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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6789011 No.6789011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New fag here
Just jumping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon. How do I start? Haven't got much, but want to give it a shot.
Any help appreciated

>> No.6789043

first: where are you from?

>> No.6789058


u missed the biggest bullrun in human history. how can u live on with this fact

>> No.6789059

dont even bother. it's dead

>> No.6789069
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You're starting out just in time to get in on the groundfloor of Bitconnectx. Put as much $ as you can in there, and just stay away from crypto for a few years.

>> No.6789071


>> No.6789074

first verify your identity.
are you a pajeet?

>> No.6789082

How much $$$ are you going to work with?

>> No.6789091

this is a blue board fuck off to whatever shithole board you came from, we don't want you here. if you stay we will just scam you.

>> No.6789107

get out of here pajeet

>> No.6789133

will you buy my link? I’ll give you very good price

>> No.6789152

Then make an account on bitstamp, buy bitcoins.
Then download electrum wallet: https://electrum.org/#download

send your coins there ask here if you have questions

>> No.6789159

UK based.
As little as possible; poor student fag.
Probably like £50.
All I got to spare.

>> No.6789229

i personally think it's too late

>> No.6789261
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ok faggot here's the guide i made. fuck you.

>> No.6789310

>Probably like £50.
>All I got to spare.
Might as well just take it down Ladbrokes.

>> No.6789343

Why not paste a donation address anon?

>> No.6789349

>Probably like £50.

buy TRX for £25
XVG for £25

and then kys

>> No.6789379
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>> No.6789407

I try not to be a pajeet, but here we go

>> No.6789445

If you can only afford to be putting 50 dollarydoos into crypto then you probably shouldn't be putting it in crypto. I suggest a part time job and lurk for a few weeks.

>> No.6789457


I’ll help you because it sounds like you need it. First off, buy BTC. Then, never call it Bitcoin. That’s how you tell normies, and being a normie is a bad thing. Call it “muh butt-corns” and you’ll fit in fine. Next, and this is the very important part, do not fucking sell your butt-corns. It’s an appreciating currency, due to mining difficulty increasing and a finite supply (in the last respect it is like all crypto and unlike all fiat) so despite the market share dropping as shitcoins get shilled, you want to be holding butt-corns. We’re quite a superstitious lot, so if you see a thread telling you to post “MINISTER YOU SATOSHI” then you have to do it. Don’t ever use Nujack, and make sure you fap often while checking Binance. That’s pretty much it.

>> No.6789513
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that is actually a very concise and good guide anon.

>> No.6789541

I can see her peach.


>> No.6789579


Nice guide. Since its aimed at normies, you might as well remove the section about DYOR and just tell them to choose based on their favourite colours and the coin logo.

>> No.6789580
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Thanks man

>> No.6789628


yes good job anon
give him your referral you deserve it

>> No.6789658

The first version of the guide I made, it said shit like "buy high, sell low" and "always watch 1-minute candles" but i decided to turn those memes into actual advice. I need to fix some typos and add some more advanced stuff in the next version.

>> No.6789662

>he actually fell for the nofap meme

>> No.6789895

Lmao Don't do this it, makes mustard gas

>> No.6789942

Not gonna make it

>> No.6789973


>> No.6789978
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>> No.6790064
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The first step towards recovery is to admit you have an addiction

>> No.6790117

Anyone who donated to this is a retard.
He has shilled his address several times in the past since early November.

>> No.6790308

Bump to raise awareness.

>> No.6790853

why not use gdax for 0 fee?

>> No.6790915
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>> No.6791114

Seriously, what is going on with /biz/ lately.

>> No.6791134

Buy Link and TRX, you will get rich with these coins. They are very well known here on /biz/ and the other anons love them. Spend as much as possible on them, sell your car or get a loan if it’s necessary.