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File: 118 KB, 715x660, tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7081416 No.7081416 [Reply] [Original]

>Exchanges that do not allow fiat balances are destined to explode.

-based TA god

>> No.7081932

Why didn't he just buy ETH with the Tether on whatever exchange he transferred from?

>> No.7081963

Isn't this the same guy who said BTC will fall some 70 percent?

>> No.7081976

both bitfinexed and brandt are retarded.

>> No.7081975

lol. you know that bitfinexed guy sold all his bitcoin at the beginning of last year, and he's been desperately trying to fud while watching all his gains go up in smoke.

never listen to a salty loser.

>> No.7082004

Wow, and it only fell 50 percent! What a retard he was!

>> No.7082013

What-s the obsession bitfinexed has with tether?
I'm starting to think he has a personal problem with bitfinex creators. I don't think he's a normal guy with good intentions.

>> No.7082018

>-based TA god

Isn't that the same TA god who has predicted $5-6k BTC like 5 times now, and deleted his tweet every time it managed to gain support around $9-10k? Yes it is.

>> No.7082027

Boomers and retards, like two peas in a pod.

>> No.7082033
File: 126 KB, 1200x849, bitfinexfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.7082041

Three weeks ago?

>> No.7082059

brandt has been an annoying loser for 10 years, remember him from stock twits

>> No.7082064

>a thread died for this

>> No.7082065

these two are the biggest faggots in crypto currently

>> No.7082083
File: 196 KB, 406x375, 1401054317626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal problem with bitfinex creators

He does. He shorted BTC around $1500, then begged Bitfinex for his money back, to which they declined.

Then he sat on the sideline watching BTC reach $19k, so he blamed Tether. And that's when the year long personal vendetta of a broken man began.

>> No.7082096

he's been preaching BTC is dead since it was like $5k, yes he's a retard

>> No.7082107

Idk I was just busting your balls

The guy seems really mentally ill, I can't imagine spending all your time talking about a cryptocurrency exchange and even making it your moniker.

>> No.7082118

ashame he didnt khs

>> No.7082122

do we move our tokens from exchanges such as Bittrex?

>> No.7082130

Imagine being that salty.

>> No.7082140

bitfinexed guy and wolf of poloniex are for real the most braindead crypto twitters
one guy sold his btc for 1k and the other said to exit all crypto right at the bottom of a btc dip when it pumped to 10 the next week

>> No.7082146
File: 2.29 MB, 1000x967, 1462949478205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7082191

its because of >>7081975

there is definitely something wrong with bitfinex, i mean it got hacked for 100k+ btc, but he's just a salty bagholder and has tried to cause market fud for months now.

he was on the bitcoin train and he fell off from his own stupidity, and now hes turned into one of those pathetic "buttcoiners"

>> No.7082214

thanks, i never bothered saving it

>> No.7082221
File: 19 KB, 703x911, 1516437639208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he actually beg for his money back? What the fuck did he expect?! Pic related, it's him.

>> No.7082257
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 1514210218340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having said this, anyone who genuinely believes the conspiracy theories developed by this guy about how Tether props up the BTC price unironically needs to shoot themselves in the fucking face.

The only thing that can be question is whether Tether is backed on a 1:1 ratio against the USD, which has nothing to do with pumping the market, but everything to do with people's expectations when they decide to "cash out" into Tether.

All of these normie "economists" now coming out of the woodwork pointing at Tether as the cause for the cryptoboom now had an opt-out for why they missed the crypto-boom in the first place. "Look, we were right. It was propped up by fake money!".

>> No.7082360

lol this boomer back at it with the fud.
He pretends to be informed with the crypto markets but he's really a clueless boomer trying to sell his trading books

>> No.7082414
File: 873 KB, 480x270, thomastankengine_smiling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha! Its very clear that something is "wrong" with him. I am skeptical of Tether but his tweets just have something very off about them. I had no idea about this backstory.

>> No.7082445

>40+ years in speculation
>40% annual returns

>> No.7082518

See >>7082018

His meme lines means nothing in crypto. And he's shameless enough to delete the evidence every time after tricking hundreds of his gullible followers into placing a short position, because muh TA god.

>> No.7082698

I don't understand though if he was an early adopter he had to have bought in under $1000 and maybe less than $200. So why not sell enough to cover your initial investment or even enough for a nice 2x-3x and let the rest ride until "THE TETHERING". He missed out on so much profit because he had weak hands and now hes butthurt and just FUDS.

>> No.7082822

if he is deleting evidence then i agree he is a faggot

>> No.7082838

truly broken man's desperation
fuck that loser

>> No.7082839

There's never been a market like this in history.
His 40+ years means nothing, and you can tell by the ridiculous amount of bad calls he makes.

>> No.7082880

Keep an eye on his Twitter every time BTC decides to crash +10%. He usually posts his retarded meme lines showing BTC is about to go down to $5-8k, then a few hours later as BTC stabilizes at $10-11k, it's gone.

Some day he might be right, and that's all that "TA god" is aiming for. Hide the 20 failures, promote the 1 success.

>> No.7082962

Stfu already. Holy shit. Fucking bifinex'ed shitlord. He literally does nothing but spam his shitty twitter and you brainlets keep posting that crap here with your stupid ramblings. FUCK YOU. We get it, you sold low, missed out on 1000% gains, lost money shorting. STFU.

>> No.7082990

>Own *Magic Printer*
>Print magic USDT tokens
>Buy Bitcoin with USDT tokens
>Idiots sell their Bitcoin for USDT tokens on the premise that USDT are a "stable coin" that will always be valued & exchangeable at 1 USD because they backed by 1:1 USD reserves
>They trust Tether
>Dumb fucks
>Owner of *Magic Printer* can now sell bought Bitcoins for real USD
>Print more magic USDT tokens
>Buy more Bitcoins for more magic USDT tokens at higher bidded USDT prices
>Pump the price of Bitcoins (and in turn all crypto) because normies think USDT is a stable coin that will always be worth 1 USD because 1:1 USDT:USD reserves
>Dump more Bitcoins for real USD at inflated prices
>Repeat times x2.2 billlion

Answer this bagholders (and ALL crypto is now a bagholder for Tether's pump & dump):
Why is Tether USDT a stable coin and why should you expect it to be valued at 1 USD into the future? What is the current USD price of bitcoin/crypto if the Bitcoin/USDT exchanges are valued at zero?

>> No.7083082

It's probably himself posting his own twitters on here.
He's obsessed with this thing.

>> No.7083096

>you missed the pump and warned others about the dump!
This is bitconnect-tier thinking: "Look it's increaed to $433 therefore the underpinnings are sound!"

>> No.7083216
File: 527 KB, 680x397, Excerpt-William-Blake-GRD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Crypto sellers become no longer willing to accept USDT for their coins (because they have lost confidence in the future value of the "stable coin" and its supposed 1:1 USDT:USD reserves) or can't sell for USDT because Tether stop printing new USDT.

2. The price of Bitcoin (& all crypto) in USD then collapses as sellers realise that the buyers pumping the price were using freshly printed monopoly money and not injecting real USD.

>> No.7083289

sorry you lost. us non-late adopters are still here sitting comfortably with our 1000x+ gains. we're not the ones desperately spamming in the hope of being able to re-enter bitcoin sub 5k. tough luck.

>> No.7083439

>Buy Bitcoin with USDT tokens

Let's see some proof. That's the conspiracy theory Bitfinexed is throwing around, but there's nothing to back it up.

>> No.7083442

>The only thing that can be question is whether Tether is backed on a 1:1 ratio against the USD, which has nothing to do with pumping the market

How dumb are you?
>Print monopoly money
>Meme monopoly money to be accepted as having a value equal to USD
>Meme people willing to sell you Bitcoin to in exchange for monopoly money on the premise that it is a stable coin that will always be worth 1 USD because its backed by 1:1 USDT:USD cash reserves
>Use monopoly money to bid for Bitcoin at above market prices
>People sell you their Bitcoin in exchange for your monoply money at above market price
>Market price for Bitcoin increses to the new higher value inflated by the monoply money
>Repeat x2.2 billion

>> No.7083471

He said "violation of parabolic advance leads to 80%+ decline in value", which is true if you look at most random shitcoins. BTC could also briefly touch 5k during a panic.

>> No.7083500

You're arguing based on conspiracy theories. I can't disprove a negative.

Show us the proof.

And no, I'm not talking about USDT being backed by USDT on a 1:1 ratio. That has nothing to do with pumping. I'm talking about USDT being used to purchase BTC rather than be distributed to exchanges for their reserves as demand increases.

>> No.7083513

Umm sweetie

>> No.7083515

>>Meme people willing to sell you Bitcoin to in exchange for monopoly money on the premise that it is a stable coin that will always be worth 1 USD because its backed by 1:1 USDT:USD cash reserves
But it is not cash reserve that gives it an $1 price but supply and demand.

>> No.7083545

That's your proof that there is a conspiracy to prop up the BTC price by injecting fresh USDT into it?

I rest my case. I'll find a thread without nutjobs.

>> No.7083601

If anything, holding Tether instead of BTC drives down the price of the latter desu.

>> No.7083613

>I'm talking about USDT being used to purchase BTC rather than be distributed to exchanges for their reserves as demand increases.
That's literally the same thing as printing USDT to purchase Bitcoins. You're using "distrubte" as a synonym for "print" and "demand" as a synonym for "sell in exchange for Bitcoin/crypto".

Coinmarketcap has all the USDT to Crypto purchase volumes.

>> No.7083623
File: 48 KB, 520x594, EA7CAFCC-4EBD-48C2-A48E-4747104D47ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083708

Wrong. It's a "stable coin" not a supply/demand coin. The stabilty comes from the promise (since withdrawn) that:
>Tether has 1 USD in reserve for each 1 USDT issued
>You could redeem 1 USDT for 1 USD from Tether out of those reserves (at least until all the banks shut down Tethers accounts last year)

Again, ask yourself this: Why is Tether USDT a stable coin and why should you expect it USDT be valued at 1 USD into the future?

>> No.7083737
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, The-MASSIVE-Tether-Ticking-Time-BOMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the top comment if you are still a brainlet. Also can someone post the Tether logo replaced with a nuclear explosion?


>> No.7083758

I dont even bother trying to argue with fudfags anymore
After sitting through an entire thread last year while they tried to claim that bitfinex was using 100% of the printed tether to market buy bitcoin with 25x leverage on their own exchange... just holy fuck how can anyone be that retarded. From then on everything they type is just pure and utter nonsense to me

>> No.7083763

>holding Tether
Ok, buy Bitcoin with newly printed Tether USDT at (for example) 10% above market price. Repeat x2.2 billion. What happens then?

>> No.7083797
File: 80 KB, 645x729, 1517014664012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a supply/demand coin
>basic economics does not apply to tether

>> No.7083805


I am wondering the same

was it some retarded arbitrage move?

>> No.7083823
File: 222 KB, 1066x600, 1513577627500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you're thick in the head. Are you Bitfinexed?

>Coinmarketcap has all the USDT to Crypto purchase volumes.
>Exchange gets Tether for their reserve
>Person who bought BTC for fiat decides to trade for Tether because BTC is crashing
>Person who now holds Tether has no other option but to trade his Tether back to BTC
>Exchange held the tether to begin with and takes tether back into their reserves
>No new value was injected into BTC

People buying BTC with Tether after first entering the market with fiat does not prove it's being pumped, you absolute mong.

>> No.7083838

The stability comes from others wanting to exchange their crypto for tether at a rate of one usdt=$1. It's entirely supply and demand. If there were no demand it wouldn't be worth shit you dolt
No one expects to exchange tether for actual fiat
Keep trying, you should have paid attention in middle school economy 101

>> No.7083880

Prove this happens first
Show me a single buy on any usdt exchange where the buyer went 10% over market price
Oh what it's fucking impossible for that to happen

>> No.7083908

It's a conspiracy theory. He can't prove shit. His proof is literally that people are using USDT as a trading pair against BTC.

He is THAT fucking retarded.

>> No.7084067

Click on price.

345 OKEx UBTC/USDT $66,845 $2.07 0.00% Recently
59 OKEx BCD/USDT $3,526,660 $1.50 0.18% Recently
77 Gate.io BCD/USDT $2,328,810 $1.47 0.12% Recently
146 Coinbene BCD/USDT $747,769 $1.36 0.04% Recently
284 HitBTC SMART/USDT $117,094 * $1.36 0.01% Recently
126 Gate.io BCX/USDT $926,057 $1.33 0.05% Recently
206 HitBTC WAX/USDT $324,466 $1.31 0.02% Recently
153 HitBTC XDN/USDT $696,117 $1.16 0.04% Recently
338 HitBTC ICX/USDT $74,569 * $1.13 0.00% Recently

That's plenty over 10% or the other way around
241 EXX UBTC/USDT $217,153 $0.676498 0.01% Recently
342 HitBTC B2X/USDT $70,099 * $0.733836 0.00% Recently
228 OKEx VIU/USDT $243,997 $0.887576 0.01% Recently
348 HitBTC VERI/USDT $59,873 $0.889174 0.00% Recently
376 Coinbene NULS/USDT $39,593 $0.898010 0.00% Recently

>> No.7084077

You realize that Tether is a subsidiary of bitfinex, that the CFO admitted that he traded on bitfinex, that he admitted other board members traded on there, that wash trading is common, that they haven't had a legitimate banking partner since April 2017, that the "audit" by some no name Chinese company proved nothing. I just use USD or Hold because I don't need to sell

>> No.7084299

If he shorted at 1500 he probably got liquidated (lost everything).
And we don't know how much he lost, maybe a lot, and that's why he's salty as fuck.

>> No.7084524

there are bigger forces at play here
Tether is nothing
what is happening right now is purely political.
BTC is legitimately a big threat to fractional reserve banking systems. the west's economic models are severely threatened by blockchain. think wisely. they win. don't think if BTC tanks it'll ever get back up. it'll be a unwinding death spiral. don't support a BTC short. we must all be supporting the King. for the sake of the entire market