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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6722214 No.6722214 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to sell or hodl?

>> No.6722278

already sold bro
will buy back in when BTC stops the alt raping

>> No.6722374


Is a dead project now?

>> No.6722740

Sold this garbage after I found out the devs are incapable of delivering on the project they collected 40million in ether for (now 130m) Now they are scrambling to pay other pennies on the dollar to piece this shit together. Fuking lol

>> No.6722865

apparently the head dev quit over creative differences so the team is now outsourcing from India to finish the project using their ICO money

That's by the price is tanking (dow from $1.15 last week)

>> No.6722895

Already sold at 1.05$. They've waved the white flag and are outsourcing the project to pajeets.

>> No.6722904


They're outsourcing their dev to pajeets. Nobody wants to use a buggy and insecure platform.

>> No.6722909

Once again, REQ will succeed. Makes me laugh when I see my fellow biztards sell :)

>> No.6723016

Hold long term. Have you even read the news yesterday? They are incentivizing the creation of an ecosystem. Only 3 crypto projects succeeded in doing so? Wanna guess which ones?

Spoiler: Bitcoin, Ethereum and NEO.

If /biz/ wasn't filled with absolute newfags that don't know this everyone would have hyped REQ the fuck up instead of slamming it down.

>> No.6723030

bro they took the money to buy vacation houses in singapore... this is bitconnect before everyone realized it was an exit scam

>> No.6723053

Dont buy the fud

>> No.6723136

Anyone else find it funny Pajeets are literally hired to post FUD that shit talks pajeets? almost barbaric.

>> No.6723140

imma let it drop a bit more before going back in

>> No.6723168

=buy in
its not hard to use /biz/ properly.

>> No.6723388


Going to sell a third of my stack.

Hold it in ethereum

>> No.6723670

Just like the jew push their fud on /pol/

>> No.6723702
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>> No.6723722

Yeah cuz fucking /biz alone has the power to move the market. Get fucking real.

>> No.6723811

Norman moon chasers always create a dip when an announcement isnt up to their retarded standards. Its normal They all bought thinking it was huge. Its just some neat little thing. So they panic sell.

>> No.6723879
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I've heard REQ normans now claim

>REQ is the next Paypal
>REQ is the next Ethereum
>REQ is the next NEO

Yet all I see is a 50 cent nosediving shitcoin without a product.

>> No.6723926

4chan + reddit definitely impacts markets

>> No.6723976


Haven't decided. It dropping 30% down from my re-buy in has put me in a perdicament

(originally owned it at <15c and sold for healthy profit then bought back in later)

>> No.6724027

135k reqlet here

going to hold until I'm a crypto millionaire

>> No.6724066

what price are u waiting for? jc because im also waiting

>> No.6724129

hodl, always hodl.

$2 by EOY, mark my words

>> No.6724152

considering its market cap i do hope its higher then 2$ eoy

>> No.6724190
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Fuck off with your FUD. If you were in the Slack, you would know that anyone who will contribute to the project is white af. And they aren't outsourcing their entire project, they are focusing on their mainnet and doing all the main dev work themselves while incentivizing their community to work on smaller side projects. Its actually very smart, it allows them to focus 100% on their roadmap and main goals while knowing that smaller contracted teams are providing plenty of small additions to their project.

>> No.6724194
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Fuck, not even x4? Better sell now and put it in something that will give me better returns

>> No.6724208

Bought in at .70 so I'm kinda forced to hold. Knowing the irony in the market -- controversial news often propel prices in the weirdest way. Seen it before

>> No.6724386

Why is everyone FUDing all of a sudden? Yall trying to buy low?

>> No.6724439


No, I just want to get rid of this shit.

>> No.6724458


$2 is fuck all for a year in crypto

>> No.6724503

Same I want to get rid of this shit so bad.

>> No.6724551

I dont mind accumulating more

>> No.6724580

then sell it wtf you waiting for

>> No.6724604


I would honestly just take my entry price of $0.9 right now. I don't care if it goes to $5. I see better opportunities right now where I'd like to put that money.

>> No.6724640

the link from website to slack is not working?

>> No.6724641

buy high sell low. Sell your whole stack pls

>> No.6724645

>holding alts during BTC pump
>holding req after it pumped
OP please

>> No.6724648

At a loss? no thx.

>> No.6724671

got memed into buying this shit what a mistake

>> No.6724677
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>there are anons who wouldn't be in profit if they sold now

>> No.6724699

Yup once it hits 0.80 Im selling this shit and adding req to my filter right next to salt.

>> No.6724707

look up opportunity cost

>> No.6724716
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Poor chumps. Buying a month ago feelsgoodman.

>> No.6724753

Spotted the idiots that bought above $1

>> No.6724806

No, bought it at 0.80. Had the opportunity to sell last week when it hit 0.97 but that fat pajeet opened her mouth and ruined everything. Most if not all shit coins are recovering well except for this piece of shit.

>> No.6724848


I didn't. I bought at $0.9 after it dipped to $0.85 from 1.17. Little did I know that I got fucked by biz again and it would just bleed out for weeks.

>> No.6724894

the people selling now are just gonna fomo in when its blasting through a few dollasrs

>> No.6724895

So you tried to ride the fomo train and now you're fudding the project.

Trust me when I say this: you will never make it.

>> No.6724907

When things are going good "Get in, get in"
When things are going bad "Retard bought high hrurrd durr"
Last time I'm listening to a bunch of schizo autistic retards again. Fuck you biz.

>> No.6724924
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The state of biz

>> No.6724941

In addition to this NEO and ETH do THE SAME THING with great success. So if you think this is a bad announcement youre wrong and dumb.

>> No.6724943

first do your own research. second dont buy high. it's really that easy.

>> No.6724977

Sold all of my REQ for VEN. Best decision i ever made. already up SO fukken much, to the moon! NO FUCK, TO MARS!!!!

>> No.6725008


Amazing how after 8 years of proof, people still don't get that only holding will make them rich.

Anyway, just sell and make someone happy.

>> No.6725011

I also want to add that I sold req at a loss of about 50.00. But i made 1800 already from VEN so who the fuck cares!!

>> No.6725029


Just sold a third of my REQ for VEN.

Did I make the right choice? Normally I have hands of iron but this Req outsourcing shit has me rattled.

>> No.6725068

i would like to add this to the state of biz

>> No.6725075

Is now a good time to buy?

>> No.6725078
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>sell low buy high
yes good choice

>> No.6725082
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You guys are not even trying to hide it, are you?

>> No.6725115

Might bleed out a bit more, but you can average down. Might reach 4K Sats but that’s likely the floor

>> No.6725151
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>already up SO fukken much

even if you bought VEN at it's crash low (~$4), you'd only be up 50% right now,

you're basically betting it will go to ATH $8 and high to simply double your investment

whereas if you bought in REQ at 0.4, you'd only need it to get to 0.8 (where it's already achieved in the past) to double your investment, lot more room for mooning

>> No.6725175


I’ve been in on Req since November and it has served me well.

I still have a degree of faith but developer fuckery makes me wary.

I’ve held on to ICX throughout its prolonged dip and FUD from the damn Korean government.

On the other hand I dropped Ark (remember the Arkies) when it turned out the developers were deputising fucking Reddit to do their job.

>> No.6725262


>calling opening a huge ass fund to get the eco system going while still working on the main net release themselves and still having ties to Ing bank and Ycombinator and partnering with Kyber which have ties to ICX "outsourcing"

The literal state of biz. You FUDers will all spam pink wojacks. Did Vitalik write every dApp himself? Open source is the way to go you fucking brainlets. You deserve every fucking pink wojack you are going to post from your shit stained basement. No, you are not gonna make it.

>> No.6725329
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>> No.6725470

can injuns code tho ?

>> No.6725494
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Wait is that outsourcing in India real ?
Have you guys really been shilling non stop what is now a literal Pajeet coins ?
No one else on /biz/ will ever buy that shit now.


>> No.6725586
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>TFW bought SALT at $2 and sold at $16 then bought REQ at $0.20

You have to be REALLY retarded to lose money on these projects. It's really fucking simple. Just buy while it's still in development and then sell after the product releases. Is that so fucking hard?

It usually gives you a ~x10 return. I'm literally in 6 digits right now after starting crypto trading 6 months ago and I only ever held 4 coins and started with 3 digits.

>Don't be impatient
>Don't daytrade
>Don't look at prices
>Buy in anticipation of release and sell immediately afterwards

I wish I could just start a crypto investment fund and all you dumb fucks gave your money to me so that I could just give you guys a consistent x10 every 3 months and I would get 20% of your profit. We would all be getting rich this way, fuck.

>> No.6725648

what are you holding now anon?

how do you find these projects being anticipated before release? any particular blogs? /biz/?

>> No.6725719

Or buy any shitcoin ever listed on binance and hold for the last bull runs ?
95% of alts went 500% up or more in the last 3 months.

>> No.6725798

I'm holding REQ since the product hasn't released yet.

What I do is just buy coins low a couple months before the product releases and then hold it for a couple months. I always go all-in on them. It gives a x5-x25 consistently.

I read the whitepapers and look at the roadmap to anticipate release dates and just buy them and sell immediately after release.

I only hold REQ right now and I don't even go on coinmarketcap or use anything like blockfolio. Just look if it released yet and then shitpost some on /biz/ before doing something else entirely.

The best return is from development->product release. Look at all graphs you clearly see coin price either stabilize, slow down growth or even crash after product release. While in anticipation of release it always goes parabolic for a while. This is what gives you profit.

>> No.6725922

Go ahead then genius, tell us what kind of projects currently in development we should invest into? Everyone who invested 6 months ago and held is having gigantic returns. Good luck doing the same thing if you got in 2 or 3 weeks ago.

>> No.6726002

... It's still REQ silly. The product hasn't released yet and it will always get to its ATH at product release. AFTER REQ is released you go look at new projects at that time.

I can't tell you what projects will be out in 2 months time that you should invest in since I'm not a fortune teller.

I'm only telling you the proven method to follow if you want to make money. Not what specifically you have to buy except for REQ right now since I am still holding that until mainnet release at which it will reach a ATH.

>> No.6726030

>I only hold REQ
Prove it.

>> No.6726069

Read the rest of my comments I don't use blockfolio and the like. What kind of proof do you want?

>> No.6726125

Make a screenshot of where it shows how much REQ you have.

>> No.6726132

When is the mainnet being released senpai? Ty for wisdom

>> No.6726189
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Here you go.

>> No.6726206

this guy likes money

>> No.6726253

Q1 2018. If I had to guess I'd say 24th of March since they need to release after the Kyber mainnet which will release somewhere in february and they need to integrate 0x as well.

This makes me think they will release in the last couple of weeks of March. around the 24th. I've seen other posters agree with me as well.

>> No.6726254

Accumulate. Keep buying.

Once the request ecosystem is ready, every project will want to partner with Req or rather they will be forced to give the 'pay with request' option.

And then Req can start moving to other blockchains.

>> No.6726264

Thanks Mr. REQ Whale.

>> No.6726375

Appreciated. Fortunately I hold the other two aforementioned coins. Going to have to accumulate more of both.

>> No.6726426

Sold it all. And bought into turtle coin instead

>> No.6726471

I don't consider myself a while. Remember I barely did any trading I just go all-in into a coin a couple months before it releases and then sell it and go all-in into the next coin until it releases. That's all the fucking thing I do. I don't even bother looking at prices. I genuinely think everyone on /biz/ should just do the same.

You can maybe double dip if you immediately sell your kyber after their mainnet release and go all-in in REQ until it releases.

>> No.6726520

This was the plan!

>> No.6726624

But what about risk diversification? I have 11k in 7 different coins. What if I all-in on something and it doesn't do shit?

>> No.6726715

Holding ofc.

You have to be mentally retarded in order to sell before the 'Pay for Request' and Mainnet release.

>> No.6726743

Not really because their biggest strength would be sites like Amazon or other stores using their Pay with Request button, but if they've lifted their hands up and said "no we arent doing that you guys handle it" to the community, shit aint happening

>> No.6726806

>What if I all-in on something and it doesn't do shit?

Doesn't happen man. look at all the graphs of coins in development until release. It's always the same growth pattern with an ATH right after product release. Here you sell.

Sometimes the coin keeps mooning after product release and sometimes it drops. This is irrelevant though since you will already have sold right after release.

Having your money spread across 7 coins minimizes "risk" but also minimizes profit. Do all of those coins even have a product release date? If not sell the coins without release date or that already released since you can't predict their behavior anymore.

That's the only sure thing in crypto. A project will slowly grow in value and peak at product release. All other things are random.

Which is why you should just ignore prices and just buy based on if a coin is in development and when their product will release.

It's not that hard man. If you don't believe or trust me look at coin graphs like SALT until their release (peaked at $18 right after release) you'll see that it's most likely their ATH.

I've been in crypto for 6 months and started with ~$300 and have around ~100k right now. I had 250k when REQ was at $1.17 but I didn't sell.

Why? Because I'm 100% sure it will have a higher value at product release like it's always the case in crypto.

People looking at the price of coins are dumb as fuck.

>> No.6726947

The sheer wisdom. THANK YOU SENPAI

>> No.6726990


Do you go all in every time?

>> No.6727037

Yes. I've only ever held 4 coins. I go all-in and sell exactly when the product releases and immediately go all-in into the next coin until it releases.

it gave me an average of ~x10 for every coin I held

>> No.6727085


Have 50/50 of my portfolio in VEN / REQ at the minute

(well, few other shit coins that are worth 5-10k), wonder should I just buy even more REQ now that it's down the shitter and HODL til march.

How do you pick your next coin?

>> No.6727145

Thanks for your insight anon-kun.

>buy based on if a coin is in development and when their product will release.

So do you prioritize your all-ins depending on which coins have their product release sooner? I'm invested in several coins who have yet to release their product (still in development.) Should I all-in on the project with the earliest product release?

>> No.6727183

I love how the tread turned from a focus on REQ to a crypto currency class

>> No.6727220

Kek unambitious heavy bag holders. Bag too heavy even your dreams can't fly

>> No.6727271

As close to release as possible I try to read white papers and see if they have roadmaps for product release. If they don't have a roadmap or whitepaper or if it's already released I discard them.

Of the coins that remain I look up the team ETC and decide which one has the best fundamentals. Then I go all-in into the one that is the furthest away from release date (because it will slowly grow over time until it reaches release date means that you will receive the most growth for the ones furthest away from release date). Then I sell the coin I was holding when it releases and immediately try to buy the other coin. The joke is that usually the other coin is dumping at the same time as people are FOMO-ing into the coin that just released lol.

No I do the opposite. I prioritize coins based on the product releasing LATER. The pattern is coins keep growing in value and peak at release date. After that it's all random. So if you buy a coin sooner to release you'll experience fewer growth.

You should all-in on the coin with the furthest release date of course if one coin has clearly better fundamentals or something it might tip the scale. But make sure to hold 0 coins that are already released and shit like that. It's just random behavior from then on and I don't like to gamble. I like consistent predictable growth.

>> No.6727538


FUD, https://www.reddit.com/r/RequestNetwork/comments/7q43on/for_anyone_spreading_fud_saying_the_leaddev_has/

>> No.6727613

i've been vacillating between all in vs. diversification, and you just gave me the clarity i needed. thank you so much anon, you've made this game WAY easier for me

>> No.6727755


This might sound like poorfag logic, but is it safe to assume that someone who has this much money. And someone who takes this much risk with this much money really knows their shit and is safe to imitate?

>> No.6727770

Bought at 0.14 and I will be holding at least till the q2

>> No.6727771

Holding til $1MM or $0.

I don't have a Slack account but this seems to be working fine, https://requestnetwork.slack.com/

>> No.6727778

I bought at 6 cents why would I sell?

>> No.6727809

For small coins with thin books like REQ it's definitely possible. Doubt it actually was the cause though.

>> No.6727871

No. For starters the filename for that image indicates it probably came from imgur at some point.

Secondly, someone with that much REQ has a LOT more money than that in total and is simply feeling the market. They don't care if they lose some money on a random coin when one of them turns into TRX or XRP. They also tend to get in very early so they rarely lose anything.

>> No.6728007

Well people with this much bought around $0.03 which is around $6,500 initial investment. I wouldn't call that a lot of money.

>> No.6728015


What other coins have you used this strategy on to get from $300 to 100k?

>> No.6728535
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Buying more