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6741463 No.6741463 [Reply] [Original]

> Don't be blinded by greed, Tether is fucking this shit up, don't cry and commit suicide when it crashes to 3k.

>> No.6741606

>500mm printed in 4 days
lol i dun see nuffin wrong lmao ur wurse than no-coiner we wuz buildin a central bank and shiz

>> No.6741688

we have the dollars we just wont SHOW them hehe

>> No.6742076

More demand = more printing.

Holding 600k tether right now. I love this coordinated FUD who doesn't understand basic supply demand.

>Inbefore exit scam talk.
Just for my interest: Do you get paid by Jibrel or bitfinexed for every thread or every post?

>> No.6742096

>wasssa wasssa wassssaaaaappppppp bitfffiinnneeeeeeeeee

>> No.6742114

Just for my interest, do you think there is an equal amount of liquidity to back each Tether they print

>> No.6742125

the shitcoin holders are getting desperate

>> No.6742166

You're going to lose it all.

>> No.6742196

There's not a bigger demand fucking retard.

>> No.6742198

No person with such amount of money is that stupid, so you either don't have 600k at all or you have irreversible brain damage and you are just playing with inheritance money.

>> No.6742228


all coins mooning

'' more demand ''

tether has 2 bi dollarinos

basic supply demand

when bc dips it'll be hell nigger and you'll deserve it

>> No.6742231

Yeah I've been following Tether for a while and now it seems like they're not even hiding it anymore, printing more money than the Federal Reserve, lmfao.

Surely Tether printing should be correlated with a BTC drop, but it's the exact opposite.

I've cashed out a percentage of my holdings and will only invest more once I can see the true prices not Tether pumped artificial ones, the rest of my holdings is just yolo, so whatever.

>> No.6742245

>tether FUD threads are back in style

Can't wait for the run above and beyond $15k.

>> No.6742287

Would be one of the easiest things. If you understand that tether is exchanged for BTC / ETH etc and those are paired with fiat, then you would understand that backing them is fucking easy. On top of that they have fucking fee earnings which are disgustingly high. Just check out the bitfinex volume alone and who knows what the deals with other exchanges is for using USDT.

Someone told me the exact same thing while i was in tether before the China FUD in october. What happened?

>> No.6742297

more than 10 big volume exchanges are trading actively Tether man
just think about that huge demand on tether
im not a fan of tether but i dont think its a scam or something like that either

>> No.6742302

ya cuz u know crypto isnt a international phenomenon being gobbled up by every major country in the world or anything - stay broke burger keep believing the tether FUD and sell your coins to the chinks while your at it, they gonna butt rape you soon anyway

>> No.6742310

Ok I won't, thanks. I will be laughing my ass off though when we break 30k because of this.

>> No.6742331

This is your daily reminder that

>The amount of Tethers printed are about $2bn
>Over 75% are held in exchange wallet and not even in circulation except for short term trades
>total crypto market cap is over $600bn which means even if Tether is vapor it is a small drop in the bucket compared to the market

inb4 marketcap is a meme

>> No.6742341

So you think because all coins are mooning the demand for tether would drop? You don't might take in account that people profit take after random moons and don't wanna cash out? Fuck /biz/ will stay poor forever. Peace out. The average IQ in this thread is below the nigger IQ

>> No.6742370

Tether is being used by millions of people. who fucking cares

>> No.6742374

I'm pretty sure to keep the scam going they'll have to print roughly 300,000,000 to 400,000,000, more. They're printing at an exponential rate and btc is gonna trade sideways to down as the shit coins moon again, the bear trap we we're just got bigger because tether is inflating the price.

I've been here for days jumping from thread to thread trying to warn any anon who will listen to get the fuck out and save their money. I knew it was hopeless when I started to be called a paid shill.

>> No.6742393

what will happen to crypto when this shit crashes?

>> No.6742407
File: 43 KB, 600x606, 1516310114532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there so many self-righteous and edgy intellectuals on this board now, the redditing is so fucking obvious I can't pretend you aren't here anymore. you fuckers probably make up 50% of us.
>tether hate
>being psuedo-logical
>actually cashing out
>'im experienced'
>'dude', 'bro'

the spineless betas clogging up this board don't actually understand what the fuck they're saying.
they're scared, dumb and try to justify their risk being involved in crypto by constantly fudding it.
Seriously bizrealis don't listen to these faggots we havent for years and look where we are now.
they can stay poor. sage them when you see them. this is OUR board.

>> No.6742440

You really think those millions of dollars flowed directly into BTC naturally in a descending market? It's vapor.

>> No.6742445

the demand of tether is actually a sign of people trying to cash out. which triggers the printer which pumps the market and people are going back to btc

>> No.6742473

Are you waiting for another correction or what?

>> No.6742496

same anon

there's still a lot of big money that wants to get out before the crash, so if you have the balls you can ride the last few pumps. look at the coins that have been accumulated by whales, VEN, ICX etc. I feel sorry for the ppl who are about to drop their life earnings in WAN if it releases before the crash

>> No.6742536
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only invested what i could afford to lose. even if its all gone, i had fun bros. itll only hurt a little

>> No.6742547

pls don't talk like this i am getting fucking scared about this. just don't talk about it and everything will be fine.

>> No.6742606

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with this as long as they just use it as "reserves"

>> No.6742608

Market cap isn't a meme, you just don't understand it. 2 billion in tether can raise the market cap of bitcoin exponentially higher than 2 billion, and if you don't understand how that works you should take a step back and try and figure out basic economic theory before you open your mouth again.

>> No.6742610

>less than 2 billion tether are responsible for a 600 billion marketcap

>> No.6742656

You suck at math plus you are mentally & financially retarded.

>> No.6742678

Please tell me how that works. I’ve heard 3 different arguments over the last couple of days and each was more hilarious than the last

>> No.6742706

You are retarder as fuck, they are just pumping btc to keep this whole shitshow going.

>> No.6742711

it's the accurate situation tho

>> No.6742716

But you don't actually know if they're backed by liquidity, right?

>> No.6742746

why has there be to be a dollar for every tether i dont get it
people dont even cash out tether to usd they transfer to eth or some shit first

>> No.6742762


u dont evne undesstand this whole Tether problem other than some /biz/ shill saying its going to crash the bubble

literal fucking retards

>> No.6742787

With a lot of USDT hitting the market I could imagine a lot of BTC/ETH owners wanting to get some(or a lot).
I'm gonna tether up now instead of waiting until it's too late.

>> No.6742817

You're holding 6k real value dollar at best, you're going to learn in the hardest way.

>> No.6742825


>I'm selling to USD which is backed by anything

>> No.6742865


>implying the dollar has any value
>implying gold isn't overvalued as hell

So what are you "cashing out" to?

>> No.6742895


>> No.6742901

the problem is 1 Tether ≠ 1 USD

so a billion Tether > billion USDs

where is the fraction * 1 billion worth of USDs coming from?

>> No.6742942

I'm new to crypto and went all in on the tether memecoin since its all you faggots talk about but the price never fucking goes above or below a dollar what the fuck is going on here REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee

>> No.6742945

this isnt backed by anything but bitfinex stack of bitcoins which they use to let you cash out small amounts at a time keeping the fractal reserve running. so people cashing out in tether and going back in btc are actually pumping the market

until the btc price drops so far that the bitfinex stack is so low they cant give you anything anymore and they 404

>> No.6742956

a billion in buying power gobbles up available supply driving the available price per coin up because of liquidity. Market cap is this price per coin, and follow me here, multiplied by TOTAL available supply. It's a theoretical number that equates to what you would have if you had every coin on the planet.

>> No.6742958


Market cap is a bullshit metric in crypto, don't pay attention to it. A mere 15 million volume trading can send btc market cap skyrocketing.

>> No.6742959

I can buy food, housing, and anything I want with USD. I'd be hard-pressed to find a place that doesn't accept cash.

>> No.6743017

yup this is why he stated the situation correctly

>> No.6743023

just watch

>> No.6743047


Printing Tether during crashes is a logical thing because people are going into fiat/USDT.

Do I think USDT is "backed" by anything? No
Does it really matter? No

Will it crash. Maybe, BUT YOU ASSHOLES AREN'T A REAL HELP. YOU'RE EITHER FUDDING ASSHOLES WHO WANNA BRING THIS MARKET DOWN OR YOU'RE DUMB AS HELL. The whole financial system builds on trust and there are MANY problems but bankers and politicians don't run around and scream because a crash could happen. They try to get through the shit with as little damage as possible and so should you OP.

>> No.6743115

this site leaves out bitfinex which trades 100% in USDT.


>> No.6743120

Everybody safe who locked in at $1 on da nano ledger.

>> No.6743175


Crypto gets accepted in more and more places each day. What's your point?

USD isn't backed by anything and a coordinated bankrun could ruin the whole system.

>> No.6743183

Supply and demand. The fact I need to explain this says it all, people defending tether literally do not understand economics. If you look at ANY ORDERBOOK EVER, you will notice it isn't linear. The formula for market cap is (circulating supply x last traded price). This means if tomorrow, everyone decided to sell BTC at 20k, BTC's MC just went up more than a hundred billion without the need for a single new dollar being put into the market. So new printed tether can push up the price as far as the current marketbooks will allow. There is no accountant in the sky tallying dollars spent and adjusting the price to that level.

>> No.6743214


Some FUD could bring down gold too. Trust is build slowly but can be disrupted within weeks.

>> No.6743231

>people are going into fiat/usdt

no they are going into usdt, then they print more which pumps the market

>> No.6743239

Your close but your missing a big piece - buying a coin does not “gobble” the supply, the circulating supply always remains the same it just changes from one hand to the other.

Price = Mcap/circ supply. If one coin is purchased for say $1000 (price) the Mcap increases by $1000 but the supply remains the same. This puts an increased pressure for the next coin being sold to be higher in price. Again supply remains the same as it always hasn’t been because the coin isn’t destroyed, it’s just in another persons hand. Regardless, $1000 in new money just entered the market.

>> No.6743252

>50% correction
>huge crashes all this week
>tether didn't even flinch

And it's not even tether who matters, it's the supply of USDT in exchanges.

>> No.6743288

So you’re implying that people will just decide out of nowhere to buy way above fair market price? Sure bro

>> No.6743318


i wonder what the liberals who went to crypto think of a printing fractional reserve institution prepping prices

>> No.6743371


USD isn't backed by anything? What happened to the countries who tried to go against the petrodollar?

>> No.6743392

Without getting into whatever fair market price means, yes, people sometimes issue buy orders way crazy slippage, usually to run a concerted pump and dump scheme.

>> No.6743397

buy OMNI. omni layer is the protocol layer of bitcoin which is responsible for the creation of tethers. it is the future. if you're mad because of tether production, imagine how mad you're going to be when every single national currency is a digital token like Tether? hahaha. buy omni now, or stay poor, cucks. it's price is so low right now (hasn't pumped in a long time).

>> No.6743403

You’re* btw. Hate it when I do that

>> No.6743480

What the fuck do you think determines market price? Jesus Christ you can't even handle the most simple fucking hypothetical scenario, how am I supposed to explain the market to you. You know what? If you want to understand how markets work, go read a fucking book.

>> No.6743520

Fair market price = Mcap/circ supply

Admittedly markets are irrational but I don’t believe there are enough stupid people on the planet to put in buy orders for $20k when you can get it on any other exchange for $12k. Yes there are instances where exchanges will be a few hundered or even thousand off but supply/demand invites buy orders in the low price exchanges and sell orders in the high price exchanges until the market reaches the equilibrium fair market price

>> No.6743535

>Crypto gets accepted in more and more places each day. What's your point?
My point is that right now, I could go to any store in the country, and find people willing to sell me things in exchange for USD. Hell, I could go to most countries and find people willing to barter for USD. I can't say the same for crypto. I live in a major city. If I picked 100 random stores, how many of them would let me pay for something in crypto?

You're right that the USD isn't unshakeable and people could find ways to fuck the value of USD, but if that happens, pretty much everyone would be fucked.

>> No.6743562

You see>>6743520 for an explanation of market pricing

>> No.6743604

>If one coin is purchased for say $1000 (price) the Mcap increases by $1000
nobody can be this stupid. It's (circulating supply x last traded price). If you knew how to do math, you would realize what you said is equivilant to going full retard. am I just gettting trolled? Do you people actually think this shit?

>> No.6743667

you see
for how you are literally retarded

>> No.6743713

I meant gobble as in supply and demand available for sale, which dictates local price. I know the coin stays in circulating supply, but isn't necessarily available for immediate sale. Meaning someone has to pay more to get the next available for sale, driving the price up. Am I still missing something?

>> No.6743763

Price determines market cap, not the other way around, Jesus. Stop paying attention to mcap in crypto, it's a fucking bogus metric.

>> No.6743875

You have that backwards. Market cap is an extension of market price. Market price effects market cap, not the other way around.

>> No.6743914
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Sell into jcash when its out

>> No.6743921

I would bet my entire stack that most people in this space are as economically retarded and Dunning-Kruger afflicted as >>6743520, which should probably be just as concerning as the possible situation with tether.

>> No.6743977

mmmm nono no no no

>> No.6744011

Ok let’s use both equations then

1000 (Mcap) = $100 (price) x 10 (coins)

Now if one coin was purchased $100 enters the market

$1100 (Mcap) / 10 (circ supply) = $110 (new price)
$110 (price) * 10 (circ supply) = $1100 (mcap)

See how that works?

>> No.6744098

what's up with tether FUD happening here?

>> No.6744128

What fud? You really think Tether is backed by something? lmao

>> No.6744160

Circulating supply (10) x last traded price (100) = a mc of 1000. If someone purcheses another coin at 10, the equation doesnt change, it's still 10x100=1000. If simply trading the coin increased the market cap, anyone could infinitely inflate any market cap just by trading the same money/coin back and forth over and over. Seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6744174

That is not how it works AT ALL!

>> No.6744191

Your condescending attitude only makes your retardation more hilarious. You can increase the mcap without new money entering the system just by having coins switch hands at different prices.

>> No.6744204

Here here! I don't believe the fundamental assumption behind tether FUD is sound. What I would like to see, would be a graph of BTC/total crypto market cap next to a graph of tethers printed and/or destroyed (yes, they destroy them too), and also compared to a graph of coordinated tether FUD (and this shit is totally coordinated, in case you haven't noticed).

>> No.6744212

i havent made it yet but my plan is to cash out to dollars and then directly into land (real estate)

>> No.6744242

Do you not understand that they can print more because it's pegged to the dollar

>> No.6744283

>pegged to the dollar


>> No.6744291

it isnt though

>> No.6744297

If going from 20k to 9k doesn't mean anything to you then you are probably just stupid.

>> No.6744345

It's not backed at all you moron.

>> No.6744378

Why do people keep buying it then

I swear you libertarian hick weirdos really don't understand fundamental aspects of the market

>> No.6744393

The question becomes where do those new dollars come from?? Where? When BTC is going down it isn't creating value, it's losing it. But, conversely they print a bunch of tethers and it pumps. It's fake dollar volume.

>> No.6744425

Ok, Bitcoin crashed/corrected, so therefore the tether FUD is completely justified. That's your logic. What is the basis of that?

>> No.6744473


most of it is re-bought by tether ... ye olde wash trading scam > to make it appear "oh yeah dumb fuckers buy this ... totally"

but thats not the only aspect

>> No.6744505

Are you saying if someone purchases another coin at $10 the equation wouldn’t change? If you trade the same coin at a higher price than that added value would have had to come from somewhere if I buy a coin at $100 and sell it to another person for $110 than that’s more money added in.

Again same argument as above. If you switch for a higher price than there has to have been value added at some point

>> No.6744604

You'd realize your entire argument is a pile of shit if you just educated yourself on wash trading and why the idea that you can't manipulate something with a 600 billion market cap with just 2 billion is nonsense.

>> No.6744616

>he doesn't understand the difference between pegged and backed

Look faggot, by saying tether is so scam you're saying the entire unregulated digital economy is a scam so may be crypto is not for you

>> No.6744637

My point is that smart people already sold and major reasons to sell are:
1) Tether fraud still going
2) zero positive BTC fundamentals

>> No.6744682

>the bear trap
Ah, the shill's Freudian slip.

>> No.6744696

I know the difference, and pegged is just a word, it's still not backed for shit.

>> No.6744698

If they print a bunch of tether it doesn't pump. If people buy it, it pumps

You don't understand the fundamentals

>> No.6744729

Wash trading implies no value was added nor taken from the market. It’s only to increase volume inciting demand. That very well could be happening, however, the point remains that real money not fake money entering the market is the result of that.

>> No.6744748

Holy shit you are really stupid.

>> No.6744799

literally institutions and wealthy FUDDING to get cheaper coins. Propaganda attack. They use fear as weapon for their own gain. The more FUD the deeper you should get in.

>> No.6744814

Crypto isn't for you anon. Clearly this requires a lot more brainpower than you can muster. Stick to ICO ponzi schemes and leave the serious money to the big boys

>> No.6744815

is tether fud caused by alt bag holders who don't want king succeed?

>> No.6744863

No it's by complete retards who are incapable of piecing together a cogent worldview without a conspiracy theory because they're brain damaged

>> No.6744864

I already made quite a lot. You are just retarded and I'm not wasting my time with mentally impaired people.

>> No.6744910

>Tether printing non backed 700 million USDT is government propaganda.

lmao see you at 1k

>> No.6744923

That's fine anybody can make money in a bull market. Cash out soon though because the rough waters ahead are gonna wash you out

>> No.6744945

>I swear you libertarian hick weirdos really don't understand fundamental aspects of the market

I know, right. I have to keep explaining to people why USDT on Kraken is trading at $1.03 one week and $0.98 the other because it's a mystery to them.

>> No.6744946

just find land for crypto fool

>> No.6744969

>something you have to exchange bitcoin for is nonbacked

>> No.6745002

people cashing BTC for a crypto they believe is stable, faith and trust creates value, if anything tether is holding prices down because people that would HODL are jumping to tether and back.

>> No.6745008

Tether is a scam but soon legitimate bank-backed stablecoins like Jcoin are coming.

So the tethers will go to GoldmanSachsCoin soon and there won't be a crash.

Either way, if there is, I'm buying more.

>> No.6745052

I don't really believe that those statements are true. I mean you can say them all you want, but they're still not any more true because you keep saying them. Really what you're saying is speculation. You don't really know that Tether is fraud, and definitely can't say for sure that BTC has nothing going for it fundamentally. You try to come off self-assured and all, but you're really just talking out your ass, like most everyone else.

>> No.6745095


Enough with this shit, the whole point of crypto is to be descentralized.

>> No.6745104

Show me a single Tether audit or a Bitcoin related positive fundamental and we will talk.

>> No.6745113

>my dealer lets me exchange car stereo's for crack
>each car stereo is backed by a crack rock

>> No.6745154


>> No.6745167

they don't print money, they print fucking crypto assets, trust in that crypto is determined. by the market, not by your poor comprehension of it

>> No.6745244

This whole thread and the others like it currently infecting the board boil down to this:
>when BTC crashes this time, it's going DOOWWWWN, cause tether.
>you'll be sorry!
>you're going to wish you listened, you're going to wish you were dead
>Ooooooo you fucked up if you bought BTC, cause TETHER!
>Ooga Booga Tether

Literal FUD. That's what this is.

>> No.6745293

If Tether is backed by trust then it's not a peg. It should not be treated as if 1usd = 1usdt

>> No.6745322

this is alt coin FUD dude. all coiners all in this together

>> No.6745330

>Holding 600k tether right now.
I sure hope that's just a small percentage of your net worth

>> No.6745353

Tether is a centralized crypto asset printed by a single company.

I don't think you understand how crypto is supposed to work at all.

>> No.6745374

There might be some sketchy things about it, I'm not saying I know there isn't. I just don't think it adds up to OMG TETHER DOOOOOOOM.

I don't think you really need me to tell you what BTC has going for it.

>> No.6745443

Printing 700 million USD just in 2018 backed by nothing doesn't add up to an even deeper crash?


>> No.6745579

They've printed 500mm since the 16th. Half a billion dollars in 4 days.

>> No.6745722
File: 80 KB, 1200x1240, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's look at some charts. This one shows the value of tether in USD. You can see that it remains relatively constant around $1. In theory, that's the point of tether, right? They create and destroy it, so that it stays at $1.

>> No.6745805

so don't use it - I don't

>> No.6745879

I don't use tether. I buy real crypto assets. Besides, VEN is currently the best hedge anyway. Soon to be backed by the biggest market in the world.

>> No.6745896

>They create and destroy it, so that it stays at $1.

In effect yes, but it's not Tether themselves doing it. It's market forces.

As soon as USDT starts trading at a sizable discount arbers jump in, buy up USDT, send it to Bitfinex who exchange it 1to1 and then withdraw USD. Obviously if the last step became unavailable it would break down, as seen when their taiwanese banking got fucked.

>> No.6745916

>I don't use MTGOX why would I care about the exit scam
>BTC drops 80% in value overnight
>Takes years to convince people of cryptos legitimacy again and get BTC back over 1000

>> No.6745933

Here's one that shows the value of BTC in USD vs tether supply. As you can see there's obviously a correlation, but to my eye I don't see that one is necessarily causing the other. I assume we do know the difference between correlation and causation. I'm pretty sure that the tether FUD always ramps up when BTC is on the rise, and it disappears when bitcoin is correcting. Could that be because tether is being printed when the market is rising? Remember what I just said about correlation and causation.

>> No.6745952
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forgot the thing

>> No.6745977

yeah this is happening and why nobogratz buys up all the bitcoin he can get at 6-7k

do you deny you would buy bitcoin if it crashed, and are hoping it does?

>> No.6746017

ye anytime someone says anything negative about bitcoin they're actually a ben bernanke sockpuppet. buy my bags

>> No.6746039

Exactly, they can't FUD bitcoin anymore, so let's find another lever

>> No.6746125

I haven't owned bitcoin in months, I've been solely in alts. I would buy if btc got low enough, as I have a lot of faith in crypto, but hell no I don't want another 2 year bear market. You are all too new to remember the pain that was 2014.

>> No.6746168

I'm listening. What is the upshot of that?

>> No.6746225

When tether printed it took mere seconds for bitcoin to pump 1000$ and you would see bitcoin in bitfinex account. It's all on the blockchain fukcing moron. Why do you retards speak before doing even basic research

>> No.6746284

I do remember, I got in 2014 and got my ass licked. I too am all in alts, but that is because I prefer investments more lucrative than bitcoin. however bitcoin is not being propped up by tether, isn't it possible the retrace to 8800 satisfies fib and demand is high enough to keep us on current trajectory to 30k? I had buy orders at 8000 that didn't fill but that's life. Disappointed too. Moving on . This is not he same market as 2014. This isn't even the same market as 2017.

>> No.6746287
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Someone explain to me why printing Tether matters and is bad.

And also who it matters to most, Tether holders or BTC holders or the rest of the market or all.

Everyone was saying printing it was helping save crypto from the crash a few days ago.

There's a meme of a Tether printer followed by green wojak.

I'm fucking confused who cares if they print 100m more except the scenario where they print more than they have USD in reserve AND everyone tries to cash out and can't, in which case it would just mean the downfall of Tether as a tool and maybe a bit of arecession from that loss of a useful tool. Is that all we're worried about?

If they gained 100m USD would you care if they printed 100m USDT?

>> No.6746353

show me what you're saying then, pictures with timestamps. Shouldn't be that difficult. I think you're really just repeating something that you heard.

>> No.6746380

People are upset they didn't get bitcoin as cheap as they wanted to. That's the root.

>> No.6746416

No. As long as tether prevents crashes (which hurt alts just as much, sadly), everybody is fine with it.
The best case scenario would be tethering to keep BTC stable, with maybe some slight yearly growth to offset inflation, so it wouldn't influence alts anymore and would even be useful as a fucking currency, just as intended.

>> No.6746445

Here's the deal: if you think this is all FUD to crash bitcoin, why are you holding onto Tether? If you're sure it'll rebound, HODL your bags and shut up.

>> No.6746468


Every time this moron posts the word "printed" I'm going to take a drink

>> No.6746489

will crash naturally, but not because of tether

you retards all don't know what you are talking about with your newly found tether fetish
it does'nt matter in the big picture


>> No.6746511

I don't even think USDT will pop anytime soon. They could easily pump out a few billion more before the house of cards gets too big. The point is USDT can't last, and longer we drag out the inevitable crash the longer the recovery will take.

>> No.6746559

I don't really get this 'hodling tether' shit. Is it a joke? Is it a silly meme? I personally do not hold it. I jump into tether (or usd if available) if I think the coins are going to crash. Isn't that the point it? What am I missing?

>> No.6746637

we will simply see more alternatives to tether. it's how market works.

>> No.6746680

I think tether is stupid, don't care about it. I hold real enterprise crypto and I don't lose sleep.

>> No.6746694

Tether is what people are using to hedge against further crypto crashes. If people think that USDT is really backed by USD then it doesn't matter how much FUD we spread, they can cash back to fiat anytime.

Unless in the back of everyone's minds they know this isn't true.

>> No.6746706

Sorry, what I meant to say was: arbitrarily change a number on a database to create the illusion of demand for crypto assets that aren't backed for shit and have never been audited.

>> No.6746803

USDT sounds good for crypto in the short run because it usually pushes btc forward but I think it actually hurts altcoins since people park their money on what is essentially fiat... says a lot about the lack of confidence in the market.

>> No.6746843

That's pretty how I see it: another "version" of USD, that gives you a place to "cash out" to (usually temporarily) if you want. Because USD is a pain in the ass or whatever, so this is like virtual USD.

>> No.6746887

>(yes, they destroy them too)
Not once in the history of Tether have they destroyed a single one.

>> No.6746981


It doesn't work like that. 1 Tether is only equal to 1 dollar if there's a peg and you can redeem it anytime you want. If this is true then it doesn't matter that I'm spreading FUD. FUD would only affect currencies that depend on public trust.

>> No.6746999

tether us for panicky flighty wankers

buy value enterprise crypto. every time we crash like Jan these real projects like ven or cvc or TNT or xlm or even cripple will become more relevant.. they are absolutely undervalued vs where they will be down the line.. tether is classic penny wise pound foolish crypto.. let idiots trade around.. be an enterprise investor.

>> No.6747166

I could be wrong about that. I thought there was something about USDT being sent to some kind of inactive account.

>> No.6747284

That's what they claim, but there is zero proof of this actually happening. Which is kind of a big deal because the Tether blockchain is supposed to be public and you can see the balances of every account, and there is no account that doesn't belong to an exchange that's holding significant amounts of Tether.

>> No.6747506

Literally this.

>> No.6747656

Bitusd is the only answer. And you can even marginally trade with 0 interest, plus you pay 40 USD for a lifetime and pay 0 fees. And decentralized bitshares all the way

>> No.6747706


I'm not sure I understand the question, but if Bitfinex would lose banking then their crypto prices would start detaching from the rest of the market and gain a big premium on that exchange. At the very same time, in fact as a result of it, USDT would start trading at a discount to USD.

>> No.6747832

Aren't they printing these for exchanges that PAY for them because they are then SELLING them to people hopping in and out of coin?

Also: wtf don't other exchanges just offer a fiat option like GDAX?

>> No.6747869

It's not tether pumping it's BTC dumbass.

>> No.6747938

Not if they are just printing tether to buy BTC to pump the price. Nobody asked to cash to it, they just printed it. That's the problem

>> No.6747943


If you mean what happens when USDT trades at premium then what people do is withdraw USDT (or coin) from Finex, deposit on Kraken, sell and wire the money back to Finex.

The reason I put in "or coin" is because the USDT price is a DIRECT RESULT of whether Bitfinex trades at a premium or discount compared to the rest, so you might as well transfer crypto.

Let's say BTC is 10k on Finex while 11k on Kraken. If USDT would be 1 dollar then you buy it, send it to Finex (who automatically convert it 1for1), buy BTC, send to Kraken, sell. Arbitrage loop complete. Now USDT would never trade at $1 in this scenario. Why? Because arb bots which work with much smaller margins would kick in earlier to do the above, driving the USDT price up.

>> No.6748076

If all this printed money was legitimately backed up by usd they would proof it. They dont so its a fucking fraud. There's your fucking answer.

>> No.6748311

you are all morons. The market would absorb 15m$ as if it was nothing