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File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1516961282350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6952476 No.6952476 [Reply] [Original]

right anons, share some rumours. When are we gonna see some FUN action?

>> No.6953336

Just bought 100k

>> No.6953348

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.6953368
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>> No.6953869
File: 47 KB, 530x665, 26230611_10156049303004096_7244179866065250002_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William hill are going to try Funfairs state technology. THIS IS IT BOYS

>> No.6953991


>> No.6954017

Early Feb, it'll either hit $1 or drop to zero. It all depends on the gambling license and adoption.

>20k funlet

>> No.6954187
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>> No.6954322

Jez was in Vegas yesterday

>> No.6954368

One of the devs posted on Discord they've already been invited to visit multiple of the online casino industry leaders at ICE.

>> No.6954379

Just because a former William Hill Guy works on Funfair doesnt mean William Hill is working with Fun.

>> No.6954382

I sold all my FUN for aboiut a 40% loss. Im having much more fun without it

>> No.6954475

No you didn't, and if you did you are a dumb cunt of the highest magnitude.

>> No.6954517
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>I sold all my FUN for aboiut a 40% loss

>> No.6954540

You're right i didnt

>> No.6954541

Google, Amazon, Alibaba & SpaceX partnership just announced.



>> No.6954591

Pump n dump shitcoin

>> No.6954643


Oh look, another post calling FUN a shitcoin and not even remotely expanding on "why".

I bet you invested in bitconnect too.

>> No.6954645

You've spent two posts essentially saying nothing.

>> No.6954690

Why? Because its the coin that gets shilled all the time and pumped and dumped more than any other!
And no i didnt even know about bitconnect before those chinks ran off, thank god.

This goin goes from 7 to 13 cents and back more than youre mom sucks dick.

>> No.6954716

>tfw you're now 1/3 of the way to catching me

>> No.6954734


>> No.6954787


You mean like the rest of the fucking market right now?

>> No.6955040
File: 12 KB, 500x500, sneakypepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly Cashbet have their UKGC and AGCC licences without a working product.

I'm absolutely certain it will get a licence.

Hold until after this announcement at least.

>t. Online casino employee shilling FUN to employers.

>> No.6955086
File: 343 KB, 629x454, 1514962504729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's no need to argue with these fucking retards. There aren't any other Crypto teams headed by Old School Autists who were awarded an Order of the British Empire for their work in programming. Brit fags LOVE internet gambling and sports gambling. If you've:

A: Read the fucking whitepaper
B: Ever left your fucking basement
C: Pooed in a Loo

You'd realize how realistic this coin is for another 10x.

>> No.6955100

With their involvement with William hill, there is no way they wont get a licence. £1 in a couple of months

>> No.6955146

Lmao Edgeless is spreading lies and FUD


"they claim theyre the first to invent state channels for gaming. ignoring our work and published working examples and claiming that because ours isnt on mainnet that we didnt pioneer that tech!" ~Jez in Discord

>> No.6955202

They do not and will not need WH to get the licence. I was sceptical of their chances but with Cashbet obtaining one, I am 100% certain FUN will.

Licence granted: spike.
2-3 Casinos signed up: spike.
Large casino signed up: Spike.

It won't 10x at once lads but fuck it if it won't be comfy.

>> No.6955277

121k FUN here




>> No.6955451

> William Hill
is he related to Benny Hill?

>> No.6955524


>> No.6955636
File: 467 KB, 736x708, 19AA8722-DC3F-4AD8-ABEF-440583732D7D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes alone from FUN have been worth the 180 I’ve spent on it to accumulate about 1.7k, what are the odds we hit a dollar this year boys debating throwing s few hundred more on this. Honestly this is the best team,product, and actual use of any cheap coin I’ve researched over the past few months.

>> No.6955730

If it reaches 1 buck it will go higher over time automatically just by being deflationary in nature. The question is how fast...

>> No.6956087

I'm not as bullish about $1 USD as some of the other Chads, but I think .50 is a given. $1 EOY is possible if some Casinos start to come on board, but the price will ultimately be determined by adoption. I have a gambling streak in me, and the only reason I don't gamble online is because I KNOW that the computers are not giving fair odds. This will bring many people in for that reason alone.

>> No.6956268
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Let's be fair, there is no Chad coin. Quit investing in your meme currency and get a job, Anon.

>> No.6956943

>pumped and dumped more than any other!
No it doesn't. tldr - that's ok - I check the graphs daily looking for PnD activity so I don't get caught out and FUN hasn't, so far, been part of one.