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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6880741 No.6880741 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.6880782

Nothing, keep holding

>> No.6880797
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>> No.6880840
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>> No.6880864

Happens after every big scheduled announcement, a big dump then accumulating recommences

>> No.6880886

It was shilled by every Pajeet and all the normies of nu/biz/ fell for it

>> No.6880903

You really think shaking out the weak hands is a bad thing? This is literally an example of the patient taking money from the moon chasers.

>> No.6880926

Nothing, what is /biz'/ obsession with FUDDING this?

It's way more promising than like 90% of the memecoins that get threads here daily with ebin meme pics of anime girls themed after the token's logo.

It's in the super early stages but has serious real world money invested in it, Jim Breyer for fucks sake.

>> No.6880949

what big announcement? they literally didn't announce anything new. all they did was hype it up so we would buy in and dump on us fucking scam coin

>> No.6880987

nothing you little b*tch...just hodl and relax. $10 end of week

>> No.6881047

People always FUD the best coins. All top coins especially XRP and ETH have been fudded like crazy on /biz/ because everyone holds their own knockoff coin they got in early on but its not moving. Then you have the fucking /pol/ invasion of children thats even worse than the liberals they hate and you get niggercoin that and chinkchong that. /biz/ is an asshole place. Luckily they all stay poor because they did't buy iota and vchain at 0.2, or omg and neo for that matter. Good luck with DBC bois.

>> No.6881375


Idk, I feel like I got WEISS'd

>> No.6881526

>Jim Breyer
Is he a hungarian jew?

>> No.6881529

Are you retarded? Why do you think they say "BUY THE RUMOUS SELL THE NEWS". It's because there is always a dip after a hyped announcement. Sell if you want, this is a large multinational corporation standing on the stage with a crypto currency announcing a long term mutual commitment. I know where I'll be putting my money.

>> No.6881620


>> No.6881652


>> No.6881685

>not looking at 1 minute candles
Get out of my /biz/

>> No.6881703


>> No.6881723

A Jew investing in a company is a good thing, this isn't 1939 you imbecile.

>> No.6881840

Enjoy the downtrend everybody
fucking retards

>> No.6881882

I bought up a shit ton at 69. Thanks anons.

It's only a matter of time before we get another partnership announcement.

>> No.6882062


corporate masturbation session that said nothing and promises nothing of substance

it was just a wankfest for DNV GL to assure their investors that they were 'totally into this blockchain shit now bro for real see we've even got this chink here'

needless to say traders who are used to this type of thing dumped it immediately in order to buy back in on the dip, or simple to move on to something else more promising until there is more news

DNV GL ceo wouldn't even confirm they would be using vechain specifically as their blockchain solution, like come on totally weak

still holding, but it was exactly as eye rolling and a waste of time as I hope it wasn't going to be

>> No.6882173

Yeah, they announced nothing new except some new customers landed through DNV already running their apps on VeChain. Oh, and that DNV will use VeChain in all business units. But nothing el... oh, wait, also that Veracity will be integrated with VeChain, but that's absolutely it. Apart from DNV saying that they will be moving to doing everything on the blockchain. Nothing else. Oh, wait, there was also that thing about within weeks and months they would be tracking fucking food DNA on the blockchain.

Literally no news at all.

>> No.6882180

I've held Vechain for a little less than a month and it's x4'd.... I think nothing is wrong.

>> No.6882211

I've got 571 VEN and I'm trying to slowly but surely increase that. I really don't want to daytrade this.

>> No.6882245


> they announced nothing new except some new customers landed through DNV already running their apps on VeChain. Oh, and that DNV will use VeChain in all business units

literally not what they said at all, you assmunching cumguzzler

you heard what you wanted to hear, which is the purpose of corporate weasel words

>> No.6882296

Scam words

Every ven holder is guzzling confirmation bias like Their girlfgriend guzzles Chad's Cock

>> No.6882335 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 1079x1138, cck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys realize this means CCK isn't just some oompa loompa cleaning Sunny Lu's office, but actually someone important enough to fly him to Europe for this shit? Not sure if I got the angle 100 % right, but if you compare the video from the DNV-GL press release and the one from CCK it seems to be him.

Practically confirms the PBoC rumor

>> No.6882340


Try listening to the stream again. This time you might want to take notes as you seem to have a hard time pinning down words.

>> No.6882348

who knows what can you do with 1 thor power?

>> No.6882367



More partnerships incoming. Pick up cheap VEN now.

>> No.6882413

>34:00 Luca Crisciotti: Everything we do will be supported by blockchain

>> No.6882439

>I really don't want to daytrade this.
Same. It's making fairly predictable dips between the Asian and Burger markets, and I've played with some very timid little swings, but I'm afraid that'll stop one day after selling off too many of my VEN and it'll never come back down.

>> No.6882444


You are the type of belligerently stupid son of a bitch that never ever realizes just how fucking dumb he really is.

Do you know what "reading between the lines" means? Try listening to what is really being said.


and he didn't say vechain specifically, you fucking imbecile

>> No.6882487

absolute brainlets that dont understand vechain needs a $400b market cap to be $2,000

comfy af

>> No.6882506


>> No.6882539

>Try listening to what is really being said.

It was all direct and explicit. You are trying to read ambiguity in that is not there.

>> No.6882571

ICON and VEN will pull a raiblocks cap this
everything that gets shilled dumps hard after theres nothing new coming up

>> No.6882583

32 minutes. He does

>> No.6882629


Raiblocks was heavily cancer overvalued and only rose because of the low liquidity at those shit exchanges.

You are fcking deluded to compare VEN with Raiblocks. Vechain is superior.

Raiblocks is also full of bugs and shit, like IOTA is rofl.

ICON will do well too, just needs mainnet and a Korean exchange and it goes to the moon.

>> No.6882640

~200-300m circulating supply cuckboy

>> No.6882652

Except that he did you fucking moron. Die poor faggot

>> No.6882695
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pic for you


>It was all direct and explicit.

Wrong, idiot. If it was direct and explicit the market would have immediately exploded. It was precisely because it was ambiguous that the "its fucking nothing" news dump happened.

Feel free to pinpoint the precise moment that the DNV GL CEO said they entered into a contract with Vechain to provide enterprise blockchain solution to their operations though.

Oh...it doesn't exist! It doesn't exist. Why did he conveniently leave that direct and explicit type of statement out? Because at the moment there is no actual agreement for Vechain to provide anything to them, and vice versa. It was all corporate bluster, and its a mutual beneficial relationship since both of them want to be first movers into the blockchain logistics and record keeping area.

Notice how nobody in the room could answer PRECISELY what the nature of their partnership was? When asked about it they basically said "well we are talking to each other a lot". That's it.

You're fucking dumb as shit, and hopefully one day you will realize it and take measures to fix it.


Wrong. You dumb faggot.

>> No.6882703

>and he didn't say vechain specifically, you fucking imbecile
lmao your fud is so weak
DNV GL already deployed few solutions ON VECHAIN'S BLOCKCHAIN. They explicitly told this.

>> No.6882718

kek that's pretty amazing, so do we have any idea who that guy actually is?

>> No.6882747




because they were CURIOUS you FUCKING RETARD

you people are stupid as shit, and I am embarrassed to be associated with you at all through ownership of the same fucking token, as weak as an association that may be

>> No.6882759

delete this, we really don't want to expose CCK

>> No.6882765


The absolute state of this FUD ...

>Feel free to pinpoint the precise moment that the DNV GL CEO said they entered into a contract with Vechain to provide enterprise blockchain solution to their operations though.

It was that bit between 00.01 and the end of the stream.

>> No.6882774
File: 2.10 MB, 1462x829, laughing chaste girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's from reddit!
>and he's so salty about VEN!

>> No.6882794

Is it really worth buying? Seems like the marketcap is already really high and the most it can do is 5-10x by EOY. I guess it'd be a good buy for people with a lot of capital because it's promising and basically a guaranteed moon, but not for smaller guys I guess?

>> No.6882804

good point, /biz/ has a bad habit of scaring off lucrative insiders

>> No.6882807

what kind of veiled fud is this?
Oh no it has been solid at around $8 for a few days after reaching a new ATH on a daily basis!


>> No.6882825

Seriously why do poor people buy these scams?
They won't make you rich, and you could use that money to buy the new wow classics game

>> No.6882849

How about you just go back to Plebbit and stay there this time?

>> No.6882857


find it

find the moment where the DNV GL CEO said there was a contract between them and Vechain to deliver a product or service going either way

find it

go ahead

you cant find, because it doesnt exist, you utter fuckwit

you baboon, you lizard-brain basement dweller. Fuck you



>> No.6882859

32:24 Do you use separate blockchain for each project?
32:28 Luca: No
32:29 Sunny: We use Vechain blockchain

>> No.6882885

One of the questions posed was asking if this is a test project or if this is a long-term thing with VeChain.

DNV GL guy replied that they have current applications running now that they can’t specify because of NDAs but that eventually everything on their business will run on blockchain.

Did he say everything will run on VeChain? No, not explicitly. But his answer was “everything on blockchain” when asked “what will you use VeChain for” so it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.

>> No.6882913







he didnt specifically say it FOR A REASON YOU ACTUAL TARD

>> No.6882922

It would be so easy to weed out /pol/ by associating the good shit with jews. Lmao

>> No.6882947
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I fucking hate you people, and I fucking hate that you are going to get rich right next to me by holding this coin. You don't deserve anything, much less this.

>> No.6882975

>I hate that you're right and I'm wrong
We get it, sperg fergeson. You're a delusional, salty reddit fuck. The only person that doesn't seem to get it is YOU.

>> No.6882996

wellll.... we are consortium blockchain but in q2 we gonna be public blockchain.
Geez man do I have to transcribe all the announcement?

>> No.6883001

so should I buy in at $8? I only have $1000 to invest

>> No.6883019

Yes they're using WTC blockchain thats why they set up a partnership with VeChain. Are you retarded or what?

>> No.6883034

>tfw went all-in on VEN and still only have 150 of em

Don't worry anon, I aint making it.

>> No.6883041

You seem angry. Don't be angry. Your FUD is just weak so no one will buy it but there is no need to get all shouty.

>> No.6883047

It's been bouncing between 7 and 8 pretty much daily. How lucky do you feel?

>> No.6883055
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>> No.6883058

Pretty sure he's a viral marketer + plebbit already found it as well but here you go

>> No.6883075


1) FUD'ing because you hold ven and understand its as sure a thing you will get in crypto and its hilarious if people are stupid enough to fall for it.
>high iq

2) FUD'ing because you hold ven but are skeptical of its potential to reach $1,000
>low iq

3) FUD'ing because you dont own vechain and are scared of the inevitable market shift vechain will usher in, causing people to invest in functional tokens that have real use.
>lowest iq

Fortunately the first type of FUD is comedic and easy to spot.
The second type of FUD is possibly the saddest because these people dont deserve to own VEN given how pessimistic they are.

The third type of FUD is with out a doubt the worst as the people that perpetrate this type of FUD are the discord PnD groups, the pajeets shilling scam coins and the low life retards that would rather chase moons. These are the people that will be poor and cry when the crypto market no longer accomodates pajeet scam coins and non-functional coins as it will ruin the pajeets mode of income through moons, scamcoins and shilling PnDs.

is an example of the third type.

>> No.6883076

Yeah, I'm not touching it. I'll maybe put some more fiat in before Feb25 or the mainnet rollout, but I'm not gonna take the risk of fucking myself for marginal VEN

>> No.6883092

Something happened? Oh it’s at the same price as yesterday and didn’t dump? alright gonna keep holding

>> No.6883093


>> No.6883116
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Comfy as fuck in Vechain.

>> No.6883122

>reading between the lines
Yep retard confirmed

>> No.6883142

the dip that might happen won't give you that much extra ven with your 1k so why the fuck not buy now

>> No.6883144

The best part is Luca saying they gonna push blockchain to the other DNV GL's business divisions.
It looks like the whole DNV GL is jumping on blockchain, not only Business Assurance, which means they gonna shill Vechain to all their customers and legitimize crypto.

>> No.6883151
File: 62 KB, 889x525, itsnothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way! the news is amazing! its huge!!! prime trading time USA everybody is awake and watching! its huuuuugGGGGEEEEEEE!!! HE SJUUTST he just said tHAT VECHAIN IS EVERYTHING IN DNV GL!!!!! to the MOOOONNNN!!!!


>> No.6883164

Oh please.
It's like you've never actually worked in a large corporation in your life. The C-levels in my company would definitely never go on record telling everyone what a big deal a potential vendor is going to be, before any paperwork got signed. It'd be an enormous waste of time and potential embarrassment for the company if things fell through, which they do for 99% of all non-contracted proposals.

>> No.6883175

poorfag here
just upped my stack from 38 to 68 VEN and Im comfy as fuck
all the fudding is hilarious. I guess a bunch of uninformed fags who havent done their research might actually fall for it and sell this monster of a coin

>> No.6883188

Oh nooo it's trading sideways...

What a nightmare...

>> No.6883198

my sides

Experienced trader that cant see more than immediate action and reaction

Do you realize that with all that fud blockchain projects are recieving it would be absolutely devastating for established company as DNV to endorse on of these blockchain projects only because of elaborate scam between them?

>> No.6883207

>massive amount of baseless fud
>checks binance and sees that my folio is still worth 6 figures
At least the fud made me look

>> No.6883231

Wow cool it man, re-read what I wrote. My point is that it’s obviously VeChain. We’re in agreeement but you aren’t very bright.

>> No.6883242

lol what?

>> No.6883265

is vechain a good coin?

>> No.6883272

The redditor spreading the FUD has only heard of Vechain for a day. He doesn't know that one of its primary characteristics is
>US government partnering with VEN
>Vechain goes up 1%
>BTC crashes
>Vechain goes up 1%
>Madagascar shuts down all ports and airstrips
>Vechain goes down 2%

>> No.6883283

Nice. Dip I was looking for. 359 extra VEN to my stack anons.

>> No.6883301




It's almost like....the people who matter (not you)...know when they are being bullshitted, and not to get too excited.

The exact moment in time that a contract is established between these two parties and is made public, is the moment that the people who matter will move.

>> No.6883312

this. like i don't get it aren't most people who are in VEN in it for the long haul? with sell walls and the general trajectory of the coin it's obviously not one of those quick-to-moon pnd coins, and unlike most coins it has actual uses and so on. yes it's unclear what "partnerships" actually entail but these are huge companies that are putting their reputation on the line, not bitconnect

>> No.6883325

conrgats. thats a healthy amount. How big is your stack?

>> No.6883330

no, im only holding 3k for the lulz

>> No.6883354

Don't believe the people who say VEN has a product. Here's the facts:
>Jim Bayer already dumped his bags at $9.
>No white paper.
>Huge sell walls are people who bought in at 30 cents dumping there bags on you.
>Even once Thor comes out they won't be more then $1 each.
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: All of biz has bought this coin and biz never makes it.
My advice to you: Sell VEN and buy something else you guys are worse then linkies now.

>> No.6883389


1159 now, trying to get 1500! Poorfag but its much for me.

>> No.6883407
File: 120 KB, 280x291, 1516623401226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw u just made 2.5x my entire stack on a fucking dip

>> No.6883413

so what weapon will you be using for your inevitable mass shooting when vechain hits $1,000 and you fomo'd in at $950

>> No.6883416

Nice did btw I’ve never heard of antshares?

>> No.6883447

Yes, you're right. My excuses. I thought you were the other guy.

>> No.6883462

>3k that will be worth $2,000 ea in ~4 years

>> No.6883501

Its called NEO now.

>> No.6883538

I'd say thats more than most, desu
I have 1,2k more than u, goal is 2500 right now

>> No.6883548

All this fud... I've been holding VEN since early October and I picked up another 1,500 shares yesterday. This is such a solid, obvious choice for future growth it boggles my mind how people don't see it. If it continues to fall I'll keep adding to my stack, and come summer of 2018 my 12,500 shares will very much be worth 1/2 million.

>> No.6883614

y-youre not ganna dump it the second I buy in, right anon?

>> No.6883637
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>anon bought in
>dump it

>> No.6883679

The funniest part of this shit is that you little faggots more closely resemble reddit in your rabid defense of anything that might not possibly be perfectly amazing about vechain, than I do in my critical examination of word choices used by leadership in these companies.
>muh reddit
>reddit spaccccinnnng!! go back toREDDIT!!

Have you fucking been to the vechain subreddit? You sound just like them. Your little circlejerk wankfest cult over this fucking token and every word said about it. They even have a poster over there right now "everything will be blockchain!!" not realising that the dude specifically failed to mention vechain in this so-very-exciting statement

I've seen this rabid fanboyism before. With Ethereum.

We will have to put up with you shiteaters forever, until VEN is #3 or 4 marketcap and you get bored shilling it, since it already won, which it WILL fucking obviously. Until then every day every moment we will have venfag circlejerk 24/7, and it fucking kills me that I have to share this rise to glory with you absolute mint-condition, pristine, collectors-edition retards.

>> No.6883685


why do you even bother shilling this?
the retards who are still not on the VEN train at this point dont deserve to hold it

>> No.6883703

>no whitepaper
>closed source
>made up shit like "asymmetric checksums" on their website
>insane amounts of shilling
>shills itself as "chinese" coin but it's based in Singapore
>completely assblasted all the time about WTC, which has patents they need to actually make a product
i rode this shit for some gains and then switched to WTC at the ATH.

Never listen to /biz/

>> No.6883705

that wouldnt do anything

>> No.6883758

Bro they tried to make a BIG announcement with some literal who company and overhyped it and now the price is dipping. That’s the story of this coin, hype way too much hype. I bought 1000 when it hit $9 and looked like it would keep going up but now that it’s back to under $8 I’m doing the smart thing and getting the fuck out entirely before it sinks any lower. Remember the Titanic? Abandon ship!

>> No.6883818

not sure if bait or retarded
prob bait

>> No.6883831


>> No.6883836

>I bought $9
>I'm getting out at $8

>> No.6883840

>reaches $9 only for a few minutes each day at best, otherwise it's always howering between 7 and 8.50 with dips into the 6
>you managed to buy at 9 and now you bitch about it
dude it needs some serious effort to buy at 9, you literally had to try hard as fuck to buy at the peak.

>> No.6883844

Lol dude, don't buy high and sell low. The market itself is even in a downtrend. Sit on those VEN for a few weeks and it will hit $9 again, and beyond! Trade smart!

>> No.6883881
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i wouldnt blame him, I bought LINK at $1.30

>> No.6883890

>new whitepaper coming after rebranding
>implying Singapore isn’t Chinese
kys salty walty

>> No.6883948

>>implying Singapore isn’t Chinese
are you ameridumb?

>> No.6884019

Honey Select

>> No.6884023

>ive seen this rabid fanboyism before. With Ethereum.

The very same Ethereum that went from $1 to $1400

LMAO ncie argument

>> No.6884048
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>not majority Chinese
Are you a brainlet?

>> No.6884051

You deserve to be JUSTed.

>> No.6884067

classic buy high sell low /biz/tard

these are the people that will never make it

>> No.6884121

Obvious scam coin

>> No.6884197

guys what do you recon would be a good entry point for this? Do you think its gonna dump any more anytime soon?

>> No.6884249
File: 34 KB, 500x555, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will dip... from 50 to 42$

>> No.6884255

Obvious to you, pajeet?

>> No.6884257

So much FUD here, even if that mario says no, Vechain still has whole China (including government) backing them. Easy top 5 once the Bank of China news leaks out.

>> No.6884293

Nice sources anon!

>> No.6884320

$7.50 seems to be a daily buy in point, now.

>> No.6884345

This. Buy BCC, the dip is almost over.

>> No.6884348

go do your own due diligence. 25k VEN holder here, very very very very veeeeery comfy and I'm not even all-in.

>> No.6884382

You absolute retard. Do you have the reading comprehension of a six year old?

>> No.6884518

it'll probably dip to 69000 again, i'd buy in then

>> No.6884567

you are btfo you salton walton

careful now, dont wanna drop those bags, theyd probably break your foot theyre so heavy

>> No.6884701


How's it feel to be this much of a brainlet that missed out on the VEN train? Trying so hard to justify your fake narrative kek. Or wait... you didn't sell your VEN in order to chase some other moon missions did you?

>> No.6884876

“Data is becoming an increasingly valuable asset and this partnership with VeChain will enable our digital solutions to address changing needs in the data-driven economy,” said Luca Crisciotti, CEO of DNV GL – Business Assurance.

You are a fucking brainlet.

>> No.6884878

The answer why DNV is using VEN blockchain for testing and not their own for example or any other in the crypto space is pretty simple: China.

>> No.6884956


everything comes from china, they are not going to let anyone from west to trace their products. This might illustrate the important value vechain already posses for china officials when it is the chosen one project to bring in this technology for bigass western companies

ffs dnv is one of the biggest supply chain corporation

>> No.6885159
File: 89 KB, 698x728, 2018-01-24 08.54.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the biggest.
see pic faggot

>> No.6885304


>sunny lu says it, not dnv gl when they had the chance to say it several times but chose not to


>> No.6885365


Do you honestly think he's going around making shit up mere hours after sharing the stage with these men?

>> No.6885424

You are retarded and haven't been following vechain very long. Also, the price action as part of your FUD is the same pattern that happens after every announcment even after they announced the node information with Apotheosis pt 1 and 2

>> No.6885514
File: 199 KB, 1280x870, 2018-01-24 09.23.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The livestream was literally through DNV GL's facebook real estate. Not through vechain. Fuck you and your FUD

>> No.6885688

Time is money. You can HOLD for weeks or months or years but honestly it’s better to get out quick then get disappointed when it turns out different then you thought. If I can pull out of VEN so can all these companies that they have partnerships with to.

>> No.6885691
File: 91 KB, 1080x720, ciara002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't know about the "buy the rumor sell the news"meme
>/biz/ 2k18

>> No.6885809

china hasn’t invented shit since the qing dynasty. they only know how to copy technology and there’s no precedence for them to copy here. plus, their tech team is a steaming hot laduzi. dumb laowais gonna get fleeced like the sheep they are.

>> No.6885872

Serious answer OP
>tfw investing, ESPECIALLY in speculative assets is Buy the HYPE, sell the NEWS
>tfw LONGTERM strong assets rebound hard after news selling
>tfw same thing happened to WTC after their news a week ago

Don't be a limp wristed faggot

>> No.6886493

Found it faggot. Literally signing the contract in this video. Now fuck off and KYS

>> No.6886576

this will correct to around 60k and bounce off, like a healthy correction is supposed to.
I really wonder at which point you brainlets bought in?

>> No.6887324

need someone to eventually buy my bags when this hits $1000

>> No.6887431

Yeah this

>> No.6887797

Yes I live in a container, but I hope I can make enough money with cryptocurrencies. If you have some spare ETHEREUM. Here is my deposit >>0x8f38331fa2e1df92999924fb9a15ae4a7c9d4a85

>> No.6887892

But muh fud!!!!!!!!

>> No.6887898

>Not realizing crypto is humanity's last-ditch effort to escape financial tyranny at the hands of the most famously exploitative in-group in history

Look sharp anon, moonbois will get their DOTR too

>> No.6887903

>i hate that you are going to get rich off of VEN

Stay poor faggots.

>> No.6888403

Can anyone make a textless version of this?