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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 148 KB, 1400x789, iciic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7030566 No.7030566 [Reply] [Original]

ICON is an easy $800 EOY. There is literally no reason to hold anything other than ICX to make it.
>summit in less than 3 days
>12 Dapps to be announced
>major partnerships
>supported by Korean government
>KRW pairing on a Korean exchange within days
My dick hasn't been this hard since /biz/ shilled me ETH at $8.

>> No.7030689


>a memecoin worth more than samsung

kys op

>> No.7030716

>worth more
uh oh its a retard who thinks crypto mcap is real

>> No.7030765

>red*it spacing
Your opinion is worth less than a pajeet shit.

>> No.7030766

Dude, I own ICX but don't be retarded. 4x. Be happy with that.

>> No.7030785


and you think stock caps are real too?

same principle you raging faggot.

>> No.7030801
File: 30 KB, 406x452, 1512502116398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd gen blockchain
>hurr durr be happy about $12b cap

>> No.7030812

market cap does not equal the total amount invested, which is actually way less.

kys anon

(but also kys OP, $800 is retarded)

>> No.7030814

but muh settlement coin with built in AI stabilization is worth more than a shitty company like samsung with actual products and revenue

>> No.7030858

fantastic wojack

>> No.7030860


youre the fucking pajeet (brown id confirms rakeesh faggot) who is telling us this shitcoin will reach 300 billion lmfao.

fucking faggot. muh govt support. yeah thats why they have to be located in zug LOL

show me a single proof of govt backing you larping little insect. kys

>> No.7030898

Fuck off plebbit nigger

>> No.7030899

I love ICX, but come on, $800 is impossible. Not just EOY, but ever. $70 EOY. Great long term hold.

>> No.7030901
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>hurr durr my opinion matters

>> No.7030953
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flag the jeets.

>> No.7030966

Did he hurt your little fee fees ?

>> No.7030983
File: 19 KB, 469x463, 1516374246099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upvoted nigger.

>> No.7031070
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, ICON Shilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin of all things is worth 200 billion and the thing is riddled with problems and no real partnerships, you can't tell me a coin with more partners than it knows what to do with will never surpass that amount when the market grows into the trillions of dollars range. Not to mention the fee comparisons and the fact that they have a team of hundreds of people working on this project and have been buildings it up for over two years before even having their ico.

>> No.7031106


>> No.7031208

What are you trying to imply?

>> No.7031296

12 Dapps is not even confirmed. ICON said 5+ dapps. Don't get too hyped, 12 might be wrong

>> No.7031357


hes larping. its 5. rest of infos are also wrong

a real brainlet

>> No.7031407

what the fuck do you think retard? it actually makes sense that you hold ICX if you can't figure this out

>> No.7031420

I also don't believe that nigger he posted on snapchat thats hes ICON advisor but Min don't even know that nigger

>> No.7031448

Yes, it's a rumour at this point, that is true. However, it is not unrealistic, considering they confirmed more partnership requests than they can handle.
It's 5+, meaning more than 5 but less than ∞, you illiterate retard.

>> No.7031449
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 1508202926276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dodged a bullet with this one.

Almost stocked up on it but made sure to look at their discord first. The whole place was in chaos because one based anon used his weaponized autism to look through the source code and found a keylogger virus. The devs are total fucking lying scammers. If you went anywhere near this I highly suggest you change all your passwords before your wallets are hacked.

>> No.7031480

I bet you are the guy in the telegram group who consistently ask for price predictions
cant wait until you hit puberty

>> No.7031483

If Twice tells me to buy Icon I will fucking buy it

>> No.7031492

Can you explain why Crypto Mcaps don't matter?

>> No.7031558
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 5499789897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet1 creates a pajeetcoin with 1 billion supply
>pajeet2 buys said token for $10
>pajeetcoin is now worth $10 billion

>> No.7031561

They matter a little. It's just that you can increase the market cap by $5m with much less than $5m and vice versa, so they are not accurate measurements (but still useful information).

>> No.7031609

can't wait to dump this during the conference so I can load up on more juicy OMG

>> No.7031645

They do matter. A lot.

Because how do you decide hoe much a coin is worth? By comparing it with the price of other coins. If a coin with more partners or potential is cheaper than your coin is over priced or the other underpriced.

Brainlets who say the market cap doesnt matter just throw their money away blindly.

>> No.7031648

That was actually pretty decent FUD. 8.5/10

>> No.7031672


You posted this exact same fud about VEN you fucking pajeet, get some new material.

>> No.7031693

spotted the newfag from reddit

>> No.7031730

Ok does this rule apply to Traditional securities such as Stocks listed on huge exchanges like the NYSE?

Why is the rule different here? I think you might say that it's because one market is a lot bigger but I don't understand why that would matter

Isn't this the same for the stock market?

>Party A creates company and gets it listed through IPO after huge process etc
>Party B buys it for 10$
>Now it's worth X

Ok but do they matter less than they do in traditional markets like the NYSE stocks in the sp500 etc

>> No.7031738

>not realizing sarcasm when he sees it
spotted the retarded autismo

>> No.7031793
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>> No.7031841

Show me in the announcement where it says anything about them announcing partnerships?

They're not, fuck off pajeet

>> No.7031915

Their Summit is on the 31st where they are going to announce ICOs/Partnerships

>> No.7032196
File: 90 KB, 1102x600, ICXS SELL WALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7032325

Once the Korea FUD happened and the price decreased, the whales saw their chance to swoop in and manipulate. Shame.

>> No.7032525

If Twice makes an ICX music video, we will moon and surpass BTC and ETH.

>> No.7032566

>keylogger virus
new meme now

>> No.7032582 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1080x1350, 1515900094329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully once the Koreans can fully buy in the destroy the whales well see

>> No.7032632

is the pic related a FUD or a meme, is it real, I need a link lol

>> No.7032634

I've been making 1-2% on icx for the last week. it's been predictable.

today I sold at 7200 and had to watch it moon to almost 8000.
Any chance this is coming down to 7000?

>> No.7032648
File: 60 KB, 507x799, 1513226603447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully once the Koreans can fully buy in, they will over take the whales by the ass, those Koreans have buying power

>> No.7032661

I'm selling at $20 boys that'll get me to my first 100k

>> No.7032671

fuck we really need indian flairs at this point

>> No.7032676

Maybe a few days after the summit. Probably not though.

>> No.7032769
File: 377 KB, 1536x2048, 1515726156650 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what price do you think we will reach by the summit? I am hoping for $20

>> No.7032828

My own fault. I'd been swing trading with 50% of the icx quantity because I knew it would moon soonish.

today I sold it all. Stupid because icx is a solid project.

>> No.7032861

stop infighting you fucking low iq mongrels. What do you think icx will be worth eoy 2018. Give your prediction, and maybe some evidence to back it up. That is all. God we should ban anyone who has been on pol, those retards will argue about anything and everything

>> No.7033313
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1491166676293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. ICX is currently the fastest growing coin in the top 100 (+18%)

>> No.7033386

This coins starting to move finally

>> No.7033445

>Almost 8000
It's past that now

>> No.7033474

ICX/BTC ATH today. You've been warned

>> No.7033499

EZ gains. people who didnt buy latest dip at sub 7000sats are literally braindead. OFC it will run up before mainnet.

>> No.7033541

easy 15% on all my funds now i can sell a portion and buy back my other coins. god this is fucking easy

>> No.7033550

Yooooo. It’s not stopping guys will it dip before the 31st?? Want to buy in if it’s going to $20. Would like to get in under $8 though.

>> No.7033587

Why would it dip just before the biggest crypto event of this month?

>> No.7033645

Legit question, things in crypto don’t just go up and up and up for 3-4 days in a row.

>> No.7033661
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>> No.7033728

How new are you, anon-kun?

>> No.7033753

>things in crypto don’t just go up and up and up for 3-4 days in a row.
...hahahahaha yes they do

>> No.7033799

What? When it's not a pump and dump and it rises for legitimate reasons, it's not really unusual. It very likely won't 2x several days in a row, sure, but it can keep rising substantially over a week with only small corrections.

>> No.7033801

Itll bounce some because of day traders, but in general it does goes up and up and up

>> No.7033805

you missed your chance before the conference. Mainnet fud was the cheapest it was going to go.

>> No.7033850

Sorry, no more moon missions. This is the last one. Better quickly buy in, fagit.

>> No.7033965

Buy WAN when it hits exchanges

>> No.7034147


>> No.7034277

How much will it cost for a hot escort to eat my ass?

I plan to cash out at $25

>> No.7034474

You can still just buy this and enjoy 10x gains this year.

>> No.7034552

oh shit looks like it's getting pumped for real this time

>> No.7034555

In 2020 you'll be able to rent a 10/10 escort for an entire weekend at Canary Islands, along with her hot 16yo sister, for 3.50 ICX.

>> No.7034620

REAL TALK, does anyone planning 2+ years?

>> No.7034670
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>> No.7034700
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We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.7034745
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>> No.7034787
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>> No.7034818

I-it’s gonna dip, right? I bought at 6800 last night and sold at 7600. I WANT TO BUY SOME MORE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7034826

how heavy are those bags anon

>> No.7034836

lmao that chart is so fucking wrong
your 3man (now 2man) team of college fratboys scammed the fuck out of you

>> No.7034849

Imagine that biased chart with the white column.

>> No.7034861

Are you turdtle shills really this asshurt?

>> No.7034898


>> No.7034937
File: 43 KB, 284x402, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been hodling ICX since $5.67. A bit late, I know, but I went 100% in.

Feeling /comfy/ here, I am going to make it

>> No.7035016
File: 27 KB, 379x568, 176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything else i'm holding crashing
>icx up 20%

>> No.7035030

People pay to see those ugly hags?

>> No.7035069

Man might see 15+ at the summit now

>> No.7035077

Wow let's buy the ATH

>> No.7035079
File: 53 KB, 500x522, 1515330716951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


easiest 50% gain within a few days ever for the people who still want to hop in. And an easy 50+ USD EOY! That's a guaranteed 5x!

>Apple Stocks from 2009-2012
>BTC from 2012 - 2017
>ETH from 2017jan - 2017dec
>ICX from 2017dec - ???

>> No.7035090
File: 884 KB, 593x846, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7035120

you don't have to pay

>> No.7035203

wheres antshares?

>> No.7035235

just sold all but 5. the surplus 1.5 should cover the drugs and a little tip.

>> No.7035302
File: 11 KB, 236x253, 1515269229342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just listed my primary holdings. I was late to the antshares rebranding to neo, so I didn't profit too much off of that.

>> No.7035317

I don't wanna watch them for free. Damn they fugly.

>> No.7035323

oh shit are we going to break 8000 today

>> No.7035353

Already did dumbass

>> No.7035370

>doesn’t know that ICX is the Samsung of crypto

>> No.7035371
File: 44 KB, 658x662, F7BE916E-AB71-40B5-9BE0-723FCFC8B5F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7035384

It's 80k you binance spergs.

>> No.7035416

We going to the moooon

>> No.7035441

He's looking at the ETH pairing.

>> No.7035478
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>> No.7035489
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>> No.7035510
File: 213 KB, 458x419, 1445292573904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's actually mooning.

>> No.7035569

The ETH pairing is moving between 79 and 77. There is a huge sell wall at 80, but it halved not long ago, so we might go over it. I'm guessing that's what anon was talking about.

>> No.7035620

ICX/ETH is 760k you moron.

>> No.7035631

Fuck I was waiting for my money to come into GDAX to buy more ICX before the 31st but it hasnt come through yet and its already mooning fuck this

>> No.7035638
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 12345345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaannnd there it goes back down lol. Thanks Trump.

>> No.7035644


>> No.7035665

He literally said 8000. Are you illiterate?

>> No.7035779

I assumed he made a mistake since it was already over 8k sats, that's why I said he was probably looking at the other pairing. You seem very angry.

>> No.7035796



>> No.7035817

No, you're just an idiot with zero reading comprehension.

>> No.7035847

Jesus christ biz is still talking about this? It has been nearly a week since everyone found out about the keylogger virus in Icon. This is what you get for touching chink coins. Biz is seriously retarded

>> No.7035856

Wow, just looked at your posts, holy fuck you're a loser. Time to step away.

>> No.7035997

That doesn't even make sense. The coin doesn't reside on your device if you're trading on an exchange

>> No.7036010

Overhyped ethereum fork and secret devs using models photos. Hard pass

>> No.7036062

its old copy pasta you fucking retard, go to the front page of biz and look at the link thread, the OP starts with the exact same line

ICX is dumping, nice moon you retards

>> No.7036063

Did you log onto the exchange and trade it? Your computer is infected and your private keys compromised. Move everything.

>> No.7036079

That's TRTL you chink

>> No.7036098

If that gets you to 100k why not wait until $100 EOY and have 500k

>> No.7036130

Discord whales pay faggots like >>7035847
To shill for garbage pnds while fudding actual good coins and get paid sheckles for their cock mongling the best thing to do is just call them out for being human garbage and move on

>> No.7036156

Who's twice. I mean Why should I care ?

>> No.7036196

>$300 billion mcap

Hey newfag,

literally unironically kys



>> No.7036207

stay poor you absolute faggot nigger

>> No.7036289
File: 30 KB, 620x412, DonaldTrumpGOP-debate-15Dec2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you not to mingle with that Kim Jon Un types! This coin is equal to nuclear waste!



>> No.7036290

Because I could make more with different moon missions

>> No.7036321


I'm sorry I'm not in charge anymore of my own 4chan account.

>> No.7036330

Time to go back to rebbit, you nigger.
>reddit spacing
Checks out.

>> No.7036362
File: 130 KB, 1024x778, 1517106326634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold at 8271 sats and waiting fora dip

Feels so fucking good to not be a brainlet

>> No.7036387
File: 213 KB, 300x300, Mario[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chief economist will make you richbitch

>> No.7036444

Bought the 7890 dip. Thank fuck. I should’ve just held instead of selling at 7600.

>> No.7036457

I hope 2-3x in few days

>> No.7036533

Check https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/ICXBTC/

Bullish trend

>> No.7036605

>stay poor
but I'm not invested in ICX???

>> No.7036680

easy 25$ in early february

>> No.7036717

No hyping please. $25 in late February at the earliest.

>> No.7036793

ok, $2.5 early march

>> No.7036840

I didn't even know that redditors could get angry. I though they just sucked lots and lots of dick. Did you angrily suck lots and lots of cock while you typed that?

>> No.7036976

15$ will be till 31 January

>> No.7037018


>> No.7037037

serves you right, non-believer.

>> No.7037094
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>> No.7037265

fucking newfag, this is not FUD, if you know two shits you would know this is serious and will be the death blow for ICX

>> No.7037314

Glad someone else witnessed this to. I was in the discord when it happend. Everyone there was on suicide watch

>> No.7037516

Should I sell and hope for a dip?

>> No.7037540


Omg, stfu. Nice try pajeets. "Keylogger virus" come the fuck on. How do people even buy this fud. For the ones who do, we don't want you in ICX anyway.

>> No.7037567

I'm scared to sell,

>> No.7037621

We are only 3 days away from conference after all, I'll wait

>> No.7037642

The dip to the 7800s is the lowest I think it will go for the time being. Maybe 7500 in 12-15 hours, but idk.

>> No.7037705
File: 216 KB, 1830x349, 1516838142910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ICON will never go to $80, let alone $800

>> No.7037788

i sold at an average of about 7800 idk...

>> No.7037855


>> No.7037939

Warning friends
Sell now mainnet is flaw and exit scam
Tam never update ever bad way
Buy cen for tobacco on blockchain and good twitter fun. So much free if you hold. Had to build shed for myvtobacco so good friends listen and buy

>> No.7037982

what a timeline to be around for!

>> No.7038154


>> No.7038167


Fuck off pajeet

>> No.7038409

If i buy 1 bitcoin for 1 million today it doesnt mean bitcoin is worth 1 million fucktard, just means im retarded and got burned.

If the whole marketis selling and buying something with a high enough volume at a certain price, then that is what its worth and the market cap is that times supply.

People thay say market cap doesnt matter are literally retarded. You must be one of the dipshits that got dumped by trom whales

>> No.7038444

Will buy at a dip (event is sell-the-news). BTO will make me rich. ICX will add to my current comfy status (bought ETH and NEO earlyish).

>> No.7038486




>> No.7039037

he's been in since ICO

i think over 25% of his portfolio profits have come from ICX.

>> No.7039103

That means you have little experience in market flow, if you did you would've at least sold a portion

>> No.7039153

>Thinking anything could keep rising for 3 days straight after a ~20% spike
Welcome newfriend, doubt you'll make it

>> No.7039514

Man, I'd be okay with that, but I'm afraid that's seriously delusional.
Then again, this is crypto ...

>> No.7039689

Sold at 8k, didn't think it would pass that 60btc wall but oh well. Gonna bleed back down to 7k now.

>> No.7039808

I'm buying this dip while I have the chance. I'm already 50% ICX, bumping that up to 70%

>> No.7039838

TheLoop/ICON has actually been structured and planned from the ground up as a functioning business- similar to IBM/Hyperledger. They go to companies(and Universities, organizations, hospitals, etc.) and show them how blockchain technology can help streamline their systems and save them money. They sell them a customized blockchain product. TheLoop does all the development. Implementation, and support for these companies. Depending on what the company wants, TheLoop can build them a private blockchain that fits their needs - and then if it benefits the business/customers it can link directly to the public ICON chain. This structure makes it much easier and safer for companies to adopt the technology. ICON’s list of partners is already one of the largest in the cryptocurrency world and is going to grow very quickly once they’re up and running at full steam.

This is the future of how blockchains will spread in businesses and how blockchain providers will work. Korea is far ahead of all others when it comes to public development of this idea.

The only blockchain/blockchain provider that can compete with this type of business plan is IBM’s Hyperledger, and they don’t have a public chain- which massively cuts down on utility and adoption, among other things. The network is the most important part of a blockchain. And as we learned from the growth of the internet, private networks have their uses, but it’s the public network where the real value lies.

TLDR: ICON isn’t the Korean Ethereum- it’s far superior. ICON is the Korean IBM/Hyperledger with a public blockchain and even more utility.

>> No.7040479

The makeup caked on their faces is painfully obvious.

>> No.7040904

Word. You'll still make it

>> No.7041230

this is a bullish chart ...

>> No.7041580
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Nice walls, would be a shame if someone.... bought them

>> No.7041666

Nobody cares what you think, you chav

>> No.7041790

Asians woke up. Let’s see if they can cross these walls like some spics.

>> No.7042010

>goes up 15%

>> No.7042208

It just broke out of its fib line at 0.00754 ETH. We're heading for a new 24h high

>> No.7042253

The hype for ICX is over. This coin is the biggest disappointment of the year so far

>> No.7042347
File: 90 KB, 645x729, 5A247357-4520-4119-AEAC-A513D1DE8510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x5 in a month
>more than x6 at its peak
>biggest disappointment the year

>> No.7042521


>believes 6x is good

you must be new

>> No.7042576

Can you at least pretend you're not rebbit?

>> No.7042578

It’s organic growth. I don’t want a p&d shitcoin like Tron. Sure it mooned x8 in a week or whatever, but look at it now. I’m in ICX for the long haul.

>> No.7042639
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>I only chase cryptopia dnp

>> No.7042713

Nobody here gives a fuck and these gains are tiny compared to everyone elses but:

>have 1.5k portfolio, from $500 start
>decide fuck it and throw $3k on ethereum last night
>ETH rises 15 percent
>spend all the ETH on ICX and go to sleep
>wake up and stack is now worth 5.8k

Over the moon, sell before the summit ot after?

>> No.7042729


look at these faggots with their heavy bags lmao

ICX is a confirmed shitcoin

>> No.7042762

SELl at 10-12k says buy back in at 8600

>> No.7042784
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The ovens are heating up.

>> No.7042814


>> No.7042816

It depends on how the market react to summit. There's a chance that huge amount of people that sell during the summit because of sell the newsmeme

>> No.7042847

depends how much it'll pump before the summit