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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 200x200, Shitfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7019073 No.7019073 [Reply] [Original]

Let's point and laugh at the absolute shitcoin this is, and the holders of it

They only show their face when the coin is +1% in green as if that is a gain

Usually the coin sits in red 90% of the time, meaning it is not wanted. It is not hyped enough, product isn't appealing. You think people don't know about it by now? They do, the coin isn't going anywhere.

But you bought at 6 cents right? So you'll just become rich huh? Enjoy your bags

>> No.7019146
File: 39 KB, 407x529, whitepapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good long-term hold that people are making into a memecoin on here, albeit with top quality memes. Go into their telegram. different world. At least read the commercial whitepaper and find something specific to criticize. should be minimum that you do before buying also.

>> No.7019170

50 cents by february 15

>> No.7019182

Weak fud

You must be a manlet

>> No.7019201
File: 227 KB, 600x335, 1516279654497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read the white paper, the coin has a clear market, function, and is already seeing some use in trial environments. Your FUD is weak but my hands aren't.

>> No.7019202
File: 146 KB, 1080x931, 1515367561639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hate my life too if the only thing I could find to do was shitpost fud. It's not even good fud. You are absolutely pathetic. Find a hobby, or work on improving yourself and someday you might be able to find a gf and you won't have to make weak fud on /biz/ to get your (You)s. Or just kys

>> No.7019248

Did i bother you friend?
Seems like there are alot of Fun bag holders at this time of day.... hmmm i wonder what it could be

No one wants to use those volitile tokens to trade at casinos moron

>hurrr they have a solution for that though

Fuck off, also trusted casino game? They have plenty of those, you can even play with a REAL FUCKING PERSON on cam

>> No.7019408

Also solves the problem of transaction speed. this is huge. gambling was actually my first introduction to crypto... you used to be able to send funds fast but that's no more with any of the majors.
>No one wants to use those volitile[sic] tokens
You think people/businesses into gambling are afraid of volatility? not only will they gamble with them, but everyone involves with the casino gets paid with them.

>> No.7019444

Can somebody tell me what Telegram is? I don't want to use my real name and stuff, I want to be an anon. Why do I have to put in my phone number?

>> No.7019493

I'll work on my FUD next time
You are a nice guy, i can't get mad at that
Usually fags get super mad and butthurt like

>> No.7019496
File: 97 KB, 645x729, 46a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>herp derp i can only talk about the coin price because I don't know anything about it beyond that

>> No.7019510

you can use a google voice number. telegram is a hypemeter for most icos and you can hear things directly from the mouth of the developers/team.

>> No.7019555

all good. I actually try to give useful advice on here but you have to be paying attention to notice.

>> No.7019619
File: 343 KB, 629x454, 1514962504729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the wrong coin to FUD, Randeep. If you want some good butthurt try and fuck with the XRP and BitcoinCash people. They're already assblasted about their coins underperforming, some are holding MONSTER bags. It's not going to be as funny when you're going after a coin that's gone x5 in two months and has held steady at a price point before a major news event and product launch.

>> No.7019691

ty pajeet
I'll try to target XLM, they seem to hate it when people question XLM
And it has long dips, so maybe i can shake some newfags

>> No.7019795

Yeah, pretty much any coin that's universally praised by Reddit is going to get really triggered. Or you could go after low hanging fruit like the TurtleFags. They're this months Signatum.

>> No.7019842

They piss me off too much, i dunno if i'll get to them. They already got massive fud about the hacking/malware thing going on

>> No.7019878


The absolute brainlet morons that shill this coin try the same aggressive marketing tactics as with other shit coins like IO coin. "hurrr stay poor durrr we're chads how aren't you in this durrr". If you see that shit it's a sure sign it's garbage.

>> No.7020245


I need faggots to acknowledge this. Bump so the aggro losers can see this.

>> No.7020761
File: 113 KB, 806x255, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 4.25.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7020811

Why would someone take the time to post about a coin they have no interest in? Oh, that's right. He does and wants the price to drop. Move along.

>> No.7021064

I hear you man but what is the alternative. With all those money coins, the xlm, xrp, REQ, Chain Link, XRB and so on coins you're looking at massive competition and society isn't going to adopt all of them. Only one coin will win that fight and all those speculators are risking everything on picking the right horse.

Now look at Fun, is it a good product? Maybe not. But is there a competitor anywhere near its level of development and implementation? Not at all. Right now Fun is in a race where the other competitors are struggling to get their foot on the track and that makes me very bullish on it.