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6756633 No.6756633 [Reply] [Original]

>le bubble meme was proved wrong again

When will normies learn?

>> No.6756677

>what is artificial price pump caused by Tether
>actual price of BTC $2k

>> No.6756696

It's not wrong.

We're just at media attention.

>> No.6756731

when are you fags gonna stop spouting 'le tether' meme when you realize it's a big nothing burger?

>> No.6756749

Im pretty terrified desu. Every other board besides biz makes fun of crypto and calls it a scam. Ive made some money, but it feels like somehow its still wrong and im just bwing conned

>> No.6756760

You are not wrong.

>> No.6756768

New tether is new money coming into crypto (aka people wiring money to their exchange) to buy the dip

>> No.6756775

>tether meme

i'm actually encouraged that so many of you on this site are dumb as all fuck. low IQs make great bag holders as all you people are good for is manual labor anyway

>> No.6756797
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They'll never learn because it's an endless influx of newbies that have entered after the last dip.

That or retarded normies who skimmed the Tulip bubble Wikipedia page and are now financial geniuses.

>> No.6756826

Because most people are retarded.

>> No.6756830
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The sheep were warned, several times.

Let them burn.

>> No.6756832


He thinks it's over...kek.

This is just beginning.

>> No.6756880

Were in the early stages still once the tech goes main stream instead of the potential youll see them change their tune. This is akin to the start of banks and the old farmers are talking about how it will never catch on.

>> No.6756936

>actual price of BTC $2k
prove it

>> No.6756942

the bubble myth is spun by the media whenever the banksters need a price drop. (((they))) then buy up the market and later report that the drop was actually normal

rinse and repeat 6 gorillion times until BTC reaches 100k

>> No.6757195

Which other boards? I only go on biz fit and tv

>> No.6757204

The actual price of bitcoin is $0 as there's nothing backing bitcoin, it has no intrinsic value

>> No.6757276

>the start of banks and the old farmers are talking about how it will never catch on.
thats not how banks came to be you fucking retard

>> No.6757324
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The actual price of Bitcoin is ∞

>> No.6757356

They’re not wrong, sell everything.

>> No.6757372

Rather it is $0 as there's no intrinsic value in bitcoin.

It's a number on a monitor with nothing to back it up.

>> No.6757395


Once they've been into the markets for longer than 1-2 months.

Im so fuckign tired of hearing this scared newfags terrified over something they dont even understand. Dealing with the last round of "Le tether" in september was bad enough, and back then they actually had a point because tether COULD move the market slightly then.

>> No.6757410
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Nothing is backing US dollar either fuckface. It's based on trust. It's literally backed by the ' full faith and trust of the US gov ' that means it's back by nothing. You are now certified retarded, good luck getting a job now fag, I'm tracing your IP and telling your employer you're mentally disabled.

>> No.6757428

This. My trading bot goes all in BTC whenever tether is printed. Massive gains in the last month.

>> No.6757486

No it isnt. Its printed money. Volume wasnt there for new money

>> No.6757511

It's not dead. But anyone who thinks we're not in a bear market for the next couple of weeks is retarded.

How do I sell bitcoin is trending on twitter, coordinated media fud, coordinated tether fud, every single crypto graph is mirroring grandpa bitcoin. That in and of itself speaks of market fear.

We're gonna have another dip. It'll be fine after that. HODL and enjoy your pink wojacks by the 26th.

>> No.6757538

Please, do lecture me on FIAT.

FIAT is however backed by the global economy as a whole. FIAT is terrible however and no one who is calling out cryptotrash for what it is, also advocates FIAT. The opposite rather.

What backs bitcoin? You can't even buy something as simple as a hamburger at McDonalds by using your imaginary coins. Get real.

>> No.6757541

So the actually price of $1,000,000,000,000,000 is 0 because nothing is backing it?

What's backing gold?

>> No.6757580

>proven wrong
We're literally in the bull trap/return to normal part of the chart

>> No.6757626
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>was proved wrong

We're actually perfectly in line with it.

Wait another major FUD event and this time we're going at $8000 at best.

>> No.6757664

Seems like no one really gives a shit about blockchain rn desu. Could be a long time until we see legitimate adoption. For now its just vaporware after vaporware and people trying to profit off of it.

>> No.6757700
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I never said bitcoin was backed by anything, I was obviously saying that something doesn't need to be backed by something to have value. These things operate by being given value by the users. This isn't pre 1970s anymore things don't have to be backed by physical goods, just the promise of utility is enough.

>> No.6757713

>ITT full of retards

>> No.6757715

Nah that was almost two weeks ago.

it's broken out of the newbie bubble chart for the 200th time.

>> No.6757723

What is backing gold? The thousands of years of history it has as a store of value, it's actual value in terms of what it can be used as. Gold has been used as money for thousands of years, it has been used as a hedge against other kinds of currency that has popped up for thousands of years.

>> No.6757804

So if Bitcorns was 1000 years old it would have value?

Why isn't this priced in already?

>> No.6757838


I think it was actually proved right, but people got the trend line wrong.

If you look at Bitcoin's USD value rise from September on CMC and use that as the trend line, it did actually dip below that and then return to mean almost exactly along the same line.

That graph everyone posts is stretched out to make the highs and lows seem gigantic (hence why everyone thought the "despair" was something like $1k if the "new paradigm" was $20k).

Bitcoin more than halved in value between its highest and lowest points. It had a full, healthy correction which was overdue, so now we can move on with less worry.

>> No.6757839

>it's given value because people give it value
As with all things worth (((money)))

>> No.6757842

Who cares if BTC 'bubble' bursts, ETH is up like $400 a piece since beginning of the month even after this dip happened
that shitcoin is doomed and only deluded normies still hold it, crypto as a whole though is doing great

>> No.6757841

So why should someone invest in bitcoin when there are a million other cryptocurrencies out there with the same value, i.e value given by the users. That's incredibly unstable and inefficient.

Nothing stops anyone else from creating their own cryptocurrency.

>> No.6757869

it seems to only take like 10% of fiat to make the marketcap what it is

i.e if the market has an 800b marketcap there has actually only been about 80b in fiat spent on coins so far, its not that large amount of money on a global scale.

>> No.6757903

That's a retarded question.

Except for, as I mentioned as an example, gold.

>> No.6757925

Considering all the wordlwide attention right now, the real Bitcoin price is between $3500 and $5000.

I don't know what will bring us there again, must be something big like Tether exit scamming, Coinbase raided or something like that, but you'll bet we're closer to that direction than going to $25k right now.

>> No.6757976

Fees, Speed of transaction, Usability, etc.

I think other cryptos are way better than btc, btc just had the luxury of being the first in the game.

>> No.6758047

If you had millions of dollars to park somewhere would you park it in the most liquid, oldest, most battle tested blockchain that's been around for almost a decade and subject to inumerable attacks or some experimental illiquid coin governed on the whim of some early 20s NEETs?

>> No.6758079

Bitcoin has no promise of utility. It's much worse at being a currency than fiat. In fact it's currently one of the worst possible ways to conduct a financial transaction (slow, expensive, energy intensive, wild value fluxuations, etc etc). It literally has no purpose or value aside from the collective delusion of a bunch of desperate internet neckbeards.

>> No.6758082

Ha I was thinking of doing this a couple days ago. You're totally exposed to the risk of tether imploding though (if you convert back to tether after the pump?)

>> No.6758093

I doubt itll just be at 3 5k but really bitcoin already has eternal bag holders since theres already been alot of bitcoins lost

>> No.6758112

Why would worldwide attention make the price LOWER?

>> No.6758205

I never suggested that bitcoin is better than fiat.

>> No.6758258

But cryptos have massive fees compared to fiat, speed of transaction is kind of pointless in this day and age, usability is null compared to fiat.

I wouldn't even go near virtual coins with a bag of shit.

>> No.6758314

Can you show me any other way to send tens of thousands to even millions worth of fiat into literally any country on the planet within an hour for less than $10, without having to go through banks or have government know about it?

Enjoy staying poor nocoiner.

>> No.6758339

I would never put any sum of money in BTC in it's current state. It's obvious it has nowhere to go but down. It's only a matter of time until ETH flips it for good.
there are countless better opportunities in crypto

>> No.6758357

you are a brainlet. the intrinsic value is the blockchain technology. stay poor faggot

>> No.6758371

There was a legitimate bubble.
20k was overpriced, but now you have an influx of new normans looking to pump up the bitcock and the growth is becoming real.

>> No.6758394

>But cryptos have massive fees compared to fiat, speed of transaction is kind of pointless in this day and age, usability is null compared to fiat.

>> No.6758434

And I agree, I don't think BTC is better than fiat. Some cryptos may be however, but that is yet to be seen. A lot of people don't like the idea of chronic inflation (fiat) and would prefer something slightly less predictable for the chance at attaining more value.

>> No.6758469

>But cryptos have massive fees compared to fiat
Nope. Check out how much it costs to wire transfer across borders.

>speed of transaction is kind of pointless in this day and age
Yeah.. Waiting a week for banks to process funds is a non issue. Lmao.

So, crypto is cheaper and faster than fiat to transfer large sums of money across the world.
>b-b-but mommy cant buy my hotpockets from the corner store with buttcoins!

>> No.6758489

I think he was referring to BTC in particular.

>> No.6758499

The US Dollar it's backed by Magical Fairy dust.
Just kidding, it's backed by several nuclear warhead, the entire US Navy, US Airforce and the ground forces.

>> No.6758517

Indeed, and the blockchain technology might prove to be useful and indeed become a part of the financial world in the future, no one is denying that.

As the wise man Kreil said: "Bitcoin & Crypto "Market Caps" are fictional. Blockchain will prove valuable long term within real world corporate structures with real earnings, valuation & Market Cap. Coins in stage 1 are just a hubris non applicable speculative fictional fraud for the financially illiterate."

>> No.6758558

Socialists/Communist/Liberal “Elites” have always despised wealth for others and coveted it for themselves. They use their covetous and greed as motivation to convince others who have not achieved financial success that their lack of achievement is due to Free Market Capitalism and those who unfairly “hoard” wealth that, for some unexplained reason, should rightfully belong to the non achievers due to some contrived and twisted entitlement scheme.

The problem has been that when their Leftist utopia is finally implemented the majority of those who foolishly believed they were “elites” and members of the new ruling class discover they are merely “useful idiots” and are either executed or must agree to relegate themselves to membership in the “masses”, forced to hand over their wealth for redistribution and be enslaved by the government at which point there is no turning back.

If that’s what these people want, they should move to one of the many nations that have exactly that for which they opine, like Cuba or Venezuela. Good riddance!

>> No.6758568


7300$ is the TA target of many bears. But 9k3 is already a big dip

>> No.6758579
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>> No.6758583

Backed by energy needed to mine it and the trust of everyone who uses it retard

>> No.6758603
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>What is backing gold? The thousands of years of history it has as a store of value

>> No.6758606
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>> No.6758616


>> No.6758691

The energy usage is incredibly inefficient, how is that even an argument for it's value lmfao.

How can you not understand, in the year of 2018, why gold has a value to mankind?

>these are the kinds of people who are into cryptotrash

Lord have mercy upon us.

>> No.6758720
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>> No.6758744

You just don't get it, do you?

>> No.6758760
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Not all cryptos are mined, holy shit at least do your research.
You sound like a fucking boomer.

>> No.6758762

Thats my problem with printing 850 mil in tether.

>> No.6758791


yeah I mean half a billion dollars printed in two weeks can't move the market at all u dipshit

>> No.6758804

Only wrong about gold the last 5 years.

>> No.6758835

I watch alot of these channels full of Bitcoin TA faggots and they are correct LESS than 50% of the time.

If you did the exact opposite of what they predict you'd probably be in profit.

>> No.6758844

Indeed, yet they all share the same fate: They all lack intrinsic value.

>> No.6758847

Stop being so pathetic.

>> No.6758911

Just like the dollar is only worth the paper it's printed on.
t. pajeet

>> No.6758948

Indeed, you must look like the picture since you fail to understand the most basic facts of economics.

>> No.6759005
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>> No.6759016

Again, no one is denying that fact. The dollar however has a lot more weight behind it than every imaginary coin put together can ever come close to.

>> No.6759047
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>Indeed sir, I understand the most complex models of economics as I was sodomized by both a bull AND A BEAR when I was a child.

>> No.6759055

This is what cryptocucks resort to when reality destroys their narrative.

>> No.6759091

stay poor retard

>> No.6759113

Convince me that cryptomoney is not like real estate. Its all valueable and makes you richer

>> No.6759123
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>> No.6759166
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>> No.6759178
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>> No.6759291

>you left out two steps
1) Their not wrong
2) Make as Much money as you can
3) Sell off your crypto
4) Invest in tangible assets or traditional stocks

>> No.6759300

>they are correct LESS than 50% of the time
You can thank Tether for that.

>> No.6759305

But it didnt return to the mean, tether popped it back up

>> No.6759370
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kek based

>> No.6759491

Make that 8 bil and you're close

>> No.6759542

I am pretty good on my price predictions, like within 10%, so if I say the price will go up $1000 on a break it goes up between $900-11000. I have predicted price breakouts to within a few hours too.

Here is my secret: If I don't see a clear pattern I keep my fucking mouth shut.

>> No.6759547
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>mfw abject fucking retards look at this chart and think it's over

too funny. Thanks for the fills in the sub-10k range you weak handed faggots

>> No.6759996


yeah i suspect it is much less than 10%, there's not necessarily anything wrong with it, the stock market works on the same principle. we are just creating new wealth

>> No.6760124

thank god for ETH

>> No.6760217

>if a dip happens and we recover, it will never crash
Im gonna laugh my ass off when you all in debt financing "buy every dip" retards realize you could have been taking profits.
>people buy tether.
>no money leaves crypto

>> No.6760356

It's over for bitcoin. Don't be suprised with sub 5k$ BTC soon.