 lbs last year).

>> No.7113353

Oh I also got a smoker when I started and I made lots of brisket and pulled pork.

>> No.7113357

>6 figures
>even if I have so much money I can’t get the love I always craved for.
>so much money

You sound like a disgusting sack of shit and having 6 figures is nowhere near enough to find a gf

Having enough money for a girl to overlook your physical traits is relative to how ugly you are. I would say you need $5mil minimum

>get the love I always craved for.

also, forget about this. this is nonsense. You are never going to be loved, you should just focus on finding an eastern european or southeast asian from some third world shit hole that just wants your money and a green card.

>> No.7113377

Oh and eating high protein stuff helps stave off hunger significantly I found. Greek yogurt and TVP were godsends.

>> No.7113537

There is no muscle wasting unless you already have muscle

>> No.7113799

Poor diet causing a messed up gut flora.

>> No.7114387


thank me later WRkuh9HjGBUVY2zvZYGYnmRiyhE6RawuMQ

>> No.7114446

Very easy to lose 30 kg in little over a month but alas people are of low intelligence and will not follow good advice even if their life depended upon it

>> No.7114656

Just an idea: kill yourself

>> No.7114666

>sauna to sweat out water weight.

you will be skinny within the month.

>> No.7114737

Add thyroid hormones and you can significantly speed the process up

>> No.7115017
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If you've made that much money then surely you can't be an idiot. Research intermittent fasting. Seriously.
I've done a 3 day fast before, it's actually pretty easy after the initial hunger period. Then your body just goes with it.
Go to the store and get some multivitamins. Work your way up to a week. It can be done. The people that say fasting can't be done are just normies.
>pic unrelated

>> No.7115117

You shouldn’t be fasting for fucking days. Do it for like 12-24 hours then eat like normal (And not a fatass! Eat veggies and other filling healthy shit). But don’t listen to this brainlets endorsing straight starvation for days. Trust me you will break after 24 hours and eat more than you would have anyway. Work in some walking and/or other cardio type training for maximum weight loss. I went from 220lbs to 160 and fit by running/walking/biking and light fasting

>> No.7115188


wash your bedding more often (weekly) you morons

>> No.7115282
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Since you're that fat you probably want the easy way out

I recommend Atkins

You can eat as much meat and cheese as you want and you WILL lose a shit ton of weight and FAST

>> No.7115821

easy way out would be surgery, he has the money.

>> No.7116140

A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step. Get to the gym and get on that treadmill man. It becomes addicting - it's not too late for you, me or any of the degenerates on here.

>> No.7116175

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