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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 600x440, 006C6AA7-208E-4A2A-B7FD-A916F6F68980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6784361 No.6784361 [Reply] [Original]

The newest euromeme:
Say something European: “they’re takin our internet monies!” Get in here eurocucks I want to feel and hear the butthurt topkek btfo

>> No.6784429

Fellow Eurofags be like
>I just bought €70 worth of Bitcoin so that maybe I can travel to Ibiza next summer.

>> No.6784449

They’re takin our internet monies!

>> No.6784491


>> No.6784532

What's this thread even about?

>> No.6784639

I think the Americans are finally falling below the 50% mark. Rapid degradation of mental faculties and ability to swim in progress.

>> No.6784645

Probably just more /pol/ bleeding into /biz/ or smth.

>> No.6785180

Sad but true. They are attempting to develop a layer of blubber to aid in buoyancy but they are not fooling this Bong.

>> No.6785468
File: 464 KB, 900x506, 1501197863351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever you say ubongo brave warrior of the Americas

>> No.6785624

you only need to earn an additional 10 euros to fly to ibiza and back from the netherlands desu

>> No.6785667

but 70 euros is already enough to go to ibiza and back

>> No.6785697

Whats up 4chan don't forget your nazi roots,

>> No.6785783

Why even trade crypto when your gains will be taken and redistributed to local mosques?

>> No.6785796
File: 4 KB, 400x480, 1493230313110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there is degeneracy and low lifes everywhere ... some of it is to be tolerated - most is not

this eurocuck/pussy vs amerimutt/56%

is divide an conquer ... never forget who the real enemy is

>> No.6785913
File: 179 KB, 860x796, 1405792434741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure brother I hear you but its to funny
I see it like this animals "play" too train for life
eurocucks and amerimutt do the same I guess

if all comes down we will fuck every other nation together up

>> No.6786004
File: 61 KB, 200x352, Moloch_the_god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that they hide behind the jews and the real enemy is no more Jewish than Hitler. the council of 13 is the real enemy. The ruling families who have been our masters for millennia. The Jew thing is about using them as scapegoats and getting you to chase ghosts. They create a hated class then give them protected status and the best jobs. It takes attention away from them. These people put Sun Tzu to shame.
((()))= TPTB not das Juden you tit. Jews don't worship Moloch or practice Majik.

>> No.6786006

>implying greek, roman, and iberian genetics are something to be ashamed of.

>> No.6786075

Way to miss the point of the image.

>> No.6786079

I know, but their whiskey, vodka and hotels don't pay for themselves, you know

>> No.6786081

>Jews don't worship Moloch
Yeah some do, baal as well. ((())) means ethnic jews, not tptb.

>> No.6786110

I dont miss the point of it, just find it funny they didnt put 1 drop of anglosaxon blood on purpose as if being med is lower tier white.

>> No.6786269
File: 65 KB, 673x789, 936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6786436

That may be what it has been made to mean but it shouldn't. The Ashkenazi (heh, I just noticed the last 4 letters of that. coincidence?) Jews are devious and cunning that is undeniable. They have an ancient cult-like doctrine. they are still not the top of the pile and are certainly not TPTB. The hollocaust was just a way of creating a group with the protected status they could hide behind and use as a shield.
I fully support another one on the Muslims and completely understand the last one if they were as bad as this latest lot of Arabs is. That doesn't make ((())) mean Jewish in any sense. Ethnic Jews are worthless curly haired Arabs. It is the ancient families that ruled Rome, Egypt (and further back) and even places such as Japan and China that you want to worry about. They are like the Aztec kings except they didn't ever lose power, they just hid int eh shadows.
The Ashkenazis have evolved to survive though and are annoying, you would have too without a homeland. They are not in charge though.
Saying that, Loans are not to be trusted. Fear the money lender was a thing for a reason. It was all downhill since the first king borrowed money for an army, they then had to open up their people to loans, this, in turn, jacks up prices for property and goods, ultimately meaning more loans are needed. It is an evil system. You can blame them somewhat for that shit but (((#NotAll)))

>> No.6786557

The point is A) there's plenty of non white blood in there and B) it's from all over the place, no real place of origin that can be called home.

>> No.6786669

Those places were all invaded by Arabs. They are all 'le 56%' already if that.

>> No.6786869

Well step by step. You can't cop of the head of the snake (((()))) are to powerful so you must pick them apart brick by brick till their is nothing where ((())) can hide anymore. True most Jews have no grain in that but the higher you go the more you see until you find the head of the snake. But their is a reason why so many country's have expelled the Jews and here we must start. We don´t have to kill them but we must make sure to keep them in check

>> No.6786926

nice digits

>> No.6788011

Mission accomplished the butthurt euromutants are out

>> No.6788027

They were expelled for being manipulative and devious yep. I have a theory that pre-WW2 Europe was much like today with the Muslim invasion. I can see this current wave backing us into a corner and well, look what happened last time. White people can only be pushed so far till they snap. The longer it goes on the more people who will be willing to fight against the invaders. Every rape and ever transgression works to that end goal. It is going to be apocalyptic. The only barrier is the women, they have political power now and they are massive sheep following the herd. You get a lot of them converting for that reason. They are also intaitly caring so use politics to 'help the needy' which is what they see the Muslims as. It can't last but it is going to mean it becomes a lot worse before it reaches boiling point. the biggest threat right now is the general public finding out that they are not alone in thinking the way they do. Every one of my mum's generation secretly hates the muslims but none will speak out. It won't be like that for long. They had 20-30k veterans march in London in protest against immigration and it got zero news coverage because of this. They even faked a car attack on the day which got all the headlines and it turned out it was an accident. The west is a tinderbox ready to ignite at the first sign of unity vs them then its (((their))) turn.