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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 200x200, trinity-network-credit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6962300 No.6962300 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is nobody talking about this? I see threads made about this gem get 6-7 replies max. You do realize that if the rumours are true, this is a guaranteed 10x? Its like buying Antshares at $3, or VeChain at 0.50$.

>> No.6962320

sigh. so is this the new 'pajeet scam of the week' coin? just fuck off

>> No.6962323


what rumors?

>> No.6962377

>implying we dont have 30 new pajeet scams every single day

>> No.6962503


What rumors exactly?

>> No.6962532
File: 48 KB, 731x483, B1677539-6818-4756-9FF1-CEC7F9E60A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh we’re elbow deep in this bad boy!

>> No.6962575

90% of coins will be locked in

>> No.6962579

so am I required to memorize every shitcoin's generic shitlogo now?

>> No.6962606


The circulating supply is 333,333,333. Are you saying that 90% of that is locked in or are you referring to the total supply of 1 billion which will be released in chunks over many years?

>> No.6962697


>> No.6962698

It's an offchain scaling solution for the NEO network that claims to provide for tens of millions of TPS.

Headquarters is literally right next door to NEO headquarters. Ontology and NEO act as advisors. It's an integral partner in the NEO economy. You're looking at an easy 4x.

Rumors range from Binance listing to locking 90% of tokens, which will shoot the price from 25 cents to over $2.

Trinity shows zero signs of a scam. Buy now, or fomo in next week.

>> No.6962699

Fucking nigger, research or off yourself in two weeks. Bet you called REQ a scam too.

Das it mane

So, the development team of Trinity Network are going to present on DevCon on 31st of January, 2018. Source: https://cryptocalendar.pro/event/1307.. There are strong rumours that they'll mirror the AION TRS system, locking up 91% of the coins, reducing the cap 10-fold, effective immediately. Watch this guy, he explains it better than me: https://youtu.be/1cEzi-6B7c0

>what is filename

>> No.6962718

It's basically raiden for neo

>> No.6962791

Forgot to mention - It is highly possible that they are going to announce it on DevCon. Plus, Binance listing is guaranteed, since they basically work with NEO (headquarters next door)

>> No.6962952

Oh, this thread being slided again? Fuck you, faggots. Im keeping this on page one.

>> No.6963104

where are these rumors exactly

>> No.6963195

so where can you buy it?

>> No.6963231

Just flipped all my AIX in this pnd and I'm putting my gains into this

>> No.6963269

Why does it say otherwise on the site?

>Circulating Supply of 1st yr: 485,996,666 Feb, 2018 to Feb, 2019
>Circulating Supply of 2nd yr: 657,331,110 Feb, 2019 to Feb, 2020
>Circulating Supply of 3rd yr: 828,665,554 Feb, 2020 to Feb, 2021
>Circulating Supply of 4th yr: 999,999,998 Feb, 2021 to the future

>> No.6963304

>whitepaper is literally written in Microsoft word
>They didn't even bother to change the filename

Come on gang, don't fall for ANOTHER chinese scam


>> No.6963318


>> No.6963359

Finally transferred ETH to kucoin to buy. TNC gone down since release?

>> No.6963381

AND initial whitepaper and website looked like this riddled with typos and grammar mistakes. They're chinks doesn't mean this won't moon

>> No.6963418

It's trading around 4-5x ICO.

Volume is going up nicely though will probably break out over the weekend I'd buy some but all my money is tied up in Tron and OCN.

>> No.6963436

This has been slow for the last 2 days. On the ride up I've used it to make a bit on the highs and lows. It should go up again soon with momentum.

>> No.6963459
File: 88 KB, 622x1280, Trinity Announcement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6963492
File: 77 KB, 591x1280, Trinity Comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6963496
File: 225 KB, 564x464, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need to know

>> No.6963501

>special surprise
That could be that the lead dev got a sex change.
Could be anything.
Where did you guys first hear the rumors?

>> No.6963502

What's the contract address for this coin? Can't find it on etherscan

>> No.6963526

Think chink as in NEO and Binance; not chink as in Tron.

>> No.6963557

And if you want to know more about it, that it isn't just scam


>> No.6963565

It's a NEO token.

>> No.6963572

Just send it to MEW and it will register automatically.

>> No.6963595


>> No.6963598


It's NEP5, not ERC20. Not on etherscan.

>> No.6963628

It's a NEP5 coin you tard

>> No.6963638

No, don't send it to MEW. Send it to NEON wallet.

>> No.6963661


>> No.6963669

If he sends this to an Erc20 address I'll die of laughter

>> No.6963689

literally all NEO projects will be easy gains. get into every ICO that you can

>> No.6963704

Almost got JUST'D, appreciate it, the people on /biz/ really are worse than Jews.

>> No.6963722
File: 12 KB, 412x102, A91C8C34-42B8-45CF-B516-B69C45204F03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is going to be burned into your brain.

>> No.6963738
File: 273 KB, 600x583, 1fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6963743

Not today kike

>> No.6963754

I am low on funds and don't want to diversify too much. I think this is a good project and will.moon soon but went with OCN instead since it's an ETH token and will defiantly be on Binance in a couple weeks.

I don't know why Binance still doesn't list NEO tokens.

>> No.6963791

There has been a trading promo on Kucoin, which is keeping the price stagnant. It will end at 11:59 UTC+8 on Jan 27. That's your deadline to get in. Liftoff ignition sequence begins on Jan 28.

>> No.6963938

i watched the video but just to be clear, is he saying the 90% of the circulating supply first year is locked and then released on feb 2019?

>> No.6963959

why would you willingly tie up money in tron

>> No.6964024

these trading competitions are absolute fucking cancer, will check on this after the chink gang rape is done with this.

>> No.6964082

Seemed like a good buy at the time and I don't think it will go much lower and should break out in a couple months so I don't want to sell.

>> No.6964127

even reddit is starting to talk about this shit. get in here

>> No.6964140

more like the developers will break out and disappear without a trace. Honestly pham I would dump my tron bags and buy trinity if I were you

>> No.6964151

You're reading about an actual opportunity to make solid gains with minimal risk, and you're sticking with the steaming pile of shitcoin Tron? You can't be helped.

>> No.6964204

You will be too late by then. Its the only think keeping it so stable at the moment

>> No.6964386

shhhh we need people like him to dump our bags on

>> No.6964741

Can you store this in neon wallet?

>> No.6964768

So when exactly is this gonna moon?

>> No.6964790

Yes, you gotta add their script hash though in the settings

end of the month, yes

>> No.6964868

Midnight, Jan 28 UTC+8 trading promo ends on Kucoin. Artificial price suppression will end. Moon will commence through announcement on Jan 30 or 31. Then, depending on announcement, will be a dump or Mars mission. You have a little time to get in, but not much.

>> No.6964956

>Artificial price suppression will end.

You mean the whales will dump their bags because no more promo. Good time to buy in though at really low.

>> No.6964976

Should I sell my ENJ and put it into Trinity? I knoe that ENJ has a minecraft plugin that will be ready in March so if this takes off I can just put that money into ENJ. Would that make sense if you were in my position?

>> No.6965124

If this were true it would be through the roof right now with buys

Something tells me this is just a pajeet shill

>> No.6965198

It's because no one knows about it still, I was shilling this for days and the max replies a thread would get would be like 10

>> No.6965234

Something tells me you are a faggot and didn't read what other posted. There is a """trading promotion""" going on Kucoin, where chinks just trade with each other, surpressing the price. After it ends on Jan 28, im certain its going to moon.

>> No.6965440

Can someone explain why NEO needs a lightning network?

>> No.6965467

If what were true? Can't verify the rumors. Which is implied in the definition of the word "rumor", but the rest of it is true.

>> No.6965504

Trinity promo


>> No.6965607

in which pair you are dumping?

>> No.6965689


Or, you know, it'll dump like every other coin on Kucoin does after a promo.

>> No.6965718

Hey faggot where did you run off off to?

>> No.6965748
File: 71 KB, 312x445, 108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965775

The price has risen during this thread. From 230 to 238.

>> No.6965892

nigger look at every thread made about kucoins
They said the same thing that you did
what happened after? THEY DUMPED
DBC got lucky and went up for a while followed by a disaster.
DBC was the last hope on kucoin, after that all new releases went to shit

Prove me wrong
>muh neo
Fuck neo

>> No.6965923

Price against NEO has risen during this thread from 188 to 191. Nobody is dumping. When it comes to picking good coins, some of you can't tell shit from shinola.

>> No.6966078

Because DBC is an absolute unironic pajeetcoin and is literally vaporware

>> No.6966225

>comparing a real project to vaporwave like DBC
How haven't you necked yourself yet, boy?

>> No.6966368

yea yea yea
And the DBC fanboys had their own things to say about it

it is a Neo coin after all, would Neo let DBC down? Fuck neo once again, they aint on shit

>> No.6966442

The reason this isn't blowing up? Not every streetshitter on the eastern hemisphere knows about it yet

>> No.6966552

wouldnt the end of the promo mean its time for whales to dump?

>> No.6966886

Sometimes whales suppress price to accumulate for the competition and dump if it's an absolute shitcoin but this looks more promising than that, it's obvious why it's happened to coins like TEL and DBC

>> No.6967046

don't lump DBC in with other shitcoins

>> No.6967530

this coin is dumb as fuck