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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6871568 No.6871568 [Reply] [Original]

>get a job they said

>> No.6871582


>> No.6871588

lol great thread inc

>> No.6871590

>lying about your qualifications
What did you expect?

>> No.6871594

>paying for an interview
is this really a thing?

>> No.6871599

that was your first mistake

>> No.6871600

>Rebekah, (owner)


>> No.6871608

Fucking kek, this is why you don't wage slave.

>> No.6871611

either a woman or trans, that explains it.

>> No.6871612


>> No.6871619

lmao. He's not paying for it, they';re charging him for wasting their time.

This can't be real though right?

>> No.6871622


you lying scum deserve it

>> No.6871623

havent laughed this hard in awhile
dont pay them a fucking penny

>> No.6871624

> paying for an interview
In what fucked up country is this normal?

>> No.6871626

>immediately obvious
>6 hours

>> No.6871629

Is this even legal?

>> No.6871632

REKT, did you actually lie OP?

>> No.6871633

The Jews will take any opportunity they can get won't they

>> No.6871638

>lying about qualifications for an IT job

Even in the parallel universe where the management was retarded and you got the job, how did you expect to keep it more than a week?

>> No.6871647

>6 hours
It's 2 hours you dummy

>> No.6871649

Its Australian, not necessarily paying for the interview, paying for wasting their time with it.

>> No.6871659


no way this is real. where the fuck are you from? leave this kike country where such thing is even legal LMAO

>> No.6871662

>using Erlang when Elixir exists

>> No.6871671

I'm guessing they were all present for the interview so it was 2 hours and i dont get how you wouldn't have assumed this to.

>> No.6871676

Scam. VCAT would laugh at this

>> No.6871677

Get out faggot

>> No.6871680

IT is the most meme career ever. The interviewers themself usually don't know a shit, and you always need 10 year qualification for 1 year old technology. In reality any competent engineer applies his experience and knowledge and learns new thing in matter of weeks. That said most technologies nowadays are just reinventation of old things, especially shit like akka that is just unix pipes.

>> No.6871681

Go to court. They don't have a case

>> No.6871687

In all seriousness, a female owner in an IT company is bound to stay garbage and get nowhere.

>> No.6871692

you're paying for 6.
2 hours * 3 people = 6 human hours

>> No.6871696

In BurgerLand if you lost 2 hours of time on an interview that didn't pan out so you charged the applicant for it, some fucker would lynch you.

>> No.6871697
File: 111 KB, 480x464, 1516568067323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright reddit im tired of these pol posters pushing us around. lets make a stand right here right now

>> No.6871705
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 1507036873047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that thread on /g/, the OP was such a fucking faggot.

>> No.6871720

But the actual time that had passed is 2 hours.

>> No.6871721

So hard to find decent Devs in Australia. I've spent like 40 hours of the last 6 months interviewing shit cunts.

Any bris anons with an aptitude for algorithms who would like to Dev in c# please respond.

>> No.6871730


>> No.6871732

Sue Rebekah for sexual harrassment

>> No.6871744
File: 3.57 MB, 640x328, chickens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill them back for something just as stupid OP. Like
>>Thank you gentlemen for your Invoice. It was a pleasure and your service been great. Never have I had such a great audience as yourself.
Please view my $410 bill for my professional 2 hour performance as a con artist .
Happy to come again.

>> No.6871749

Assuming there was no contract between you and the employer. You can legally tell them to go fuck themself. That is not how interviews work

>> No.6871760

We were a small start up (15ish people) and growing. I normally did all the resume screening and the phone screens before bringing people in for interviews. But, I ended up ruining my ability to have impartial judgement on a candidate*, so I handed off that batch of resumes to be evaluated by my coworker.

My coworker then blind emailed them a programming test to complete. No introduction. No explaination. Just straight up, "complete this test to be considered for an interview." Of course, the two weakest candidates were the only ones who replied, and they failed. The strongest ones, of course, didn't bother with that bullshit. I was so furious. It never occurred to me that I'd have to explain common courtesy to my coworker.

* How I ruined my impartiality: I Google candidates to get an idea of other work they may have done and maybe a hint of their personality. I stumbled across a photo of a candidate and I not only had mistaken her name as male, but she was drop dead gorgeous. I involuntarily gasped, which drew attention, and someone looked at my screen, also gasped at her beauty, and quickly everyone in the room was talking about how beautiful she was. She appeared to be very well qualified, and was my first choice. But, I didn't feel any of us could further evaluate her impartially, so I passed her resume to the one coworker who wasn't there that day. Big mistake. She never responded to that silly blind request for doing a puzzle.

>> No.6871769

6 hours
(Ok two) but why have three people there?

>> No.6871772

Forget if its 6 or 2 hours.
What matters is that somebody needs to be lynched for making a fake IT company and rejecting all the applicants just to charge them for "time wasted".
If this shit was legal I would have my own company ready to put up now hiring ads everywhere just to deny applicants and charge them money not to be sued holy shit.

>> No.6871781
File: 104 KB, 649x242, Rebekah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She look Caucasian, her profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebekahzambesi

>> No.6871797

This can't be real, but you never know with mutts.

>> No.6871813

lol when my hourly rate is higher than their owner.

>> No.6871816


so they immediately knew u fucked up but still waited for the interview to be finished after 2 full hours just so u pay for their 2 hours?

lol u dun goofed

>> No.6871823


>> No.6871824

Agreed, I don't even think they can force you for a failed interview, that is their problem for inviting you in the first place and have to suck up to it. And now they are just threatening you by taking it to 'VCAT' here. They wouldn't do anything if you didn't pay and I doubt they would take it further, if they did nothing would happen.

>> No.6871832


This op, you are a massive faggot if you dare pay a dollar

>> No.6871836

what is this pasta

>> No.6871863

>If the amount is not repaid

So this is money the interviewers paid to the interviewee?
Or are these people simply that dim?

>> No.6871869

they have no legal basis to require payment from the job applicant. The applicant didn't sign any contract with them lol.

also what kind of name is RebeKAH?

>> No.6871871

Nice LARP faggot

>> No.6871876



That's Jewish isn't it?

>> No.6871883

>New York Times
>virtue signalling charity
She looks like a cunt, caucasian or not. OP's letter confirms it.

>> No.6871886

Perhaps he was actually an "experienced engineer of distributed systems" in Python3, Flak and MySQL. So the interview went well until they began talking about Erlang.
From how i read it, their only complaint is that OP lied about his experience with Erlang.

>> No.6871894

The owner is some female, probably 0 technical experience, you tell me.

>> No.6871909

Yeah, female execs are a red flag, as are Boomer managers and execs and wanna be Chads. Have never worked for one who was even remotely competent.

>> No.6871919

If he is senior in one language, what does it matter if he doesn't have experience in another one? It's not like they're drastically different and hard to learn for a senior in a matter of months.

>> No.6871923
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Jesus Christ. I know OP is larping. But the guy who applied to this job should have noped the fuck out after seeing her face when researching the company

>> No.6871924

This is basic English though.

>> No.6871927

Wow, sounds like you missed an opportunity to work with some great people op. This will never hold up in court.

Oh and if you did indeed lie about a primary job requirement you dun goofed nigga.

>> No.6871934

her last name is Campbell, so i don't think she is jewish..

>> No.6871935

nothing wrong with billing some worthless bitch that tried to get away with defrauding the company with your resume.

if you legitimately did not lie then you simply don't pay and you have all the proof, otherwise pay up wagie

>> No.6871937

go to apply for a grocery job
>need to fill out application
>need to do a survey and say that I'm legal
>need to do an hour long personality test
>need to do a basic math test
>get call
>Do another two whole work days on pointless computer training and more basic math tests. Liqueur stores don't even fucking bother with Computer training lol.
>$9 an hour for heavy lifting and back breaking work or very high paced production.

Apply for a Janitorial Job
>Find number on job websight
>call it
>Person says show up to this office this time tomorrow to apply.
>Show up in casual clothes not all dressed up for a funeral. turns out They don't even bother with applications they just do interviews with people who show up.
>Sent to another site to finish some paperwork
>At work the next day for $12.50 an hour doing less than half the labor of retail.

So many fuckers don't understand people don't have time for bullshit.

>> No.6871953

You don't know that. It could be anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours, actually.

Maybe 2 people interviewed him for 2 hours and then another person stepped in on the second hour. Maybe it was 3 sequential 2 hour one-on-one interviews. Maybe it was 2-hour-long interview by 3 people.

Or maybe it could've be this scenario:
0th hour: 2 people interviewing, 2 total manhours in this period
1st hour: 3 people interviewing, 3 total manhours in this period
2nd hour: 1 person interviewing, 1 total manhour in this period

Total: 6 manhours.

We just don't know.

>> No.6871964

Jeg er arbejdslos og bor i kobenhavn har du ikke et job til mig? Er ret sjov at hænge ud med.

>> No.6871972

From one of her blogs, https://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/author/rebekah-campbell/
>When Women Manage Men Who Don’t Respect Women
>A few weeks ago, my business partner and I interviewed a candidate for a senior communications role at Posse. We met at a coffee shop and he seemed perfect: charming, smart and passionate about our business. He’d been successful in similar roles, and he came to the interview prepared with suggestions relevant to our strategy. I was impressed.
>But a couple of things bugged me. Ten minutes into the conversation his eyes swung behind our table and toward the counter. I turned to see what had caught his attention: an attractive waitress. I looked at him quizzically — he knew I’d noticed what he was staring at but he didn’t seem to care. He smiled and gestured for my male business partner to check her out.
>I couldn’t help but notice for the rest of the interview that whenever he spoke about anything serious he focused his attention on my male partner. He answered my questions well, but often with a flirtatious smile before shifting his attention back to the male in the room — the person he obviously assumed was the boss. At the end of the meeting he held his hand out to shake mine in the dominant position — palm facing down. By now I was fuming — I grabbed his hand from the side and we had an uncomfortable moment.
it goes on for a bit..

>> No.6871994

Yeah, so she probably has no idea what she is doing.

>> No.6872004

I'm not Australian but if they brought something like this to VCAT or any small claims court. I would counter sue them and take their money for charging me without providing a service and wasting my time and the courts time.
No preforming a job interview is not a service Patrick.

>> No.6872012

Tell them to suck a dick

>> No.6872020

>head of developer
>hourly rate 55


>> No.6872038

Exactly, I would too. Legally they can't do anything about a failed job interview and they are using going to VCAT as a threat when in reality they cant do shit.

>> No.6872040

part two
>When my business partner and I discussed the interview afterward, we both had the same concerns. He also felt that his behavior toward me in particular, and possibly toward women in general, was poor. But we also agreed that in every other respect, this guy was ideal for the role, and we had been searching for a strong candidate for quite a while. We considered that one of his assignments, if hired, would be to relate Posse to prospective corporate partners, which meant his flirtatious nature might come in handy. Some of the best business communicators apply their skill and charm to their advantage.
>Still, that left us with some big questions. Could he respect me as a founder and leader of the business? Can a female boss successfully manage a chauvinist?
>Working in the technology sector means that just about everyone surrounding me is male. I’ve learned to deal with loneliness, lack of emotional support and prospective investors who sometimes make inappropriate comments. But what really gets me is knowing that it may be fundamentally impossible to lead some people who cannot respect me because I am a woman. This bothers me because I want to be a great C.E.O.
>I’m not suggesting all males are like this. It’s unusual for candidates to demonstrate disrespect toward women in an interview with me. Once I’ve hired them and struggle to connect, I often question what has gone wrong. Do I have a poor leadership style, or are they not listening because they think I’m inferior?

>> No.6872039

what an insufferable cunt

>> No.6872042

Fine what ever 6 manhours who fucking cares they cannot charge you for a job interview.
And this person should have sued because this looks like black mail.

>> No.6872083


Are they not? I don’t understand anything about computer programming.

All sounds like nerd Ebonics to me.

>> No.6872093

That girl was me. I'm about to call the police but I'm just so fucking terrified right now. I'm at home right now thinking about ending it all and I'm literally shaking right now.

>> No.6872095


>> No.6872110

>I involuntarily gasped
you're literally gay. get your estrogen levels checked and stop drinking from plastic bottles.

>> No.6872114
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They like to change their last names or use their mixed blood to hide. See Giraldo Rivera.

>> No.6872116

As long as your familiar with the three most commonly used paradigms (imperative, object-oriented and functional) and computer science fundamentals like data structures/algorithms, programming language choice is pretty superfluous. For hiring, anyways.

>> No.6872151

Today I learnt about imperative, I only knew about OO and functional, gg.

>> No.6872156
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 8D8B7DB1-08FF-473B-BC91-5CD475BAB21B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>held his hand out to shake mine in the dominant position
Oh no! Not the dominant position!

>> No.6872161

haha that there is quite fucked mate, but did you seriously just hope nobody would notice you knowing fuck all about erlang? Did you just sit there while they asked you to explain how supervisors and all that other OTP shit works?

>> No.6872184

Bruh just decompile some Source, Unity, or Unreal engine game and take a look at the code.
If you can understand C++ or Linux Programming language then its just a matter of knowing what {} ; : ( ) ! # * //// goes where in other languages. Its easier to understand than nigger speak too.

>> No.6872217

ah, there it is
and I was wondering where all those garbage candidates who can't write 3 lines of code come from

>> No.6872225
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>> No.6872292

>friend suggests applying for same job he does
>very simple work involving updating firmware on barcode scanners they use in grocery stores
>says I'll have a talk with a manager and I'll probably be working the same day
>applications now go through a temp agency
>they make me do a 2 hour online test geared towards process proces operators
>have to wait for round two which involves psych eval and roleplaying
>get a call from a crabby female temp agency employee who complains to me about my lack of passion for firmware updates in the application letter

Fuck that. I never learned what round 3 was about.

>> No.6872297

>Can a female boss successfully manage a chauvinist?
Yes, because a successful female leader isn’t a pussyhurt, whiney little bitch.

>I’ve learned to deal with loneliness, lack of emotional support
If she needs that, she’s not cut out for a leadership role.

>This bothers me because I want to be a great C.E.O.
Confusing being a great ceo with getting approval from everyone.

>Do I have a poor leadership style, or are they not listening because they think I’m inferior?
Poor leadership style = loss of respect from subordinates.

>> No.6872301
File: 227 KB, 600x335, 1509408885763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why she will forever feel insecure and unfulfilled in her life. Every misstep she makes will be the fault of the male patriarchy conspiracy. She will die angry and unhappy.

>> No.6872314
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You are a male CSI asshole. You aren't an ally that I can rely on. How does it feel to intimidate a girl from behind your computer? I'm literally shaking and crying right now.

>> No.6872333
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>everything I don't like is reddit
Fucking gas yourself.

>> No.6872334

This looks like extortion by threat of lawsuit.

>> No.6872342
File: 128 KB, 579x523, D8713295-3C0D-49CA-B916-8781C01BD188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matter of principle rather than cost

>> No.6872344

top kek

>> No.6872355

Better than mine. Rejected by the Royal Navy because of 15 years of mental health problems and several personality disorders. Some people are so picky who they give a weapon too.

>> No.6872364

How to troll this bitch and make her lose $$$

>> No.6872369

Thats because it is, its only a threat.

>> No.6872379

Google exists, no seriously, many jobs will be fine as long you do your job and don't bother the boss.
Hell, sometimes you can fail the interview because you know too much and the interviewer doesn't want to hire someone who could surpass him in rank.

>> No.6872391

Pay her in scamcoins.

>> No.6872401

>passion for firmware updates
top kek

>> No.6872404


>> No.6872423

That's literally a reddit post you fucking mongrel

>> No.6872434
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Just come to Murica, You can buy gun here!

>> No.6872436


>> No.6872442

Reddit apparently has better OC than /biz/.

>> No.6872452

On the bright side, I would probably make a decent process operator but I have no passion for that either.

>> No.6872459
File: 478 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20171104_210913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please end your life

>> No.6872464

Replying to 5 different posts

>> No.6872465

god dammit op I just did a batch of job applications. I'm sweating enough bullets as is now I have to PAY FOR MY INTERVIEW?????


>> No.6872514

>tfw lied about grades, experience and even interests
>working as a analyst in a fund
KYS you room cleaning goodie two shoes

Also op tell them to prove it nigga

>> No.6872522
File: 39 KB, 650x650, progeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know your shit you will be fine. You do know your shit, right anon?

>> No.6872548

literally no legal grounds for compensation ignore them op

>> No.6872598

Sue them faggot (I know it's not you)

>> No.6872599

Need a janitor? I can't code but I'll do anything short of suck dick for work.

>> No.6872650

fake but wish it was true
the whole culture of cheating on tests and lying on resumes has gotten out of hand
don't give me no "too hard to get a job otherwise" bullshit, fucking stop sitting between two chairs. choice 1, you work hard. choice 2, you don't just vote but ACT against immigration. choice 3, you accept you're a lying piece of shit playing your part in the downfall of civilization, and you stop pretending there's anything justified in your actions

>> No.6872662


>> No.6872695

You appear to be a good candidate but your lack of passion for sucking dick is going to be an obstacle. We will contact you.

>> No.6872698

> Setup fake company
> Run interviews
> Claim they wasted your time and charge them
Pretty clever scam.

>> No.6872732


>> No.6872755

>HR software is specifically designed to weed out candidates who don't have the word buzzwords in their resume
>get upset when people work around the rigged system

Dumb bitches

>> No.6872795
File: 175 KB, 806x537, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be in melbourne

>> No.6872804

Its cool, been here over 500 years on both sides of the family at least. I am kind of used to the climate and stuff now. I never get why people want to leave their homeland. My bro has 2.2 rifles, an illegal Glock and a shotgun, ill just steal those if the SHTF.

>> No.6872848
File: 405 KB, 420x399, 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her Faceberg

>faceberg /rebekahcampbell11

>> No.6872888
File: 33 KB, 500x456, 1304958002548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a good lawyer
>sue them for extortion or whatever
>afterwards start a huge smear campaign by telling your story to every fucking media outlet
>send rebekah countless of e-mails where you tell her this is "out of principle rather than cost"

>> No.6872904


extremely immature resume
>breakable toys
>reinvented the wheel
>I was

is this a troll?

>> No.6872925

I know this post is fake because women don't hold senior executive positions

>> No.6872964

wagies btfo

>> No.6873072
File: 172 KB, 640x360, fthgydsmjntdsduty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you get a job like this?

>> No.6873114

hmm no this is my resume
>reinvented the wheel
which is a factual statement who cares? Are you a tight arse boomer who hates his job kek

>> No.6873158

>breakable toys
read apprenticeship patterns this is a legit term

>> No.6873179

>nice just sent 100k

>> No.6873251

Hahahaha tell them to go suck on your foreskin. Or wait for them to take you to small claims court. There is no way this will stand up m80. Theyll probably get hit with a fine for wasting court time. Or they do this without ever hiring to increase income which would suggest they will be known to the legal system. Do not reply and do not pay. Wait for a summons to small claims or contact work ombudsman to see if there is a class action against them.

>> No.6873262 [DELETED] 


A) Send them a bill for your time for the interview, hourly rate plus expenses, ask for payment in bitcoin. Include a 2 your charge for reading they just letter sent.

B) Write a letter thanking them for accepting you for the company and ask when is your start date. Thank them for the bonus payments they offer you for going through the interview.

C) accept the court date. Spend the next 3 months doing nothing but learning Erlang. Put together some programmes or draft manuscripts. If that fails explain how erlang was a spelling mistake - tell them you meant swimming and it autocorrected. Deny all knowledge and then explain that most code is copy pasting anyway so no worries.

>> No.6873294

>>6871568 (OP) #

A) Send them a bill for your time for the interview, hourly rate plus expenses, ask for payment in bitcoin. Include a 2 hour charge for reading the letter they just letter sent.

B) Write a letter thanking them for accepting you for the company and ask when is your start date. Thank them for the bonus payments they offer you for going through the interview.

C) accept the court date. Spend the next 3 months doing nothing but learning Erlang. Put together some programmes or draft manuscripts for a book on erlang. If that fails explain how erlang was a spelling mistake - tell them you meant swimming and it autocorrected. Deny all knowledge and then explain that most code is copy pasting anyway so no worries.

>> No.6873384

I was actually on that very thread where the guy posted about doing this. I don't remember if it was on reddit or /biz/ or perhaps it was even on /pol/. But I was there. Was gud time.

>> No.6873410


>> No.6873440

Top kek

>> No.6873476

>tried to chad but he was only a brad

>> No.6873581

Can he send the letter back and charge $200/hour to the company for wasting his time? Like a back and forth thing.

>> No.6873722

that's in dollarydoos bruv

>> No.6873736

Nice work detective, but you forgot the "immediately obvious" part. Just go back to plebbit okay?

>> No.6873797

>Rebekah is obsessed American politics
must be some kind of visa scam. they're pretending to be retarded so that no native english speaker applies for the job. when some brainlet inevitably does, they A: reject him because his resume either doesn't match the job description or because he lied (brainlet+python expert+erlang expert isn't a possible combination) and B: pretend to sue him so that he stays the fuck away. rebekah is fully aware that it would never hold up in court, read her "blog", she's run through her fair share of lawyers.
once the gov starts complaining about muh quotas, she can go on to show that only literal brainlets from australia applied, meaning that there's not enough local talent and that her innovative start-up company needs creme de la creme top international experts from (((overseas))).
i guess that "Head developer" is lead dev Aaron Tay and "Head of HR" is lead roastie Nicola Wall. Aaron is one of us, as evidenced by the fact that he wouldn't have his name associated with "my fav anime is naruto and one piece haha". except he doesn't give a fuck about the visa scam, he's too busy dreaming of one day becoming a neet.
>Carlo Parungao
>Carlo is a NBA fan,he likes playing basketball.He also like watching movies (LOTR, the Hobbit), anime (Hunter X Hunter, One Piece, Naruto)
>Jonnah Lyn Riños
>Jonnah likes to watch movies, animes(Hunter X Hunter, One Piece, and etc...) and play Online Games!
>Eraño Payawal
>I love watching movies, TV series(i.e., The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones etc), and anime (i.e., Hunter X Hunter, Naruto Shippuden and One Piece etc).
>Aaron Tay
>Aaron enjoys gaming and loves anime along with many other geeky things.
> Michael Pantaleon
> I am kel. :P I like to watch and draw Anime
this is so obvious desu, /pol/ must have figured it out by just looking at the letter

>> No.6873918

Jewish as fuck

>> No.6873976


This thread is LARP

>> No.6874065

>Start shell business
>put out advert for new employees featuring ridiculous pay and benefits
>turn everyone down and charge them for the time
Damn. Why are we wasting money on coins when we could just charge people for interviews?

>> No.6874100

Thats the meme, its stupid and they threaten getting the VCAT but in reality they wouldnt do shit.

>> No.6874231

LARP hitting new highs on /biz/

Imagine if we all really make it, no one will believe anyone here.

>> No.6874243

I don't really see the problem here but I might be out of the loop.

>> No.6874285

This entire board is LARP